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VOLUME   XLI,    1930 


•      >s 



E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR.        R.  G.  SCHMIEDER,  PH.  D.        ERNEST  BAYLIS 












The  several  numbers  of  the  NEWS  for   1939  were   mailed  at  the  Post 
Office  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  as  follows: 

No.  1— January  January  16,  1930 

2— February February  5 

"     3— March  March  5 

"     4— April April  10 

"    5— May  May  2 

"    6— June June  9 

"     7— July July  3 

"    8— October October  3 

9 — November .November  7 

The  date  of  mailing  the  December,  1930,  number  will  be  announced 
on  the  last  page  of  the  issue  for  January,  1931. 

JANUARY,  1930 


Vol.  XLI  No.  1 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— X  ...          1 

Knull — Agrilus  fisheriana  new  name  (Coleop.:  Buprestidae) 3 

Knight — An  European  Plant-bug  CAdelphocoris  lineolatus  Goeze)  found 

in  Iowa  (Hemip.:  Miridae) 4 

Leussler — Observations  on  Megathymus  streckeri  (Lepid.:   Hesperiidae)         7 
Brower — An  Experiment  in  Marking  Moths  and  Finding  them  Again 

(Lepid.;  Noctuidae) 10 

Knull — A    New    Species    of  Acmaeodera    and    One    New    Sub-species 

(Coleoptera,  Buprestidae) 

Gunn — A  New  Butterfly  (Lepid.:  Nymphalidae) 17 

Blatchley— The  Fixation  of  Types 

O'Byrne— The  Night  Flight  of  Diurnal  Butterflies  (Lepid.) 

Pate — A  Preoccupied  Name  in  the  Oxybeline  Wasps  (Hym.:  Sphe:idae)       20 

Entomological  Literature 

Review— Lubbock's  Ants,  Bees  and  Wasps 

Review — Carpenter's  Insects,  their  Structure  and  Life  ..........  24 

Review — Patton  and  Evans'  Insects,  Ticks,  Mites  and  Venomous  Animals 

of  Medical  and  Veterinary  Importance 

Obituary— Thomas  Nesmith  Brown 29 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 
Act  of  October  3,  1917.  authorixed  January  15,  iqai. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,  Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.   G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 
Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 
The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows:- 
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Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents. 

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Ten  issues  "  11.00,  "  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

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MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
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Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
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Plate  I. 




VOL.  XLI.  JANUARY,    1930  No.    1 

North  American  Institutions  featuring  Lepidoptera. 

X.    The  Brooklyn  Museum,  Brooklyn,  New  York. 
Py  J.  D.  G UNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  I.) 

Xot  long  ago  I  asked  Mr.  George  I*.  Knglehardl  of  Brooklyn, 
N.  Y.,  our  American  authority  011  the  family  Ae^eriidae  (clear- 
wing  moths),  to  give  me  some  recent  news  about  himsdf  and 
also  ahout  the  Museum  with  which  he  has  been  connected  for 
so  many  years.  This  letter  in  reply  will  he  of  interest  to  Mr. 
Engleharclt's  many  good  friends. 

Nov.  19,  1929. 

Am  sorry  for  the  unavoidable  delay  in  answering  your  letter 
of  late  date.  It  just  happens  to  he  a  very  busy  time  for  me  at 
the  Museum. 

Pending  the  completion  of  several  tasks  now  in  hand,  I  expect 
to  retire  from  active  service  sometime  this  winter.  This  will 
terminate  a  continuous  service  of  twenty-seven  years  with  the 
Brooklyn  Museum,  but  by  no  means  will  it  conclude  my  personal 
interest  in  all  matters  pertaining  to  zoology  and  biology.  On  the 
contrary,  I  have  been  looking  forward  to  the  time  when,  relieved 
from  the  executive  responsibilities  as  Curator  of  the  Department 
of  Natural  Science,  I  may  indulge  more  freely  in  serious  re- 
search and  particularly  in  such  biological  problems  as  call  tor 
study  and  investigation  in  the  field. 

Heretofore  my  duties  at  the  Museum  have  left  untouched 
hardly  any  subject  connected  with  the  natural  and  applied  sci- 
ences. Consequently  1  have  acquired  a  little  knowledge  about 
many  things,  but  I  do  not  claim  to  know  a  great  dral  about  any 
one  thing.  Be  that  as  it  may,  in  retrospect  I  can  vi-nali/.e  activi- 
ties which  will  always  remain  a  satisfaction  and  a  joy.  Th' 

2  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

have  been  opportunities  for  travel  and  exploration  on  this  con- 
tinent, in  the  West  Indies  and  in  Central  America,  but  above 
all  I  appreciate  contacts  with  so  many  people,  professional  and 
novice,  old  and  young,  and  the  subsequent  wide  circle  of  endur- 
ing friendships  in  this  country  and  abroad. 

The  Brooklyn  Museum,  a  public  institution  under  charter  of 
the  City  of  New  York,  established  in  1898  for  the  promotion 
of  cultural  interests,  including  fine  arts,  decorative  arts,  ethnol- 
ogy and  natural  sciences,  for  sometime  has  felt  the  difficult}, 
shared  by  all  museums,  of  providing  adequately  for  the  devel- 
opment of  so  many  departments.  A  recent  action  terminating 
research  work  in  the  natural  sciences,  left  this  department  in 
the  possession  of  notable  study  collections  bereft  of  their  sig- 
nificance and,  without  provision  for  their  safety  and  upkeep, 
subject  to  deterioration  or  possible  destruction.  The  approval 
of  a  recommendation  for  the  transfer  of  research  collections 
perishable  in  nature  to  institutions  best  equipped  for  their  care 
and  development  has  been  a  source  of  much  satisfaction  to  me. 

The  transfer  of  all  our  study  collections  of  insects  to  the 
U.  S.  National  Museum  of  Washington,  D.  C.,  supervised  by 
Dr.  Wm.  Schaus  and  Mr.  H.  S.  Barber,  was  completed  during 
the  summer.  Included  are  the  well  known  pioneer  collections 
of  lepidoptera  of  O.  Neumoegen,  E.  L.  Graef,  George  Hulst 
and  others  obtained  by  purchase  or  gift,  as  well  as  the  very 
extensive  collections  in  all  orders  secured  on  Museum  expedi- 
tions by  Jacob  Doll1,  Chas.  Schaeffer  and  the  writer.  About 
1400  types  are  represented.  Not  included  in  this  transfer  are 
selections  from  all  orders  fully  providing  for  purposes  of  exhi- 
bition and  all  materials  pertaining  to  a  so-called  local  collection 
with  particular  emphasis  on  the  fauna  of  Long  Island,  but  in 
general  representative  of  New  York  state. 

Temporarily  excluded  also  has  been  the  family  Aegeriidae, 
with  numerous  types,  to  facilitate  my  revision  now  in  course  of 
preparation.  Combined  with  my  own  and  only  personal  collection, 
comprising  some  3,000  specimens,  there  will  be  lacking  only 

1  Mr.  Doll  passed  away  on  Feb.  10,  1929,  at  the  ripe  old  age  of  eighty- 
two  years.  See  Englehardt's  "Chapters  from  the  long  life  of  a  Butterfly 
Collector"  in  the  Brooklyn  Museum  Quarterly,  October,  1925. 


two  or  three  of  the  110  species  so   far  listed   fur   North  Amer- 
ica, while  twenty  or  thirty  mure  will  he  added  a>  new. 

The  transfer  of  such  important  collections  to  another  insti- 
tution naturally  has  caused  much  discussion,  tavorahle  and 
otherwise.  In  the  rapid  growth  of  museums  in  this  country 
there  has  been  too  much  duplication  of  research  collections  and 
consequently  a  scattering  of  types,  often  inadequately  and  inac- 
cessibly housed.  It  is  the  consensus  ,,f  npiuion  that  this  condi- 
tion should  be  adjusted  through  centralization,  particularly  ut 
the  types.  The  appeal  is  made  to  institutions  and  individuals 

The  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society2  is  the  second  oldest 
association  of  its  kind  in  the  country  and  has  enjoyed  the  hos- 
pitality and  the  cooperation  of  the  P.rouklyn  Museum,  as  head- 
quarters and  regular  meeting  place,  since  1912.  With  an  average 
attendance  of  twenty  out  of  fifty  active  members,  the  meetings 
are  still  full  of  zest  and  interest  and  the  affairs  of  the  Society 
are  progressing  favorably.  The  official  organs  of  the  Society. 
the  Bulletin  and  Eiitoiiiol<></ica  Americana,  are  now  entering 
their  twenty-fifth  and  tenth  volumes,  respectively.  The  fol- 
lowing gentlemen  have  been  serving  as  officers  since  1920: 
President,  William  T.  Davis;  Secretary,  Ernest  L.  Bell;  Trea- 
surer, Geo.  P.  Englehardt;  Editor,  since  1919,  J.  R.  cle  la  Torre- 

I  hope  this  hurried  resume  will  be  of  assistance  to  you  and  I 
wish  I  had  more  time  to  go  into  detail. 

Sincerely  yours, 
GEO.  P.  EN<;LEHARDT,  Curator,  Department  of  Natural  Sciences. 

Agrilus  fisheriana  new  name  (Coleop. :  Buprestidae). 

Mr.  \V.  S.  Fisher  has  called  my  attention  to  the  fact  that 
Dr.  <  >heiil>er^er  had  used  the  name  .1,/riliis  fislieri  in  Philip. 
four.  Sci.,  vol.  25.  no.  5.  1(>24,  p.  591.  I  therefore  propose  the 
name  /islicrimni  instead  of  jislicri  For  tin-  species  described  by 
me  in  Ent.  News.  vol.  40,  p.  271,  1929.— J.  .  KNULL,  I'.ureau 
of  Plant  Industry.  1  larri-burg,  Pennsylvania. 

'For    an    interesting    and    cnmprelu-iisi\v    historj     of 
Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.,  pp.  392-400,  no.  2,  vol.  XXII,  Sept.,  1". 

an   article   by   Mr.   Enslclianlt    mtitled,    ''The 
Entomological  Societies,  past  and  -" 

4  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 


An  European  Plant-bug  (Adelphocoris  lineolatus 
Goeze)  found  in  Iowa  (Hemip. :  Miridae).* 

By   HARRY   H.   KNIGHT,   Ames,  Iowa. 

While  conducting  a  field  trip  with  a  class  in  general  ento- 
mology, June  18,  1929,  at  Ames,  Iowa,  the  writer  took  in  his 
collecting  net  the  first  specimen  of  Adelphocoris  lineolatus 
Goeze  known  from  the  United  States.  This  species  was  pre- 
viously known  from  North  America,  but  only  from  Cape 
Breton  Island  when  the  writer  recorded  it  in  1922  (Can.  Ent., 
liii,  p.  287).  It  was  indeed  a  great  surprise  to  look  into  my 
collecting  net  and  see  this  large  plant  bug  running  about  for  the 
first  time,  and  to  realize  that  I  was  actually  collecting  in  Iowa. 
When  this  first  specimen  was  safely  bottled  I  proceeded  to 
sweep  the  herbaceous  vegetation  along  a  fence  row  for  a  dis- 
tance of  about  forty  feet.  An  examination  of  my  net  revealed  two 
more  specimens  of  Adelphocoris  lineolatus  Goeze,  also  one  or 
more  specimens  of  Miris  dolabratus  Linn.,  Stenotus  binotatus 
Fab.,  Mcgaloccroea  rccticornis  Geoff.,  Capsus  atcr  Linn,  and 
Trigonotylus  ruficornis  Geoff.  A  few  minutes  later,  Capsus 
siinulans  Stal  was  also  taken,  likewise  two  more  specimens  of 
lineolatus.  This  assortment  of  Palearctic  species  is  rather  re- 
markable I  should  say  and  can  scarcely  be  duplicated  from  any 
other  locality  in  North  America.  On  June  22,  I  swept  over 
the  same  ground  without  taking  another  specimen  of  lineo- 
latus Goeze.  I  thought  the  species  must  be  rare  and  that  it 
might  be  another  year  before  additional  specimens  could  be 
taken.  However,  one  of  my  students,  Mr.  R.  L.  Preston,  took 
two  specimens  on  June  30,  along  a  road  near  the  Agronomy 
farm  just  south  of  Ames.  On  July  2,  we  made  a  special  trip 
to  this  point  to  search  for  the  unusual  Mind.  1  soon  began 
taking  one  or  two  specimens  with  each  series  of  sweeps  with 
the  net.  Within  half  an  hour  T  found  that  most  of  the  adults 
and  many  nymphs  were  to  be  found  on  alfalfa  and  sweet 
clover.  Further  collecting  has  shown  that  lineolatus  is  breed- 
ing in  large  numbers  on  both  these  plants,  and  nymphs  are 

*Contribution    from    the    Department    of    Zoology    and    Entomology, 
Iowa  State  College. 


rare  if  not  absent  on  other  plants.  During  July  the  bug  has 
been  found  in  such  large  numbers  on  alfalfa  and  sweet  clover 
that  it  suggests  the  possibility  of  becoming  a  pest  on  these 

important  plants.  I  will  take  this  occasion  to  propose  the 
common  name  "Alfalfa  plant-bug"  for  Jilclpliocoris  lincnlatiis 

In  F.urope  A.  liitcolatiis  Goeze  has  been  reported  as  found 
on  Chcnopodinni,  '/'rifolhini,  Lci/nininosm',  I' mhcUifcrac,  Rr\n- 
giuin,  (.\tnlitii.\\  Suk'ia,  llnphorbia,  and  L'alluna.  Fallen  (1807) 
described  our  bug  as  new  under  the  name  Ly</ncits  clicnopodii, 
indicating  what  he  took  to  be  the  host  plant.  As  yet  we  have 
not  found  ii  breeding  on  Chenopodium  in  Iowa. 

The  question  ot  when  and  where  .  Idelphocoris  liiicolatits 
(  ioe/c  was  introduced  into  Iowa  is  a  point  which  will  become 
of  more  interest  as  time  passes  and  the  bug  is  found  in  ad- 
joining states.  Mr.  R.  L.  Preston  is  making  a  survey  of  its 
distribution  while  working  on  the  life  history  of  the  species 
and  will  report  his  results  at  some  future  time.  Just  now  it 
seems  rather  likely  that  the  point  of  introduction  was  at  Ames 
or  i)es  M oines,  with  Ames  mure  nearly  the  center  of  distri- 
bution as  found  by  Mr.  Preston.  Mow  long  it  has  taken  this 
insect  to  attain  its  present  abundance  and  distribution  is  a 
question  of  interest  to  us.  \o  specimens  were  taken  in  l''-S, 
vet  the  writer  and  -evcral  students  did  fully  as  much  collecting 
in  this  area  last  summer.  I  Hiring  July,  many  specimens  of 
lincoldtus  have  been  taken  about  electric  lights  on  the  campus; 
also  we  have  found  it  very  abundant  in  fields  of  alfalfa  and 
sweet  clover.  The  species  lias  certainly  increased  greatly  in 
numbers  since1  last  summer,  or  we  most  certainly  would  ha\e 
found  it  then.  A  guess  is  not  worth  much  but  I  would  suggest 
that  the  species  must  have  gotten  its  start  from  three  to  live 
years  .ago.  Mr.  Preston  has  taken  specimens  over  an  area  ot 
about  75  mill's  from  south  to  north  with  Ames  about  the  center 
of  distribution. 

Should  this  insect  develop  into  a  pest  on  alfalfa,  as  it  gives 
some  promise,  it  will  become  of  wide  interest  and  concern.  In 
any  case  it  represents  the  introduction  and  spread  of  an  exotic 

6  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

species,  and  as  a  biological  problem,  will  interest  many  students 
of  entomology.  No  doubt  the  species  was  imported  into  Iowa 
in  the  egg  stage,  which  could  easily  happen  if  parts  of  the  host 
plant  were  used  as  packing  in  some  shipment  of  material  from 
Europe.  Just  what  materials  have  been  shipped  into  our  area 
is  a  matter  we  hope  to  investigate  as  opportunity  permits. 

It  is  hoped  this  notice  may  stimulate  collectors  in  the  states 
bordering  Iowa  and  that  some  may  sweep  alfalfa  and  sweet 
clover  during  the  next  two  or  three  years  and  report  the  occur- 
rence and  spread  of  Adelphocoris  lineolatus  Goeze. 

As  an  aid  for  recognition  of  the  species  the  following  gen- 
eral description  is  given : 

$  .  Length  8  mm.,  width  2.8  mm.  General  coloration  pale 
yellowish  with  a  tinge  of  brown  and  dusky ;  scutellum  with 
two  fine,  longitudinal  fuscous  marks  on  middle,  corium  usually 
with  a  triangular  fuscous  area  on  apical  half,  cuneus  pale, 
membrane  fuscous.  Antennae  yellowish  to  brown,  apical  half 
darker  and  usually  reddish  brown.  Legs  yellowish,  femora 
with  many  black  dots,  anterior  aspect  with  two  rows  of  some- 
what larger  spots ;  tibial  spines  black,  without  distinct  spots 
at  base.  Clothed  with  simple,  pale  yellowish  pubescence,  but 
black  on  the  legs. 

Head:  width  1.36  mm.,  vertex  .42  mm.  Antennae:  segment 
I,  length  .98  mm.;  II,  2.87  mm.;  Ill,  2.2  mm.;  IV,  1.3  mm. 
Pronotum :  length  1.3  mm.,  width  at  base  2.25  mm. 

9  .  Length  7.5  mm.,  width  2.9  mm.  More  robust  than  the 
male  and  usually  somewhat  paler  in  color,  but  otherwise  very 
similar  in  form  and  coloration. 

Nymph,  fifth  instar.  Length  5.5  mm.,  width  2.4  mm.  Head : 
width  1.17  mm.,  vertex  .52  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length 
.73  mm. ;  II,  2.3  mm. ;  III,  2  mm.,  IV,  .85  mm.  Color  uniform- 
ly yellowish  green,  third  and  fourth  antennal  segments  reddish 
brown,  tips  of  wing  pads  becoming  fuscous.  Legs  uniformly 
pale  yellowish  and  marked  with  black  spots  as  in  the  adult. 
Dorsum  and  legs  set  with  short  stiff  black  hairs ;  antennae 
clothed  with  black  pubescence. 

Size  slightly  larger  than  .Idclphocoris  rapid  us  Say,  but  easily 
distinguished  by  the  paler  color.  The  general  habits  and  actions 
of  lincolu/ its  Goeze  are  very  similar  to  our  native  species,  but 
it  runs  about  in  the  net  even  more  swiftly  than  rapid  us  Say. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    \K\VS  7 

Observations  on  Megathymus  streckeri 
(Lepid.:  Hesperiidae). 

J'y  \\.  A.   LEUSSLER,  <  hnaha,   Nebraska. 

hi  the  sand  hills  of  Nebraska  where  llic  yucca  flourishes,  there 
is  found  a  race  of  Mct/utliyiuits  strcckcri  which  appears  to  be 
intermediate  between  slrcckcri  Skinner  and  strcckcri.-tc.rnna  B. 
K  Mel). 

This  race,  however,  as  shown  in  a  series  of  specimens  from 
this  locality,  is  so  extremely  variable  in  all  its  characters  that 
I  do  not  deem  it  advisable  to  propose  a  name  for  it. 

('oinparrd  with  streckeri-streckeri,  and  speaking  generally, 
both  males  and  females  average  somewhat  larger  and  lack  the 
light-brown  shading  of  the  discal  area  of  the  under  surface  of 
the  secondaries.  The  males  have  the  spots  on  the  upper  side 
of  primaries  noticeably  larger,  and  on  the  under  side  both 
larger  and  better  defined.  The  white  spots  on  the  under  side 
of  secondaries  are  less  pronounced,  and  the  dark  blotches  found 
in  streckeri-streckeri  when  the  spots  are  reduced,  are  almost 
entirely  obsolete.  In  the  females  a  prominent  band  of  from 
4  to  u  spots  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  secondaries  constitutes 
the  chief  difference.  On  the  under  surface  of  the  secondaries 
this  sex  has  the  spots  more  yellowish  than  in  streckeri-streckeri. 

Judging  from  the  original  description  of  race  tc.rana  and 
the  figure  of  the  female  type,  the  Nebraska  race  is  pretty  clo-i- 
to  tc.vanu,  but  as  a  rule  the  following  differences  can  be  noted: 
It  averages  larger  in  both  sexes,  although  some  individuals  are 
quite  as  small  as  'he  types  of  that  race;  the  spots  mi  under 
surface  of  secondaries  are  more  pronounced  and  in  the  female 
are  yellowish;  the  spots  on  upper  surface  are  not  as  d< 
orange  yellow  as  in  tc.vniui.  and  in  the  female  the  band  ot  spots 
on  upper  surface  of  secondaries  is  better  developed,  although 
occasional  small  specimens  appear  which  have  the  spots  no 
better  developed  than  tc.vuini.  As  stated  above,  there  is  a 
great  deal  of  variation  in  Nebraska  specimens.  This  variation 
is  in  the  si/e  of  the  insects;  in  the  shape  and  size  »f  spots  J  in 

8  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

the  number  and  color  of  spots.  Some  of  the  males  match  up 
pretty  well  with  streckeri-streckeri,  some  of  the  females  with 
streckeri-texana  and  some  with  an  unnamed  female  supposedly 
from  northern  Texas  which  B.  &  McD.  have  suggested  may  he 
intermediate  between  streckeri-streckeri  and  streckeri-texana. 
It  is  my  opinion  that  the  Nebraska  race  is  exactly  that,  i.  c., 
intermediate  between  the  two  named  races,  and  that  it  is  very 

The  insect  flies  in  the  sand  hills  from  about  the  5th  of  June 
until  the  latter  part  of  that  month.  The  males  have  a  habit  of 
settling  on  last  year's  flower  stalks  of  the  yucca  plant  with  the 
forewings  folded  together  and  the  hindwings  in  a  horizontal 
position.  In  this  posture  they  greatly  resemble  old  dry  seed 
pods  of  the  yucca  and  are  hard  to  detect.  They  are  wary  and 
hard  to  approach.  When  alarmed  their  flight  is  swift  and  they 
usually  fly  over  the  top  of  a  hill  and  are  lost  to  view.  Their 
principal  flight  is  from  9  in  the  morning  until  3  in  the  after- 
noon. The  females  appear  about  a  week  later  than  the  males. 
They  are  less  active,  sitting  for  the  most  part  at  the  base  of 
yucca  plants  with  wings  tightly  folded.  After  the  females 
appear  the  males  become  very  active.  They  circle  about  in 
swift  flight,  in  overlapping  circles  or  fly  zigzag  fashion,  fre- 
quently dropping  back  and  seeming  to  explore  the  same  ground 
over  and  over  again. 

Oslar  has  stated  that  the  female  of  strcckeri  is  crepuscular 
and  that  oviposition  occurs  from  sunset  until  well  into  the 
night.  My  own  observation  does  not  bear  out  this  statement. 
At  least  not  as  regards  the  strcckeri  of  the  sand  hills.  The 
females  were  observed  to  be  ovipositing  in  the  afternoon  in 
brightest  sunshine.  Their  flight  at  this  time  is  quite  slow  and 
they  seem  so  occupied  with  their  purpose  that  it  is  not  difficult 
to  approach  them.  Soon  after  4  o'clock  both  sexes  become 
inactive,  seeking  resting  places  in  the  sparse  grass  or  on  the 
bare  sand  where  they  are  hard  to  see.  When  flushed  up  they 
fly  some  distance  and  again  settle  as  before.  This  they  repeat 


as  often  as  they  are  flushed  up.  On  the  evening  of  one  da\ 
when  the  insects  had  been  on  the  wing  in  numbers.  I  made  it 
a  point  to  visit  their  haunts  from  6  o'clock  until  dark  and  could 
not  find  a  single  individual  although  other  butterflies  (  Xntlwlis 
iolc,  Euptou'ta  claitditt  and  I'icris  f>rot<> <//'<v )  \vcrc  observed,  as 
well  as  Noctuid  moths  and  beetles. 

When  ovipositing,  the  females,  if  not  disturbed,  lly  from 
plant  to  plant,  frequently  resting  to  deposit  an  egg.  The  egg 
is  deposited  on  either  upper  or  under  side  of  the  yucca  leaf 
about  midway  between  the  bast'  and  tip.  The  egg  is  smooth, 
bluish  green  in  color,  somewhat  whitish  at  the  crown.  It  is 
flattened  and  measures  4  mm.  in  circumference  and  2  mm.  in 
height.  An  egg  secured  immediately  after  it  was  deposited 
on  June  14,  hatched  out  June  2(i.  The  larva  was  5  mm.  in 
length,  pale  salmon  pink  in  color  with  large  black  head  and 
black  on  first  segment  back  of  the  head.  It  ate  the  tender  part 
of  a  yucca  leaf  and  formed  a  cylindrical  case  in  which  it  con- 
cealed itself.  (  )n  June  2^.  it  apparently  had  passed  through 
its  first  moult,  as  it  was  considerably  longer,  lighter  in  color 
and  the  head  was  smaller  in  proportion.  \Yhen  u  days  old 
the  larva  gave  evidence  of  its  burrowing  habit  by  boring  into 
the  cork  of  the  bottle  in  which  it  was  kept.  When  extricated 
and  given  the  thick  part  of  a  fresh  yucca  leaf  it  burrowed  into 
the  fleshy  part  of  the  leaf  and  ate  its  \va\  along  the  inside  of 
the  leaf,  making  a  channel  barely  larger  in  diameter  than  the 
thickness  of  the  larva  itself.  When  resting,  the  larva  does  not 
remain  at  the-  end  of  this  channel  but  draws  hack  some  dis- 
tance. On  July  l.\  it  was  -;  [  inch  long,  dirty-white  in  color 
with  dark  head  and  dark  spot  on  first  segment.  <  )ii  that  date 
I  placed  the  young  larva  on  a  yucca  plant  in  the  open,  when  it 
entered  the  leaf  from  the  under  side,  made  its  way.  over  a  period 
of  several  days,  to  the  main  stalk  and  is  apparently  making  its 
way  downward  into  the  root.  At  the  point  where  tin-  stalk 
meets  the  ground  line  the  larva  left  a  hole  in  which  it  will  pre- 
sumably pupate  next  May. 

10  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

An  Experiment  in  Marking  Moths  and  Finding  them 
Again  (Lepid.:  Noctuidae). 

By  ALTBURN  E.  BROWER,  Willarcl,  Missouri 
(Map,   Plate  II.) 

The  spread  of  species,  the  migration  of  flocks,  and  the  rec- 
ords of  individuals  outside  the  usual  range  of  the  species  have 
all  been  the  subject  of  many  scientific  papers.  The  migratory 
swarms  of  Alabama  argilhtcca,  the  cutworm  moths,  and  other 
pests  have  received  much  attention  from  economic  entomolo- 
gists, But  I  have  been  unable  to  find  any  empirical  data  regard- 
ing the  movement  of  marked  individuals  of  the  moths.  The 
chances  of  ever  again  finding  a  marked  moth  are  so  small  that 
nothing  positive  seems  to  have  been  ascertained  regarding  the 
movements  of  the  individuals.  In  some  sections,  however,  the 
genus  Catocala  seems  to  offer  a  chance  for  positive  data  as  to 
the  movements  of  individuals.  Large  in  size,  showy  in  color, 
single-brooded,  of  many  species  and  forms,  and  in  some  locali- 
ties found  by  day  resting  low-down  on  tree  trunks,  they  offer 
a  combination  of  characteristics  which  lend  themselves  to  such 
an  investigation. 

In  1927  plans  were  made  to  mark  some  Catocalas  and  at- 
tempt to  find  them  again,  but  the  first  requisite  to  finding  them 
on  tree  trunks — a  stretch  of  hot,  dry  w7eather  during  the  height 
of  the  Catocala  season — was  absent.  Again  in  1928,  weather 
conditions  were  unsatisfactory.  In  1929  the  happy  combination 
of  numbers  of  Catocalas  with  a  severe  drouth  in  the  height  of 
the  Catocala  season  resulted  in  the  following  work. 

The  locality  (seven  miles  northeast  of  Willarcl,  Missouri)  is 
in  the  Ozark  Mountains  in  southwest  Missouri,  at  an  elevation 
of  about  1050-1340  feet.  The  timbered  hills  bordering  the 
higher  lands  are  the  best  Catocala  country.  The  area  selected, 
about  1x1^2  miles,  has  been  my  favorite  collecting  ground  for 
the  last  fourteen  years.  The  area  contains  four  separated  hol- 
lows, each  a  good  collecting  ground,  separated  by  ridges  and 
unfavorable  hollows.  In  each  of  these  hollows,  except  Long 
Hollow,  the  area  occupied  by  the  moths  during  hot,  dry  weather 
is  compact  enough  so  that  it  can  be  covered  in  a  half-day. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  11 

Lacquers  were  found  to  he  most  satisfactory  for  marking 
the  moths,  as  a  non-flowing,  quick-drying  material  is  needed. 
Thick  oil  colors  were  satisfactory.  With  enamels,  the  scales 
had  to  he  partially  removed.  (  )rdinary  paint  was  unsatisfactory. 
Fine,  short-bristled  enamel  hrushes  proved  best,  and  all  coloring 
materials  needed  hrushing  in,  especially  on  some  fresh  moths. 

A  different  color  was  used  in  each  hollow.  Bright  green, 
white,  red  and  purple  were  used,  with  yellow  for  some  of  the 
last  moths.  In  each  locality,  on  the  first  half  day,  the  right 
fore-wing  was  marked,  the  next  time  the  left  wing,  then  hoth 
wings  were  similarly  marked,  and  lastly  the  wings  were  marked 
differently.  By  using  two  colors  many  comhinations  would  he- 
easy.  Each  individual  of  a  species  or  form  received  a  different 
mark  or  combination  of  marks.  Each  insect  as  taken  was  given 
a  consecutive  number  in  a  note-book,  a  sketch  was  made  of  the 
marked  wing  or  wings,  and  the  location  of  the  tree  on  which  it 
was  captured  was  recorded. 

The  cyanide  jar  (sodium  cyanide)  was  used  to  stupefy  the 
insects.  A  few  were  netted,  but  they  were  rubbed  in  the  net 
and  struggled  so  violently  while  being  marked  that  considerable 
injury  resulted,  and  none  of  them  was  ever  found  again.  The 
original  plan,  to  mark  them  as  they  rested  on  trees,  was  also 
abandoned,  except  for  occasional  specimens.  The  scales  shed 
off  coloring  materials  so  readily  that  great  difficult}-  was  found 
in  getting  on  any  color,  and  the  frightened  moth  had  to  be  fol- 
lowed to  see  what,  if  any,  mark  had  resulted.'  which  could  not 
always  be  done.  With  the  cvanide  jar.  the  moth  could  be 
turned  out  as  perfect  in  appearance  as  before  being  caught,  and 
any  marking  (which  should  not  be  too  heavy)  brushed  into 
the  scales.  The  sketch  of  the  wing  and  marks  could  lie-  accurate- 
ly made,  and,  if  the  moth  were  turned  out  as  S<H>H  as  the  strug- 
gles ceased,  it  would  often  be  crawling  up  on  a  tree  by  the  time 
the  data  had  been  re-corded.  Time  and  a-ain  individuals  which 
had  been  marked  were-  observe-d  again  he-tore  work  was  disci  in 
tinned  in  that  hollow.  As  soon  as  t!u-\  recovered  I'mm  tin- 
effects  ol  the  gas,  the-v  took  the-  normal  head-down  pnsiimn 
low-down  on  the-  tree-  trunk^,  and  it  the-y  wen-  llu>he-d  later, 
behaved  normally  in  every  way  so  far  as  I  could  see-. 



Han.,  '30 




















—  ' 

























































Ilia     . 





























Normani         .... 















































































































Palaeogama  .   . 











































































IGSps.  SVara... 










1  1 










"These  numbers  refer  to  the  areas  where  marking  work  was  carried  on  upon  that  date. 

The  decrease  in  numbers  of  marked  insects  toward  the  end  of  the  work  is  partly  due  to  unfavorable  weather- 
but  it  is  largely  due  to  the  fact  that  the  time  was  devoted  to  searching  for  Catocalas  marked  instead  of  marking  more- 

ENT.  NEWS,  VOL    XL1. 

Plate  11. 


XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  13 

So  many  factors,  such  as  li/ards,  squirrels,  other  insects, 
direct  sunlight,  wind-swayed  vegetation  and  thunder  storms 
cause  the  moths  to  change  their  position  that  they  are  not  greatly 
frightened  by  their  capture  and  marking.  The  number  of  times 
some  individuals  were  found  is  proof  that  they  do  not  desert  the 
locality.  Usually,  marked  individuals  were  recognized  before 
being  disturbed,  and  that  was  the  end  always  sought. 

The  period  when  the  work  was  carried  on,  July  24  to  August 
6,  is  the  height  of  the  Catocala  season.  The  first  six  days  were 
an  unbroken  stretch  of  hot,  dry,  and  calm  days.  Light,  hot 
winds  blew  from  the  west  some  days,  and  then  the  moths  were 
most  abundant,  especially  females.  IVginning  the  night  of  July 
29,  local  showers  and  cool  winds  at  times  resulted  in  disturbing 
meteorological  conditions  which  continued  to  the  end,  the  work 
terminating  with  a  rain  the  night  of  August  5.  Xo  rain  fell 
in  the  area  except  very  light  showers  July  30  and  August  3. 
August  4  was  clear  and  bright,  but  with  a  cool  east  wind  scarce- 
ly a  Catocala  could  be  found.  The  table  shows  the  effects  of 
the  unsettled  weather. 


ILIA,   marked  July  25,  in   Main   Hollow.     Found  July  30,  50 

yards  east.* 
ILIA,  marked  July  27,  in   Xorth  Hollow.     Found  August  3,  70 

yards  southwest. 
NEOGAMA,  marked  July  24,  in   Main  Hollow.     Found  July  28, 

125  yards  southwest. 
XKOCA.MA,  marked  July  2(>  in  Long  Hollow.     Found  July  28,  1 

mile  south  of  west. 
NEOGAMA,  marked  July  26,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August  1, 

25  yards  north. 
NEOGAMA,  marked  July  J7,  in   Xorth   Hollow.     Found  August 

3,  7  yards  west. 
NEO<;.\M.\,  marked  July  2(l  in   Long   Hollow.      Found   August 

3,  1  mile  north  of  west. 
NEOGAMA,  marked  July  29,  in   Long  Hollow.     Found   August 

1,  125  yards  southeast. 

*Part  of  the  distances  were  paced,  the  others  are  estimates  made  on 
the  ground. 

14  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

NEOGAMA,  marked  August  1,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August 

3,  175  yards  south. 
AMIGA,  marked  July  26,  in  Long  Hollow.  Found  August  3,  45 

yards  east. 
AMIGA  form  NERISSA,  marked  July  26,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found 

August  1,  330  yards  northwest. 
AMIGA  form  NERISSA,  marked  July  27,  in  North  Hollow.   Found 

July  28,  25  yards  southwest. 
AMIGA,  marked  August  1,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August  3, 

100  yards  east. 
EPIONE,  marked  July  24,  in  Main  Hollow.    Found  July  25,  in 

the  same  place. 
INNUBENS,  marked  July  24,  in  South  Hollow.    Found  July  25. 

15  yards  east  and  July  26,  78  yards  west. 
INNUBENS,  marked  July  24,  in  Main  Hollow.    Found  July  25, 

INNUBENS,  marked  July  25,  in  South  Hollow.    Found  July  26, 

330  yards  east,  and  July  29,  360  yards  east. 
INNUBENS,  marked  July  27,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  July  29, 

10  yards  west. 
INNUBENS,  marked  July  29,  in  Long  Hollow.     Found  August 

1,  35  yards  northeast. 
INNUBENS,  marked  July  29,  in  Long  Hollow.     Found  August 

1,  235  yards  northwest. 
LACRYMOSA,  marked  July  26,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August 

1,  90  yards  northeast. 
LACRYMOSA,  marked  July  29,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August 

1,  25  yards  west. 
LACRYMOSA,  marked  August  1,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August 

3,  220  yards  southeast. 
PALAEOGAMA,  marked  July  26,  in  Long  Hollow.     Found  July 

29,  80  yards  southwest. 
PALAEOGAMA,  marked  July  26,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  August 

3,  40  yards  northwest. 

PALAEOGAMA,  marked  August  1,  in  Long  Hollow.    Found  Au- 
gust 3,  40  yards  south. 
RESIDUA,  marked  July  24,  in  Main  Hollow.     Found  July  25, 

100  yards  northeast  and  July  30.  where  marked. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  15 

RESIDUA,  marked  July  26,  in   Long   Hollow.     Found    July  27, 

25  yards  southeast,  July  _"',  X5  yards  southeast  and   August 

3,  where  marked. 
RKSIDTA,  marked  July  26,  in  I -on-'  Hollow.     Found  August   1, 

43  yards  southeast. 
VIDUA,  marked  July  25.  in  South  Hollow.     Found  July  29,  60 

yards  southeast. 

(To  be  continued) 


This  map  shows  the  section  where  the  moths  were  marked. 
Unless  otherwise  indicated,  the  region  is  all  timbered.  The 
farm  lands  are  stippled,  and  the  cut-over  land  is  obliquely 
shaded.  The  numbers  and  names  of  the  four  areas  or  hollows 
(enclosed  by  solid  lines),  where  actual  marking  work  was 
carried  on.  are  used  as  column  headings  in  the  tabulation  of 
moths  marked  and  in  the  list  of  returns.  Thus  the  area  in 
which  every  moth  was  marked  is  given.  Some  of  the  places 
labeled  on  the  map  are  unmentioned  in  the  text,  these  and  many 
more  served  as  a  basis  for  note-book  entries  of  the  exact  place 
where  every  moth  was  marked  or  was  found  again  on  some 
later  date. 

A  New  Species  of  Acmaeodera  and  One  New  Sub- 
species (Coleoptera,  Buprestidae). 

By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 


Acmaeodera  pinalorum  new  species. 

Form  and  size  of  *lcimico<lcra  t/uttifcni  Lee.,  color  dark 
bronze,  elytra  bluish  black,  each  elytron  with  eleven  irregular 
yellow  spots  (paratype  with  twelve  spots  which  is  probably  a 
variable  character).  Head  densely  strongly  punctured,  front 
with  Ion-  white  pubescence-,  antennae  serrate,  beginning  with 
the  lit'th  joint. 

Pronotum  wider  than  long,  widest  in  front  of  middle;  front 
narrower  than  base,  convex,  sides  hmadK  rounded  from  base  to 
apex,  side  margins  not  visible  from  above,  surface  densely 
coarsely  punctured,  punctures  coarser  and  continent  at  sides, 
a  short  stiff  hair  arising  from  each  puncture.  Flytra  at  ba-e 
as  wide  as  base  of  pronotum.  slightly  wider  back  of  base,  sides 
sinuate  on  apical  third,  broadly  rounded  toward  apices,  side 

16  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

margins  serrate  on  apical  half,  surface  with  striae  more  evident 
on  apical  third,  punctures  of  striae  coarse,  intervals  each  with 
a  single  series  of  fine  punctures,  each  puncture  with  a  short 
stiff  hair. 

Beneath  densely  coarsely  punctured,  puhescence  short,  pro- 
sternum  produced  in  front  into  a  broadly  emarginate  lobe  which 
is  rounded  at  ends,  edge  of  last  ventral  turned  down  forming 
an  apical  plate,  no  trace  of  subapical  plate.  Length  8  mm., 
width  2.5  mm. 

Described  from  two  specimens  labeled  base  of  Final  Moun- 
tains, ARIZONA,  July,  altitude  4,000  feet,  Duncan  and  Parker, 
collectors.  T\pc  in  writer's  collection,  paratype  in  the  collection 
of  Mr.  D.  K.  Duncan  who  kindly  allowed  me  to  retain  the 

This  species  would  fall  in  group  Acmaeodera  Lobatae.* 
Professor  Fall  kindly  examined  both  insects  herein  described. 

Acmaeodera  gibbula  gila  new  subspecies. 

Size  and  form  of  Acmaeodera  gibbula  Lee.,  color  of  body, 
head  and  pronotum  bronze,  elytra  dark  blue,  entire  insect  void 
of  yellow  markings.  Head  densely  coarsely  punctured,  thickly 
clothed  with  long  white  pubescence,  antennae  serrate  beginning 
with  fifth  joint. 

Pronotum  twice  as  wide  as  long,  sides  regularly  arcuately 
narrowed  from  base  to  apex,  impressions  moderately  deep,  side 
margins  not  visible  from  above,  surface  closely  punctate,  clothed 
with  long  white  pubescence.  Elytra  at  base  as  wide  as  base  of 
pronotum,  slightly  wider  just  back  of  base,  sides  sinuate,  then 
nearly  parallel  to  back  of  middle,  strongly  rounded  to  apices, 
side  margins  strongly  serrate  back  of  middle,  surface  with  striae 
more  evident  on  apical  third,  second,  third  and  fifth  intervals 
more  convex  toward  base,  punctures  coarser  toward  sides,  very 
small  in  center  toward  base  ;  intervals  each  with  single  series 
of  fine  punctures,  a  short  stiff  hair  arising  from  each  puncture. 

Beneath  densely  punctured,  legs  and  ventral  surface  with 
long  white  pubescence,  prosternum  produced  in  front  into  a 
subrectangular  lobe  which  is  truncate  in  front ;  last  ventral 
with  a  thin  broad  apical  plate  which  gives  the  appearance  of  a 
double  margin.  Length  9.5  mm.,  width  3.5  mm. 

Described  from  a  specimen  in  the  collection  of  the  writer 
labeled  Gila  River  Valley,  San  Carlos,  ARIZONA,  August,  D.  K. 
Duncan  collector. 

*H.  C.  Fall— Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  V.  7,  P.  35,  1899. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  17 

A  New  Butterfly  (Lepid.:  Nymphalidae). 

By  NORMAN  R.  GUXN,   1951   Yosemite  Road.   I'.crkclev,  Calif. 

Melitaea  palla  (Bdv).  Ah.  hemifusa  nov. 

Upper  surfaces:  Primaries — Typical  as  in  male  palla  (Hclv). 
Secondaries — Submarginal  and  next  two  adjoining  rows  <it" 
spots  arc-  completely  fused  together.  The  hasal  area  of  secon- 
daries is  completely  ohscured  by  hlack.  except  for  one  elon- 
gated spot  which  does  not  varv  from  typical  /•>  ,•://</.  Marginal 
row  ol  spots  same  as  in  [<ala  hill  separated  from  fused  area  bv 
a  narrow  hlack  hand. 

Under  surfaces:  I'riinaries — Yellow  area  reduced  and  fu-ed 
at  apex.  Black  markings  reduced.  Sccoinlarics — Marginal 
row  of  spots  normal  hut  1  (ordered  on  inner  side  hy  a  distinct 
hlack  line.  Submarginal  and  adjoining  two  rows  fused  with 
yellow.  The  third  marginal  row  of  spots  is  not  completely  oh- 
scured and  is  reduced  as  it  near.s  inner  margin  of  secondaries. 
Basal  area  ohscured  hv  red  except  for  one  \el1ow  spot.  This 
fusion  of  yellow  is  similar  to  that  of  ah.  ahnonna  (Wrighl  )  of 
Melitaea  hoffmani  (Behr). 

Classification:  Ah.  Hemi fusion.  Secondaries  well  fused. 
primaries  normal. 

Data:  Holotype  male.  Expanse  35  mm.  Cazadero,  Sonoma 
County,  California.  May  18.  1929  (G.  K.  Bohart,  Collector), 
llolotype  in  the  Bohart  collection  at  Berkeley,  California. 

Life  History:.'  Prohahly  same  as  in  palla.  Refer  to  Coin- 
stock's  "Butterflies  of  California"  for  information. 

The  Fixation  of  Types. 

By  \Y.  S.  BLA  ICHLF.V,  Indianapolis,  Indiana. 
"The  type  specimen  in  biology  is  that  individual  of  animal 
or  plant,  01  m  part  of  one,  from  which  the  description  of  a 
species  has  been  prepared  and  upon  which  a  specific  name  ha- 
been  based.  It  is  the  actual  object  which  serves  as  the  type 
of  a  species  in  /.oology  or  botany.  Type  -pcameiis  have  a  par 
ticular  part  and  lii^h  value  in  descriptive  zoolog)  and  botany, 
conijiaralile  to  that  of  the  actual  object  which  is  taken  a>  the 
authoritative  standard  in  any  sy-tem  of  \\ei^hts.  measures,  or 
coinage.  \\'hen  available  for  examination  they  take  precedence 
over  any  published  description  or  figure  and  are  conrlusive 
evidence  in  cases  of  doubtful  or  disputed  spirilic  identity." 

18  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '30 

Accepting  the  above  as  a  full  and,  in  my  opinion,  an  excellent 
definition  of  a  type,  the  question  arises  as  to  who  best  knows 
what  that  type  is.  Is  it  the  author  of  the  species  who  has  used 
a  certain  individual  specimen  as  most  typical  of  the  form  which 
he  has  described  and  who  has  placed  aside  that  individual  and 
labeled  it  with  the  name  he  has  given  it  and  the  word  "type"  ; 
or  is  it  some  other  human  who  has  never  seen  the  author's  true 
and  only  labeled  type,  but  who,  impressed  perhaps  by  the  im- 
portance of  his  own  superior  knowledge  of  the  particular  group 
to  which  the  species  in  question  belongs,  "fixes"  and  designates 
a  specimen  in  another  collection  as  the  type  of  the  species  in 
question  ? 

In  the  past  it  has  been  my  custom,  when  describing  what  I 
consider  a  new  species,  to  select  a  certain  typical  individual 
specimen  and  to  attach  to  it  a  red  label  "type."  I  have  not 
always  designated  as  part  of  the  description  this  particular  spec- 
imen as  the  "holotype"  as  I  expected  in  time  to  prepare  a  single 
paper  in  which  I  would  designate  or  fix  the  holotypes  of  all 
the  species  I  have  described.2 

On  pages  625  and  626  of  the  Orthoptcra  of  Northeastern 
America,  I  described  as  new  two  species  of  camel  crickets, 
Ccuthophilus  davisi  and  Ceuthophilus  rchcbi,  from  specimens 
furnished  me  by  W.  T.  Davis,  of  Staten  Island,  New  York. 
I  picked  out  the  most  typical  example  of  each,  labeled  it  with 
a  red  label  "type"  and  placed  on  the  pin  also  the  name  which 
I  had  given  it.  I  retained  these  types  in  my  collection  and  re- 
turned part  of  the  other  specimens  to  Mr.  Davis.  In  the  Florida 
Entomologist,  XIII,  1929,  pp.  18  and  19,  Mr.  T.  H.  Hubbell 
has  made  rchcbi  a  synonym  of  dai'isi  and  has  designated  or 
"fixed"  a  certain  specimen  of  each  in  the  Davis  collection  as  a 
"lectoholotype."  Now  I  do  not  know,  nor  do  I  care,  what  the 
ruling  of  the  Entomological  Code  is  in  such  a  case  as  this.  I 
hold  that  it  is  an  unjust  and  unreasonable  procedure  for  the 
following  reasons:  (a),  The  author  of  the  species  is  still  living 
and  has  in  his  own  collection  the  original  holotype  labeled  as 
such;  (b),  The  examples  so  labeled  in  the  Davis  collection  may 
or  may  not  be  part  of  the  cotypes  which  I  examined  and  re- 

1  Century  Dictionary,  Vol  VIII,  p.  6562.     The  Italics  are  mine. 

2  This  paper  is  now  completed  and  ready  for  the  press. 


turned  to  Mr.  Davis  as  such,  as  he  had  numerous  other  ex 
amples  of  the  same  specie;  (r).  In  similar  procedures  a  person 
fixing  a  type,  without  seeing  the  one  labeled  as  such  1>y  tin- 
original  author,  may  even  designate  an  example  of  a  different 
species  or  a  different  genus  from  the  one  originally  described 
under  that  name.  Had  I  died  without  labeling  a  specimen  in 
my  collection  as  "type"  then,  and  then  alone,  would  Mr.  llub- 
bell  be  justified  in  his  action,  and  not  even  then  until  he  had 
carefully  compared  the  specimen  so  designated  with  those  in 
my  collection  under  that  name. 

The  designating  of  a  single  specimen  by  the  author  as  the 
"type"  and  the  term  "holotype"  used  therefor  are  both  recent 
but  very  useful  practices.  According  to  llenshaw.  Dr.  J.  L. 
Leconte  named  as  new  species  4734  forms  of  Coleoptera  and, 
according  to  Calvert.  Dr.  G.  H.  Horn  named  15SJ.  In  very 
few  instances  did  either  of  these  authors  designate  a  holotypc. 
Maj.  T.  L.  Casey  named  probably  eight  or  ten  thousand  species 
and  it  was  not  his  practice  to  name  holotypes  in  connection 
with  his  descriptions.  H.  C.  Fall  has  named  approximately 
1200  and  it  is  only  in  his  later  writings  that  he  designates  holo- 
types in  the  notes  following  his  descriptions.  If  other  author- 
were  to  follow  Mr.  Hubbell  and  designate  lectoholotypes  of 
numerous  species  described  by  these  authors  but  outside  of 
their  original  collections,  there  would  be  a  veritable  hod 
podge  of  nomenclatorial  confusion.  The  action  of  Mr.  Hub- 
bell,  whatever  the  Kntomological  ('ode  may  hold,  is.  in  my 
opinion,  much  like  the  heirs  meeting  and  attempting  to  divide 
a  man's  property  who  is  on  his  death  bed  but  yet  alive:  or  like 
a  Governor  appointing  a  man  to  till  an  office  while  his  prede- 
cessor, though  expected  to  die,  is  yet  living  and  still  holding 
the  office. 

In  conclusion  I  will  say  that  the  holotypc  of  t'cnlln>phi!ns 
ilttrisi  is  a  male,  labeled  "Staten  Island,  X.  V..  Aug.,  I'M/".  Coll. 
by  \Y.  T.  Davis"  and  that  of  (.'cutliaplrilnx  rclichi  is  a  male 
labeled  "Yaphank,  X.  Y.,  Aug.  2<>.  1916  '  oil.  by  W.  T.  Davis. 
Both  are  in  the  collection  of  \Y.  S.  I'.latchley,  and  not  in  that 
of  YV.  T.  Davis,  and  they  will  be  "fixed"  as  holotypcs.  not  lec- 
toholotypes,  in  the  paper  above  mentioned  \\bicb  will  soon  he- 

20  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '30 

The  Night  Flight  of  Diurnal  Butterflies  (Lepid.). 

Butterflies  are  day-flying  creatures,  while  most  moths  fly  by 
night.  There  are  exceptions,  however,  and  it  is  a  well-known 
fact  that  a  few  certain  species  of  moths  normally  fly  by  day, 
but  the  meagre  records  of  night  flights  of  butterflies  indicate 
that  this  is  an  abnormal  or  unusual  condition. 

Scudcler  deals  with  this  topic  in  a  chapter,  entitled  "Butter- 
flies at  Night",*  in  which  he  says  that  butterflies  fly  by  day 
and  generally  by  the  brightest  day  and  in  tbe  clearest  weather, 
yet  some  groups  love  the  forest  gloom;  a  few  favor  twilight, 
and  the  exceptions  to  the  general  rule  are  those  which  fly  by 
night.  He  then  lists  the  following  instances  of  this  unusual 
condition : 

Eugonui  j-album,  the  Compton  tortoise,  hundreds  of  which 
had  flown  to  a  light-house  lantern  on  the  Island  of  Nantucket. 

Chlorippc  ccltis,  which  is  reported  by  Miss  Murtfeldt  as 
entering  an  open  window  at  10  o'clock  one  August  evening. 

Anosia  plexippus,  recorded  by  Merriam  in  large  swarms  that 
flew  against  and  obscured  the  light  of  a  light-house  on  Lake 

Anosia  plexippus,  ]raucssa  atalanta,  V.  cardui,  V .  huntci'a, 
Euvanessa  antiopa,  Cyaniris  psendargiolus  and  Euphocadcs  Iroi- 
lus,  recorded  by  Mr.  Henry  Edwards. 

These  seem  to  be  the  only  records  up  to  the  time  of  Scucl- 
der's  publication.  I  hereby  append  my  own  notes,  in  the  hope 
of  arousing  students  to  make  further  observations  on  this  inter- 
esting behavior;  they  all  refer  to  one  spot  in  St.  Louis,  Mis- 
souri, and  the  time  is  Central  Standard. 

Phyciodcs  tlwros  Dru.  May  17,  1929.  Flying  around  light 
at  11  p.m. 

Pholisora  hayJnirstii  Edw.  June  11,  1929.   Active  at  9:15  p.m. 

Epargyrcus  titynts  Eabr.  June  7,  1929.  Found  on  floor, 
dead,  in  artificially  lighted  room. 

Papilio  troilus  L.  July,  1929.  Male  observed  flying  around 
indoor  200-watt  light  after  1 1  p.m. 

The  study  of  periodicity  in  insects  is  now  coming  to  the  fore, 
and  data  of  this  kind  are  of  value  in  solving  problems,  not  only 
on  when  insects  become  active,  but  also  why  they  become  active 
at  certain  periods  in  each  cycle  of  twenty-four  hours. 

HAROLD  O'BYRNE,  Webster  Groves,  Missouri. 

A  Preoccupied  Name  in  the  Oxybeline  Wasps 
(Hyrn. :  Sphecidae). 

Oxybelus  taprobanensis  nom.  nov. 

O. \-ybclus  ccyloniciis  Cameron,  Ann.  <!v  Mag.  Nat.  Hist.  1900, 
V:  40;  nee  Oxybelus  ccylonicus  Cameron,  Mem.  &  Proc.  Man- 
chester Lit.  &  Phil.  Soc:  1897,  XLI  :79.  V.  S.  L.  PATE. 

*In  his  Frail  Children  of  the  Air. 

List  of  the  Titles  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  Referred  to  by 

Numbers   in    Entomological    Literature 

in  Entomological  News. 

1.  Transactions   of   The   American    Entomological    Society.      Philadelphia. 

2.  Entomologische    Blatter,    red.  v.  H.  Eckstein    etc.      Berlin. 

3.  Annals  of  the   Carnegie  Museum.     Pittsburgh,   Pa. 

4.  Canadian   Entomologist.      London,    (  anada. 

5.  Pysche,  A  Journal  of   Entomology.     Boston,   Mass. 

6.  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society.     New  York. 

7.  Annals  of  the  Entomological   Society  of   America.     Columbus,  Ohio. 

8.  Entomologists'   Monthly    Magazine.     London. 

9.  The  Entomologist.     London. 

10.  Proceedings  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington.     Washington,  D.  C. 

11.  Deutsche   entomologische   Zeitschrift.      Berlin. 

12.  Journal  of   Economic   Entomology,   Geneva,   N.   Y. 

13.  Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology.     Claremont,  Cal. 

14.  Entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Frankfurt    a.  M.,    Germany. 

15.  Natural  History.  American    Museum  of   Natural  History.     New  York. 

16.  American  Journal  of   Science.     New   Haven,   Conn. 

17.  Entomologische    Rundschau.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

IX.  Internationale    entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Guben,    Germany. 

I'1.  Bulletin  of  the   Brooklyn   Entomological   Society.     Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

20.  Societas   entomologica.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

21.  The  Entomologists'   Record   and   Journal   of   Variation.      London. 

22.  Bulletin  of    Entomological  Research.     London. 

23.  Bollettino    del     I.aboratorio     di     Zoologia     generate     e     agraria     della 

R.   Scnola   superiorc   d'Agricultura   in    Portici.     Italy. 

24.  Annales  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

25.  Bulletin   de  la   societe  entomologiiiue  de    France.     Paris. 

26.  Entomologischer    An/cigor,    hersg.    Adolf    Hoffmann.      Wien,    Austria. 

27.  Bolletino  della    Socicta    Entomologica.     Gcnovu,   Italy. 

JX  Ent.    Tidskrift    ulgifen    af    Ent.    Foreningen    i    Stockholm.      Sweden. 

2(>.  Animal    Report    of    the    Ent.    Society   of    Ontario.      Toronto,    Canada. 

30.  The    Maine    Naturalist.     Thornaston.    Maine. 

31.  Nature.      London. 

32.  Boletim  do  Miiscu   Nacional  do  Rio  de  Janicro.     Brazil. 

33.  Bull,  et  Annales  de  la   Societe  entomologique  de  Belgique.     Bruxelles. 

34.  Zoologischer   Anzeiger,   hrsg.   v.    1C.  Korschelt.     Leipzig. 

35.  The    Annals    of    Applied    Biology.     Cambridge,    England. 

36.  Transactions   of    t'i<'    Entomological    Society   of   London.     England. 

37.  Proceedings   of    the    Hawaiian    Entomological    Society.     Honolulu. 

38.  Bull,  of  the  Southern  California   Academy  of   Sciences.     Los  Angeles. 

39.  The  Florida  Entomologist.     Gainesville,   Fla. 

40.  American   Museum    Novitatcs.     New   York. 

41.  Mitteilungen  der  schweiz.  ent.  Gesellschaft.     Schaffhausen,  Switzerland. 

42.  The   Journal    of    Experimental    /oology.      Philadelphia. 

43.  Ohio    Journal   of    Sciences.     Columbus,    Ohio. 

44.  Revisla    chilena    de    historia    natural.      YalparaiMi,    Chile. 

45.  Zeitschrift    fiir    \vissenschaftliche    Insektenbiologie.      Berlin. 

46.  Zcit-chrift   fiir  Morphologic  und   <">kologie  der   Tiere.      Berlin. 

47.  Journal   of   Agricultural    Res. 'arch.      Washington.    D.    C. 

48.  Wiener  entomologische  Zeitung.     Wien,    Au.-tria. 

49.  Entomologische    Mitteilungen.     Berlin. 

50.  Proceedings   of   the   U.    S.    National    Museum.     Wa-lnnuton,    D.    C. 

51.  Notulae  cntomologicae,  ed.  Soc.  ent.  lieNingt'orv     HeKingfors,  Finland. 

52.  Archiv   fiir    Naturgcschichte,    hrsg.  v.  E.  Strand.     Berlin. 

53.  Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical   Science.     London. 

54.  Annales  de  Parasitologie  Humaine  et  Comparee.     Paris. 

55.  Pan-Pacific   Entomologist.     San    Francisco,   Cal. 

56.  "Konowia".     Zeit.    fiir    systematische    Insektenkunde.      Wien,    Austria. 

57.  La  Feuille  des   Naturalistes.     Paris. 

58.  Entomologische  Berichten.    Nederlandsche  ent.   Ver.     Amsterdam. 

59.  Encyclopedic  entomologique,  ed.  P.  Lechevalier.     Paris. 

60.  Stettiner   entomologische   Zeitung.     Stettin,   Germany. 

61.  Proceedings  of   the   California   Academy  of   Sciences.     San   Francisco. 

62.  Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of   Natural  History.     New  York. 

63.  Deutsche  entomologische  Zeitschrift   "Iris".     Berlin. 

64.  Zeitschrift   des   osterr.   entomologen-Vereines.     Wien. 

65.  Zeitschrift  fiir  angewandte   Entomologie,  hrsg.   K.   Escherich.     Berlin. 

66.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Meeting.     Pusa,  India. 

67.  University  of  California  Publications,  Entomology.     Berkeley,  Cal. 

68.  Science.     New  York. 

69.  Comptes  rendus  hebdoma.  des  seances  de  1' Academic  des  sciences.  Paris. 

70.  Entomologica  Americana,  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn. 

71.  Novitates  Zoologicae.     Tring,   England. 

72.  Revue  russe  d'Entomologie.     Leningrad,  USSR. 

73.  Quarterly   Review  of   Biology.     Baltimore,   Maryland. 

74.  Sbornik  entomolog.  narodniho  musea  v  Praze.    Prague,  Czechoslavokia. 

75.  Annals  and   Magazine  of   Natural   History.     London. 

76.  The    Scientific    Monthly.     New    York. 

77.  Comptes  rendus  heb.  des  seances  et  memo,  de  la  soc.  de  biologic.  Paris. 

78.  Bulletin   Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.     Paris. 

79.  Koleopterologische  Rundschau.     Wien. 

80.  Lepidopterologische   Rundschau,   hrsg.   Adolf    Hoffmann.     Wien. 

81.  Folia  myrmecol.  et  termitol.  hrsg.  Anton  Krausse.     Bernau  bei  Berlin. 

82.  Bulletin,  Division  of  the  Natural  History  Survey.     Urbana,  Illinois. 

83.  Arkiv   for  zoologie,   K.   Svenska   Vetenskapsakademien   i.      Stockholm. 

84.  Ecology.     Brooklyn. 

85.  Genetics.     Princeton,   New  Jersey. 

86.  Zoologica,  New  York  Zoological  Society.     New  York. 

87.  Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungs  mechanik  der  Organ.,  hrsg.  v.  Roux.     Leipzig. 

88.  Die  Naturwissenschaf  ten,  hrsg.  A.  Berliner.     Berlin. 

89.  Zoologische   Jahrbucher,    hrsg.  v.  Spengel.     Jena,    Germany. 

90.  The  American  Naturalist.     Garrison-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

91.  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences.     Washington,  D.  C. 

92.  Biological  Bulletin.     Wood's  Hole,  Massachusetts. 

93.  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London.     England. 

94.  Zeitschrift   fiir  wissenschaftliche  Zoologie.     Leipzig. 

95.  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soc.  of  Washington,    Washington,  D.  C. 

96.  La  Cellule.     Lierre,  Belgium. 

Q7.  Biologisches    Zentralblatt.     Leipzig. 

98.  Le   Naturaliste  Canadien.     Cap  Rouge,   Chicoutimi,  Quebec. 

99.  Melanges  exotico-entomologiques.  Par  Maurice  Pic.     Moulins,  France. 

100.  Bulletin    Intern.,    Academic    Polonaise    des    Sci.    et    des    Lett.     Cra- 

covie,   Poland. 

101.  Tijdschrift       voor       entomologie,       Nederlandsche       Entomol.       Ver., 


102.  Entomologiske   Meddelelser,   Entomologisk   Forening,    Copenhagen. 

103.  Journal    of    the    Kansas    Entomological     Society,    Lawrence,     Kansas. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTO.MOUHilC.U.     NKAVS  21 

Krtto  mo  logical    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  Kn- 
tomology  of  the  Americas  (North  and  .South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles,  irrelevant  to  Am.  ri>  ;in  entomology  will  not  be  no'ted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  I  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  IVriodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  10c),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining-  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Kconomic  Literal  ure,  see  I  he  [experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

fH?  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  exi>/itiur//  dhove. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Allard,  H.  A. — Our  insect  instrumentalists 
and  their  musical  technique.  |.\n.  l\ep.  Smiths.  Inst.] 
1928:  563-591,  ill.  Burgess,  A.  F. —  Imported  insect  enemies 
of  the  gipsv  moth  and  the  l>ro\yn-tail  moth.  (S).  |l".  S. 
Dept.  Agric.]  Tech.  Hull.  86:  147  pp.,  ill.  Cockerell,  T. 
D.  A. — Some  results  of  a  journey  to  Kaieteur  Falls.  British 
Guiana.  [  75  |  4:  439-444.  Crowell,  M.  F.— A  discussion  of 
human  and  insect  societies.  |5|  3f> :  182-189.  *Ewing,  H.  E. 
—A  manual  of  external  parasites.  225  pp.,  ill.  Springfield. 
Illinois,  1929.  [  Xew  genera  in  Mallophaga,  Anoplura  «!v 
Siphonaptera] .  Ferris,  G.  F. — The  principle-  of  -vstematic 
entomology.  [Stanford  Univ.  Pub.  Hiol.  Sci.]  5:  3-169.  ill. 
Horn,  W. —  Ueber  die  resolutionen  des  IV.  [nternationalen 
Entomologen-Kongresses  in  Ithaca,  12-18  August  1928. 
|  1S|  23:  333-335.  Kusnezov-Ugamskij,  N.  N. —  I  );is  mas- 
senauftretten  einiger  insekten  in  ihren  uberwinterungsorten 
mid  biologist-he-  bcdcutung  dieser  erscheinung.  |  I\e\  .  /.ool. 
I\usse|  9:  124-125.  Murillo,  L.  M.  --Clave  dicotomica 
general  de  los  insectos.  |  l\e\.  SMC.  (  "<  .It  iml.iana  Cien.  \'at.| 
4:  !('52<if>.  Park,  O.  -  -  Fci  (logical  observations  upon  the 
m  vrmecocoles  ,(f  Formica  ulkei.  especially  Le]>tiniis  tcsta- 
ceus.  [5]  36:  195-215,  ill.  Strand,  E.-  Down  with  the  type- 
cult.  |5|  3o:  228-231.  Strickland,  E.  H,  Larder  beetle 
infestations  arising  from  tent  caterpillars.  |  \\  id  :  23S. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.     Becker,   F.     Zum 

ban  des  kopfes  der  rhynchoten.  I  Teil.  I  Ian  des  koptes  \.in 
Xaucori.s  cimicoides.  |  l\e\  .  /ool.  Kn--e|  9:  51  96.  Crowell, 
M.  F. — A  preliminary  stnd\  of  the  trachea!  system  of  the 

22  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '30 

mature  larva  of  Blepharipa  scutellata.  [5]  36:  220-227,  ill. 
Needham,  D.  M. — The  chemical  changes  during  the  meta- 
morphosis of  insects.  [Biol.  Rev.  &  Biol.  Proc.  Cambridge 
Phil.  Soc.]  4:  307-326,  ill.  Rau  &  Rau.— The  sex  attraction 
and  rhythmic  periodicity  in  giant  saturniid  moths.  [Trans. 
Acad.  Sci.,  St.  Louis]  26:  83-221,  ill.  Schrader,  F—  Notes 
on  reproduction  in  Aspidiotus  hederae  (Coccidae).  [5]  36: 
232-236,  ill.  Verlaine,  L. — L'instinct  et  1'intelligence  chez 
les  Hymenopteres.  X. — La  reine  des  al)eilles  dispose-t-elle 
a  yolonte  du  sexe  de  ses  oeufs?  [33]  69:  224-238. 
Wojtusiak,  R.  J. — Entwicklungsgeschichtliche  und  psycho- 
graphische  studien  an  Mamestra-Raupen.  [100]  1929:  1-54, 
ill.  Ueber  die  raumorientierung  bei  Pieris-Raupen.  [100] 
1929:  59-66,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA  AND  MYRIOPODA.     *Ewing,  H.  E.- 
(See   under    General.)      Roewer,    C.    F.  -  -  Weitere    weber- 
knechte  III.     [Abh.  Naturw.  Ver.  Bremen]  27:  179-284,  ill. 
Savory,  T.  H. — On   wolf-spiders'  memories.      [75]   4:   524- 

E. —  (See  under  General.)  *Mosley,  M.  E. — Oxford  Uni- 
versity Greenland  Expedition,  1928.  Trichoptera  and 
Ephemeroptera  of  Greenland  :  Additional  records  made  by 
the  Oxford  University  Expedition  to  Kugssuk,  Godthaab 
Fjord,  W.  Greenland, "1928.  [75]  4:  501-509,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA— *Glendenning,  R.— A  new  Callipterine 
from  Victoria,  B.  C.  ( Aphididae).  [4]  61 :  237-238.  Haupt, 
H.  -  -  Neueinteilung  der  Homoptera-Cicadina  nach  phylo- 
genetisch  zu  wertenden  merkmalen.  [89]  58:  173-286,  ill. 
Kusnezov-Ugamskij,  N.  N.  -  -  Ueber  die  anolocyclie-er- 
scheinumgen  bei  pflanzenlausen.  [Rev.  Zool  Russe]  9: 
108-110.  *Laing,  F. — Descriptions  of  new,  and  some  notes 
on  old,  species  of  Coccidae.  (S).  [75]  4:  465-501,  ill. 
Severin,  H.  C. --A  third  report  upon  the  Membracidae 
(Treehoppers)  of  South  Dakota.  [Pro.  South  Dakota  Acad. 
Sci.]  29:  33-49. 

LEPIDOPTERA— Bandermann,  F.— Erfolgrdche  zuch- 
ten  mil  amerikanischen  barenformen  aus  dem  eigelege. 
[18]  23:  345-347,  ill.  Bouvier,  M.  E.  L— Sur  le  classement 
et  la  distribution  geographique  des  Saturnioides  hemileu- 
cidiens  de  la  sous-famille  des  Automerines.  [69]  189:  603- 
607.  *Brown,  F.  M. — A  revision  of  the  genus  Phoebis.  (S). 
[40]  No.  368:  22  pp.,  ill.  *Comstock,  J.  A. — A  new  species 
or  form  of  Anthocharis  from  California.  [38]  1929:  32-33, 
ill.  Comstock,  J.  A. — Studies  in  Pacific  coast  Lepidoptera. 
[38]  1929:  22-32,  ill.,  cont.  Fletcher,  T.  B.— A  list  of  the 
generic  names  used  for  Microlepidoptera.  [Mem.  Dept. 

XLI,    '30]  KXTOMMLnCICAI.     \K\YS  2$ 

Agric.  India]  11  :  244  pp.  Hayward,  K.  J. — Larval  descrip- 
tions from  the  Argentine.  The  larva  of  Pholus  lahruscae  ; 
a  sphingid.  [21 1  41  :  143-144.  McDunnough,  J. — Note  on  a 
generic  term  in  the  Agrotinae.  [4|  61  :  241.  *Michael,  O. 
— Neue  oder  \venig  bekanntc  Agriasformen  vom  Ama/con- 
asgebiet.  [14J  43:  1/6-177.  cont.  Schrader,  W.  -  Addi- 
tional experiments  with  Pyrameis  carve.  |  38  |  1929:  20-21, 
ill.  Vickery,  R.  A. — Studies  on  the  fall  army  worm  in  the 
gulf  coast  district  of  Texas.  |  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric. |  Tech. 
Bull.  138:  64  pp.,  ill. 

DIPTERA— *Alexander,  C.  P.— A  list  of  the  crane-flies 
of  Quebec  I.     [4]  61:  231-236.     *Johannsen,  O.  A.— A  new 

species  of  Sciara  from  Canada.     [4|  61  :  223-224.     Johnson, 
C.  W.— A  note  on  Chilosia  hiawatha.     [5]  36:  237-238. 

COLEOPTERA— *Brown,  W.  J.— Revision  of  the  species 
of  Aphodius  of  the  subgenus  Diapterna.  [4]  61:  224-231, 
ill.  Cros,  A. — Notes  sur  les  larves  primaires  des  Meloidae. 
[24]  98:  193-222.  Darlington,  P.  J.- -Notes  on  the  structure 
and  significance  of  Palaeogyrinus.  [5|  36:216-219.  *Fisher, 
W.  S. — Ne\v  species  of  btiprestid  beetles  from  Costa  Rica. 
[50|  76,  Art.  6:  20  pp.  Fleutiaux,  E. — Notice  sur  plusieurs 
filaterides  malgaches.  [24]  98:223-249.  Friedrich,  A. - 
Kaferklopfen  in  brasilianischen  urwald.  [14|  43:  187-190, 
ill.  Gilbertson,  G.  I. — The  ( 'irindelidae  (Tiger  Hectics)  of 
South  Dakota.  [I'ro.  South  Dakota  Acad.  Sci.|  29:  22-2o. 
Nylen,  J.  V. —  Kuropeau  Coleoptera  at  Providence,  l\.  1..  in 
1<>2S.  [5]  36:  219.  *Ochs,  G.  -  -  Bestimmungstabelle  der 
gyrinidengattung  (iyreles  nebst  ncubeschreibungen  und 
kritischen  bemerkungen.  (S).  1 7(>  \  15:  62-69.  Ohaus,  F. 
-  Aus  der  praxis  des  kafersammlers.  XII.  Ueber  das 
sammeln  und  zuchten  von  mistkafern.  |79]  15:  141-144. 
cont.  *Pic,  M.--Neue  Phrixothrix-arten.  iMalacoder- 
mata).  (S).  [26]  9:  375-376.  *Sicard,  A.  --  Description 
d'especes  nouvelles  de  Coccinellidae.  (S).  |  75  |  4:  515-524. 
*Spaeth,  F.  -  -  Die  gattung  Hemisphaerota.  (S).  |79|  15: 
111-131.  :i:Wallis,  J.  B.  A  new  species  of  Odontaeus.  [4| 
61:  239-241,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Balduf,   W.   V.— Tetrastichus    ver- 

rucarii,  new  spc-cies,  a  chalcid  para>ite  of  Xeurotc-rus  (Cy- 
nipidae)  on  l)ur  oak.  |4|  61  :  221-222,  ill.  Rau,  P.-  -The 
silk  spun  by  the  larvae  of  certain  >ocial  wasps.  |4|  (A  : 
219-221.  Rau,  P. — The  biology  and  behaviour  of  mining 
bees,  Anthophora  abrupta  and  Kntcchina  taurea.  |5|  36: 
155-181,  ill.  Rau,  P. — The  nesting  habits  of  the  burrowing 
bee,  Kpinomia  triangulit\-ra.  |5|  36:  J 13-2  IS.  ill.  Salt  & 
Bequaert.— Stylopized  Vespidae.  [5]  30:  24'J-JXJ. 

24  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '30 

ANTS,  BEES  and  WASPS.  A  Record  of  Observations  of 
the  Habits  of  the  Social  Hymenoptera.  By  Sir  JOHN  LUBBOCK 
(LORD  AVEBURY).  New  ed.,  based  on  the  17th,  edited  and  an- 
notated by  J.  G.  MYERS.  With  four  colored  plates  by  A.  J.  E. 
Terzi.  E.  P.  Button  Co.,  New  York.  1929.  Pp.  xviii,  377, 
6  pis.,  31  text  figs.  $3.75. 

In  this  new  edition  of  Lubbock's  classical  treatise  on  Ants 
the  original  text  has  been  left  intact  and  occupies  about  two- 
thirds  of  the  volume.  The  remaining  third,  except  for  a  few 
of  Lubbock's  own  appendices,  consists  of  annotations  by  the 
editor.  These  are  exceedingly  well  done  and  greatly  enhance 
the  value  of  the  book  to  readers  who  are  not  so  familiar  with 
the  most  recent  writings  upon  insect  behavior  and  the  ecology 
of  the  social  insects.  Just  as  Lubbock  himself  continually 
inserted  among  the  records  of  his  own  work  the  observations 
and  conclusions  of  his  predecessors  and  contemporaries  in- 
cluding Huber,  Forel,  Emery,  von  Hagens,  and  others,  so  the 
present  editor,  following  the  spirit  of  Lubbock,  has  made  avail- 
able, in  the  annotations,  the  most  recent  observations  and  the- 
ories of  Forel,  Wheeler,  von  Frisch,  Donisthorpe,  Eidmann, 
Bequaert,  Lutz,  and  others.  These  notes  are  largely  actual 
quotations.  Among  them  we  find  translations  of  von  Frisch's 
work,  being  the  most  extensive  account  which  has  yet  appeared 
in  English.  In  the  notes  and  in  the  text  we  find  recorded  both 
observations  and  interpretations  and  in  both  places  it  is  the 
observations  which  excite  our  interest  and  the  interpretations 
which  merely  divert  us.  We  thus  come  to  realize  that  good 
observations  are  ageless  and  permanent  if  recorded  with  suffi- 
cient care ;  and  we  find,  indeed,  that  Lubbock  has  survived 
because  he  did  not  fall  into  the  error  of  giving  "general  state- 
ments rather  than  .  .  .  accounts  of  the  particular  experiments 
and  observations  on  which  these  statements  rest,"  for  which 
Lubbock  criticizes  Huber  on  one  occasion.  Altogether  the 
book  continues  to  fulfiill  the  author's  purpose  in  that  it  shows 
"the  great  interest  of  the  subject  and  the  numerous  problems 
which  remain  to  be  solved.'  -R.  G.  SCIIMIEDER. 

INSECTS  THEIR  STRUCTURE  &  LIFE.  A  Primer  of  Ento- 
mology. By  GEORGE  H.  CARPENTER,  D.Sc.,  Keeper  of  the 
Manchester  Museum,  sometime  Professor  of  Zoology  in  the 
Royal  College  of  Science  for  Ireland.  Second  edition,  revised. 
New  York,  E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.,  publishers.  21  x  14  cm.,  xii 
+  335  pp.,  184  text  figs.,  4  colored  plates.  $3.75.  Received 
from  the  publishers  Oct.,  1928;  not  dated  except  after  the 
preface :  April,  1924. 

Thirty  years  ago  the  present  reviewer  wrote  a  notice  of  the 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLor,ir.\],    \K\VS  25 

first  edition  of  this  book,  occupying  a  page  in  tbe  \K\VS  for 
November,  1899.  The  preface  to  tin-  volume  now  before  us 
makes  it  evident  that  a  second  edition  appeared  in  1924.  A 
copy  of  that  date  is  not  available  and  how  far  this  revision 
differs  (if  at  all)  \ve  can  not  say;  no  work  of  any  year  later 
than  1924  is  cited  in  the  classified  "References  to  Literature", 
which  occupy  pp.  310-323.  As  compared  with  the  first  edition, 
the  number  of  the  chapters  is  the  same  and  so  (practically)  are 
their  titles  and  their  subheadings,  except  that  sections  on  wing- 
growth  and  metamorphosis  have  been  added  to  Chap.  II  (Life 
History  of  Insects),  on  Germ-plasm  and  Body,  Mutations, 
Alternative  Inheritance,  Sex-linked  Inheritance,  Inheritance 
and  Segregation,  Germinal  Modifications  and  Darwinism  and 
Mendelism  to  Chapter  III  (Classification  and  Evolution  of 
Insects)  and  on  Protura  to  Chap.  IV  (Orders  of  Insects). 
Many  minor  changes  have  been  made  in  the  text  throughout 
the  book  and  the  page  forms  are  entirely  new.  There  are  184 
text  figures,  the  same  number  as  before,  but  some  of  those  of 
the  first  edition  have  been  combined  under  one  number  and 
six  are  new  to  this  text  (nos.  22,  58,  91,  ('3,  135.  172).  Four 
colored  plates,  from  Poulton,  Bateson  and  Watson,  lacking  in 
the  first  edition,  illustrate  protective  resemblance  in  caterpil- 
lars, alternative  (Mendelian)  inheritance  in  moths,  two  species 
of  Saturnid  silk  moths  and  their  cocoons  and  the  mimetic  fe- 
male varieties  of  I\ipilio  danhiints.  The  literature  list  at  the 
conclusion  of  the  volume  has  been  largely  revised,  although  the 
number  of  titles  (237)  is  only  20  more  than  that  given  in  1899. 
This  work  of  Carpenter's  most  resembles  Folsom's  among 
our  American  text  books,  in  its  many-sided  treatment  of  the 
subject,  but  differs  therefrom  in  giving  much  more  space  to 
taxonomy,  describing  the  principal  families  under  each  order; 
but  it  is  not  designed  to  serve  as  a  means  of  further  identifica- 
tion, nor  does  it  contain  keys.  It  deals  but  very  briefly  (pp. 
281-283)  with  the  economic  aspects  of  insects  in  their  relations 
to  man.  All  in  all.  it  is  an  excellent  volume  and  its  illustrations, 
being  taken  so  large!}-  from  American  sources,  tit  it  as  well 
for  use  on  this  side  of  the  Atlantic  as  in  Great  Britain. 


CAL  AND  \  KTKUI  XAKY  I  M  I'OKTAXI  H.  Part  I. —  Medical.  By 
WALTF.K  SCOTT  I'ATTOX.  M.I 5..  Dntton  Memorial  Professor  of 
Entomology,  Liverpool  I'nivcrsity.  and  Liverpool  Si-boo]  of 
Tropical  Medicine,  and  ALWEX  M.  LVAXS,  l).Sc.,  Lecturer  on 

26  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '30 

Entomology  in  the  same  School.  Illustrated  by  Edith  Mary 
Patton,  Alwen  M.  Evans  and  A.  J.  Engel  Terzi.  Photographs 
by  M.  Brown.  With  a  Foreword  by  Emeritus  Professor  Robert 
Newstead.  Made  in  Great  Britain  by  H.  R.  Grubb,  Ltd., 
Croydon.  MCMXXIX.  Crown  4to.  x-j-785  pp.,  374  text 
figs.,  60  plates,  3  maps,  large  illustrated  revision  sheet.  Obtain- 
able only  from  the  Entomological  Dep't.,  Liverpool  School  of 
Tropical  Medicine,  at  20  shillings,  including  packing  and  post- 
age, to  any  part  of  the  world.  The  U.  S.  duty  will  bring  the 
price  to  about  $5.68. 

This  portly  volume  replaces  Patton  and  Cragg's  Textbook 
of  Medical  Entomology  (1913),  stated  to  be  now  out  of  date 
and  out  of  print.  It  has  been  published  privately  in  order  that 
it  may  be  sold  at  the  very  reasonable  price  above  stated.  Had 
it  been  published  in  the  usual  way  its  price  would  have  been 
prohibitive  to  most  medical  officers  and  nearly  all  students  of 

The  authors  state  in  the  preface :  "In  writing  this  book  we 
have  had  two  objects  in  view.  It  has  been  primarily  written 
for  the  medical  officer  approaching  the  subject  for  the  first 
time  .  .  .  The  second,  and  perhaps  the  most  weighty  rea- 
son .  .  .  ,  is  to  make  available  in  handy  form  not  only  the 
essentials  of  the  subject,  but  a  great  deal  of  more  detailed  infor- 
mation which  is  at  present  neither  available  in  books  on  ento- 
mology, nor  even  in  papers  on  the  subject  .  .  .  we  have 
devoted  a  large  part  of  this  book  to  the  subject  of 
morphology  and  phylogeny,  believing  that  the  former  is  of 
fundamental  importance,  not  only  as  a  guide  to  the  systematic 
part  of  the  subject,  but  also  as  a  help  to  the  investigator,  in 
understanding  the  anatomy  and  homologies  of  the  structures 
in  which  he  may  find  pathogenic  parasites." 

Following  the  preface  is  a  page  of  dedication  of  this  book 
"to  the  memory  of  the  following  twelve  well-known  Medical 
Men  and  Scientists,  and  to  other  Workers  of  all  Nationalities 
who  have  died  while  investigating  the  Etiology  of  those  Dis- 
eases the  causal  Organisms  of  which  are  transmitted  by  Insects 
and  Acari;  J.  M.  Lazear,  W.  Myers,  J.  E.  Dutton,  F.  M.  G. 
Tulloch,  F.  Schaudinn,  J.  Carroll,  S.  von  Prowazek,  A.  \V. 
Bacot,  F.  W.  Cragg,  A.  Stokes,  II.  Noguchi  and  \V.  A.  Young." 

Primarily  this  book  is  intended  for  those  following  the 
"course  for  the  diploma  in  Tropical  Medicine,  University  of 
Liverpool,  and  for  the  diplomas  in  Tropical  Medicine  and  Hy- 
giene in  other  tropical  schools  and  universities."  The  Intro- 
duction, pp.  3-9,  gives  an  outline  of  the  way  in  which  the  course 
is  given  at  Liverpool  and  the  text  is  correspondingly  arranged 

XLI,    '30]  EXTOMOLiH.lCAI.    NEWS  27 

under  twenty-eight  meetings  of  the  class.  Curiously  enough, 
there  is  no  table  of  contents  of  the  hook,  although  an  alpha- 
betical index  occupies  pp.  771-785.  The  following  summary 
will  indicate  the  sequence  of  subjects  discussed,  irrespective' 
of  their  grouping  under  class  "meetings". 

Classification  of  the  Animal  Kingdom,  of  the  Arthropoda 
and  of  the  llexapoda  to  Orders  (pp.  10-36).  External  Anato- 
my (pp.  37-103)  and  Internal  Anatomy  (pp.  104-171)  of  In- 
sects with  especial  reference  to  the  Diptera.  Wing  Venation 
of  the  Diptera  (pp.  171-189).  Systematic  Study  of  the  Diptera 
of  Medical  Importance,  beginning  with  the  Nematocera  and 
ending  with  the  myiasis-producers  (pp.  189-494).  Siphonap- 
tera  (pp.  494-541).  Anopleura,  including  Mallophaga.  and 
Hemiptera  (pp.  541-601).  Arachnida,  Acarina  (pp.  601-664, 
676-690).  Linguatulida,  Copepoda,  Insects  of  Orders  other 
than  those  above  mentioned  (pp.  664-675),  Leeches  (p.  675). 
Stinging,  Vesicating  and  Venomous  Animals  (pp.  690-706). 
Dissecting,  Collecting.  Preserving.  Mounting  and  Breeding 
.Methods  (pp.  7C6-735).  Principles  underlying  control  of  in- 
jurious arthropods,  control  of  mosquitoes  and  of  Glossiita 
(pp.  735-770). 

Under  each  "meeting"  the  text  is  arranged  in  two  parts,  the 
lirst  being  the  synopsis  of  a  lecture,  the  second  being  illustra- 
tive laboratory  work,  comprising  descriptions  of  mounted 
slides,  or  of  specimens  preserved  in  other  ways,  558  in  all,  with 
notes  on  the  habits,  stations  and  other  peculiarities  of  the 
species  concerned.  On  page  8,  the  authors  rightly  say:  "By 
cutting  down  the  time  spent  on  lecturing  on  this  subject  to  the 
absolute  minimum,  more  time  is  available  for  the  study  of  the 
practical  material  in  the  laboratory  where  alone  the  student 
will  learn  the  essentials  of  the  subject."  Some  teachers  will, 
perhaps,  consider  that  even  more  of  the  lecture  material  may 
be  transferred  to  the  laboratory.  Here  and  there  are  to  be  found 
summaries  of  certain  lectures  and  laboratory  work  in  order  to 
emphasize  the  most  important  farts  for  the  student.  There  is, 
in  consequence,  much  repetition  throughout  the  book. 

\\  itb  respect  to  taxonomy,  it  may  be  noted  that  only  two  .sub- 
orders of  Diptera  are  recogni/cd,  (  )rthorrhapha  and  (  Yclorrha- 
pha.the  Pupipara  being  classified  as  subfamilies  of  the  Muscidae 
Calypteratae;  the  Cyclorrhapha  "are  classified  in  two  families. 
the  Muscidae  Acalypteratae  and  the  Muscidae  Calypteratae"; 
the  species  formerly  included  in  the  <  testridae  "are  classified 
in  subfamilies  of  the-  Muscidae  Calypteratae  and  are  placed  in 
what  is  believed  to  be  their  natural  positions." 

"It  will  be  noted  that  we  have  retained  the   familiar  and  well 

28  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '30 

established  names  of  medical  importance.  We  see  no  satisfac- 
tory reason  for  increasing  the  difficulties  of  the  medical  officer 
by  asking  him  to  learn  new  and  unfamiliar  names  of  doubtful 
validity.  To  correct  the  name  of  an  insect  of  old  standing,  in 
supposed  obedience  to  the  letter  of  the  Law  of  Priority,  is 
often  to  act  contrary  to  the  spirit  of  that  Law.  The  plea  for 
the  retention  of  an  old  and  familiar  name,  notwithstanding 
its  questionable  validity,  is  to  be  urged  with  particular  force, 
especially  when  the  insect  named  is  either  of  medical  or  vet- 
erinary importance"  (p.  vii).  "In  this  book  the  old  and  familiar 
names  are  strictly  adhered  to,  for  instance  the  yellow  fever 
mosquito,  the  important  carrier  of  the  unknown  parasite  of  the 
disease,  is  Stcgomyia  fasciata ;  the  important  carrier  of  the 
parasites  of  malaria  in  Tropical  Africa  is  Anopheles  costalis. 
Although  the  alternative  names  are  given,  we  recommend  our 
students  to  use  these  familiar  names  and  no  others"  (p.  36). 
["So  this  is  progress!"] 

References  to  literature  have  been  entirely  omitted  from  this 
volume  on  the  ground  that  "the  medical  officer  stationed  in  the 
tropics  is  an  isolated  worker,  has  no  library  and  certainly  can- 
not afford  to  carry  about  with  him  a  large  number  of  journals 
and  papers  in  which  the  information  he  wants  may  be  found." 
We  suspect  that  many  others,  not  peripatetic  medical  officers, 
who  will  be  glad  to  use  this  book  for  various  purposes,  will 
find  it  necessary  to  supply  this  lack. 

The  authors  rightly  claim  that  "the  illustrations  of  the  book 
are  its  special  feature,  for  a  large  proportion  are  original  and 
are  drawings  of  the  specimens  exhibited"  in  the  courses  at 
Liverpool.  Others  are  from  the  old  Patton  and  Cragg  and 
from  a  variety  of  sources.  The  fullness  of  their  lettering  and 
explanation  will  be  of  the  greatest  service  to  the  many  users 
which  the  book  will  find.  Especially  noteworthy  are  the  numer- 
ous figures  of  internal  organs  and  of  sections,  which  will  inter- 
est all  students  of  morphology.  The  large  "revision  sheet" 
(26^4  x  17  inches),  consisting  of  figures  of  the  principal  ar- 
thropods discussed  and  attached  to  the  back  cover  of  the  book, 
must  not  be  forgotten. 

We  confidently  predict  that  the  authors'  hopes  as  to  the 
great  usefulness  of  their  work  to  both  parasitologists  and  to 
those  engaged  in  other  fields  of  entomology  will  be  fully  realized. 

Three  other  parts  or  volumes  uniform  with  this  are  planned 
as  follows:  Part  2,  Public  Health  by  Patton,  ready  in  1930; 
Part  3,  Tropical  Hygiene  by  Patton  and  Evans,  ready  in  1930; 
Part  4,  Veterinary  by  Patton  and  Fillers,  ready  in  1931. 



Plate  ]IJ. 


XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  29 


(Portrait,  I'latc*  III). 

Thomas  Nesmith  Brown  was  horn  in  Uniontown,  Pennsyl- 
vania, on  December  24,  1851,  and  died  in  the  city  of  his  birth 
on  January  19,  1929.  Thus  briefly  arc  recorded  the  beginning 
and  the  end  of  a  life  outwardly  uneventful  but  in  reality  of 
singular  interest  and  achievement. 

\Yhile  he  was  still  a  young  man,  Mr.  Brown's  attention  be- 
came attracted  to  entomology  through  reading  a  book  on  but- 
terflies, which  he  purchased  at  second  hand.  The  interest  thus 
aroused  led  him  to  further  study,  and  to  the  collection  of  this 
and  other  groups  ;  and  for  more  than  forty  years  he  continued 
to  build  up  a  large  and  valuable  private  collection,  especially  of 
Lepidoptera  and  Coleoptera.  lie  spent  a  year  in  California 
(1903)  and  a  year  in  Oklahoma  (1913)  ;  but  for  the  most  part 
his  work  was  confined  to  western  Pennsylvania  and  \Yest  Vir- 
ginia, and  especially  the  immediate  vicinity  of  Uniontown. 

He  was  particularly  successful  in  collecting  Cychrini.  which 
he  exchanged  in  large  numbers  for  specimens  from  all  over  the 
world.  There  are  at  least  two  collections  in  Pacific  Coast  uni- 
versities containing  series  of  this  group  bearing  Mr.  Brown's 
name  as  collector,  which  is  partially  representative  of  the  ex- 
tent of  his  exchanges. 

His  method  of  collecting  was  interesting.  He  would  visit 
some  of  the  deep,  secluded  valleys  among  the  mountains  near 
Uniontown,  and  pile  11  at  stones  one  on  top  of  another,  wher- 
ever he  could  find  them.  The  following  year  he  would  .140  back 
and  collect  the  beet  Irs  that  had  taken  up  residence  in  the  con- 
venient crevices  thus  provided.  1  am  not  sure  that  this  pro- 
cedure was  original  with  Mr.  Brown,  but  it  certainly  was  ef- 
fective as  he  used  it.  especially  for  such  forms  as  Scufliinotus 
(I rich nni )  ijcnnun  ('hand,  and  ridi/n/si  var.  monongahelae 

Mrs.  Brown  wrote  me  shortly  after  his  death,  "He  had  about 
fifteen  thousand  specimens  in  his  collection,  and  he  still  was 
collecting  till  we  would  not  let  him  go  to  the  mountains,  for  it 
was  not  safe  for  him  in  the  condition  he  was  in."  Mv  own 

30  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '30 

memory  is  that  his  collection  of  all  groups  was  even  larger  than 

This  indefatigable  collector  found  time  also  to  assemble  an 
interesting  group  of  geological  specimens,  and  of  Indian  relics. 
He  was  further  a  skillful  artist,  executing  a  number  of  paint- 
ings of  butterflies  and  moths,  accurate  and  beautiful  in  detail. 
Most  of  his  collections  were  given,  shortly  before  his  death,  to 
the  Benjamin  Franklin  High  School,  of  Uniontown. 

Mr.  Brown's  achievements  were  the  more  remarkable  in 
view  of  the  limitations  under  which  he  labored.  Without  even 
the  advantage  of  attending  high  school,  he  educated  himself, 
reading  widely  and  understandingly  in  many  scientific  fields. 
Hampered  by  limited  means,  and  forced  even  in  the  feebleness 
of  age  to  earn  his  living  day  by  day  (he  was  a  horticulturist 
and  landscape  gardener),  he  allowed  nothing  to  discourage  him 
from  scientific  and  intellectual  pursuits.  I  visited  him  last  on 
his  seventy-seventh  birthday.  In  broken  health,  and  mourning 
the  recent  death  of  his  daughter,  he  was  self-contained,  uncom- 
plaining, glad  to  converse  on  scientific  subjects,  eager  for  intel- 
lectual adventure,  and  undismayed  by  the  spiritual  adventure 
on  which  he  knew  he  was  soon  to  embark. 

He  is  survived  by  his  widow,  Mrs.  Louise  Malone  Brown, 
to  whom  he  was  married  on  September  13,  1877,  and  by  one 
daughter,  Mrs.  Phoebe  Click,  of  Uniontown. 

While  Mr.  Brown  was  known  through  correspondence  and 
exchange  to  a  wide  circle  of  entomologists  at  home  and  abroad, 
his  principal  service  was  to  his  own  community,  where  all  his 
life  he  labored  to  stimulate  interest  in  natural  history,  and  in 
the  study  of  the  local  fauna,  flora,  and  physiography.  He  rep- 
resented a  fine  type  of  amateur  naturalist  all  too  rare  in  Ameri- 
ca today.  Particularly  interested  in  young  people,  he  always 
warmly  welcomed  the  boys  -,who  came  to  him  with  their  ques- 
tions about  the  out-of-doors,  encouraging  and  instructing  them, 
lending  his  books  and  giving  freely  of  his  time.  Those  boys, 
one  of  whom  was  the  present  writer,  will  always  hold  him  in 
grateful  memory.  ROKF.RT  C.  MILLER. 

University  of  Washington. 

ENTOMOLOGICAL  \K\\S   fur   I  Kn.-iiibrr.   \(>2<),   was  mailed  at  the  Phila- 
delphia Post  Office  on  December  19,  1929. 

FEBRUARY,   1930 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  2 




Gunder  —  North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera  —  XI  ...        31 
The  New  Biological  Laboratories  at  Canberra,  Australia.  .......        33 

Bruton  —  Philip  Henry  Gosse's  Entomology  of  Newfoundland   .....        34 

Fulton  —  A  New  Species  of  Nemobius  from  North  Carolina  (Orthoptera  : 

Gryllidae)   .........................        38 

Hebard  —  Additional  Data  on  Nemobius  sparsalsus  Fulton  (Orthoptera: 

Gryllidae,  Nemobiinae)  ...................        42 

Brower  —  An  Experiment  in  Marking  Moths  and  Finding  them  Again 

(Lepid.;   Noctuidae)  .......................        44 

Imschweiler  —  An  Appreciative  Subscriber  ...............        46 

Knight  —  Recognition  of  Lygus  lucorum  Meyer  from  North  America 

(Hemiptera,  Miridae)    .....................        47 

Cockerell  —  A  Fossil  Dragon-fly  from  California  (Odonata:  Calop- 

terygidae)  ............................        49 


Entomological  Literature  ........................        58 

Obituary—  Rev.  Alfred  Edwin  Eaton,  Frank  Hurlbut  Chittenden,  James 

Walker  McColloch,  George  F.  Gaumer  .............        63 

Hilton  —  Another  Genus  of  Protura  in  California 

Possible  Light  on  Geographic  Distribution  of  Insects  .......    .,    . 

Van  Duzee  —  New  Species  of  Dolichopodidae  from  North  America  (Dip.) 
Editorial  —  Entomology  at  the  Convocation  Week  Meetings,  December 
27,  1929,  to  January  2,  1930 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing:  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate   Editors;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,    Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
United  States  and  possessions         .        .      $3.00 
Canada,  Central  and  South  America      .        3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents. 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue.  1  in..  $  1.20,  2  in..  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  "  11.00,  "  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.     All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
scriptions, non-receipt  of  the  NEWS  or  of  reprints,  and  requests   for   sample 
copies,  should  be  addressed  to 

All  complaints  regarding  non-receipt  of  issues  of  the  NEWS  should  be 
presented  within  three  months  from  date  of  mailing  of  the  issue.  After 
that  time  the  numbers  will  be  furnished  only  at  the  regular  rate  for  single 
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receipt  acknowledged  before  a  notary,  except  at  the  subscriber's  expense. 
MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
munications to  the  editor,  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
according  to  date  of  reception.  The  receipt  of  all  papers  will  be  acknowl- 
edged. Owing  to  the  limited  size  of  each  number  of  the  NEWS,  articles 
longer  than  six  printed  pages  will  be  published  in  two  or  more  installments, 
unless  the  author  be  willing  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  a  sufficient  number  of 
additional  pages  in  any  one  issue  to  enable  such  an  article  to  appear  without 

Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
tion, without  change  in  form  and  without  covers,  will  be  given  free  when 
they  are  wanted ;  if  more  than  twenty-five  copies  are  desired  this  should  be 
slated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  for 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
each  case  on  application  to  the  Editor.  Blocks  furnished  or  paid  for  by 
authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited ;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
five  given  free  at  the  following  rates:  One  or  two  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  35  cents; 
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of  copies  will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 


Plate  IV. 





VOL.  XLI.  FEBRUARY,   1930  No.  2 

North  American  Institutions  featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XI.   Rutgers  University,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  IV,  V.) 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  principal  colleges  and  schools 
in  United  States  where  entomology  is  seriously  taught  are 
non-sectarian.  There  is  not  much  clanger,  therefore,  of  direct 
interference  by  certain  classes  of  anti-evolutionists,  so  far  as 
it  may  concern  the  study  of  insects. 

Rutgers  University  at  New  Brunswick  is  the  State  Univer- 
sity of  New  Jersey  and  was  founded  in  1766  by  the  former 
Protestant  Dutch  Church  of  America.  It  is  one  of  the  old 
colonial  colleges  and  its  history  is  set  forth  in  a  book  entitled, 
"History  of  Rutgers  College"  published  by  Dr.  Wm.  H.  Demar- 
est  in  1924.  Like  most  of  the  old  seats  of  learning,  it  is  sup- 
ported by  accumulated  private  funds  with  occasional  State  and 
Federal  aid.  The  school  is  situated  on  an  original  site  of  some 
thousand  acres  and  occupies  more  than  two  hundred  buildings, 
many  of  which  are  modern,  while  the  majority  are  small  and 
of  the  old  stone  and  brick  type,  though  quite  suited  for  their 
purposes.  The  enrollment  for  1929  was  over  nine  thousand. 
The  University  divides  its  activities  among  six  branches,  called ; 
the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  the  College  of  Engineering, 
the  College  of  Pharmacy,  the  College  of  Agriculture,  etc. 

Of  interest  to  lepidopterists  is  the  Department  of  Entomol- 
ogy in  connection  with  the  College  of  Agriculture,  because  it 
was  here  that  Dr.  John  B.  Smith,  Rev.  Gen.  Ilulst  and  others 
developed  their  work  and  deposited  their  collections.  Ilulst 
instigated  the  first  entomological  studies  in  1888.  lie-  was  an 
alumnus  of  the  Class  of  1866  and  when  he  died  his  collections 
of  butterflies  and  moths  were  left  to  the  school.  Though  many 
of  his  types  are  now  in  Washington,  the  bulk  of  his  collections 
remain  as  he  left  them.  Smith  first  came  to  Rutgers  in  1889 


32  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

and  proceeded  to  organize  the  Entomological  Department  along 
educational  lines,  becoming  its  first  professor  in  charge.  At 
the  same  time  he  was  appointed  entomologist  for  the  New  Jer- 
sey Agriculture  Experimental  Station.  Later,  in  1898,  his  work 
merited  the  office  of  Chief  State  Entomologist.  Dr.  Smith  was  with 
the  University  up  until  the  time  of  his  death  in  March,  1912,1 
and  probably  his  outstanding  accomplishment  was  in  the  Noc- 
tuidae  of  which  he  described  the  types  of  many  new  species, 
adding  approximately  800  to  the  collection.  Smith's  two  Check 
Lists  of  Lepidoptera  (1891  and  1903)  are  well  remembered, 
but  of  course  are  long  since  out  of  date.  His  "Explanations 
of  Terms  used  in  Entomology"  is  still  unique  and  no  one  seems 
willing  to  attempt  a  newer  revision. 

Dr.  Smith  did  outstanding  work  in  the  field  of  economic  en- 
tomology as  well,  bringing  about  the  control  of  the  San  Jose 
scale.  It  is  due  to  his  research  that  miscible  oils  were  placed  on 
the  market,  as  a  means  of  controlling  this  and  other  scale  insects. 
He  accomplished  the  passage  of  the  first  insect  laws  in  his  state 
and  his  mosquito  control  work  stands  as  a  model  for  similar 
efforts  elsewhere. 

Plate  V  shows  the  collections  as  they  appear  today.  They 
are  well  kept  and  in  good  order.  Most  of  the  Noctuidae  are  in 
the  uniform  cabinets  to  the  left  in  the  picture.  Some  day  some 
one  will  segregate  the  type  specimens,  but  whoever  does  this 
should  know  his  business,  otherwise  the  collection  should  be  left 
as  it  is.  There  are  about  30,000  lepidopterous  specimens  alto- 
gether. Aside  from  Smith's  material  there  are  about  100,000 
mounted  specimens  in  all  orders  in  the  Department's  collection, 
as  follows:  35,000  Coleoptera ;  14,000  Hymenoptera;  4000 
Hemiptera ;  4000  Diptera ;  1400  Orthoptera  and  representatives 
in  other  Orders  in  proportion.  Although  no  new  types  have 
been  added  of  late  years,  there  is  always  that  hope.  However, 
the  bulk  of  the  collection  is  gradually  increasing  in  size.  Miss 
Augusta  Meske,  who  is  Dr.  Smith's  sister-in-law,  is  still  an 
Assistant  Entomologist  in  the  Department.  I  understand  there 
are  55  students  taking  a  straight  course  in  entomology  at  the 
present  time. 

1  See  obituary  in  May,  1912,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  ;  also  notice  in 
May,  1912,  Canadian  Entomologist,  by  Mr.  Arthur  Gibson. 


Plate  V. 

An  aisleway  in  the  Entomology  Building  showing 
Dr.  Smith's  collections  as  they  look  today. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  33 

Dr.  Thomas  J.  Headlee  was  appointed  to  fill  the  vacancy 
caused  by  the  death  of  Dr.  Smith  and  he  is  shown  on  the  ac- 
companying Plate  IV  seated  at  his  desk  in  conference  with  Mr. 
Carl  Ilg.  Dr.  Headlee  received  his  A.B.  and  A.M.  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Indiana  and  his  Ph.D.  at  Cornell  University.  While 
interested  generally  in  insect  physiology,  most  of  his  studies 
have  been  along  the  lines  of  strict  economic  entomology  and 
he  has  published  more  than  170  articles  in  various  kindred 
journals.  Among  his  first  papers,  though  probably  not  his  most 
important,  was  "A  Study  in  Butterfly  Wing  Venation,  with 
Special  Regard  to  the  Radial  Vein  of  the  front  Wing",  Smith- 
sonian Miscellaneous  Collections,  1907.  A  recent  paper  of 
interest  appearing  in  the  March,  1929,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc. 
is  titled  "Some  Facts  Relative  to  the  Effect  of  High  Frequency 
Radio  Waves  on  Insect  Activity".  This  article  is  in  co-author- 
ship with  R.  C.  Burdette. 

Every  lepidopterist  who  goes  to  Rutgers  to  study  the  collec- 
tions meets  and  knows  Carl  Ilg.  Mr.  Ilg  has  been  with  the 
Department  as  Laboratory  Assistant  since  1921  in  charge  of 
the  insects  and  exhibit  material.  His  special  hobby  is  the  making 
of  minature  insect  habitat  groups.  I  have  seen  several  of  these 
little  exhibit  cases  and  they  are  truly  clever.  Mr.  Ilg  should 
be  encouraged  to  pursue  his  talent  along  this  line.  Many 
museums  and  schools  might  be  interested  in  such  products. 
Mr.  Ilg  was  born  in  Wurttemberg,  Germany,  and  worked  for 
a  while  at  Cornell  University. 

The  New  Biological  Laboratories  at  Canberra,  Australia. 

Dr.  R.  J.  TILL  YARD,  the  Commonwealth  Entomologist,  wrote 
to  the  editor  of  the  NEWS  on  November  26,  1929:  Our  fine 
new  Laboratory  Building,  which  should  have  been  readv  by 
July,  is  still  not  complete,  but  we  are  in  possession  of  half  the 
ground  floor.  .  .  .  We  hope  to  be  in  possession  of  the  entire 
building  by  January  1st,  and  we  have  also  two  fine  new  in- 
sectaries  in  good  working  order.  Next  year  there  will  still 
remain  the  big  central  Administrative  Block  and  the  Botanical 
Laboratory  to  be  built.  ...  So  we  shall  not  be  completely  in- 
stalled until  December,  1930,  or  even  later. 

34  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '30 

Philip  Henry  Gosse's  Entomology  of  Newfoundland. 

Introductory  Note  by  F.  A.  BRUTON,  M.A.,  Litt.D., 

27  Clevedon  Rd.,  Weston-super-Mare,  Somerset,  England. 

Pbilip  Henry  Gosse,  the  English  Naturalist,  landed  at  Car- 
bonear,  in  Newfoundland,  in  the  year  1827,  when  he  was  seven- 
teen years  old ;  and  for  some  eight  years  he  was  employed 
in  a  shipping  firm  in  that  country.  In  May,  1832,  he  purchased 
a  copy  of  Adams's  "Essays  on  the  Microscope"  at  a  sale  at 
Harbour-Grace,  and  of  that  year  he  wrote:  "In  1832  I  com- 
menced that  serious  and  decisive  devotion  to  scientific  Natural 
History  which  has  given  the  bent  to  my  whole  life." 

In  1835  he  left  Newfoundland,  and  bought  a  farm  at  Comp- 
ton  in  Canada.  Here,  in  the  following  year,  as  his  biographer 
tells  us,  he  wrote  his  first  book,  entitled :  "Entomologia  Terrae 
Novae",  which  has  never  been  published.  Early  in  1839  he 
returned  to  England,  and  on  the  voyage  he  wrote  his  "Canadian 
Naturalist'',  which  was  published  in  London  in  the  next  year, 
and  had  a  favorable  reception. 

In  response  to  a  number  of  requests  from  Canada  and  New- 
foundland, the  late  Sir  Edmund  Gosse  searched  carefully,  but 
without  success,  for  his  father's  "Entomologia  Terrae  Novae". 
Since  Sir  Edmund's  death,  however,  the  volume  has  been  found 
by  his  son,  Dr.  Philip  Gosse.  In  a  small  book,  with  between 
sixty  and  seventy  pages,  there  are  nearly  two  hundred  and  fifty 
beautiful  hand-painted  figures  of  insects,  larvae,  and  pupae, 
and  the  pages  are  headed,  in  very  faint  pencil,  more  or  less 
according  to  the  list  of  orders  and  genera  given  in  the  twelfth 
edition  of  Linnaeus's  "Systema  Naturae." 

In  this  connection,  it  may  be  interesting  to  quote  a  few  sen- 
tences from  the  author's  preface  to  his  "Manual  of  Marine 
Zoology",  published  many  years  afterwards.  There  he  says : 

It  is  now  about  twenty-four  years  ago  that,  in  a  land  far 
remote  from  this,  I  began  the  study  of  Systematic  Zoology  with 

In  my  ignorance,  I  attacked  it  entire  and  indivisible — collect- 
ing and  trying  hard  to  identify  everything  that  I  found,  from 
the  Cicindela  to  the  Podura. 

I  had  not  an  atom  of  assistance  towards  the  identifications, 
but  the  brief,  highly  condensed,  and  technical  generic  characters 
of  Linnaeus's  "Systema  Naturae";  over  which  I  puzzled  my 
brains,  specimens  in  hand,  many  an  hour. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  35 

At  the  beginning  and  end  of  the  book,  very  faintly  pencilled, 
are  long  lists  of  insects,  which  seem  to  be  of  the  nature  of 
memoranda.  One  list  is  headed:  "Insects  described  but  not 
painted  herein."  The  book,  however,  contains  no  descriptions 
whatever,  and  we  can  only  conclude  that  the  intention  was 
frustrated  by  other  duties.  That  a  wide  field  is  covered  may 
be  seen  from  the  list  that  follows.  The  pictures  evoked  the 
admiration  of  the  experts  at  the  British  Museum. 

With  the  consent  of  Dr.  Philip  Gosse,  I  took  the  book  to 
the  British  Museum  (Natural  History)  at  South  Kensington, 
in  March,  1929,  and  there  Major  Austen,  D.S.O.,  who  is  the 
Keeper  of  Entomology,  very  kindly  arranged  that  I  should 
submit  the  book  in  turn  to  the  Heads  of  the  various  Sections 
under  his  direction.  I  must  here  acknowledge,  most  gratefully, 
the  great  kindness  of  Major  Austen  and  the  following  members 
of  his  Staff,  who  spared  no  pains  in  the  attempt  to  identify  and 
classify  the  Insects  figured  in  the  book.  The  names  are: 

Mr.  G.  J.  Arrow  and  Mr.  K.  G.  Blair,  (Coleoptera)  ;  Mr. 
W.  E.  China  and  Mr.  R.  J.  Izzard,  (Hemiptera)  ;  Captain  N. 
D.  Riley,  Mr.  W.  H.  Tarns,  and  Mr.  H.  Stringer,  (Lepidop- 
tera)  ;  Mr.  D.  E.  Kimmins,  (Neuroptera)  ;  Dr.  Waterston,  Mr. 
R.  B.  Benson,  and  Dr.  Charles  Ferriere,  (Hymenoptera)  ;  and 
Miss  D.  Aubertin  and  Mr.  F.  W.  Edwards,  (Diptera). 

Some  of  the  figures  are  named,  but  hardly  any  of  these  names 
would  stand  now;  a  few  had  been  re-named  by  Mr.  W.  H. 
Edwards  in  1882.  English  names  ("Banded  Veneer",  etc.) 
had  been  appended  to  a  number  of  the  moths. 


List  of  Insects  Figured,  Pages  1  to  61. 

ACRIDIDAE:  Mclanoplus  sp. 

FORFICULIDAE  :  Forficula  sp. 

Three  larvae  of  Ephemera. 

36  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '30 


GOMPHIDAE:  Gomphus  sp.  AESCHNIDAE:  Aesohna  2  spp. 
CORDULIIDAE:  Two  specimens.  LIBELLULIDAE  :  Libcllula  quad- 
rimaculata  Linn.  LESTIDAE  :  One  specimen.  AGRIONIDAE  :  Two 


Thrips,  sp. 


PENTATOMIDAE  :  Doubtful  genus  pencilled  Cimex.  LYGAEI- 
DAE:  Eremocoris  ferus  Say.  MIRIDAE:  Calocoris  no-rvegicus 
Gmelin.  GERRIDAE  :  Gerris  remigis  Say.  CORIXIDAE  :  One  spec- 
imen, probably  Arctocorisa  sp.  (pencilled:  Notonecta}.  CICA- 
DELLIDAE  :  Dcltoccphalns  configuratus  Uhler,  Draeculacephala 
angulifcra  Walker  or  noveboracensis  Fitch,  Evacanthus  acu- 
minatus  Fabricius. 


HEMEROBIIDAE  :  Hemerobius  2  spp. 

LIMNOPHILIDAE:  Limnophilus  sp.    Another  specimen. 


Classified  according  to  the  Check-List  of  Lepidoptera  of 
Boreal  America :  by  Wm.  Barnes  and  J.  Me.  Dunnough. 

RHOPALOCERA — PAPILIONIDAE  :  Papilio  glaucus  canadewsis 
R.  &  J.,  P.  poly.vcnes  brevicauda  Saunders.  PIERIDAE:  Pieris 
napi  (frigida  Scud.)  gen.  aest.  acadica.  Edw.  NYMPHALIDAE: 
Aglais  milbcrti  Godt.,  A.  antiopa  Linn.,  Vanessa  atalanta  Linn., 
Vanessa  car  dm  Linn.  SATYRIDAE:  Ocncis  chryxus  Calais 
Scud.,-  Coenonympha  inornata  Edwards.  LYCAENIDAE  :  H codes 
cpixanthc  Boisduval,  Plcbeius  scudderi  aster  Edw.,  PI.  aquilo 
Boisduval,  Glaucopsyche  lygdanius  coupcri  Grote. 

//ETEROCERA — NoCTUiDAE :  Euxoa  sp.,  Agrotis  plccta  Linn., 
Lycophotia  occulta  Linn.  Xylcna  nupcra  Lintner,  Trachea  fini- 
titna  Guenee,  Agroperina  co  git  at  a  Smith,  Erctnobia  claudens 
Walker,  Hyppa  xylinoidcs  Guenee,  Aparnca  nic titans  Linn., 
Autographa  brassicae  Riley,  A.  putnanu  Grote,  A.  bimaculata 
Stephens.  LYMANTRIIDAE:  Notolophus  antiqua  Linn.  GEO- 
METRIDAE:  Rachela  bruciata  Hulst,  Calocalpc  undulata  Linn., 
Dysstroma  ccrvinifascia  Walker,  Enlype  hastata  Linn.,  Mcso- 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  37 

leuca  ruficiliata  Guenee,  Lygris  propulsata  Walker,  Eufidonia 
notataria  Walker,  Bapta  vcstnliata  Guenee,  I  tame  sulphured 
Packard,  /.  subccssaria  Walker,  Pcro  honcstarius  Walker. 
PYRALIDAE:  Cr ambus  agitatcllus  Clemens,  C.  topiarius  Zeller, 
C.  innotatcllus  Walker,  C.  trichostomus  Christoph,  Evcrgestis 
straminalis  Hiib.,  Phlyctucnia  itysalis  Walker,  Pyrausta  orphi- 
salis  Walker.  TORTRICIDAE  :  Tortrix  sp.  EUCOSMIDAE:  Epi- 
blcma  sp.,  Olethreutes  dealbana  Walker,  0.  capreana  Hiibner, 
Ancylis  biarcuana  Stephens.  OECOPHORIDAE:  Dcpressaria  sp. 
(near  applana  Fab.),  Dasycera  sp.  (near  sulphur ella  Fab.). 
PTEROPHORIDAE:  Platyptttia  carduidactyla  Riley. 


CARABIDAE:  Sphaeroderus  Iccontei  Dej.,  Notiophilus  aquati- 
ciis  Linn.,  ?  Agonum  or  ?  Platynus  (probably  Platynus  cupri- 
pcnnis  Say.),  Carabus  macandcr  Fisch.,  Loricera  puicornis 
Fab.  DYTISCIDAE:  ?  Agabus,  ?  Hydro poru-s.  GYRINIDAE: 
Gyrinus  sp.  STAPHYLINIDAE:  Creophilus  maxillosus  Linn. 
SILPHIDAE:  Nccrophorus  ?  mortuorum  (Note:  mortuorum  is 
recorded  from  Nfld.).  BYRRHIDAE:  Cytilus  scriceus  Forst. 
(Nflcl.).  COCCINELLIDAE  :  Coccindla  trifasciata  Linn.,  Adalia 
bipunctata  Linn.  TELEPHORIDAE  :  Telephorus  sp.  ELATERIDAE  : 
Cor\nnbites  pictus  Cand.,  C.  triundulatus  Rand.,  C.  kcndalli 
Kirby.  MORDELLIDAE:  Morddhi  sp.  PYROCHROIDAE  :  Dcndroi- 
dcs  concolor  Newman.  CEPHALOIDAE:  Ccphaloon  lepturoides 
Hald.  APHODIIDAE:  Aphodius  fiinctarius  Linn.  CERAMBYCI- 
DAE:  Crioccphalus  agrcstis  Kirby,  Lcptura  ?  lacta  Leconte, 
Evodinus  monticola  Rand.  HALTICIDAE:  Phyllotreta  vittata 
Fab.,  Chaetocncma  sp.  CURCULIONIDAE:  Otiorhynchus  ?  sul- 
catus  Fab.,  Orchcstcs  sp.,  Sitona  2  spp.,  Notaris  ?  aethiops 
Fab.  or  puncticollis  Lee.  (Nfld.),  Pissodcs  notatns  Fab.,  Cahiti- 
dra  ?  granaria  Linn,  or  oryza-c  Linn.  SCOLYTIDAE:  Dcndroc- 
tonus  rufipennis  Kirby. 


TENTHREDINIDAE:  Three  larvae,  Chnbex  violacca  Kirby, 
Trichiosoma  (larva  only),  Trichiosoma  sp.  SIRICIDAK:  Uro- 
cerus  albicornis  Fab.  (female),  U.  flaricornis  Fab.  (male  and 
female),  Sir  ex  abbotii  Kirby  (male),  5".  ?  cyancus  Fab.  (fe- 

38  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '30 

male).  ICHNEUMONIDAE:  (as  numbered  by  Gosse)  :  1.  Coclich- 
neumon  cocruleus  Cresson  (female),  2.  Ichneumon  sp.  (male), 
3.  Hcnicospilus  sp.  (female),  4.  Ctcnichncumon  sp.  (female), 
5.  Ephialtcs  sp.  (female),  6.  Ichneumon  sp.  (male),  7.  Ctcnich- 
neumon  sp.  (male).  CLEONYMIDAE:  one  figure  (not  Chalcis 
as  marked).  FORMICIDAE:  Formica  or  Camponotus  (an  alate 
form).  CHRYSIDIDAE:  Chrysis  sp.  VESPIDAE:  V-cspa  sp., 
V.  maoulata  Linn.,  Odynerus  sp.  CRABRONIDAE:  Crabro  sp. 
APIDAE:  Nomada  sp. 


TIPULIDAE  :  Pcdicia  albivitta  Walker,  Eriocera  spinosa  Osten 
Sacken,  Tanyptera  dorsalis  Walker.  PTYCHOPTERIDAE  :  Bitta- 
comorpha  clavipes  Fab.  STRATIOMYIDAE  :  Stratiomyia  laticeps 
Loew,  O.rycera  sp.  TABANIDAE:  Clirysops  sp.,  Tabanus  zonalis 
Kirby.  ASILIDAE:  Laphria  lasipus  Wriedemann.  SYRPHIDAE: 
Volucella  ?  ere  eta  Walker,  Syrphus  sp. 


A  New  Species  of  Nemobius  from  North  Carolina 
(Orthoptera :  Gryllidae).1 

By  B.  B.  FULTON,  N.  C.  State  College,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina. 

Nemobius  sparsalsus2  new  species. 

This  species  was  found  in  a  strip  of  marsh  grass,  Spartina 
stricta,  bordering  a  shallow  sound  near  Carolina  Beach,  sixteen 
miles  south  of  Wilmington,  North  Carolina.  Its  presence  was 
detected  by  its  distinctive  type  of  song. 

Type;  female;  Carolina  Beach,  N.  C.,  Sept.  12,  1928.  Types 
deposited  in  the  U.  S.  National  Museum. 

Size  large  for  the  genus.  Head  as  wide  as  pronotum.  Eye 
1.4  times  as  long  as  wide.  Length  of  segments  of  maxillary 
palpus  as  follows:  third  1.0  mm.,  fourth  .7  mm.,  fifth  1.5  mm. 
Diameter  of  fifth  segment  increases  gradually  to  tip  which  is 
slightly  obliquely  truncated ;  diameter  at  tip  .35  mm.  Pro- 
notum 2.6  mm.  long ;  greatest  width  at  middle  3.4  mm. ;  slightly 
narrower  at  anterior  and  posterior  margins ;  median  line  im- 
pressed ;  covered  with  fine  brown  pubescence  and  scattered 
black  bristles.  Tegmina  cover  about  half  the  abdomen;  dorsal 

1  Published  with  the  approval  of  the  Director  of  Research  as   Paper 
No.  35  of  the  journal  series. 
"  From  Spartuia,  marsh  grass  and  salsits,  salt. 


XLI,  '30] 



field  obliquely  truncated;  intermediate  channel  rather  wide, 
distally  narrowing-  to  three-fourth  of  width  at  middle.  Dorsal 
field  of  right  tegmen  with  three  complete  veins,  the  external 
one  forked,  and  a  fourth  nearly  complete  vein.  Dorsal  field  of 
left  tegmen  with  only  one  complete  vein,  which  is  forked,  and 
a  vestigial  second  vein.  Hind  tibia  four-fifths  and  tarsus  three- 
fifths  the  length  of  the  femur.  Spurs  and  spines  of  hind  tibia 
unusually  long  for  the  genus ;  disto-ventral  spurs  very  unequal 
in  length;  the  longest  inner  spur  (2.9  mm.)  reaches  the  base 
of  the  disto-internal  spur  of  the  metatarsus  ;  disto-internal  spine 
nearly  equals  longest  spur  (2.7  mm.).  Ovipositor  slightly 
shorter  than  hind  femur ;  with  a  slight  but  distinct  curve  about 
the  distal  third ;  upper  edge  nearly  straight  at  tip,  with  low 
rounded  teeth  ;  extreme  tip  of  upper  rods  obliquely  truncated. 
Color  nearly  uniform  dark  sepia,  becoming  nearly  black  on 
occiput,  pronotum.  dorsal  field  and  upper  portion  of  lateral 
field  of  tegmina.  Proximal  portion  of  hind  femora  lighter 
sepia.  Faint  trace  of  four  lighter  longitudinal  lines  on  occiput. 

Fig.   1.     Nemobius  sparsalsus,  new  species.     A.     Lateral  view  of  type. 

Enlarged  view  of  tip  of  ovipositor.     C.     Dorsal   field  of  tegmen  of 

allotype.      D.      Same   of    N.    fasciatus    socius   from   Wilmington,    N.    C. 

Exposed  abdominal  tergites  each  with  pair  of  small  slightly 
lighter  blotches  at  level  of  cerci.  Ovipositor  black,  tip  dark- 
reddish  brown.  Maxillary  palpi  sepia,  distal  portion  of  fifth 
segment  darkest.  Head,  pronotum  and  tegmina  shiny. 

Allotype ;  male ;  same  data  as  type.  Similar  to  female  in 
general  structure  and  color.  Tegmina  broad  and  cover  a  little 
more  than  half  the  abdomen;  distal  margin  of  dorsal  field 
broadly  curved  and  oblique,  apical  area  broader  than  long; 

40  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

longest  part  of  dorsal  field  near  the  fold  and  but  little  longer 
than  lateral  field.  Proximo-internal  spine  of  hind  tibia  special- 
ized as  in  other  native  species. 

Tegmina  entirely  dark  sepia  including  all  the  veins.  Exposed 
abdominal  tergites  black  with  fine  brownish  pubescence,  con- 
cealed tergites  shining  black.  Sixth  and  seventh  abdominal 
tergites  with  paired  obscure  lighter  spots  at  level  of  cerci. 

Paratypic  series ;  seven  females,  five  males ;  same  data  as  type. 
All  of  the  females  have  the  stout,  slightly  curved  ovipositor 
with  minutely  truncate  tip.  All  males  have  the  obliquely  trun- 
cated tegmina.  No  long-winged  forms  are  present.  With  the 
exception  of  one  female,  the  general  coloration  is  dark  sepia  to 
black.  In  the  exception  noted  all  parts  except  the  dorsum  of 
abdomen  and  ovipositor  are  medium  sepia,  slightly  mottled  on 
head  and  pronotum  but  otherwise  uniform.  Dorsum  of  abdomen 
blackish  and  shows  two  paired  rows  of  obscure  lighter  blotches 
on  the  exposed  tergites,  the  additional  rows  above  the  level  of 
the  cerci.  Measurements  in  millimeters : 

Pronotum  Hind  Hind 

Length       Tegmen        Femur  Tibia        Ovipositor 

Type     2.6  4.4                8.4                6.8               7.5 

Allotype     2.3  5.0               7.6               6.2  - 


Females    2.1-2.6  3.6-4.7  6.8-8.5  5.5-7.0          6.4-7.5 

Males    2.0-2.3  4.0-5.0  6.5-7.6  5.3-6.2 

Comparisons :  The  spurs  and  spines  of  the  hind  tibiae  are  rela- 
tively longer  and  in  the  larger  specimens  actually  longer  than 
those  of  any  species  examined.  The  minutely  tuncated  tip  of 
the  upper  rods  of  the  ovipositor  is  a  distinct  character  and  on 
account  of  the  mucky  nature  of  the  ground  where  the  species 
is  found,  it  could  hardly  be  due  to  wear  from  the  use  of  the 
organ  in  oviposition. 

The  species  is  distinct  from  N.  carolinus  and  N.  confusus  by 
the  unequal  length  of  the  disto-ventral  spurs  of  the  hind  tibiae. 
It  resembles  N.  cubensis  and  N .  palustris  in  the  curvature  and 
shape  of  the  tip  of  the  ovipositor ;  even  the  minute  truncation 
of  the  upper  rods  is  approached  in  some  specimens  of  these 
species  by  the  rather  sudden  curvature  of  the  lower  margin  of 
the  upper  rods  close  to  the  apex.  It  also  resembles  the  last 
two  species  in  the  uniform  dark  coloration,  but  differs  greatly 
from  them  in  body  size  and  length  of  ovipositor.  From  the 
subgenus  Allonemobius  the  new  species  differs  in  the  curvature 
of  the  ovipositor.  It  also  differs  further  from  N.  maculatus 
and  N.  ambitiosus  by  the  uniform  body  coloration;  from  N. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  41 

griseus  and  N.  griscus  funcralis  by  the  lack  of  contrasting 
colors  in  the  tegmina.  In  size  it  resembles  only  N.  fasciatus 
and  averages  larger  than  the  N.  fasciatus  socius  which  inhabits 
the  same  general  region.  It  differs  from  all  races  of  N.  fasci- 
atus by  (1.)  the  stouter  and  more  curved  ovipositor,  (2)  the 
uniform  dark  color  of  the  tegmina  which  in  N.  fasciatus  gen- 
erally have  distinctly  lighter  veins  or  areas,  (3)  the  uniform 
color  of  the  pronotum,  (4)  the  obliquely  sub-truncate  apical 
margin  of  the  dorsal  field  of  the  male  tegmina,  extending  but 
little  beyond  the  lateral  field.  In  dark  specimens  of  N.  fascia- 
tus the  lateral  lobes  of  the  pronotum  are  black  above  and  the 
ventral  margin  is  pale,  even  the  blackest  specimens  generally 
have  a  pale  spot  of  the  ventro-caudal  angle.  In  N.  fasciatus 
the  apical  area  of  the  dorsal  field  of  the  male  tegmina  is  rounded 
and  reaches  its  greatest  caudal  extension  near  the  middle. 

Habitat :  The  species  was  found  only  in  the  thick  growth  of 
marsh  grass,  Spartina  stricta,  which  is  one  of  the  dominants  in 
the  salt  marshes  of  the  North  Carolina  Coast,  forming  a  zone 
bordering  the  brackish  sounds.  The  grass  grows  about  a  foot 
high  in  a  black  silty  mud  which  is  partly  or  entirely  submerged 
at  high  tide.  The  crickets  live  about  the  crowns  of  the  grass 
and  on  the  ground  where  they  must  have  to  be  constantly  on 
the  alert  to  avoid  the  fiddler  crabs  which  overrun  the  place. 

It  was  practically  impossible  to  collect  the  crickets  by  sweep- 
ing in  the  high  grass.  The  series  was  obtained  by  holding  the 
open  net  on  the  ground  and  herding  the  crickets  into  it  by 
tramping  down  the  grass. 

Song:  My  attention  was  first  attracted  to  the  species  by 
hearing  the  unique  type  of  song.  Its  song  is  more  varied  in 
character  than  that  of  any  species  of  the  genus  I  have  observed. 
The  usual  calling  song  consists  of  short  notes  about  one  per 
second  at  80°  F  or  about  3  notes  per  5  seconds  at  70° F.  The 
pauses  are  of  briefer  duration  than  the  notes.  The  sound  is 
high-pitched  but  rather  weak  and  wheezy  for  the  size  of  the 
cricket.  Each  note  increases  slightly  in  volume  and  pitch  after 
starting.  There  is  no  rhythmical  regularity  about  the  repetition 
of  notes.  Often  when  starting  to  sing  and  at  irregular  intervals 

42  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

during  the  song  a  longer  and  louder  note,  2  to  3  seconds  long 
may  be  introduced. 

When  actively  courting  the  female,  the  male  resorts  to  short 
sharp  chirps,  3  or  4  per  second,  but  no  louder  than  the  longer 
notes.  At  times  the  long  and  very  long  notes  and  the  short 
chirps  may  be  mixed  up  promiscously  in  the  same  song. 

The  only  other  cricket  song  heard  in  the  Spartina  stricta  zone 
of  the  salt  marshes  was  the  silvery  tinkling  song  of  Anaxipha 

Additional  Data  on  Nemobius  sparsalsus  Fulton 
(Orthoptera:  Gryllidae,  Nemobiinae). 

By  MORGAN  HEBARD,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

Having  read  the  manuscript  of  Fulton's  paper  on  this  inter- 
esting species,  we  made  a  search  for  specimens  of  it  in  both 
the  studied  and  unreported  series  of  Gryllidae  in  the  Philadel- 
phia collections. 

The  results  were  somewhat  surprising,  as  among  the  very 
large  series  of  Nemobius,  only  seven  specimens  were  found,  six 
of  these  having  been  recorded  as  Nemobius  fasciatus  sociiis 

The  species  closely  resembles  that  insect  superficially,  but  the 
characters  given  by  Fulton  readily  distinguish  it  upon  closer 

In  many  very  dark  individuals  of  Nemobius  fasciatus  fasciatus 
(De  Geer)  and  its  southern  race  fasciatus  socius  before  us,  the 
pronotum,  without  exception,  has  a  pale  area  ventrad  on  the 
lateral  lobes. 

The  tegminal  truncation  in  the  male  sex  of  sparsalsus  is  val- 
uable in  distinguishing  it  from  typical  males  of  fasciatus,  but  in 
that  species  a  brilliantly  colored  woodland  condition  of  the  cen- 
tral northeastern  and  southeastern  mountainous  portion  of  its 
range,  mentioned  by  us  only  in  our  discussion  of  color  in  191 3, l 
also  has  truncate  tegmina  in  this  sex. 

1  Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phila.,  1913,  p.  410,  par.  3  and  4,  p.  415,  par.  1. 
That  brilliantly  colored  condition  we  then  believed  to  represent  merely 
individual  color  variation,  but  we  now  think  it  probable  that  a  woodland 
topomorph  is  represented,  possibly  worthy  of  nominal  recognition ;  cer- 
tainly is  as  worthy  of  such  as  the  condition  of  palitstris  found  in  the 
southeast  in  sphagnum,  which  we  there  treated  as  Nemobius  palitstris 
entrant  ins  Rehn  and  Hebard  on  page  472. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  43 

In  females  of  sparsalsus  the  ovipositor  curvature  is  distinct 
but  not  decided.  The  dorsal  margin  of  the  dorsal  valves  at  the 
apex  is  armed  with  blunt  teeth,  quite  distinct  from  the  sharp 
serrations  there  developed  in  fasciatus,  as  observed  by  Fulton. 

These  notes  are  based  on  the  following  specimens : 

Tybee  Island,  Georgia,  September  2,  1911,  (Hebard),  l^2 
[Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phila.]. 

Cedar  Key,  Florida,  July  13,  1905,  (Rehn  and  Hebard;  on 
salt  marsh  tidal  flats),  1  $  ,  1  $  ,3  [Hebard  Cm.]. 

Everglade,  Florida,  April  9,  1912,  (W.  T.  Davis),4  1^,2$, 
[Davis  and  Hebard  Clns.]. 

Virginia  Point,  Galveston  County,  Texas,  July  21,  1912, 
(Hebard;  one  only,  under  board  on  salt  marsh  (Spartina).), 
1  $,  [Hebard  Cm.]. 

Measurements  (in  millimeters). 


M^  M-i      —  <+H  M-l  U-<     O 

o  o  E  o^o  o  -Z 

c?  •£  "So  "5  v         "S'rt  u          "£'§ 

tjQ  ^*  tjQ   ~  fcjQ  G  tJO^O    £*  tUO  ("1, 

l^O  Qj    t*  flj    li)  W    rf    ^  W    ^ 

Tybee  Island,  Ga 10.9  2.2  4.7  6.9 

Cedar   Key,   Fla 10.7  2.2  4  7.3 

Everglade,    Fla 12  2.7  4.8  8.7 

Virginia  Point,  Tex 10.8  2.4  4.8  7.8 

Cedar  Key,   Fla.  9.8  2.6  3.8  7.9  7.8 

Everglade,   Fla 11  2.8  4.1  8.7  8.9 

We  believe  that  the  species  is  restricted  to  salt  marshes  and 
that  it  will  probably  be  found  quite  generally  distributed  in  such 
environment  over  its  range.  The  present  material  shows  that 
its  distribution  extends  south  from  the  type  locality,  Wilming- 
ton, North  Carolina,  along  the  Atlantic  Coast  around  Florida 
to  the  Gulf  Coast  and  there  as  far  westward  as  the  vicinity  of 
Galveston,  Texas.  It  is  quite  possible  that  the  type  locality 
represents  the  northern  limit  of  distribution  of  sparsalsns. 

2  Recorded  as  Ncinohins  fasciatus  socius  by  Hebard   (Proc.  Acad.  Nat. 
Sci.  Phila.,  1913,  p.  426)   and  by  Rehn  and  Hebard   (Ibid.  1916.  p.  287). 

3  Recorded   as    Ncnwbins  socius  by   Rehn   and    Hebard    (Proc.    Acad. 
Nat.    Sci.    Phila.,    1907,    p.    316)    and   as    Xcniol>iits   fasciatus   socius   by 
Hebard  (Ibid.,  1913,  p.  426). 

4  Recorded,  as  Ncnwbins  fasciatus  socius  by  Rehn  and  Hebard    (Jour. 
N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  XXII,  p.  114,  1914). 

44  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

An  Experiment  in  Marking  Moths  and  Finding  them 
Again  (Lepid.:  Noctuidae). 

By  AUBURN  E.  BROWER,  Willard,  Missouri. 

(Continued  from  page  15). 

The  list  of  returns  shows  that  thirty,  or  9.55%,  of  the  moths, 
were  found  a  second  time,  four  of  them  were  found  three 
times,  and  one  of  them  was  found  four  times.  The  last,  a  C. 
residua,  was  found  four  times  on  the  same  hillside,  the  last  time 
within  a  few  feet  of  where  it  had  been  marked  eight  days  pre- 
viously. All  of  those  found  three  times  were  innubens  and 
residua.  Two  ncogama  were  found  about  one  mile  (see  map} 
from  where  they  were  marked.  On  August  3,  two  ncogama 
were  found  on  the  same  white  oak  tree  in  North  Hollow ;  one 
had  been  marked  July  27  on  a  white  oak  tree  20  feet  to  the  east, 
and  the  other  had  been  marked  July  29  in  Long  Hollow  about 
one  mile  away. 

The  returns  do  not  indicate  any  definite  movement  in  one 
direction  but  a  continuous  shifting  about ;  however,  the  results 
do  not  show  what  became  of  the  numbers  of  ilia,  ncogama ,  and 
cpiouc  which  were  found  in  a  hollow  one  day  and  which  had 
completely  disappeared  by  the  next.  The  question  of  what  all 
species  do  under  unusual  meteorological  conditions  is  also  an 
open  one ;  nearby  local  showers  greatly  reduced  returns.  Where 
the  moths  were,  which  were  marked  in  a  hollow  but  were  not 
found  when  that  hollow  was  next  worked  but  were  found  upon 
a  still  later  visit,  is  another  puzzle. 

The  age  of  the  insects  has  a  great  influence  upon  the  returns. 
Worn  moths  move  about  much  more  and  presumably  much 
farther  than  freshly  emerged  individuals,  for  most  of  the  worn 
individuals  were  never  found  again.  The  period  of  emergence 
for  four  species  was  over,  viz.,  C.  ilia,  arnica,  junctitra,  and 
epionc.  Of  these,  159  specimens  were  marked  and  only  7,  or 
4.4%,  were  found  a  second  time,  none  a  third  time.  Of  the  155 
marked  specimens  of  all  other  species  23,  or  14.84%,  were 
found  a  second  time,  three  of  them  being  found  three  times, 
and  one  more  four  times.  These  figures,  despite  the  fact  (as 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  45 

a  glance  at  the  Table  will  show)  that  the  majority  of  the 
former  were  marked  during  the  first  days  of  the  work.  It  was 
not  due  to  the  death  of  the  moths  because  many  of  the  ilias 
live  into  September. 

C.  innubens  emerges  over  a  long  period,  and  part  were  al- 
ready worn.  Of  the  25  innubens  taken,  six  (including  form 
scintillans)  were  recorded  as  being  distinctly  worn,  or  with 
damaged  wings,  and  only  1,  or  16^3%,  was  found  again,  and 
only  the  second  time.  Of  the  19  specimens  not  recorded  as 
especially  worn,  5,  or  26.31%,  were  found  again,  two  of  them 
twice  more.  C.  lacrymosa,  angitsi,  habalis,  vidua,  and  luctuosa 
were  just  beginning  to  emerge  when  the  marking  started,  and 
robinsoni  had  not  yet  appeared  when  the  work  terminated. 
Species  like  innubens  and  residua-- possibly  arnica  should  be 
included  as  all  marked  individuals  were  much  worn — appear  to 
be  more  local  in  their  habits  than  such  species  as  ilia-,  neogaina, 
piatrix,  and  others. 

Quite  as  significant  as  the  actual  returns  are  the  negative 
data  because  they  are  so  much  greater  in  quantity.  An  area 
would  be  thoroughly  worked  and  nearly  every  moth  found, 
captured  and  marked,  but  by  the  next  day  all,  or  all  but  one 
or  two,  would  have  completely  disappeared.  The  morning  of 
July  27,  31  moths  were  marked  in  North  Hollow;  the  next 
morning  after  another  hot,  still  night,  only  one,  a  ncrissa, 
could  be  found.  Not  one  of  the  nine  marked  ilia  could  be  found, 
although  the  adjacent  woods  were  covered  in  order  to  see  if 
they  had  moved  away  from  the  hollow.  Nevertheless,  ilia  was 
even  commoner  in  the  hollow  than  the  day  before,  there  being 
more  present  than  could  be  caught  and  marked  in  the  time 
available.  July  26,  45  Catocalas  were  marked  in  Long  Hollow  ; 
the  next  day  only  one  was  found.  Eighty  individuals  of  ilia 
and  its  forms  were  marked,  but  only  two  were  ever  found 

These  data  have  been  presaged  by  former  collecting  experi- 
ences. C.  ilia  appears  early,  and  after  the  middle  of  July  per- 
fect specimens  are  rarely  taken,  while  many  species  do  not 
reach  the  height  of  emergence  until  later  than  that  date.  Big, 

46  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '30 

blundering  ilias  always  seem  to  frighten  a  scarce  form  away, 
especially  the  wary  lacrymosas.  A  number  of  times  in  the 
past,  the  worn  ilias  have  been  netted,  and  all  except  the  occa- 
sional females  crushed  and  tossed  aside,  but  such  an  attempt 
to  free  a  favorite  collecting  hollow  was  found  to  be  only  a 
temporary  relief.  More  ilia  replaced  those  killed  just  as  more 
lacrymosa  replaced  those  taken,  and  with  the  former  it  could 
not  have  been  a  case  of  emergence.  As  a  rule,  a  hollow  which 
is  closely  collected  one  day  is  not  as  good  the  next  as  one  un- 
touched, but  the  numbers  of  Catocalas,  many  of  them  flown, 
which  may  be  found  there  the  next  day  is  proof  that  the  indi- 
viduals do  a  great  deal  of  shifting  about.  In  the  fore  part  of 
the  season,  C.  junctura  is  found  in  caves  and  buildings,  under 
ledges,  cliffs,  and  banks,  and  on  trees  ;  but  after  hot,  dry  weath- 
er commences,  the  shallow  caves  in  the  cliffs  are  their  favorite 
hiding  places.  A  group  of  such  caves  (see  map)  have  yielded 
many  specimens  in  the  last  fourteen  years.  In  the  latter  part 
of  the  season  for  the  species,  almost  every  visit  yields  from  one 
to  eight  specimens,  nearly  all  flown  to  badly  worn ;  and  at  that 
time,  except  in  rainy  weather,  only  rarely  can  specimens  be 
found  under  favorable  ledges  and  in  old  buildings.  The  country 
has  been  searched  for  miles  around  without  finding  a  similarly 
favored  spot,  so.  the  conclusion  that  C.  junctura  flies  in  from 
unknown  distances  seems  justified. 

The  results  of  this  work  show  that  Catocalas  shift  about  a 
great  deal,  many  apparently  leaving  the  vicinity.  Some  species 
as  innubens  and  residua  seem  to  be  local  in  their  habits.  All 
species  move  about  much  less  when  freshly  emerged  than  after 
they  become  worn.  So  far  as  the  data  show,  the  movement  is 
in  no  definite  direction.  Weather  conditions  have  a  great  in- 
fluence upon  them.  Marking  individual  moths  and  finding  them 
again  is  feasible  in  some  groups  with  favorable  conditions. 

An  Appreciative   Subscriber. 

I  wish  to  thank  you  for  inserting  my  exchange  notice ;  it 
gave  me  fine  results  and  if  you  have  space  and  care  to  insert 
it  again  in  the  NEWS  for  the  coming  year  I  will  surely  appre- 
ciate it  very  much. 

JOHN  IMSCHWEILER,  Inglewood,  California. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  47 

Recognition  of  Lygus  lucorum  Meyer  from  North 
America  (Hemiptera,  Miridae). 

By  HARRY  H.  KNIGHT,  Iowa  State  College,  Ames. 

The  first  record  of  the  occurrence  of  Lygus  lucorum  Meyer 
in  the  Nearctic  Region  was  by  P.  R.  Uhler  (1886)  in  his 
"Check-List  of  the  Hemiptera  Heteroptera  of  North  Ameri- 
ca". On  the  authority  of  Uhler,  Mr.  Van  Duzee  (1917)  lists 
lucorum  Meyer  in  his  Catalogue,  but  no  North  American  speci- 
mens have  been  recognized  by  any  worker  since  the  initial 

When  the  writer  (1917)  published*  his  revision  of  the  genus 
Lygus  for  America  north  of  Mexico,  no  specimens  of  Lygus 
lucorum  Mey.  taken  in  North  America  could  be  located.  The 
Uhler  collection  and  other  material  in  the  U.  S.  National  Mu- 
seum was  searched  with  negative  results  in  an  effort  to  find  a 
specimen  bearing  the  label  "Lygus  lucorum  Mey."  which  might 
have  served  as  the  basis  for  the  record  by  Uhler  (1886).  In 
the  absence  of  authentic  specimens  the  writer  could  not  include 
lucorum  Mey.  among  the  recognized  species  of  the  Nearctic 

Recently  I  received  an  interesting  letter,  dated  July  11.  1929, 
from  Dr.  H.  T.  Fernald.  in  which  he  writes : 

About  twelve  years  ago  I  turned  over  our  college  collection 
of  Hemiptera  to  Dr.  Parshley  to  name,  and  I  believe  that  at 
that  time  he  sent  the  Mirids  on  to  you.  At  least  manv  of  our 
Mirids  bear  the  label.  "Det.  H.  H.  Knight.  1917."  When  this 
material  came  back  I  was  so  rushed  with  other  matters  that 
I  had  no  chance  to  look  it  over  so  it  was  arranged  in  the  boxes 
by  one  of  my  assistants.  Today  I  happened  to  pick  out  one 
of  those  boxes  and  found  a  specimen  labeled  as  follows :  lower 
label.  'Lygus  spmohc  Meyer,  Orono,'  and  with  an  X,  meaning 
that  it  was  originally  named  by  Uhler:  your  label.  'Det.  H.  H. 
Knight.  1917.  This  does  not  occur  in  U.  S.  Should  not  use 
this  record  until  collecting  is  authentic':  third  label,  printed 
number  519;  fourth,  the  insect  mounted  on  a  point. 

During  the  years  when  I  lived  at  Orono,  Maine,  I  collected 
Hemiptera  quite  carefully  and  kept  a  record  of  what  I  took. 
These  printed  numbers  I  put  on  to  correspond  with  my  entries 
in  a  book  giving  data  about  the  captures,  and  the  numbers  were 

*Bul.  391,  Cornell  Univ.  Agr.  Expt.  Sta.,  1917. 

48  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '30 

clipped  from  what  was  eveu  then  an  old  copy  of  the  Natural- 
ist's Directory,  published  in  SaJem.  The  type  of  these  numbers 
was  rather  distinctive  and  on  looking  at  the  specimen  this 
morning  I  recognized  that  number  instantly  and  went  to  my 
record  book,  in  which  I  find  the  following:  "1885.  August  25. 

Got  Nos.  509-326  in  the  pasture  back  of  the  college 

519.    Green  Lygus  lineolaris?" 

That  insect  was  either  later  sent  to  Uhler  and  named,  or 
was  named  fey  him  at  the  time  I  was  living  with  him  in  Balti- 
more in  1886. 

I  then  wrote  Dr.  Fenaald  stating  that  I  remembered  the  speci- 
men quite  well,  but  recalled  that  I  thought  it  might  represent 
Lygus  lucorum  Mey.  instead  of  L.  spinolac  Mey.  Not  wishing 
to  trust  my  memory  for  so  long  a  period  in  a  matter  involving 
the  record  of  an  European  species  occurring  in  North  America, 
I  requested  Dr.  Fernald  to  again  send  the  specimen  for  exam- 
ination. Dr.  Fernald  very  kindly  complied  with  my  request  so 
I  have  been  able  to  compare  his  specimen  with  European  speci- 
mens of  L.  lucorum  Mey.  and  L.  spinolac  Mey.  The  result  is 
I  find  the  Orono  specimen  to  be  Lygus  lucorum,  Meyer. 

The  species,  Lygus  lucorum  Mey.  and  Lygus  spinolac  Mey., 
are  closely  allied  green  forms,  yet  may  easily  be  separated  by 
certain  color  characters  that  have  been  used  by  the  best  Euro- 
pean authors  without  objection.  In  lucorum  Mey.  the  cuneus 
is  entirely  green,  whereas,  in  spinolac  Mey.  the  cuneus  is  black 
at  the  extreme  apex.  There  are  also  other  characters  but  the 
color  of  the  cuneus  may  be  relied  upon  to  separate  the  species. 

The  fact  now  seems  well  established,  namely,  that  Dr.  H.  T. 
Fernald  collected  Lygus  lucorum  Mey.  at  Orono,  Maine,  Aug. 
25,  1885.  Dr.  Uhler  examined  this  specimen  shortly  after  and 
gave  Dr.  Fernald  the  name  Lygus  spinolac.  However,  Uhler 
records  Lygus  lucorum  Mey.  in  his  Check  List  of  1886  and  fails 
to  mention  spinolac  Mey.  I  have  asked  Dr.  Fernald  his  opinion 
of  how  the  label  spinolac  Mey.  can  be  explained  for  his  speci- 
men. He  writes  as  follows : 

It  is  my  opinion  now  that  Uhler  named  this  specimen  Lygus 
spinolae  and  that  later,  in  preparing  his  Check  List,  either  for- 
got all  about  it  but  had  evidence  from  other  sources  of  the 
presence  of  lucorum  in  this  country,  or  else  that,  on  thinking 
the  matter  over,  he  decided  that  this  specimen  was,  after  all, 


Plate   VI. 


XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  49 

lucorum.    I  am  positive  that  he  gave  me  the  name  spinolae  for 
it,  or  I  would  not  have  known  anything  about  spinolae. 

The  writer  hopes  this  article  may  stimulate  some  interest 
among  the  entomology  students  at  Orono,  and  send  them  forth 
to  search  for  the  long  lost  Lygus  lucorum  Mey.  It  is  possible 
that  some  of  the  collections  made  in  that  locality  may  even  now 
contain  this  uniformly  green  Lygus.  However,  there  is  another 
green  species,  Lygus  pabulmus  L.,  which  occurs  in  that  area 
and  may  cause  confusion  in  identification,  but  pabulums  L.  is 
more  slender  and  distinguished  by  having  the  carina  across 
base  of  vertex  obsolete  on  the  middle.  Lygus  lucorum  Mey. 
is  about  the  size  and  shape  of  the  tarnished  plant  bug  (L.  pra- 
tensis  oblineatus  Say),  but  uniformly  green  or  yellowish  green 
in  color.  By  next  summer  it  will  be  forty-five  years  since  Dr. 
Fernald  captured  the  only  known  specimen  of  Lygus  lucorum 
Mey.  from  North  America.  Who  will  be  the  first  to  rediscover 
this  long  neglected  species  ? 

A  Fossil  Dragon-fly  from  California 
(Odonata :  Calopterygidae). 

By  T.  D.  A.  COCKERELL,  Boulder,  Colorado. 
(Plate  VI.) 

It  has  seemed  strange  that  the  State  of  California,  so  rich  in 
fossils  of  many  kinds,  possessed  no  deposits  of  fossil  insects, 
with  the  exception  of  certain  beetle  elytra  from  the  Pleistocene. 
Recently,  however,  Dr.  Ralph  W.  Chancy  was  looking  for 
fossil  plants  in  the  Eocene  of  Northern  California,  and  at 
Phillips  sawmill,  five  miles  southeast  of  Montgomery  Creek, 
Shasta  County,  he  found  the  central  portion  of  a  dragon-fly 
wing  in  soft  bluish  rock.  It  occurred  with  fossil  plants  indicat- 
ing a  swamp  habitat.  The  specimen,  though  imperfect,  seems 
unquestionably  to  belong  to  the  Zygopterous  subfamily  I'oly- 
thorinae,  at  present  confined  to  the  Neotropical  Region.  I  am 
inclined  to  interpret  this  as  meaning  that  the  Pojythorinae  orig- 
inated in  the  north,  not  as  representing  an  immigrant  from 
some  southern  region. 

At  first,  T  was  disposed  to  place  the  insect  in  the  genus 
Euthorc,  but  it  combines  characters  of  Euthorc  and  Chalcop- 
tcry.v,  and  considering  its  antiquity  and  location,  there  can  be 

50  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

little  doubt  that  it  represents  a  distinct  genus,  the  distinctness 
of   which  would  be  more  evident  if  we  possessed  the  whole 


PROTOTHORE  new  genus. 

Rather  small  species,  the  wings  conspicuously  marked,  black 
and  hyaline;  (o.)  stigma  (pterostigma)  large  but  slender,  not 
as  deep  as  the  substigmatal  cells;  (&.)  base  of  stigma  with  a 
transverse  cell  below,  composed  of  upper  part  of  the  first  two 
substigmatic  cells;  (c.)  postnodal  cells  numerous,  about  43, 
of  which  20  are  before  the  median  black  area ;  the  first  20  or 
more  are  much  higher  than  long,  some  twice  as  high  as  long ; 
(</.)  cells  beyond  subnodus  (23  before  median  black  area) 
practically  as  in  Euthore,  but  the  cross-veins  of  cells  in  light 
area  are  not  in  a  straight  line  with  those  above  (Chalcoptcryx 
character)  ;  (>.)  subnodus  ending  some  distance  (about  a  cell's 
width)  before  origin  of  nodal  sector  (R3  of  Tillyard,  M2  of 
Needham)  ;  (/.)  eight  cells  before  doubling  begins  above  nodal 
sector,  but  second  cell  with  a  triangular  division  above,  doubt- 
less a  variable  character. 

Character  /.  agrees  with  Euthore,  not  at  all  with  Chalco- 
ptcry.r.  Character  c.  agrees  with  Chalcopteryx.  Character  e. 
agrees  with  Libellago.  Character  a.  is  different  from  Chalco- 
pteryx and  Euthore.  Character  b.  is  probably  not  constant ;  a 
similar  transverse  cell  may  sometimes  be  seen  in  EpiopMebia, 
beyond  the  region  of  the  stigma. 

Protothore  explicata  new  species. 

Wing  hyaline  in  middle,  from  about  two  or  three  cells  be- 
yond subnodus  for  a  distance  of  about  7  mm.,  the  end  of  the 
clear  area  curved  apicad ;  rest  of  wing,  so  far  as  can  be  seen, 
black ;  the  black  extending  as  far  as  the  stigma  and  probably 
to  the  apex ;  shape  of  wing,  so  far  as  can,  be  seen,  about  as  in 
Euthore.  Nodus  to  base  of  stigma  14.5  mm. ;  length  of  stigma 
about  3  mm.;  width  (depth)  of  wing  in  region  of  subnodus 
about  9  mm.,  in  region  of  stigma  apparently  7.2  mm.,  but  there 
is  some  disarrangement  and  overlapping,  so  the  actual  depth 
is  doubtless  'greater. 

I  am  indebted  to  my  colleague  Mr.  Paul  Shope  for  the  pho- 
tograph of  the  wing.  The  specimen  belongs  to  the  University 
of  California. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  51 

Another  Genus  of  Protura  in  California. 

By.  W.  A.  HILTON,  Department  of  Zoology,  Pomona  College, 

Claremont,  California. 

For  a  number  of  years  we  have  been  attempting  to  deter- 
mine the  distribution  of  insects  and  other  arthropods  in  south- 
ern California.  It  was  not  until  the  spring  of  1928  that  Miss 
Edith  Clayton,  a  student  in  the  department,  in  connection  with 
an  investigation  of  soil  insects,  discovered  a  few  specimens  of 
this  group  in  with  a  great  host  of  Collembola  and  mites.  She 
used  a  Berlese  funnel  and  searched  especially  among  the  dead 
leaves  at  the  bases  of  live  oaks.  Previous  to  this  there  have 
been  a  number  of  records  within  the  limits  of  the  United  States. 
I  have  looked  for  them  in  a  number  of  western  states,  and  also 
in  Cuba  and  Mexico,  but  without  success.  This  failure  to  find 
them  in  regions  where  they  might  well  be  expected  was  due 
in  part  to  the  fact  that  I  did  not  at  first  use  the  funnel  method 
for  collecting. 

Ewing  has  described  one  new  species,  Eosentomon  yosemi- 
tensis,  from  the  Yosemite  Valley  and  recorded  the  occurrence 
of  another,  Acerentomon  microrkinus  Berlese,  from  the  same 
place.  Our  specimens  do  not  correspond  to  either  of  these,  in 
fact  they  belong  to  Berlese's  genus  Accrcntulus.  This  makes 
a  new  record  for  the  genus  and  adds  one  to  the  number  of 
species  known  to  occur  here.  Berlese  mentions  ten  species 
from  Italy  and,  as  conditions  in  southern  California  are  some- 
what similar,  we  may  reasonably  hope  for  many  more  records 
from  California. 

A  member  of  this  genus  described  by  Ewing  from  Takoma 
Park,  Maryland,  under  the  name  of  Acerentulus  barberi  dif- 
fers markedly  from  ours.  The  most  striking  contrast  between 
the  two  species  is  in  the  second  and  third  abdominal  segments, 
which  in  ours  are  not  cone-shaped.  The  prothoracic  legs  are 
also  proportionately  shorter  in  these  California  specimens  and 
the  proportions  of  the  body  parts  also  differ.  Berlese's  species 
Acerentulus  perpusillus  resembles  ours  much  more  closely. 
The  general  shape  of  the  body,  the  position  of  the  pseudoculi 
and  the  general  proportions  of  the  legs  and  body  parts  are 
similar.  His  specimens  were  .6  mm.  in  length  and  our  largest 

52  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '30 

were  1.2  mm.  The  distribution  of  the  dorsal  setae  differs  quite 
decidedly.  Unfortunately  Berlese's  description  does  not  give 
anything  about  the  abdominal  appendages  and  these  seem  to  be 
quite  important.  Whatever  species  this  California  form  may 
prove  to  be,  at  least  it  is  clearly  of  the  genus  Acerentulus. 

With  such  minute  forms  it  would  seem  that  specific  descrip- 
tions should  be  quite  detailed.  Berlese's  characterizations  in 
some  cases  are  very  scant.  The  only  virtue  that  saves  some  of 
them  from  being  worthless  is  the  series  of  very  excellent  draw- 
ings, but  even  here  a  few  more  might  have  helped  to  distin- 
guish his  species  from  others  not  known  to  him.  The  charac- 
ters which  must  be  used  are  many  of  them  minute  and  for  that 
reason  careful  drawings  showing  the  positions  of  the  setae  and 
proportions  of  parts  are  very  helpful.  Proportions  alone  are 
good,  but  if  the  total  length  is  given,  measurements  of  other 
parts  might  more  accurately  indicate  conditions. 

It  is  our  hope  to  extend  the  range  of  known  forms  in  this 
group  as  soon  as  possible.  However,  it  is  not  easy  to  find 
these  specimens.  If  dead  leaves  or  other  materials  containing 
them  are  too  dry  or  too  wet  it  is  almost  impossible  to  discover 
them.  They  are  seldom  abundant ;  we  have  usually  found  but 
one  or  two  at  a  time.  Those  near  Claremont  were  of  various 
sizes  but  all  seemed  of  the  same  species.  Some  were  found  at 
the  edge  of  the  mountains,  others,  apparently  exactly  like  them, 
were  discovered  in  the  college  park  among  the  live  oaks. 

Possible  Light  on  Geographic  Distribution  of  Insects. 

Entomologists  interested  in  the  fauna  of  the  \Vest  Indies 
should  not  overlook  a  paper  which  appeared  nearly  a  year  ago 
but  whose  title  and  place  of  publication,  although  perfectly 
appropriate,  would  not  find  mention  in  strictly  entomological 
literature.  Reference  is  made  to  Prof.  Charles  Schuchert's 
"Geological  History  of  the  Antillean  Region"  (Bull.  Geol. 
Soc.  Amer.,  40 :  337-360,  with  9  paleogeographic  maps.  Published 
March  30,  1929).  The  maps  show  the  presumed  distribution 
of  land  and  water  in  southern  North  America,  northern  South 
America  and  the  West  Indies,  in  upper  Carboniferous  and 
lower  Permian,  Jurassic,  Cretaceous,  Eocene,  Oligocene,  Mio- 
cene and  Pliocene  times,  and  illustrate  such  questions  as  the 
existence  and  non-existence  of  land  connections  of  these  con- 
tinents and  islands. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  53 

New  Species  of  Dolichopodidae  from  North  America 


By  MILLAKD  C.  VAN  DUZEE,  12  Abbotsford  Place,  Buffalo, 

New  York. 

Rhaphium  latifacies  new  species. 

$  :  Length  4  mm.  Face  wide,  silvery  white,  rounded  below, 
its  sides  nearly  parallel ;  proboscis  and  palpi  black  with  black 
hairs  and  bristles ;  front  covered  with  white  pollen ;  antennae 
black,  third  joint  half  as  long  as  the  face,  arista  two-and-one- 
half  times  as  long  as  third  joint;  beard  white,  moderately 

Dorsum  of  thorax  green,  dulled  with  white  pollen ;  pleurae 
blackish  with  white  pollen  ;  scutellum  with  two  pair  of  marginal 
bristles.  Abdomen  blue-green  with  black  hair  and  considerable 
white  pollen,  hairs  on  the  venter  whitish;  hypopygium  black, 
rounded  above,  conspicuous,  its  lamellae  black,  elongate  tri- 
angular, one-third  as  long  as  height  of  hypopygium,  inner  ap- 
pendages small,  mostly  concealed. 

Fore  coxae,  all  femora  and  tibiae  yellow ;  apical  third  of  hind 
femora  and  extreme  tip  of  posterior  tibiae  black;  fore  coxae 
with  black  hair  and  bristles,  both  hair  and  bristles  appear  yel- 
low in  certain  lights ;  middle  coxae  without  a  thorn  at  tip ;  all 
femora  with  pale  hairs  below,  but  these  also  appear  black  in 
certain  lights  and  are  not  as  long  as  width  of  femora;  fore 
femora  with  long  pale  hairs  on  posterior  surface;  fore  and 
middle  tarsi  from  the  tip  of  the  first  joint  and  whole  of  hind 
tarsi  black;  all  tarsi  plain;  joints  of  fore  tarsi  as  41-14-13-10- 
10;  of  middle  ones  as  54-18-15-8-7;  joints  of  hind  pair  as 
41-27-20-10-9.  Calypters,  their  cilia  and  the  halteres  yellow. 

Wings  grayish,  darker  in  front  of  fourth  vein ;  third  vein 
bent  backward  towards  the  tip;  last  section  of  fourth  vein 
quite  sharply  bent  before  its  middle,  parallel  with  third  for  a 
short  distance  at  tip,  ending  just  back  of  the  apex  of  the  wing; 
last  section  of  fifth  vein  straight,  twice  as  long  as  the  crossvein. 

Described  from  one  male,  taken  by  Owen  Bryant,  July  10, 
1925,  at  Lake  Agnes,  Laggan,  Alberta,  at  an  elevation  of 
6,800  feet.  Type  in  the  U.  S.  National  Museum.  No.  20578. 

Rhaphium  longibara  new  species. 

$  :  length  4  mm.  Face  narrow,  silvery  white;  palpi  and 
proboscis  black;  front  shining  green;  antennae  black,  third 
joint  four-fifths,  arista  six-sevenths,  as  long  as  the  face;  beard 
white,  abundant  but  not  very  long. 

54  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

Thorax  green  with  a  little  white  pollen  on  front  of  dorsum 
and  on  pleurae ;  scutellum  with  one  pair  of  bristles.  Abdomen 
shining  green,  its  hair  black  on  dorsum,  white  on  venter,  third, 
fourth  and  fifth  segments  coppery  at  base;  hypopygium  black, 
rather  small,  flattened  posteriorly,  its  lamellae  filiform,  broader 
at  base,  brown,  fringed  with  long  pale  hairs,  the  lamellae  as 
long  as  middle  tibiae ;  inner  appendages  black,  slender  with  a 
conspicuous  lobe  on  one  side  near  the  tip,  a  little  less  than  two- 
fifths  as  long  as  height  of  hypopygium. 

All  coxae,  fore  and  middle  femora  and  apical  two-thirds  of 
hind  femora  green;  tips  of  fore  and  middle  femora,  basal 
third  of  hind  ones  and  fore  and  middle  tibiae  and  basitarsi  yel- 
low ;  hind  tibiae  mostly  black,  yellowish  above  on  basal  third ; 
fore  and  middle  tarsi  from  tip  of  second  joint  and  whole  of 
hind  tarsi  black,  fore  coxae  with  abundant,  long,  white  hair; 
middle  coxae  with  a  black  thorn  at  tip;  middle  femora  with 
short  white  hair  below ;  fore  tibiae  with  two  rows  of  long, 
bristly,  black  hairs  on  upper  surface,  these  are  as  long  as  width 
of  femora;  middle  basitarsus  with  three  long  bristles  below 
near  the  base,  the  longest  being  three  times  as  long  as  diameter 
of  the  joint;  first  joint  of  fore  tarsi  concave  below,  being  nar- 
rowed in  the  middle,  larger  at  each  end  and  with  a  row  of  spine- 
like,  short  hairs  below,  which  are  about  as  long  as  diameter  of 
joint;  second  joint  a  little  widened  in  the  middle  below,  the 
lower  edge  being  slightly  and  evenly  rounded,  it  has  a  row  of 
delicate  hairs  below,  which  are  a  little  shorter  than  width  of 
joint  in  the  middle,  joints  of  fore  tarsi  as  33-25-8-6-8;  of 
middle  ones  as  43-23-15-8-8;  joints  of  hind  ones  as  35-29-21- 
17-11;  Calypters  and  halteres  yellow,  the  former  with  white 

Wings  grayish ;  third  vein  bent  backward  towards  the  tip ; 
last  section  of  fourth  vein  without  a  distinct  bend,  but  arched 
so  as  to  be  parallel  with  third  at  tip,  ending  in  the  apex  of  the 
wing;  last  section  of  fifth  vein  straight,  scarcely  reaching  the 
wing  margin,  it  is  38,  crossvein  20-fiftieths  of  a  millimeter 

$  :  One  female  taken  two  days  later  at  the  same  place,  is 
no  doubt  the  same  species ;  having  the  venation  of  the  wings 
the  same;  the  color  of  the  legs  about  the  same  and  the  fore 
coxae  with  long  white  hair. 

Its  face  broad,  silvery  white ;  third  antennal  joint  one-third, 
arista  one  and  a  fourth  times  as  long  as  the  face;  fore  tibiae 
with  one  row  of  bristly  hairs  above  on  anterior  edge;  middle 
femora  at  extreme  base,  basal  half  of  hind  femora  and  basal 
three-fourths  of  hind  tibiae  yellow ;  fore  and  middle  tarsi  plain. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  55 

Described  from  one  pair,  taken  at  Banff,  Alberta ;  type,  male, 
on  June  29,  allotype,  female,  July  4,  1925,  by  Owen  Bryant. 
The  allotype  was  taken  on  Norquay  Mt.,  at  an  elevation  of 
5,000-6,000  feet.  Type  in  U.  S.  N.  M.,  No.  20579. 

Neurigona  ornatus  new  species. 

$  :  Length  4.5  mm.  Face  linear,  silvery  white;  front  and 
occiput  black  wtih  white  pollen  ;  antennae  yellow,  small ;  orbital 
cilia  whitish  yellow.  Thorax  black;  prothorax,  humeri,  pos- 
terior edge  of  pleurae,  outer  margin  of  scutellum,  root  of  wings 
and  some  of  the  sutures  of  the  thorax  yellow ;  dorsum  of  thorax 
dulled  with  gray  pollen,  especially  the  depressed  space  before 
the  scutellum.  Abdomen  yellow  with  large  shining  black  patches 
on  the  upper  surface,  that  on  second  segment  covering  all  the 
dorsum,  except  the  posterior  margin,  on  the  following  seg- 
ments the  black  is  more  narrowed  posteriorly.  Hypopygium 
black,  the  basal  part  appearing  more  like  an  apical  segment  of 
the  abdomen,  outer  part  somewhat  square  in  outline  and  with 
small,  indistinct,  yellowish  appendages  at  tip. 

Coxae,  femora  and  tibiae  yellow ;  fore  tarsi  with  first  three 
joints  yellow,  last  two  black,  flattened,  fourth  nearly  round 
when  seen  from  above,  fifth  oval,  longer  than  wide,  cut  off 
nearly  straight  at  tip,  one  claw  long  and  enlarged:  all  joints 
with  long  hairs  above,  which  are  about  twice  as  long  as  the 
diameter  of  the  joint,  those  on  first  joint  a  little  shorter;  mid- 
dle and  hind  tarsi  blackened  from  the  tip  of  first  joint ;  first 
four  joints  of  middle  tarsi  with  a  row  of  stiff  black  hairs 
below,  these  are  a  little  longer  than  the  diameter  of  the  joints ; 
joints  of  fore  tarsi  as  103-64-28-8-12;  width  of  last  joint  at  tip 
as  10  and  langth  of  long  claw  the  same;  joints  of  middle  tarsi 
as  137-48-30-19-12;  of  hind  ones  as  67-68-36-22-12.  Calypters, 
their  cilia  and  the  halteres  yellow. 

Wings  gray,  veins  brown  almost  to  the  root  of  the  wing ; 
last  section  of  fourth  vein  bent  near  its  middle,  ending  rather 
close  to  tip  of  third  and  considerably  before  the  apex  of  the 
wing,  third  and  fourth  veins  bent  backward  at  tip;  last  section 
of  fifth  vein  about  three  times  as  long  as  the  crossvein;  sixth 
vein  strong  and  reaching  the  wing  margin ;  anal  angle  of  wing 

Described  from  one  male,  taken  by  Owen  Bryant,  June  5, 
1925,  at  Edmonton,  Alberta,  Canada.  Type  in  the  U.  S.  Na- 
tional Museum.  No.  20580. 

This  is  separated  from  all  related  species  by  the  form  of  the 
anterior  tarsi  and  their  enlarged  claw. 

(To  be  continued) 



Entomology  at  the  Convocation  Week  Meetings, 
December  27,  1929,  to  January  2,  1930. 

Following  is  our  annual  summary  of  the  programs  of  the 
eighty-sixth  meeting  of  the  American  Association  for  the 
Advancement  of  Science,  and  of  the  associated  societies  held 
at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  in  so  far  as  entomology  is  concerned. 

The  numhers  of  papers  listed  by  the  various  societies  were 
as  follows : 

Entomological  Society  of  America 38 

American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists 83 

American  Society  of  Zoologists 12 

Same,  Joint  Genetics  Section 10 

Ecological  Society  of  America 1 

American  Meteorological  Society 1 

Section  C  (Chemistry),  A.  A.  A.  S 1 

Wilson  Ornithological  Club 1 

American  Phytopathological   Society 6 

American  Society  of  Horticultural  Science 1 

Total    154 

These  papers  were  distributed  in  subject  as  follows: 

i  Affecting  Man  or  other 

General  Entomology 5         Animals    1 

History  of  Entomology  .  .  2     Taxonomy    4 

Teaching  Entomology    ...  2  General  Economic 

Collecting  Methods 1         Entomology   16 

Cytology 3  Insecticides  and 

Anatomy 5         Appliances    14 

Physiology   24     Apiculture    9 

Ecology    11  Affecting  Cereals,  Forage 

Geographical  Distribution .  1         and  Field  Crops   14 

Ontogeny    12     Do.,  Truck  Crops   9 

Genetics    11  Do.,  Greenhouse  Plants  . .      1 

Parasites  of  Insects  7 


XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  57 

Do.,  Fruits  and  Fruit  Coleoptera    (excluding  the 

Trees    21         Japanese  beetle)    13 

Do.,  Household  and  Japanese  beetle   5 

Stored  Products   7  Hymenoptera   (excluding 

Do.,  Forest  and  Shade  Apis)    10 

Trees    6     Apis    9 

Carrying  Plant  Disease  Lepidoptera  (excluding 

Germs 5  Codling   Moth,    Oriental 

ii  peach    Moth,    Corn-bor- 

Orthoptera   9         ers)     11 

Psocoptera   1     Codling  Moth    6 

Odonata    1  Oriental  Peach  Moth  ....      6 

Ephemerida    1      Corn   Borers    3 

Homoptera     15  Diptera    (excluding  Dro- 

Heteroptera    2         sophila}    11 

Thysanoptera     1     Drosophila    3 

Many  of  these  figures  are  duplications,  both  between  sections 
i  and  ii  and  also  within  each  section. 

The  total  of  154  is  lower  than  that  of  any  of  the  preceding 
six  years,  the  loss  being  due  to  the  much  lower  figure  accred- 
ited to  the  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists.  Since 
the  Northeastern  branch  of  this  Association  held  a  meeting 
at  New  York,  as  recently  as  last  November,  at  which  many 
papers  were  presented,  the  decrease  can  probably  be  accounted 
for  in  this  way.  Papers  on  Physiology  continue  to  hold  a 
prominent  place. 

The  Entomological  Society  of  America,  Prof.  C.  T.  Brues, 
president,  Prof.  J.  J.  Davis,  secretary,  met  December  28  to  30. 
The  annual  public  address,  "Economic  Adventures  of  an  Un- 
economic Entomologist,"  was  given  by  Dr.  Wm.  M.  Mann, 
Director  of  the  Zoological  Park,  Washington,  D.  C.,  on  the 
evening  of  December  30.  He  dealt  with  some  of  his  experi- 
ences in  Mexico  on  the  trail  of  insect  pests  that  are  likely  to 
be  shipped  into  the  United  States,  especially  the  orange  mag- 
got (A.  lii(fcns),  illustrated  with  lantern  slides  of  scenes  in 

The  American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists,  Prof. 
T.  J.  Headlee,  president,  Mr.  C.  W.  Collins,  secretary,  met 
December  29  to  January  2.  The  annual  address  of  the  Presi- 

58  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

dent,  "Some  Tendencies  in  Modern  Economic  Entomological 
Research,"  was  delivered  on  December  31. 

Both  societies  were  invited  by  Iowa  State  College  to  visit 
the  campus  and  laboratories  of  zoology  and  entomology  at 
Ames,  on  Sunday,  December  29,  where  dinner  was  served  to 
212  persons  at  the  Memorial  Union  at  1  P.  M.  Following  this 
Dean  Beyer  of  the  Science  Division  of  the  College  gave  a  brief 
welcome  to  all  the  visitors.  Dr.  Herbert  Osborn  gave  an  in- 
formal address  on  the  early  history  of  entomology  in  the 
central  states  and  called  on  Dr.  C.  P.  Gillette  to  recount  his 
personal  experiences  with  Prof.  Cook.  Dr.  S.  A.  Forbes,  al- 
though expected  to  take  part,  was  not  present.  Dr.  H.  H. 
Knight,  to  whom  the  NEWS  is  indebted  for  some  of  this  infor- 
mation, writes  that  the  trip  to  Ames  was  a  great  success  ac- 
cording to  all  the  comment  he  has  heard. 

The  annual  entomologists'  dinner  was  held  in  the  Hotel 
Savery,  at  Des  Moines,  on  Tuesday  evening,  December  31. 

Entomological    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

•Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  •  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

jjgg^Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Bandermann,  F.— Botanisches  und  Ento- 
mologisches.  [18]  23:  380-382.  Chittenden,  F.  H.— Obitu- 
ary. By  L.  O.  Howard.  [12]  22:  989-990,  ill.  Dingier  & 
Henneberg. — Apionlarven  in  "springenden  Kapseln".  [Mitt. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  59 

Munch.  Ent.  Gesell.]  19:  165-171.  ill.  Friedrich,  A.— Er- 
lebnisse  in  Bahia  (Brasilien)  um  der  Entomologie  willen ! 
[Ent.  Jahrbuch]  1930:  91-98.  Lewis,  H.  C.— A  method  of 
preparing-  insect  mounts.  [12]  22:  980-984,  ill.  Martell,  P. 

-Die  beine  im  altertum.  [26]  9:  414-419.    McColloch,  J.  W. 

-Obituary.  By  G.  A.  Dean.  [12]  22:  990-991.  Plank,  H. 
K. — Natural  enemies  of  the  sugar  cane  moth  stalkborer  in 
Cuba.  [7]  22:  621-640,  ill.  Reed,  M.  M— Citrus  insects  of 
northeastern  Argentina.  [39]  13:  67-68.  Stager,  R. — War- 
urn  werden  gewisse  insekten  von  den  ameisen  nicht  ver- 
zehrt?  [45]  24:  227-230.  Taylor,  R.  L.— The  biology  of 
the  white  pine  weevil,  Pissodes  strobi  (Peck),  and  a  study 
of  its  insect  parasites  from  an  economic  viewpoint.  [70] 
9:  167-205.  Vogt,  A.— -"Aus  der  praxis  des  schmetterlings- 
samlers."  [18]  23:  393-395.  Warnecke,  G.— Die  benen- 
nungssucht  in  der  Entomologie.  [Ent.  Jahrbuch]  1930: 
53-58.  Couper,  William. — A  pioneer  Canadian  Naturalist. 
By  J.  L.  Baillie,  Jr.  [Canadian  Field  Nat.]  43:  169-176,  ill. 
Wright,  F.  R.  E. — The  attractive  force  in  assembling  in- 
sects. [8]  65 :  265-266.  X.  Y.  Z.— Tagebuchblatter  aus  dem 
Urwalde.  (S).  [Ent.  Jahrbuch]  1930:  132-136,  ill. 

ANATOMY,    PHYSIOLOGY,    ETC.— Banta,    A.    M.- 

The  elimination  of  the  male  sex  in  the  evolution  of  some 
lower  animals.  [76]  1930:  59-65,  ill.  Barnes,  H.  F.— Uni- 
sexual families  in  Rhabdophaga  heterobia  (Cecidomyidae). 
[8]  65:  256-257.  Brown  &  Hatch. -- Orientation  and 
"Fright"  reactions  of  whirligig  beetles  (Gyrinidae).  [Jour. 
Comp.  Phych.]  9:  159-189,  ill.  Bugnion,  E. — Les  organes 
bucco-pharynges  de  deux  Sphegiens :  Sceliphron  (Chaly- 
bion)  bengalense  et  Sceliphron  (Pelopoeus)  spirifex.  [4l] 
14:  139-170,  ill.  Champy,  C. — -La  croissance  dysharmonique 
des  caracteres  sexuels  accessoires,  son  importance  biolo- 
gique.  Applications  pratiques  de  ses  lois.  [An.  Sci.  Nat. 
Zool.  Paris]  12:  193-244,  ill.  da  Costa  Lima,  A.— Considera- 
qoes  sobre  a  musculatura  dos  segmentos  terminaes  da  perna  de 
alguns  insectos  e  sobre  a  do  chamado  Orgao  Tarsal. 
[Suppl.  Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz,  Rio  de  Janeiro]  1929:  257- 
264,  ill.  Dunavan,  D. — A  study  of  respiration  and  res- 
piratory organs  of  the  rat-tailed  maggot.  Eristalis  arbu- 
storum.  [7]  22:  731-753,  ill.  Payne,  N.  M.— Absolute 
humidity  as  a  factor  in  insect  cold  hardiness  with  a  note 
on  the  effect  of  nutrition  on  cold  hardiness.  [7]  22:  601- 
620,  ill.  Shull,  A.  F. — The  effect  of  intensity  and  duration 

60  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

of  light  and  of  duration  of  darkness,  partly  modified  by 
temperature,  upon  wing-production  in  aphids.  [W.  Roux' 
Arch.  Entw.  Organ.]  115:  825-851,  ill.  Shute,  P.  G.— The 
effect  of  severe  frost  on  larvae  of  Culicella  morsitans  (Culi- 
cidae).  [9]  62:  243-244. 

—A  synopsis  of  the  American  Arachnids  of  the  primitive 
order  Ricinulei.  [7]  22:  583-600,  ill.  Jacot,  A.  P.— Genera 
of  Pterogasterine  Oribatidae  (Acarina).  [Trans.  American 
Micro.  Soc.]  48:  416-430.  Thor,  S. — Ueber  die  phylogenie 
und  systematik  der  Acarina,  mit  beitragen  zur  ersten  ent- 
wicklungsgeschichte  einzelnen  gruppen.  [Nyt.  Mag.  Nat., 
Oslo]  67:  145-210,  ill. 


M.--Libellenhochzeit.    [Der    Naturf.,    Berlin]    6:    329-335. 
Krull,  W.   H. — The  rearing  of  dragonflies  from   eggs.    [7] 
22:  651-658.     Light,  S.  F. — New  termite  records  for  lower 
California.    [55]   6:  67-72.     *Malcomson,  R.  O. — Two  new 
species  of  Mallophaga.  [7]  22:  728-730.  ill.    Moulton,  D.- 
New  Thysanoptera  from  Cuba.    [39]    13:  61-66.     Ris,  F.— 
Gynandromorphismus   bei    Odonaten.    [41]    14:   97-102,   ill. 
Shepherd,  D. — Ephemerella  hecuba ;  description  of  various 
stages.  (Ephemerida,  Baetidae).  [4]  61:  260-264,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— *Hebard,  M.— Previously  unreported 
tropical  american  Blattidae  in  the  British  Museum.  [1]  55: 
345-388,  ill.  *Hebard,  M. — Supplementary  notes  on  Pana- 
manian Dermaptera  and  Orthoptera.  [1]  55:  389-399,  ill. 
Imms,  A.  D.— The  locust  problem.  [31]  124:  950-952,  ill. 
*Uvarov,  B.  P. — Marellia  remipes,  gen.  et  sp.  n.  (Acridi- 
dae),  a  new  semiaquatic  grasshopper  from  S.  America.  [75] 
4:  539-542,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— Hungerford,  H.  B.— Concerning  two  of 
Guerin-Meneville's  types  in  the  National  Museum  of  Paris 
(Notonectidae  and  Corixidae).  [55]  6:  73-77,  ill.  *Lobdell, 
G.  H. — Two  new  species  of  Eriococcus  from  Mississippi 
(Coccoidea).  [7]  22:  762-767.  *Parshley,  H.  M.— New 
species  and  new  records  of  Aradus  (Aradidae).  [4]  61 :  243- 
246,  ill.  Shull,  A.  F. — Determinations  of  types  of  individ- 
uals in  aphids,  rotifers  and  cladocera.  [Biol.  Reviews]  218- 
248.  *VanDuzee,  E.  P.— A  new  Oliarus.  [55]  6:  72.  *  Wai- 
ley,  G.  S. — Notes  on  Homaemus  with  a  key  to  the  species 
(Scutelleridae).  [4]  61:  253-256,  ill. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  61 

LEPIDOPTERA.— *Bouvier,  E.  L.— Additions  a  nos 
connaissances  sur  les  Saturnio'ides  americains.  [An.  Sci. 
Nat.  Zool.  Paris]  12:  245-343,  ill.  Gaede,  M.— Ueber  den 
wert  von  bestimmungstabellen  fur  schmetterlinge.  [18] 
23:  377-380.  Gunder,  J.  D.— A  state  butterfly  for  Califor- 
nia. [55]  6:  88-90,  ill.  Hering,  M. — Synopsis  der  Blattminen 
an  Ulmus.  [Ent.  Jahrbuch]  1930:  59-70,  ill.  Hoffmann,  F. 

—Ueber  die  Lepidopteren-fauna  Brasiliens  im  allgemeinen 
und  der  von  Siidbrasilien  im  besondern.  [Ent.  Jahrbuch] 
1930:  123-131.  Hoffman,  F.— Der  Psychidenbaum  in  Sao 
Francisco  do  sul  und  anderes.  (S).  [14]  43:  199-200.  Hul- 
staert,  P.  G. — Genera  Insectorum.  Fasc.  191.  Fam.  Anthe- 
lidae.  13pp.,  ill.  Pickens,  A.  L.— The  "Coffee-Pot"  cocoon 
and  the  insect  that  makes  it.  [55]  6:  63-66,  ill.  Sjostedt,  Y. 

-Ueber  einen  .  .  .  zwitter  von  Morpho  rhetenor,  den 
prachtvollsten  aller  bisher  bekannten  gynandromorphen 
Lepidopteren,  nebst  Literatur  iiber  die  zwitter  (Herma- 
phroditen)  dieser  insektengruppe.  [83]  20:  1-60,  ill.  Skin- 
ner, H.  M. — The  giant  moth  borer  of  sugar-cane.  (Castnia 
licus).  (S).  [Suppl.  "Tropical  Agric.  Trinidad]  1929:  8pp., 
ill.  Snapp  &  Swingle. — Life  history  of  the  oriental  peach 
moth  in  Georgia.  [U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.  Tech.  Bull.]  152: 
16pp.,  ill.  Sokolov,  G.  N. — Die  struktur  des  mannlichen 
kopulationsapparates  bei  der  gattung  Parnassius.  [Rev. 
Russe  Ent.]  23:  60-71,  ill. 

DIPTERA. — *Aldrich,  J.  M. — New  genera  and  species 
of  muscoid  flies.  [50]  76,  Art.  15:  13pp.  *Aldrich,  J.  M.- 
Revision  of  the  two-winged  flies  of  the  genus  Coelopa  in 
North  America.  [50]  76,  Art.  11:  6pp.  *Alexander,  C.  P.- 
New  species  of  crane  flies  from  South  America.  Part  III. 
(Tipulidae).  [7]  22:  768-788.  *Alexander,  C.  P.— A  list 
of  the  crane-flies  of  Quebec  I.  [4]  61 :  247-251.  Allen,  H.  W. 
—An  annotated  list  of  the  Tachinidae  of  Mississippi.  [7] 
22:  676-690,  ill.  *Cresson,  E.  T.,  Jr.— A  revision  of  the 
North  American  species  of  fruit  flies  of  the  genus  Rhago- 
letis.  (Trypetidae).  [1]  55:  401-414,  ill.  Edwards  &  Keilin. 
—Genera  Insectorum.  Fasc.  190.  Fam.  Protorhyphidae, 
Anisopodidae,  Pachyneuridae,  Trichoceridae.  41pp.,  ill. 
Enderlein,  G. — Klassifikation  der  Sarcophagiden.  Sarcopha- 
giden-Studien  I.  [Arch.  Klass.  &  Phylogenet.  Ent.]  1  : 
56pp.,  ill.  *Enderlein,  G. — Zur  kenntnis  einiger  von  Herrn 
Oskar  Schoenemann  gesammelten  chilenischen  Melpiinen. 
[48]  46:  66-71.  *Reinhard,  H.  J.— Notes  on  the  muscoid 
flies  of  the  genera  Opdousia  and  Opsodexia  with  the  de- 
scription of  three  new  species.  [50]  76,  Art.  20:  9pp. 

62  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

COLEOPTERA.  —  *Blaisdell,  F.  E. -- Miscellaneous 
studies  in  the  Coleoptera,  III.  [55]  6:  57-62,  ill.  Cros,  Dr. 

—Observations  nouvelles  sur  les  Meloes.  [An.  Sci.  Nat. 
Zool.  Paris]  12:  137-168.  ill.  de  Lapouge,  G.  V.— Genera 
Insectorum.  Fasc.  192.  Fam.  Carabidae ;  Subfam.  Carabinae. 
153pp.,  ill.  *Eggers,  H. — Zehn  neue  Loganius-arten  (Ipi- 
dae)  aus  Sudamerika.  [48]  46:  59-65.  Eggers,  H. — Zur 
synonymic  der  Borkenkafer  (Ipidae).  [48]  46:  41-55. 
Fletcher,  F.  C. — Notes  on  a  few  Minnesota  Coleoptera. 
[4]  61 :  256-260.  Friedrich,  A.  -  -  Die  fauna  der  cacao- 
plantage.  [14]  43:  206-210,  ill.  Frost,  C.  A.— Lema  palus- 
tris  [at  Framingham,  Mass.]  [5]  36:  215.  Hetschko,  A.— 
Zur  nomenklatur  einiger  Clavicornierarten.  [48]  46:  94. 
*Hopping  &  Hopping. — II.  New  Coleoptera  from  Western 
Canada.  [4]  61 :  251-253,  ill.  Laboissiere,  V. — Sur  la  sous- 
famille  des  Chlamydinae  (Chrysomelidae).  [25]  1929:  256- 
258.  *Ochs,  G. — Notes  upon  some  Gyrinidae  in  the  Car- 
negie Museum  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  [3]  19: 
123-134.  Reineck,  G. — Beitrag  zur  lebens-und  entwick- 
lungsweise  von  Coleopteren.  [45]  24:  220-226,  ill.  Schenk- 
ling,  S. — Welcher  Riisselkafergattung  kommt  der  name 
Curculio  zu?  [48]  46:  79-81.  Tanner/ V.  M.— The  Coleop- 
tera of  Utah— Cicindelidae.  [55]  6:  78-87.  *Wasmann,  E. 

-Ein  neuer  Xenocephalus  aus  Costarica.  [48]  46:  81-82,  ill. 
West,  L.  S. — A  preliminary  study  of  larval  structure  in  the 
Dryopidae.  [7]  22:  691-727,  ill."  *Williams,  S.  H.— A  list 
of  prionid  beetles  taken  at  Kartabo,  Bartica  district,  British 
Guiana,  with  the  description  of  a  new  species.  [3]  19:  139- 
148,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Bequaert,  J.— The  folded-winged 
wasps  of  the  Bermudas,  with  some  preliminary  remarks 
on  insular  wasp  faunae.  [7]  22:  555-582.  *Cockerell,  T.  D. 
A. — Some  bees  of  the  group  Trachandrena,  (Andrenidae). 
[7]  22:  754-758.  Kuznetzov-Ugamskij,  N.  N. — Neue  anga- 
ben  iiber  den  hochzeitsflug  der  ameisen.  [Rev.  Russe  Ent.] 
23 :  101-106.  Neumann,  C.  W. — Wie  der  bienenstaat  sich 
entwickelte  [Ent.  Jahrbuch]  1930:  158-170.  Rau,  P.— The 
nesting  habits  of  the  bald-faced  hornet,  Vespa  maculata. 
[7]  22:  659-675,  ill.  *Santschi,  F.— Melange  myrmecolo- 
gique.  (S).  [48]  46:  84-93,  ill.  Schmiedeknecht,  O.— Opu- 
scula  Ichneumonologica.  Genus  Ichneumon.  Suppl.  Bd: 
353-432.  *Turner,  R.  E. — Notes  on  Chilean  Thynnidae. 
[48]  46 :  56-58. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  63 


Among  the  entomologists  whose  deaths  occurred  during 
1929,  and  whose  passing  has  not  hitherto  heen  mentioned  in 
the  NEWS,  was  the  Reverend  ALFRED  EDWIN  EATON,  mono- 
grapher of  the  may-flies.  He  died  at  Northam,  North  Devon, 
March  23,  1929,  and  at  that  time  was  the  senior  Fellow  of  the 
Entomological  Society  of  London,  to  which  he  was  elected 
July  3,  1865.  An  obituary  notice  appeared  in  the  Entomolo- 
gists' Monthly  Magazine  (London)  for  May,  1929.  In  1873 
•  he  accompanied  B.  Leigh  Smith  on  a  cruise  to  Spitzbergen. 
In  1874  he  was  naturalist  to  the  British  Transit  of  Venus  Ex- 
pedition to  Kerguelen  Land  where  he  made  extensive  collec- 
tions of  plants  and  animals  which  he  described  and  discussed 
in  the  Philosopliical  Transactions  (vol.  168,  1879).  His  Re- 
visional  Monograph  of  Recent  Ephemeridae  of  352  pages, 
appeared  in  the  Unnean  Society's  Transactions  (Zoology) 
between  1883  and  1887  and  is  well-known  as  the  most  authori- 
tative treatise  on  this  group  of  insects  for  many  years.  The 
types  of  the  species  described  passed  into  the  collection  of 
the  late  Robert  McLachlan,  of  Lewisham,  London,  who  showed 
them  to  the  writer  in  1895.  Supposedly  they  remain  in  Mr. 
Hugh  McLachlan's  possession.  Among  Eaton's  other  works 
on  the  may-flies  were  the  16  pages  which  he  contributed  to  the 
Neuroptera  volume  of  the  Biologia  Ccntrali-Americana  (1892) 
and  a  brief  one,  his  last  on  this  group  apparently,  on  those 
of  the  Seychelles  (1913).  He  was  also  interested  in  the  l\v- 
chodidae  and  published  on  the  British  members  of  this  family 
(Ent.  Mo.  Mag.  1893-1898).  Science  for  December  13,  1929, 
quoting  from  the  London  Times,  states  that  his  widow  has 
presented  his  collection  thereof,  of  over  1800  pinned  speci- 
mens and  about  200  microscopic  slides,  to  the  department  of 
entomology  of  the  British  Museum.  Besides  the  known  British 
species,  it  includes  much  material  from  Switzerland,  Algeria, 
Madeira,  the  Canary  Islands  and  elsewhere.  Mr.  Eaton  "had 
also  accumulated  extensive  notes  in  preparation  for  a  mono- 
graph on  the  group,  and  it  is  hoped  that  it  may  be  possible  to 
publish  some  parts  of  his  manuscript." 

64  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '30 

FRANK  HURLBUT  CHITTENDEN,  born  in  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
November  3,  1858,  died  at  Washington,  September  15,  1929. 
He  graduated  from  Cornell  University  in  1881  and  was  given 
the  honorary  degree  of  D.Sc.  by  the  University  of  Pittsburgh 
in  1904.  He  entered  the  service  of  the  Federal  Department 
of  Agriculture  in  April,  1891,  and  there  remained  until  his 
death,  becoming  chief  of  the  section  on  truck  crops  and  insects 
affecting  stored  products.  Dr.  L.  O.  Howard,  who  contributes 
an  obituary  notice  of  him,  accompanied  by  a  portrait,  to  the 
Journal  of  Economic  Entomology,  for  December  last,  writes: 
"Those  of  us  who  knew  him  best  here  in  Washington,  and 
who  worked  with  him  for  very  many  years,  think  that  he  was 
probably  the  most  learned  man  in  America  on  everything  relat- 
ing to  the  insects  that  are  found  in  the  garden."  In  addition 
to  the  insects  with  which  his  section  was  particularly  concerned, 
Dr.  Chittenden  especially  studied  the  Coleoptera.  Leng's 
Catalogue  of  the  Coleoptera  of  America  North  of  Mexico  and 
the  Supplement  thereto  cite  22  of  his  papers  on  this  order, 
those  purely  economic  being  omitted.  Lists  of  140  of  his 
writings,  1888-1904,  on  economic  insects  will  be  found  in 
parts  vi-viii  of  the  Bibliography  of  the  most  important  contri- 
butions to  American  Economic  Entomology  by  Nathan  Banks. 

JAMES  WALKER  McCoLLOCH,  Professor  of  Entomology  at 
the  Kansas  State  Agricultural  College  since  1925,  died  at  Man- 
hattan, Kansas,  November  11,  1929.  He  had  received  the  B.Sc. 
of  the  same  College  in  1912  and  was  made  Associate  Professor 
in  1918.  In  addition,  he  was  Assistant  Entomologist  (1912- 
18)  and  Associate  Entomologist  (1918  on)  at  the  Kansas 
Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  His  chief  work  was  on  the 
chinch  bug  and  the  Hessian  fly.  Prof.  G.  A.  Dean,  in  an 
obituary  notice  in  the  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology  for 
December,  1929,  pays  high  tribute  to  the  thoroughness  of  his 
investigations  and  his  devotion  to  his  duties.  He  was  born  at 
Anthony,  Kansas,  April  14,  1889. 

Science  for  October  4,  1929,  announced  that  "Dr.  GEORGE 
F.  GAUMER,  of  Izamel,  Yucatan,  discoverer  of  several  new 
mammals  and  author  of  a  monograph  of  the  mammals  of 
Yucatan,  died  on  September  2."  He  collected  insects  also,  some 
of  which  are  quoted  in  the  Biologia  Centrali- Americana. 


MARCH,   1930 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  3 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— XII  .  .  65 

Grubb — Collecting  Male  Polyphemus  Moths  (Lep.:  Saturniidae).  ...  69 

Van  Duzee — New  Species  of  Dolichopodidae  from  North  America  (Dip.)  70 
Larson  and  Fisher — Insects  Screened  from  Bean  Samples  (Hemip., 

Coleop.,  Orth.,  Hym.,  Dip.) 74 

Cresson — Descriptions  of  New  Genera  and  Species  of  the  Dipterous 

Family  Ephydridae.  Paper  VIII 76 

Knull— Notes  on  Coleoptera— No.  2 82 

Cleveland  Museum  Entomological  Expedition 86 

Entomological  Literature 86 

Review — Matheson's  Handbook  of  the  Mosquitoes  of  North  America..  .  93 

Doings  of  Societies — The  American  Entomological  Society 94 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee :     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 

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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
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Plate  VII. 





VOL.  XLI.  MARCH,    1930  No.  3 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 
XII.     American  Museum  of  Natural   History,  New  York, 

New  York. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 
(Plates  VII-IX.) 

The  American  Museum  of  Natural  History  in  New  York 
City  has  a  convenient  public  location  on  the  west  side  of  Central 
Park  at  77th  Street  and  occupies  a  rather  large,  long,  five-story, 
red  granite  building  with  some  fifteen  acres  of  floor  space.  Its 
cornerstone  was  laid  in  1874  by  President  U.  S.  Grant  and  the 
building  was  formally  opened  three  years  later  by  the  succeeding 
President  of  the  United  States,  R.  B.  Hayes.  Though  planned 
and  built  in  the  early  '70s  it  is  still  admirably  suited  for  the 
purposes  of  a  great  museum  and  fortunately  there  is  sufficient 
ground  area  for  further  development.  Recently  announced 
building  plans  call  for  a  new  wing  to  lie  known  as  the  South 
Oceanic  Hall  and  an  additional  structure  in  honor  of  Theodore 
Roosevelt  which  will  contain  an  African  Hall.  These  extensions 
require  an  expenditure  in  excess  of  three  million  dollars.  Per- 
haps the  total  cost  of  the  present  museum  building  is  more  than 

The  American  Museum  is  governed  by  a  self -perpetuating 
board  of  trustees  of  which  Mayor  Walker  of  New  York,  the 
City  Controller  and  the  President  of  the  New  York  Park 
Board  are  c.v-officio  members.  The  president  of  the  board  of 
trustees  is  Dr.  Henry  Fairfield  Osborn,  the  first  vice-president, 
George  F.  Baker  and  the  second  vice-president,  1.  Pierpont 

Aside  from  being  a  well-known  mecca  for  scientific  research 
and  a  storehouse  of  valuable  collections  of  natural  objects,  the 
Museum  has  of  late  years  shared  its  educational  facilities 

1  In  this  regard  it  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  Los  Angeles  Museum 
in  California  is  spending  nearly  $10,000,000  alone  for  its  new  unit  structure 


66  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

directly  with  the  New  York  Public  School  system.  This  excep- 
tional and  noteworthy  activity  comes  .under  the  head  of  the 
School  Service  Department  where  hundreds  of  science  lectures 
are  arranged  for  each  year  and  where  thousands  of  lantern 
slides  are  prepared  and  circulated,  in  addition  to  movable  ex- 
hibits of  demonstrative  value.  The  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History  is  sometimes  popularly  spoken  of  as  "the 
largest  school  house  in  United  States"  and  certainly  no  other 
scientific  institution  in  this  country  or  in  Europe  has  taken 
the  trouble  to  directly  share  and  so  well  develop  its  educational 

While  the  American  Museum  does  not  claim  to  have  originat- 
ed the  idea  of  habitat  groups,  or  the  life-like  display  of  crea- 
tures amid  their  natural  surroundings,  it  was  the  first  large 
museum  in  this  country  to  adopt  this  method  for  public  display 
on  an  extensive  scale  and  in  all  departments.  Among  the  many 
beautifully  executed  habitat  pictures  to  be  seen,  perhaps  the 
one  which  attracts  the  most  curious  interest,  is  that  of  the 
famous  dinosaur  eggs  from  Mongolia  collected  by  Dr.  Andrews 
on  his  Third  Asiatic  Expedition.  These  eggs  are  depicted  lying 
scattered  in  the  original  desert  sand  and  rock  just  as  they 
were  discovered. 

Of  interest  to  entomologists  are  the  insect  habitat  groups 
and  various  displays  shown  for  the  most  part  in  the  Hall  of 
Insects  on  the  third  floor2.  Here  are  found  graphically  ar- 
ranged the  various  phases  of  insect  life,  their  anatomy,  their 
importance  in  relation  to  man,  their  classification,  distribution, 
evolutionary  tendencies,  etc.  It  is  the  most  unique  display 
room  of  its  kind  and  much  credit  is  due  Dr.  Frank  E.  Lutz, 
Curator  of  the  Museum's  Department  of  Entomology  and  his 
assistants  for  its  well-planned  installation.  A  rather  informal 
photo3  of  Dr.  Lutz  is  reproduced  on  plate  IX.  This  picture 
was  taken  several  summers  ago  at  one  of  the  "Nature  Trails" 
camps  established  in  cooperation  with  the  Museum  near  Tux- 
edo, New  York.  The  "Nature  Trails"  organization  was  found- 

2  Plate  VIII  accompanying  this  article  illustrates  the  original  ."Butter- 
fly Group"  of  which  many  museums  have  made  reproductions. 

3  From  an  article  entitled  "Taking  Nature  Lore  to  the  Public"  by  Dr. 
Lutz  in  the  Natural  History  Magazine,  Vol.  26,  No.  2. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  67 

ed  by  the  Doctor  with  the  thought  of  giving  the  youth  of  New 
York  a  chance  to  study  insect  biology  during  their  summer's 
vacation.  It  is  hoped  the  "Nature  Trails"  idea  will  spread  to 
many  sections  of  the  country.  Dr.  Lutz  first  came  to  the 
American  Museum  as  Assistant  Curator  of  Invert  el  irate  Zool- 
ogy in  1909.  He  is  a  good  executive  and  has  published  many 
papers  in  various  popular  and  educational  journals.  Leaning 
somewhat  to  the  study  of  Arachnida,  Dr.  Lutz  is  rapidly 
building  up  a  large  museum  collection  of  this  class.  Some  years 
ago,  in  a  paper  on  the  distribution  of  West  Indian  spiders,  he 
compared  each  genus  with  its  distribution  elsewhere  as  given 
by  Simon.  He  has  also  made  some  taxonomic  study  of  bees. 
His  "Fieldbook  of  Insects"  is  well  known  and  is  an  invaluable 
work  of  reference  for  amateurs  wishing  a  general  knowledge 
of  the  better  known  insects  of  the  northeastern  United  States. 
The  American  Museum  has,  from  its  beginning,  acquired 
collections  of  insects.  Baron  Osten  Sacken,  while  Russian 
consul  general  in  Ne\v  York  City  from  1862  to  1871,  gave  the 
Museum  its  first  series  of  specimens.  These  consisted  of  many 
Diptera  which  were  the  Baron's  favorite  order ;  however  there 
were  almost  a  thousand  species  of  various  insects  in  the  lot. 
About  the  same  time  Mr.  Coleman  T.  Robinson,  who  collab- 
orated with  the  well-known  Mr.  A.  R.  Grote,  presented  his 
collection  of  3000  butterflies  and  moths.  Mr.  R.  A.  Whitthaus 
also  gave  some  2000  specimens  especially  donated  as  a  study 
collection.  Altogether  these  collections  formed  the  start  of  the 
Museum's  work  in  the  entomological  field.  In  1888  Mr.  Will- 
iam Beutenmuller  was  engaged  to  give  his  entire  time  to  insects 
at  the  Museum  and  with  his  appointment  as  a  regular  curator, 
entomological  activities  went  briskly  ahead.  Exhibition  work 
along  educational  lines  was  begun  and  studies  in  life  history 
and  other  phases  of  insect  biology  were  undertaken.  In  1892 
the  widely  known  collection  of  the  actor,  Mr.  Henry  Ed\vanl>, 
was  purchased  by  suhM-ription.  This  collection  consists  of 
about  250,000  specimens,  mostly  butterflies  from  many  sections 
of  the  earth,  as  Mr.  Edwards  visited  many  exotic  regions  dur- 
ing his  stage  career.  The  Edwards  types  are  kept  separate. 
Probably  Mr.  Edwards  will  be  longest  remembered  because 

68  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

of  his  work  on  the  lepidoptera  of  California  and  of  the  Pacific 
Coast.  Of  late  years  the  Museum  has  been  gradually  increasing 
the  size  of  its  lepidopterous  collections,  especially  adding  to  the 
exotics  from  Central  and  South  America,  but  no  really  note- 
worthy collection  containing  types  from  the  United  States  has 
been  added  since  the  Edwards  material.  All  the  butterflies 
and  moths  are  kept  in  uniform  size  cabinets  as  illustrated  on 
plate  VII.  (An  Am.  Mus.  photograph  by  Mr.  Julius  Kirschur). 
These  cabinets  are  enameled  white  on  the  outside  and  hold 
about  one  hundred  drawers  each.  Substantial  sliding  doors 
hung  from  a  trolley  give  ready  access.  I  imagine  there  are 
about  ten  of  these  cabinets  in  the  two  rooms  devoted  exclusively 
to  the  study  collections.  All  types  are  kept  in  a  single  cabinet 
of  stronger  construction  which  is  painted  a  darker  color.  At 
this  writing  no  estimate  is  available  as  to  the  total  number  of 
lepidoptera  in  the  Museum. 

Since  1914  Mr.  Frank  Watson  has  been  in  charge  of  the 
collections  under  the  title  of  Assistant  in  Lepidoptera.  He  was 
born  in  New  York  City  in  1877  and  has  always  resided  there. 
His  Degree  of  B.S.  was  received  at  Cooper  Union  in  1900. 
In  the  past  Mr.  Watson  has  described  a  score  or  more  of 
American  butterfly  variations  and  practically  all  of  his  types 
are  in  the  Museum.  He  is  at  present  engaged  upon  a  paper 
concerning  West  Indian  Lepidoptera.  Frank  is  a  hard  work- 
ing fellow  and  busy  from  morning  till  night.  The  problem 
of  taking  care  of  the  increasing  number  of  deserving  visitors 
to  a  great  museum  is  gradually  becoming  a  serious  matter. 
Mr.  Watson  once  told  me  his  department  averaged  four  a  day 
and  sometimes  ten  people  wishing  to  see  him  or  the  study 
collections  or  the  types.  These  folks,  whether  professional  or 
semi-amateur,  cannot  be  "hurried  off".  It  all  takes  time  and 
there  seems  no  ready  solution  for  the  question.  Tax-free 
public  institutions  and  their  employees  must  expect  to  be 
seen  and  be  known. 

The  scientific  staff  of  the  Division  of  Zoology  and  Zoo-geog- 
raphy under  which  the  entomological  section  is  conducted  con- 
sists of  the  following:  F.  M.  Chapman,  Sc.D.,  N.A.S.,  Curator- 
in-Chief ;  Frank  E.  Lutz,  Ph.D.,  Curator  (of  Insect  Life); 


Plate  VIII. 


This  habitat  group  contains  over  1200  specimens  of  the  one  species, 
the  Monarch  Butterfly  (Datitiits  tmnippe  Hbn.).  They  are  shown  in  a 
natural  cluster,  temporarily  at  rest,  during  an  accumulative  migration. 
Am.  Mus.  photo. 


Plate  IX. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  69 

A.  J.  Mutchler,  Associate  Curator  of  Coleoptera,  C.  H.  Curran, 
M.A.,  Assistant  Curator;  Frank  E.  Watson,  B.S.,  Assistant 
in  Lepidoptera;  Wm.  M.  Wheeler,  Ph.D.,  Research  Associate 
in  Social  Insects;  Chas.  W.  Leng,  B.S.,  Research  Associate 
in  Coleoptera;  H.  F.  Schwarz,  A.M.,  Research  Associate  in 

The  first  Entomological  Club  in  New  York  City  was  founded 
by  Neumoegen,  Grote,  Graef,  Koebele  and  Henry  Edwards 
in  18804.  Their  meetings  were  held  in  the  different  private 
homes  and  the  publication  Papilio  was  published  for  four  years 
in  four  volumes.  Papilio  was  devoted  exclusively  to  articles 
upon  lepidoptera  and  it  is  still  an  asset  to  any  library.  For 
various  reasons  this  original  Club  gradually  ceased  to  exist 
and  it  was  not  until  June  29,  1892,  that  the  New  York  Ento- 
mological Society  was  organized,  to  become  an  incorporate 
society  a  year  later.  Through  the  foresight  and  fortunately 
early  intercession  of  Mrs.  Annie  T.  Slosson  with  the  late  Pres- 
ident Morris  K.  Jessup,  the  Society  established  headquarters 
at  the  Museum  and  has  been  meeting  there  bi-monthly  ever 

The  organ  of  the  Society,  the  Jonnnil  of  the  New  York 
Entomological  Society,  is  now  in  its  38th  volume.  A  recent 
bequest  of  ten  thousand  dollars  towards  publication  by  the 
late  L.  H.  Woodruff  assures  its  future.  The  issue  of  September, 
1929,  'is  of  unusual  interest  because  of  the  publication  of  the 
numerous  intimate  and  entertaining  letters  of  Dr.  A.  E. 
Schwarz,  the  well-known  coleopterist.  Every  entomologist 
should  read  these  letters'.  They  were  compiled  and  edited 
under  the  direction  of  John  D.  Sherman,  |r. 

Collecting   Male   Polyphemus    Moths    (Lep.:    Saturniidae). 

On  the  night  of  July  10th,  192(',  my  coworker  and  I  spent 
the  entire  night  collecting  the  male  polyphcimis  moths,  which 
were  lured  to  their  death  by  two  raged  >prcimens  of  the  oppo- 
site sex.  We  had  to  our  credit  next  day  just  eighty-two  speci- 
mens. The  moths  began  appearing  at  about  10:30  and  con- 
tinued until  four  in  the  morning — when  dawn  began  to  bu-ak. 
-MRS.  ELMER  GRUBB,  Fredericktown.  <  )hio. 

4  See  article  by  G.  P.  Englehart  in  Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  uf  Am     XXII    3 

70  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

New  Species  of  Dolichopodidae  from  North  America 


By  MILLARD  C.  VAN  DUZEE,  12  Abbotsford  Place,  Buffalo, 

New  York. 
(Continued  from  page  55) 
Neurigona  nigrimanus  new  species. 

$  :  Length  5  mm.  Face  linear,  silvery  white;  palpi  yellow; 
front  wholly  covered  with  white  pollen ;  occiput  black  with 
white  pollen ;  antennae  small,  arista  brown ;  orbital  cilia  white. 

Thorax  black  with  white  pollen,  which  almost  conceals  the 
ground  color  on  the  depressed  space  before  the  scutellum,  the 
edge  around  this  space  is  yellow  on  the  sides ;  most  of  the 
humeri,  a  stripe  on  each  side  extending  from  the  humeri  to 
the  scutellum  and  posterior  edge  of  pleurae  yellow ;  abdomen 
yellow,  second,  third  and  fourth  segments  largely  black,  but 
this  black  narrowed  on  the  sides  posteriorly.  Hypopygium 
black,  somewhat  square  in  outline,  with  small,  mostly  yellowish 
appendages  at  tip. 

Coxae,  femora  and  tibiae  yellow ;  anterior  coxae  with  yellow 
bristles  at  tip ;  first  joint  of  fore  tarsi  dark  brown,  becoming 
black  at  tip,  remaining  four  joints  deep  black,  fifth  joint  very 
slightly  thickened ;  middle  tarsi  brown,  becoming  black ;  hind 
tarsi  with  first  joint  yellow,  remaining  joints  black;  joints  of 
fore  tarsi  as  87-45-23-10-11;  of  middle  ones  as  142-40-25-15- 
10;  joints  of  hind  tarsi  as  66-63-37-19-15.  Calypters,  their 
cilia  and  the  halteres  pale  yellow. 

Wings  grayish,  slightly  tinged  with  brown  along  the  costa ; 
third  vein  bent  back  at  tip;  last  section  of  fifth  vein  bent  near 
its  middle,  ending  near  tip  of  third  and  before  the  apex  of  the 
wing;  last  section  of  fifth  vein  three  times  as  long  as  cross- 
vein  ;  sixth  vein  long,  nearly  parallel  with  the  wing  margin, 
but  bent  a  little  to  reach  the  margin ;  wing  much  narrowed  at 

$  :  Face  wider  than  in  the  male;  thorax  black  with  humeri, 
a  spot  at  root  of  wings,  scutellum  and  posterior  edge  of  pleurae 
yellow ;  abdomen  yellow,  base  of  second,  third  and  fourth  seg- 
ments black,  black  on  second  narrowed  in  the  middle  of  the 
dorsum ;  all  tarsi  yellow  or  brownish  yellow  with  last  joint 
black ;  wings  with  tips  of  third  and  fourth  vein  far  apart, 
fourth  ending  almost  in  the  apex  of  wing;  anal  angle  more 
prominent  and  sixth  vein  shorter  than  in  the  male. 

Described  from  one  pair,  taken  by  Owen  Bryant,  July  4, 
1925,  at  Banff,  Alberta.  Type  in  the  U.  S.  National  Museum. 
No.  20581. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  71 

Dolichopus  breviciliatus  new  species. 

$  :  Length  5.5  mm.  Face  wide,  sordid  gray;  palpi  velvety 
black ;  front  metallic  bronze,  dulled  with  gray  pollen ;  antennae 
wholly  black,  short,  third  joint  scarcely  as  long  as  wide,  obtuse 
at  tip;  orbital  cilia  wholly  black. 

Thorax  and  abdomen  dark  green  with  slight  bronze  reflec- 
tions, abdomen  with  black  hair ;  hypopygium  rather  large,  its 
lamellae  black,  a  little  brownish  in  the  middle,  nearly  twice  as 
long  as  wide,  jagged  and  bristly  on  apical  margin  (shaped  about 
as  in  figure  175a,  Plate  12,  Bulletin  116,  U.  S.  National  Muse- 

All  coxae,  femora,  tibiae  and  tarsi  black  with  black  hair  and 
bristles ;  middle  tibiae  in  the  type  with  one  bristle  below ;  middle 
and  hind  femora  each  with  one  bristle  near  the  tip,  the  latter 
ciliated  with  brown  hairs,  which  are  not  as  long  as  the  width  of 
femora ;  middle  basitarsi  with  two  large  bristles  above  near  the 
tip,  otherwise  the  tarsi  are  plain ;  joints  of  fore  tarsi  as  56-26- 
16-14-14;  of  middle  ones  as  86-34-28-18-18;  first  three  joints 
of  hind  tarsi  as  111-60-42.  Calypters  and  halteres  yellow,  the 
former  with  black  cilia. 

Wings  dark  grayish,  tinged  with  brown  in  front ;  third  vein 
straight ;  last  section  of  fourth  vein  bent  near  basal  third,  par- 
allel with  third  for  some  distance  before  its  tip,  ending  con- 
siderably before  the  apex  of  the  wing;  crossvein  and  last  sec- 
tion of  fifth  vein  of  nearly  equal  length  ;  hind  margin  of  wing 
not  notched  at  tip  of  fifth  vein,  wing  of  nearly  equal  width; 
anal  angle  prominent. 

Described  from  one  male,  taken  by  Owen  Bryant,  August  29, 
1925,  at  Laggan,  Alberta,  on  Paradise  Mt,  at  an  elevation  of 
6,700  feet.  Type  in  the  U.  S.  National  Museum.  No.  20582. 

Polymedon  flavitibialis  new  species. 

$  :  Length  5.5  mm.  Face  wide,  silvery  white,  reaching  about 
its  own  width  below  the  eyes ;  front  green  with  a  little  white 
pollen ;  antennae  black,  all  joints  more  or  less  yellow  below, 
first  joint  long,  third  joint  a  little  longer  than  wide,  rounded 
at  tip;  arista  with  short  pubescence;  lateral  and  inferior  orbital 
cilia  white. 

Thorax  and  abdomen  green,  dulled  with  white  pollen ;  bristles 
of  thorax  inserted  in  indistinct  brown  dots  ;  acrostichal  bristles 
in  two  rows,  extending  nearly  the  whole  length  of  thorax  and 
becoming  longer  posteriorly ;  pleurae  and  coxae  more  black, 
white  pollinose;  there  is  a  large,  somewhat  triangular  white 
pollinose  spot  at  suture  and  a  small,  silvery  white,  round  spot 

72  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

at  outer  posterior  corners  of  dorsum ;  hairs  of  abdomen  black ; 
hypopygium  (Fig.  1)  black,  large;  outer  lamellae  large,  black, 
very  slightly  yellowish  at  base,  thickly  covered  with  white 
pollen,  upper  surface  with  fine  white  hairs, 
below  with  long,  blunt,  blackish  bristles,  inner 
appendages  partly  reddish  yellow,  with  a 
black  hook  at  tip. 

Anterior  surface  of  fore  coxae  with  small 
black  hairs  and  black  bristles  at  tip  ;  all  femora 
greenish  black,  thickly  covered  with  white 
pollen ;  extreme  tips  of  all  coxae,  tips  of  all 
femora,  most  of  trochanters  and  all  tibiae 
yellow  or  yellowish ;  all  tibiae  with  large 
bristles  above,  their  extreme  tips  brown  or 
black,  the  black  most  conspicuous  on  fore 
pair ;  fore  tibiae  with  one,  middle  ones  with- 
out a  bristle  below ;  all  tarsi  yellow  at  base ;  p. 
hind  tarsi  blackened  from  tip  of  first  joint, 
fore  and  middle  ones  from  tip  of  second  joint  and  with  tip  of 
first  black  ;  fore  tarsi  very  slightly  compressed  and  widened  from 
tip  of  first  joint,  their  pulvilli  rather  large,  white;  middle  tarsi 
with  the  usual  bend  between  second  and  third  joints,  second 
joint  distinctly  hollowed  out  just  before  its  tip,  on  under  side, 
third  joint  straight ;  hind  tarsi  with  a  large  bristle  below  near 
base;  joints  of  fore  tarsi  as  49-14-12-8-12;  of  middle  ones  as 
70-25-26-16-12;  those  of  hind  pair  as  57-55-34-19-18.  Calyp- 
ters  yellow  with  black  tips  and  very  long,  yellow  cilia ;  halteres 

Wings  grayish,  crossvein,  fifth  vein  and  last  section  of  fourth 
vein  distinctly  but  narrowly  bordered  with  brown ;  third  vein 
bent  back  a  little  at  tip,  last  section  of  fourth  vein  bent  about  as 
in  the  genus  Paradius,  the  part  from  the  crossvein  to  bend 
about  two-thirds  as  long  as  last  part,  its  tip  near  tip  of  third 
and  before  apex  of  wing;  last  section  of  fifth  vein  does  not 
reach  the  margin  of  wing,  which  is  notched  where  the  tip 
should  be ;  crossvein  as  37,  from  crossvein  to  wing  margin  at 
notch  as  39;  anal  angle  of  wing  prominent;  sixth  vein  long 
but  not  reaching  wing  margin. 

Described  from  one  male,  taken  by  F.  H.  Snow,  August, 
1902,  in  Southern  Arizona.  Type  in  the  University  of  Arkansas. 

Paraclius  elongatus  new  species. 

$  :  Length  2.5  mm.  Face  narrowed  below,  silvery  white, 
but  the  ground  green  color  showing  through  on  upper  part; 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  73 

front  shining  blue ;  palpi  black :  antennae  rather  large,  black, 
third  joint  a  little  longer  than  wide,  pointed  at  tip,  arista  with 
long  pubescence ;  lower  orbital  cilia  yellow. 

Thorax  green  with  blue  reflections,  shining,  without  a  spot 
of  white  pollen  at  the  suture ;  pleurae  with  white  pollen.  Ab- 
domen green  with  broad  metallic  blackish  bands  at  the  in- 
cisures,  its  hairs  black ;  hypopygium  brown,  a  little  reddish, 
rather  long,  but  not  thick,  its  lamellae  oval,  about  twice  as  long 
as  wide,  yellow  with  a  black  border  and  short  hairs  all  around 
the  edge ;  there  is  a  pair  of  rather  long,  bare,  curved,  horn-like, 
yellow  inner  appendages. 

Fore  coxae  almost  wholly  yellow  with  black  hair  on  anterior 
surface  and  bristles  at  tip ;  hind  coxae  yellow,  a  little  blackened 
at  base,  middle  ones  largely  black ;  all  femora  and  tibiae  yel- 
low, posterior  femora  a  little  blackened  at  tip,  especially  on 
posterior  surface ;  middle  tibiae  with  two  bristles  below,  one  at 
middle,  the  other  a  little  nearer  the  base,  these  bristles  are 
quite  close  together,  bristles  on  upper  surface  large;  fore  tarsi 
yellow,  darker  at  tip,  middle  tarsi  black  from  tip  of  first  joint, 
hind  ones  wholly  black;  joints  of  middle  tarsi  as  32-18-15-11-8; 
first  two  joints  of  hind  tarsi  as  27-15.  Calypters  and  halteres 
yellow,  former  with  black  cilia. 

Wings  grayish,  a  little  tinged  wtih  brown  in  front  of  second 
vein ;  third  vein  nearly  straight ;  last  section  of  fourth  vein 
quite  abruptly  bent,  this  bend  broadly  rounded  and  beginning 
at  middle  of  the  section,  portion  beyond  the  bend  considerably 
concave  posteriorly,  its  tip  close  to  tip  of  third  vein  and  far  in 
front  of  apex  of  wing;  last  section  of  fifth  vein  only  a  little 
curved  beyond  the  crossvein,  it  is  19;  crossvein  11-fiftieths  of 
a  millimeter  long. 

9  :  Almost  like  the  male,  except  that  the  face  is  wide  with 
its  sides  nearly  parallel  and  the  bend  in  last  section  of  fourth 
vein  not  as  much  rounded. 

Described  from  one  pair,  taken  by  H.  H.  Smith,  May,  1906, 
at  St.  Vincent,  \Yest  Indies.  Types  in  the  collection  of  the 
University  of  Arkansas. 

This  comes  nearest  arcuatus  Loew,  but  in  that  species  the 
fore  and  middle  femora  are  brownish  on  upper  edge,  hind 
femora  dark  brown  on  most  of  apical  half,  middle  and  hind 
coxae  black  almost  to  the  tip,  and  bend  in  last  section  of  fourth 
vein  is  almost  a  right  angle. 

74  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

Insects  Screened  from  Bean  Samples  (Hemip., 
Coleop.,  Orth.,  Hym.,  Dip.). 

By  A.  O.  LARSON  and  C.  K.  FISHER, 

Division  of  Stored-Product  Insects,  U.  S.  Bureau  of 


While  inspecting  samples  of  newly  harvested  beans  in  Cali- 
fornia for  evidence  of  bean  weevil  infestations  the  writers 
observed  that  large  numbers  of  insects  of  many  species  were 
among  the  beans.  Such  insects  had  probably  sought  food  or 
shelter  in  the  piles  of  bean  vines  in  the  field  and  had  gone 
through  the  threshing  machines,  in  which  many  of  them  had 
been  killed.  Observation  has  shown  that  some  insects  pass  out 
of  the  bean  threshing  machines  with  the  straw  while  others 
pass  into  the  sacks  with  the  beans.  The  latter  are  taken  to 
the  warehouses  where  they  are  separated  from  the  beans  and 
are  sacked  up  with  the  screenings. 

The  numbers  of  insects  varied  in  different  samples  from  the 
same  locality  and  the  number  of  species  varied  as  between  dif- 
ferent localities  and  different  years.  During  past  years  Fuller's 
rose  beetle,  Pcintonwrns  fullcri  Horn,  was  frequently  found  in 
large  numbers  in  samples  of  beans  grown  in  the  Chino  district 
of  San  Bernardino  County,  but  not  a  single  specimen  was 
found  amongst  the  beans  inspected  in  1928.  In  1927,  Dinoclcus 
pilosus  Lee.  was  found  in  great  numbers,  sometimes  eight  or 
ten  being  in  one  sample,  but  in  1928  very  few  specimens  were 
taken  from  beans  grown  in  the  same  vicinity. 

Of  the  Coleoptera,  one  or  another  of  the  lady  beetles  has 
been  the  most  numerous  each  year,  while  Chlorochroa  sayi 
Stal  has  been  the  most  numerous  of  the  Hemiptera. 

By  the  time  the  samples  reach  the  laboratory  a  good  number 
of  the  insects  are  dead  and  too  badly  broken  for  identification. 
Especially  is  this  true  of  the  orders  other  than  Coleoptera  and 

During  1928  an  effort  was  made  to  collect  all  living  insects 
screened  from  3,246  samples  collected  from  Merced,  Stanis- 
laus, and  San  Joaquin  Counties  in  California.  Some  of  these 
insects  were  sent  to  Washington,  D.  C.,  where  they  were  kindly 
determined  by  the  specialists  named  below. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  75 

W.  L.  McAtee  determined  the  following  nine  genera  and 
nine  species  of  Hemiptera :  Brochymena  4- pustulate,  Fabr., 
Clilorochroa  sayi  Stal,  Euschistus  conspersus  Uhl.,  Neottiglossa 
cavifrons  Stal,  Thy  ant  a  citstator  Fabr.,  Murgantia  histrionica 
Hahn,  Corizus  idcntatus  Hambl.,  Lygaeus  reclivatus  Say,  var., 
and  Euryophthalmus  cinctus  H.  S. 

E.  A.  Chapin  determined  the  following  14  genera  and  15 
species  of  Coleoptera :  Nccrophonis  sp.,  Silpha  ramosa  Say, 
Aeolus  livens  Lee.,  Cardiophorus  sp.,  nr.  tumidicollis  Lee., 
Hippodamia  convergcns  Guer.,  H.  ambigua  Lee.,  Coccinella 
californica  Mann.,  Mclanastns  sp.,  Coniontis  clongata  Csy., 
Blapstinus  pulverulentus  Mann.,  Amphidora  littoralis  Esch., 
Lema  nigrovittata  Guer.,  Diabrotica  soror  Lee.,  Disonycha  ma- 
ritima  Mann.,  and  Sitophilus  oryzae  L. 

L.  L.  Buchanan  determined  the  following  six  genera  and 
four  species  of  Coleoptera:  Curtonotus  sp.,  nr.  jacobinns  Lee., 
Aniara  sp.,  Calathus  quadricollis  Lee.,  Agomim  maculicolle 
Dej.,  Dinocleus  pilosus  Lee.,  and  Cleonus  sp. 

Of  the  Orthoptera  a  nymph  of  Gryllus  assimilis  Fabr.  was 
determined  by  A.  N.  Caudell. 

Of  the  Hymenoptera  Cryptus  tcjoncnsis  Cress,  was  deter- 
mined by  R.  A.  Cushman,  and  a  broken  ant  was  determined 
as  Camponotus  sp.  by  W.  M.  Mann. 

C.  T.  Greene  determined  one  dipteron  as  Hcrmctia  illucens  L. 

Numerous  broken  specimens  of  Orthoptera,  Hymenoptera, 
Diptera,  and  Lepidoptera,  as  well  as  a  few  broken  specimens 
of  Odonata,  were  sifted  out  of  the  beans  and  discarded. 

In  addition  to  the  foregoing  insects  many  specimens  of  the 
following  four  genera  and  five  species  of  Coleoptera  were  col- 
lected: Tcncbroidcs  nianritanicus  L.,  Oryzaephilus  surinamen- 
sis  L.,  Tribolium  ferrugincuni  Fab.,  T.  confusum  Duv.,  Tri- 
gonogenius  globuluni  Sol.,  and  Sitophilus  or\zae  L.  These  had 
probably  crawled  in  amongst  the  beans  after  the  latter  had 
reached  the  warehouses,  as  these  insects  are  commonly  found 
breeding  in  some  of  the  sixteen  warehouses  from  which  the 
samples  were  taken. 

Besides   the   discarded    broken    insects,    which    outnumbered 

76  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

the  others,  there  were  collected  37  genera  and  39  species  in 
five  orders.  A  pound  would  have  been  a  very  conservative 
estimate  of  the  weight  of  the  insects  screened  out. 

The  bean  crop  of  the  United  States  for  the  last  five  years, 
1924  to  1928  inclusive,  has  averaged  more  than  17  million 
bushels  or  more  than  1,023,000,000  pounds.  The  samples  from 
which  the  above  insects  were  screened  weighed  about  6,000 
pounds.  From  these  figures  it  appears  that  more  than  85  tons 
of  insects  are  carried  into  the  warehouses  with  the  newly  har- 
vested beans  each  fall.  These  insects  are  sacked  up  with  the 
bean  screenings  and  die,  thereby  reducing  the  numbers  of  both 
beneficial  and  injurious  insects  which  would  otherwise  go  into 
hibernation  in  or  near  the  bean  fields. 

Descriptions  of  New  Genera  and  Species  of  the 

Dipterous  Family  Ephydridae. 

Paper  VIII.1 

By  EZRA  T.  CRESSON,  Jr. 
Ditrichophora  painteri  new  species. 

This  species  is  unique  in  having  the  wings  spotted  somewhat 
similar  to  the  species  of  the  genus  Ilytlica.  In  the  narrow  para- 
facialia  and  cheeks,  the  relatively  short  second  vein,  curving 
abruptly  into  the  costa,  the  species  falls  near  Ditrichophora 
uadincac  Cresson,  from  California. 

Black  ;  antennae  except  upper  part  of  third  segment,  knees, 
apex  of  tibiae,  and  all  tarsi,  yellow.  Halteres  white.  Wings 
clear  with  the  following  fuscous  design  :  a  narrow  transverse 
spot  at  tip  of  first  vein,  including  anterior  crossvein,  a  large 
quadrate  spot  at  costa  midway  between  first  and  second  veins, 
a  similar  spot  including  tip  of  second  vein,  another  such  spot 
between  tips  of  second  and  third  veins,  a  small  spot  including 
tip  of  third,  an  irregular  diluted  spot  including  posterior  cross- 
vein,  and  an  irregular  diluted  design  beyond  tbe  latter. 

Subopaque,  somewhat  golden  brown  above,  more  whitish  be- 
low ;  abdomen  shining,  somewhat  opaque  basallv.  Frons  opaque 
with  a  broad  suborbital  line  dilating  anteriorly,  and  a  preocellar 
triangular  spot,  black  ;  otherwise  the  frons  is  brownish.  Face 

1  Paper  VI.     See  Ent.  News,  XXXV,  p.  159         (1924). 
Paper  VII.     See  Ent.  News,  XXXVI,  p.  165         (1925). 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  77 

sparingly  white  pruinose ;  the  linear  orbits  white ;  mesonotum 
with  four  series  of  well  separated  roundish,  brown  spots;  scu- 
tellum  with  a  pair  of  brown  apical  spots. 

Frons  quadrate;  orbits  parallel.  Face  scarcely  one-third 
width  of  vertex,  strongly  broadening  below,  in  profile,  convex, 
concentric  with  eye-outline;  parafacialia  and  cheeks  linear; 
arista  with  five  hairs.  Abdomen  broad  with  revolute  lateral 
margins;  fifth  abdominal  segment,  in  the  male,  subglobose  with 
rounded  apex.  Fore  femora  of  male  with  about  three  minute 
postflexor  spinules.  \Yings  slightly  pointed  at  third  vein;  first 
and  second  costal  sections  subequal  in  length;  second  vein 
abruptly  curving  into  costa.  Length,  1.5  mm. 

Type. —  £  ;  Puerto  Castilla,  HONDURAS,  May  6,  1926,  (R. 
H.  Painter;  taken  at  Balsamo  Farm,  about  110  kilometers 
along  the  Truxillo  Railroad  from  Puerto  Castilla),  [A.  X.  S. 
P.,  no.  6366].  Paratypcs. — 2$  ,  1  9  ;  topotypical. 

Ditrichophora  balsamae  new  species. 

This  species,  represented  by  one  specimen,  the  type,  differs 
from  Ditrichophora  paintcri  by  the  seven  stripes  on  the  meso- 
notum. I  can  find  no  other  differentiating  characters ;  but  the 
specimen  is  not  as  fully  developed  nor  in  as  good  a  condition 
as  is  possible.  However  the  vittate  mesonotum  is  very  charac- 
teristic and  it  is  thus  at  once  distinguished  from  puintcri.  with 
which  it  apparently  agrees  in  all  other  respects.  Further  de- 
scription is  unnecessary. 

Type. —  9  ;  Puerto  Castilla,  I  IOXDURAS,  May  6,  1926,  (R. 
H.  Painter;  taken  at  Balsamo  Farm,  along  the  Truxillo  Rail- 
road from  Puerto  Castilla),  |A.  X.  S.  P.,  no.  6365J. 

Polytrichophora  boriqueni  new  species. 

This  species  is  more  shining  than  is  usual ;  the  face  is  scarcely 
gray  dusted,  while  the  orbits  are  very  white  and  distinct.  Sug- 
gesting DiscoceriiHt  piilclira  Cress.,  described  from  Costa  Rica, 
in  many  respects,  but  the  face  is  not  so  narrow  nor  so  distinctly 

Black;  antennae  including  second  segment  but  nut  apex  of 
third,  palpi,  coxae,  tibiae  except  dark  median  ring,  and  tarsi, 
yellow.  Halteres  white.  \Yings  hvaline:  veins  pale.  Meso- 
notum,  scutellum,  and  abdomen  shining;  pleura  slightK  grayish. 
Frons  rather  opaque,  brownish:  face  medianly  grayish,  orbits 
narrowly  white. 

78  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,    '30 

Structurally  similar  to  pulchra.  Frons  quadrate;  face  twice 
as  long  as  broad  ;  parafacialia  very  narrow,  not  dilating  below, 
setulae  inconspicuous.  Cheeks  not  broader  than  parafacialia. 
Arista  with  four  to  five  hairs.  Mesonotal  setulae  nonseriated. 
Postflexor  comb  of  fore  femora  not  well  developed  as  distinct 
spines.  Second  section  of  costa  not  much  longer  than  third. 
Length,  1.7  mm. 

Type. —  $  ?  Adjuntas,  PORTO  Rico,  June  26,  1915.  [New 
York  Acad.  Sci.].  Paratype. — 1  $  ?  Mayaguez,  PORTO  Rico, 
February  15.  1915,  [N.  Y.  Ac.  Sc.]. 

Hecamedoides  buccata  new  species. 

A  robust,  unformly  cinereous  species  with  very  broad 
cheeks ;  frontal  orbital  setulae  wanting ;  parafacialia  with  dis- 
tinct series  of  setulae ;  tibial  spur  minute.  Wings  noticeably 
lactaceous.  Although  lacking  many  of  the  characters  typical 
of  Hecamedoides,  the  present  species  is  more  closely  allied  to 
Hecamedoides  glaucclla  (Stenh.)  than  to  the  species  of  Dis- 

Black  ;  frons  below,  face  above,  antennae,  palpi,  knees,  bases 
and  apices  of  tibiae,  and  all  tarsi  except  apices,  tawny  to  yel- 
low. Halteres  white.  Wings  lactaceous  with  veins,  except 
costa  and  posterior  crossvein,  yellow.  Opaque,  cinereous ; 
mesonotum  somewhat  yellowish  tinged  medianly.  Abdomen 
less  densely  coated.  Femora  and  tibiae  cinereous. 

Cheeks  nearly  as  broad  as  eye-height.  Fore  femoral  comb 
of  about  four  small  spines ;  hind  tibial  spur  minute,  scarcely 
spur-like.  Length,  2.5  mm. 

Typc.—  $  ;  Wildwood,  NEW  JERSEY,  July  18,  1908.  (Cres- 
son),  [A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  6367].  Paratypcs. — 3  5  ,  2?  ;  topo- 

Allotrichoma  salubris  new  species. 

Similar  to  A.  abdominalis  (Will.)  but  distinguished  by  the 
uniformly  silvery  pleura.  The  type  is  probably  one  of  the 
specimens  Dr.  Williston  had  before  him  when  he  commented 
upon  Allotrichoma  abdominalis,  in  his  "Diptera  Brasiliana", 
Part  4,  but  it  is  entirely  distinct  from  those  before  me  which 
agree  with  the  original  description  of  abdominalis. 

Opaque.  Frons,  facial  carina  above,  mesonotum,  scutellum, 
first  two  abdominal  segments,  dark  brown  to  yellowish  brown ; 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  79 

antennae,  palpi  and  tarsi,  black  ;  remaining  surfaces,  including 
femora  and  tibiae,  bluish  gray.  \Yings  lactaceous,  or  slightly 
darkened;  immaculate,  with  yellowish  veins. 

Basal  half  of  antennal  arista  bare  and  thickened,  the  three 
hairs  confined  to  apical  half.  Fourth  abdominal  segment  as  long 
as  the  first  three  together,  triangular  and  pointed  apically. 
Second  vein  long  and  straight :  second  costal  section  four  or 
five  times  as  long  as  third.  Otherwise  similar  to  abdoininalis. 
Length,  1.5-1.75  mm. 

Typc.—  $  ;  BRAZIL,  (H.H.  Smith),  [A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  6368]. 

A  series  of  84  specimens  from  Chaco,  Paraguay,  (Fiebrig), 
[Vienna  National  Museum]  is  before  me  which  appear  to  be 
this  species,  but  I  do  not  care  to  consider  them  paratypic. 

Axysta  bradleyi  new  species. 

Black  ;  third  antennal  segment  below,  tip  of  palpi,  extreme 
base  of  tarsi,  yellow.  Arista  white  and  white  pilose.  Halteres 
dark.  Wings  hyaline,  with  dark  veins.  Shining  to  polished  ; 
sparingly  brown  pollinose ;  abdomen  scabrous.  Face  grayish 
medianly,  leaving  the  narrow  orbits,  which  abruptly  dilate  near 
cheeks,  shining. 

Frons  convex,  horizontal,  without  distinct  frontal  bristles. 
Facial  tubercle  not  prominent ;  facial  profile  vertical,  twice  as 
long  as  broad.  Cheeks  about  one-fourth  eye-height  in  width. 
Third  antennal  segment  about  twice  as  long  as  broad,  conically 
pointed ;  upper  margin  concaved.  Scutellum  rather  flattened, 
rugulose,  slightly  elongated.  Length,  1.7  mm. 

Type. —  $  ;  Waycross,  GEORGIA,  May  8,  1911,  [Cornell  Uni- 
versity Collection].  Paratype. — 1  $  ;  Muncie,  ILLINOIS,  June 
8,  1917,  [Illinois  Xat.  Hist"  Survey]. 

Nostima  quinquenotata  new  specie.-. 

This  pretty  species  is  allied  tn  /'!ii!y</n\i  picta  (Fallen),  dif- 
fering in  having  five  round,  whitish  spots  on  an  infuscated 
wing:  One  in  basal  portion  and  one  at  middle  of  submarginal 
cell,  one  in  apical  poriiou  of  first  posterior  cell,  one  at  middle 
of  second  posterior  cell,  and  one  in  third  posterior  cell  below 
posterior  crossvein.  The  crossveins  arc  far  removed  towards 
base  of  wings.  The  mesonotum  is  brown  with  lateral  whitish 
stripes,  similar  to  those  of  picta,  but  the  scutellum  is  not  vel- 
vety black.  The  type  may  be  somewhat  teneral.  as  it  is  very 
pale  with  all  but  the  dorsal  surfaces  pale  yellow.  Length,  1  mm. 

80  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

Type. —  $  ;  Lloyds,  Dorchester  County,  MARYLAND,  July 
10,  1907,  (H.  S.  Barber),  [U.  S.  N.  M.,  no.  21851]. 

Nostima  niveivenosa  new  species. 

A  distinct  species  similar  to  N.  iiniiiacnlata  Cresson  described 
from  Costa  Rica,  but  the  cross  veins  are  conspicuously  white. 

Mesontum  grayish  with  three  to  five  brown  stripes ;  abdomen 
shining,  almost  polished ;  a  large  dorsal  triangle  broadest  at 
apical  margin  of  second  segment,  spot  at  apical  angles  of  third, 
ventral  lobes  and  a  pair  of  small  round  dots  medianly  near 
apical  margin  of  fourth,  and  apical  margin  of  fifth  segments, 
whitish  or  silvery.  Wings  immaculate  with  crossveins  white 
within  whitish  halos.  Face  prominent  below  but  not  abruptly  so. 

Type. —  $  ;  Aguadilla,  PORTO  Rico,  January,  1809,  (A. 
Busck),  [U.  S.  N.  M.,  no.  21856]. 

The  type  has  the  antennae  missing  and  the  body  somewhat 

Hydrina  nigrescens  new  species. 

Very  similar  to  Philvgria  dcbilis  Loew,  but  more  blackish, 
not  so  brownish ;  f  rons  much  longer,  about  six-tenths  as  long 
as  broad ;  cheeks  broader ;  abdomen  mostly  shining ;  at  most 
the  second  costal  section  one  and  one-half  as  long  as  third. 
Length,  1.75  mm. 

Type. —  $  ;  London  Hill  Mine,  Bear  Lake,  BRITISH  COLUM- 
BIA, July  21,  1903,  (R.  P.  Currie ;  7000  feet  alt.),  [U.  S.  N. 
M.,  no.  21849]. 

The  genus  Hydrina  Robineau-Desvoidy,  as  here  used,  is 
synonymous  with  Philyyria  Stenhammer,  and  is  retained  in 
the  same  sense  as  recognized  by  Haliday,  Loew  and  Becker. 

Hyadina  macquarti  new  species. 

This  species  comes  nearer  to  agreeing  with  the  description  of 
Ephydra  nitida  Macq.  than  to  any  specimen  I  have  seen.  It 
differs  from  Ephydra  rufipcs  Meigen,  which  I  have  seen,  in 
having  the  legs  dark,  with  the  apices  of  the  femora  and  the  ex- 
tremities of  the  tibiae  only,  paler  in  some  specimens.  It  differs 
from  Hydrina  binotata  Cress,  in  having  no  whitish  areas  or 
spots  on  the  wings;  and  from  Hyadina  yitttata  (Fallen),  in 
the  absence  of  the  velvety-black  pleural  spot. 

Type  — 6  ;  Skag\vay,  ALASKA,  June  4,   1921,    (J.   M.  Aid- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  81 

rich),  |U.  S.  N.  M.,  no.  21852].  Pans  types. —  I  £  ,  2  9  ;  topo- 
typical. 2  $  ;  Anchorage,  ALASKA,  June  15  and  19,  1921,  (J. 
M.  Aldrich),  [U.  S.  N.  M.]. 

Napaea  halteralis  new  specie-. 

This  species  is  distinguished  from  f'arydni  appendiculata 
Lw.  bv  the  black  halteres  and  tarsi.  «md  white  pollinose  lace. 
The  females,  which  appear  to  be  conspecific  with  the  male  type, 
have  the  halteres  paler  but  tips  of  the  knobs  are  black.  This 
species  is  probably  confined  to  the  Pacific  costal  areas  of  Xorth 

Black  including  halteres  and  tarsi.  Wings  brownish  tinged, 
with  tips  of  second  to  fourth  veins,  and  crossveins  clouded; 
whitish  areas  not  very  pronounced.  Subopaque,  yellow-brown 
pollinose,  becoming  white  on  face  and  cheeks,  grayish  on  pectns 
and  legs.  No  trace  of  grayish  marks  on  mesonotum.  Ab- 
domen more  shining,  bluish. 

Structurally  similar  to  appendiculata.     Length,  2  mm. 

Type. —  $  ;  Pullman,  WASHINGTON,  October  17,  1915,  (A. 
L.  Melander),  [A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  6369]. 

Two  topotypical  females  collected  May  12  and  June  15,  I 
consider  to  be  paratypic  with  the  type,  but  they  average  larger, 
more  shining;  face  whitish  in  the  antennal  foveae  and  along 
the  orbits;  mesonotum  with  faint  grayish  acrostical  stripe; 
halteres  knobs  blackish  but  not  decidedly  so  intense  as  in  the 
type  ;  wings  more  mottled  with  brown. 

Parydra  incommoda  new  species. 

Similar  to  P.  bituberculata  but  more  shining;  the  pollinose 
vesture  darker,  ranging  from  dark  brown  to  yellow-brown  on 
the  head  and  thorax.  Yerv  little  grayish  pollen,  even  below 
where  it  is  generally  pale  yellowish  and  on  the  abdomen  where 
it  is  decidedly  tinged  with  brown. 

Eyes  distinctly  horizontal.  Frons  strongly  sculptured,  and 
generally  with  a  distinct  longitudinal  or  roundish  depression 
below  ocellar  tubercle.  Face  broader  than  long,  about  three- 
fourths  as  broad  as  vertex.  Cheeks  broader  than  eye-height. 
Scutellum  quadrate,  with  lateral  margins  convex,  rounding  into 
the  apex;  the  lateral  bristled  tubercle  rather  distinct.  Wings 
with  second  costal  section  four  times  as  long  as  third. 

Type. —  6  ;  Moscow  Mountain,  IDAHO.  June  12,  1910,  (A. 
L.  Melander),  [A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  6370].  Paratypes—Z  £  ,  5  9  ; 

82  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

Notes  on  Coleoptera — No.  2. 

By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 

The  following  are  miscellaneous  rearing  records  and  obser- 
vations made  by  the  writer  unless  otherwise  stated.  Practically 
all  of  the  rearing  was  done  indoors  and  for  that  reason  the 
dates  of  emergence  are  "not  given.  Clark's  Valley  is  located 
in  the  Blue  Mountains  north  of  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania,  and 
runs  east  and  west.  The  nearest  postoffice  is  Dauphin. 


TILLUS  TRANSVERSALTS  Charp.  The  writer  has  a  specimen 
of  this  species  in  his  collection  which  was  taken  in  New  York 
City  by  Mr.  George  Moetz.  Evidently  the  larva  or  adult  was 
imported  with  a  shipment  of  goods. 

THANASIMUS  TRIFASCIATUS  Say.  Larvae  of  this  species 
were  taken  in  numbers  from  the  outer  bark  of  large  dead  and 
dying  white  pines  (Finns  strobus)  in  Clark's  Valley  on  No- 
vember 6th.  All  of  the  larvae  collected  had  constructed  ovoid 
pupal  cells  in  the  thick  outer  bark  which  was  about  \l/2  inches 
thick.  These  cells  which  were  nearly  at  right  angles  to  the 
grain  of  the  wood  were  lined  with  a  light  colored  substance 
which  resembled  silk.  Some  of  the  cells  were  four  feet  from 
the  ground  while  others  Were  found  six  inches  from  the  bases 
of  the  trees.  The  larvae  were  caged  in  the  warm  laboratory 
and  the  adults  emerged  early  in  the  spring.  These  larvae  did 
not  seem  to  respond  to  warm  indoor  conditions  as  many  other 
Coleoptera  do  and  some  of  them  remained  in  their  pupal  cells 
until  the  following  spring.  It  is  quite  evident  that  the  larvae 
pass  the  winter  in  the  pupal  cells  and  that  most  of  the  adults 
emerge  in  June  and  July,  as  shown  by  collection  records. 

The  main  food  of  these  larvae  consisted  of  Tctropinm  i'dn- 
tifium  Lee.  although  the  trees  were  also  infested  with  AcantJio- 
dcrcs  obsolctns  Oliv.,  Gnathotrichus  inatcriatus  Fitch,  OrtJio- 
tomicus  caclatns  Eich.,  Hylurgops  pinife.r  Fitch,  Dryocoetcs 
amcricanns  Hopk.,  and  Dendroctonus  I'alcns  Lee. 

HYDNOCERA  VERTICALIS  Say.  Adults  were  reared  from  dead 
linden  (Tilia  amcricana)  branches  infested  with  Eupogonius 
pubcsccns  Lee.  and  Grammoptera  e.rigna  Newn.  larvae,  also  from 
dead  black  oak  branches  (Qncrcns  vclntina)  infested  with  larvae 

xli,    '301  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

of    Agrilus    (jciniiiatits    Say.       The    material    \vas    collected    in 
Clark's  Valley. 

ORTHOPLEURA  DAMICOKNIS  Fab.  Reared  from  white  oak 
(i)ucrciis  alba]  infested  with  Pliyinatodcs  acrcus  Xewn.  col- 
lected in  Clark's  Valley. 


LUDIUS  sri.ncoLLis  Say.  Adults  were  reared  from  dead 
sour  gum  (Xvssa  syk'aticu)  wood  infested  with  Lcptura  cinur- 
(jinata  Fah.  and  Cliarisalia  aincricana  Hald.  collcrted  at  Ilum- 
melstown,  Pennsylvania. 


DICERCA  LURIDA  Fab.  \Yas  reared  from  a  dead  branch  of 
a  living  linden  (Tilia  aincricana)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

XENORIIIIMS  BRENDELI  Lee.  This  insect  seems  to  be  so  rare 
that  a  capture  is  worth}-  of  record.  An  adult  male  was  col- 
lected on  a  dead  black  oak  branch  in  Clark's  Valley  on  July  _'l. 

CHRYSOBOTHRIS  CHRYSOELA  Illig.  A  living  adult  was  cho])])ed 
from  a  dead  branch  of  persimmon  (Diospyros  i'ir</iniana)  col- 
lected at  Wallaceton,  Virginia,  on  (  )ctober  3. 

C.  OROXO  Frost.  Through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  (-"rank  llaim- 
bach  and  Mr.  J.  A.  G.  Rehn,  the  writer  had  a  chance  to  work 
over  three  specimens  of  this  species  in  the  Horn  collection  in 
the  Pennsylvania  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences.  The  material 
is  labeled  as  follows,  one  male  and  female  from  North  Caro- 
lina and  another  female  from  Virginia.  The  writer  also  po-.- 
sesses  a  large  female  labeled  Fresno  Co.,  Tennessee',  June  11. 
Mr.  C.  A.  Frost  kindly  sent  me  the  type  for  comparison  and 
in  all  of  the  southern  specimens  the  chitinized  areas  of  the 
dorsal  surface  were  more  pronounced  and  they  lacked  the  gray- 
ish-green color  of  the  punctured  areas  which  is  <|iu'te  marked 
in  the  tyf>e  and  allotype. 

C.  SEXSIGNATA  Say.  Reared  from  dead  post  oak  (Quer- 
CHS  stcllnla)  branches  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

Fri-KisToCKkrs  COGITANS  \Ycb.  (  )ne  adult  was  reared  from 
dead  river  birch  (/>'<•/»/</  nii/nt)  collected  in  ('lark's  Yallev. 
This  is  an  unusual  record  as  this  in-ect  nui-mally  brec-ds  in 

AcRlLUS  DEKECTI-S  Lee.  Reared  from  dead  jiost  ( iak  (Quer- 
cns  slt'Un/ti)  branches  collected  in  C 'lark's  Yallex  . 

84  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

A.  ARCUATUS  Say.  Adults  which  resemble  subspecies  ful- 
tjcns  Lee.  were  reared  from  dead  shadbush  (Amelanchier  cana- 
densis)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley,  the  tree  having  been  girdled 
by  a  beaver.  The  material  was  reared  from  the  main  trunk 
which  was  about  three  inches  in  diameter.  The  larvae  had 
worked  beneath  the  bark  and  pupated  in  the  sapwood,  which 
is  quite  unlike  the  typical  girdling  of  this  species. 

A.  OTIOSUS  Say.  Reared  from  small  dead  branches  of  black 
walnut  (Juglans  nigra)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

A.  GEMINATUS  Say.  Adults  were  reared  from  the  small  dead 
branches  of  black  oak  (Quercus  velutina)  collected  in  Clark's 

A.  BETULAE  Fisher.  A  large  series  of  this  species  was  reared 
from  dead  river  birch  (Bctitla  nigro)  collected  in  Clark's  Val- 
ley. A  considerable  variation  in  size  and  color  was  observed, 
the  length  ranging  from  5  mm.  to  11  mm.,  and  many  of  the 
specimens  were  bright  cupreous  throughout  the  dorsal  surface. 


CATOGENUS  RUFUS  Fab.  During  the  latter  part  of  April  a 
Cerambycid  pupa  was  taken  from  a  pupal  cell  in  a  dead  pitch 
pine  (Finns  rig  id  a)  tree  at  Hummelstown,  Pennsylvania.  This 
pupa  was  placed  in  a  glass  vial  and  in  a  couple  of  weeks  a 
larva  of  Catogenus  rufus  Fab.  emerged.  The  larva  proceeded 
to  devour  the  dead  Cerambycid  pupa  and  in  the  course  of  a 
week  the  entire  pupa  was  consumed.  The  Catogenus  larva 
pupated  in  the  vial  and  later  the  perfect  adult  emerged.  The 
fact  that  this  species  is  an  internal  parasite  might  account  for 
the  great  variation  in  the  size  of  the  adults. 


MYCETOCHARES  BINOTATUS  Say.  Numerous  adults  reared 
from  the  dead  wood  of  a  living  sour  gum  (Nyssa  syhatica) 
tree  collected  at  Hummelstown,  Pennsylvania. 


SYNCHROA  PUNCTATA  Newn.  Reared  from  dead  poison  ivy 
(RJius  to.ricodcndron}  stems  collected  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsyl- 
vania, and  from  dead  iron  wood  (Ostrya  virginiana)  taken  at 
Laporte,  Pennsylvania. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  85 

PROTHALPIA  UNDATA  Lee.  This  species  was  recorded  er- 
roneously as  (Mysta.rus  simulator  Newn.)  in  the  Canadian 
Entomologist*  as  breeding  in  Viburnum  dctitatmn  and  nine- 
bark  (Opulaster  opitlifoliiis).  The  species  was  determined  as 
Prothalpia  undata  Lee.  by  Mr.  Ralph  Hopping.  The  two  species 
resemble  each  other  superficially. 


OCHROSIDIA  VILLOSA  Burm.  This  species  was  found  breeding 
in  a  large  lawn  about  two  acres  in  extent  near  Middletown,  Penn- 
sylvania. The  larvae  had  eaten  the  roots  of  the  grass  and  in 
this  way  killed  the  plants.  The  blades  of  the  grass  had  turned 
brown  and  could  be  raked  up  in  large  quantities. 


HYPERMALLUS  VILLOSUS  Fab.  Reared  from  dead  yellow 
wood  (Cladrastis  lutca)  branch  collected  at  Philadelphia,  Penn- 
sylvania, by  Mr.  Floyd  Smith  and  from  a  dead  linden  (Tilia 
aincricana*)  branch  collected  in  Clark's  Valley  by  the  writer. 

ELAPHIDION  mucronatum  Say.  Reared  from  dead  sweet 
fern  (Afyrica  asplenifolia)  stem  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

GRAMMOPTERA  EXIGUA  Newn.  Adults  were  reared  from 
dead  linden  (Tilia  ainericana)  branches  collected  in  Clark's 
Valley.  The  larvae  did  not  enter  the  sapwood  but  worked  be- 
tween the  bark  and  wood  as  stated  by  Craig-head. f 

CHARISALIA  AMERICANA  Hald.  This  species  was  found 
breeding  in  the  dead  decayed  wood  on  the  inside  of  a  hollow 
sour  gum  (Nyssa  sylvatica)  at  Hummelstown,  Pennsylvania, 
by  Mr.  H.  B.  Kirk  and  the  writer. 

LEPTURA  ABDOMINALIS  Hald.  The  males  of  this  species  are 
usually  black,  but  a  male  was  reared  from  dead  cypress  (Ta.vo- 
dium  disticlmm)  collected  at  Cape  Henry,  Virginia,  which  had 
legs,  head,  thorax,  scutellum,  suture  of  elytra,  humeral  angles 
and  an  oblique  band  across  apices  of  elytra  black;  the  rest  of 
the  elytra  was  testaceous  including  a  very  small  spot  on  the 
vertex  of  head.  A  female  was  reared  which  had  the  usual  bi- 
colored  legs  in  this  sex,  two  very  small  black  spots  on  pro- 
notum,  the  rest  of  both  dorsal  and  ventral  surfaces  was  tes- 

*A.  B.  Champlain  and  J.  N.  Knull,  Can.  Ent.  V.  57,  p.  114;  1925. 
t  F.  C.  Craighead— Dom.  Can.  Agl.  Bui.  27,  p.  96 ;  1923. 

86  K \TOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

The  species  had  a  high  percentage  of  parasitism  by  a  species 
of  Bethylid  determined  by  Mr.  Rohwer  as  Sclerodermus  inucro- 
//<istcr  A  shin.  The  adults  are  wingless  and  follow  the  bur- 
rows of  the  larvae. 

(To  be  continued) 

Cleveland   Museum   Entomological   Expedition. 

Dr.  George  P.  Engleharclt,  Director  of  Natural  Sciences  in 
the  Brooklyn  Museum,  and  Mr.  John  C.  Pallister,  Entomolo- 
gist of  the  Cleveland  Museum  of  Natural  History,  are  making 
a  brief  trip  into  Central  America  in  search  of  materials  for 
entomological  groups  for  the  Cleveland  Museum.  They  are 
the  guests  of  Mr.  M.  F.  Bramley,  of  Cleveland,  who  is  making 
the  trip  in  the  yacht  "Peary",  which  was  used  by  MacMillan 
and  Byrd  in  their  Arctic  Expedition  in  1925.  The  party  sailed 
from  Long  Beach,  California,  February  1.  Before  going  to 
Guatemala  they  will  spend  a  few  days  on  the  uninhabited  island 

of  Socorro. 

— •  •>  « — 

Entomological    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
voiume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

fUBp-jVofe  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Barnes,  H.  F.— Gall  midges  ( Ceddoniyi- 
dae)  as  enemies  of  aphids.  |22]  20:  433-442.  Beling,  I.— 
Ueber  das  zeitgedachtnis  der  bienen.  [88|  18:  63-67,  ill. 
Bodkin,  G.  E. — A  note  on  the  utility  of  aerial  photography 
in  entomological  field  work.  [22]  20:  431,  ill.  Carpenter, 
G.  H. — Insects  their  structure  and  life.  335pp.,  ill.  Dunker- 
ly,  J.  S. — A  note  on  parasites  and  the  natural  selection  the- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  87 

ory.  [93]  1929:  267-270.  Estable,  C.— Observaciones  sobre  al- 
gunos  insectos  del  Uruguay.  [An.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat.  Montevideo] 
3:  57-92.  Fulda,  O. — Sammelreise  quer  durch  Mexiko.  [20] 
45:  2-4,  cont.  McKellar,  H.— Obituary.  By  X.  Criddle.  |4| 
61  :  288.  Myers,  J.  G. — The  nesting  together  of  birds,  wasps 
and  ants.  [Pro.  Ent.  Soc.  London]  4:  80-90.  Navas,  R.  P. 
L. — Insectos  neotropicos.  [44]  32:  106-128.  Nininger,  H.  H. 

-Brief  notes  on  Mexican  insects.  [103]  3:  28.    Noble,  G.  K. 

-What  produces  species?   [15]    1930:  60-70.     Ruediger,  E. 

— Entomologie  und  ethik.  [14]  43:  221-223,  cont.  Stiles  & 
Hassell. — -Key-catalogue  of  parasites  reported  for  primates 
(monkeys  and  lemurs)  with  their  possible  public  health 
importance.  [U.  S.  Hyg.  Lab.]  Bull.  152:  409-601.  Thomp- 
son, W.  R. — On  the  part  played  by  parasites  in  the  control 
of  insects  living  in  protected  situations.  [22]  20:  457-462. 
Weiss,  H.  B. — The  entomology  of  the  "Menagier  de  Paris". 
[M]  37:  421-423.  Weiss  &  Zieg'ler. — More  notes  on  the  wood 
engravers  of  North  American  insects.  [6]  37:  439-440. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  Etc.— Allard,  H.  A.— Our 

insect  instrumentalists  and  their  musical  technique.  [Smiths. 
Rep.)  1928:  563-591,  ill.  Alpatov,  W.  W.— Experimental 
studies  on  the  duration  of  life.  XIII.  The  influence  of  dif- 
ferent feeding  during  the  larval  and  imaginal  stages  on  the 
duration  of  life  of  the  imago  of  Drosphila  melanogaster. 
[90]  64:  37-55,  ill.  Berland,  L.— Les  forficules  sont-elles 
carnivores?  [25]  1929:  289-290.  Boldyrev,  B.  T.— Sperma- 
tophore  fertilization  in  the  migratory  locust  (Locust  mi- 
gratoria).  [Rep.  Appl.  Ent.,  Leningrad]  4;  189-218,  ill. 
Bredig,  Carter  &  Enderli.— Ueber  das  gleichgewicht  der 
kohlendioxyd-abspaltung  aus  ameisensaure  und  ihr  poten- 
tial. [Sitzungsberichte,  Wien]  138:  1023-1030,  ill.  Bureau, 
M.  R. — Stir  la  variation  diurne  des  parasites  atmosphe- 
riques  :  moyennes  mensuelles,  variation  annuelle,  influences 
meteorolog'iques.  [69]  189:  1293-1295.  ill.  Crampton,  G.  C. 
-The  terminal  abdominal  structures  of  female  insects 
compared  throughout  the  orders  from  the  standpoint  of 
phylogeny.  [6|  37:  453-496,  ill.  Eltringham,  H.— On  a  new 
sense  organ  in  certain  Lepidoptera.  |36]  77:  471-473.  ill. 
Everly,  R.  T. — Preliminary  experiments  on  the  jumping 
reactions  of  Melanoplus  differentialis  [43]  39:  309-315,  ill. 
Giglio-Tos,  E. — Riflessioni  di  un  biologo  sul  metaboli^mo 
dclla  sostanza  vivente.  |  Riv.  Biol.,  Milano]  11:  485-519. 
Jobling,  B. — A  comparative  study  of  the  structure  of  tin- 
head  and  mouth  parts  in  the  Streblidae  (Pupipara). 
[P.-irasit.|  21:  417-444,  ill.  Lestage,  J.  A.— Les  larves  a 
tracheo-branchies  ventrales.  [Ephemeroptera.]  [33]  09: 

88  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

433-440.  Locke,  D. — Die  ungliickskerne.  Eine  dramatifche 
geschichte  vom  untergang  einer  aufbliihenden  gemein- 
schaft  bolivianifcher  schirmameisen.  [Kosmos]  27:  22-28, 
ill.  Mclndoo,  N.  E.  -  -  Communication  among  insects. 
[Smiths.  Rep.J  1928:  541-562,  ill.  Mezger,  M.— Curiosite  et 
resistance  au  vol  des  Papillions.  [Lambillionea]  1929:  139. 
Myers,  J.  G. — Facultative  blood-sucking  in  phytophagous 
Hemiptera.  [Parasit.]  21:  472-480.  Peters,  H.— Ueber  den 
farbensinn  der  tagfalter.  [14J  43:  237-239.  Reinohl,  F- 
Die  vererbung  erworbener  eigenschaften.  [Naturwissen. 
Monats.,  Heimat]  42:  321-335,  ill.  Ripper,  W.— Beziehun- 
gen  zwischen  lebensweise  und  bau  der  kopfkapsel  bei  Lepi- 
dopterenlarven.  [Verb.  Zool.-Bot.  Gesell.  Wien]  79:  57-61. 
Snodgrass,  R.  E. — The  thoracic  mechanism  of  a  grasshopper 
and  its  antecedents.  [Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.]  82:  lllpp.,  ill. 
Study,  E. — Kami  mimikry  auf  zufall  beruhen?  [17]  47:  1.4. 
Thompson,  W.  R. — A  contribution  to  the  study  of  morpho- 
genesis in  the  muscoid  diptera.  [36]  77:  195-244,  ill.  Urneya 
&  Karasawa. — On  the  morphology  of  the  duplicate  geni- 
talia  of  the  male-moth,  Bombyx  mori.  [Jour.  Chosen  Nat. 
Hist.  Soc.]  1929:  39.  Verlaine,  L. — La  construction  des 
cellules  hexagonales  par  les  guepes  et  les  abeilles.  [33]  69: 
387-417,  ill.  "  Wigglesworth,"  V.  B. — A  theory  of  tracheal 
respiration  in  insects.  [31]  124:  986-987. 


-The  mating  habits  of  spiders,  with  special  reference  to 
the  problems  surrounding  sex  dimorphism.  [93]  1929:  309- 
358,  ill.  *Fage,  L. — Sur  quelques  Araignees  des  grottes 
de  1'Amerique  du  Nord  et  de  Cuba.  [23]  22:  181-187,  ill. 
Hilton,  W.  A. — Another  proturan  from  California.  [13]  21  : 
131-132,  ill.  *Petrunkevitch,  A. — The  spiders  of  Porto  Rico. 
Part  II.  [Trans.  Conn.  Acad.  Arts  &  Sci.]  30:  163-355.  ill. 
Petrunkevitch,  A. — On  the  systematic  position  of  the  spider 
genus  Nicodamus.  [6]  37:  417-420. 

P.  P. — Different  rates  of  growth  among  animals  with  spec- 
ial reference  to  the  Odonata.  [Proc.  American  Philo.  Soc.] 
68:  227-274,  ill.  Davis,  W.  T.— Notes  on  dragonflies  of  the 
genus  Neurocordulia.  [6]  37:  449-450.  *Denis,  J.  R.— Notes 
sur  les  Collemboles  recoltes  dans  ses  voyages  par  le  F.  Sil- 
vestri.  [23]  22:  166-179,  ill.  Fraser,  F.  C.— A  revision  of 
the  Fissilabioidea  (Cordulegasteridae,  Petaliidae  and  Petal- 
uridae).  Part  I. — Cordulegasteridae.  [Mem.  Indian  Mus., 
Calcutta]  9:  69-167,  ill.  *Hood,  J.  D.— Two  Urothripidae 
(Thysanoptera)  from  Florida,  with  keys  to  the  known  gen- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKWS  89 

era  and  the  North  American  species.  [19J  24:  314-321,  ill. 
*Moulton,  D. — T\v<>  new  species  of  Lispothrips  from  Can- 
ada with  notes  on  other  species.  [4]  61  :  286-287.  Nichols, 
E.  R. — Termites  of  Southern  California.  |  13]  21:  123. 
Pirion,  R.  P.  A. — Observaciones  sobre  3  Odonatos  del  valle 
de  Marga-Marga.  [44 j  32:  95-97.  *Silvestri,  F—  Contri- 
buzione  alia  conoscenza  degli  Japygidae  (Thysanura)  di 
Cuba.  [23]  22:  263-281,  ill.  Stuardo,  C.— Notas  entomolo- 
gicas.  Algunas  obser\raciones  sobre  dos  Afelininos  parasi- 
tos  de  Aleurothrixus  ported.  (S)  [44]  32:  154-157.  Winter, 
J.  D. — A  preliminary  account  of  the  raspberry  aphids. 
[Univ.  Minn.  Ag.  Exp.  Sta.,  Tech.  Bull.]  61:  29pp.,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— *Liebermann,  J.— Morfologia  y  siste- 
matica  de  las  "Tucuras"  Argentinas  (Acridioideos),  con  datos 
acerca  de  su  distribucion  en  el  pais  y  los  perjuicios  que 
causa  a  la  agricultura  nacional.  [An.  Soc.  Cien.  Argentina] 
108:  463-496.  Porter,  C.  E. — Sobre  un  fasmido  poco  comun 
en  las  colecciones.  [44]  32:  61-64,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.  —  Beckwith  &  Hutton.  -  -  Life  history 
notes  on  some  leaf-hoppers  that  occur  on  New  Jersey  cran- 
berry boo-s.  [6]  37:  425-427.  Boselli,  F.  B—  Studii  sugli 
Psyllidi.  (Psyllidae  o  Chermidae).  [23]  22:  204-217,  ill.  de 
la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R. — ( )n  some  New  England  Heterop- 
tera.  [19]  24:  310-313.  Harding  L— The  biology  of  Opsius 
stactogalust  (Cicadellidae).  [103]  3:  7-20,  ill.  ^Horvath,  G. 

—General  catalogue  of  the  Hemiptera.  Fasc.  II.  Meso- 
veliidae.  15pp.  *Hungerford,  H.  B. — Three  new  Velia  from 
South  America.  [103]  3:  23-26,  ill.  *Hungerford,  H.  B.— A 
new  genus  of  semi-aquatic  Hemiptera.  (S).  [19]  24:  288- 
290,  ill.  Hussey  &  Sherman. — General  Catalogue  of  the 
Hemiptera.  l-'asc.  III.  Pyrrhocoridae.  144pp.  *Lawson, 
P.  B. — Genus  Dikraneuroidea  gen.  N.  (Cicadellidae).  [19] 
24:  307-308.  VanDuzee,  E.  P.— Note  on  genus  Clastoptera. 

[55]  6:  62. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Balduf,  W.  V.— The  life  history  of 
Achatodes  zeae  (.Noctuidae).  [10]  31:  169-177,  ill.  Bander- 
mann,  Fr. — Xachtrag  zu  "Erfolgreiche  zuchten  mit  ameri- 
kanischen  barenformen  aus  dem  eigelege".  |  18)  23:  460- 
461.  Earth,  G.— Kulcnfang  am  honigtau.  [14|  43:  224-225. 
ill.  Becker,  D.  J. — Goethe  iiber  schmetterlinge.  1 14]  43: 
235-236.  Brodie,  H.  J. — A  preliminary  \\>i  of  the  Lepido])- 
tera  of  Manitoba.  [Trans.  I\.  Canadian  lust.)  17:  SI -101. 
Brower,  A.  E. —  Kurymus  eurytheme,  at  Ithaca.  X.  N"..  in 
1929.  [6]  37:  437.  Claude-Joseph,  H.— El  Elachista  rubella. 

90  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

[44]  32:  140-143,  ill.  Cleare,  L.  D.— Butterfly  migrations  in 
British  Guiana.  II.  [36]  77:  251-264,  ill.  *Gunder,  J.  D.- 
New  butterflies  and  sundry  notes.  [19]  24:  325-332,  ill. 
*Hawker-Smith,  W. — A  new  species  of  African  Lycaeniclae. 
(S).  [Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  3:  234.  Hayward,  K.  J.— Description 
of  the  larva  of  Sibine  fusca.  A  limacodid  from  the  Argen- 
tine. [21]  42:  12-13.  Hayward,  K.  J.— Description  of  the 
larva  and  pupa  of  Phobetron  coras.  A  limacodid  from  the 
Argentine.  [21]  41:  180-182,  ill.  Kremky,  J.— Remarques 
sur  la  morphologic  et  la  distribution  geographique  des 
Lepidopteres  du  groupe  de  1'Apamea  nictitans.  [An.  Mus. 
Zool.  Polonici]  7:  95-101,  ill.  *McDunnough,  J. — Some  ap- 
parently new  Microlepidoptera.  [4]  61 :  266-271,  ill. 
Schultze,  A. — Die  ersten  stande  von  drei  kolumbianischen 
hochandinen  Satyriden.  [63]  43:  157-165,  ill.  Talbot,  G- 
A  monograph  of  the  Pierine  genus  Delias.  Part  IV.  168- 
219,  ill.  Williams,  C.  B. — Evidence  for  the  migration  of  but- 
terflies. |  Bull.  Soc.  R.  Ent.  Egypte]  1929:  193-210. 

DIPTER  A.— *  Alexander,  C.  P.— Diptera  of  Patagonia 
and  South  Chile.  [Brit.  Mus.  Pub.].  Part  I.  Crane-flies. 
240pp.,  ill.  *  Alexander,  C.  P. — The  crane-flies  of  New  York  : 
Fourth  supplementary  list.  [19]  24:  295-302.  *Alexander, 
C.  P. — Records  and  descriptions  of  neotropical  crane-flies 
(Tipulidae)  VII.  [6]  37:  395-407.  Bandermann,  F.— Etwas 
iiber  die  stubenfliege  (Domestica).  [26]  10:  16-17.  *Cor- 
dero,  E.  H. — Contribucion  al  estudio  de  los  Dipteros  del 
Uruguay,  I.  Lophomyidium  uruguayense  n.  gen.,  n.  sp. 
Nueva  Ceratopogonina  hematofaga.  [An.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat. 
Montevideo]  3:  93-108,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H.— The  genus 
Al  \xosargus  ( Stratiomyidae).  [40]  No.  378:  4pp.  *Ed- 
wards,  F.  W. — Diptera  of  Patagonia  and  South  Chile. 
[Brit.  Mus.  Pub.].  Part  II.  Fasc.  II.  Blepharoceridae. 
33-75,  ill.  Ferris,  G.  F. — Observations  on  the  genus  Or- 
nithoica  (Hippoboscidae).  [4]  61:  280-285,  ill/  Huckett, 
H.  C. — A  note  on  the  habits  of  Hylemyia  trivittata.  [19] 
24:  294.  Matheson,  R. — A  handbook  of  the  mosquitoes  of 
North  America.  268pp.,  ill.  *Painter,  R.  H. — A  review  of 
the  Bombyliid  genus  Heterostylum.  [103]  3:  1-7.  Peus,  F. 

— Ueber  variable  Culiciden-Hypopygien.  [34]  86:  120-123, 
ill.  Porter,  C.  E. — Cecidiologia  chilena:  Breve  resena  his- 
torica  y  bibliografica  acerca  de  las  "agallas"  del  Colliguay 
(Colliguaya  odorifera).  (S).  |44]  32:  73-80.  Reichardt,  H. 

— Untersuchungen  iiber  den  genitalapparate  der  Asiliden. 
|94|  135:  257-301,  ill.  Ruiz,  H.  F.— Breves  notas  biologicas 
sobre  Hxoprosopa  erythrocephala.  [44]  32:  57-60.  *Ton- 

xli,   '30]  KXTOMoi.or.icAi.    \K\VS  '->1 

noir,  A.  L. — Diptera  of  Patagonia  and  South  Chile.  [Brit. 
Mus.  Pnl>.|.  Part  II.  Fasc.  I.  Psychodidae.  32pp.,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA. — Boving,  A.  G. — Taxonomic  characters 
for  the  identification  of  the  mature  larvae  of  Pissodes  strobi 
and  Pissodes  approximatus  (Curculionidae).  [10J  31:  182- 
18(i,  ill.  *Bridwell,  J.  C. — A  preliminary  generic  arrange- 
ment of  the  palm  hruchids  and  allies  with  descriptions  ot 
new  species.  |  10]  31:  141-160.  *Brown,  W.  J.— The  Cana- 
dian species  of  Macropogon.  [4]  61:  273-274.  Burgeon,  L. 

—Monographic  dn  genre  Graphipterus.  [33]  69:  273-351. 
Burmeister,  F. — Die  brutfiirsorge  und  das  bauprinzip  der 
gattung  Onthophagus.  Ein  beitrag  zur  biologic  der  gattung 
Onthophagus.  [46]  16:  559-647,  ill.  *Fall,  H.'C.— The  genus 
Eurygenius  in  our  fauna.  [19]  24:  333-334.  *Fall,  H.  C.- 
New  North  American  species  of  Rhynchites.  [19]  24:  292- 
294.  *Fisher,  W.  S. — Notes  on  leaf  mining  Buprestidae, 
with  descriptions  of  new  species.  (S).  [10|  31:  177-182. 
Heymons,  R. — Ueber  die  biologic  der  Passaluskafer.  [4o] 
lo:  74-100,  ill.  *Liebke,  M. — Neue  Carabiden  aus  Argentin- 
ien  und  Bolivien.  |  Physis,  Buenos  Aires)  9:  346-354,  ill. 
Longnecker,  K. — A  study  of  the  Coccinellidae  of  Iowa. 
[Proc.  Iowa  Acad.  Sci.J  35:  307-311,  ill.  *Luederwaldt,  H. 

— Passalus  xikani  n.  sp.  (  Lamellia-Passalidae).  (S)  [32] 
5:  31.  *Marelli,  C.  A. — l.a^  species  invasoras  pueden  dar 
origen  a  nuevas  especies.  (S).  [44]  32:  27-30.  Maulik,  S.— 
On  the  structure  of  the  hind  femur  in  Halticine  beetles. 
[93]  1929:  305-308.  ill.  Mequignon,  A.— Notes  synonym- 
iques  sur  c|uel<|ues  Elaterides.  [25]  1929:  272-276.  Park,  O. 

-Taxonomic  studies  in  Coleoptera,  with  notes  upon  cer- 
tain species  o!  beetles  in  the  Chicago  area,  I.  [6j  37:  42()- 
43o.  ill.  *Schaeffer,  C. — <  )n  some  species  of  Phaedon.  |1('| 
24:  28d-287.  Scheerpeltz,  O.-  Monogra])liie  der  gattung 
(  )lophrum  <  Sla])hvlinidae).  [\"erh.  Zool.-Bot.  <  iesell.  \\'ien  | 
79:  1-257,  ill.  Taylor,  R.  L.— The  biology  of  the  white  pine 
weevil,  Pisodes  slrobi,  and  a  study  of  it--  iiiM-ct  para^ile.-> 
from  an  economic  \-iew]»)int.  1 70 1  10:  8o]»p..  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Beck,  D.  E.— Bees  of  the  sub-fam- 
ily Osminae  in  the  collection  of  the  Brigham  \Toung  I'ni- 
versity.  |19|  24:  303-306.  Berland,  M.  L.— Les  Sphegidae 

du  Museum  Xational  de  Paris.  |P)ull.  Mus.  Nat.  Ili-t.  Xat.. 
Paris)  1  :  3OO-3 12.  Buckle,  J.  W. — Ancistroci-ru>  cajira  and 
the  larva  of  l^pargyrrus  tityrus.  |4|  61:  2d5-2(>(>.  :i:Chees- 
man,  L.  E. —  Hymenoptera  collected  on  the  "St.  George" 
expedition  in  Central  America  and  the  \\  .  Indies.  |3(>J  77: 
141-154,  ill.  Cockayne,  E.  A. — Spiral  and  other  anomalous 

92  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

forms  of  segmentation.  [36]  77:  177-184.  ill.  *Cockerell, 
T.  D.  A. — New  bees  from  the  Mesa  Verde  National  Park, 
Colorado.  [6]  37:  441-448.  *Cushman,  R.  A.— New  species 
of  ichneumon-flies  and  taxonomic  notes.  [50]  76,  Art.  25: 
18pp.  Prison,  T.  H. — A  contribution  to  the  knowledge  of 
the  bionomics  of  Bremus  impatiens.  [19]  24:  261-282,  ill. 
Goetsch  &  Eisner. — Beitrage  zur  biologic  kornersammeln- 
der  ameiseri.  II.  [46]  16:  371-452,  ill.  *Herbst,  P.— Nuevos 
Pomilidos  chilenos.  [44]  32:  135-139.  Klein,  B.  M.— Begat- 
tnng  bei  einer  springspinne :  Evarcha  blancardi.  (S).  [Der 
Naturf.]  6:  377-380,  ill.  *Mann,  W.  M.— Notes  on  Cuban 
ants  of  the  genus  Macromischa  ( Formicidae).  [10]  31:  161- 
166,  ill.  *Menozzi,  C. — Una  nuova  specie  di  formica  del 
genere  Aphaenogaster  del  Nord  America.  [23]  22:  282-284, 
ill.  Rayment,  T. — The  plumed  bees.  [Victorian  Nat.  Mel- 
bourne] 46:  155-162,  ill.  *Ross,  H.  H. — Two  new  forms 
of  the  genus  Zaschisonyx.  (Tenthredinidae).  [4]  61:  272- 
273.  Salt,  G. — A  contribution  to  the  ethology  of  the  Meli- 
poninae.  [36]  77:  431-470,  ill.  Skorikow,  A.  S. — Eine  neue 
basis  fur  eine  revision  der  gattung  Apis  (in  Russian  and 
German).  [Rep.  Appl.  Ent.,  Leningrad]  4:  249-264,  ill. 
Stryk,  X. — Untersuchungen  iiber  das  gelenk  in  der  taille 
der  apocriten  Hymenopteren.  [46]  16:  648-747,  ill.  Taylor, 
R.  L. — A  nomenclatorial  note  on  the  l)irch  leaf-mining 
sawfly,  Phyllotoma  nemorata.  [19]  24:  323-324.  *Timber- 
lake,  H. — Records  of  western  species  of  Perdita  with  de- 
scriptions of  two  new  species.  [55]  6:  49-56.  *Turner,  R. 
E. — A  new  species  of  Microstigmus  (Sphegid.).  (S).  [22] 
20:  407-408,  ill.  Waterston,  J.— On  the  differential  charac- 
ters of  Chelonogastra  and  Philomacroploea,  two  genera  of 
ichneumon-flies  of  the  family  Braconidae.  [10]  31  :  167-168. 
Williams,  F.  X. — Notes  on  the  habits  of  the  cockroach- 
hunting  wasps  of  the  genus  Ampulex,  sens,  lat.,  with  par- 
ticular reference  to  Ampulex  (Rhinopsis)  caniculatus.  [37J 
7:  315-329,  ill. 

SPECIAL    NOTICES.— Bibliographia    Zoologica.— Vol. 

39.  Just  issued  containing  1734  titles  of  entomological 
papers.  Biological  Abstracts. — Vol.  III.  Nos.  6-8.  Just 
issued  containing  abstracts  of  536  entomological  papers. 
Insects,  Ticks,  Mites  and  Venomous  Animals  of  Medical 
and  Veterinary  Importance.  Part  1.  Medical.  By  W.  S. 
Patton  and  A.  M.  Evans.  785pp.,  ill.  This  work  should 
prove  to  l)e  valuable  to  those  interested  in  medical  ento- 
mology. It  can  be  secured  only  on  application  to  Miss  M. 
Brown,  School  of  Tropical  Medicine,  Liverpool. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  93 

ROBERT  MATHESON,  Professor  of  Entomology,  New  York- 
State  College  of  Agriculture,  Cornell  University.  Published 
by  Charles  C.  Thomas,  Springfield,  Illinois,  and  Baltimore, 
Maryland.  Pages  XVII  -f  268.  Plates  XXV.  Figures  23. 
Price  $5.50. 

Dr.  Matheson  has  produced  a  volume  which  will  be  of  the 
greatest  value  to  all  who  are  interested  in  the  mosquitoes  of  the 
northern  United  States.  His  introductory  chapters  on  the 
structure  and  biology  of  mosquitoes  and  their  relation  to  hu- 
man welfare  are  particularly  good.  He  also  includes  chapters 
on  the  problem  of  mosquito  reduction  and  on  collecting  and 
preserving  mosquitoes  and  their  larvae. 

The  systematic  portion  of  the  book  takes  up  in  turn  the 
common  North  American  species  of  Anopheles,  Acdcs,  Culc.v, 
Theobaldia,  Psorophora,  Taeniorhynchus,  Uranotaenia,  Ortho- 
podoniyia,  Megarhinus  and  Il'ycoinyia,  with  keys  to  the  species 
by  "adults",  "males"  and  "larvae". 

In  his  nomenclature,  Matheson  discards  all  subgeneric  divi- 
sions, but  follows  Dyar,  for  the  most  part,  as  to  genera  and 
species,  although  he  has  adopted  the  British  viewpoint  to  the 
extent  of  substituting  Theobald  in  for  Cnlicclla,  and  Taaiior- 
liyiicJins  for  Mansoniu.  This  latter  change  is  particularly 
unfortunate,  since  Tacniorliyiuiuts  Lynch  zA.rribalzaga  1891 
(mosquitoes)  must  be  considered  to  be  a  homonym  of  Taeniar- 
liynclnts  Weinland  1858  (cestodes).  and  is  therefore  not  avail- 
able for  use  as  a  mosquito  genus.  It  is  also  to  be  regretted 
that  the  arrangement  of  the  genera  in  Matheson's  book  and 
of  the  species  in  the  genera  is  entirely  arbitrary,  not  corre- 
sponding to  the  natural  relationships  nor  even  following  some 
alphabetical  or  chronological  scheme. 

Dr.  Matheson's  years  of  intimate  acquaintance  with  the 
mosquitoes  of  the  northeastern  United  States  enable  him  to 
give  a  thoroughly  satisfactory  treatment  of  the  species  of  this 
region,  but  the  southern  and  western  faunas  are  rather  neg- 
lected, many  of  the  more  uncommon  species  being  barely  men- 
tioned or  entirely  omitted. 

The  illustrations  are  numerous  and  carefully  prepared.  Dr. 
Matheson  is  to  be  especially  congratulated  on  the  admirable 
drawings  portraying  the  basal  portions  of  the  male  hypopygial 
structures  of  several  genera  in  both  dorsal  and  lateral  views. 
The  many  figures  of  entire  male  hypopygia  are  very  accurately 
drawn  and  will  be  useful,  although  1  wish  that  they  could 
have  been  printed  a  little  larger.  The  figures  of  entire  mos- 
quito larvae,  however,  placed  six  to  a  page,  are  entirely  too 
small  for  satisfactory  use.  To  my  mind,  it  would  have  been 
better  to  give  larger  scale  figures  of  the  head  and  tip  of  the 
abdomen  only,  as  was  done  in  Dyar's  "Mosquitoes  of  the 

94  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '30 

There  are  far  too  many  typographical  errors  in  the  book, 
and  some  of  them  are  hard  to  forgive.  Casual  references  to  the 
genus  Megarhinus,  for  example,  are  spelled  correctly,  but  in 
the  table  of  contents  and  in  the  section  devoted  particularly  to 
this  genus,  it  appears  as  Megharinus.  There  are  also  some 
regrettably  careless  statements  in  the  text.  Under  Anopheles 
pscudopunctipcnnis  (page  91),  for  example,  the  larva  of  this 
species  is  described  as  follows :  "The  larva  is  almost  identical 
with  that  of  maculipennis.  The  only  distinguishing  character 
is  the  long  drawn  out  condition  of  the  leaves  of  the  palmate 
hair  tufts."  In  the  larval  key  on  a  preceding  page  (page  84), 
Matheson  has  already  used  another  "distinguishing  character", 
the  unbranched  outer  clypeal  hairs,  to  separate  out  the  larva 
of  pseudopunctipcnnis,  and  there  are  many  more  which  could 
be  cited.  In  fact,  the  larva  of  pscndopunctipcnnics  is  entirely 
dissimilar  to  all  the  other  North  American  species  of  Anophe- 
les in  almost  every  character  which  has  been  used  in  differen- 
tiating between  the  larvae  of  the  different  species  of  this  genus. 

Again,  in  his  introductory  discussion  of  mosquito  reduction, 
on  pages  59  and  60,  Matheson  says:  "The  problem  of  mosquito 
reduction  involves  two  distinct  points  of  view  ;  ( 1 )  that  of  the 
public  health  official  who  has  been  and  still  is  largelv  concerned 
with  the  reduction  of  mosquito-borne  diseases:  (2)  that  of 
the  entomologist  who  urges  that  all  species  of  mosquitoes  be 
included  in  any  plan  of  control."  Of  course  Dr.  Matheson 
can  not  have  meant  this  statement  to  be  taken  literally.  One 
cannot  imagine,  for  example,  an  entomologist  urging  that  any 
plan  of  mosquito  control  should  include  the  destruction  of  all 
pitcher-plants  in  the  area,  because  the  harmless  ]]' \co\n\\a 
smithii  utilizes  this  breeding  place.  But  even  the  idea  of  urging 
that  any  anti-malaria  or  anti-yellow  fever  campaign  should 
include  control  of  the  mosquito  nuisance  in  its  program  seems 
to  me  to  be  a  step  backward,  opposed  to  the  modern  and  scien- 
tific procedure  of  finding  out  the  particular  species  of  mos- 
quitoes which  are  actually  carrying  disease,  and  then  restricting 
control  measures  to  them,  so  far  as  is  possible,  thus  reducing 
the  expense  of  mosquito  control  to  a  point  where  control  work 
will  actuallv  be  undertaken. — FRANCIS  M.  ROOT. 

Doings  of  Societies 

The  stated  meetings  of  the  American  Entomological  Society 
for  1929  were  regularly  held  in  the  rooms  of  the  Entomological 
Department  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences.  The  average 
attendance  was  17.  Three  members  were  admitted  during  the 
year,  bringing  the  total  to  59  resident  members. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKWS 

A  number  of  distinguished  visitors  participated  in  our  meet- 
ings, and  while  the  average  attendance  was  not  as  large  numer- 
ically as  may  be  desired,  all  the  meetings  were  successful  and 
enjoyable.  The  meetings  of  the  Northeastern  Branch  of  the 
American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists  were  held 
in  New  York  on  November  21.  This  coincidence  materially 
reduced  our  average  attendance,  as  many  of  our  members  took 
part  in  these  meetings  in  Xew  York. 

The  outlook  for  1930  is  very  promising  as  already  7  appli- 
cations for  membership  are  in  the  Secretary's  hands. 

At  the  meeting  of  January  24.  Mr.  J.  A.  G.  Rehn  gave  a 
talk  on  African  and  Madagascan  Grouse-locusts. 

At  the  meeting  of  February  28th,  Mr.  \Ym.  M.  Chapman 
spoke  on  his  work  at  the  Experiment  Station  in  Florida,  Mr. 
Frank  M.  Jones  talked  on  finding  of  the  bag-worm,  Oikfiicus 
abbotti,  near  Accomac,  Virginia,  Dr.  YVitmer  Stone  gave  a 
graphic  account  of  a  trip  made  by  him  to  the  Chiricahui  Moun- 
tains in  Arizona. 

At  the  meeting  of  March  28,  Dr.  J.  Lyonel  King  gave  a 
talk  on  the  work  carried  on  at  the  Japanese  Beetle  Labora- 
tories in  New  Jersey. 

At  the  meeting  of  April  25,  Mr.  J.  A.  G.  Rehn  made  some 
remarks  on  the  distribution  of  certain  genera  of  Grouse- 
locusts;  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert  gave  a  talk  on  the  moulting  of  insect 
larvae,  especially  the  increase  in  the  number  of  moults  upon 
reducing  the  food  supply. 

At  the  meeting  of  Ma\  23,  Mr.  Frank  M.  Jones  exhibited 
carton  nest  and  specimens  of  the  ant.  Crcmastogaster  atkinsoiii 
Wheeler,  from  Royal  I'alm  State  I 'ark,  Florida. 

At  the  meeting  of  September  26,  Mr.  Frank  M.  Jones  spoke 
on  his  collecting  trip  at  Martha's  Vineyard,  Massachusetts,  dur- 
ing the  past  summer,  listing  many  rare  species;  Mr.  ('has.  II. 
Ballon  spoke  of  the  experiment  with  the  sap  of  geranium  and 
its  effect  upon  the  Japanese  beetles;  Mr.  Max  Kisliuk  >p<>ke  on 
the  absence  of  Japanese  beetles  at  Atlantic  City  in  the  past 
summer;  Mr.  Robert  J.  Titherington  related  bis  experiences 
in  collecting  insects  in  Xew  Hampshire  during  his  vaeat'on. 

96  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Mar.,    '30 

At  the  meeting  of  October  24,  Mr.  R.  C.  Williams,  Jr.  spoke 
on  the  recent  visit  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Orazio  Ouerci.  Dr.  P.  P. 
Calvert  spoke  on  the  rearing  in  captivity  from  the  egg  of 
Syinpetntui  vicinuni  and  of  Caloptcry.r  inacithtta  (both  Odo- 
nata)  by  Mr.  F.  Reese  Nevin ;  Dr.  Henry  Fox  spoke  of  the 
ability  of  bringing  Japanese  beetles  through  their  various 
stages  of  development  more  quickly  in  high  temperatures ;  Mr. 
Max  Kisliuk  suggested  that  if  Japanese  beetles  would  become 
established  in  Florida  they  would  be  a  greater  menace  even 
than  here ;  Mr.  Ballou  spoke  of  the  effect  of  soil  under  certain 
conditions  upon  the  development  of  insects ;  Mr.  Revney,  of 
Washington,  spoke  of  the  moulting  in  larval  stages  of  insects, 
more  especially  of  Cimex  Icctularia;  Mrs.  Margaret  Gary  ex- 
hibited specimens  of  A  pant  c  sis  vittata  (Lepidoptera)  which 
she  reared  from  eggs  secured  from  a  female  captured  in  Fair- 
mount  Park,  and  several  other  species  of  Apantcsis  which  she 
collected  in  New  Hampshire  in  the  past  season ;  Mr.  Frank 
M.  Jones  reported  the  behaviour  of  Papcipcww,  species  (Lepi- 
doptera) in  the  south  as  maturing  later  than  in  the  north;  Dr. 
Jesse  M.  Shaver,  of  Nashville,  Tennessee,  spoke  of  the  devel- 
opment of  Chrysobothris  feiuorata  (Coleoptera)  under  tem- 
perature control  and  of  its  injury  caused  to  peach  trees;  Mr. 
Jos.  S.  \Vade,  of  Washington,  D.  C.,  gave  a  brief  outline  of 
the  scientific  societies  of  Washington ;  Mr.  J.  A.  G.  Rehn  made 
some  remarks  on  the  African  species  of  the  Blattid  genus 
Ectobins;  Mr.  Frank  Haimbach  reported  the  capture  in  num- 
bers of  the  European  satin  moth  Stilpnotia  salicis  at  New 
London,  New  Hampshire,  in  the  past  summer. 

At  the  meeting  of  November  21,  Dr.  Levi  Mengel,  of  the 
Public  Museum  and  Art  Gallery  of  Reading,  gave  a  talk  illus- 
trated with  lantern  slides  on  his  trip  to  Spain  in  the  past  sum- 

At  the  meeting  of  December  19,  Mr.  Chas.  A.  Thomas,  of 
State  College  Laboratory,  Kennett  Square,  gave  a  talk,  illus- 
trated with  lantern  slides,  on  mushroom  insects  and  wire  worms 

FRANK  HAIMBACH,  Recording  Secretary. 

APRIL,   1930 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  4 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera — XIII  . 

Knull — Notes  on  Coleoptera — No.  2 

Hull — Notes  on  Several  Species  of  North  American  Pachygasterinae 
(Diptera  :  Stratiomyidae)  with  the  Description  of  a  New  Species. 

Cole — The  Preservation  of  Lepidopterous  Larvae  by  Injection 

Blatchley — On  a  Family  of  Coleoptera  new  to  the  Fauna  of  North 
America  with  Description  of  One  New  Species  (Gnostidae)  .  .  . 

Cole — Muscina  stabulans  Fall.  (Diptera:  Muscidae)  Parasitic  on 
Arachnara  subcarnea  Kell.  (Lepidop.  :  Noctuidae) 

Haimbach — The  Crambinae  in  the  Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial 
Collection  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia 
(Lepidoptera:  Pyralidae) 

Jeannel  and  Chopard — Centenary  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 

Woodbury — A  Note  on  the  Longevity  of  a  Paralyzed  Orthopteran  (Lo- 
custidae  ;  Hymen.  :  Sphecidae) 

Ditman — Notes  on  Corythuca  pallipes  Parshley,  and  Leptodictya  simu- 
lans  Heidemann  (Heteropt.:  Tingididae) 

International  Society  of  Ipidologists 

Howard — Some  Coincidences  in  the  Lives  of  Three  Prominent  New  Zea- 
land Entomologists  of  the  last  Century  .  

Entomological  Literature 

Review — General  Catalogue  of  the  Hemiptera 









Review — Kolosvary's  Die  Weberknechte  Ungarns 146 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis.   Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory    Committee:     Philip  Laurent.   J.   A.   G   Rehn,    Chas.   Liebeck,   J. 
Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr., 
Win.  M.  Chapman.  , 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
United  States  and  possessions         .         .       $3.00 
Canada,  Central  and  South  America       .         3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents. 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue,  1  in..  $  1.20.  2  in.,  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  11.00,  "  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.     All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
scriptions, non-receipt  of  the  NEWS  or  of   reprints,  and  requests   for  sample 
copies,  should  be  addressed  to 

All  complaints  regarding  non-receipt  of  issues  of  the  NEWS  should  be 
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receipt  acknowledged  before  a  notary,  except  at  the  subscriber's  expense. 
MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
munications to  the  editor,  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
according  to  date  of  reception.  The  receipt  of  all  papers  will  be  acknowl- 
edged. Owing  to  the  limited  size  of  each  number  of  the  NEWS,  articles 
longer  than  six  printed  pages  will  be  published  in  two  or  more  installments, 
unless  the  author  be  willing  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  a  sufficient  number  of 
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Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
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slated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  for 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
each  case  on  application  to  the  Editor.  Blocks  furnished  or  paid  for  by 
authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
X'ovember  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited ;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
five  given  free  at  the  following  rates:  One  or  two  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  35  cents; 
three  or  four  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  70  cents;  five  to  eight  pages,  twenty-five  copies, 
$1.40;  nine  to  twelve  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  $2.00;  each  half-tone  plate,  twenty-five 
copies,  30  cents;  each  plate  of  line  cuts,  twenty-five  copies,  25  cents;  greater  numbers 
of  copies  will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 

ENT.  NEWS,  VOL.  XL1. 

Plate  X. 

5?etm>  (ComstocU 

9nna  Uotsforb  (ComstocU 


VOL.  XLI.  APRIL,   1930  No.  4 

North  American  Institutions  featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XIII.  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  X,   XI   and  XII). 

If  you  know  of  young  men  or  young  women  who  really  seem 
interested  in  entomology  and  who  would  like  to  make  that 
science  their  life  work,  advise  them  to  prepare  for  the  New 
York  State  College  of  Agriculture  of  Cornell  University  at 
Ithaca,  New  York.  There  is  no  better  school  in  America,  or 
for  that  matter  in  Europe,  where  students  will  receive  that 
specialized  instruction  and  that  ultimate  prestige  which  the 
"trained"  entomologist  of  the  future  must  surely  have.  Wheth- 
er the  student's  respective  career  leads  to  economic  or  systematic 
investigation,  the  laboratory  or  professorship,  Cornell  Univer- 
sity offers  the  most  in  educational  facilities,  both  in  physical 
equipment  and  in  personnel  of  faculty. 

Ithaca  is  in  the  central-western  part  of  New  York  State, 
easily  accessible  by  railroad,  and  the  University  campus,  which 
is  just  outside  of  town,  occupies  a  picturesque  site  of  about 
fifteen  hundred  acres  in  a  hilly  region  overlooking  Lake  Cay- 
uga.  The  campus  itself  is  really  a  city  of  fine  buildings  com- 
posing the  various  colleges  and  schools  which  go  to  make  up 
the  University.  Of  note  is  the  Library  Building  with  its  many 
fine  individual  collections  of  books.  Other  structures  include, 
the  Boardman  Hall,  Stimson  Hall,  Sibley  College,  Morse  Hall 
of  Chemistry,  the  Rockefeller  Hall  of  Physics,  the  Willard 
Straight  Hall  and  the  buildings  of  the  College  of  Agriculture, 
two  of  which  are  shown  in  the  circle  at  the  top  of  plate  XL 
There  are  about  nine  hundred  persons  on  the  University's 
teaching  staff  and  last  year  the  student  enrollment  was  over 
five  thousand. 

E/ra  Cornell  (1807-74),  an  American  business  man,  founded 
the  L'nivtTsity  in  1868.  He  was  born  in  Westchester,  New 
York,  of  Quaker  parentage,  his  father  being  a  farmer  and  a 


98  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

maker  of  pottery  by  trade.  Ezra  was  industrious  and  besides 
learning  the  potter's  trade,  taught  school  in  the  district.  For 
a  while  he  worked  as  a  carpenter  and  also  managed  a  flour  mill. 
About  that  time  an  initial  telegraph  line  was  being  installed 
between  Washington  and  Baltimore  and  young  Ezra  invented 
a  digging  machine  for  laying  the  wires  underground.  Although 
the  machine  was  a  success,  the  system  didn't  work  because 
electric  insulation  under  the  soil  wasn't  understood,  so  he  pro- 
posed stringing  the  wires  on  poles.  His  idea,  original  at  the 
time,  was  approved  and  Mr.  Cornell  became  a  contractor  for 
the  company  and  entered  business  on  a  big  scale,  making  his 
first  real  money.  In  1855  he  was  instrumental  in  forming  the 
Western  Union  Telegraph  Company.  Having  accumulated  a 
very  comfortable  fortune  by  this  time,  he  decided  to  retire 
from  commercial  life  and  revert  to  farming  on  a  huge  scale. 
Thus  in  1858  he  bought  the  land  outside  of  Ithaca  which  was 
shortly  to  become  the  site  of  the  University.  Through  politics 
he  assembled  certain  United  States  and  State  land  grants  as 
a  unit  and  by 'careful  sales  succeeded  in  getting  the  money  all 
assigned  to  one  institution  of  learning  and  that  institution  he 
founded  on  his  farm  as  the  Cornell  University.  At  the  same 
time  he  made  a  personal  gift  of  $500,000  towards  buildings 
and  thus  the  school  was  opened  in  1868.  Andrew  D.  White  was 
the  first  president  and  remained  in  that  position  for  twenty 
years.  Fortunately  Dr.  White  was  a  very  able  educator  and 
worked  unceasingly  for  the  future  of  the  school. 

Although  Cornell  University  continues  to  grow  and  now  con- 
sists of  eight  well  known  colleges  and  the  Graduate  School, 
still  its  principal  college,  in  fact,  is  the  College  of  Agriculture 
and  the  Agriculture  Department  has  always  stood  in  the  most 
preferred  relation  with  the  State  of  New  York  which  made 
possible  the  erection  of  its  best  buildings  in  1904.  This  is  in 
entire  accord  with  the  wishes  of  the  founder.  Students  of 
Agriculture  who  are  residents  of  the  State  pay  no  tuition  fees. 

Definite  entomological  instruction  and  research  were  begun 
at  the  College  of  Agriculture  in  1874  with  the  appointment 
of  John  Henry  Comstock.  A  fairly  recent  photograph  of  Mr. 
and  Mrs.  Comstock  is  reproduced  on  plate  X.  Prof.  Comstock 
is  often  referred  to  as  America's  Dean  of  Entomology  and 
certainly  his  original  work  and  devotion  to  that  science  merit 


Plate  XI. 


A.  B.   KLOTS 

DR.  W.  T.  M.  FORBES 

A.  G.  RICHARDS.  Jr. 

XLI,    '30]  i:\To.\IOLOGICAL    NEWS  99 

the  title.  He  was  born  in  Janesville,  Wisconsin,  February  24, 
1849,  graduating  from  Cornell  in  1874,  where  he  was  appointed 
instructor  in  the  same  year.  For  two  years  he  was  United 
States  Kntomologist  at  Washington  (1879-81)  and  held  the 
pnst  of  Professor  of  Entomology  and  Invertebrate  Zoology  at 
the  University  from  1882  to  1()14,  when  he  retired  as  Emeritus. 
Mis  principal  works  on  entomology  are:  ./  Manual  for  the 
Study  of  Insects,  Introduction  to  Enloinoloi/y,  Insect  Life, 
Notes  on  Entomology,  h'cport  on  Cotton  Insects,  How  to 
Know  the  Hittter/Jii-s  (With  Mrs.  Comstock),  The  Spider  Book 
and  The  IT  ings  of  Insects.  He  is  also  the  author  of  numerous 
shorter  papers. 

Mrs.  Comstock,  better  known  as  Anna  Botsford  Comstock, 
is  almost  as  well  known  entomologically  as  her  husband.  Be- 
sides being  a  talented  artist  of  natural  history  subjects,  she 
is  a  wood  engraver  of  note,  having  exhibited  at  the  Chicago 
Fair  in  1803  and  the  Paris  Exposition  in  1900.  At  the  Buffalo 
Exposition  in  1901.  her  work  in  wood  engraving  was  awarded 
the  Bronze  Medal.  In  1923  Mrs.  Comstock  was  chosen  by 
the  National  League  of  Women  Voters  as  one  of  the  twelve 
greatest  living  American  women.  Her  published  works  in- 
clude: IV ays  of  the  Si.r  Footed,  Handbook  of  Nature  Study, 
How  to  Keep  Bees,  The  Pet  Book  and  Bird,  Animal,  Tree  and 
Plant  Notebooks. 

The  entomological  activities  of  the  University  center  around 
Roberts  Hall  and  the  class  rooms  and  insect  collections  (third 
and  fourth  floors)  are  all  in  this  building  and  the  two  imme- 
diately joining.  Cornell  has  an  enviable  staff  of  well  known 
instructors  for  entomology  and  the  various  professors  seem 
especially  interested  in  a  variety  of  different  insect  orders  in 
which  much  personal  research  work  is  being  accomplished  as 
time  permits.  Some  of  the  older  members  of  the  faculty  and 
their  specialties  are:  J.  G.  Needham,  Ph.D.,  Litt.D..  D.Sc., 
Aquatic  insects  and  ()<lonata:  G.  W.  derrick,  B.A.S.,  Thysan- 
optera;  C.  R.  Crosby,  A. I!.,  Aradmida;  (  ).  A.  Johannsen,  Ph.D., 
Diptera;  J.  C.  Bradley.  Ph. I).,  I  lynienoptera ;  Robert  Mathe- 
son,  Ph.D.,  Siphonoptera.  etc.;  P.  \Y.  (laa»en.  Ph.D.,  Plecop- 
tera;  L.  I'.  \\Vhrlr.  Pli.l)..  Economic  Entomology;  W.  T.  M. 
Forbes,  Ph.  D.,  Lepidoptera,  and  G.  L.  Griswold,  Ph.D.,  In- 
jurious Insects. 

100  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

For  a  teaching  institution  the  collections  of  general  lepidop- 
tera  are  the  best  in  the  country.  There  are  seven  cabinets  and 
racks  holding  about  900  drawers  in  which  it  is  estimated  there 
are  over  50,000  mounted  specimens.  The  butterflies  of  New 
York  and  northeastern  United  States  are  well  represented  and 
the  moth  collection  is  fairly  large.  A  good  deal  of  the  material 
of  Foulks,  Murtfeldt  and  Fassl  is  accessible ;  much  is  still  un- 
touched in  papers  and  on  cotton.  By  far  the  best  worked-up 
groups  are  those  from  South  America  where  Dr.  Forbes  and 
others  have  collected  and  which  have  been  given  preferred  at- 
tention. There  are  many  boxes  of  small  exotic  moths  collected 
at  light  in  the  tropics  yet  to  be  mounted  and  given  temporary 
classification.  Among  these  should  be  found  much  new  material. 
Mr.  A.  B.  Klots  has  recently  been  working  with  some  of  the 
Pierids,  particularly  Ercnia,  and  thus  this  family  is  in  very 
fine  shape.  Colleges  where  entomology  is  taught  need  good 
collections  of  insects ;  however,  it  is  not  necessary  that  type 
specimens  be  retained. 

Plate  XI  shows  Dr.  Forbes  and  the  College's  two  students 
who  at  present  are  taking  major  work  in  Lepidoptera.  Both 
Mr.  Klots  and  Mr.  Richards  are  promising  young  entomolo- 
gists. Dr.  Forbes  was  born  in  Westborough,  Massachusetts, 
and  attended  Amherst,  Cornell  and  Clark  Colleges.  He  made 
an  extensive  trip  through  Asia  Minor  in  1907  and  has  twice 
visited  countries  in  South  America  (1920  and  1927)  for  pur- 
poses of  collecting  and  studying  exotic  Lepidoptera.  The  Doctor 
possesses  a  good  private  collection  of  European  butterflies. 
His  most  recent  extensive  work  was  The  Lepidoptera  of  New 
York  which  is  a  Cornell  publication,  memoir  68. 

A  great  deal  has  been  written  in  the  NEWS  and  elsewhere 
about  the  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology  which 
met  at  Cornell  in  1928  between  August  12th  and  18th,  but  I 
thought  a  reproduction  of  the  official  photograph  of  the  dele- 
gates might  be  of  interest  in  this  connection.  A  somewhat 
similar  picture  was  published  in  the  October,  1928,  Journal 
of  Economic  Entomology  and  I  am  indebted  to  that  publication 
for  my  copy  of  the  key  to  names.  Only  two  names  are  omitted 
on  the  plate,  being  unknown  to  this  author  up  to  the  time  of 
going  to  press. 

XLI,    '30  ]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  101 

Notes  on  Coleoptera — No.  2. 

By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 
(Continued  from  page  86.) 

ANOPLODERA  MUTABILIS  Newn.  Reared  from  partly  decayed 
wood  of  alder  (Alnus  nujom),  large-toothed  aspen  (Populns 
grandidentata)  and  tulip  poplar  (Liriodcndron  tulipifcra)  col- 
lected in  Clark's  Valley. 

A.  PROXIMA  Say.  Reared  from  the  dead  decayed  wood  on 
the  inside  of  a  hollow  sour  gum  (Nyssa  syk'atica)  collected  at 
Hummelstown,  Pennsylvania. 

MOLORCHUS  BIMACULATUS  Say.  Adults  were  reared  from 
dead  witch  hazel  (Hainaniclis  rinjiniana)  collected  at  Rock- 
ville,  Pennsylvania. 

AIOLORCHUS    BIMACULATUS    CClti   11CW    Subspecies. 

A  Molorchus  was  found  breeding  in  hackberry  (Celtis  occi- 
d  entails)  which  seems  to  differ  materially  from  the  specimens 
of  Molorchus  bimacnlatus  collected  and  reared  from  other  hosts 
in  the  same  vicinity.  The  adults  are  much  larger  in  size  than 
those  reared  from  many  other  hosts,  although  the  branches  in 
which  these  were  breeding  were  no  larger.  The  adults  vary  in 
length  from  8  to  11.5  mm. 

As  compared  with  Molorchus  buna cul a  tits,  the  antennae  are 
relatively  longer  in  the  type  male,  pronotum  longer  and  more 
nearly  cylindrical,  apices  of  elytra  more  broadly  rounded,  punc- 
tures of  pronotum  and  elytra  much  finer,  pubescence  of  entire 
insect  longer  and  more  dense.  Length  11  mm.,  width  2.5  mm. 

Described  from  a  series  in  the  collection  of  the  writer  which 
were  chopped  from  the  sapwood  of  dead  hackberry  (Celtis 
occidcntalis)  branches  and  one  specimen  from  the  sapwood  of 
dead  redbud  (Cercis  canadcnsis)  collected  at  Hummelstown, 
Pennsylvania,  in  December.  Type  in  the  writer's  collection. 
The  adults  mature  in  the  fall  and  pass  the  winter  in  their  pupal 

PHYSOCNEMUM  VIOLACEIPENNE  Ham.  This  species  was 
reared  from  dead  white  oak  (Oucrcits  alba)  branches  from  an 
inch  to  two  inches  in  diameter  collected  in  Clark  s  Valley.  The 
dead  branches  were  attached  to  the  living  trees  and  had  died 
the  previous  spring.  The  larvae  work  beneath  the  bark  parallel 
with  the  grain  and  pupate  in  the  sapwood. 

102  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

RHAPOLOPUS  SANGUINICOLLIS  Horn.  At  Laporte,  Pennsyl- 
vania, this  species  was  found  breeding  in  living  fire  cherry 
(Prunus  pennsylvanica).  Many  trees  had  been  killed  by  the 
work  of  this  insect.  The  adults  were  quite  numerous  on  the 
trunks  of  the  infested  trees  during  the  warm  parts  of  the 
days  in  the  latter  part  of  June. 

NEOCLYTUS  ACUMINATUS  Fab.  Reared  from  dead  linden 
(Tilia  amcricana)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

ANTHOBOSCUS  RURICOLA  Oliv.  Adults  were  reared  from  dead 
alder  (Alnus  rugosa)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

EUDERCES  PICIPES  Fab.  Reared  from  dead  branches  of  post 
oak  (Qucrcus  stcllata)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

A.STYLOPSIS  MACULA  Say.  Adults  were  reared  from  the 
dead  wood  of  the  following  trees  collected  in  Clark's  Valley : 
poison  ivy  (Rhus  toxicodendron),  witch  hazel  (Hamamclis 
virginiana)  and  black  walnut  (Juglans  nigra.). 

LEIOPUS  VARIEGATUS  Hald.  Reared  from  dead  poison  ivy 
(Rims  to.vicodendron)  collected  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania. 

LEPTURGES  SIGNATUS  Lee.  Reared  from  dead  white  oak 
(Quercus  alba)  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

L.  QUERCI  Fitch.  Reared  from  dead  white  oak  (Qucrcus 
alba)  branches  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 

EUPOGONIUS  VESTITUS  Say.  Was  reared  from  dead  branches 
of  walnut  (Juglans  nigra)  and  witch  hazel  (Hamavn-elis  vir- 
giniana) collected  at  Hummelstown,  Pennsylvania. 

HIPPOPSIS  LEMNISCATA  Fab.  Found  breeding  in  the  stems 
of  living  daisy  fieabane  (Erigeron  ramosus)  at  Rutherford, 



EUSPHYRUS  WALSHI  Lee.  Reared  from  dead  poison  ivy 
(Rhus  toxioodcndron)  collected  at  Harrisburg,  Pennsylvania. 


LAEMOSACCUS  PLAGIATUS  Fab.  Reared  from  dead  post  oak 
(Quercus  stellata)  branches  collected  in  Clark's  Valley. 


ANISANDRUS  SAYI  Hopk.  Living  adults  were  taken  in 
Clark's  Valley,  on  March  29th,  from  a  dead  stem  of  spice  bush 
(Benzoin  acstivale)  which  had  evidently  been  killed  by  this 
species.  Adults  were  also  found  working  in  living  large  leaved 
holly  (Ilc.v  monticola)  at  Laporte,  Pennsylvania,  on  June  20th. 
The  barkbeetles  were  determined  by  Dr.  Blackmail. 

XLT,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  103 

Notes  on  Several  Species  of  North  American  Pachy- 
gasterinae  (Diptera :  Stratiomyidae)  with  the 
Description  of  a  New  Species.* 

By  FRANK  M.  HULL,  Dickinson,  Texas. 

The  accumulation  of  material  in  this  group  of  interesting 
little  flies  has  led  to  the  following  notes  upon  them,  together 
with  the  description  of  new  species  of  Neopachygaster.  All  of 
these  species  referred  to  below  belong  to  the  group  with  "un- 
spined  scutellum".  The  habits  of  the  subfamily  are  unusually 
interesting.  In  late  spring  and  early  summer  they  seem  to 
manifest  a  predilection  for  windows.  I  have  frequently  col- 
lected them  in  laboratories,  street  cars  in  the  heart  of  a  city, 
railroad  coaches,  etc.  They  are  more  usually  found  about  deep 
woods  near  rotten  logs  and  at  such  places  they  may  be  swept 
up  from  the  grass. 

ZABRACHIA  POLITA  Coq.  A  male  and  a  female.  A.  and  M. 
College,  Mississippi,  April  8th,  1922  (E.  W.  Stafford),  and 
May  12.  1920  (F.  M.  Hull).  Taken  on  windows  and  by 

NEOPACHYGASTER  MACULICORNIS  Hine.  A  number  of  speci- 
mens of  both  sexes,  from  A.  and  M.  College,  Mississippi,  May 
19,  1920  (E.  W.  Stafford,  F.  M.  Hull)  ;  Columbus,  Ohio, 
May  30,  1923  (F.  M.  Hull).  Taken  on  windows  only.  The 
male  of  this  species  has  dichoptic  eyes.  The  sexes  are  readily 
distinguished  by  the  differently  colored  pile  of  the  thorax ;  in 
the  male  silvery,  in  the  female  more  golden  yellow. 

Neopachygaster  vitreus  n.  sp. 

This  species  differs  from  N.  maculicornis,  the  only  other 
described  North  American  species  in  the  uniform  shining  black- 
color  and  size.  The  argenteus  scales  of  that  species  completely 

$.  Length  2.3  mm.  On  account  of  the  furcate  third  vein, 
subglobose  third  antennal  joint,  and  antennae  near  the  middle 
of  the  head  in  profile,  this  species  goes  in  to  the  genus  Nco- 
pachygaster.  It  shows  numerous  differences  from  A  .  inacnli- 
conris  Hine. 

*  Contributions  from  the  Plant  Lice  Laboratory,  Texas  Agric.  EXJU.T. 

104  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

Head  practically  as  in  that  species.  Front  shining,  glossy 
black,  the  silvery  lateral  margins  of  the  eyes  extending  a  short 
distance  above  the  antennae,  and  meeting  along  a  median  line, 
to  form  a  hemispherical  silvery  spot  at  base  of  antennae.  Pro- 
boscis yellow.  Antennae  pale  yellow;  third  joint  somewhat 
globose,  slightly  higher  than  long,  conspicuously  darkened  on 
the  inner  side;  arista  yellowish,  blackish  on  apical  half.  Head 
in  profile  about  one-and-one-half  times  higher  than  long.  An- 
tennae situated  at  middle  of  head  in  profile,  or  slightly  above. 

Thorax  black,  extremely  glossy,  covered  on  the  clorsum  with 
sparse,  appressed,  very  silky  pile,  longer  and  heavier  on  the 
sides  behind  the  humeri,  and  towards  the  middle  arranged  to 
form  three  obscure,  narrow,  median  stripes ;  whole  posterior 
half  of  dorsum  uniformly  pilose.  Halteres  yellow,  knobs  white. 
Scutellum  rather  simple,  evenly  rounded,  shining  black  with 
pile  similar  to  that  of  thorax,  placed  at  an  angle  of  not  quite 
forty-five  degrees ;  rim  slightly  emarginate  at  apex ;  extreme 
margin  with  numerous  small  nodular  protuberances,  more 
prominent  than  in  maculicornis. 

Abdomen  short  and  globose,  shining,  glossy  black,  with 
sparse,  pale,  appressed,  silky  pile.  Legs  pale  yellowish ;  coxae 
and  femora,  except  bases  and  apices,  shining  blackish.  \Yings 
hyaline;  third  vein  furcate,  veins  yellowish. 

This  specimen  will  be  seen  to  be  somewhat  intermediate 
between  Ncopachygastcr  and  Eupachygaster  because  of  the 
strong  prominences  on  the  scutellar  rim.  A  careful  examination 
of  maculicornis  will  also  reveal  small  prominences  of  a  similar 
nature,  hence  this  character  is  not  of  importance  in  separating 
the  two.  Otherwise  the  scutellum  is  practically  of  the  same 
shape  as  Ncopachygastcr.  In  its  small  size  and  shining  black 
color  it  resembles  ZabrocJiia  polita.  However,  the  third  vein 
is  distinctly  furcate. 

Type,  a  male,  Ames,  IOWA,  July  15,  1923  (F.  M.  Hull).  In 
my  own  collection. 

EUPACHYGASTER  PUNCTIFER  Malloch.  Apparently  the  male 
has  not  been  taken  before,  and  I  append  a  short  description  of 
its  essential  differences  from  the  female. 

$  . — Eyes  not  quite  touching,  very  narrowly  divided.  Front 
and  likewise  ocellar  space  triangular.  The  silvery  pilose  lateral 
border  of  eyes  extends  entirely  up  to  where  the  eyes  approach 
nearest,  not  confluent,  separated  by  a  narrow,  shining  black  line. 
Median  frontal  groove  prominent;  otherwise  head  very  much 
as  in  female. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  105 

Thorax  quite  different  from  that  of  the  female.  There  is  a 
broad  median  stripe  or  band,  of  fairly  long,  thick,  appressed, 
brilliant  silvery  scale-like  hair  or  pile.  On  the  sides  and  back 
of  the  humeri,  this  becomes  small  patches  of  shorter,  silvery 
scales,  or  scale-like  hair.  Halteres  dark  brown,  knobs  white. 
Abdomen  and  legs  practically  as  in  the  female. 

'/'v/v  and  one  paratype  in  my  collection.  A  number  of  speci- 
mens from  MISSISSIPPI  A.  and  M.  College  on  the  following 
dates:  May  19  and  20,  1922.  and  April  28.  1920  (F.  M.  Hull). 

There  will  thus  be  seen  a  rather  striking  resemblance  to  the 
male  of  Neopachygaster  maculicornis,  in  the  wide  silvery  band 
of  the  thorax;  however,  the  holoptic  eyes  and  different  scutel- 
lum  readily  separate  the  two. 

EUPACHYGASTER  HENSHAWi  Malloch.  I  have  a  single  speci- 
men that  I  formerly  held  to  be  an  undescribed  form  and  which 
appears  to  belong  here.  The  following  notes  are  included  for 

9  . — Front  shining  black.  The  silvery  lateral  margins  of 
the  eyes  do  not  extend  as  far  above  the  antennae  as  in  puncti- 
/(•;•.  A  median  band,  of  short  recumbent,  slightly  yellowish 
pile,  begins  where  they  leave  off,  divides  at  the  ocelli,  and  ex- 
tends beyond  them,  the  pilose  area  divided  in  its  entire  length 
by  a  slender  groove.  This  is  equivalent  to  the  M-shaped  mark 
described  by  Malloch  in  piiiictifcr,  and  in  my  specimens  of  that 
species  it  does  not  extend  past  the  ocelli.  First  and  second 
joints  of  antennae  yellow;  third  orange,  not  so  dark  on  inner 
side  as  in  punctifcr,  about  one-and-one-half  times  broader  than 
long,  and  longer  below,  on  the  inner  side  ;  pubescence  of  annuli 
silvery  and  with  a  bead-like  appearance;  arista  reddish  at  base, 
brownish  apically  (white  in  fnnctifcr),  and  very  short  pubes- 
cent and  much  slenderer  than  in  pnnctifcr.  Face  dark  grayish, 
more  or  less  opaque. 

Thorax  opaque  black,  obscurely  punctate  on  the  greater, 
median  part  of  dorsum,  and  from  which  proceeds  short  ap- 
pressed, sparse,  silky  pile,  somewhat  yellowish  in  color.  The 
silver,  scale-like  hairs  are  confined  to  a  narrow  median  line. 
and  to  five  or  six  rather  regular  rows,  on  outer  side  of  dorsum 
between  the  humeri  and  base  of  wing.  Halteres  yellow,  knobs 
white.  Scutellum  with  similar  punctures  and  pile  as  in  p it nc ti- 
ler, but  with  the  preapical  hump  or  bulge,  very  much  le^s 

Abdomen  glossy,  vitreous  black,  with  pale,  sparse,  short  ap- 
pressed pile,  but  with  none  of  the  silver,  scale-like  hairs  as 

106  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

found  in  fiunctifrr.  Legs  pale  yellow,  coxae  brownish,  femora, 
all  but  bases  and  apices,  shining  black.  Wings  hyaline;  third 
vein  furcate. 

One  female,  A.  and  M.  College,  MISSISSIPPI,  April  29,  1922 
(F.  M.  Hull). 

JOHNSONOMYIA  ALDRiCHi  Malloch.  A  number  of  specimens 
of  both  sexes  from  several  localities.  A.  and  M.  College, 
MISSISSIPPI,  April  13,  1922  ( F.  M.  Hull).  Ames,  IOWA,  June 
20,  1923,  and  Columbus,  Onio,  June  2,  1923  (F.  M.  Hull). 
Collected  both  on  windows  and  by  sweeping.  The  above  speci- 
mens agree  well  with  the  description.  However,  in  the  latter, 
there  is  no  mention  of  a  fairly  distinct  striped  arrangement  of 
the  pile  of  the  thorax.  In  my  specimens  three  median  stripes 
are  easily  discernible. 

PACHYGASTER  PULCHER  Lw.  Several  specimens,  both  sexes, 
loaned  by  Professor  J.  S.  Hine,  seem  to  be  this  species.  They 
agree  well  with  the  description,  although  the  latter  seems  de- 
ficient on  one  or  two  points.  It  does  not  mention  a  slight 
bluish  reflection  apparent  in  the  material  before  me.  Moreover, 
in  this  series,  the  abdomen,  especially  in  the  male,  is  somewhat 
more  elongate  than  is  common  among  other  members  of  the 
group.  The  above  mentioned  specimens  were  from  Atherton, 
MISSOURI,  May  25,  1922  (C.  F.  Adams)  and  Madison  WIS- 
CONSIN, June  3,  1919  (A.  C.  Burrill). 

The  Preservation  of  Lepidopterous  Larvae 
by  Injection. 

By  A.  C.  COLE,  JR.,  Ohio  State  University,  Columbus,  Ohio. 

I  have  found,  in  the  preparation  of  Lepidopterous  larvae  for 
display  purposes  in  dry  mounts,  that  the  use  of  the  methods 
listed  below  gave  approximately  100^-  insurance  against  their 
destruction  by  museum  pests,  and  in  most  cases  caused  the 
larvae  to  retain  their  original  shapes. 


Fill  a  hypodermic  syringe  with  one  of  the  fluids  specified 
below,  being  sure  to  use  the  needle  indicated  under  the  fluid. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  107 

Enter  the  needle  into  the  anus  being  very  careful  not  to  punc- 
ture the  wall  of  the  intestine  too  near  the  opening.  The  wall 
must  be  punctured,  however,  as  near  the  center  of  the  larva  as 
possible,  and  the  needle  thrust  into  the  body  cavity.  As  soon  as 
the  point  of  the  needle  is  as  far  anterior  as  possible,  inject  the 
fluid  into  the  body  cavity,  and  extract  the  needle  slowly.  \Yhen 
the  larva  contains  as  much  of  the  material  as  necessary  with- 
draw the  needle  completely. 

Most  of  the  substances  listed  below  will  not  exude  from  the 
opening  if  the  correct  needle  is  used.  In  case  this  happens, 
however,  it  will  be  necessary  to  plug  the  opening  temporarily 
as  soon  as  the  needle  is  withdrawn. 

Injection,  due  to  the  pressure  of  the  fluid  and  the  amount 
used,  lengthens  the  larva  considerably.  During  the  process  of 
hardening,  however,  the  larva  will  again  become  nearly  its 
normal  size,  due  to  a  partial  shrinking  of  the  body-wall,  around 
the  internal  organs.  Those  fluids  which  do  not  allow  this 
shrinking  or  those  which  produce  "over-shrinkage"*  should  be 

The  following  fluids  may  be  used : 

Collodion — Use  a  needle  with  a  medium  diameter.  Excellent 
results  are  produced.  There  is  no  apparent  over-shrinking  and 
no  distinct  discoloration.  The  resulting  specimen  is  firm  and 
quite  life-like  in  appearance. 

Formalin  (40%) — Use  a  needle  with  a  small  diameter.  Good 
results  are  obtained.  There  is  a  slight  discoloration  and  over- 

Celluloid  dissolved  in  acetone — Use  a  needle  with  a  large 
diameter.  This  is  quite  difficult  to  inject  due  to  its  viscosity. 
It  produces  irregularity  in  the  shape  of  the  larva.  There  is  no 
apparent  discoloration  and  no  shriveling. 

The  viscera  are  best  removed  by  cutting  a  small  slit  at  the 
extreme  posterior  end  of  the  larva  and   rolling  a  glass  tube 
anterio-posteriorly  on  the  body.     As  soon  as  the  viscera  have 

*By  overshrinking  is  meant  the  shrinking  of  the  skin  of  the  larva  to 
such  an  extent  that  it  is  out  of  proportion  to  that  of  the  living  insect. 

108  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

been  removed  the  inside  of  the  larva  should  be  thoroughly 
washed  with  water.  The  specimen  may  then  be  injected  with 
one  of  the  fluids  listed  below. 

Melted  paraffin — A  needle  with  a  large  diameter  must  be 
used.  This  material  produces  excellent  results.  Care  must  be 
taken,  however,  that  the  paraffin  is  not  so  hot  that  it  scorches 
the  tissue  or  discoloration  will  result. 

Formalin  and  Plaster  of  Paris — Use  a  needle  with  a  large 
diameter,  or  a  medicine-dropper  in  this  case.  The  results  are 
very  good,  but  the  best  results  are  obtained  on  large  larvae. 
The  formalin  (40%)  and  plaster  of  Paris  are  mixed  into  a 
thin  paste.  This  paste  hardens  in  a  short  period  and  the  work 
therefore  must  be  done  rapidly. 

Celluloid  dissolved  in  acetone — Use  a  needle  with  a  large 
diameter.  The  results  are  quite  good,  although  a  slight  over- 
shrinking  follows. 

It  must  be  noted  that  none  of  these  fluids  will  prevent  dis- 
coloration completely,  nor  will  the  brighter  colors  of  the  larvae 
be  preserved  entirely.  Some,  however,  tend  to  discolor  more 
than  others  and  this  must  be  correlated  with  the  preserving 

power  of  the  fluids. 

— »  •  « — 

On  a  Family  of  Coleoptera  new  to  the  Fauna  of 

North  America  with  Description  of  One 

New  Species  (Gnostidae). 

By  W.  S.  BLATCHLEY,  Indianapolis,  Indiana. 
On  March  7,  1927,  while  collecting  two  miles  east  of  Dunedin, 
Florida,  I  beat  into  an  umbrella,  from  a  large  mass  of  Spanish 
moss  attached  to  the  limb  of  a  dead  pine  snag,  a  small  brown 
beetle  which  I  at  once  recognized  as  new  to  my  collection.  On 
examining  it  closely  that  evening  I  found  that  T  could  not  place 
it  definitely  in  anv  of  the  known  families  of  North  American 

f  j 

Coleoptera.  It  had  but  three  segments  in  each  antenna  and 
resembled  somewhat  some  of  the  Pselaphids  belonging  to  the 
genera  Adrancs  and  Fustiyer,  but  the  tarsi  were  5-jointed  and 
the  elytra  entire  and  covering  the  abdomen. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  109 

On  returning  to  Indianapolis  in  April  I  again  gave  it  careful 
study,  but  was  unable  to  identify  it  from  any  of  the  literature 
in  my  library.  I  then  sent  it  to  H.  C.  Fall,  of  Tyngsboro, 
Massachusetts,  and  later  to  Chas.  Schaeffer,  of  Brooklyn,  New 
York,  two  of  the  best  Coleopterists  in  eastern  North  America, 
but  both  of  them  passed  it  up  as  a  "strange  and  aberrant  form," 
wholly  unknown  to  them  even  as  to  family.  Both  suggested 
that  the  antennae  had  been  broken  off,  leaving  only  the  basal 
segments  remaining,  but  this  I  doubted,  as  they  had  every  ap- 
pearance of  being  in  normal  condition. 

In  August,  1929,  I  took  the  specimen  with  me  to  New  York 
City  and  showed  it  to  Chas.  W.  Leng  and  A.  J.  Mutchler,  but 
they  could  only  guess  as  to  its  family  relationships.  Mr.  H.  S. 
Barber,  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum,  happened  at  that  time 
to  be  at  the  Brooklyn  Museum  and  as'  I  had  the  specimen  in  a 
box  with  others  which  I  wished  to  compare,  with  those  in  the 
Schaeffer  collection,  I  showed  it  to  him.  He  at  once  recognized 
it  as  belonging  to  the  family  Gnostidae,  as  he  had  recently  seen 
examples  of  that  family  taken  by  Dr.  \Vm.  M.  Mann  from  the 
nests  of  ants  in  the  Panama  Canal  Zone.  By  referring  to  the 
available  literature  at  hand,  we  soon  found  that  it  belonged  to 
the  genus  Gnostiis  founded  by  Westwood  in  1855, 1  the  geno- 
type being  G.  fonnicicola  \Yestw.,  taken  by  Henry  Walter  Bates 
from  the  nest  of  an  ant,  M  \nnica  (Crcnujtogastcr)  victiina 
Smith,  near  Santarem,-  Brazil.  Of  this  ant  and  beetle  Bates, 
the  collector,  wrote :  "The  ant,  neuter  and  female,  had  its  for- 
micarium  formed  in  hollow,  dried  suspended  sipos  ;3  only  one 
female  in  each  formicarium.  This  ant  has  a  small  species  of 
beetle  (Paussidae)  almost  invariably  in  its  company,  one  or  at 
most  two,  in  each  colony.  No  beetle  was  found  in  any  part  of 
the  sipos  not  inhabited  by  the  Myrmica." 

One  other  species  of  the  genus,  viz.,  Gnostns  mcincrti  \Ya>- 
mann,  has  since  been  described  4  from  Valencia,  Venezuela.  It 
was  found  in  the  nest  of  the  ant,  Crematogaster  liuiata  Sm. 
\Yasmann  gives  characters  showing  that  it  is  very  different  from 

1  Trans.  Entoin.  Sue.  Loud.,  Ill,  1855,  p.  90,  pi.  8. 

2  A  city  on  the  Amazon,  about  half  way  up  the  river  to  Manaos. 

3  A  kind  of  vine. 

4  Krit.    Verzeichniss  der     Myrmekophilen  und  Termitophilen  Artli- 
ropoden,  Berlin,  1894,  p.  216. 



[Apr.,  '30 

Westwood's  species,  as  well  as  from  the  one  found  in  Florida. 
\Yestwood's  long  Latin  diagnosis  of  the  genus  Gnostus  in- 
cludes also  the  structural  characters  of  his  species,  G.  fonnici- 
cola.  Freely  translated,  the  principal  characters  of  genus  and 
species  as  given  by  him  are  as  follows,  those  portions  pertaining 
to  the  antennae  and  prothorax  being  included  verbatim  in  the 
original  Latin  : 

"Body  minute,  convex.  Head  small,  immersed  in  thorax  to 
the  eyes,  anteriorly  rounded,  subporrect. 

"Antennae  paullo  ante  angulos  internes  oculorum  insertae, 
pronoto  breviores  subcylindricae ;  articulo  Imo  subclavato,  cur- 
vato,  apice  oblique  truncate,  articulo  2nclo  in  angulum  inferum 
truncaturae  apicalis  articuli  basalis  inserto,  basi  gracili  supra 
in  angulum  subacutum  producto,  articulo  3tio  elongate,  cylin- 
drico  apice  truncate,  subtus  fere  ad  medium  in  angulum  obtusum 
producto  ;  hoc  articulo,  certo  situ,  quasi  ex  articulis  sex  arctis- 
sime  conjunctis  apparent!. 

"Labrum  small,  transverse,  angulate-produced  in  front. 
Maxillae  minute,  not  bilobed ;  maxillary  palpi  3-jointed,  joint 
3  largest,  its  middle  slightly  oval-inflated,  apex  acute.  Labial 
palpi  minute,  3-jointed,  joint  1  annuliform;  2  curved,  attenuate; 
3  oval,  apex  subacute  without  setae. 

1.  Gnostus  formic  icola  Westw.  ;  2,  head  from  above  ;  3,  head  from  the  side  ; 
4,  front-leg.     (After  Westwood.     Courtesy  of  Chas.  W.  Leng. ) 

"Prothorax  oblongus,  quasi  in  duas  partes  valde  inaequales 
(postica  multo  minori)  impressione  divisus,  pars  antica  capite 
multo  latior;  fossulis  duobus  paullo  curvatis,  longitudinalibus 
in  discum  notatus,  lateribus  rotundatis,  in  parte  constricta 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  111 

utrinque  in  hamos  duos  apicibus  aculis  fere  conjunctis  produc- 
tis  ;  parte  postica  transversa  fere  anticae  latitudine  aequali. 

"Elytra  large,  more  than  twice  the  width  of  thorax,  humeral 
angles  rectangular,  sides  sul (parallel,  tips  rounded  covering  the 
abdomen;  disc  convex,  glabrous,  slightly  setose,  punctate-striate. 
Legs  short,  femora  subclavate,  tibiae  compressed,  slightly 
curved;  tarsi  short,  all  simple  5-jointed,  joint  5  slightly  the 
longer,  slender.  Abdomen  with  three  visible  segments,  segment 

1  very  large,  2  very  short,  3  medium,  subtriangular." 

The  brief   Latin  description  of  his  genotype  is  as   follows: 
"(riiostus  fonnicicoht  Westw.    Omino  rufo-castaneus,  nitidus, 
corpora  et  pronoto  glabris  ;  elytris  punctato-striatis,  corpore  in- 
fra   polito    impunctato    convexo.      Long.    corp.    lin.    1--1/12 
unc.  =  2  mm." 

The  specimen  taken  by  me  in  Florida  apparently  differs 
from  Westwood's  species  in  characters  pertaining  to  the 
antennae,  and  in  the  sculpture  of  thorax  and  elytra.  It  is 
therefore  described  as  follows: 

Gnostus  floridanus  sp.  nov. 

Oblong,  subcylindrical.  Uniform  dark  reddish-brown, 
strongly  shining.  Antennae  much  as  described  by  West- 
wood,  the  joints  with  fine  scattered  setae;  joint  2  sub- 
globose,  one-half  the  length  of  1  ;  joint  3  as  long  as  1  and 

2  united,  gradually  but  feebly  clavate,  its  apex  truncate  and 
under  side  with  a  very  slight  submedian  angulation.    Front 
lobe  of  prothorax  with  a  wide  and  deep  median  groove  lying 
between  two  very  distinct,  feebly  divergent  dorsal  ridges, 
the  posterior  ends  of  these  ridges  thickened  and  projecting 
over  the  feeble  transverse  impression   separating  the   two 
lobes    of   thorax.      Elytra   about    three-fourths    wider   than 
front    lobe    of    thorax:    umbones    prominent;    disc    without 
striae  but  with  rows  of  very  small  scarcely  impressed  punc- 
tures, each  puncture  bearing-  a  very  fine  short  inclined  yel- 
lowish  seta,   both   punctures   and   setae   visible   only   under 
high  magnification.     Length   1.6  mm. 

Type  a  unique  (sex  undetermined)  in  the  author's  col- 
lection, taken  near  Dunedin,  Florida,  March  7,  1927. 

Search  for  additional  specimens  in  ants'  nests  and  by 
beating  other  bunches  of  Spanish  moss  in  the  immediate 
vicinity  of  the  type  habitat  has  so  far  failed. 

I  have  been  unable  as  yet  to  definitely  ascertain  who  first 
used  the  family  name  (inostidae  for  the  genus  (inoshis. 

112  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

Nathan  Banks,  who  kindly  looked  up  the  matter  for  me, 
states  that:  "Very  possibly  it  is  due  to  Gemminger  and  Von 
Harold,  in  vol.  I,  of  their  Catalogue,  1868,  p.  700."^  How- 
ever, they  there  did  not  characterize  the  family  but  used 
the  name  Gnostidae  as  a  family  heading  and  placed  under  it 
three  genera,  viz.,  Ectrephes  Pasco.e;  Gnostus  Westwood  and 
Anapestus  King.  King's  name  is  now  considered  a  synonym 
of  Ectrephes  and  for  this  the  family  name  Ectrephidae  is 
now  used,  thus  leaving  Gnostus  alone  in  Gnostidae. 

Westwood,  in  the  notes  following  his  original  characteri- 
zation, after  showing  that  Gnostus  could  not  belong  to  the 
Paussidae,  where  it  was  originally  placed  by  Bates  adds: 
"Its  nearest  allies  appear  to  be  found  amongst  some  of 
those  Xylophaga  of  Latreille  which  possess  5-jointed  tarsi, 
but  it  stands  sufficiently  detached  from  the  whole  of  them 
as  to  constitute  a  distinct  subfamily  of  its  own."  However, 
he  gives  neither  a  subfamily  nor  family  name. 

Muscina  stabulans  Fall.  (Diptera:  Muscidae)  Parasitic  on 
Arachnara  subcarnea  Kell.  (Lepidop. :  Noctuidae). 

At  Toledo,  Ohio  on  July  27,  1928  the  author  collected  a 
pupa  of  Arachnara  subcarnea  Kell.  in  a  stalk  of  Typha  lati- 
folia,  which  appeared  to  be  parasitized.  Two  parasitic  larvae 
emerged  from  the  pupa  on  Aug.  1 1  and  pupated  externally, 
one  emerging  on  Aug.  19  and  the  other  on  Aug.  20.  These 
adults  were  determined  by  Dr.  J.  M.  Aldrich  of  the  U.  S. 
National  Museum  at  Washington  as  Muscina  stabulans  Fall. 
(The  stable  fly.) 

The  host  pupa  appeared  in  the  stalk  at  the  end  of  its  larval 
burrow,  about  four  inches  under  the  surface  of  the  water. 

The  author  has  observed  on  several  occasions  adult  Muscina 
stabulans  flying  around  Typha  lati folia  infested  with  Arachnara 
subcarnea  but  egg-laying  was  not  observed.  Inasmuch  as  the 
host  larvae  enter  the  Typha  leaves  at  the  tip,  it  is  entirely  pos- 
sible that  they  were  parasitized  in  this  instar. 

I  believe  this  is  the  first  recorded  observation  of  a  distinct 
parasitic  habit  of  Muscina  stabulans,  and  rearing  experiments 
with  this  host  should  prove  interesting. 

Both  the  adult  parasites  and  their  pupal  cases  are  now  in 
my  personal  collection.  -—A.  C.  COLE,  JR.,  Ohio  State  Univer- 
sity, Columbus,  Ohio. 


do  not  (car  this  picture  out  of  this  issue  of 
the  INews,  horn  use  il  spoils  the  i'utiire  value  of 
the  mimhcr.  Mail  .">()  eents  (2.">  t\vo-eenl 
stamps  or  a  postal  money  order)  lo  the  !\e\vs 
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ready  for  framing. 

THK   EI\T()M()L<)(;iC\L   FNK\\  S 

1900  Kare  Street 
Philadelphia,  IVnna..  I'.  S.  A. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  113 

The  Crambinae  in  the  Brackenridge  Clemens 

Memorial  Collection  of  the  Academy  of 

Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia1 

(Lepidoptera:  Pyralidae). 

]>v  FRANK  HAIMBACH,  Academy  of   Natural  Sciences, 


This  paper  deals  especially  with  the  North  American  species, 
which  are  represented  in  our  collection  by  approximately  two- 
thirds  of  the  known  species.  A  list  of  European  species  con- 
tained in  our  collection  is  also  given.  The  tropical  and  neo- 
tropical species  in  our  collection  have  not  yet  been  studied  by  us. 

We  are  desirous  of  building  up  our  collection  of  Microlepi- 
doptera,  and  this  paper  is  the  first  of  a  series  which  will  show 
to  other  Institutions  and  specialists  just  what  we  have,  and 
from  which  it  will  be  easy  to  see  what  we  lack,  and  we  invite 
correspondence  with  anyone  who  can  furnish  us  with  any 
Buries  or  sub-species  which  are  not  represented  in  our  collect- 
ion, with  the  view  of  obtaining  such  forms  either  by  exchange 
or  otherwise. 

For  specimens  of  like  value  we  will  give  paratypes  and 
other  typical  material  in  exchange. 

\Ye  are  citing  in  this  paper  all  the  types  in  our  collection 
of  forms  here  dealt  with,  including  the  designation  of  a  number 
of  forms  of  which  we  have  selected  single  types  (lectotypes) 
from  larger  series  of  cotypes.  We  have  also  noted  all  para- 
types  as  well  as  specimens  compared  with  types,  and  by  whom 

Students  of  this  group,  as  well  as  other  groups  which  have 
been  studied  by  us,  are  invited  to  consult  our  collections,  and 
material  sent  to  us  for  determination  will  be  promptly  returned, 
retaining  only  such  species  which  are  new  to  our  collection. 

The  sequence  of  species  and  nomenclature  here  used,  is  that 
of  Barnes  and  McDunnough's  List-,  with  such  changes  as  were 
made  by  Dyar  and  Heinriclv"'  and  the  elimination  of  the  genera 

1  Published  by  the  aid  of  the  Brackenridge  Clemens   Memorial  Fund. 

~  Check  List  of  tin-  I.epidoptrra  of  I'.orenl  America.  iKvatur.  Illinois, 

"The  American  Moths  of  the  uvnus  Diatraea  and  allies,  by  Harrison 
G.  Dyar  and  Carl  Heinrich.  Proceedings  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum, 
Vol.  71,  pp.  1-48,  1927. 

114  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

Clialcocla  and  Dicyinoloniia,  which  Forbes4  has  placed  with  the 

The    European    species    are   arranged    according    to    Arnold 
Spuler5,  Die  sogcnanntcn  Kleinschmcttcrlingc  Euro  pas. 


ARIZONA:     Nogales,  July  4-7,   1903   (E.  J.  Oslar)    [6;  com- 
pared with  type,  Kearfott.  |. 


ARIZONA:  Oracle,  July  3,  1905  (E.  J.  Oslar)  [6;  Topo- 


ARIZONA:  Phoenix,  August  (Kunze)  [? ;  Lectotype,  A.  N. 
S.  P.,  no.  7189,  by  present  designation].  Globe,  August  25 
(Kunze)  [1 ;  Paratype]. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Brown's  Mills  Junction,  July  21,  1907  (E. 
Daecke)  ;  Manumuskin,  June  23,  1902  (E.  Daecke)  [2]. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Holly  Beach,  July  10,  1904  (F.  Haimbach) 
[1].  Seaside  Park,  July  12,  1911  (F.  Weigand)  [5]. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Five  Mile  Beach,  July  31  (F.  Haimbach) 
[1].  Wenonah,  July  15  and  August  24  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 

EUGROTEA    YAVAPAI    Kearfott. 

ARIZONA:  Yavapai  County  [Lectotype,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7190, 
by  present  designation]. 


COLORADO:    Clear  Creek,  July  13,  1914  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [1]. 
UTAH:    Vineyard,  May  16  and  August  6,  1917  (Tom  Spald- 
ing)    [3]. 


MASSACHUSETTS:    Bedford,  August  25,  1907  [1J. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  "Penn."  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7447; 
same  data,  1  Paratype].  Philadelphia,  September  5  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [1]. 

4  The  Lepidoptera  of  New  York  and  Neighboring  States.   Cornell  Uni- 
versity Agricultural  Station,  Memoir  68,  1923. 
B  Stuttgart,  1913. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  115 

NEW  JERSEY:  Lucaston,  September  9  and  14  (F.  Haim- 
bach)  [2],  Wenonah,  May  15,  1910  (F.  Haimbach)  [1].  Cape 
May  Point,  July  24,  1915  (F.  Haimbach)  flj. 

FLORIDA:  Melbourne,  March,  1907  (P.  Laurent)  [1].  Day- 
tona,  March,  1907  (P.  Laurent)  [1J. 

.     CANADA:  Ontario,  Mer  Bleue,  June  22  [lj. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Lucaston,  August  17  and  September  7  (F. 
Haimbach)  [5J.  Wenonah,  August  21  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Cape  May  Point,  August  1,  1918  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 

GEORGIA:    Thomasville,  April  3,  1903  (M.  Hebard)   flj. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Sea  Isle  City,  September  5.  1908  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [>].  Anglesea,  August  3,  1906  (F.  Haimbach)  [lj. 
Holly  Beach,  July  11  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 

FLORIDA:  Dunedin,  February  5,  1927  (W.  S.  Blatchley)  [1]. 
Daytona,  March  (P.  Laurent)  [1]. 


CANADA:  Manitoba,  Cartwright,  August  31-September  16, 
1910  (J.  F.  Heath)  [10].  British  Columbia,  Wellington,  Au- 
gust 20,  1903  [1]. 


WASHINGTON:  Pullman,  September  27,  1898  (C.  V.  Piper) 

NEW  MEXICO:  Jemez  Mountains,  64-6600  feet,  September 

9  (J.  Woodgate)  [10]. 


MAINE:  Greenville.  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 
Monmouth,  June  25-26,  1906  [2|. 

NEW  HAMPSHIRE:  New  London,  [une  17-19,  1929  (M.  M. 
Cary)  [1]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Hyde  Park,  July  12,  1910  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [1]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  2,  1912  ( W.  Beu- 
tenmuller)  [1]. 

COLORADO:  Chimney  Gulch,  Golden,  September  10,  1907  (E. 
J.  Oslar)  [3]. 

UTAH:    Vineyard,  July  11,  1917  (Tom  Spalding)   [2]. 

116  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 


NEW  YORK:  Katonah,  West  Chester  County,  July  (W.  Beu- 
tenmuller)  [  $  ;  Type  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7182].  Same  locality, 
June  (W.  Beutenmuller)  [Paratype,  1]. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Brown's  Mills  Junction,  May  30,  1906  (E. 
Daecke)"  [S ;  Type  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7183].  Clementon,  May  24, 
1908  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 


MAINE:  Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Monmouth,  June  26,  1916  (C.  A.  Frost)  [1]. 

NEW  HAMPSHIRE:  New  London,  June  20- July  11;  August 
10-20  (M.  M.  Cary)  [2]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  "Mass."  (C.  Girard)  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P., 
no.  7293].  Hyde  Park,  July  15,  1910  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Bedford,  July  14,  1907  (L.  W.  Swett)  [1]. 

PENNSYLVANIA  :  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  July  15-28  ( F.  Haimbach)  [2].  Philadelphia,  July  12, 
1906  (F.  Haimbach)  [1].  Philadelphia  (H.  Hornig)  [2]. 
Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  July  9  and  21  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 
Fairmount  Park,  Philadelphia,  July  12,  1906  (F.  Haimbach) 
[1].  Clark's  Ferry,  July  4,  1915  (F.  Haimbach)  [2].  Weaver, 
July  21,  1917  (R  Haimbach)  [1].  North  Mountain,  July  17 
(H.  W.  Wenzel)  [1]. 

VIRGINIA:    "Va.",  ?  [1]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  3,  1912  (W.  Beu- 
tenmuller) [1]. 

SOUTH  DAKOTA:    Volga  [TJ. 


PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  July  23  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Broomall,  September  18,  1910  (F.' Haimbach)'  |2J. 

NEW  JERSEY:    Lucaston,  July  9-15  (F.  Haimbach)    [17]. 

VIRGINIA:  Hot  Springs,  July  17-21,  1916,  at  light  (M. 
Hebard)  [2]. 

NEW  MEXICO:  Jemez  Mountains,  6400  feet,  July  14,  1917 
(J.  Woodgate)  variety  [1]. 

ILLINOIS:    Chicago  [1]. 


MAINE:     Greenville,  July  21-29,   1919   (F.  Haimbach)    [8]. 
COLORADO:    Denver  (E.  J.  Oslar)  [7]. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  117 


Cranibns  inz'olntcllns  Clemens,  without  data.  [Type,  A.  N. 
S.  P.,  no.  7294J. 

MAINE:    Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)    [3]. 

NEW  HAMPSHIRE:  New  London,  August  10-September  10, 
1928  (M.  M.  Gary)  [2J. 

MASSACHUSETTS  :  Framingham,  May  9,  1925  ;  [une  27  and 
July  14,  1906  [3].  Everett,  August  5,  1901  [1|.  Hyde  Park, 
August  22,  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [2J. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  May  18-21,  June  1,  July  19 
(F.  Haimbach)  [4].  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  May  6-18,  June 
6-21,  July  19  (F.  Haimbach)  [10].  Lower  Merion  Town- 
ship, Montgomery  County,  May  4,  1916,  July  26,  1921  (F. 
Haimbach)  [2].  Perkasie,  June  16  (F.  Haimbach)  [1J. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Sea  Isle  City,  September  5,  1908  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [1].  Five  Mile  Beach,  August  3-12,  1906  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [2].  Cape  May  Point,  August  1,  1918  (F.  Haimbach) 
|1|.  Lucaston,  September  11  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 

TEXAS:  May  22  (no.  22,  1). 


COLORADO:  Clear  Creek,  July  3,  1907  (E.  J.  Oslar)  [?  ;  Type 
A.  X.  S.  P.,  no.  7184].  Same  data  [c?;  Allotype].  Same  d'ata 
[Paratypes,  2]. 


CANADA:  Ontario,  Mer  P>leue,  July  3,  1907  (C.  H.  Young) 
[Lectotype,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7191,  by  present  designation]. 


CANADA:    Ottawa,  July  13-14,  1906  (C.  H.  Young)    [2]. 
MAINE:    Greenville,  July  21-29,  l()2l  (  F.  Haimbach)   [2]. 
NEW  HAMPSHIRE:     New  London,  August  10-30,  1928   (M. 
M.  Gary)    [3J. 

MASSACHUSETTS:    Hyde  Park,  |ulv  12,  1910  (F.  Haimbach) 


PENNSYLVANIA:       Lower    Merion     lownship,    Montgomery 
County,  July  4,  1<M7  (F.  Haimbach)    |T|. 

NEW  JERSEY:    \\Vnonuh,  June  23,  1912  (F.  Haimbach)    [4|. 


MAINE:     Greenville.  July  21-2(>,   1921    (  K.   Haiml.adi)    |2|. 
NEW   HAM  I'sniRK:     \Y\v  London,   |mie  17-19,  1929  (M.  M 
Gary)    [1J. 

118  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Bedford,  July  14,  1907  (C.  W.  Frost) 
[2].  Framingham,  July  16,  1906  [1]. 

NEW  YORK:  Katonah,  Westchester  County,  June,  July,  1915 
(W.  Beutenmuller)  [2]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  June  9-25,  July  8,  1914  (F. 
Haimbach)  [7].  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  13-27,  July  2- 
21  (F.  Haimbach)  [19].  Lower  Merion Township,  Montgomery 
County,  July  4-29,  August  7,  1916  (F.  Haimbach)  [11]. 
Swarthmore,  July  9,  1924  (E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.)  [Ij.  Lang- 
horne,  July  10-11,  1922  (F.  Haimbach)  [8].  Weaver,  July  21, 
1917  (F.  Haimbach)  [7J. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Wenonah,  June  23,  1912,  July  20  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [4].  Cape  May  Point,  July  3-26  (F.  Haimbach)  [4]. 
Five  Mile  Beach,  July  31  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA  :  Black  Mountains,  July  14- August  10, 
1912  (W.  Beutenmuller)  [4]. 


MARYLAND:    Plummers  Island,  July  21,  1919  (G.  M.  Greene) 

VIRGINIA:    Hot  Springs,  July  17,  1916  (M.  Hebard)   [1]. 

WEST  VIRGINIA:    "W.  Va."  [3]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  19,  1912  (W. 
Beutenmuller)  [  £  ;  Type  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7185].  Same  loca- 
tion, June  21-July  19,  1912  (W.  Beutenmuller)  [11  paratypes]. 


Without  data  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7287]. 

MAINE:    Monmouth,  June  26,  1905  [1]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:    Bedford,  July  1,  1917  [1]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  June  12  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  13,  1907,  August  11  ( F.  Haim- 
bach) [11].  Rockville,  July  5,  1915  ( F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 
Clark's  Ferry,  July  4,  1915  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 

NEW  JERSEY:    Wenonah,  June  23,  1915  (F.  Haimbach)   [2]. 


MAINE:    Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)    [1]. 

NEW  HAMPSHIRE:  New  London,  August  10-September  10, 
1928  (M.  M.  Cary)  [2|. 


Without  data  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7295]. 
MASSACHUSETTS:      Framingham,    June    5-10,    1906    (C.    A. 
Frost)   [2J. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  1 19 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  May  14-18  (F.  Haimbach) 
[3].  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  May  19-June  9  (F.  Haimbach) 
j  13].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery  County,  May 
28-31  (F.  Haimbach)  [2].  Buckmanville,  Bucks  County,  May 
21-22  (F.  Haimbach)  [4].  Toughkenamon,  Chester  County, 
May  29-31  (E.  G.  Vanatta)  [2]. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Wenonah,  May  24  (F.  Haimbach)   [1]. 

OHIO:    Cleveland  [1J. 

FLORIDA:    %'Fla."  [1]. 


MAINE:  Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)  [2|. 
Monmouth,  July  1,  1905  [1J. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Hyde  Park,  July  8-12,  1910,  and  August 
22.  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [5].  Framingham,  July  11,  1906 
(C.  A.  Frost)  [1].  Bedford,  July  1,  1907  [1].  " 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  July  5-8,  1914  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [2J.  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery  County, 
July  29.  1916  (F.  Haimbach)  [1J. 

XEW  IERSEY:  famesl)urg,  )uly  4  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Brown's  "Mills  function,  June  27,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Cape  May  Point,  July  3.  1(U6,  July  29,  1915  (F.  Haimbach) 


OHIO:    Cincinnati,  August  3,  1907  (A.  F.  Braun)   [1]. 
WEST  VIRGINIA  :    "W.  Va."  [1J. 


MAINE:    Orono  [1]. 

UTAH  :  Vineyard,  July  7-16,  August  4,  1917  (Tom  Spalding) 


NEVADA:     Verdi,  June  1-10  (A.  H.  Vachell)    [Paratype]. 

Without  data:  |Type.  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7286  and  1  Para- 

MASSACHUSETTS:    Hyde  Park.  July  12  (F.  Haimbach)    |2|. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  13.  1915  (F. 
Haimbach)  [2].  Hulmeville.  Bucks  Comity.  June  26,  1'L'O 
(F.  Haimbach)  |2|.  Kmilie,  Bucks  County,  July  4.  1924 
(F.  Haimbach)  |6j.  Laiighorne.  [uly  2  and  22  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [9].  Perkasie,  June  18  (F.  Haimbach)  [4].  Pocono 

120  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

Lake,  July  25  and  28  (G.  M.  Greene)  [2].  Rockville,  July 
5  and  22,  1915  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Brown's  Mills  Junction,  June  22,  1919  (F. 
Haimbach)  [1]. 

MARYLAND:    "Md."  [1]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  June  10  (\V.  Beuten- 
muller)  [2]. 

OHIO:    Cincinnati,  August  24,  1903  (A.  F.  Braun)   [1]. 


PENNSYLVANIA:    Smithtown,  June  29,  1911    (F.  Haimbach) 


NORTH  CAROLINA:    Black  Mountains,  July  6,  1912  (W.  Beu- 

tenmiller)   [1]. 

OHIO:  Cincinnati,  September  19,  1903   (A.  F.  Braun)    [1].* 


LABRADOR:  Crambus  inornatellus  Clemens  [Type  no.  7565]. 
Upper  St.  Augustine  River,  August  5,  1912  (H.  G.  Bryant) 


CANADA:    Alberta,  Calgary,  August,  1907  (H.  S.  King)   [2]. 

Saskatchewan,  Lloydminster,  July  31  [2].  Manitoba,  Aweme, 
July  12,  1907  [1].  Cartwright,  July  20-24,  August  8-13,  1907 
(J.  F.  Heath)  [5]. 

COLORADO:    Platte  Canyon  (E.  J.  Oslar)   [2]. 

MAINE:  Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)  [4]. 
King  &  Bartlett  Lake  (P.  Laurent)  [1]. 

NEW  HAMPSHIRE:  June  17-19,  1929  (M.  M.  Gary)  ;  August 
10-30  (M.  M.  Gary  and  F.  Haimbach)  ;  September  1-10,  1928 
(M.  M.  Gary)  [16]. 


MAINE:    Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)   [/]. 
MASSACHUSETTS:    Hyde  Park,  July  13,  1910  (F.  Haimbach) 


PENNSYLVANIA:    Rockville,  July  5,  1915  (F.  Haimbach)   [1]. 

VIRGINIA:  Mountain  Lake  Park,  July  26-31,  1906  (A.  F. 
Braun)  [1]. 

OHIO:    Cincinnati,  July  25,  1909  (A.  F.  Braun)    [1]. 


Without  data:  [Type  no.  7285  and  1  Paratype]. 
MASSACHUSETTS:     Hyde  Park,  August  21,  1907  (F.  Haim- 
bach)   [1]. 

*  This  species  was  heretofore  wrongly  placed  by  me  as  pnsioncllus 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  121 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  14-July  9  (F. 
Haimbach)  [4].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  June  26-July  24  (F.  Haimbach)  [/].  Swarthmore, 
September  9,  1915  ( E.  T.  Cres'son,  Jr.)  [2].  Langhorne,  July 
11-29,  August  14  and  September  11,  1922  (F.  Haimbach)  "[5j". 
Edge  Hill,  June  25  (F.  Haimbach)  [1|. 

NEW  JKKSEY:  Five  Mile  Beach,  July  9,  August  20-27  (F. 
Haimbach)  [3]. 

VIRGINIA:  Hot  Springs,  July  17-26  and  August  11,  1916 
(M.  Hebard)  [6]. 

WEST  VIRGINIA  :      "W.   Va."    [1]. 


ARIZONA:  So.  Ariz.  (Poling)  [Lectotype,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no. 
7192,  by  present  designation]. 


Without  data:  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7289]. 
MASSACHUSETTS:     Hyde  Park,  July   16-21    (F.  Haimbach) 


NEW  YORK:    "N.  Y."  [3]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  including  Roxboro,  Septem- 
ber 6-15  (F.  Haimbach)  [7].  Lower  Merion  Township, 
Montgomery  County,  September  5-15  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 
Swarthmore,  September  5,  1915  (E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.)  [2]. 
Elwyn,  September  17  (C.  S.  Wells)  [1].  Langhorne,  Septem- 
ber 11,  1920  (F.  Haimbach)  [8]. 

NEW  JERSEY:     Lucaston,  September  9  (F.  Haimbach)    [5]. 

TEXAS:    October  17  [2]. 

OHIO:    Cincinnati,  September  3,  1902  (A.  F.  Braun)    [1]. 

INDIANA:     Blufrton,  September  15,  1900  [1]. 

WISCONSIN:  Crammoor,  Wood  Gmntv,  August  25,  1907 
(C.  B.  Hardenberg)  [1]. 

COLORADO:    Clear  Creek,  August  22,  1907  (E.  J.  Oslar)   [2]. 

UTAH:     Vineyard,  August  9-11,  1917  (Tom  Spalding)    [2]. 


CANADA:     B.  C.,  Kaslo,  May,  1903   [1]. 

WASHINGTON:  Pullman,  July  7,  1898  (C.  V.  Piper  [1  :  omi- 
pared  with  type,  H.  G.  Dyar]. 


COLORADO:    Denver  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [3]. 

ARIZONA:    Oracle,  July  3,  1903  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [1J. 


MASSACHUSETTS:  Hyde  Park,  August  21-22,  1907  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [5]. 

122  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  September  6,  1917 
(F.  Haimbach)  [3].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  September  1-5  ( F.  Haimbach)  [3].  Castle  Rock, 
September  16  (F.  Haimbach)  |lj.  Langhorne,  September  11. 
1922  (F.  Haimbach)  [1J. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Lucaston,  September  7  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 
Anglesea,  May  27.  1905  (F.  Haimbach)  [1J. 

OHIO:    Cincinnati,  September  2,  1903  (A.  F.  Braun)    [1]. 

ILLINOIS:    "111.",  August  28-September  6  [3]. 

CRAM  BUS  RURICOLELLUS  subspecies  canadellus  forma  nov. 

Generally  darker  than  nimotypical  form,  and  the  median 
lines  of  primaries  form  two  distinct  dark  brown  bars.  E.  Ches- 
ley  Allen  in  his  "Some  notes  on  the  Crambinae  of  Nova  Sco- 
tia",0 refers  to  this  dark  form.  The  locality  where  I  collected 
these  specimens  is  within  seeing  distance  of  the  Province  of 
Ontario,  for  which  reason  I  consider  the  name  given  an  appro- 
priate one. 

MAINE:  Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  Haimbach)  [c?: 
Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7186;  9  :  same  data,  Allot y pc ;  3  Para- 
types;  8  other  specimens]. 


Without  data:  Crambus  cniiiurcllns  Clemens  [Type,  A.  N. 
S.  P.,  no.  7296]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  including  Roxboro,  June  3-29, 
July  26.  August  2-20,  September  10-12  (F.  Haimbach)  [19]. 
Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery  County,  July  5-29, 
August  3-22,  September  15  (F.  Haimbach)  [7].  Langhorne, 
May  29- June  7,  July  20-29,  September  8-11  (F.  Haimbach) 

VIRGINIA:     Hot  Springs,  August  11-12,   1916   (M.  Hebard) 


WEST  VIRGINIA:    "W.  Va."  [1]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  June  16-23,  1912  (\\ . 
Beutenmuller )  [  3  ] . 

TEXAS:    "Tex.",  May  13,  August  17,  September  17-23  [12]. 


MASSACHUSETTS:  Bedford,  July  14,  1907  (L.  W.  Swett) 
12].  Hyde  Park,  August  29,  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [1J. 

NEW  YORK:  Katonah,  West  Chester  County,  July  15  (\\. 
Beutenmuller)  [1]. 

"Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  Nova  Scotia,  1917,  pp. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  123 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  24,  1906  (F. 
Haimbach)  [6j.  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  June  16-July  5  (F.  Haimbach)  [10]. 

FLORIDA:    Dunedin,  March  23,  1920  (W.  S.  Blatchley)    [1]. 

TEXAS:    "Tex."   [1]. 


COLORADO:     Clear  Creek,  June  27,   1906  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [1]. 
NEW    MEXICO:      Jemez    Mountains,   6400    feet,   July    14-15, 
1927;  6600  feet,  September  4,  1915  (J.  Woodgate)   [3J. 


Without  data:  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7288;  1  Paratype]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:    Framingham,  July  16,  1906  [1]. 

NEW  YORK:  Katonah,  West  Chester  County,  July  15  (W. 
Beutenmuller)  [2]. 

PENNSYLVANIA  :  Philadelphia,  including  Roxboro,  June  2-29 
(F.  Haimbach)  [12].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  May  30- July  5,  August  14,  1917  (F.  Haimbach)  [8]'. 
Langhorne,  June  5-8,  July  29,  1922  (F.  Haimbach)  [7].  Honey 
Brook,  Chester  County,  August  25,  1910  ( W.  W.  Climenson) 


XEW  JERSEY:  Holly  Beach,  August  12,  1906  (F.  Haimbach) 
[1].  Cape  May,  June  30,  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [2j. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  June  21,  1912  (W. 
Beutenmuller )  [  2  ] . 

FLORIDA:  Dunedin,  March  15,  April  17,  1920  (W.  S. 
Blatchley)  [2j.  Homestead,  May  14,  1915  (D.  M.  Castle) 
[1].  Enterprise,  May  3,  1915  (D.  M.  Castle)  [1]. 

TEXAS:    April  27-29  [2]. 

MISSOURI:    St.  Louis  (A.  Busck)    [1]. 

KANSAS:    Douglass  County,  August  (E.  S.  Tucker)    [Ij. 

COLORADO:    Denver  (E.  J.  Oslar)   [2J. 

UTAH:    Vineyard,  July  11,  1917  (Tom  Spalding)    [1]. 


.    Colored  drawing  from  type  by  National  Museum  artist. 


TEXAS:  Galveston,  May  (F.  H.  Snow)   [2]. 

TEXAS:     Brownsville,  Mav  9  and  31,   1904   (H.   S.   Barber) 

124  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 


NEVADA:  Verdi,  June  23-30  (A.  H.  Vachell)  [Lectotype, 
A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7193,  by  present  designation]. 

UTAH:    Vineyard,  July  7-11,  1917  (Tom  Spalding)    [2]. 


CALIFORNIA:    San  Diego,  February  2,  1908  (W.  S.  Wright) 

CANADA:  Manitoba,  Cartwright,  August  31-September  4 
(J.  F.  Heath)  [9]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:    Framingham,  August  29,  1905  [1]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  July  5,  1914  (F.  Haimbach) 
[1].  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  12,  1913  (F.  Haimbach) 
[1].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery  County,  June 
1-10,  July  6-25,  August  6-16,  September  5-27' (F.  Haimbach) 
[14]."  Honey  Brook,  Chester  County,  August  25,  1910  (F. 
Haimbach)  [1]. 

NEW  JERSEY:    Five  Mile  Beach,  August  20  (F.  Haimbach) 


VIRGINIA:  Hot  Springs,  July  10  and  August  15,  1916  (M. 
Hebard)  [2]. 

OHIO:    Cincinnati,  October  8,  1904  (A.  F.  Braun)    [1]. 

INDIANA:  Wells  County,  May  22,  1900  [1].  Bluffton,  May 
24,  1900  [1]. 

NEW  MEXICO  :  Jemez  Mountains,  6600  feet,  August  30-Sep- 
tembei-9,  1915  (J.  Woodgate)  [4]. 

UTAH:    Vineyard,  August  11,  1907  (Tom  Spalding)    [2]. 


ARKANSAS:  Washington  County,  July-August  (A.  J.  Brown) 
[  Paraty  pe  ] . 
PENNSYLVANIA:    Philadelphia  (F.  Haimbach)   [1]. 


NEW  MEXICO:     Cloudcroft,  June  17,  1902   (H.  L.  Viereck) 

Without  data:  [Type,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7283]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Hyde  Park,  August  22,  1907  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [1].  Framingham.  August  15,  1905  [1|. 

NEW  YORK:  Katonah,  West  Chester  County,  June  25  (\\ . 
Beutenmuller)  [6]. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  125 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Roxboro,  Philadelphia,  June  16-22.  July 
3-10,  August  2,  1915  (F.  Haimhach)  [14j.  Lower  Merion 
Township,  Montgomery  County,  June  13-23.  July  5-26,  August 
9-15  (F.  Haimhach)  |11J.  Langhorne,  June  5-7,  July  20, 
1922  (F.  Haimhach)  [4|.  Weaver,  July  21,  1917  (  F.  Haim- 
bach)  [1]. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Wenonah.  |uly  19  (F.  Haimbach)  [1].  Five 
Mile  Beach,  July  9-17  (F.  Haimbach)  [2].  Cape  May  Point, 
July  24.  1914  (F.  Haimhach)  [2]. 

VIRGINIA:  Hot  Springs,  July  26,  August  6,  1916  (M.  He- 
bard)  [2]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  23,  24,  1912  (  \V. 
Beutenmuller)  [2]. 


PENNSYLVANIA:      Weaver,   July   21,    1917    (F.   Haimbach) 


NEW  JERSEY:    Holly  Beach,  August  2,  1906  (F.  Haimbach) 


oino:    Cincinnati,  July  16.  17  (A.  F.  Braun)   [2]. 

.MISSOURI:   Kirkwood  (Miss  Murtfeldt)  [1]. 
CRAM  BUS  MODESTELLUS  Barnes  and  McDunnough. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  June  4-28,  1912  (W. 
I'icuteiimuller)  [4]. 


.MASSACHUSETTS:  Hyde  Park,  July  8-16,  1910  (F.  Haim- 
hach) [2].  Framingham,  July  21,  1906  [1  |. 

NEW  YORK:  Katonah.  West  Chester  County,  June- July  15 
(W.  Beutenmuller)  [4]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Roxbom.  Philadelphia,  June  5-July  1  (F. 
Haimbach)  [19J.  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  June  17,  July  1,  25  (F.  Haimhach)  [6].  Langhorne, 
June  7-]uly  16  (F.  Haimbach)  [12].  Weaver,  July  21,  1917 
(F.  Haimhach)  [5]. 

XEW  JERSEY:  Wenonah.  July  15  (F.  Haimbach)  [1|.  Five 
.Mile  Beach.  June  28  (F.  Haimbach)  fl]. 

VIRGINIA:    Hot  Springs,  August  12,  1916  (M.  Hehard)    fl]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  5-26,  1912  (W. 
Beutenmuller)  [2|. 

CRAM  iii's  LUTEOLELLCS  var.  CJLAE  Cockerell. 

CANADA:  Manitoba,  Cartwright.  Julv  27,  1908  (].  F.  Heath) 

COLORADO:     Golden.   Chimney  Gulch,    July    15,    1904    (K     [ 
Oslar)   [1].    Clear  Creek  (E.  J.  Oslar)   [2].' 

126  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 


PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  July  6  (F.  Haimbach)  [Para- 
type  (Crambus  placid  dins}].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Mont- 
gomery County,  June  25-28,  1921  (F.  Haimbach)  [2].  Tully- 
town,  July  9,  1922  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 

NEW  JERSEY:  Wenonah,  July  27  (F.  Haimbach)  [Paratype 
(Crambus  placidcllits)  ].  Wenonah,  July  28  (F.  Haimbach)  [1], 


PENNSYLVANIA:  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  July  16-August  6  (F.  Haimbach)  [12]. 

XKW  JERSEY:  Wenonah,  July  28  (F.  Haimbach)  [1].  Cape 
May  Point,  July  24-26  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 

GEORGIA:    Kirkwood,  July  23  [1]. 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  22,  1912  (AY. 
Beutenmuller)  [1]. 


COLORADO:    Maniton,  June  30  [1]. 

NEW  MEXICO:  Jemez  Springs,  June  24,  1916  (J.  Woodgate) 
[1].  Temez  Mountains,  6600  feet,  July  15,  1915  (J.  Wood- 
gate)  [1]. 


COLORADO:  Denver  (E.  J.  Oslar)  [5].  Clear  Creek,  July 
10,  1907  (E.  J.  Oslar)  [4]. 


COLORADO:  Puebla,  September,  1899  [Lectotype,  A.  N.  S. 
P.,  no.  7194,  by  present  designation  (Thaumatopsis  colora- 


CANADA:  Ontario,  Rostrevor,  September  3,  1907  (Arthur 
Gibson)  [d1:  Lectotype,  A.  N.  S.  P.,  no.  7195,  by  present  desig- 
nation (Thaumatopsis  gibsonella)}.  Same  locality  and  col- 
lector, September  5,  1907  [Paratype]. 


NEW   JERSEY:      Lucuston,   September  9-15    (F.    Haimbach) 


TEXAS:     "Tex."   [1J. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  127 


CANADA:  Manitoba,  Cartwright,  July  2- August  8  (J.  F. 
Heath)  [6]. 

COLORADO:    Clear  Creek,  July  20,  1907  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [1J. 

ARIZONA:  San  Bernardino  Ranch,  Cochise  County,  3750 
feet,  August  ( '  F.  H.  Snow)  fJ|. 

UTAH:  Vineyard.  July  11-16,  1917  (Tom  Spalding)  [2]. 
Stockton,  September  2,  1904  (Tom  Spalding)  [1]. 


UTAH:    Vineyard,  July  l<\  1('17  (Tom  Spalding)    [1]. 


NEW  JERSEY:  Lucastmi,  <  >ct<>ber  10,  1902  (E.  Daecke)  [c?: 
Lectotype,  A.  X.  S.  I'.,  no.  7188,  by  present  designation].  Same 
locality  and  collector,  October  7,  1905  [Topotype]. 

TEXAS:    Brownsville,  June,  July  [2]. 


ARIZONA:  Huachuca  Mountains,  August  27,  1903  (E.  J. 
Oslar)  [5]. 


WASHINGTON:     Pullman.  July  12,  1898  (C.  V.  Piper)    [2]. 
COLORADO:    Clear  Creek  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [3]. 
UTAH:     Vineyard,  August  7-11,  1917  (Tom  Spalding)    [4]. 
ARIZONA  :  San  Bernardino  Ranch,  Cochise  County,  3750  feet, 
August  (F.  H.  Snow)    [2]. 

NEW  MEXICO:    Albuquerque  (E.  J.  Oslar)    |lj. 


CANADA:     Toronto   [2|. 

MAINE:  Greenville,  July  21-29,  1919  (F.  llaimbach)  [1]. 
M onmouth.  June  27,  1905  [1]. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  Hyde  Park,  July  12.  1910  (F.  Haimbach) 
|  1  |.  Framingham,  July  14,  1906  [1]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  mostly  at  Roxboro.  June  20- 
29  (F.  Haimbach)  [7].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Mont- 
gomery County,  June  29- July  17  (F.  Haimbach)  [3|. 

NEW  IEKSEY:  Five  Mile  Beach  (F.  Haimbach)  [Ij.  Cape 
May,  June  30,  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [IJ. 

VIRGINIA:  Hot  Springs,  July  2-August  1,  1916  (M.  He- 
bard)  [6]. 

128  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

NORTH  CAROLINA:  Black  Mountains,  July  11-17,  August  13, 
1912  (W.  Beutenmuller)  [4]. 

TEXAS:    March  13  [2]. 

NEBRASKA:  Omaha,  June  20,  1920  ( R.  A.  Leussler)  [1J. 
(  )maha  (F.  H.  Marshall)  [3j. 

.\R(iYRIA    ARGENTANA     (Martyil). 

PENNSYLVANIA:    "Pa."  [1:  Argvria  niiinulalis  Hiibner]. 

XEW  JERSEY:  Wenonah,  July  22  ( F.  Haimbach  [4].  Sea 
Isle  City,  September  12,  1908  (F.  Haimbach)  |lj.  Holly 
Beach,  August  12,  1906  (F.  Haimbach)  [1].  Five  Mile  Beach, 
June  19,  1904,  July  3,  August  6  (F.  Haimbach)  [4].  Cape 
May,  June  30,  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [3].  Cape  May  Point, 
July  26,  1914  (F.  Haimbach)  [2]. 

FLORIDA:  Dunedin,  April  3-30  (W.  S.  Blatchley)  [2].  Day- 
tona,  March,  1907  (P.  Laurent)  [2]. 

NEBRASKA:  Omaha,  Inly  20,  1910  (R.  A.  Leussler)  [1|. 
Omaha  (F.  H.  Marshall)  [3]. 


Argyria  crilica  Forbes,  new  syn. 

Forbes'  description  of  critica  agrees  very  well  with  Clemens' 
type  of  auratclla,  on  which  there  is  no'  trace  of  yellow  on  distal 
half  of  inner  margin.  Walker's  description  of  palcliclla  also 
makes  no  reference  to  the  yellow  marking  on  the  distal,  nor  the 
inner,  half  of  inner  margin.  Specimens  which  have  this  yellow 
marking  along  the  inner  margin  are  therefore  a  variety,  which 
1  do  not  consider  worthy  of  a  name,  as  both  forms  are  taken 
together.  On  July  21,  1917,  I  collected  a  large  series  of  this 
species  at  Weaver,  Pennsylvania  (near  Harrisburg)  in  which 
the  two  forms  were  equally  divided  ;  the  specimens  were  per- 
fectly fresh,  and  must  have  emerged  on  that  day,  evidently 
from  one  brood.  It  appears  to  me  to  be  a  grade  of  intensity  in 
pigmentation.  Specimens  collected  by  me  at  Southern  New 
Jersey  shore  points  are  marked  more  intensely  than  those 
taken  in  Pennsylvania  and  more  Northern  points. 

MASSACHUSETTS:  "Mass."  (S.  H.  Scudder,  Jr.)  [Type,  A. 
N.  S.  P.,  no.  7284].  Framingham,  August  8,  1907  (C.  A. 
Frost)  [1].  Hyde  Park,  July  8,  1910  ( F.  Haimbach  [1]. 

NEW  YORK:  Katonah,  West  Chester  County,  July  (W.  Beu- 
tenmuller) [1]. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Mount  Airy,  Philadelphia,  July  28  (P. 
Laurent)  [2  topotypes  of  Ar</vria  crilica  Forbes].  Weaver, 
July  21,  1907  (F.  Haimbach)  [4]. 

NEW   JKKSKY:      Wenonah,  July   13-28    ( F.   Haimbach)    [2J. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  129 

Holly  Beach,  July  26,  1899  (F.  Haimbach)  [1].  Five  Mile 
Beach,  August  4  (  F.  Hainihach)  |1J.  Cape  May  Point,  July 
24.  1915  (F.  Hainihach)  |1J. 

AKCYKIA  LACTEELLA   (  Fabricius). 

FLORIDA:  Dunedin,  March  21-31,  April  15,  November  28 
(  \\.  S.  Ulatchley)  [4j. 


OHIO:    Cincinnati,  July  11,  1904  (A.  F.  I'.raun  )    |1]. 
FLORIDA:     Melbourne,  March   (P.  Laurent)    [1J.     Daytona, 
March  (P.  Laurent)    [3], 


FLORIDA:    Dunedin,  March  29,  1921.  April  28,  1920  (W.  S. 

Blatchk'y)    |2J. 

PLATYTES?  ALLEXI  (Fernald). 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia,  June  2,  1914  (F.  Haimbach), 
August  (H.  \\".  \Yenzel)  [2].  Lower  Merion  Township. 
Montgomery  County,  July  7-23,  September  5  (F.  Haimbach) 

NEW  JERSEY:  Sea  Isle  City,  September  12,  1908  (F.  Haim- 
bach) [!]. 


PENNSYLVANIA  :  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County,  July  16-August  6  (F.  Haimbach)  [6].  Hulmeville, 
Bucks  County,  July  16,  1924  (F.  Haimbach)  [1]. 

TEXAS:   May  20  [2]. 


ARIZONA:  Carr  Canyon,  Huachuca  Mountains,  July,  1907 
(H.  A.  Kaeber)  [4J. 


ARIZONA:  Carr  Canyon.  Huachuca  Mountains,  July,  1907 
(H.  A.  Kaeber)  [1]. 


PENNSYLVANIA:  Philadelphia.  June  4-11,  September  4  (  F. 
Haimbach)  [3].  Lower  Merion  Township,  Montgomery 
County.  August  14-29  (F.  Haimbach)  |4|.  Tnllytown,  I'.uck's 
County,  July  9,  ]«'22  (  F.  llaimbach)  [1|. 

130  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 


NEW  JERSEY:    Anglesea,  July  10  (P.  Laurent)    [1]. 


FLORIDA:  Dunedin,  February  23,  March  26- April  23  (W.  S. 
Blatchley)  [5]. 

DlATRAEA   SACCHARALIS    (Fabricilis). 

MEXICO:    Vera  Cruz  (Koebele)   [1]. 


FLORIDA:    Dunedin  (W.  S.  Blatchley)   [2]. 
DIATRAENOPSIS  iDALis  (Fernald). 

ILLINOIS:    Chicago  [1]. 
TEXAS:    Brownsville,  June  [2]. 


NEW  MEXICO:  Alamagordo,  April  26,  1902  (Viereck  & 
Rehn)  [? :  Allotype].  Same  locality  and  collectors,  April  26- 
May  4,  1902  [15  Paratypes]. 


CANADA:    Cartwright,  Manitoba,  July  27,  1908  (J.  F.  Heath) 


UTAH:  Vineyard,  July  16-August  9,  1917  (Tom  Spalding) 

COLORADO:    Clear  Creek,  August  1,  1907  (E.  J.  Oslar)    [1]. 

CRAMBUS  COMBINELLUS  Schiffermiiller. 
AUSTRIA:  Vienna  (Staudinger)    [1]. 
Without  data  [2]. 


Pontresina,  July  15,  16  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2].  Rochers  de 
Naye,  Jury  12.  1911  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  Courmayeur,  July, 
1902  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2].  Engelberg,  July  16,  1901  [2J.  Preda 
Albula,  P.,  July,  1913  ( F.  E.  Lowe)  •[!]. 


Pontresina,  July  15-29,  1907  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [4|.  Steinen 
Alp,  Berisal,  July  25,  1911  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2].  Simplon,  July 
23,  1911  [1].'  Eclepeus,  June  1907  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1]. 

XLT,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  131 


Blightwell  Heath,  Suffolk,  August  8,  1908  |1].  Miraborne, 
August,  1906  [/]. 


Vizzavona,  July  19-30,  1914  (F.  E.  Lowe)  f/»|.  Tattone, 
July,  1914  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2]. 


St.  Peter  Port,  August  20,  1916  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1  |.  Guern- 
sey, October  23-30  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [/]. 

Without  data  [2]. 


Potsdam  Str.  [Ij.    Without  data  [3J. 


Zermatt,  August,  1898,  at  light  [2]. 
CRAMBUS  TRISTELLUS  Schiffermuller. 

Without  data  [11]. 

Harwich  district,  July,  August  (G.  F.  Mathew)    [5]. 
CRAMBUS  LUTEELLUS  Schiffermuller. 

Breslau  (Staudinger)  [2]. 

Zermatt  Str.   [1]. 


Harwich  district,  [uly,  1910  (G.  F.  Mathew)  [2].  Instow, 
July,  1907  (G.  F.  Mathew)  |1].  Without  data  [12]. 


Harwich  district,  July  5.  1911  (G.  F.  Mathew)  [1|.  Wim- 
bonii',  August.  1906  [1].  Instow,  lime,  1W  (G.  F.  Mathew) 
[1].  Rislcv  Moss,  Lanca,  July,  1(H)3  |1|.  1  'ontresina,  July  16- 
30,  1910  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2|.  " 


Srisser  Alp  (Staudinger)  [IJ.  Penm-sina,  [uly  16-30  (F. 
E.  Lowe)  [3]. 

132  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 


Prague  (Staudinger)    [1].    Without  data  [2]. 

Without  data  [2]. 


Simplon,  July  23,  1911  [4J.  Laquinthal,  July  14-22,  1911 
(F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  Pontresina,  July  13-30  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2]. 
Steiner  Alp,  Berisal,  July  25,  19*11  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  With- 
out data  [2]. 


Risley  Moss,  Lanca,  July,  1904  [8].    Without  data  [2]. 


Preda  Albula,  P.,  July,  1913  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  Laguinthal, 
July  14-23,  1911  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  Trafoi,  July,  1903  [1J. 
Mt.  Pilatus,  July  9,  1901  [2]. 


La  Grave,  July  25-August  1,  1909  (F.  E.  Lowe)    [1]. 
CRAMBUS  CONCHELLUS  Schififermiiller. 

Rochers  de  Naye,  July  12,  1911  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2].  Engel- 
berg,  July,  1901  [2].  Laquinthal,  July  14-22,  1911  (F.  E. 
Lowe)  [2].  Val  Tiniere,  June,  1907' (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  Mei- 
zingen,  July  6,  1904  [1].  No.  63  5/56,  (Boll)  [2]. 


Nr.  Wimborne,  August,  1907  (G.  F.  Mathew)    [8j. 

Without  data  [1J. 

(Staudinger)   [1]. 


Trofoi,  July,  1903  [1].    Laquinthal,  July  14-22  (F.  E.  Lowe) 
|1].     Pontresina,  July,  1907,  1912  (F.  E.  Lowe)    [4J. 


Tattona,  July,  1914  (F.  E.  Lowe)   [2]. 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XK\VS  133 

CRAM  BUS  FALSELLUS  Schiffermuller. 

Camford,  S.  W.,  1873  [1].  Cambridge,  July  [4].  Boroclen, 
Edleston  (F.  Bond)  [2J. 


Pontresina,  July  16-30,  1910  (  F.  E.  Lowe)    [2]. 

Without  data   [S]. 

Without  data  [2]. 
CRAMBUS  LUCELLUS  Herrich-Schaffer. 

Bondol,  Cote  de  Azur,  June  11-20,  1913  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2]. 
La  Ste.  Baume,  July  12-15,  1914  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [4]. 


New  Forest  (C.  Galliver)   [7].    Unst.,  1895  (P.  M.  Bright) 
CRAMBUS  CULM  F.LI, us  Linnaeus. 

Unst.,  1895  (P.  Al.  Bright)    [5|. 

Digne.  June  14-25,  1910,  July  16,  1909  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [4]. 
Ste.  Baume,  June  25-July  2,  1912  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1].  Mar- 
tigny,  fune,  1907  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [2].  Vernet-Piz :  Or.,  June 
14-26,  1911  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [1]. 


Lancashire  Hodgk.  (F.  Bond)  161.  New  Forest  (F.  Bond) 


Pleinmont  Cut..  July.  1915  (F.  E.  Lowe)    [8]. 


Without  data  [4|.     1  labeled  "Sienig." 


July  17,  '57  \2\.    \\'ithnut  data  [6|. 

Without  data  [3J. 

134  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 


Barum,  July,  1905  [3].  Instow,  June  26,  1908  (G.  F. 
Mathew)  [1].'  Wicken,  June  30,  1902  [3]-.  Beech  Haven  [1]. 
Neckar,  Bischofsheim,  B.,  June  25  (F.  Weigand)  [1J. 


Without  data  [12]. 

#31,  August  31,  '66  [3]. 

Without  data  [/]. 

Portsmouth,  Moncraff,  1872  [4]. 


La  Ste.  Baume,  June  22-29,  1913  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [3].  Nans- 
Var.,  June  25-July  11,  1914  ( F.  E.  Lowe)  [2].  Bondol,  Cote 
de  Azur,  June  11:20.  1914  (F.  E.  Lowe)  [lj. 

Centenary  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  France. 

The  Entomological  Society  of  France,  founded  in  1832,  will 
soon  celebrate  its  centenary  at  Paris  and  desires  to  give  to 
this  event  all  possible  splendor. 

The  official  ceremony  of  the  centenary,  the  celebrations  and 
excursions  which  will  be  arranged  for  this  occasion  will  occur 
at  the  same  time  as  the  Fifth  International  Congress  of  En- 
tomology, which  will  be  held  at  Paris  in  1932.  Invitations 
will  be  sent  to  the  entomological  societies  of  the  entire  world 
and  we  hope  that  many  delegates  will  take  part  in  the  festivi- 
ties, the  program  and  date  of  which  will  be  fixed  later. 

But  it  seems  to  us  that  such  celebrations  should  not  be  the 
only  manifestation  by  our  society  on  the  hundredth  year  of  its 
existence.  It  will  be  appropriate  to  crown  the  magnificent 
series  of  one  hundred  volumes  of  Annalcs  ilc  la  Socictc  cnto- 
rnologiquc  dc  France  by  the  publication  of  an  extraserial  "Cen- 
tenary" volume,  containing  a  history  of  our  Society  from  its 
beginning  and  also  original  memoirs  by  our  best  French 
authors  and  the  best  known  entomologists  of  foreign  coun- 

Moreover,  our  Society  wishes  to  publish  a  Catalogue  raisonnc 
of  the  Coleoptera  of  France  and  to  complete  the  general  tables 
of  the  Annalcs,  unfinished  since  1890. 

It  is  evident  that  the  realization  of  so  extensive  a  program 
is  dependent  upon  the  resources  which  our  Society  will  bave 


at  its  disposal.  A  subscription  list  has  already  been  opened. 
It  is  hoped  that  all  the  members  of  our  Society  will  impose 
on  themselves  the  duty  of  subscribing  and  of  rendering  our 
centenary  publications  worthy  of  the  efforts  of  our  prede- 

A  later  notice  will  fix  the  sum  at  which  subscribers  will  have 
the  right  to  receive  the  Centenary  volume. 
(Translated.)  For  the  Centenary  Committee: 

L.  CHOPARD,  Secretary.        DR.  R.  JEANNEL,  President. 

A  Note  on  the  Longevity  of  a  Paralyzed  Orthopteran 
(Locustidae;  Hymen.:  Sphegidae). 

On  July  19,  1929,  at  Zion  National  Park,  Utah,  I  surprised 
a  large  wasp  (Chlorion  ichneuinoniiiin  (Linn.))  carrying  an 
immature  katydid  (Microcentrum  sp?).  An  attempt  was  made 
to  capture  them  both  but  the  wasp  escaped,  leaving  its  prey. 
This,  upon  examination,  was  found  to  have  been  paralyzed  by 
the  wasp.  It  was  capable  only  of  feeble  movements  of  the 
antennae  and  palpi.  Life  processes  evidently  continued,  as 
faeces  were  occasionally  voided.  It  was  placed  in  a  cotton- 
stoppered  vial  which  allowed  circulation  of  air  and  prevented 
excessive  evaporation.  Note  was  made  of  its  condition  from 
day  to  day.  It  lived,  as  was  evidenced  by  movements,  from  14 
to  17  days.  The  last  few  days  decomposition  set  in  at  the  ex- 
tremities and  on  the  17th  day  it  was  definitely  dead. — LOWELL 
A.  \YOODBURY,  University  of  LTtah,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

Notes    on    Corythuca    pallipes    Parshley,    and    Leptodictya 
(Locustidae;  Hymen.:   Sphecidae). 

The  writer  has  been  interested  in  the  Tingididae  for  some 
time  and  has  obtained  two  records  which  may  be  of  interest. 
A  rather  large  infestation  of  Corythuca  pallipes  Parshley  was 
found  in  Garrett  County,  Maryland,  feeding  on  its  usual  host 
plant,  Bctiila  lutea  Michx.  Heretofore  the  insect  has  not  been 
reported  south  of  New  York.  The  infestation  was  near  Bear 
Creek  on  the  top  of  Keyser's  Ridge,  about  2000  feet  above 
sea  level.  The  insects  were  collected  September  17,  1929. 

On  October  5,  1929,  specimens  of  Leptodictya  siiuu: 
Heidemann  were  collected  by  Dr.  E.  N.  Cory  from  IVkTsbi: 
Virginia.  These  insects  occurred  in  large  numbers  on  .Iriai- 
dinaria  tecta  (Walt.)  Muhl.,  where  they  had  caused  consider- 
able damage.  According  to  Blatchley's  Heteroptera  of  /eastern 
North  America,  the  host  plant  of  this  insect  has  never  been 
reported.  However,  L.  simulant  should  occur  also  on  A.  mac- 
•rospcrma  Michx.  These  are  the  only  two  species  of  the  15am- 
buseae  native  to  eastern  I'nited  States  as  far  north  as  Virginia 
and  Maryland,  where  they  grow  in  moist  soil. — L.  I'.  DIT.MAN, 
College  Park,  Maryland. 

136  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

International  Society  of  Ipidologists. 

We  note  in  the  Canadian  Entomologist  for  February,  1930, 
that  a  society  by  this  name  has  been  proposed  by  Dr.  P.  Spes- 
sivteff  at  a  meeting  of  the  International  Congress  of  Forest 
Experiment  Stations  held  at  Stockholm,  for  the  intensive  study 
of  the  bark  beetles.  All  those  interested  in  bark  beetles  and 
desirous  of  joining  the  new  society  are  requested  to  forward 
their  names  and  addresses,  with  a  statement  of  their  more  spec- 
ial interests,  to  Dr.  I.  Tragardh,  Experimentalfaltet,  Sweden. 

Some  Coincidences  in  the  Lives  of  Three  Prominent  New 
Zealand  Entomologists  of  the  Last  Century. 

Three  boys  were  born  in  England — F.  W.  Hutton  in  1836, 
Thomas  Broun  in  1838  and  W.  M.  Maskell  in  1840.  All  three, 
before  they  reached  the  age  of  twenty,  entered  the  army.  Mas- 
kell left  England  soonest,  and  went  to  New  Zealand  in  1860. 
Broun  entered  the  army  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  during  the 
Crimean  War,  and  after  the  close  of  that  war  accompanied 
his  regiment  to  Burma.  Here  he  became  attracted  by  the  large 
size  and  brilliant  colors  of  many  of  the  tropical  insects,  and 
began  to  collect.  Then  came  the  outbreak  of  the  Indian  Mutiny 
and  his  regiment  served  in  India  during  the  whole  period  of 
the  mutiny.  He  was  present  at  the  assault  and  capture  of  Delhi 
and  at  the  relief  of  Lucknow.  He  retired  from  the  army  in 
1862,  married,  and  went  to  New  Zealand  in  1863.  Hutton 
as  a  boy  served  as  a  midshipman  in  the  navy.  Later  he  received 
a  commission  in  the  Royal  Welch  Fusiliers,  saw  active  service 
in  the  Crimea  and  in  the  Indian  Mutiny.  He  was  a  naturalist 
by  instinct.  In  1866  he  went  to  New  Zealand  and  eventually 
was  Professor  of  Biology  in  Canterbury  College  and  stayed 
there  for  many  years.  He  was  also  Curator  of  the  Canterbury 

Broun,  when  he  got  to  New  Zealand,  found  that  the  Maori 
War  had  broken  out,  and  he  was  commissioned  a  Captain  and 
served  through  the  whole  war.  He  was  appointed  .Government 
Entomologist  in  1890  and  held  the  post  for  several  years.  He 
worked  with  insects  until  his  death.  He  knew  the  Hemiptera 
and  the  Orthoptera  and  had  a  good  knowledge  of  most  of  the' 
other  orders,  but  he  was  primarily  a  coleopterist. 

Captain  Hutton's  work  covered  a  broad  range  of  entomo- 
logical subjects,  but  in  entomology  he  published  over  thirty 
papers  of  systematic  importance. 

Mr.  Maskell,  after  reaching  New  Zealand,  was  a  slurp 
farmer  for  some  years.  Later  he  became  Provincial  Secretary 
and  Treasurer  of  Canterbury  Province,  and  toward  the  end 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  137 

of  his  life  he  was  Registrar  of  the  University  of  Xe\v  Zealand. 
( )riginally  a  microscopist,  he  gradually  hecame  interested  in 
the  Coccidae,  Aleurodidae  and  Psyllidae,  at  the  same  time  work- 
ing with  the  Desmids  in  botany.  His  work  on  scale  insects 
made  him  known  to  entomologists  all  over  the  world. 

That  three  boys  born  in  England  at  about  the  same  time 
should  have  become  soldiers  was  not  at  all  unlikely ;  that  two 
of  these  boys  should  have  served  in  the  Crimea  and  in  the 
Indian  Mutiny  was  not  unlikely;  that  all  three  of  them  should 
have  gone  to  New  Zealand  at  about  the  same  time  was  not  un- 
likely ;  but  that  all  three  of  them  added  to  these  three  coinci- 
dences a  fourth  coincidence  that  all  became  well  known  ento- 
mologists rounds  out  the  story  into  something  rather  remarkable. 

L.  O.  HOWARD,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Entomological    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  j  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

jtJt^'Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Borodin.  D.  N. — Field  insects  of  Russia,  with 
special  reference  to  insects  introduced  into  America  and 
their  coefficient  of  injury.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.  | 
982-991,  ill.  Brues,  C.  T.  -  The  insect  fauna  of  thermal 
springs.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  237-240.  Carpenter, 
F.  M. — The  lower  permian  insects  of  Kan>a>.  I 'art  1.  In- 
troduction and  the  order  Alecoptera.  [Hull.  Alns.  Coin]). 
Xool.  Harvard  Coll.]  70:  69-101.  ill.  Chapman,  R.  N.- 
Biotic  potential,  environmental  resistance  and  insect  abund- 

138  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

ance.  [X.  Cong.  Int.  Zool,  Budapest]  1209-1218.  ill. 
Chestnut,  A.— Insect  hunter.  [Nat.  Mag.]  15:  176-178,  ill. 
Cockerell  T.  D.  A.— The  future  of  taxonomy.  [68]  71 :  240- 
241.  Collin,  J.  E. — A  protest  against  the  use  of  abbrevia- 
tions in  original  descriptions.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.] 
303-305.  Corporaal,  J.  B. — Forum  on  problems  of  taxo- 
nomy: Determinations.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  795- 
796.  Corporaal,  J.  B. — The  share  of  the  Netherlands  in  the 
development  of  entomology  in  past  centuries.  [Trans.  4th. 
Int.  Cong.  Ent.  |  357-360.  Cresson,  E.  T.,  Jr. — Index  to  the 
literature  of  the  species  of  insects.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.]  484-488.  Edwards,  F.  W. — An  account  of  a  collecting 
trip  to  Patagonia  and  Southern  Chile.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent. j '416-417.  Efflatoun,  H.  C.— The  development 
of  entomological  science  in  Egypt.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.J  737-742.  Estable,  C. — Observaciones  sobre  algunos 
insectos  del  Uruguay.  [An.  Mus.  Hist.  Nat.  Montevideo] 
3 :  57-92.  Flanders,  S.  E. — The  mass  production  of  Tricho- 
gramma  minutum  and  observations  on  the  natural  and  arti- 
ficial parasitism  of  the  codling  moth  egg.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  110-130,  ill.  Felt,  E.  P.— Insect  inhabitants  of 
the  upper  air.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  869-872.  Felt, 
Cockerell  &  Troxell.— Scientific  names.  [68]  71:  215-218. 
Heikertinger,  F. --The  principle  of  continuity  in  nomen- 
clature. [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  481-483.  Holland, 
W.  J. — Forum  on  problems  of  taxonomy  :  Types.  [Trans. 
4th  Int.  Cong.]  688-694.  Holland,  W.  J.— The  mutual  re- 
lations of  museums  and  expert  specialists.  [Trans.  4th. 
Int.  Cong.  Ent.J  278-285.  Horn  W.— On  the  splitting  in- 
fluence of  the  increase  of  entomological  knowledge  and  on 
the  enigma  of  species.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  500-507, 
ill.  Horn,  W.  -  -The  future  of  insect  taxonomy.  [Trans. 
4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.J  34-51.  Jablonowski,  J.  -  -  The  black 
locust-tree-scale,  Lecanium  robiniarum  and  the  European 
corn  borer,  Pyrausta  nubilalis,  a  biological  parallel.  [Trans. 
4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  455-462.  Jeannel,  R. -- Forum  on 
problems  of  taxonomy:  Collections.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.]  797-800.  Kennedy,  C.  H.— The  theory  of  nomencla- 
ture. [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.  |  665-672.  Lamborn, 
W.  A. — The  remarkable  adaptation  by  which  a  dipterous 
pupa  (Tabanidae)  is  preserved  from  the  danger  of  fissures 
in  drying  mud.  [Proc.  R.  Soc.,  London]  106,  (B)  :  83-87, 
ill.  Le  Cerf,  F. — Une  technique  simplifiee  pour  la  colora- 
tion cles  genitalia.  [59]  (B,  III)  3:  147-152.  Martini,  E.- 
Kliina  und  seuchen  vom  stamlpunkte  des  entomologen. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.J  403-477.  Martynov,  A.  B.— 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  139 

Permian  entomofauna  of  North  Russia  and  its  relation  to 

that   of   Kansas.      [Trans.    4th.    Int.    Cong.    Ent.]    595-599. 

Melander,  A.  L. — The  selection  of  family  names.  [Trans. 
4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  657-664.  Muir,  F— The  role  of  func- 
tion in  taxonomy  and  its  relationship  to  the  genitalia  in 
insects.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  600-604.  Pictet,  A. 

— Quelques  considerations  decoulant  d'experiences  dc  ge- 
m'-ti(|iK'  en  rapport  avec  la  systematique.  [41]  14:  17n-178. 
Reiser,  O. — -Naiurwissenschaftlicher  bericht  iiber  den  ver- 
lauf  der  von  der  K.  Akademie  der  Wissenschaften  in  \Yien 
1903  unter  leitung  von  weiland  hofrat  Dr.  F.  Steindachner 
nach  Nordost-Brasilien  entsendeten  Sammel-Expedition. 

[Ann.  Naturhist.  Mus.  Wien]  43:  1-73,  ill.  Roepke,  W.- 
A  new  method  of  making  microscopic  aphid  preparations. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  917-918.  Rozanova,  M— Von 
den  niedersten  taxonomischen  einheiten.  [Jour.  Soc.  J>ot. 
Russie]  13:  341-342.  Saalas,  U. — Ueber  die  anwendung  der 
linien-abschatzung  bei  der  frequenzbestimmung  von  forstin- 
sekten.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  646-656,  ill.  Schilder, 
F.  A. — Einiges  iiber  "Bestimmungstabellen."  [2]  25:  194- 
196.  Silvestri,  F.  -  -  The  relation  of  taxonomy  to  other 
branches  of  Entomology.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.] 
52-54.  Stiles,  C.  W. — The  future  of  zoological  nomencla- 
ture, with  an  appendix:  history  of  rules  re  designation  of 
genotypes.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  622-645.  Trag- 
ardh,  I.  -  -  Investigations  of  the  fauna  of  a  dying  tree. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  773-780,  ill.  Van  Diizee,  E.  P. 

-The  regional  museum  and  one  of  its  problems.  [Trans. 
4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  1003-1004.  Van  Duzee,  E.  P.— Re- 
marks on  the  insect  collections  in  the  museum  of  the 
California  Academy  of  Sciences.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.]  801-802.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C.  -  -  The  influence  which 
geographical  distribution  has  had  in  the  production  of  the 
insect  fauna  of  North  America.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.J  555-566.  Verity,  R. — On  the  necessity  of  a  revision 
of  the  rules  of  entomological  nomenclature  concerning 
groups  of  lower  rank  than  the  specific  one.  [Trans.  4tn. 
Int.  Cong.  Ent.J  479-480.  Wade,  J.  S.— Vignettes  of  Henry 
Edwards  and  John  Muir.  [76]  1930:  240-250.  Waterstori, 
J. — Forum  on  problems  of  taxonomv:  Discussion  on  tvpc^. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.|  695-699.  Wheeler,  W.  M.- 
Two  interesting  neotropical  myrmecophytes  (Cordia  nodosa 
and  C.  alliodora).  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.|  342-353. 
Wolff,  M. — Vom  missbrauch  des  geset /(.'.•>  der  kausalitat  in 
der  hi  ..logic.  [34]  86:  175-179. 

140  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NKUS  [Apr.,    '30 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Alpatov,  W.  W.- 

Variability  of  the  honeybee  tongue  biometrically  investi- 
gated, and  practical  questions  connected  with  the  problem 
of  the  selection  of  the  honeybee.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.]  1010-1019,  ill.  Bodenheimer  and  Samburski — Ueber 
den  warmeausgieich  bei  insekten.  [34]  86:  208-211,  ill. 
Burnside,  C.  E. — Septicemia  of  the  honeybee.  [Trans.  4th. 
Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  757-767.  Eastham,  L.  E.  S.— The  forma- 
tion of  germ  layers  in  insects.  [Hiol.  Rev.  &  Biol.  Pro. 
Cambridge  Phil.  Soc.]  5:  1-29.  Eidmann,  H. — Influence  of 
temperature  on  the  number  of  eggs  in  lepidoptera.  [Trans. 
4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  355-356.  Francis,  E. — Arthropods  in 
the  transmission  of  Tularaemia.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.]  929-944,  ill.  Gerould,  J.  H.— History  of  the  discovery 
of  periodic  reversal  of  heart-beat  in  insects.  [68]  71  :  264- 
265.  Gerould,  J.  H.  -  -  Periodic  reversal  of  heart-beat  in 
Bombyx  and  other  moths.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.] 
516-522.  Graham-Smith,  G.  S. -- Further  observations  on 
the  anatomy  and  function  of  the  proboscis  of  the  blow-fly 
Calliphora  efythrocephala.  [Parasitology]  22:  47-115,  ill. 
Hannes,  F. — Ueber  die  verschiedenen  arten  des  "Lernens" 
der  honigbiene  und  der  insekten  iiberhaupt.  [89 1  47:  89- 
150.  Heikertinger,  F. -- Ueber  das  mimikryproblem  und 
sein  schwesterprobleme.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.  |  821- 
831.  Henriksen,  K.  L. — Contribution  to  the  interpretation 
of  the  cephalic  segments  of  Arthropoda.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  589-594.  Imhof,  O.  E.  -  -  Berichtigungen  zur 
kenntnis  des  baues  von  insektenflugeln.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  793-794.  Keilin  &  Nuttall.  -  -  Iconographic 
studies  of  Pediculus  humanus.  [Parasitology]  22:  1-10,  ill. 
Leiby,  R.  W. — Polyembryony  in  insects.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  873-887.  Martini  &  Achundow. — Beeinflussung 
der  farbe  von  miicken  und  ihren  larven.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  478.  Miller,  J.  M. — The  relation  of  windfalls 
to  barkbeetle  epidemics.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  992- 
1002,  ill.  Mukerji,  R.  N.— The  "Nucleal  Reaction"  in  Apan- 
teles  sp.,  with  special  reference  to  the  secondary  nuclei  and 
the  germ-cell  determinant  of  the  egg.  [Proc.  R.  Soc., 
London]  106,  (B)  :  131-139,  ill.  Parfentjev,  J.  A. -- Re- 
searches in  insect  toxicology.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.] 
857-864,  ill.  Parker,  J.  R. — Some  effects  of  temperature  and 
moisture  upon  the  activities  of  grasshoppers  and  their  re- 
lation to  grasshopper  abundance  and  control.  [Trans.  4th. 
Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  322-332.  Patterson,  J.  T.— Proof  that  the 
entire  chromosome  is  not  eliminated  in  the  production  of 

XLI,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  141 

somatic  variations  by  x-rays  in  Drosophila.  [85J  15:  141- 
149,  ill.  Patterson,  J.  T. — Somatic  segregation  produced  by 
x-rays  in  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [Pro.  Xat.  Acad.  Sci. 
U.  S.  A.]  16:  109-111.  Portier  &  Rothays.— -Mode  de  \.»1 
des  insect*  et  charge  alaire  par  unite  de  surface.  [69 1  190: 
399-400.  Poulton,  E.  B.  --  Adaptations  which  hinder  or 
prc\  cut  inbreeding  in  insects.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.[ 
582-588.  Rensch,  B. — Das  prinzip  geographischer  Rassen- 
kreise  und  das  problem  der  Artbiklung.  206  pp.,  ill. 
Ronzoni  &  Bishop. — Carbohydrate  metabolism  in  the  honey 
bee  larva.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  361-365.  Roubaud, 
M.  E. — Suspension  evolutive  et  hibernation  larvaire  obliga- 
toire,  provoquees  par  la  chaleur,  chez  le  moustique  commun. 
Culex  pipiens.  Les  diapauses  vraies  et  les  pseudo-diapauses 
chez  les  insectes.  [69J  190:  324-326.  Rudolfs,  W.— Envi- 
ronmental factors  and  mosquito  breeding.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  945-959,  ill.  Taylor,  T.  H.  -  -  The  blowfly's 
mouth.  [31]  125:  238,  ill.  Watanabe,  K.— On  the  relation* 
between  the  color  of  silkworms  and  the  environment. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  372-373.  Watson,  L.  R.  - 
Instrumental  insemination  of  queenbees.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  976-977.  Yung-Tai,  T. — Stir  les  mitoses  multi- 
polaires  dans  les  cellules  epitheliales  de  1'intestin  posterieur 
de  Galleria  mellonella  pendant  la  metamorphose.  [77]  103: 

ARACHNIDA   AND   MYRIOPODA.— Baerg,   W.   J.- 

Some  poisonous  arthropods  of  North  and  Central  America. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  418-438.  *Chamberlin,  J.  C. 
-A  synoptic  classification  of  the  false  scorpions  or  chela- 
spinners,  with  a  report  on  a  cosmopolitan  collection  of  the 
same.  Part  II.  The  Diplosphyronida  (Chelonethida).  [75] 
5:  1-48,  ill.,  cont.  Elliott,  F.  R. — An  ecological  study  of  the 
spiders  of  the  beech-maple  forest.  [43]  30:  1-22.  Fischel, 
W.--Wachstum  und  hautung  der  spinnen.  2.  Mitteilnng: 
\\  eitere  beobachtungen  an  retitelen  und  vaganten  aranecn 
[94]  136:  78-107,  ill. 


A.  N. --Ueber  Calopteryx  splendens  und  ihre  Hi.  .tvpen. 
besonders  die  westasiatischen.  [89]  58:  521-540.  Ca'lvert, 
P.  P. — The  significance  of  <  Monate  larvae  for  insect  phylo- 
geny.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Knt.J  919-V25,  ill.  Emerson, 
A.  E. — Communication  among  termite*.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Kni.|  712-727.  Enderlein,  G. —  Ueber  den  laut-apparat 
der  ll(,he.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Knt.|  771-772,  ill.  Jordan, 

142  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  (Apr.,    '30 

K. — On  some  problems  of  distribution,  variability  and  vari- 
ation in  North  American  Siphonaptera.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  489-499.  ill.  Silvestri,  F. — On  postembryonal 
development  of  Japygidae  (Thysanura).  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  905-908,  ill.  Spencer,  G.  J.  -  -  The  fare  brat, 
Thermobia  domestica  (Lepismidae)  in  Canada.  [4]  62:  1-2. 
Tillyard,  R.  J.  -  The  evolution  of  the  order  Odonata. 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  543-545.  Walley,  G.  S.- 
Review  of  Ephemerella  nymphs  of  western  North  America 
(Ephemeroptera).  [4]  62:. 12-20,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Karny,  H.  H— Revisione  dei  Grilla- 
cridi  dei  musei  cli  Geneva  e  Torino  e  clella  collezione  Griffini. 
[Mem.  Soc.  Ent.  Italiana]   7:   154pp.,  ill.     *Menozzi,  C.  - 
Diagnosi  di  cinque  nuove  specie  di  Dermatteri.    (S).    [Mem. 
Soc.  Ent.  Italiana]   8:  8-18,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA. — *Jaczewski,  T. — Notonectidae  from  the 
state  of  Parana.  [An.  Mtis.  Zool.  Polonici]  7:  121-136. 
King,  W.  V.-  -The  cotton  flea  hopper  (Psallus  seriatus). 
[Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  452-454.  Severin,  H.  H.  P.- 
Life-history  of  beet  leafhopper,  Eutettix  tenellus  in  Califor- 
nia. [67]  5:  38-88,  ill.  Spencer,  G.  J.— The  status  of  the 
barn  swallow  bug,  Oeciacus  vicarius.  [4]  62:  20-21.  Taka- 
hashi,  R.  -  -  List  of  the  aphid  genera  proposed  as  new  in 
recent  years.  [10]  32:24pp.  Thomsen,  M. — Sex-determina- 
tion in  Lecanium.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  18-24,  ill. 
de  la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.  -  -  Records  of  Heteroptera  from 
Nova  Scotia.  [4]  62:  6-7.  Vayssiere,  P.  -  -  Note  comple- 
mentaire  sur  les  coccides  monophleboides.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  81-86,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Bouvier,  E.  L. -- Observations  sys- 
tematiques  sur  les  Saturnioides  Americains.  [Trans.  4~th. 
Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  909-916,  ill.  Corti,  A. — Ueber  die  prapara- 
tion  des  fliigel-geaders  bei  Lepidopteren.  [41]  14:  180-181. 
Fenton,  F.  A. -- Biological  notes  on  •  the  pink  bollworm 
(Pectinophora  gossypiella)  in  Texas.  [Trans.  4th.  Int. 
Cong.  Ent.]  439-447.  *Hampson,  G.  F. — New  genera  and 
species  of  Phycitinae  (Pyralidae).  [75]  5:  50-80.  *Meyrick, 
E.  -  -  Exotic  Microlepidoptera.  545-576.  Vogeler,  B.  -  -  Die 
zucht  von  Rothschildia  aurota  speculifera.  (S).  [141  43: 

DIPTER  A. --Alexander,  C.  P.-- A  comparison  of  the 
systems  of  nomenclature  that  have  been  applied  to  the  radial 

XLF,    '30 1  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  143 

field  of  the  wing-  in  the  Diptera.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong. 
Ent.]  700-707.  *Bau,  A. — Cnterebra  conflans  uncl  subbuc- 
cata,  spec,  novae,  sowie  bemerkung  itber  C.  schroederi. 
(Oestridae).  (S).  [60]  90:  303-307,  ill.  *Cordero,  E.  H.- 
Contribucion  al  estudio  de  los  Dipteros  del  Uruguay.  I. 
Lophornyidium  uruayense  n.  gen.  n.  sp.  Nueva  Ceratopo- 
gonina  Hematofaga.  [An.  Mus.  Hist.  Xat.  Montevideo]  3: 
93-107,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H. — Xe\v  species  of  Diptera  belong- 
ing to  the  genus  Baccha.  (Syrphidae).  New  species  of 
Lepidanthrax  and  Parabombylius  ( Bombyliidae).  Xew 
Diptera  belonging  to  the  genus  Mesogramma  (Syrphidae). 
[40]  403:  16pp.;  404:  7pp.;  405:  14pp.  Herms,"  W.  B. - 
Anopheline  mosquito  investigations  in  California.  [Trans. 
4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.|  708-721.  ill.  *Krober,  O.— Die  taba- 
nidenuntergattung  Phaeotabanus.  (S).  [34]  86:  273-300, 
ill.  *Krober,  O.  -  -  Ergebnisst-  einer  zoologischen  sammel- 
reise  nach  Brasilien,  insbesondere  das  Amazonasgebiet. 
Tabanidae.  [Ann.  Naturhist.  Mus.  Wien]  43:  243-255,  ill. 
*Krober,  O.  -  -  Nachtrage  zu  den  kleinen  gattungen  der 
siidamerikanischen  Tabanini.  [34]  86:  248-265,  ill.  *Lind- 
ner,  E.  -  -  Ergebnisse  einer  zoologischen  sammelreise  nach 
Brasilien,  insbesondere  das  Amazonasgebiet.  Stratiomyi- 
dae  und  Rhagionidae.  [Ann.  Naturhist.  Mus.  Wien]  43: 
257-268.  ill.  Mercier,  M.  L. — Variation  de  certaines  pieces 
de  1'  armature  genitale  male  de  Pollenia  rudis  (Calliphor- 
inae)  ;  importance  de  cette  variation  pour  la  notion  d'espece 
chez  les  Myodaires  superieurs.  [69]  190:  320-322,  ill. 
Montschadsky,  A. — Die  stigmalplatten  der  Culicidenlarvcn. 
[89]  58:  541-636,  ill.  Root,  F.  M.  -  -The  present  status  of 
our  knowledge  of  the  Nyssorhynchus  group  of  Anopheline 
mosquitoes.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.J  316-321. 

COLEOPTERA.— Barnes,  T.  C.— An  enquiry  concerning 
the  natural  history  of  the  white-pine  weevil  (Pissodes 
strobi).  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  412-413.  *Brown, 
W.  J.-- Studies  in  the  Scarabaeidae  (IV).  [4]  62:  2-0. 
Dobzhansky,  T.  -  -The  origin  of  geographical  varieties  in 
Coccinellidae.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  536.  d'Orchy- 
mont,  A. --Remarks  on  the  morphology  and  geographical 
distribution  of  \Yohydrophilus  i  1  lydrophilidae ) ,  especially 
the  American  species.  [Trans.  4th".  Int.  Con--.  Knt.J  1024- 
KLX  ill.  *Fisher,  W.  S.— New  West  fndian  Buprestidae 
and  Cerambycidac.  [4|  62:  7-11.  *Fletcher,  F.  C.— Xott-s 
on  Neotropical  Pselaphidae,  with  descriptions  of  new 
species.  [75]  5:  95-100.  Greeves-Carpenter,  C.  F.  -  -  The 

144  ENTOMOLOGICAL.  NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

beetle  family.     [Nat.  Mag.]   15:  171-172.     Hovasse,  M.  R.- 
Un  mode  de  symbiose  nouveau  chez  les  Cochenilles.      [69] 
190:  322-324.     Hustache,  A. -- Curculionides  de  la  Guade- 
loupe.    [Faune  Col.  Franchises]  3:165-267.'  ill.     Kolbe,  H.— 
Ueber  einige  iibergangsformen    (Transifupaussus,   Manica- 
nopaussus  u.  a.)    zwischen   den   primitiven   und   superioren 
artengruppen  der  myrmekophilen  Coleopterengattung  Paus- 
sen.     [60]  90:253-258. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Buckle,  J.  W.— Croesus  va'rus.  [4] 
62:  21-22.  Carpenter,  F.  M.--The  fossil  ants  of  North 
America.  [Bull.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.  Harvard  Coll.]  70: 
66pp.,  ill.  *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A. — Descriptions  and  records 
of  bees.  [75]  5:  108-115,  156-163.  Imms,  A.  D.— Observa- 
tions on  some  parasites  of  Oscinella  frit.  [Parasitology] 
22:  11-36,  ill.  Kryger,  J.  P. — Some  remarks  on  the  keys  of 
the  European  chalcids.  [Trans.  4th.  Int.  Cong.  Ent.]  1020- 

SPECIAL  NOTICES. — Fourth  International  Congress 
of  Entomology. — Ithaca,  August  1928.  Vol.  2.  Transactions. 
Containing  titles  of  148  papers.  Monographic  der  palaarkt- 
ischen  arten  des  subgenus  Dystroma  (truncata-citrata- 
gruppe)  der  gattung  Cidaria  (Geometrid).  By  F.  Heyde- 
mann.  [Mitt.  Muncher  Ent.  Ges.]  19:  207-302,  ill.  [AUho 
treating  of  the  palaearctic  species  its  monographic  nature 
makes  this  paper  valuable  to  students  of  other  faunae]. 

General  Editor.  H.  M.  Parshley,  Managing  Editor.  Fascicle 
II  MESOVELIIDAE  par  GEZA  HORVATH,  M.D.,  Musee  National 
Hongrois,  pp.  (8-f-)  15.  Price,  50  cents.  Fascicle  III.  PYRRHO- 
CORIDAE  by  ROLAND  F.  HUSSEY,  Sc.D.,  New  York  City.  With 
bibliography  by  ELIZABETH  SHERMAN,  A.B.,  Mt.  Vernon,  N. 
Y.  144  pp.  Price,  $1.50.  Published  by  Smith  College,  North- 
ampton, Mass.,  U.S.A.,  1929. 

The  first  fascicle,  on  the  Membracidae,  by  Dr.  W.  D.  Funk- 
houser,  appeared  in  1927  and  was  noticed  in  the  NEWS  for 
October,  1927,  pages  254-255,  where  some  general  information 
on  this  series  will  be  found.  Fascicle  II,  in  the  At'unt  propos, 
gives  a  history  of  the  family  Mesoveliidae  as  a  taxonomic  unit, 
taken  from  Dr.  Horvath's  Monographic  of  1915.  Hie  catalog 
proper  occupies  pp.  1-7  and  lists  the  two  genera  and  14  species 
known  from  the  entire  world  today,  with  their  geographical 
distribution.  One  genus  and  three  species:  M  exordia  hisif/nala 
Uhler,  M.  cryptopliihi  Hungerford,  M.  doin/Iuscnsis  Hunger- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  145 

ford,  are  recognized  from  North  America.  Pp.  8-14  contain 
a  bibliography. 

The  Introduction,  pp.  3-6,  of  Fascicle  III,  contains,  inter 
alia,  some  interesting  remarks  on  the  geographical  distribution, 
affinities  and  subdivisions  of  this  family.  "About  one-third  of 
all  the  known  [360]  species  and  more  than  half  the  genera 
[43]  of  the  Pyrrhocoridae  occur  in  the  Indo-Malayan  region, 
which  thus  appears  to  be  the  primary  centre  of  distribution  of 
the  family."  It  is  Dr.  Husscy's  belief  that  the  two  subfam- 
ilies, "the  Euryophthalminae  and  the  Pyrrhocorinae,  are  each 
worthy  of  elevation  into  distinct  family  rank,  the  two  thus 
constituting  the  superfamily  Pyrrhocoroidea",  but  for  the  pres- 
ent he  retains  "the  family  Pyrrhocoridae  in  its  standard  sense". 
Two  new  tribal  names,  Euryophthalmini  and  Physopeltini,  are 
suggested  and  defined  (p.  5)  as  subdivisions  of  the  Euryoph- 
thalminae. Page  7  gives  in  tabular  form  the  Systematic  Ar- 
rangement adopted  under  subfamilies,  tribes  and  genera,  show- 
ing the  number  of  species  of  each  genus  in  eleven  geographical 
divisions  of  the  earth.  Thus  in  North  America  2  subfamilies, 
7  genera  and  23  species  are  known.  The  catalog  occupies  pp. 
9-106;  Appendix  A,  genera  wrongly  included  in  the  Pyrrho- 
coridae, pp.  107-108;  Appendix  B,  List  of  the  Pyrrhocoridae 
described  under  generic  names  now  assigned  to  other  families, 
together  with  their  present  nomenclature,  pp.  109-110;  Appen- 
dix C,  List  of  Pyrrhocorid  species  transferred  by  various 
authors  to  genera  other  than  those  under  which  they  appear 
in  this  catalogue,  pp.  111-113.  The  bibliography  by  Miss 
Sherman  is  on  pp.  114-137.  Finally  there  are  two  alphabetical 
indexes,  one  to  genera  and  higher  groups  and  one  to  species, 
pp.  138-144. 

This  is  a  catalogue  which  also  serves  as  an  index  to  the  lit- 
erature of  the  species  of  Hemiptera.  It  is,  however,  basically 
systematic  in  its  structure ;  and  unfortunately  such  structures 
are  subject  to  serious  changes  when  the  status  of  the  species  are 
changed  on  account  of  Revisions,  Monographs,  etc.,  which  are 
continually  being  proposed.  This  will,  in  time,  necessitate 
reprinting  the  text  in  accordance  with  the  new  arrangement, 
which  in  turn  will  require  rewriting  and  resetting  of  the  type 
for  the  extensive  bibliographical  references.  Thi>  will  not  <m1y 
involve  expense,  but  will  open  again  the  chance  of  errors 
creeping  in.  A  new  method  of  indexing  the  literature  of  thr 
species  of  insects,  which  will  obviate  this  reprinting  and  reset- 
ting was  proposed  by  K/.ra  T.  Cresson,  Jr..  at  the  Fourth  Inter- 
national Congress  of  Entomology.*  P.  P.  CALVERT. 

*Trans.  4th  Intern.  Cm-.  Km.,  p.  4X4-487,  (1929). 

146  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '30 

VARY;  4to.,  112  pages,  11  plates,  67  text  figures.  1929  Szeged 
(Ungarn)  "Studium"  Verlag,  Budapest  iv.,  Muzeum-Korut  21. 
Text  in  two  parallel  columns  on  each  page,  Magyar  and  Ger- 
man. 38  Reichsmarks.  The  object  of  the  present  work,  says 
the  author,  is  to  fill  some  gaps  in  Hungarian  Zoological  litera- 
ture and  to  complete  the  monograph  of  the  Hungarian  spider 
world  which  Otto  Herman  began  by  his  treatise  on  spiders.  He 
therefore  presents  us  with  this  account  of  the  Opiliones,  or 
daddy-longlegs.  It  is  of  interest  to  others  than  students  of  the 
Hungarian  fauna  by  virtue  of  the  large  amount  of  space  which 
it  devotes  to  the  external  morphology  (21  pages),  internal  anat- 
omy (30  pages)  and  mode  of  life  (23  pages)  of  these  Arach- 
nids, as  contrasted  with  23  pages  to  the  faunistic  part.  The 
author  claims  that  it  contains  many  details  lacking  in  C.  Fr. 
Roewer's  Die  Weberknechte  dcr  Erde  (Jena,  1923,  Verlag  G. 
Fischer)  and, offers  several  new  interpretations  of  this  group  of 
animals,  largely  due  to  his  own  studies  on  their  morphology  and 
anatomy.  The  more  important  results  of  his  investigations 
which,  the  author  believes,  he  has  established  are :  a  detailed 
description  of  the  various  kinds  of  spines  found  on  the  body 
surface  and  whose  function  is  to  secrete  a.  thickish  substance 
which,  mixed  with  foreign  particles,  serves  as  a  mechanical 
protection ;  the  function  and  discharge  of  the  stink-glands ;  ex- 
planations of  the  retractile  chitinous  tube  of  the  male  sexual 
organs,  of  the  pseudotracheal  chitinous  canal  and  of  the  dif- 
ferent development  of  the  two  sorts  of  intestinal  contents ;  a 
reconstruction  of  the  tracheal  system  from  microscopic  prepara- 
tions and  a  new  nomenclature  for  the  same;  the  modes  of  life 
with  special  mention  of  juvenile  individuals.  The  account  of 
the  internal  anatomy  is  based  chiefly  on  longitudinal  and  trans- 
verse serial  microscopic  sections  of  Opilio  paricthnis  and  on 
reconstructions  made  therefrom.  Descriptions  of  the  glands  of 
the  body  surface,  digestive,  circulatory,  respiratory,  muscular, 
nervous  and  reproductive  systems  are  given.  The  topics  treated 
of  in  the  chapter  on  modes  of  life  are:  distribution,  dwelling 
places,  relations  to  environment,  food,  pairing,  egg-laying, 
ontogeny,  phylogeny,  migration,  parasites  and  correlation  be- 
tween psychic  and  corporeal  peculiarities  and  the  account  is 
based  entirely  on  the  author's  personal  observations  and  experi- 
ments. The  plates  show,  on  large  scale,  a  dorsal  view  of  the 
body,  a  profile  of  the  head  (or  of  the  eyes  only)  and  a  more 
highly  enlarged  chelicera  for  each  of  22  species ;  the  text  figures 
illustrate  principally  morphological  and  anatomical  details. — P. 


MAY.   1930 


Vol.  XLI  No.  5 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— XIV  .  147 

Frost — A  Suggestion  for  Relaxing  Small  Insects 152 

Robertson — Proterandry  and  Flight  of  Bees  (Hymen.  :  Apoidea) 

Second  Paper 154 

Taylor — Notice  on  Parasitic  Hymenoptera 157 

Bequaert — Tsetse  Flies — Past  and  Present  (Diptera  :  Muscoidea)  .  .  .  158 
Crosby  and  Blauvelt— A  European  Beetle  Found  in  New  York  (Coleop.: 

Curculionidae) ...  164 

Entomological  Literature 165 

Claassen — Recent  Publications  on  Stoneflies 172 

Obituary — Stephen  Alfred  P'orbes  .  .  175 

Obituary — Frank  Haimbach 178 


Logan  Square 

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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

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Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,   Associate   Editors ;  John   C.   Lutz,  Business   Manager. 
Advisory    Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,    Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 

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Plate  XIII. 



Top  row  —  A.  P.   MORSE,  A.  LOVERIDGE,  C.  T.  BRUES,   DR.   E.   T.  LEARNED 

Bottom  row  —  C.  W.  JOHNSON,  NATHAN  BANKS,  MISS  E.  B.  BRYANT,  DR.  J.  BEQUAERT 


VOL.  XLI.  MAY,   1930  No.  5 

North  American  Institutions  featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XIV.  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  Cambridge,  Mass. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  XIII-XVI). 

The  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  is  maintained  by 
Harvard  University  and  holds  first  place  among  American 
college  museums.  It  is  not  confined  to  zoology,  as  the  name 
might  imply,  but  covers  the  entire  field  of  natural  history. 
As  the  result  of  being  planned  and  built  to  originally  house 
only  exhibits  of  scientific  nature  for  research  and  college  in- 
struction, its  public  rooms  are  smaller  and  less  ornate  then 
those  of  many  of  the  more  modern  museums,  but  during  the 
last  few  years,  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  Thomas  Barbour, 
many  changes  have  been  made,  so  that  to-day  the  institution 
is  much  more  attractive  to  the  general  public  than  formerly. 
The  new  Alexander  Agassiz  Coral  Reef  Room  with  its  beau- 
tiful models  of  some  coral  islands  and  its  selection  of  fish  and 
invertebrates  of  the  characteristic  fauna  is  of  special  interest. 
The  mineralogical  collection  dates  back  to  1793  and  is  probably 
the  oldest  in  America,  while  the  botanical  section  includes  the 
famous  Gray  Herbarium. 

The  nucleus  of  the  University's  collection  was  Louis  Agas- 
siz's  private  cabinet  of  natural  history  objects  which  was  pur- 
chased for  $12,000  in  1852.  By  1858  the  quantity  of  study 
material  had  so  grown  that  the  school  made  an  allowance  for 
its  maintenance.  Fortunately  in  the  year  following,  the  State 
of  Massachusetts  took  an  active  interest  in  the  institution  and 
appropriated  $100,000  for  its  increase.  Additional  large  private 
subscriptions  about  this  time  made  possible  the  start  of  con- 
struction on  the  present  museum  building.  In  1876  the  State 
relinquished  all  its  rights  to  Harvard  College  and  since  that 
time  the  Museum  has  been  controlled  by  the  University,  al- 
though the  great  increase  in  its  collections  was  principally  due 


148  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

to  the  liberality  of  Alexander  Agassiz  who  expended  over 
$1,000,000  for  that  purpose.  It  is  rightly  said  that  there  would 
have  been  no  Harvard  Museum  had  it  not  been  for  Louis 
Agassiz,  whose  ambition  and  energy  founded  the  institution, 
and  for  Alexander  Agassiz,  his  son,  whose  successful  com- 
mercial enterprises  made  possible  its  greater  development. 

Louis  Agassiz,  1807-73,  was  a  native  of  Switzerland  and 
the  son  of  Protestant  minister  of  Motier.  He  received  his 
degrees  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy,  and  of  Doctor  of  Medicine 
at  Munich.  While  a  professor  of  natural  history  at  Neuchatel, 
he  became  interested  in  the  study  and  classification  of  extinct 
fishes  and  early  in  life  made  an  excellent  European  reputation 
for  himself.  Upon  coming  to  United  States  in  1846  to  fill  a 
course  of  lectures,  Dr.  Agassiz  decided  to  remain  and  accepted 
a  professorship  of  geology  at  Harvard.  That  was  in  1848,  and 
from  that  time  on  he  began  his  cherished  plan  of  establishing 
at  Harvard  a  great  center  of  research  in  zoology  which  would 
more  than  compare  with  those  he  had  known  so  well  in  Europe. 
Prof.  Agassiz  discouraged  knowledge  from  text  books  and  was 
wont  to  say,  "If  you  study  nature  in  books,  when  you  go  out 
of  doors,  you  cannot  find  her",  and  that  was  one  of  the  reasons 
why  he  desired  large  college  collections  for  research.  His  pupils 
always  had  first-hand  knowledge  of  what  they  were  studying. 
Dr.  Agassiz  was  principally  interested  in  marine  life  and  was 
America's  first  real  student  of  ichthyology,  making  a  well- 
financed  trip  to  Brazil  in  1865,  and  to  California  in  1871,  espe- 
cially to  collect  fishes.  His  son,  Alexander,  was  likewise  a 
specialist  on  oceanic  life  and  took  up  his  father's  work,  being 
curator  of  the  Museum  from  1874  to  1885.  Unfortunately 
he  died  at  sea  on  the  "Adriatic,"  bound  for  U.  S.,  in  1910. 

A  Department  of  Entomology  was  set  aside  at  the  Museum 
in  1867  with  H.  A.  Hagen,  the  neuropterist,  as  curator.  For 
a  while  later  on,  Mr.  Samuel  Henshaw,  the  coleopterist,  held 
the  position  and  since  1916,  Mr.  Nathan  Banks  has  been  in 
charge.  He  is  considered  one  of  the  few  well-known  author- 
ities on  Arachnicla.  Everybody  likes  Mr.  Banks,  and  I  think 
it  is  because  there  can  always  be  found  a  kindly  twinkle  in  his 
eyes !  He  asked  me  to  work  up  the  following  notes  as  best  I 
could,  but  I  imagine  that  to  leave  them  as  they  are  will  give 


Plate  XIV. 








Plate  XV. 



xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  149 

everyone  a  better  insight  into  the  entomological  activities  of 
the  Museum  and  into  the  splendid  character  of  this  man  who 
is  one  of  America's  foremost  curators  of  insect  life. 

"The  13th  has  always  been  unlucky  for  all  spiders  and  bugs 
which  get  in  my  way.  Perhaps  it  is  because  I  was  born  at 
Roslyn,  New  York,  on  the  13th  of  April,  1868;  however,  be 
that  as  it  may,  Roslyn  still  remains  a  good  town  !  Like  all  boys 
of  a  kind,  I  collected  and  my  first  book  was  Wood's  Insects 
at  Home.  Graduated  from  Cornell  in  1889  and  thought  so 
much  of  the  school  and  the  studying  with  Prof.  Comstock  that 
I  took  the  postgraduate  course  the  year  following.  Was  em- 
ployed in  the  old  Division  of  Entomology  at  Washington  under 
Riley  from  July,  1890,  till  September,  1892,  when  the  Demo- 
cratic Congress  (bless  their  free-trade  on  insects)  reduced 
appropriations  and  the  young  men  were  fired,  or  rather  kissed 
goodbye.  Went  home  to  Sea  Cliff,  New  York,  where  I  carried 
on  my  insect  studies,  collected  and  began  to  publish  largely  on 
spiders.  In  1896  was  again  appointed  to  the  Government's 
Division  of  Entomology  under  the  orderly  regime  of  Dr.  How- 
ard with  work  on  biblography,  ticks,  mites,  dipterous  larvae, 
etc.,  until  1916,  when  I  left  to  come  up  here.  In  the  meantime 
had  built  up  a  good  private  collection  of  Arachnids  and  also 
Neuroptera.  Have  eight  children  and  one  helps  as  preparator  in 
the  Museum.  Live  twenty-five  miles  out  of  Cambridge  at  Hol- 
liston,  on  a  ten-acre  place,  where  the  collecting  is  good  and  I 
sometimes  find  new  spiders  in  the  back  yard.  Don't  know 
which  of  my  published  articles  to  recommend  now,  can't  find 
that  out  till  after  I'm  dead!" 

Regarding  the  Museum's  collections  of  insects,  Mr.  Banks 
writes :  "The  Museum  has  about  4800  glass-topped  drawers, 
15x18  inches,  arranged  in  four  rooms  on  the  second  floor.1 
These  are  mostly  new  with  celotex  bottoms.  Our  rooms  aver- 
age 25x30  feet,  and  there  is  a  fifth  room,  nearly  as  large,  which 
houses  the  entomological  library.  The  Lepidoptera  portion  oc- 
cupies about  1200  drawers  and  contains  in  the  neighborhood  of 
1000  types.  The  Samuel  H.  Scudder  collection  of  butterflies 

1  Author's  note — The  character  and  arrangement  of  some  of  these 
drawers  is  shown  to  the  back  of  the  group  on  Plate  XIII. 

150  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

was  taken  out  of  his  old  cabinets  and  put  in  with  the  general 
collection  by  Mr.  Henshaw  before  I  came,  otherwise  I  prob- 
ably would  have  left  it  separate.  The  micros,  with  material  of 
Chambers,  Dietz  and  Zeller,.  the  geometrids  of  Packard  and 
Sweet,  and  the  butterflies  of  Scuclder  contain  the  bulk  of  the 
type  material.  The  noctuids  of  Thaxter  and  Treat  contain 
some  of  Grote's  types.  The  bulk  of  the  Jacob  Doll  collection 
was  presented  to  us  by  Mr.  Cassino  and  the  A.  Loveridge 
collection  of  East  African  butterflies  was  purchased  by  Dr. 
Barbour  for  the  Museum  and  consists  mostly  of  named  material. 
Aside  from  the  above  there  is  a  large  amount  of  both  native 
and  exotic  specimens  which  have  been  added  throughout  the 
years.  In  other  groups  we  have  extensive  collections  as  fol- 
lows: Neuroptera  (Hagen  and  Banks);  Orthoptera  (Scudder 
and  Morse)  ;  Diptera  (Loew,  Osten  Sacken,  Johnson)  ;  Cole- 
optera  (Leconte,  Melsheimer,  Dietz,  Bowditch,  Blanchard,  Hay- 
ward,  E.  D.  Harris)  ;  Myriopoda  (Chamberlin,  Attems)  ; 
Arachnida  (Emerson,  Peckham,  Banks,  Bryant)  and  fossil 
insects  (Scudder).  Types  are  not  kept  separate,  but  certain 
collections  are.  A  generic  card  index  system  is  being  made  to 
include  all  the  collections,  and  the  boxes  in  each  order  are 
numbered  for  ready  reference.  The  Myriopods,  Arachnids  and 
Neuroptera  have  already  been  tabulated." 

Massachusetts  has  produced  many,  many  well-known  ento- 
mologists in  the  past  and  today  its  record  for  numbers  of  good 
men  remains  unbroken.  I  wish  the  front  plate  (XIII)  of  this 
article  could  have  included  the  portraits  of  W.  M.  Wheeler, 
of  H.  C.  Fall,  of  L.  W.  Swett,  but  it  is  difficult  to  get  a  large 
group  all  together  at  one  time  for  one  photograph.  Mr.  A.  P. 
Morse  is  curator  of  the  Peabody  Institute,  at  Salem,  and  has 
written  many  papers  on  Orthoptera.  Mr.  Arthur  Loveridge, 
though  employed  in  the  reptile  department  of  the  Museum,  is 
interested  in  butterflies  and  lived  for  over  ten  years  in  East 
Africa  where  he  collected  Rhopalocera  and  all  of  these  are  now 
in  the  Museum.  Dr.  C.  T.  Brues  needs  little  introduction, 
being  editor  of  Psyche  since  1909.  Dr.  E.  T.  Learned  is  a 
practicing  physician,  specializing  in  Lepidoptera,  particularly  the 
Apantesis  group.  F.  H.  Carpenter  works  at  the  Museum  under 
a  Research  Council  fellowship,  studying  fossil  insects  and  Neu- 


Plate  XVI. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  151 

roptera.  C.  W.  Johnson  is  an  authority  on  certain  Diptera  and 
has  been  for  years  a  steady  contributer  to  Psyche ;  he  is  curator 
of  the  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History.  Miss  E.  B.  Bryant 
is  permanently  employed  in  the  Entomological  Department  as 
an  assistant  and  works  mostly  on  spiders  under  Banks.  Every- 
one knows  Dr.  Joseph  Bequaert  who  specializes  on  Vespidae 
and  Tabanidae.  The  Harvard  Medical  College  is  lucky  to  have 
him  on  their  staff  in  the  School  of  Tropical  Medicine.  He,  as 
well  as  Dr.  Wheeler  and  Dr.  Brues,  is  now  an  Associate  Cura- 
tor of  the  Entomological  Department  and  each  has  a  room  in 
the  Museum.  I  understand  Dr.  Wheeler  has  moved  all  his 
books  and  collections  over  there. 

The  entomologists  of  the  country  owe  a  great  debt  of  thanks 
to  Samuel  E.  Cassino  for  his  continual  publication  of  the  Na- 
turalist's Directory.  Imagine  the  number  of  amateur,  and  even 
professional,  entomologists,  who  since  1877  (53  years  to  date), 
have  had  occasion  to  refer  to  those  directories !  I  often  wonder 
what  motive  there  is,  if  any,  or  what  brand,  of  self-esteem  there 
can  be,  which  prompts  a  minority  to  leave  their  names  and 
addresses  out  of  a  directory  when  insertion  is  conveniently  solic- 
ited and  scot-free?  Mr.  Cassino  makes  a  special  study  of 
Geometrid  moths  and  is  attempting  to  work  them  out  by  gen- 
italic  classification.  To  date,  he  has  made  over  six  thousand 
slides  for  that  purpose.  His  collection  consists  of  two  cabinets 
containing  ninety-six  drawers.  Mr.  Cassino  was  born  in  Salem, 
Massachusetts,  January  4,  1856,  and  became  interested  in  Lepi- 
doptera  under  the  guidance  of  A.  S.  Packard  in  1874,  when  he 
drew  and  made  the  original  engravings  for  the  "Monograph  of 
Geometrids".  Most  of  Mr.  Cassino's  descriptions  and  notes 
appear  in  the  Lepidoptcrist.  a  little  entomological  publication 
which  he  personally  owns. 

Andrew  Gray  Weeks  is  accumulating  one  of  the  few,  really 
very  large  collections  of  exotic  Lepidoptera  in  this  country  and 
to  date  they  occupy  forty-five  cabinets.  A  good  feature  of  the 
Weeks'  collection  is  that  everything  is  neatly  labeled  and  named 
up-to-date.  Some  day,  some  museum  will  benefit  by  that  col- 
lection. Mr.  Weeks  has  described  many  new  species  and  his 
two  volumes,  Illustrations  of  Diurnal  Lepidoptera  I'nkno-i^n  to 

152  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

Science,  are  works  of  art  in  colored  illustration.  He  was  born 
in  Boston,  October  2,  1861,  and  graduated  from  Harvard  Col- 
lege in  '83.  Since  1901,  upon  retiring  from  active  business  as 
head  of  the  firm  of  Weeks  &  Potter,  wholesale  druggists,  he  has 
devoted  himself  to  entomology  and  not  without  result.  A  good 
lepidopterist  and  a  genial  fellow  to  know. 

After  much  persuasion  I  succeeded  in  getting  my  friend, 
Dr.  B.  Preston  Clark,  to  send  me  a  photograph  of  himself  for 
this  article.  That  specialization  pays  is  certainly  proved  by 
what  Dr.  Clark  has  accomplished  with  the  Sphingidae  and  I 
believe  it  can  be  safely  said  that  he  is  the  world  authority  on 
these  moths.  His  list  of  desiderata  shows  only  a  few  of  all  the 
known  species  and  forms.  Lately  in  his  will,  Dr.  Clark  has 
given  his  collection  to  the  Carnegie  Museum  at  Pittsburgh  and 
the  major  portion,  some  20,000  specimens,  is  already  housed 
there.  He  still  retains  in  Boston  some  3000  examples  needed 
for  future  study. 

In  the  February,  .1924,  number  of  Psyche  there  is  a  very 
comprehensive  history  of  the  early  entomological  clubs  of  Mas- 
sachusetts with  notes  on  the  beginning  of  Psyche,  which  was 
given  its  name  by  Scudder.  It  seems  unnecessary  to  repeat  or 
to  add  further  to  Mr.  J.  H.  Emerton's  well  written  article. 

A  Suggestion  for  Relaxing  Small  Insects. 

By  S.  W.  FROST,  The  Pennsylvania  State  College. 

It  often  happens  that  one  has  occasion  to  relax  a  large  num- 
ber of  small  insects  from  different  localities  and  with  data 
which  must  be  kept  intact  with  the  specimens.  In  rearing  leaf- 
mining  insects  and  other  small  species,  the  writer  found  it  un- 
desirable to  kill  the  insects  as  soon  as  they  emerged  but  allow 
them  to  obtain  their  full  color.  Under  such  conditions  the 
insects  frequently  die  in  their  rearing  chambers  and  relaxing  is 
necessary  before  pinning. 

A  small  box  made  after  the  following  description  has  been 
found  very  convenient  for  relaxing  such  insects.  A  large 
number  of  these  paper  boxes  can  be  placed  in  a  single  relaxing 
jar  with  no  danger  of 'confusing  records.  The  same  sort  of 
paper  box  has  been  used  by  morphologists  for  imbedding 

xli,  '30] 



sections  in  paraffin.  They  can  lie  quickly  folded  and  prepared 
without  the  use  of  glue  or  paste.  For  general  purposes  a  piece 
of  paper  2%"  x  4"  and  a  small  wooden  block  iy4"  x  1/4"  :  V4" 
(Figs.  1  and  2)  serve  best.  Place  the  block  in  the  center  of 
the  paper  as  in  (3)  with  the  longest  dimension  of  the  block 

parallel  with  the  longest  side  of  the  paper,  bend  the  two  sides 
of  the  paper  around  the  edges  of  the  bind-..  Then  fold  the  ends 
up  as  in  (4),  making  neat  creases.  The  projecting  folds  arc' 
then  turned  back  as  in  (5).  After  all  the  folds  are  turned 
back,  the  ends  can  be  turned  down  as  in  (0),  which  completes 
the  box  and  prevents  the  ends  from  unfolding.  In  using  the 
boxes,  labels  or  data  can  be  written  on  the  ends  of  the  boxes. 

154  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

Proterandry  and  Flight  of  Bees  (Hymen. :  Apoidea). 

Second  Paper. 

By  CHARLES  ROBERTSON,  Carlinville,  Illinois. 
This  paper  is  to  give  details  of  the  table  in  the  article  on  the 
Proterandry  and  Flight  of  Bees,  in  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS 
29:341.  Further  observations  have  found  the  females  last  in 
162  cases.  And  the  figures  in  the  table  were  changed  as  fol- 
lows : 

Males  Females 

precede  follow  Females  Species 

Osmiinae    28.4  62.1  72.7 

Other   Euceridae    10.6  60.4 

Total  bees    62.1  71.2 

$  first,   9  last  (109). 
Prosopis  (3). 

PROSOPIS  PYGMAEA  $  April  20-Oct.  2,  9  May  7-Oct.  11. 
SAYI  $  May  4-Aug.  26,  5  May  7-Oct.  7. 
ZIZIAE  $  May  4-Sept.  28,  2  May  18-Oct.  10. 

Colletes  (7). 

COLLETES  AMERICANUS  $  Aug.  18-Oct.  15,  ?  Aug.  20-Oct.  30. 
ARMATUS  $  Aug.  17-Sept.  28,  9  Aug.'23-Oct.  7. 
BREVICORNIS  $  May  29-June  17,  $  June  7-29. 
COMPACTUS  $  Aug.  26-Oct.  8,  9  Sept.  4-Oct.  21. 
EULOPHI  $  May  27-Sept.  28,  ?  June  13-Oct.  30. 
INAEQUALIS  $  March  20-May  5,  9  March  21-May  31. 
LATITARSIS  $  June  13-Sept.  29,  2  June  16-Oct.  1. 

Andrenidae  (16). 

ANDRENA  DUNNINGII  $  April  4-24,  2  April  24-June  3. 

ERYTHROGASTRA  $  April   11-May  17,  2  April  12-May 


ERYTHRONII  $  March  21-April  27,  2  April-2-30. 

GERANII  $  May  3-27,  2  May  11 -June  19. 

PRUNI  $  April  12-29,  2  April  18- June  8. 

SAYI  $  April  4-May  4,  2  April  10-May  29. 

OPANDRENA  CRESSONII  $  March  21-May  25,  2  April  2-June  13. 

PTERANDRENA  ASTERIS  $  Sept.  8-Oct.  15,  9  Sept.  15-Oct.  21. 

HELIANTHI  d"  Aug.  27-Sept.  28,  ?  Sept.  3-Oct. 


KRIGIANA  <S  May  10-June  1,  ?  May  12-June  15. 

PULCHELLA  <$  Aug.  15-Sept.  10,  ?  Aug.  17-Oct. 


RUDBECKIAE  c?  June  10-July  14,  ?  June  12-Aug. 


xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  155 

PTILANDRENA  G.  MACULATI  <S  April  25-May  11,  ?  May  1-24. 
TRACHANDRENA  CRATAEGI   d1   April   26-May   22,   ?  April  27- 

July  1. 

FORBESII  3  March  17- April  25,  ?  March  31- 

June  9. 

RUGOSA   c?  March  21-May   18,   ?   March  22- 

June  1. 

Other  short-tongued  bees  (7). 

HALICTOIDES  MARGINATUS  c?  Aug.  27-Sept.  10,  ?  Aug.  31-Oct.  3. 
MACROPIS  STEIRONEMATIS  <$  June  12-July  7,  ?  June  16-July  18. 
PARANOMIA  NORTONII  <S  June  26-Aug.  2,  ?  July  3-Sept.  9. 

PSEUDOPANURGUS  coMPOsiTARUM  <$  .Aug.  27-Oct.  4,  $  Sept.  6- 

Oct.  29. 

LABROSIFORMIS  c?  Aug.  3-Sept.  8,  ?  Aug.  15- 
Sept.  25. 

LABROSUS  c?  Aug.  1-30,  $  Aug.  3-Sept.  28. 
RUGOSUS  <?  July  29- Aug.  22,  ?  Aug.  2-Oct.  1. 

Osmiinae  (10). 

ALCIDAMEA  SIMPLEX  $  May  3-June  15,  $  May  8- July  26 
CENTROSMIA  BUCEPHALA  d  April  11-29,  5  April  19-May  28. 
CERATOSMIA  LIGNARIA  <S  March  21-May  4,  ?  April  11-June  1. 
MONILOSMIA  CANADENSIS  c?  May  7-21,  ?  May  11-  June  11. 
NEOTRYPETES  TRUNCATUS  <$  May  28-Sept.  7,  ?  June  6-Oct.  18. 
OSMIA  ATRIVENTRIS  $  March  25-June  3,  $  April  14-June  20. 

COLLINSIAE  c?  March  25-May  9,  $  April  21-June  14. 

CORDATA  3  May  3-25,  $  May  7- June  17. 

ILLINOENSIS  $  April  25-May  14,  $  April  30-May  25 

PUMILA  c?  March  23-May  18,  ?  March  25-June' 24. 

Megachilinae   ( 10) . 

ANTHEMOIS  CENTUNCULARIS  d1  May  11-Aug.  1,  ?  May  12-  Sept. 

CHELOSTOMOIDES  RUFIMANUS  c?  June  10-July  19,  9  June   17- 

July  24. 

CYPHOPYGA  MONTIVAGA  <$  May  28- Aug.  6,  ?  May  31-Aug.  24. 
MEGACHILE  ADDENDA  d  June  6-July  5,  ?  June  15-|uly  13. 

BREVIS  <?  May  15-Oct'  11,  ?  May  21-Oct.  22. 

GENEROSA  C?  June  12-Aug.  12,  ?  July  4-Sept.  28. 

SEXDENTATA  c?  June  14-Aug.  18,  $  June  16-Sept. 


156  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

OLIGOTROPUS  CAMPANULAE  <$  June  25-Aug.  22,  ?  July  5-Sept. 


SAYAPIS  PUGNATA  c?  June  5- July  14,  5  June  7- Aug.  3. 
SAYI  <$  July  3-Aug.  8,  ?  July  6-Oct.  5. 

Coelioxys   (4). 

COELIOXYS  GERMANA  c?  June  25-Aug.  14,  5  July  3-Oct.  3. 
MODESTA  3  June  25-July  16,  5  July  10-Aug.  23. 
OCTODENTATA  3  May  11-Oct.  9,  ?  May  29-Oct.  19. 
TEXAN  A  c?  June  25-Aug.  1,  ?  July  4- Aug.  14. 

Stelididae  (3). 

ANTHIDIUM  PSORALEAE  <$  June  6-July  9,  ?  June  19- July  22. 
MICROSTELIS  LATERALIS  <$  May  9-Juiie  14,  ?  May  19-June  20. 
STELIDIUM  TRYPETINUM  <$  June  6-Sept.  3,  ?  July  7-Oct.  18. 

Nomadidae   (11). 

CENTRIAS  AMERICANUS  c?  April  29-June  21,  ?  May  4-July  16. 
GNATHIAS  CUNEATUS  c?  March  21-May  5,  ?  April  7-June  11. 
OVATUS  c?  April  4-May  18,  ?  April  17- June  8. 

HEMINOMADA  OBLITERATA  c?  April  24-May  10,  $  April  25-May 

HOLONOMADA  SUPERBA  <^  April  20-May  28,  ?  May  1-June  24. 

VINCTA  <?  Aug.  27-Sept.  26,  $  Sept.  3-Oct.  2. 
NOMADA  DENTICULATA  c?  April  9-May  11,  ?  April  21-June  13. 
ILLINOENSIS  d1  April  4-May  11,  ?  April  17-June  1. 
SAYI  <?  March  26-May  10,  $  April  9- June  9. 
PnoR  INTEGER  c?  April  10-May  5,  $  April  17-  May  24. 
XANTHIDIUM  LUTEOLUM  <S  April  8-25,  ?  April  9-May  12. 

Epeolidae  and  Melectidae  (11). 

BOMBOMELECTA  THORACiCA   <S  April    18-May  2,   ?  April   27- 
May  28. 

EPEOLUS  AUTUMN ALIS  d1  Aug.  29-Sept.  20,  ?  Sept.  8-Oct.  13. 
BIFASCIATUS  c?  June  12-Sept.  6,  ?  June  26-Oct.  3. 
INTERRUPTUS  c?  May  29-June  16,  ?  June  6-19. 

TRIEPEOLUS  CONCAVUS  c?  June  26-Sept.  22,  $  July  4-Sept.  28. 
CONCOLOR  c?  July  3-Sept.  3,  ?  July  9-Sept.  19. 
CRESSONII  <$  July  13-Sept.  29,  $  July  29-Oct.  11. 
DONATUS  c?  Aug.  7-Sept.  29,  ?  Aug.  23-  Oct.  11. 
LUNATUS  c?  July  12- Aug.  16,  ?  July  24-Sept.  3. 
PECTORALIS  51  Aug.  30-Sept.  29,  ?  Sept.  6-Oct.  21. 
SIMPLEX  c?  July  13-Aug.  7,  ?  July  16-Sept.  4. 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  157 

Tetralonia   (4). 

TETRALONIA  BELFRAGEI  d1  April  8-May  18,  ?  April  14- June  4. 
DILECTA  <S  April  18-June  20,  ?  April  20- July  4. 
DUBITATA  c?  April  13-28,  $  April  17-May  2. 
ROSAE  <$  May  18-June  14,  ?  May  21 -June  25. 

Other  Euceridae  (18). 

ANTHEDON  COMPTA  <3  July  10- Aug.  26,  ?  July  15-Aug.  28. 
CEMOLOBUS  IPOMOEAE  c?  July  13-Aug.  30,  $  July  15-Sept.  2. 
EPIMELISSODES  OBLIQUA  d1  June  26-Sept.  28,  ?  July  4-Oct.  1. 
FLORILEGUS  CONDIGNUS  cT  July  1-Aug.  23,  ¥  July  5-Sept.  8. 
MELLISSODES  AGILIS  $  June  14-Oct.  5,  9  July  11-Oct.  16 

AUTUMNALIS  <3  Aug.  21-Oct.  6,  ?  Aug.  26-Oct.  22. 

BIMACULATA  c?  June  25-Aug.  30,  ?  July  2-Sept.  24. 

CNICI  c?  July  21-Sept.  9,  ?  Aug.  4-Sept.  21. 

COLORADENSIS  c?  July  10-Sept.  21,  ?  Aug.  5-Oct.  5. 

COMPTOIDES  <S  July  12-Aug.  26,  9  July  13-Sept.  4. 

COREOPSIS  <$  June  13-29,  ?  June  14-July  8. 

NIVEA  c?  Aug.  14-Sept.  24,  ?  Aug.  31-Oct.  21. 

SIMILLIMA  c?  Aug.  8-Sept.  25,  ?  Aug.  17-Oct  21. 

VARIABILIS  c?  June  20-Aug.  3,  ?  July  3-Aug.  20. 

VERNONIANA  c?  July  10-Sept.  20,  2  July  25-Sept.  24. 

VERNONIAE  c?  July  27-Sept.  8,  ?  Aug.  4-Sept.  10. 
PEPONAPIS  PRUINOSA  d1  July  3-Sept.  14,  $  July  15-Sept.  29. 

XENOGLOSSA  STRENUA«C?  July  11-Sept.  21,  ?  July  29-Sept.  28. 

Other  long-tongued  bees  (5). 

ANTHEMOESSA  ABRUPTA  <S  May  7-June  26,  $  May  10-July  29. 
ANTHOPHORA  URSINA  c?  April  8-May  28,  ?  April  18-June  22. 
EMPHOR  BOMBIFORMIS  <$  July  21-Sept.  2,  ?  July  29-Sept.  11. 
MELITOMA  TAUREA  <$  June  24-Sept.  26,  $  June  27-Oct.  7. 
XYLOCOPA  VIRGINICA  c?  May  5-June  24,  ?  June  1-July  5. 

Notice  on  Parasitic  Hymenoptera. 

Compilation  of  a  list  and  bibliography  of  the  parasitic  H\- 
mcnoptera  of  North  America  has  been  started.  Reprints,  citing 
parasites  by  name — past  and  future — will  be  appreciated.  R. 
L.  TAYLOR,  Bar  Harbor,  Maine. 

158  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

Tsetse  Flies — Past  and  Present  (Diptera:  Muscoidea). 

By  J.  BEQUAERT,  Harvard  University  Medical  School, 
Boston,  Massachusetts 

In  this  age  of  memorial  celebrations — and  this  year's  crop  of 
such  "post-mortems"  promises  to  be  quite  heavy — entomologists 
might  well  stop  and  consider  ways  and  means  of  commemorat- 
ing the  Centennial  of  the  Tsetse-Fly.  For  the  year  1830  wit- 
nessed the  birth  in  entomological  science  of  the  genus  Glossina 
(described  by  Wiedemann)  as  well  as  that  of  its  most  notorious 
member,  G.  pal  palls  (described  by  Robineau-Desvoidy). 

As  to  the  festivities  most  appropriate  to  the  occasion,  my 
entomological  friends  would  probably  differ  as  widely  as  any 
committee  on  centennials.  The  taxonomists,  who  might  still  be 
the  majority,  would,  I  suppose,  insist  upon  erecting  memorials 
at  the  type-localities  of  the  several  species  of  Glossina ;  but,  be- 
ing unable  to  agree  as  to  just  how  many  of  their  species  are 
"valid,"  they  could  hardly  hope  to  carry  the  meeting.  The 
anatomists,  the  physiologists,  the  students  of  animal  behavior 
and  ecology,  the  protozoologists,  and  even  some  stray  botanists 
would  all  want  to  have  a  voice  in  the  matter.  As  the  meetings 
of  the  committee  would  be  dragging  on — like  a  Peace  or  Dis- 
armament Conference — the  entomologists  would  discover  to 
their  dismay  that  a  number  of  "outsiders"  had  wormed  their 
way  in,  or  perhaps  I  should  say,  had  crashed  the  gates;  these 
outsiders  being,  of  course,  veterinarians,  medical  men,  and  even 
a  sprinkling  of  game  wardens  and  colonial  politicians.  The  din 
of  the  discussion  would  now  reach  a  high  pitch,  and  shortly 
afterwards  the  committee  would  adjourn  sine  die. 

I  hope  the  reader  will  pardon  the  foregoing  fantasy,  which, 
moreover,  has  a  serious  purpose.  The  point  I  want  to  make  is 
that,  in  the  course  of  a  century,  the  Glossina  has  grown  from 
a  mere  curiosity  in  the  cabinet  of  two  taxonomic  entomologists 
to  a  problem  of  first  magnitude  in  colonial  politics.  Measured 
by  the  standards  in  vogue  in  the  Western  Hemisphere,  the 
tsetse-flies  have  been  highly  "successful,"  for  they  have  cer- 
tainly succeeded  in  keeping  their  names  in  the  public  prints. 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  159 

Only  a  few  months  ago  they  even  invaded  the  daily  news- 
papers, when  a  Middle-\\'este'rn  medical  "authority"  made  the 
startling  discovery  that  the  tsetse-fly  was  a  deadly  menace  to 
American  Civilization.  I  hasten  to  dispel  any  misgivings  that 
might  he  abroad  in  the  matter :  there  is  not  the  faintest  prob- 
ability that  the  tsetse  will  ever  depopulate  North  America  or 
even  check  the  overcrowding  of  our  happy  land. 

To  simply  compile  a  bibliography  of  all  the  writings  dealing 
directly  or  indirectly  with  the  tsetse  would  take  weeks  of  monk- 
ish labor.  With  the  many  diverse  ramifications  of  the  subject, 
such  a  list  would  easily  include  between  1,500  and  2,000  titles. 
Few  could,  of  course,  ever  hope  to  have  the  time  or  opportunity 
to  consult  all  these  publications  in  the  original — a  good  illustra- 
tion of  the  appalling  problem  with  which  the  working  entomolo- 
gist is  now  daily  confronted.  Luckily  for  the  student  of  tsetse- 
flies,  an  unusually  energetic  Belgian,  my  friend  Mr.  Emile 
Hegh,  of  the  Belgian  Colonial  Office,  has  appointed  himself  the 
official  chronicler  of  all  doings  in  Glossinology.  In  the  Bulletin 
of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society  for  June  1923,  I  re- 
viewed a  pamphlet  on  Glossina  by  Mr.  Hegh  and  Major  Austen, 
published  in  1922.  Mr.  Hegh  has  since  been  working  at  a  much 
more  ambitious  project,  namely  that  of  reproducing  in  full,  but 
in  a  French  translation,  every  important  bit  of  information  pub- 
lished on  the  tsetses,  arranging  these  extracts  under  a  few  gen- 
eral headings.  The  first  volume  of  this  imposing  undertaking 
was  issued  a  short  time  ago.1  I  shall  use  it  as  a  basis  for  a  brief 
review  of  our  present  knowledge  of  the  genus  Glossina. 

To  use  a  French  colloquialism,  the  early  history  of  tsetse-flies 
loses  itself  in  the  night  of  time.  That  indefatigable  student  of 
fossil  insects,  Professor  Cockerell,  has  described  from  the  Mio- 
cene shales  of  Colorado  four  apparently  quite  distinct  species  of 
flies,  which  unmistakably  belong  to  the  genus  Glossina.  A 
glance  at  the  two  fine  photographs  in  Mr.  llegh's  book  (  Figs. 

1  Les  Tse-Tses.     Tome   Premier.      Generalities.     Anatomic.  '"•ma- 

ti(|iie.  Reproduction,  (iites  a  Pupes.  Knnemis  Predateurs  et  Para:-itcs. 
By  Emile  Hegh.  (Brussels,  1929).  One  volume,  large  octavo,  of 
xiv-f-742  pp.,  with  15  color  plates  and  327  text  figures. 

160  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

9  and  10)  will  convince  the  most  skeptical.  In  structure  these 
extinct  species  are  surprisingly  like  the  living  forms.  Since  the 
tsetses  are  among  the  most  specialized  of  the  higher  Diptera, 
well  worthy  to  form  a  family  of  their  own,  it  is  evident  that 
the  Miocene  forms  must  have  had  a  long  history  back  of  them. 
It  is  safe  to  assume  that  their  pedigree  will  eventually  be  traced 
at  least  to  the  Cretaceous,  if  not  to  the  Middle  Mesozoic.  Not 
the  least  astonishing  feature  of  some  of  the  Miocene  Glossinae 
is  their  large  size.  With  a  wing  length  of  16  mm.  and  a  probos- 
cis of  6.5  mm.,  they  surpass  anything  now  alive.  In  the  largest 
living  species,  G.  fusca  and  G.  nigrofusca,  the  wing  reaches 
only  12  to  13  mm.  and  the  proboscis  4  to  5.3  mm.  It  would 
seem  that  the  Glossinae  are  now  on  the  wane.  Perhaps  the 
Tertiary  Epoch  should  be  called  the  "Age  of  Tsetses"  as  well 
as  that  of  Mammals. 

The  history  of  Glossinology  makes  fascinating  and  instructive 
reading.  Happily  Mr.  Hegh  devotes  to  it  over  100  pages  of  his 
Introduction  (pp.  19-65)  and  of  his  chapter  on  Taxonomy  (pp. 
167-229).  Moreover,  for  most  topics  the  author  uses  the  his- 
torical method  of  presentation,  which  is  always  captivating.  In 
some  respects  he  has  given  us  an  epitome  of  the  progress  of 
Entomology  during  the  past  century.  At  any  rate,  his  account 
reflects  unusually  well  the  rapid  evolution  of  our  Science,  from 
the  narrow  attitude  of  the  purely  descriptive  taxonomist,  to. the 
broader  outlook  of  the  general  biologist,  and  the  latter-day 
emphasis  on  the  relations  of  insects  to  human  welfare.  The  be- 
ginnings of  our  Science  were  slow  and  awkward.  At- first  ento- 
mologists were  quite  content  to  describe  the  stray  tsetses 
brought  home  by  travelers.  Wiedemann  established  his  genus 
Glossina  without  comments.  Robineau-Desvoidy  boldly  added 
to  his  description  of  G.  palpalis  the  remark  that  the  proboscis 
was  "innocuous,"  by  which  he  evidently  meant  that  the  fly  did 
not  suck  blood.  Macquart  embroidered  this  opinion.  "It  is 
probable,"  he  says,  "that  this  fly  does  not  live  on  animal  blood 
like  the  stable  flies,  but  on  the  nectar  of  flowers.  The  two 
setae  contained  in  the  proboscis  and  forming  the  sucking  appa- 
ratus are  so  fine  that  one  can  hardly  conceive  how  they  might 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

be  able  to  pierce  the  skin ;  the  weakness  of  this  organ  seems  to 
be  further  shown  by  the  modification  of  the  palpi,  which  are 
lengthened  and  hollowed  out  into  a  sheath  for  the  proboscis." 
This  quotation  might  be  pondered  by  those  biologists  who  are 
prone  to  deduct  the  probable  habits  of  an  insect  from  some 
structural  peculiarity.  Indeed  the  proboscis  of  the  tsetse-flies 
seems  eminently  adapted  to  the  sucking  of  nectar;  yet  none 
of  these  flies  has  ever  been  stalked  sipping  a  flower.  Moreover, 
since  there  are  horse-flies  the  female  of  which  indifferently  bites 
animals  or  sucks  nectar,  I  for  one  would  not  be  surprised  if 
eventually  some  species  of  Glossina  were  observed  visiting 

We  shall  not  be  delayed  long  by  the  purely  taxonomic  side 
of  the  tsetse  problem.  For  one  thing  specialists  disagree  as  to 
just  how  many  Glossimic  should  be  regarded  as  valid  species. 
Mr.  Hegh  has  cut  this  Gordian  knot  by  giving  in  succession 
Major  Austen's  classification,  which  includes  17  species,  and 
that  sponsored  by  Professor  Newstead,  who  recognizes  20. 
Moreover,  one  additional  species,  G.  ue^'stcadi  Austen,  has 
been  added  within  the  past  few  months,  since  the  publication  of 
Mr.  Hegh's  book.  One  point  of  general  interest  is  that,  while 
the  specific  characters  of  the  females  are  frequently  obscure  or 
unreliable,  the  external  genitalia,  or  terminalia,  of  the  males 
present  very  striking  differences  among  the  several  species. 

The  area  occupied  nowadays  by  Glossina  lies  strictly  within 
the  limits  of  what  the  old-fashioned  zoogeographers  call  the 
"Ethiopian  Region,"-—  viz.,  continental  Africa  south  of  the 
Tropic  of  Cancer  and  the  extreme  southwestern  corner  of 
Arabia.  The  occurrence  of  one  species,  G.  tacliinoulcs.  in  south- 
western Arabia  is  especially  noteworthy.  Each  species  occurs 
over  only  part  of  the  general  area  of  the  genus.  \Yhile  some 
of  the  species  are  apparently  rare  or  at  any  rate  restricted  to 
a  small  area,  the  two  most  common  ones  are  abundant  and  very 
widely  distributed,  although  they  seem  to  exclude  each  other. 
G.  palpalis  covers  the  Guinean  or  West  African  Subregion,  be- 
yond which  it  extends  but  little  along  the  wooded  banks  of  the 
Larger  rivers.  (/".  inorsitans,  on  the  other  hand,  inhabits  (to- 

162  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

gather  with  its  race  submorsitans)  much  of  the  Sudanese  and 
East-and-South  African  Subregion,  entering  only  the  grasslands 
at  the  outer  edges  of  the  West  African  Subregion.  Obviously 
the  distribution  of  these  two  flies  is  at  present  regulated  by 
ecological  factors,  even  though  such  factors  are  insufficient  to 
account  for  the  distribution  of  the  genus  Glossina  as  a  whole. 
Furthermore,  G.  inorsitans  is  clearly  on  the  decline:  within 
historic  times  it  has  receded  from  much  of  the  territory  it  once 
covered  in  South  Africa.  It  is  no  longer  found,  for  instance, 
at  its  type  locality,  where  it  was  discovered  in  1846  by  Oswell 
and  Vardon.  The  rapid  destruction  during  the  nineteenth  cen- 
tury of  the  vast  herds  of  game  that  once  roamed  over  South 
Africa,  undoubtedly  had  much  to  do  with  the  regression  of  this 

Some  of  the  adventurous  hunters  and  explorers  of  the  first 
half  of  the  nineteenth  century  have  given  us  the  first  reliable 
accounts  of  the  habits  of  Glossina.  The  word  "tsetse"  was 
introduced  into  the  English  language  by  R.  Gordon  Gumming 
(1850),  in  his  Five  Years  of  a  Hunter's  Life  in  the  Far  Interior 
of  South  Africa;  but  David  Livingstone  (1857)  focussed  the 
attention  of  the  scientific  world  upon  the  ravages  of  the  fly. 
The  origin  and  meaning  of  the  word  "tsetse"  has  released  a 
flood  of  printer's  ink,  although  most  of  these  writings  belong  in 
the  realm  of  folklore  or  even  of  biblical  exegesis.  Originally 
the  word  was  applied  to  the  South  African  G.  morsitans.  It 
has  often  been  stated  that  certain  native  tribes  used  it  as  an 
imitation,  or  onomatopoeia,  of  the  buzzing  noise  the  fly  makes 
when  in  flight.  In  all  the  many  years  of  my  dealings  with  va- 
rious species  of  Glossina  in  the  field,  I  have  failed  to  notice  any 
buzzing  or  other  noise  they  might  make  while  flying.  As  a  mat- 
ter of  fact,  the  silent  manner  in  which  they  alight  and  leave 
their  victim  is  one  of  the  characteristics  of  these  insects.  All 
tsetses,  however,  make  at  times  a  high,  shrill  singing  noise, 
when  resting,  before  or  after  feeding,  especially  when  sunning 
themselves.  It  is  quite  possible  that,  where  G.  morsitans  is  very 
abundant,  this  singing  of  the  resting  flies  might  have  been  attrib- 
uted to  the  many  flying  individuals. 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  163 

The  early  South  African,  observers  reported  that  G.  m  or  si- 
tans  was  not  uniformly  distributed,  but  that  it  swarmed  in 
certain  well-defined  districts — so-called  "fly-belts"-— while  it  was 
practically  absent  from  the  intervening  areas.  This  peculiarity 
has  led  to  much  speculation  and  incidentally  to  a  protracted 
discussion  between  live-stock  breeders  and  sportsmen.  The 
many  field  studies  of  the  bionomics  of  tsetses  during  the  past 
twenty-five  years  tend  to  show  that  the  local  distribution  of 
these  insects  is  regulated  by  a  number  of  factors  of  about  equal 
importance.  Only  two  of  these  will  be  briefly  touched  upon 

Undoubtedly  every  species  of  Glossina  prefers  a  particular 
type  of  country  because  of  the  fly's  peculiar  requirements  for 
shade  and  moisture,  either  as  adult  or  in  the  pupal  stage.  Per- 
haps the  majority  of  the  species  can  get  along  with  a  low  rela- 
tive humidity  and  a  prolonged  dry  season  and  will  consequently 
be  found  in  regions  covered  with  one  of  the  many  types  of  open 
vegetation,  which  the  botanists  include  under  the  general  term 
"savannas."  This  group  comprises,  among  others,  G.  morsi- 
tans,  G.  pallidipes  and  G.  tachinoidcs.  As  a  rule,  though,  these 
species  avoid  pure  grassland,  but  prefer  thickets  of  dense  bush, 
wooded  savanna,  or  parkland.  The  most  xerophilous,  or  "bone- 
dry,"  of  all  is  G.  loiif/ipcnnis,  which  frequents  thorny  bush  in 
some  of  the  semi-desert  parts  of  Northeastern  Africa.  On  the 
other  hand,  G.  pal  pal  is,  G.  palliccra,  G.  fusca,  G.  nigrofusca 
and  a  few  others,  thrive  best  in  the  moist  rain  forest  country, 
where  the  rainfall  is  evenly  distributed  over  the  year.  G'.  pal- 
palis,  the  species  carrying  African  Sleeping  Sickness  in  man,  is 
more  hygrophilous  than  the  others,  being  found  along  or  close 
to  water  that  is  edged  in  by  a  dense  growth  of  trees  and  bushes. 
The  West  African  G.  palliccra,  though  likewise  a  rain  forest  fly, 
roams  much  farther  afield.  There  have  also  been  attempts  at 
correlating  certain  species  of  tsetse  with  definite  species  of 
plants,  but  it  is  doubtful  whether  such  associations  are  of  more 
than  very  local  significance.  At  4,000  feet  above  sea-level,  all 
tsetse-flies  become  very  scarce  and  I  know  of  no  reliable  record 
of  their  occurrence  at  5,000  feet  or  higher. 

164  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

Ecological  conditions  alone  are,  however,  inadequate  to  ac- 
count for  the  local  abundance  or  scarcity  of  tsetses.  The  feed- 
ing habits  are  at  least  equally  important.  In  addition  to  shelter 
the  Hies  need  food,  and,  being  strictly  hematophagous,  they  will 
thrive  best  where  their  favorite  animal  hosts  are  most  plentiful. 
In  the  case  of  G.  pa!  pal  is,  there  is  every  indication  that  the  flies 
travel  away  from  their  breeding  places  to  points  where  people 
gather  along  the  shaded  banks  of  rivers,  where  animals  come  to 
drink,  or  where  crocodiles  or  other  favorite  hosts  are  partic- 
ularly numerous.  For  G.  uiorsifans,  the  connection  between  the 
tly-belts  and  the  game  seems  well  demonstrated  by  the  regres- 
sion of  this  species  from  much  of  the  country  it  formerly  occu- 
pied south  of  the  Limpopo  River,  by  its  fluctuations  in  areas 
swept  by  rinderpest  about  1897,  and  by  it's  disappearance  from 
some  parts  of  Katanga  since  the  settlement  of  the  country  by 
whites  some  fifteen  years  ago. 

(To  be   continued) 

A  European  Beetle  Found  in  New  York  (Coleop.: 


On  December  11,  1929.  we  received  five  living  specimens  of 
Clconus  pificr  Scopoli  from  Branchpoint,  New  York,  where  they 
had  been  found  among  dried  beans  in  storage.  The  specimens 
were  determined  by  L.  L.  Buchanan.  In  February  we  visited 
the  farm  from  which  the  weevils  came  and  found  more  speci- 
mens in  bags  of  beans  stored  in  an  unheated  room  of  the  farm 
house.  The  farmer  stated  that  in  hand-picking  his  crop  of 
beans  he  had  found  more  than  a  hundred  of  the  beetles  and  had 
thrown  them  into  the  fire.  Their  association  with  the  beans 
would  seem  to  be  purely  accidental.  Evidently  the  beetles  had 
sought  hibernating  shelter  in  the  piles  of  bean  vines  in  the  field 
and  were  brought  into  the  barn  with  the  crop.  Many  of  them 

•iped  injury  when  the  beans  were  threshed  and  being  of 
about  the  same  size  and  shape  as  the  beans  passed  through  the 
fanning  mill  with  the  grain. 

("Icmnis  pi(/cr  is  reported  to  be  a  pest  of  sugar  beets  in 
Central  Europe.  Its  other  foods  are  said  to  be  Carduus  and 
Cirsiuui. — C.  R.  CROSBY  AND  W.  E.  BLAUVELT,  Cornell  Uni- 
versity, Ithaca,  New  York. 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  165 

Entomological    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  [  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations.  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

TTf^Note  the  change  in  the  method  o/  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Belfrage,  G.  W. — Pioneer  scientist  lies  in 
unnamed  grave.  By  S.  W.  Geiser.  [Dallas  Morning-  News] 
Feb.  23,  1930,  ill.  Campos,  F. — Invertebrados  del  Ecuador. 
Nota  entomologica  sobre  el  genero  Pepsis.  [Rev.  Col.  Nac. 
V.  Rocaf.]  XI  (38-39)  :  11-14.  Carter,  W.— Record  of  an  in- 
sect migration  in  the  Arkansas  Valley,  Colorado.  [55]  6: 
133-134.  Coquillett,  D.  W.— Biographical  note  by  L.  O. 
Howard.  [Diet.  Am.  Biog.]  Vol.  4.  Cresson,  E.  T. — Bio- 
graphical note  by  L.  O.  Howard.  [Diet.  Am.  Biog.]  Vol.  4. 
Forbes,  S.  A.— Obituary.  A  tribute.  [68]  71  :  378-381.  Fulda, 
O. — Sammelreise  quer  durch  Mexiko.  [20]  45:  5.  Gazulla 
&  Ruiz. — Los  insectos  de  la  Hacienda  de  "Las  Mercede>". 
[44]  32:  288-305,  ill.  Headlee,  T.  J.— Some  tendencies  in 
modern  economic  entomological  research.  [12]  23:  28-38. 
Hubbs,  C.  L. — Scientific  names  in  zoology.  [68]  71  :  317-319. 
Jeffrey,  E.  C.— Drosophila  once  more.  [68]  71 :  315-317.  Jul- 
lien,  J.— Obituary.  By  A.  Pictet.  [41]  14:  45-62,  ill.  Martin, 
C.  J.— Obituary  notice.  [19]  25:39.  McColloch,  J.  W.- 
Obituary  notice.  [7]  23:195-196.  Musgrave,  A. — Zoological 
nomenclature:  Acarine  or  insect?  [31]  125:414.  Penecke, 
K.  A. — Ein  mittel  zur  entfernung  des  erdigen  ueberzuges 
von  der  oberflache  von  kafern.  [Col.  Centralblatt]  4:85-86. 
Porter,  C.  E. — Entomologia  Chilena.  Primera  lista  de  in- 
sectos de  Panimavida.  [44]  32:  221-225.  Reverdin,  J.  L.- 
Obituary.  By  A.  Pictet.  [41]  14:  63-88,  ill.  Seitz,  A.— Herrn 

166  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

Prof.  Dr.  Adalbert  Seitz  zum  siebzigsten  geburtstage.  [18] 
23 :  497-500,  ill.  de  la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.— The  use  of  Para- 
dichlorbenzene  in  the  insect  collection.  [19]  25:27.  de  la 
Torre-Bueno,  J.  R. — The  function  of  a  description.  [19]  25: 


ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Alpatov,  W.  W.- 

Phenotypical  variation  in  body  and  cell  size  of  Drosophila 
melanogaster.  [92]  58:85-103,  ill.  Alpatov,  W.  W.— Growth 
of  larvae  in  wild  Drosophila  melanogaster  and  its  mutant 
vestigial.   [42]   56:63-71,  ill.     Baier,  L.  J. — Contribution  to 
the  physiology  of  the  stridulation  and   hearing  of  insects. 
[89]  47:  151-248,  ill.     Beling,  I.— Ueber  missgebildete  flieg- 
enpuppen.  [34]  87:  171-175,  ill.    de  Boissezon,  P. — Sur  1'his- 
tophysiologie  de  1'intestin  de  la  larve  de  Cutex  pipiens.  Sur 
1'histologie  et  1'histophysiologie  de  1'intestin  de  Culex  pip- 
iens   (Imago)    et   en   particulier  sur   la   digestion   du   sang. 
[77]  93:567-570.     Cousin,  G. — La  diapause  de  Lucilia  seri- 
cata.  [69]   190:651-653.     Crampton,  G.  C.— The  head  struc- 
tures of  the  orthopteron  Stenopelmatus — A  contribution  to 
the  study  of  the  external  anatomy  of  Stenopelmatus.   [55] 
6:97-110,  ill.     Crowell,  M.  F.— The  tracheal  system  of  the 
mature    larva    of    Pyrausta    nubilalis.      [5]    36:332-357,    ill. 
Friederichs,    H.   F. — Die   fazettenaugen    der    Lepidopteren. 
[18]  23:  491-496,  ill.  v.  Frisch,  K.— Versuche  iiber  den  ge- 
schmackssin  der  Rienen.    [88]    18:169-174.    Prison,  T.  H.- 
Observations  on  the  behavior  of  bumblebees  (Bremus)  :  the 
orientation  flight.  |4]  62:49-54.     Head,  H.  W.— Sex  attrac- 
tion in  Lepidoptera.  [9]  63:39-40.     Hecht,  O. — Die  hautre- 
aktionen   auf  insektenstiche   als   allergische   erscheinungen. 
[34]  87:94-109,  145-157,  231-256,  ill.     Heymons  &  Lenger- 
ken. — Studien   iiber   die   lebenserscheinungen    der   Silphini. 
[46]  17:  262-274,  ill.    Isely  &  Schwardt.— The  tracheal  sys- 
tem of  the  larva  of  Lissorhoptrus  simplex.    [7]  23:  149-152, 
ill.     Janisch,  E. — Experimentelle  untersuchungen  iiber  die 
\virkung  der  umxveltfaktoren  auf  insekten.    I.  Die  massen- 
vermehrung  der  baumwolleule  Prodenia  littoralis  in  Aegvp- 
ten.  [46 1  17:  339-416,  ill.    Jeffrey,  E.  C.— The  present  status 
of  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [31]   125:411.     Jones,  R.  M.— 
Some  effects  of  temperature  and  humidity  as  factors  in  the 
biology  of  the  bedbug  (Cimex  lectularius).  [7]  23:  105-119, 
ill.  Lienhart  &  Remy. — Les  derniers  stigmates  abdominaux 
des  larves  primaires  des  Sitaris    (Meloidae).    |77]   93:606- 
608,  ill.  Moody,  D.  L. — The  morphology  of  the  repugnatory 
glands  of  Anasa  tristis.  [7]  23 :  81-99,  ill.    Morgan,  T.  H.- 
The  apparent  inheritance  of  an  acquired  character  and  its 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  167 

explanation.  [90]  64:97-114.  Oka,  H. — Untersuchungen 
iiber  die  speicheldruse  der  libellen.  |46]  17:  275-301,  ill.  Rip- 
ley  &  Hepburn. — Olfactory  and  visual  reactions  of  the  natal 
fruit-fly,  Pterandrus  rosa,  as  applied  to  control.  [So.  African 
Jour.  Sci.]  26:449-458.  Steiner,  P. — Studien  an  Panorpa 
communis.  I.  Zur  biologic,  morphologic-  und  postcmbryon- 
alen  entwicklung  des  kopfeskeletts.  [46]  17:1-67,  ill.  Stern, 
C. — Ueber  reduktionstypen  der  heterochromosomen  von 
Drosophila  melanogaster.  [97]  49:  718-735,  ill.  Thomas,  M. 
— Discernement  ou  imagination?  Instinct  ou  ... 
[Lambillionea]  30:31-36.  Volker,  U. — Ueber  artkreuzun- 
gen  von  Noktuiden  und  Geometriden.  [18]  23:483-488,  ill. 
Weyrauch,  W.  K. — Untersuchungen  und  gedanken  zur  lich- 
torientierung  von  Arthropoden.  [89]  47:291-328,  ill. 


V. — On  some  centipedes  and  millipedes  from  Utah  and  Ari- 
zona. [55]  6:  111-121,  ill.  *Kendall,  J. — Descriptions  of  four 
new  forms  of  Eriophyes.  [5]  36:  296-312,  ill.  *Porter,  C.  E. 
— Cecidiologia  chilena.  Sobre  una  Zoocecidia  del  tilo.  [44] 
32:314-315,  ill. 


-A  classification  of  the  Psocidae.  [5]  36:321-325.  Ide,  F. 
P. — The  nymph  of  the  mayfly  genus  Cinygma.  [4]  62:42- 
45,  ill.  Lestage,  J.  A. — Contribution  a  1'etude  des  larves  dc-^ 
Ephemeropteres.  VI — Les  larves  dites  fouissensc^.  Le  re- 
gime des  larves. — Les  larves  et  les  poissons.  [33]  70:  79-S'i. 
*McDunnough,  J. — The  Ephemeroptera  of  the  north  shore 
of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  [4]  62 :  54-62,  ill.  *Navas,  R. 
P.  L. — Insecta  nova.  (S).  [Mem.  Pont.  Accad.  Sci.,  Roma] 
12:  15-32,  ill.  *Navas,  R.  P.  L. —  Insectos  del  museo  de 
Paris.  (S).  [Broteria]  26:5-24,  ill.  *Reed,  E.  P.— Sobre 
Notiothauma  reedi.  (S).  [44]  32:310-313,  ill.  Rosewall,  O. 
W. — The  biology  of  the  book-louse,  Troctes  divinatoria.  [7] 
23:192-194,  ill/ Wheeler,  W.  M.— Is  Necrophylus  arenarius 
the  larva  of  Pterocrocr  storeyi.  [5]  36:313-320. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Beall,  G.— Observations  on  tlu-  ant 
cricket.  Mynnecophila  oregouensis.  |l'n>.  Knt.  Soc.  llrit. 
Col.]  1929:44-46.  Buckell,  E.  R.— The  Dermaptera  of  Can- 
ada.  [Pro.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  1929:9-23.  da  Costa  Lima, 
A. — Sobre  dois  mantideos  pouco  coiihecido^.  (S).  |  Suppl. 
Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz  |  1929:295-296,  ill.  Griddle,  N.- 
Life-history  of  the  cow  grasshopper  (  Chrysoehraon  abdomi- 
nalis)  in  Manitoba.  [4]  62:  25-28,  ill.  Rehn,  J.  A.  G.— Xt-w 
or  little  known  neotropical  Blattidae.  [1]  50 :  19-71,  ill. 

168  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

HEMIPTERA.— *Drake,  C.  J.— Some  Tingitidae  from 
Brazil.  [19]  25:25-26.  Fletcher,  R.  K.— A  study  of  the  in- 
sect fauna  of  Brazos  County,  Texas,  with  special  reference 
to  the  Cicadellidae.  [7]  23:33-54,  ill.  Glendenning,  R.- 
Further  additions  to  the  list  of  aphids  of  British  Columbia. 
[Pro.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  1929:  54-57.  *Hungerford,  H.  B. 
—Concerning  Velia  inveruglas  and  related  forms.  (Velii- 
dae).  (S).  [7]  23:  120-124,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H.— New  species 
of  Pseudopsallus  with  an  allied  new  genus  described  (Miri- 
dae).  [19]  25:1-8.  *Lawson,  P.  B. — Two  new  Alconeura 
(Cicadellidae)  with  notes  on  other  species.  [19]  25:44-46. 
*Lawson,  P.  B. — Three  new  leafhoppers  from  the  south- 
west (Cicadellidae).  [55]  6:  135-138.  *Lawson,  P.  B.— Some 
new  Dikraneura  (Cicadellidae)  with  notes  on  other  species. 
[4]  62:  35-42,  ill.  *Morrison,  H. — An  interesting  new  genus 
of  Iceryine  coccid.  (S).  [95]  43:  17-20,  ill.  Myers,  J.  G.- 
Observations  on  the  biology  of  two  remarkable  cixiid  plant- 
hoppers  (Homoptera)  from  Cuba.  [5]  36:  283-292.  Prell, 
H. — On  the  nomenclature  for  the  broods  of  periodical  in- 
sects. [7]  23:27-32.  Schrader,  F. — Observations  on  the 
biology  of  Protortonia  primitiva  (Coccidae).  [7]  23:126- 
132,  ill.  de  la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R. — Records  of  Anthocoridae, 
particularly  from  New  York.  [19]  25:  11-20.  *Usinger,  R. 
L. — Two  new  species  of  Vanduzeeina  from  California  (Scu- 
telleridae).  [55]  6:  131-133.  Venables,  E.  P. — Observations 
on  the  woolly  aphis  of  the  apple.  [Pro.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.] 
1929:  28-33.  Walley,  G.  S. — Note  on  the  validity  of  Corixa 
(1762)  (Corixidae).  [19]  25:49. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Balduf,  W.  V.— The  cycles  and  hab- 
its of  Phlyctaenia  tertialis  (Pyralidae).  [10]  32:31-36.  Bell, 
E.  L. — Notes  on  Ancyloxypha  nitedula.  (S).  [19]  25:48-49. 
Bell,  E.  L. — Copaeodes  minima  from  Florida.  [19]  25:8. 
Bouvier,  E.  L. — Quelques  observations  sur  les  Papillons 
saturnioides  de  la  famille  des  Ceratocampides.  [69]  190: 
552-555.  *Braun,  A.  F. — Notes  on  new  species  of  Micro- 
lepidoptera  from  the  Mineral  Springs  region  of  Adams 
County,  Ohio.  [1]  56:  17pp.  Breakey,  E.  P. — Contribution 
to  a  knowledge  of  the  spindle  worm,  Achatodes  zeae.  (Noc- 
tuidae).  [7]  23:  175-191.  Brower,  A.  E. — Catocala  junctura 
in  the  Ozark  region.  [19]  25:  36-38,  ill.  Campbell  &  Duran. 
-The  egg  of  Laphygma  exigua.  [10]  32:48,  ill.  Cockerell, 
T.  D.  A. — Variation  in  lepidoptera.  [19]  25:9-10.  *Doudo- 
roff,  M. — A  new  aberration  of  Euchloe  ausonides.  [55J  6: 
143,  ill.  Downes,  W. — The  cherry  fruit  worm  (Grapholitha 
packardi).  [Pro.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  1929:39-43,  ill.  *Hol- 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XEWS 

land,  W.  J. — New  species  and  vnrietu  Xorth  American 

butterflies.  [3]  19:  155-160.  Holland,  W.  J.-  \Totes  on  some 
American  butterflies,  mainly  relating  to  their  classification 
and  nomenclature.  Part  I.  Papilionidae,  Pieridae.  Xympha- 
liclae  (Danainae).  [3]  19:  185-204,  cont.  The  Macrolepidop- 
tera  of  the  World.  Vol.  IX.  Fauna  Americana.  Part  208. 
Just  published  beginning  the  family  Saturnidae.  By  M. 
Draudt.  Nuss,  K. — Ein  ausflug  in  die  umgebung  New  York. 
[14]  43:302.  *Ragonot,  M. — Aberrations  de  Lepidopteres. 
(S).  [Lambillionea]  30:  18-19,  cont.  Schultz,  V.— Was  sind 
Androkonien?  [18]  23:512.  Seitz,  A. — Wir  wollen  klar 
sehen.  (S).  [17]  47:7-8,  cont.  Verity,  R.- -Notes  on  the  re- 
lationship between  the  Melitaeidi  and  particularly  between 
those  of  the  athalia  group.  [21]  42:29-31,  cont. 

DIPTERA. — Aldrich,  J.  M. — Notes  on  synonymy  of  Dip- 
tera,  No.  4.  [10]  32:25-28.     *  Alexander,  C.  P.— The  genus 
Sigmatomera   with   observations    <m    the    biology    by    Ray- 
mond C.  Shannon.  (S).  [59]  5,  (B)  :  155-162,  ill.  *Alexander, 
C.   P. — New   or   little-known   species    of   the   genus   Tipula 
from  Chile  (Tipulidae).  [44]  32:276-286,  ill.    Campos,  F.- 
Existe  la   niosca  del   Mediterraneo   en    el    Ecuador?    |  Rev. 
Col.  Nac.  V.  Rocaf.]  NI  (38-39)  :  15-18.   Campos,  F.— Caso 
raro  de  parasitismo  de  la  mosca  azul    (Dermatobia  cyani- 
ventris)   en  las  vecindades  rectal es  de  un  raton.    [Rev.  Col. 
Nac.  V.  Rocaf.]    XI   (36-37)  :  79-80.     Campos,  F.— Un   am. 
a  caza  de  criaderos  de  mosquitos  por  los  pantanos  de  Guaya- 
quil y  Alrededores.  (S).  [Rev.  Col.  Nac.  V.  Rocaf.]  XI  ( 
37)  :  17-62.    da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Sobre  alguns  anophelineos 
encontrados  no  Brasil.   [Suppl.  Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz] 
1929:275-293.    da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Sobre  algumas  espe< 
de  Mansonia  encontradas  no  Brasil.  [Suppl.  Mem.  Inst.  (  >^- 
waldo  Cruz]  1 929 :  297-300,  ill.  :|:Curran,  C.  H.-  Xew  sp< 
of  Eristalinae  with  notes  ('Syrphidae).  Xe\v  Syrphidae  from 
Central  America  and  the  West  Indies.  (S).  [40 \  411:27pp; 
416:  llpp.    *Curran,  C.   H.— -Xew   species   of   Volucellinae 
from  America   (Syrphidae).    New    l)i]>tera    from   Xorth   and 
Central  America.  [40]  413:  23pp..  ill.;  415:  16pp.,  ill.   Drake 
&    Jones. — The    pigeon    11  v    and    pigeon    malaria    in     Iowa. 
[Iowa  State  Coll.  Jour.  Sci.|  4:253-261,  ill.     *Engel,  E.  O. 

—Die  ausbeute  cler  deutschen  Cliaco-Expedition    l(;25-i 
Asilidae.    (S).    [56]    8:457-474,   ill.    *Falcoz,   L.--Dip 
pupipares  du  museum  national  d'histoire  nalurelle  de   I'ari^. 
(S).  [59]  5,  (B)  :  27-54,  ill.  -Ferris,  G.  F.— Some  new  world 
Hippoboscidae  (Pupipara)    [4] '  62 : 62-70,  ill.  *Fluke,  C.  L. 

—High-altitude  Syrphidae  with  descriptions  of  new  species. 

170  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

[7]  23:133-144,  ill.  Hearle,  E.— A  remarkable  simuliid 
pupa.  Notes  on  Simulium  virgatum  in  British  Columbia. 
[Pro.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  1929:48-54,  ill.  *Johnson,  C.  W. 
—Notes  on  the  Syrphidae  collected  at  Jaffrey  and  Mount 
Monadnock,  N.  H.,  with  a  description  of  a  new  species.  [5] 
36:370-375.  *Krober,  O. — Die  untergattungen  Macrocornus 
und  Chlorotabanus.  (S).  [34]  87:1-18,  ill.  *Kroeber,  O.- 
Die  Stenotabaninae  und  die  Lepidoselaginae  Siidamerikas. 
[59]  5,  (B):  101-154,  ill.  Lengersdorf,  Fr.— Les  Sciarides 
(Lycoriidae)  de  la  collection  de  J.  W.  Meigen.  [59]  5,  (B)  : 
55-61,  ill.  Molina,  G. — Las  moscas  del  genero  "Sarcophaga". 
(S).  [Rev.  Col.  Nac.  V.  Rocaf.]  XI  (36-37)  :  9-12.  Parent, 
O. — Etudes  sur  les  Dolichopodides.  II.  Description  d'une 
nouvelle  espece  du  genre  Mesorhaga  et  cle  des  especes  des 
regions  nearctiques  et  neotropiques.  [59]  5,  (B)  :  1-18,  ill. 
Porter,  C.  E. — Entomologia  Chilena.  Diptero  que  no  figura 
en  los  catalogos.  (S).  [44]  32:230.  *Townsend,  C.  H.  T.- 
New  species  of  humid  tropical  American  Muccoidea.  (S). 
[44]  32:365-382.  *Van  Duzee,  M.  C.— Three  new  Dolicho- 
pids  from  California  and  Colorado.  [55]  6:  123-126. 

COLEOPTERA.— *Arangua,  E.  V.— Contribucion  al  es- 
tudio  de  los  Cicindelidae.  Notas  sobre  las  variedades  de  al- 
gunas  especies  de  Cicindela  del  grupo  formosa  purpurea 
oregona.  (S).  [44]  32:231-251.  *  Arrow,  G.  J.— A  new  fam- 
ily of  Heteromerous  Coleoptera  (Hemipeplidae),  with  de- 
scriptions of  a  new  genus  and  a  few  new  species.  (S).  [75] 
5:225-231,  ill.  Barrett,  R.  E. — A  study  of  the  immature 
forms  of  some  Curculionidae.  [67]  5:89-104,  ill.  *Bern- 
hauer,  M. — Neue  Staphyliniden  aus  Mittelamerika.  [48] 
46:  186-208.  Blackwelder,  R.  E.— The  larva  of  Eubrianax 
edwardsi  (Psephenidae).  [55]  6:139-142,  ill.  *Blatchley, 
W.  S. — Notes  on  the  distribution  of  Coleoptera  in  Florida 
with  new  additions  to  the  known  fauna  of  that  state.  [4] 
62:28-35.  *Brethes,  J. — Contribution  pour  la  connaissance 
des  Chrysometides  du  Chili.  [44]  32:204-220.  Brisley,  H. 
R. — -Occurrence  of  the  weevil  Phyrdenus  muriceus  in  Ari- 
zona. [55]  6:127-128.  Burke,  H.  E. — A  buprestid  new  to 
the  Yosemite.  [55]  6:  138.  Campos,  F. — Sobre  el  apareami- 
ento  del  Zophobas  morio.  (Tenebrionidae,  sec.  Heterom- 
era).  (S).  [Rev.  Col.  Nac.  V.  Rocaf.]  XI  (36-37)  :  13-16. 
*Chapin,  E.  A. — Canthonella,  a  new  genus  of  Scarabaeidae. 
(S).  [40]  409:  2pp.  *Chapin,  E.  A.— New  species  of  Hali- 
plus.  (S).  [95]  43:9-12.  *Chittenden,  F.  H.— A  new  species 
of  Notaris  (Curculionidae).  [10]  32:48-49.  Cooper,  K.  W. 
—A  list  of  Coleoptera  found  at  Flushing  and  new  to  Long 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  171 

Island.  [19]  25:21-24.  Dallas,  E.  D.— Los  Calosoma  chi- 
lenos  y  su  actual  posicion  sistematica.  (S).  [44]  32:  256-258. 
Dallas,  E.  D. — Caso  teratologico  extraodinario.  Un  Ceram- 
dycidae  con  tres  antenas.  [44]  32:270-275,  ill.  Darlington, 
P.  J. — Notes  on  the  habits  of  Amphizoa.  Habits  of  the 
staphylinid  beetle  Dianous  nitidulus.  [5]  36:  383-386.  *Dar- 
lington,  P.  J. — On  the  dryopid  beetle  genus  Lara.  [5]  36: 
328-331,  ill.  Frost,  C.  A.— Cis  frosti.  Ludius  fulvipes.  Ad- 
dicted to  strong-waters,  Agabus  erythropterus.  Epiphanis 
cornutus.  Stenus  retrusus.  [19]  25:41,  46,  53.  Hickman, 
J.  R. — Life-histories  of  Michigan  Haliplidae.  [Pap.  Michi- 
gan Acad.  Sci.  Arts  &  Letters]  11:399-424,  ill.  Marcu,  O. 

— Beitrage  zur  kenntnis  der  stridulations-organe  der  Cur- 
culioniden.  [34]  87:283-289,  ill.  *Martin,  J.  O.— Notes  on 
the  genus  Diodyrhynchus  with  a  description  of  a  new  spe- 
cies. [55]  6:  129-130.  *Omer-Cooper,  J. — The  British  species 
of  Gyrinus.  [8]  66:64-72,  cont.  Park,  O. — Studies  in  the 
ecology  of  forest  Coleoptera.  Serai  and  seasonal  succession 
of  Coleoptera  in  the  Chicago  area,  with  observations  on  cer- 
tain phases  of  hibernation  and  aggregation.  [7]  23:57-80, 
ill.  Pierce,  W.  D. — Notes  on  the  canafistula  weevils  of  the 
genus  Phelomerus  (Mylabridae).  (S).  [10]  32:37-48,  ill. 
Porter,  C.  E. — Nota  acerca  de  tin  Cerambicido  sud-ameri- 
cano.  [44]  32:287.  Spessivtseff,  P. — Memorandum  to  the 
forest  entomologists  and  other  entomologists  who  are  inter- 
ested in  the  study  of  bark-beetles.  [21]  42:22-23.  Stuardo, 
C. — Notas  Entomologicas.  Breves  anotaciones  sobre  Apion 
tenebricosum.  (S).  [44]  32:226-229,  ill.  Van  Dyke,  E.  P.- 
The  correct  names  of  certain  species  of  North  American 
Meloe  (Meloidae).  [55]  6:  122.  *Voss,  E. — Die  unterfami- 
lien  Attelabinae  u.  Apoderinae.  (18.  Beitrag  zur  kenntnis 
der  Curculioniden).  (S).  [60]  90:161-242.  *Wendeler,  H. 

— Neue    exotische    Staphyliniden.    (S).    [Neue    Beit.    Syst. 
Insekten.]  4:  181-192,  cont. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Banks,  N.— Four  new  species  of 
Psammocharidae.  [5]  36:326-327.  Bequaert,  J. — Some  ad- 
ditional remarks  on  the  masarid  wasps.  [5]  36:364-369. 
*Cushman,  R.  A. — A  revision  of  the  North  American  spe- 
cies of  ichneumon-flies  of  the  genus  Odontomcrus.  [50]  77, 
Art  3:  15pp.,  ill.  Custer,  C.  P. — Notes  on  cocoons  and  para- 
sites of  Melissodes  obliqua  and  nests  o!~  Pt-rdita  opuntiae 
(Apoidea).  [5]  36:293-295.  Ebel,  P.  G.— El  Syntomaspis 
laetus.  (S).  1 44]  167-170,  ill.  *Friese,  H.— Ueber  "Gold- 
bienen"-Euglossa  cordata  und  verwandte  (Apid.).  (S). 

172  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

[89]  59:  131-138,  ill.  *Gallardo,  A.— Notas  sobre  las  Dori- 
linas  argentinas.  [An.  Mus.  Nac.  Hist.  Nat.,  Buenos  Aires] 
36:43-48.  Graenicher,  S. — Bee-fauna  and  vegetation  of  the 
Miami  region  of  Florida.  [7]  23:  153-174.  Hammer,  H.  K. 

— Ueber  Mutilliden  mit  besonderer  beriicksichtigung  der  in 
der  wiener  ungebung  bisher  aufgefundenen  arten.  [26]  10: 
61-64,  cont.  *Kinsey,  A.  C. — The  gall  wasp  genus  Cynips. 
A  study  in  the  origin  of  species.  577pp.,  ill.  Pate,  V.  S.  L. 

—Additions  to  the  New  York  State  List  of  insects.  [19] 
25:40-41.  Rau,  P. — The  nesting  habits  of  Emphor  bombi- 
formis.  [19]  25:28-34,  ill.  *Roman,  A.— Oxford  University 
Expedition,  1928. — Ichneumonidae  collected  by  R.  W.  G. 
Kingston  on  the  Oxford  University  Expedition  to  Green- 
land, 1928.  [75]  5:281-288.  *Roberts,  R.— Descriptions  of 
five  new  species  of  vespoid  wasps.  [5]  36:  358-363.  Schmie- 
deknecht,  O. — Opuscula  Ichneumonologica.  Supp.  Bd.  Genus 
Ichneumon,  p.  433-450.  Genus  Amblyteles.  p.  1-64.  Tulloch, 
G.  S. — The  proper  use  of  the  terms  parapsides  and  parap- 
sidal  furrows.  [5]  36:376-382.  *Weld,  L.  H.— Three  new 
gall-flies  from  Arizona  (Cynipidae).  [10]  32:28-31.  *  Wheel- 
er, W.  M. — The  ant  Prenolepis  imparis.  [7]  23:1-26,  ill. 
Wheeler,  W.  M. — A  new  Emeryella  from  Panama.  [Pro. 
New  England  Zoo.  Club]  12:9-13,  ill. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES.— Die  Fliegen  der  Palaearktischen 
Region.  Ed.  by  E.  Lindner,  Stuttgart,  1924-.  This  work, 
although  treating  of  the  palearctic  species  only,  should  be 
valuable  to  serious  students  of  diptera.  Forty  numbers 
(Lieferungen)  have  been  issued  with  many  colored  plates. 

Recent  Publications  on  Stoneflies. 

NOIS. By  THEODORE  H.  FRISON.  111.  Nat.  Hist.  Sur.  Bull. 
Vol.  XVIII,  Art.  II  pp.  345-409,  1929,  with  77  text  figures. 
"In  this  paper  are  presented  the  results  of  an  investigation  of 
the  biological  and  systematical  characteristics  of  five  genera, 
comprising  eleven  species,  of.  the  little  known  fall  and  winter 
stonefiies  occurring  in  Illinois.  It  has  been  found  that  these 
species  differ  biologically  from  one  another  in  respect  to  their 
seasonal  adjustments,  the  habitats  they  prefer,  in  position,  and 
in  many  other  details  of  their  life  histories.  In  opposition  to 
general  ideas  concerning  the  food  habits  of  the  order  as  a  whole, 
the  adults  as  well  as  the  nymphs  were  found  to  be  herbivorous." 

"Because  of  a  previous  erroneous  designation  of  a  genotype, 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  173 

it  has  been  necessary  to  replace  the  generic  name  of  Ncphclop- 
tcryx  Klap  with  Taeniopteryx  Pict.  (Scnsu  str.),  revive  the 
name  Brachyptera  for  another  generic  complex,  substitute 
Tacnioucnui  for  a  Nearctic  complex,  and  erect  a  new  Nearctic 
genus  Strophopteryx,  and  three  species  new  to  science  have 
been  described  (Allocapnia  niystica,  A.  forbcsi  and  Lcnctra 
claasseniy . 

The  above  summary  indicates  the  thoroughness  with  which 
Dr.  Prison  has  pursued  the  detailed  study  of  these  small  stone- 
flies.  So  painstakingly  has  he  searched  the  large  and  small 
streams  of  the  state  that  it  seems  quite  unlikely  that  any  addi- 
tional species  of  the  fall  and  winter  forms  will  soon  be  discov- 
ered in  Illinois. 

Except  for  Newcomer's  *  observation  on  the  feeding  habits 
of  Taeniopteryx  (sen.  lat.)  and  Wu's  -  comprehensive  study  of 
Nemoura  valllcularia  practically  nothing  has  been  published  in 
North  America  on  the  biology  of  the  Nemouridae  and  Cap- 

Dr.  Prison  has,  with  considerable  detail,  studied  the  biology 
of  the  nymphs  and  adults  of  the  following  six  species :  Taeniop- 
teryx nivaiis  Fitch,  Strophopteryx  fasciata  Burm,  Allocapnia 
invstica  Prison,  A.  recta  Clsn.,  A.  granulata  Clsn.,  and  A. 
I'h'ipara  Clsn.  In  addition  to  these,  both  nymphs  and  adults  are 
described  of :  Taeniopteryx  paruula  Bks.,  Lcnctra  claasscni 
Prison,  and  Allocapnia  pygmaca  Burm.,  and  the  adult  of  A. 
forbcsi  Prison  as  well  as  an  adult  female  Capnia  sp. 

Keys  are  included  for  separating  the  species  of  both  nymphs 
and  adults.  The  figures  depict  the  genital  and  other  structural 
characters,  photographs  of  nymphs,  adults  and  habitats. 

Mem.  Coll.  Sci.,  Kyoto  Imp.  Univ.  Ser.  B.  Vol.  IV,  No.  2  (Art. 
4)  pp.  97-155.  1929,  with  one  plate  and  26  text  figures.  "In 
the  present  paper  are  chiefly  recorded  well-defined  nymphs  rep- 
resenting the  fourteen  known  genera  and  a  curious  nymph  of 
the  new  genus  Scopura.  Besides  these  immature  forms  here 
recorded  are  added  descriptions  of  six  adult  stoneflies  which 
seem  apparently  to  be  of  new  species." 

A  little  more  than  a  page  is  devoted  to  the  discussion  of 
"Habitats  and  Distribution."  This  is  followed  by  a  key  to  the 
genera  of  nymphs  found  in  Japan  and  by  descriptions  and  inci- 

1  Newcomer,  E.  J.  Some  Stoneflies  Injurious  to  Vegetation.  Jr.  Agr. 
Res.  Vol.  XIII,  No.  1,  pp.  37-42,  1918. 

"  Wu,  C.  F.  Morphology,  Anatomy  and  Ethology  of  Nemoura.  Bull. 
Lloyd  Libr.  No.  23,  Ent.  Ser.  No.  3,  pp.  1-81,  1923. 

174  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

dental  observations  on  the  behavior  of  some  of  the  nymphs  and 
adults.  The  illustrations  are  excellent.  Most  interesting  is  the 
description  of  a  nymph  which  Ueno  christens  Scopu-ra  lontja 
and  appears  to  be  related  to  Ptcronarcys  and  Lcptopcrla.  This 
nymph  possesses  a  ring  of  copious  gill  tufts  which  surround 
the  entire  tenth  abdominal  segment  and  which  are  said  to  be 
retractile.  The  subanal  lobes  are  extremely  long  and  slender. 
Unfortunately  the  adult  of  this  species  is  not  definitely  known 
so  that  its  affinities  can  be  ascertained  with  certainty. 

State  College  of  Forestry,  Roosevelt  Wild  Life  Annals,  Vol.  2. 
No.  2.  pp.  155-240,  1929.  (b)  THE  FOOD  OF  TROUT  STREAM 
MUTTKOWSKI  and  GILBERT  M.  SMITH;  Above  publication,  pp. 
242-263.  On  page  186-190  of  the  first  of  the  above  papers, 
notes  are  given  on  the  occurrence  and  behavior  of  the  stoneflies 
which  were  found  in  the  streams  in  Yellowstone  Park.  Ptcro- 
narcys californica  Newpt.  and  Acroneitria  pacifica  Bks.  were 
found  to  be  most  abundant  and  the  discussion  centers  largely 
around  these  two  species.  Of  Ptcronarcys  californica  Mutt- 
kowski  says  :  "Strange  to  say  they  eat  plant  food  almost  en- 
tirely, differing  in  this  respect  from  other  perloid  nymphs/'  As 
a  matter  of  fact  only  the  species  belonging  to  the  family  Per- 
lidae  (except  Pcltopcrla]  are  carnivorous,  all  the  rest  being 
herbivorous  in  food  habits. 

In  the  second  paper,  on  the  Food  of  Trout  Streams,  tabulated 
data  are  given  (pp.  246-249)  on  the  food  of  the  nymphs  of 
Ptcrnarcys  californica  Newpt.,  Acroncuria  pacifica  Bks.  and 
Pcrla  vertically  Bks.,  showing  that  of  these  three  species  only 
P.  californica  is  essentially  an  herbivore  while  the  other  two 
species  are  mainly  carnivorous.  The  mistakes  which  have  crept 
into  the  "List  of  References"  at  the  end  of  the  second  paper 
and  into  the  introduction  of  the  first  paper  are  not  sufficiently 
serious  so  as  to  be  misleading. 

It  is  gratifying  to  know  that  within  the  last  few  years  the 
stonefly  fauna  of  China  has  begun  to  receive  some  attention. 
Both  Dr.  C.  F.  Wu  of  Yenching  University,  Peiping,  and  Mr. 
Y.  T.  Chu  of  St.  Johns,  Shanghai,  have  published  several  pa- 
pers in  The  China  Journal,  describing  new  species  of  Plecoptera 
from  China. 

Mention  should  also  be  made  of  the  papers  which  Mr.  R. 
Despax  has  published,  in  Bull.  Soc.  D'Hist.  Nat.  de  Toulouse, 
on  the  Nemouridae,  during  the  past  year. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  175 

A.  B.  Martynov,  of  de  Gorsky  Institute  Agronomique,  in 
1928,  published  a  paper  on  Plecopteren  des  Kaukasus,  in  Tra- 
vaux  de  la.  Sta.  Biol.  du  Caucase  du  Xord,  in  which  he  de- 
scribes 17  new  species  and  2  new  forms  of  Nemoura  and 

Within  the  next  few  months  the  reviewer  hopes  to  publish  a 
manuscript  on  the  immature  stages  of  the  stoneflies  of  North 
America  in  which  will  be  included  descriptions,  figures  and 
biological  notes  of  some  70  species. 



May  29,   1844— March  13,   1930 

Exceeding  by  more  than  fifteen  years  the  biblical  allotment, 
a  long  life  of  unusual  influence  and  productiveness  ended  on 
March  13,  1930,  with  the  death  of  Dr.  S.  A.  Forbes,  chief  of 
the  State  Natural  History  Survey  and  professor  of  entomology, 
emeritus,  in  the  University  of  Illinois.  Doctor  Forbes  was  one 
of  the  outstanding  entomologists  of  that  pioneer  group  who 
wrote  the  first  chapter  of  America's  entomological  history  in 
such  strong  and  enduring  fashion. 

Born  May  29,  1844,  in  Stephenson  County,  Illinois,  IK>  spent 
his  early  years  on  his  father's  farm.  Reviewing  his  subsequent 
accomplishments,  one  is  astonished  to  learn  that  his  earl}-  school- 
ing was  much  neglected,  that  he  never  graduated  from  a  col- 
lege, and  that  he  never  took  a  formal  college  course  in  any  of 
the  many  subjects  he  subsequently  taught. 

Fatherless  from  the  age  of  10,  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  the 
7th  Illinois  Cavalry  in  1861  at  the  age  of  17,  and  advanced  to 
a  captaincy  at  20.  He  spent  four  months  in  a  Confederate 
prison.  After  recovering  from  the  diseases  there  contracted, 
he  returned  to  his  regiment  and  continued  in  active  service 
until  the  end  of  the  war.  Following  the  war  he  studied  in 
Beloit  Academy  and  nearly  finished  the  course  in  medicine  at 
Rush  Medical  College;  but,  changing  his  plans,  he  began  the 
independent  study  of  natural  history  while  a  teacher  in  the 

176  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

public  schools  of  Illinois.  By  private  study  he  also  mastered 
French,  Spanish  and  Italian  and  learned  to  read  Greek. 

His  public  service  began  with  his  appointment,  in  1872,  as 
curator  of  the  museum  of  the  State  Natural  History  Society, 
at  Normal,  Illinois.  Five  years  later  the  museum  became,  by 
legislative  enactment,  the  State  Laboratory  of  Natural  History 
with  Mr.  Forbes  as  director.  Five  years  later  (1882)  he  was 
appointed  by  the  governor  to  succeed  Cyrus  Thomas  as  the 
fourth  State  Entomologist  of  Illinois.  In  1884  Forbes  became 
professor  of  zoology  and  entomology  at  the  University  of 
Illinois,  and  the  offices  of  State  Entomologist  and  director  of  the 
State  Laboratory  of  Natural  History  were  moved  to  Urbana. 
In  1888  he  was  made  Dean  of  the  College  of  Science,  which 
position  he  rilled  for  sixteen  years.  In  1909  the  department  of 
entomology  was  organized  separately  from  zoology,  with  Pro- 
fessor Forbes  as  Head.  Without  interrupting  his  fifty-six  year 
period  of  service  to  the  State  and  the  University,  his  title  was 
changed  in  1917,  when  the  State  Laboratory  of  Natural  History 
and  the  State  Entomologist's  office  were  merged  into  the 
Natural  History  Survey,  a  Division  of  the  State  Department  of 
Registration  and  Education,  with  Dr.  Forbes  as  its  chief.  He 
became  emeritus  professor  of  entomology  in  1921,  but  con- 
tinued as  chief  of  the  Survey  until  his  death. 

His  publications  in  natural  history,  begun  in  1870  in  the 
American  Entomologist  and  Botanist,  numbered  at  the  time  of 
his  death  over  500  titles,  of  which  about  400  dealt  with  various 
phases  of  entomology.  His  most  important  papers  are  to  be 
found  in  his  eighteen  Reports  on  the  Injurious  and  Beneficial 
Insects  of  Illinois,  in  the  Bulletin  of  the  State  Laboratory  of 
Natural  History,  later  the  Bulletin  of  the  State  Natural  His- 
tory Survey  and  in  his  Final  Reports  on  the  Biology  of  Illinois. 
Some  of  the  best  known  of  his  entomological  publications  deal 
with  the  insects  of  Indian  corn,  of  strawberries,  of  sugar  beets, 
the  chinch  bug,  Hessian  fly,  white  grubs,  San  Jose  scale,  corn 
root  aphid,  army  worm,  codling  moth,  black  flies  and  insect 
diseases.  In  all  of  these  subjects,  and  others,  he  made  funda- 
mental contributions  to  economic  entomology  and  ecology, 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  177 

which  have  endured  and  are  today  models  of  clarity,  originality 
and  completeness.  His  writings  are  characterized  by  their  re- 
markably simple  and  lucid  expression,  their  excellent  illustra- 
tions, their  intensely  practical,  economic  nature,  and  reveal  a 
deep  appreciation  of  fundamental  biological  principles  and  of 
the  importance  of  the  interrelations  of  insects  with  their  en- 
vironment and  with  other  living  things. 

Those  who  know  only  his  entomological  writings,  may  be 
surprised  at  the  wide  variety  of  his  biological  interests,  and  to 
know  that  his  publications  dealt  in  masterly  fashion  with  such 
diverse  subjects  as  birds,  fishes,  Crustacea,  leeches,  bacteria, 
rotifers,  the  parasites  of  swine,  museum  methods  and  pedagogy. 
His  most  intimate  friends  and  associates  marveled  at  his  interest 
in,  and  depth  of  understanding  of  other  fields  of  knowledge: 
history,  music,  art,  politics,  languages,  literature,  agriculture, 
horticulture,  world  affairs,  the  social  sciences — he  studied  them 
all  in  order  to  relate  his  own  work  most  effectively  to  the  mate- 
rial and  intellectual  progress  of  his  state. 

Although  his  nearly  sixty  years  of  public  service  in  a  single 
broad  field  of  knowledge  and  in  one  state,  is  almost  without 
precedent,  Professor  Forbes  found  time  to  do  many  other 
things.  He  took  a  deep  and  active  interest  in  civic  and  charit- 
able affairs.  He  maintained  to  the  end  of  his  career  a  profound 
interest  in  the  teaching  of  natural  science,  especially  in  the 
high  schools.  One  of  the  last  big  tasks  that  he  accomplished 
was  a  comprehensive  plan  for  making  available  to  the  high 
schools  of  the  State  hundreds  of  sets  of  the  publications  of  his 
department,  each  set  comprising  over  5,000  pages  of  printed 
matter  and  illustrations  on  the  native  insects,  birds,  fishes,  trees 
and  other  forms  of  life.  In  his  earlier  years  he  made  a  num- 
ber of  scientific  surveys  outside  of  Illinois  as  a  special  agent 
for  the  United  States  Fish  Commission.  He  managed  in  1893, 
an  unusually  comprehensive  and  original  exhibit  at  the1  World's 
Columbian  Exposition  in  Chicago.  He  was  an  American  dele- 
gate to  the  third  international  entomological  congress,  at  ( )x- 
ford  in  1912.  He  was  one  of  fifteen  entomologists  who  have 
been  named  as  Honorary  Fellows  in  the  Entomological  Society 

178  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '30 

of  America,  and  in  1928  was  elected  as  one  of  two  honorary 
members  of  the  fourth  international  congress  of  entomologists 
held  at  Cornell  University.  He  was  a  member  of  the  National 
Academy  of  Sciences  and  of  the  American  Philosophical 
Society.  Many  other  honorary  and  scientific  organizations  have 
given  him  the  highest  distinction  at  their  command.  He  twice 
served  as  president  of  the  American  Association  of  Economic 
Entomologists,  and  has  also  held  the  highest  office  in  the 
Entomological  Society  of  America,  the  Ecological  Society  of 
America,  and  the  Illinois  State  Academy  of  Science. 

He  was  affectionately  called  "the  dean  of  American  Eco- 
nomic Entomologists",  "the  first  economic  ornithologist  in 
America",  "the  founder  of  the  science  of  ecology".  He  was 
credited  with  having  laid  the  foundation  of  taxonomic  work  on 
American  Crustacea  and  was  a  recognized  authority  on  con- 
servation, particularly  fresh  water  biology  and  stream  pollution. 
In  1884  Indiana  University  conferred  upon  him  the  degree  of 
Doctor  of  Philosophy,  and  in  1905,  at  the  conclusion  of  his  long 
service  as  Dean,  he  was  given  the  honorary  Doctorate  of  Laws 
by  the  University  of  Illinois. 

Professor  Forbes  maintained  his  physical  vigor  and  tireless 
industry  and  enthusiasm  until  about  two  weeks  before  his  death. 
Clara  Gaston  Forbes,  who  became  his  wife  in  1873,  preceded 
him  in  death  by  less  than  two  months. 

Fearless,  eternally  youthful,  unostentatiously  confident  and 
inspiring,  never  seeking  favor  or  preferment  but  continually 
in  demand  by  recognition  of  his  worth,  this  man  was  revered 
by  his  peers  and  colleagues  for  his  breadth  and  clarity  of  vision, 
his  kindly,  helpful  criticism  and  sympathy,  his  infectious  en- 
thusiasm, his  brilliant  intellect  and  impregnable  strength  of 
character,  and  his  loyal  and  genial  friendship. 


FRANK  HAIMBACH,  lepidopterist,  secretary  and  treasurer  of 
The  American  Entomological  Society,  died  April  1,  1930.  A 
notice  of  his  life  and  work  will  appear  in  a  later  number  of 
the  NEWS. 

JUNE,  193O 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  6 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera — XV.  .  179 

Fender — A  New  Butterfly  Aberration  (Lepid.:  Nyraphalidae) 182 

Hebard— Type  Fixation 183 

Rau — Behavior  Notes  on  the  Yellow  Jacket,  Vespa  germanica  (Hymen- 

optera  :  Vespidae) 185 

Parshley — Gall  Wasps  and  the  Species  Problem 191 

Calvert — Dynastes  tityus  (Scarabaeid)  in  Pennsylvania  and  the  Rath- 

von  and.Auxer  Collections  of  Coleoptera 195 

Bequaert — Tsetse  Flies — Past  and  Present  (Diptera  :  Muscoidea)  .  .  .  202 

Hay  ward — Notes  on  Utah  Vespidae  (Hymen.) 204 

Weber — A  New  Textbook  of  Entomology 205 

Haimbach— On  the  Seventieth  Birthday  of  Dr.  Adelbert  Seitz 'joti 

Cockerel!,  Knight  and  Swaine — Preliminary  Report  on  Nomenclature 

Proposals 207 

Entomological  Literature ' 210 

Obituary — Dr.  William  Barnes 214 


Logan  Square 

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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,  Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee :     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Alorton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr., 

Wm.  W.  Chapman. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
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MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
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Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
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The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
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Plate  XVII. 




VOL.  XLI.  JUNE,   1930  No.  6 

North  American  Institutions  featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XV.     Entomological   Branch,   Department  of   Agriculture, 
Ottawa,  Ontario,  Canada. 

P>y  J.  D.  GUXDKK,   Pasadena,  California. 
(Plates  XVII.  XVIII). 

Most  friendly  relations  have  existed  for  many  years  between 
the  entomologists  of  the  United  States  and  Canada.  There  is 
little  natural  barrier  between  the  countries  and  their  questions 
of  economic  and  systematic  importance  are  similar.  An  ex- 
ample of  the  mutual  and  beneficial  co-operation  in  the  matter 
of  insect  control  is  shown  by  the  conferences  which  have  been 
held  during  recent  years  to  devise  ways  and  means  of  fighting 
the  European  corn  borer  and  other  pests.  Fortunately  the  offi- 
cial entomologists  of  both  countries  have  been  men  of  high 
character  and  free  from  certain  stupid  personalities  of  excessive 

Canada  first  appointed  a  special  entomologist  in  1884.  but  the 
real  development  and  expansion  of  the  work  did  not  begin  until 
about  1909  when  the  dreaded  brown-tail  moth  was  found  in 
shipments  of  nursery  stock  from  France.  This  necessitated  the 
passing  of  special  legislation  in  1910,  giving  the  Agriculture 
Department  power  to  inspect  plant  products  entering  Canada, 
and  to  take  such  means  as  were  considered  advisable  to  .prevent 
the  spreading  of  harmful  insects  already  prevalent.  P.v  1()14 
entomology  bad  developed  to  such  an  extent  that  a  separate 
sub-department  of  the  Government's  Department  of  Agriculture 
was  set  aside  under  the  title  of  Kntomological  P.rancb  and  head- 
quarters were  established  in  the  Hirks  I'uilding1  at  Ottawa 

1  This  six-story  building  is  <l<>\vn-tu\vii  in  UK-  business  section  and  the 
offices  of  the  Branch  occupy  the  upper  floors,  the  lower  floors  being  de- 
voted to  various  commercial  businesses  and  shops.  Although  the  loca- 
tion is  convenient,  there  is  alwa\s  that  ha/anl  of  lire  which  would  destn>\, 
not  only  departmental  records,  but  insert  o>ll<rtinns  as  well.  If  types  are 
at  least  separated  into  separate  drawers  or  cabinets,  they  can  perch. m<  > 
be  carried  out  in  time.  I  have  in  mind  the  destruction  by  fire  of  the 


180  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '30 

where  they  remain  today.  The  present  divisional  organization 
consists  of  the  following  well-known  officials :  Arthur  Gibson, 
Dominion  Entomologist  and  Head  of  Branch;  J.  M.  Swaine, 
Associate  Dominion  Entomologist  and  administrator  of  the  Di- 
vision of  Forest  Insects;  H.  G.  Crawford,  Chief  of  the  Division 
of  Eield  Crop  and  Garden  Insects;  L.  S.  McLaine,  Chief  of  the 
Division  of  Foreign  Pests  and  Suppression  ,and  J.  H.  McDun- 
nough,  Chief  of  Division  of  Systematic  Entomology. 

Mr.  Arthur  Gibson  was  born  in  Toronto  in  1875  and  has  been 
in  the  service  of  the  Canadian  government  for  over  thirty  years. 
He  entered  the  Federal  Department  of  Agriculture  in  1899  as 
assistant  in  the  division  of  botany  and  entomology  at  the  Ex- 
perimental Farm,  Ottawa  and  in  1908  was  promoted  to  the 
position  of  chief  assistant  entomologist.  Upon  the  death  of  Dr. 
Hewitt  in  1920,  Mr.  Gibson  was  made  Dominion  Entomologist 
and  head  of  the  Entomological  Branch,  a  position  which  corre- 
sponds to  that  at  present  held  by  Dr.  Marlatt  and  formerly  by 
Dr.  L.  O.  Howard.  Mr.  Gibson  is  a  very  able  organizer  and  a 
thorough  entomologist  and  Canada  is  fortunate  to  have  had  for 
so  many  years  such  a  capable  executive  in  office.2 

Dr.  fames  H.  McDunnough  is  known  to  practically  every 
entomological  student  in  this  country  and  abroad  because  of  his 
splendid  work  in  the  Order  Lepidoptera.  Few  systematists 
have  had  the  chance,  or  the  ability,  to  accomplish  as  much  as 
he  has.  I  think  he  deserves  to  be  called  a  builder  of  great  Lepi- 
doptera collections. 

From  1909  to  March  25,  1919,  Dr.  McDunnough  was  curator 
of  the  William  Barnes  collection  at  Decatur,  Illinois  and  he  was 
the  first  man  to  systematically  arrange  this  largest  of  boreal 
American  collections.  One  of  the  results  was  the  Barnes  ev 
McDunnough  Check  List  of  1(>17.  This  list  was  not  a  repro- 

Academy  of  Sciences  in  San  Francisco  which  was  similarly  located.  Had 
the  lepidopterous  types  of  Behr  and  others  been  separated  out  of  the 
main  collections,  they  could  have  heen  saved.  Certain  insect  types  which 
were  separated,  WERE  SAVED.  I  call  Mr.  Gibbon's  attention  to  the  point 
of  type-separation  and  also,  for  example,  to  the  arrangement  for  valuable 
types  which  the  American  Museum  has  inaugurated. 

"  Photo  Plate  XVII,  showing  Mr.  Gibson  at  his  desk,  was  unfortunately 
reversed  in  the  original  making.  Mr.  Gibson  is  not  left-handed  and  also 
he  is  much  better  looking  than  the  photo  would  give  him  credit  for  being ! 


Plate  XVIII. 


xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  181 

duction,  like  many  of  the  older  lists,  but  was  original  in  revision 
and  today  the  moth,  or  lleterocera,  portion  continues  to  be  the 
latest  available  compilation.  While  at  Dccatur  he  also  revised 
the  Cossidae  and  the  Olcnc  group  of  moths,  in  addition  to  writ- 
ing many  smaller  papers  with  Dr.  Barnes.  Mr.  Foster  II. 
Benjamin  once  told  me  that  working  on  Lepidoptera  under  Dr. 
Barnes  was  "like  taking  a  post-graduate  course,  you  really  began 
to  make  fewer  mistakes". 

When  Dr.  McDunnough  went  to  Ottawa,  in  April,  1919,  to 
take  charge  of  Canada's  budding  National  Collection  of  Insects 
and  to  devote  himself  to  its  systematic  study,  he  found  plenty 
to  do.  There  were  many  thousands  of  insects  in  unclassified 
condition  which  had  to  be  sorted  into  families  and  genera ;  the 
specimens  needed  systematic  transfer  into  additional  steel 
cabinets  in  order  to  have  them  available  for  future  study  and 
there  was  only  a  small  entomological  library,  scarcely  suited  to 
the  demands  of  a  systematise  How  rapidly  Canada's  collections 
have  been  built  up  is  noted  in  a  recent  article  by  Dr.  McDun- 
nough, when  he  says—  "I  am  proud  to  say  that  today  we  have  a 
National  Collection  of  Insects  which  ranks  among  the  leading 
collections  of  the  North  American  continent  and  a  taxonomic 
library  which  is  not  only  one  of  the  finest  specialized  libraries  in 
Government  service,  but  also  probably  the  best  of  its  kind  in 

The  insects  are  housed  in  more  than  30  steel  cabinets  which 
contain  approximately  1600  drawers  apportioned  as  follows: 
625  for  Lepidoptera  ;  250  for  Coleoptera ;  225  for  Diptera ;  200 
for  Hymenoptera ;  50  for  Hemiptera ;  50  for  Orthoptera ;  75 
for  Odonata ;  50  for  Ephemeridae  and  25  drawers  for  various 
Neuropteroid  insects.  There  are  also  several  cabinets  contain- 
ing alcoholic  material  of  Arachnida,  Odonata  and  Ephemerida 
and  slide-cabinets  for  material  in  plant-lice,  fleas,  thrips,  etc. 
The  following  Lepidoptera  collections  of  note  contribute  to- 
wards the  general  collection:  Dr.  James  Fletcher  collection, 
excluding  types  which  were  deposited  in  Washington,  D.  C. ; 
Capt.  Gamble  Geddes  collection  consisting  of  general  material 
collected  in  the  vicinity  of  Sudburv  and  Trenton;  C.  H.  .Young 
collection  purchased  in  1913  and  the  result  of  twenty  years' 

182  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [JuilC,  '30 

collecting  near  Ottawa,  being  rich  in  Microlepidoptera  and  con- 
taining some  paratypes  in  the  Pyralidae  and  Tortricidae ;  Arthur 
Gibson  collection  of  general  Lepidoptera  with  many  bred  speci- 
mens;  F.  H.  Wolley-Dod  collection,  especially  good  in  western 
Noctuidae  and  the  J.  W.  Cockle  collection  (purchased)  from 
Kaslo,  British  Columbia,  consisting  of  Mr.  Cockle's  moths  and 
all  of  his  types. 

Up  to  the  present  'and  since  being  with  the  Entomological 
Branch,  Dr.  McDunnough  has  published  in  the  neighborhood  of 
100  taxonomic  papers  and  has  described  nearly  250  new  Lepi- 
doptera and  p]phemerida  (may-flies).  The  types  of  nearly  all 
of  these  are  deposited  in  the  National  Collection.  Each  sum- 
mer, as  time  permits,  the  Doctor  makes  profitable  field  trips  into 
western  districts  and  unexplored  territories.  Much  of  north- 
western Canada  remains  virgin  to  the  entomologist  and  he  hopes 
to  work  out  these  areas. 

Dr.  McDunnough  has  been  editor  of  the  Canadian  Entomolo- 
gist since  1921.  He  was  born  at  Toronto,  Ontario  on  May  10, 
1877,  receiving  an  A.  M.  at  Queens  College  (Canada)  and  his 
Ph.D.  at  Berlin  in  1909. 

Everybody  would  like  to  see  published,  a  Check  List  (if  pos- 
sible, annotated)  of  Canadian  Lepidoptera  and  such  a  list  is 
very  much  needed.  A  well-edited  catalogue  on  where  to  go, 
when  to  go  and  what  to  collect  in  Canada  would  be  a  most 
valuable  contribution  as  published  by  the  Entomological  Branch. 
Such  a  paper  might  be  the  means  of  renewing  interest  in  Lepi- 

— •  •  '  — 

A  New  Butterfly  Aberration  (Lepid.:  Nymphalidae). 

By  K.  M.  FENDER,  McMinnville,  Oregon. 

PHYCIODES  MYLITTA  (Edw.),  n.  aberr.  macyi. 

I  have  caught  an  aberration  of  mylitta  that  1  shall  call  niacyi. 
the  main  difference  between  this  and  iiiylitta  being  on  the  under- 
side of  the  secondaries.  All  the  spots  in  the  limbal  area  are 
fused  into  one  broad  silvered  line.  Macyi  has  the  same  expanse 
as  mylitta. 

Type:  McMinnville.  Oregon,  one  specimen,  September  6, 
1929,  in  the  author's  collection. 

xli,  '30|  F.NTOMOLOGK'AL    NK\VS 

Type  Fixation. 

By  MORGAN  HEBARD,  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

In  the  January  ENTOMOLOGICAL  \K\vs1  appeared  a  caustic 
attack  by  W.  S.  Blatchley  on  the  fixation  of  single  types  of  two 
of  his  species  by  T.  M.  liuhhell.  I'.latchley  has  well  denned  a 
"type"  in  the  modern  restricted  sense  now  generally  accepted, 
but  evidently  does  not  appreciate  the  vast  difference  between 
marking  a  specimen  as  such  and  its  valid  published  first  fixation. 

The  unique  type  (sometimes  termed  holotype)  is  all  important 
we  agree,  and  Hlatchley's  present  trouble  is  entirely  due  to  his 
failure  to  designate  such  types  in  his  descriptions  of  new  species 
published  in  his  "Orthoptera  of  North-Eastern  America"  in 
1919.  Such  action  he  knew  at  that  time  to  be  generally  consid- 
ered of  the  utmost  importance,  indeed  it  has  been  a  requisite  in 
all  publications  of  the  American  Entomological  Society  since 

I  fe  now  says  he  has  expected  to  publish  fixations  of  the  types 
of  all  his  species  in  a  single  paper,  but  as  eleven  years  have 
passed  since  the  description  of  the  species  discussed,  we  are  not 
nearly  as  surprised  as  he  to  find  that  someone  else  is  first  in 
making  these  selections.  That  he  had  labelled  a  specimen  of 
each  species  "type"  in  his  collection  might  have  been  a  factor 
in  choosing  the  proper  specimen  as  type,  but  more  than  one 
specimen  of  the  original  series  of  a  species  has  aften  been  lab- 
elled "type"  in  the  past  and  labels  can  be  removed  or  shifted. 
The  fact  remains  that,  until  the  single  type  of  a  new  species 
hits  been  designated  in  print,  each  specimen  included  without 
(liter  \  in  the  originally  descril>ed  series  must  he  considered  a 
cot  y  pc.  ~-tny  such  specimen  may  he  chosen  as  type  and  the  first 
published  designation  of  such  (hy  the  author  of  the  species  or 
anyone  else)  fixes  the  type  of  that  species  irre-rocuhly. 

As  Hubbell's  is  the  first  fixation  of  the  type  of  the  species 
Ceitthophiliis  davisi  and  C'eiithopliilns  rehehi  (described  by 
Blatchley  in  1919)  and  is  based  in  each  case  on  a  cotype  in  tin- 
Davis  Collection  (from  which  the  original  series  came),  that 

1  Volume  XLI,  pages  17  to  19. 

184  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '30 

action  is  valid  and  is  not  in  any  way  affected  by  Blatchley's  be- 
lated attempt  to  fix  as  these  types  specimens  in  his  own  collec- 
tion, made  paratypes  for  all  time  by  Hubbell's  earlier  and  first 
published  fixation. 

Whether  he  likes  or  not,  Blatchley's  negligence  has  forced 
another  to  select  these  types  and  if  the  type  of  a  species  has  not 
been  indicated  in  the  original  description  and  a  specimen,  in- 
cluded without  query  in  the  originally  described  scries,  is  subse- 
quently indicated  in  print  as  the  type  of  t/iat  species,  all  subse- 
quent type  designations  are  thereby  invalidated  and  have  no 
significance  whatever. 

Blatchley  states  that  he  neither  knows  nor  cares  what  the 
ruling  of  the  Entomological  Code  may  be  in  a  situation  such  as 
his  present  dilemma.  We  are  satisfied  that  Hubbell  has  obeyed 
the  rules  for  single  type  selection  and  that  his  action  will  be 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  as  the  selector  has  the  right  to  choose  any 
cotype,  has  not  Hubbell  made  the  wisest  choice  in  each  case  in 
taking  a  specimen  from  the  series  of  cotypes  belonging  to  the 
collection  which  was  the  source  of  that  entire  series,  rather  than 
from  one  of  the  cotypes  given  to  the  describer  in  return  for 
the  work  he  had  done?  Such  is  indeed  the  almost  universal 
practice  today  between  institutions  or  between  individuals. 

We  have  asked  James  A.  G.  Rehn  for  any  further  comments 
he  might  have  on  this  matter  and  he  has  furnished  the  fol- 
lowing : 

Mr.  Blatchley  in  his  arguments  evidently  declines  to  admit 
that  an  individual  author  has  no  more  control  over  a  species 
once  published  by  him  than  any  other  student.  Once  given  to 
the  world,  a  species  is  world  property  without  prior  lien,  and 
if  the  original  author  failed  to  indicate  a  single  type  and  he  or 
anyone  else  has  not  done  so  in  the  intervening  time,  any  investi- 
gator can  designate  any  one  of  the  originally  studied  series  as 
the  single  type,  no  matter  where  it  may  be  located,  provided  that 
it  was  before  the  describer  at  the  time  of  description.  Mr. 
Blatchley's  contention  would  return  to  Philadelphia  quite  a  few 
insect  types  which  have  since  been  fixed  in  the  collections  of 

xli,  '30 1  I'XTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  185 

other  Institutions,  although  the  main  series  on  which  the  species 
were  based,  and  so  labelled  "type",  are  in  the  Academy  of  Nat- 
ural Sciences.  Therefore  our  remarks  are  not  inspired  by  oppo- 
sition, but  instead  by  the  practice  of  entomologists  at  this  time, 
and  the  universally  recognized  right  of  any  of  the  original 
material  to  be  selected  as  the  single  type  by  any  investigator, 
the  published  fixation  being  the  court  of  last  resort. 

Behavior  Notes  on  the  Yellow  Jacket,  Vespa 
germanica  (Hymen. :  Vespidae). 

By  PHIL  RAU,  Kirkwood,  Missouri. 
(Plate  XIX.) 

While  no  opportunity  has  presented  itself  to  make  a  complete 
study  of  this  widely  distributed  wasp,  these  desultory  notes 
on  certain  aspects  of  its  behavior  may  be  of  interest  in  making 
us  better  acquainted  with  this  already  familiar  little  terror  of 
summer  picnics,  commonly  known  as  the  yellow-jacket.  That 
it  is  a  familiar  figure,  we  all  know ;  that  it  is  of  general  dis- 
tribution is  evidenced  by  the  reports  that  it  is  common  through- 
out the  United  States,  in  Europe  and  Canada. 

One  colony  of  / '.  germanica  was  discovered  at  Wickes, 
Missouri,  on  September  2,  1920.  A  hole  in  the  ground,  three- 
fourths  inch  in  diameter,  went  down  to  the  roof  of  this  nest, 
which  was  two  and  one-half  inches  below  the  surface  of  the 
ground.  The  burrow  containing  this  nest  was  almost  apple- 
shaped,  four  inches  deep  and  three  to  three  and  one-half  inches 
in  diameter.  The  whole  nest  had  probably  been  covered,  or  the 
pocket  in  the  ground  lined,  with  ;i  layer  of  paper,  like  the  cov- 
ering of  a  / '.  niuciilata  nest,  for  many  scraps  of  this  material 
lay  at  the  bottom,  but  people  had  poured  water  into  this  hole 
and  otherwise  tried  to  exterminate  the  wasps,  and  this  mal- 
treatment had  probably  broken  up  this  covering  sheath.  The 
nest  itself  consisted  of  three  combs,  one  atop  the  other,  and 
connected  by  strong  props  or  pedicels. 

The  nest  was  opened  at  9  a.  m.  and  a  cyanide  jar  placed  in 
the  opening.  During  the  next  two  hours,  about  twenty  wasps 
returned;  this  gives  an  indication  of  the  number  out  of  the 

186  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '30 

nest  at  that  hour  in  the  morning.  In  opening  the  nest  forty- 
nine  workers  and  one  queen  were  found ;  this  makes  an  adult 
population  of  approximately  69  workers  and  one  queen ;  no 
males  were  found  at  that  date.  During  the  next  two  hours,  no 
workers  returned,  so  one  can  safely  place  the  population  of 
this  colony  at  70  individuals.  Besides  this,  64  sealed  cells, 
25  large  larvae  and  20  eggs  composed  the  well-filled  nest.  Both 
the  top  and  the  bottom  tier  of  cells  were  almost  empty;  95 
per  cent,  of  the  life  was  in  the  middle  comb. 

The  nest  was  taken  home  and  placed  in  a  cage.  Within  the 
next  two  days,  10  workers  emerged,  quite  active,  despite  the 
inverted  position  of  the  nest.  They  ate  honey  greedily,  and 
were  often  found  with  their  heads  inserted  deep,  into  the 
empty  cells.  They  were  quite  friendly,  and  soon  came  like  pets 
after  molasses.  Later  a  large  stable  fly  was  crushed  and  placed 
on  the  nest ;  soon  it  was  found  that  the  thorax  was  completely 
eaten  out  but  the  head  and  abdomen  remained  untouched.  Thus 
they  were  fed  daily  on  molasses  and  grape  jelly  and  seemed 
contented ;  they  walked  about  on  the  nest,  always  active  and 
alert,  but  never  attempted  to  fly  out. 

Two  nests  were  excavated  a-t  the  end  of  the  season,  and 
figs.  1  and  2,  Plate  XIX,  show  the  full-sized  nests  just  before 
the  disbanding  of  the  colony.  The  nest  in  fig.  1  was  built  in 
a  depression  in  a  terrace  facing  a  busy  street;  the  hollow  was 
enlarged  from  time  to  time  by  the  wasps  carrying  out  pellets 
of  dirt  in  their  jaws  and  dropping  them  while  in  flight.  This 
nest,  inverted  in  the  figure  to  show  construction  of  the  cells, 
was  5^4  inches  high  and  had  six  large  combs,  and  in  addition 
a  small  one  2x2  inches  at  the  bottom  (not  shown  in  fig.).  This 
nest  was  unique  in  that  the  papery  covering,  which  usually 
envelopes  the  entire  nest,  was  thin  and  sparse  everywhere 
except  the  place  where  it  was  needed  most,  the  portion  of  the 
nest  exposed  to  the  street.  Here  not  only  was  it  heavy,  thick 
and  well  constructed,  but  it  was  colored  a  light  yellow  to  match 
beautifully  the  clay  of  the  terrace.  <  nlicr  nests  of  this  species 
were  made  of  a  dark  gray  material  very  unlike  this  one  in  color. 
It  was  so  difficult  to  distinguish  the  nest  from  the  bank  that  in 


Plate  XIX. 


xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKVVS  187 

taking  the  nest  1  jabbed  my  trowel  into  the  nest  thinking  it 
was  the  terraee.  Figure  3  shows  this  clay-colored  paper-wall 
with  opening  in  the  center  amid  the  surrounding  bank  and 
shows  an  ideal  condition  of  protective  coloration.  One  can 
hardly  give  the  wasps  credit  for  consciously  making  this  color 
selection.  Very  likely  the  whole  fabric  was  accidental,  or  at 
least  got  its  start  that  way.  The  wasps  probably  fell  heir  to  a 
light-colored  wood  pulp  and  in  addition,  in  their  duties  of  carry- 
ing out  mud  pellets,  some  mud  may  have  gotten  mixed  with 
the  saliva,  or  pulp. 

While  most  nests  have  round  combs,  as  in  fig.  2,  nest  in 
figure  1  had  each  comb  indented  at  the  same  point,  so  as  to 
form  a  sort  of  stairway  from  comb  to  comb  making  it  quite 
easy  of  access  to  the  workers. 

The  nest  in  fig.  2  was  unearthed  by  Mr.  A.  F.  Satterthwait  of 
Webster  Groves,  Missouri.  The  height  of  the  nest  was  5¥2 
inches  and  had  5  large  combs,  and  in  addition  a  small  one  of  15 
cells  at  the  very  bottom. 

This  nest  too  was  taken  at  the  end  of  the  season,  and  there- 
fore was  a  full-grown  nest.  This  nest  was  reached  by  the  in- 
habitants through  a  hole  in  the  flat  surface  of  the  earth,  and  had 
its  enormously  thick  paper  sheets,  not  at  the  side  of  the  nest  as 
in  fig.  1,  but  at  the  top  where  it  would  serve  better  for  protec- 
tion from  the  elements.  The  thickness  of  this  papery  roof  was 
in  excess  of  one  inch. 

The  wasps  seem  not  to  know  when  ibe  season  nears  its  close, 
and  there  is  an  enormous  waste  of  immature  life  when  cold 
weather  approaches.  At  the  end  of  the  season  one  often  finds 
many  cells  in  course  of  construction,  and  enormous  numbers  of 
eggs  and  larvae,  which  can  never  reach  maturity. 

It  is  well  known  that  these  little  creatures  are  scavengers. 
but  I  have  not  been  sure  heretofore  that  they  attack  and  kill 
other  insects  for  food.  At  last  one  morning  at  an  early  hour 
I  saw  one  of  them  in  the  road  attacking  a  red-winded  moth; 
hence  it  seems  that  this  wasp,  besides  picking  up  bits  of  dead 
animal  remains,  also  gets  live  prey  by  direct  attack.  In  this  case 
the  wasp  evidently  had  attacked  prey  that  was  in  torpid  condi- 
tion due  to  the  chill  of  the  night.  When  I  crept  near  and  ex- 

188  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June, '30 

amined  it,  I  found  a  goodly  chunk  had  been  bitten  out  of  the 
side  of  the  thorax,  with  the  fore-wing  and  leg  still  attached. 
The  wasp  proceeded  to  bite  off  the  wing  and  then  the  leg,  and 
discarded  them  ;  it  then  took  up  the  fleshy  part  of  the  portion 
bitten  out,  mounted  into  the  air  in  a  flight  of  orientation  and 
flew  to  a  tree  near  by,  thence  away.  Since  she  had  taken  her 
flight  of  orientation,  I  expected  her  to  return,  so  I  stealthily 
examined  her  moth ;  it  was  still  soft,  and  beside  it  lay  the 
discarded  wing,  and  also  the  head  which  she  had  amputated. 

True  to  my  expectations,  she  returned  after  five  minutes, 
flew  direct  to  her  moth,  removed  the  left  hind  wing  and  then 
struggled  to  get  rid  of  the  right  ones.  She  then  removed  a 
large  mouthful  of  choice  meat  from  the  abdomen,  flew  to  the 
tree  as  before  and  away  to  the  northwest.  After  just  four 
minutes  she  again  returned,  flew  direct  to  the  carcass  and  got 
another  portion  with  a  leg  still  attached  to  it ;  with  this  she 
repeated  her  course,  to  the  tree  and  thence  away  again  to  the 

During  her  absence  of  five  minutes,  I  thought  to  do  a  little 
experimenting.  All  this  time  I  had  been  sitting  on  the  ground 
about  eighteen  inches  from  her  morsel,  and  my  paraphernalia 
less  than  a  foot  from  it.  1  suspected  that  she  had  associated  me 
and  mine  with  the  location  of  her  property  ;  therefore  I  removed, 
bag  and  baggage,  six  feet  to  the  north.  My  removal  must  have 
caused  some  confusion,  for  it  took  her  five  minutes  to  find  what 
she  sought.  She  took  her  morsel  and  departed  by  her  estab- 
lished route.  After  six  minutes  she  returned.  In  the  interval 
I  had  placed  a  green  leaf  over  the  abdomen  of  the  moth  and 
moved  its  bright-colored  wings  an  inch  away.  Upon  returning, 
the  wasp  flew  to  the  wings,  examined  them  and  tried  to  bite 
off  a  tiny  bit  of  muscle  tissue  at  the  base,  walked  away  a  mo- 
ment, returned  and  again  scrutini/.ed  the  wings  and  surround- 
ings, this  time  more  excitedly,  until  quite  by  chance  she  discover- 
ed the  carcass  under  the  edge  of  the  leaf.  She  began  to  bite  off 
another  portion  as  before,  when  an  accident  occurred  which 
added  to  the  interest  of  the  experiment.  A  dog  ran  past  and 
put  her  to  flight.  She  flew  away  in  a  huff,  and  fluttered  about 
in  the  vicinity  for  two  minutes,  and  when  she  returned  she 
again  came  to  the  bright  wings,  bit  at  them  and  examined  them 

xli,  '30J  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NKWS  189 

just  as  before  and  flew  away,  came  back  and  explored  the 
region  on  foot  repeatedly  and  for  twenty  minutes  seemed  to  try 
her  utmost  to  locate  her  lost  property.  She  had  left  without 
a  flight  of  orientation  after  she  had  found  it  under  the  leaf, 
and  although  she  was  absent  only  two  minutes  before  she  tried 
to  come  back  to  it,  she  could  not  tell  where  it  lay.  Then  1  re- 
moved the  leaf,  whereupon  she  found  it  almost  at  once  and 
proceeded  to  get  her  morsel.  These  disturbances  and  tricks 
may  have  taxed  her  patience  too  much,  or  her  wants  may  have 
been  satisfied;  at  least  she  returned  no  more.  The  moth  proved 
to  be  a  female  heavily  laden  with  eggs  ;  this  is  the  first  intimation 
I  have  had  that  this  little  wasp,  commonly  regarded  as  an 
enemy,  may  be  of  economic  value. 

Another  /'.  ycnnatuca  was  found  early  in  the  morning  feed- 
ing on  a  grasshopper,  DCJHCKS  Carolina.  The  victim  often 
moved  its  wings  violently,  showing  it  had  just  been  stung.  It 
was  an  adult  hopper,  many,  many  times  as  large  as  the  assail- 
ant, but  the  cold  night  had  made  it  sluggish  and  hence  easy 
prey  to  an  alert  hunter.  Another  was  seen  to  sting  an  adult 
hopper,  follow  it  in  its  agonized  flight  and  sting  it  repeatedly 
until  lost  from  view.  These  wasps  were  at  other  times  seen 
crowding  around  a  grasshopper  carcass  enjoying  the  flesh  for 

Several  V .  gcrmanica  came  to  a  cedar  tree  in  the  yard  early 
one  September  morning,  evidently  in  search  of  food.  While 
watching  them,  I  saw  a  / '.  macnhita  pounce  upon  one  of  them. 
The  pair  struggled  violently  for  several  seconds;  then  I  placed 
them  in  a  test  tube.  Kvc-n  there  the  / '.  inacula/n  continued  the 
angry  onslaught,  and  when  at  last  they  became  separated,  the 
little  victim  gave  a  few  feeble  kicks  and  was  dead.  I  )espite  the 
severe  sting,  /  .  germanica  occasionally  tails  prey  to  the  dip- 
terous robber  fly.  On  September  10,  a  yellow  species  of  robin  r 
fly  was  seen  flying  from  plant  to  plant  with  a  worker  was])  of 
(jcnminica  dangling  from  its  legs,  and  1'romlev  records  (  I'svche 
21:  194,  1914)  having  taken  17  specimens  of  this  wasp  from 
Proctocantlms  pliihtdclpliicus. 

As  late  in  the  season  as  October  19,  more  than  a  hundred  of 
these  workers  were  congregated  on  a  dry  picnic  plate  trving  to 
derive  some  invisible  food  therefrom.  Xear  by  lay  some  blue 

1 90  E  N  TO  M  O  LOt;  I C  A  L   N  K  \V  S  |  J  U 1 1C .  '  30 

grapes,  untouched  and  intact.  I  split  the  skins  of  these  and  put 
them  on  the  plate,  and  in  a  minute  all  the  wasps  were  eagerly 
crowding  over  each  other  to  get  at  the  dainties.  It  is  surprising 
that  these  famished  workers  did  not  see,  or  having  seen  they 
could  not  break  through  the  tough  skins  of  the  fruit  to  get  at 
its  juices. 

There  has  been  some  discussion  as  to  whether  ants,  bees  and 
wasps  can  communicate  with  one  another ;  especially  whether, 
if  one  insect  finds  a  store  of  good  things,  it  is  able  to  communi- 
cate with  others  and  advise  them  of  its  location.  Lubbock 
proves  that  ants  have  this  power,  but  if  this  wasp  can  do  like- 
wise, I  failed  to  see  evidence  of  it  in  a  case  that  came  under 
my  observation.  For  two  days  I  watched  an  individual  come 
to  the  clay  bank  in  quest  of  prey  and  leave  each  time  with  a 
chalcid  parasite  in  her  mouth.  She  would  come  and  go,  and 
never  did  I  see  more  than  that  one  there.  If  she  had  made 
known  this  supply  to  the  others,  they  surely  would  have  come  in 
numbers,  but  only  this  one  appeared  at  intervals  of  ten  or 
fifteen  minutes.  This  one  followed  a  regular  system  in  her 
hunting;  she  would  alight  at  one  end  of  the  bank  near  the  top, 
and  then  fly  sidewise,  close  to  the  bank  and  facing  it,  directlv 
to  the  other  end,  bobbing  up  and  down  on  the  wing  all  the  way. 
Occasionally  she  would  dodge  down,  searching  crevices  or  bur- 
rows for  a  moment,  or  leap  at  her  prey  in  midair;  if  unsuccess- 
ful, she  would  repeat  the  search  in  the  same  way.  The  chal- 
cids  were  so  abundant  here  that  she  had  little  difficulty  in 
finding  them  ;  her  main  trouble  seemed  to  be  that  they  were 
so  minute  that  they  could  easily  get  away.  Sometimes  she 
took  her  prey  direct  to  her  nest,  but  more  often  she  clung  to 
the  wall  and  went  through  the  motions  of  turning  it  over  and 
biting  it — a  performance  which  appeared  absurd  on  account  of 
the  small  size  of  the  prey. 


Figs.  1  and  2.     Nests  of  /  'cspu  germanica. 

Fig.  3.  The  nest  shown  in  Fig.  1  in  the  terrace  showing  how 
the  hollow  was  walled  up  with  paper  sheets  resembling  in  color 
and  roughness  the  surrounding  soil. 

\li.  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  1C"M 

Gall  Wasps  and  the  Species  Problem.1 

By  H.  M.  PARSHLEY. 

\\  e  all  describe  new  species  and  presumably  know  what  we 
are  doing  and  what  we  are  dealing  with;  and  yet.  to  quote  a 
favorite  remark  of  my  old  friend  Charles  \Y.  Johnson,  the  way 
to  start  a  hopeless  and  endless  argument  is  to  ask  any  group  of 
taxonomists  the  simple  question:  What  is  a  species?  Since 
Darwin  explained  the  origin  of  species  and  De  Vries  wrote 
about  elementary  species,  the  science  of  genetics  has  grown  up 
and  made  plain  a  whole  realm  of  knowledge  that  was  largely 
unknown  and  unsuspected  by  those  investigators  and  which,  it 
is  fair  to  say,  remains  unknown  or  at  least  unused  by  a  ma- 
jority of  modern  taxonomists.  Meanwhile  geneticists  have  come 
to  agree  as  a  matter  of  course  that  the  evolution  of  species  has 
occurred  and  is  occurring  by  means  of  mutations,  while  old 
school  naturalists,  when  they  refer  to  mutations  at  all,  are  wont 
to  deny  that  these,  the  only  known  hereditary  modifications, 
produce  new  forms  that  can  be  given  specific  rank.  Tt  appears 
that  true  species  arc  supposed  to  contain  some  vague  essence 
apart  from  mutational  characters,  and  hence  remain  contro- 
versial and  indefinable  though  recognizable  to  the  initiated  eye. 

This  situation  has  given  rise  to  the  academic  dogma  that 
species  are  groups  of  organisms  demarked  for  "purposes  of 
convenience."  Young  students  are  customarily  informed  that 
the  lofty  and  forbidding  structure  of  taxonomy  is  just  a  filing 
system,  arbitrarily  divided  into  more  or  less  orderly  compart- 
ments into  which,  "for  convenience",  the  infinitely  varying  and 
eternally  overlapping  items  of  nature  are  more  or  less  reason- 
ably assorted.  If  a  student  observes  two  related  species  which 
nevertheless  seem  to  be  perfectly  distinguishable,  he  is  reminded 
that  somewhere  or  sometime  intermediate  forms  undoubtedly 
might  be  found,  that  the  law  (or  rather  the  dogma)  may  he 
fulfilled.  There  has  been  in  the  mimK  of  taxonomists  an  uneasy 
feeling  that  somehow  a  clean  distinction  between  two  groups 
is  in  a  sense  immoral,  that  apparent  limits  of  variation  muM 

'Contributions   from   the   Department   of  Zoology,   Smith   College,    Xo. 

192  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '30 

be  illusory.  All  this,  of  course,  represents  the  enduring  and 
often  unconscious  effect  of  early  teachings  in  Darwinian  evolu- 
tion by  infinitesimal  gradations,  an  effect  which  persists  in 
spite  of  what  is  definitely  known  about  mutation.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  there  is  not  the  slightest  reason  to  suppose  that  groups 
of  organisms,  whether  species  or  higher  categories,  must  always 
merge  into  each  other  by  insensible  graduations,  either  in  space 
or  in  time ;  and  it  is  now  certainly  in  order  to  repudiate  this 
dogma  and  to  cease  from  imposing  it  on  students  and  applying 
it  to  the  materials  of  taxonomic  study.  Species  are  natural 
segregations,  when  properly  understood,  as  distinct  in  nature 
as  they  are  in  our  cabinets  and  catalogues. 

That  the  adoption  of  this  principle  does  not  at  once  solve  all 
problems  is  abundantly  shown  in  Dr.  A.  C.  Kinsey's  recent  book 
on  the  species  of  the  genus  Cynips;-  but  this  monograph  shows 
with  equal  clearness  how  illuminating  this  principle  is  when  ap- 
plied thoroughly  to  adequate  materials.  Here  is  a  highly  special- 
ized group  of  insects,  occurring  over  a  wide  area  of  the  earth's 
surface,  extremely  numerous  and  accessible  to  the  collector,  and 
possessing  available  characters  of  a  physiologic  as  well  as  of  a 
morphologic  nature.  It  should  be  said  also  that  in  Professor 
Kinsey  the  group  has  a  remarkably  assiduous  and  discerning 
student.  Now  what  emerges  as  the  result  of  this  unusual  com- 
bination of  mind  and  matter? 

In  the  first  place,  the  material  basis  of  this  study  is  adequate 
beyond  that  of  almost  any  other  taxonomic  work  you  may 
choose  to  compare  with  it.  The  pinned  specimens  of  the  insects 
numbered  more  than  17,000  (of  which  16,899  are  in  the  author's 
possession  and  available  for  qualified  inspection),  the  galls  about 
54,000.  In  twelve  years  the  author  has  traveled  more  than 
32,000  miles  to  collecting  specimens  and  geographic  data,  and 
he  has  employed  an  efficient  system  in  taking  true  and  repre- 
sentative samples.  More  than  100  collectors  in  Kurope  and 
America  have  contributed  their  findings.  (  hit  of  93  forms  the 
author  has  examined  the  holotypes  of  80.  7  not  being  in  exist- 

~  The  Gall  Wasp  Genus  Cynips,  A  Study  in  the  Origin  of  Species.  In- 
diana University  Studies,  Vol.  XVI,  Nos.  84,  85,  86 ;  Waterman  Institute 
for  Scientific  Research  Publications  No.  42.  577  pp.,  429  figs.  1930. 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  193 

ence.  His  descriptions,  including  agamic  and  bisexual  forms, 
literature,  synonymy,  distribution,  inquilines,  parasites,  discus- 
sion, etc.,  average  perh'ops  four  pages  each;  and  there  are  42() 
figures,  including  maps,  whole  insects,  galls,  and  morphologic- 
details.  There  is  a  key,  lists  of  pre-occupied  names  and  ex- 
cluded species,  general  and  special  bibliographies,  and  an  index. 
All  done  with  the  highest  regard  for  honesty  and  accuracy  and 
without  regard  for  expense  of  time,  trouble,  or  money. 

Many  specialists  in  other  groups  will  want  to  examine  the 
descriptive  portion  of  the  work  with  minute  care  and  will  be 
sure  to  find  something  of  value  for  their  own  investigations  and 
methods  of  expression;  but  I  venture  to  say  that  all  biologists 
who  are  at  all  interested  in  evolution,  genetics,  and  species  for- 
mation will  do  well  to  study  and  reflect  upon  the  introductory 
essays  in  Part  I.  These  deal  especially  with  the  origin  of 
species,  the  taxonomic  method,  the  species  concept,  mutations, 
physiologic  species,  the  isolation  of  species,  hybridization,  and 
phylogeny.  They  are  highly  condensed  and  I  do  not  propose  to 
do  them  the  injustice  of  further  compression  here,  but  shall  con- 
tent myself  with  the  statement  of  a  few  of  the  main  ideas. 

The  taxonomic  method  would  soon  be  restored  to  dignity  if 
Kinsey's  principles  were  to  find  general  application.  The^c 
include  intensive  treatment  of  restricted  phylogenetic  units  re- 
gardless of  arbitrary  geographic  or  national  limits;  the  use  of 
numerous  specimens  collected  to  show  real  ranges;  consideration 
of  physiologic  as  well  as  morphologic  variations,  with  especial 
effort  to  distinguish  mutations;  careful  regard  for  the  various 
degrees  of  relationship;  and  an  intelligent  use  of  findings  from 
other  fields  of  scientific  research.  Such  principles  cannot  be 
employed  in  hasty  "revisions"  and  certainly  have  no  application 
in  the  haphazard  description  of  novelties  about  which  practically 
nothing  is  known.  And  it  is  the  common  absence  of  these  qual- 
ities that  has  marked  out  ordinary  taxonomic  work  for  the  scorn 
of  biologists  in  general. 

Systematic  xoologists  will  observe  with  interest  the  rather 
curious  predicament  in  which  Kinsey  finds  himself,  admittedly, 
as  a  result  of  his  work  with  gall  wasps.  He  has  arrived  at  a 


definite  understanding  of  the  species  concept,  but  his  nomen- 
clatorial  problem  is  not  solved,  as  he  frankly  admits  (page  24). 
After  remarking  that  individuals  show  variation  and  that  also 
"there  are  many  more  points  of  uniformity  than  of  variation 
among  individuals  taken  from  a  given  locality  and  habitat," 
he  says 

Finally,  the  limits  of  variation  of  any  character  prove  to  be 
strikingly  uniform  throughout  the  great  populations  which  we 
propose  to  call  species.  Whenever  we  have  taken  a  reasonably 
large  sample  from  any  point  over  the  usually  considerable  range 
of  a  species,  the  biometric  data  have  not  proved  fundamentally 
different  from  the  data  for  any  other  fair  sample  from  any  other 
point  in  the  range. 

This  leads  to  the  genetic  definition  of  a  species  as  "a  popula- 
tion with  common  heredity."  Such  a  population,  having  a  com- 
mon store  of  genes  which  express  themselves  as  mutant  charac- 
ters and  the  graded  variations  caused  by  multiple  factors,  must 
constitute  a  genuine  taxonomic  entity  "which  is  more  than  a  few 
cabinet  specimens  or  a  bottle  full  of  experimental  material  or 
a  Latin  binomial  in  a  textbook"-— and  by  no  means  the  arbitrary 
unit  of  "convenience"  of  which  we  have  heard  so  much.  And 
now  for  the  unsolved  problem. 

The  word  "species,"  as  just  defined,  refers  to  the  biologic 
species,  the  fundamental  category  of  living  things  which  are 
biologically  identical  and  thus  constitute  a  single  "kind."  But 
hybridization  between  these  real  species,  and  various  degrees 
of  relationship  among  them,  give  rise  to  a  number  of  categories 
that  must  be  recognized  between  the  lowest  and  what  in  ento- 
mology is  ordinarily  called  a  genus.  Kinsey  talks  of  his  93 
"species"  when  engaged  in  biological  discussion,  but  in  IT'S  de- 
scriptive section  and  in  his  checklist  he  gives  26  nomenclatorial 
species,  under  which  the  rest  are  listed  as  "varieties."  This  is 
simply  and  solely  a  concession  to  existing  customs  and  codes, 
which  is  made  only  because  Professor  Kinsey  hesitates  to  pro- 
pose a  new  taxonomic  category  with  a  new  name  between  the 
true  species  (temporarily  called  variety  by  him)  and  the  genus. 
The  reader  must  keep  in  mind  this  predicament ;  and  if  he  does 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  195 

so,  no  confusion  need  arise  while  we  wait  for  some  one  to 
answer  the  author's  call  with  a  proposal  "that  will  coordinate 
hiologic  concepts  of  species  with  questions  of  convenience  in 
systematic  botany  and  zoology." 

Reading  this  magnificent  piece  of  scientific  work,  all  who  have 
published  monographs  of  similar  general  .character  must  feel 
a  deep  sense  of  admiration  and  an  even  deeper  sense  of  their 
own  short-comings,  as  I  most  certainly  have  in  comparing  my 
Essav  on  the  American  Species  of  Anidns  with  the  "Gall 
\Yasps."  But  each  one  will  doubtless  know  how  to  justify  his 
course  with  some  degree  of  satisfaction.  In  truth,  the  "species" 
of  certain  groups  (of  Aradus,  for  example,  I  tend  fondly  to 
imagine)  may  well  correspond  in  large  part  to  the  biologic 
species  that  Kinsey  has  so  clearly  demonstrated  in  Cynif>s.  And 
certainly  it  would  be  impossible,  in  many  groups,  for  the  investi- 
gator, however  able  and  zealous,  to  discover  the  body  of  data  on 
mutations,  hybridization,  reproduction,  and  physiology  which 
makes  Professor  Kinsey's  work  take  on  at  once  the  proportions 
of  a  classic.  But  there  it  stands,  along  with  Dunn's  Plctlw- 
dontidac  and  a  few  other  works,  an  example  of  what  can  be 
done,  and  must  be  done,  if  taxonomy  is  to  be  anything  more 
than  a  convenient  means  toward  efficiency,  if  it  is  to  take  a 
respectable  place  as  a  branch  of  modern  biology  . 

Dynastes  tityus  (Scarabaeid)  in  Pennsylvania  and 

the  Rathvon  and  Auxer  Collections 

of  Coleoptera. 

By  PHILIP  P.  CALVERT,  University  of  Pennsylvania, 


Several  years  ago,  when  bringing  together  data  on  the  zoo- 
logical significance  of  eastern  Pennsylvania  and  New  Jersey, 
my  attention  was  attracted  to  the  following  passage,  by  Prof. 
S.  S.  Haldeman,  in  the  Section  on  Zoology  of  Charles  B. 
Trego's  Geography  of  Pennsylvania,  1S4.\  page  7(): 

Pennsylvania  is  the  northern  limit  of  Scarabaeus  tityus,  the 
largest  beetle  found  here,  which  is  about  two  inches  in  length, 
of  a  yellowish  gray  colour,  spotted  with  black.  \Ye  have  met 
with  but  one  native  specimen. 

196  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '30 

I  was  interested  to  learn  the  records  of  this  species  in  Penn- 
sylvania and  the  present  paper  gives  the  results  of  my  search. 
I  am  greatly  indebted  to  Mr.  Charles  Liebeck  of  Philadelphia 
and,  through  him,  to  Mr.  A.  B.  Champlain,  of  the  Bureau  of 
Plant  Industry,  at  Harrisburg,  for  references  to  the  literature, 
and  to  both  of  them,  to  Professors  R.  C.  Schiedt,  H.  H.  Beck 
and  M.  Carroll,  of  Franklin  and  Marshall  College,  and  to  Mr. 
\Y.  S.  Fisher,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum,  for 
reading  the  manuscript  of  this  paper  and  suggesting  improve- 
ments in  it. 

The  earliest  record  of  Scarabacns  ( Ilyuaslcs)  tityns  as  occur- 
ring in  this  state  seems  to  be  the  inclusion  of  the  species  in 
Fred.  Val.  Melsheimer's  A  Catalogue  of  Insects  of  Pennsyl- 
vania Part  First,  Hanover,  York  County,  1806.  On  Page  1, 
"Tityus,  Fabr."  l  appears  as  the  ninth  species  of  the  list,  under 
the  third  genus  Scarabacus.  No  locality  is  given  for  this  or 
any  other  species.  Mr.  Banks  has  kindly  informed  me  that  in 
the  Melsheimer  Collection,  now  in  the  Museum  of  Comparative 
Zoology,  at  Cambridge,  Massachusetts,  there  is  only  one  speci- 
men of  tityus  and  it  has  no  locality  label.  Mr.  Warren  S. 
Fisher  writes  that  the  United  States  National  Museum  is 
"fortunate  in  having  a  copy  of  Melsheimer's  Catalogue  from 
the  Melsheimer  library.  In  this  copy  are  a  great  many  hand- 
written notes,  probably  made  by  one  of  the  Melsheimers,  but 
these  notes  do  not  give  any  additional  information  on  D.  tityus." 

The  second  record,  that  published  by  Thomas  Say  in  Volume 
I  of  his  American  Entomology,  1824,  in  connection  with  Plate 
IV  (pages  not  numbered)  is  much  more  definite.  He  says  of 
Scvrabaeus  tityus: 

This  insect  is  so  extremely  rare  in  Pennsylvania,  that  the  late 
Rev.  F.  V.  Melsheimer,  the  parent  of  Entomology  in  this  coun- 
try, and  a  very  industrious  collector,  found  but  two  individuals 
in  eighteen  years.  An  instance  has  however  occurred,  in  which 
the  appearance  of  a  considerable  number  of  them  occasioned 
no  little  surprise  in  the  neighborhood  where  they  were  discov- 
ered. A  mile  or  two  southward  of  Philadelphia,  and  near  the 

1  So  Melsheimer,  but  the  species  was  first  described  by  Linnaeus,  Syst. 
Nat.,  (12th  edit.),  II.  p.  542,  Nr.  5,  1767.  "Habitat  in  America  septen- 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  197 

river  Delaware,  an  old  cherry-tree  was  blown  down  by  a  violent 
current  of  wind,  and  my  informant  saw  the  remains  of  numer- 
ous individuals,  in  and  about  a  cavity  of  the  tree,  laid  open  by 
the  shock  of  its  fall.  That  there  might  be  no  mistake  as  to  the 
species,  he  exhibited  the  thorax  of  a  male  he  had  chosen  from 
the  mutilated  fragments. 

As  to  the  precise  locality  from  which  Say's  specimens  came, 
Mr.  Liebeck  writes  to  me  :  "After  due  reflection,  based  on  the 
city's  possible  southern  limit  in  1824  and  the  then  natural  en- 
vironment, I  judge  the  specimens  were  found  somewhere  be- 
tween South  and  Mifm'n  Streets,  which  was  all  natural  elevated 
ground  above  tide- water  effects  and  more  in  conformity  with 
the  breeding  habits  of  an  insect  of  this  kind."  In  the  last 
quarter  of  the  nineteenth  century,  the  southern  part  of  Phila- 
delphia, where  it  was  not  built  up,  was  the  scene  of  the  collect- 
ing labors  of  Mr.  Liebeck,  the  late  Henry  \Y.  YYenzel  and 
other  well-known  coleopterists.  Xone  of  them  ever  found  tit  y  us 
in  this  region,  as  Mr.  Liebeck  assures  me,  and  I  have  a  memo- 
randum that  Mr.  Wenzel  told  me  on  August  8,  1924,  that  he 
knew  of  no  other  Pennsylvania  record  than  that  of  Haldeman 
which  I  showed  to  him. 

The  next  specimen  observed  in  point  of  time  may  have  been 
that  referred  to  by  Prof.  Haldeman  in  the  Geography  of  1843 
quoted  above,  or  it  may  have  been  one  of  those  seen  by  Dr.  S. 
S.  Rathvon,  of  Lancaster,  as  related  in  a  manuscript  communi- 
cation published  by  Dr.  J.  A.  Lintner  in  1S91.3 

The  first  specimen  of  I),  tityns  I  ever  saw  (a  female)  was 
in  the  possession  of  the  late  Judge  Libhart  of  Marietta,  Pa.,  in 
1839,  and  was  captvired  near  Wrightsville,  York  County.  I 'a. 

2  William  Allen's  "Plan  of  the  City  of  Philadelphia  and  Adjoining  Dis- 
tricts   in    1828"    (Library,    Histor.    Soc.    Penna.)    supposedly    shows    the 
built-up  parts  of  the  city  by  shading,  and  the  southern  limits  of  buildings 
thus  indicated  are:  between  Swansnn  and  Front  Streets,  down  to,  but  not 
south  of,  the  Navy  Yard,  which  occupied  the  area  between  Prime  and  the 
present  Wharton  Sts.,  Front  St.  and  the  Delaware  River;  between  Front 
St.  and   Moyamensing  Road,  to  the  line  of  Johnson's  Lane,  which,  as  a 
lane,  extended  from  Moyamensing  Road  west  to  Fifth  St.  between  Whar- 
ton and  Reed  Sts. ;  west  of  Moyamensing  Road,  not  south  of  Carpenter 
St.,  except  for  a  few  scattered  buildings. 

3  Seventh  Rept.  on  the  Injurious  and  other  Insects  of  the  State  of  New 
York,  Albany,  p.  253. 

198  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '30 

Twenty  years  later,  I  received  a  male  specimen  that  was  cap- 
tured in  the  same  county  opposite  Marietta  which  is  about  three 
miles  above  Wrightsville  ...  In  1859  or  1860  a  large  willow 
tree  was  blown  down  by  a  storm  at  the  village  of  Safe-Harbor 
in  the  county  of  Lancaster.  The  trunk,  inside,  was  much  de- 
cayed, and  in  it  were  found  about  twenty  specimens,  and  a  num- 
ber of  larvae.  T  did  not  learn  of  this  for  a  week  or  ten  days 
thereafter,  and  was  only  able  to  secure  a  single  pair,  from  a 
person  in  Lancaster  city  who  obtained  them  on  the  spot.  ...  I 
subsequently  came  into  possession  of  a  female  which  had  been 
captured  near  New  Holland  about  ten  miles  east  of  Lancaster. 
The  largest  specimen  that  I  have  ever  seen  from  this  state  was 
taken  within  our  city  limits  in  1870.  This  one,  a  male,  I  kept 
alive  in  a  wire  cage  for  several  days,  but  he  eventually  forced 
some  of  the  wires  apart  and  made  his  escape  and  was  never  re- 
covered. In  1873,  in  a  wood  about  three  miles  northeast  of 
Lancaster  city  .  .  .  under  the  bark  in  the  rotten  wood,  I  se- 
cured three  very  large  specimens  of  larvae  which  I  believed  to 
belong  to  Dynast cs."  [These  larvae  were  lost  on  his  way  home.] 

Dr.  Asa  Fitch  mentioned  in  1859  4  that  he  had  specimens  of 
tityus  from  Pennsylvania;  one  is  tempted  to  conjecture  that  he 
may  have  received  them  from  the  sources  which  supplied  Rath- 

The  Reverend  Daniel  Ziegler  collected  Coleoptera  at  or  near 
Kraeutz  Creek,  six  miles  from  York,  Pennsylvania,  and  doubt- 
less at  other  localities  in  York  County.  He  was  born  at  Read- 
ing, Pennsylvania,  in  1804,  and  died  at  York,  in  the  same  State, 
in  1876.  With  Haldeman,  E.  F.  Melsheimer  and  John  G.  Mor- 
ris, he  composed  the  Entomological  Society  of  Pennsylvania 
of  1842  and  succeeding  years.  PI  is  collection  also  is  now  in 
the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology,  and  Mr.  Banks  writes 
that  in  it  are  three  specimens  of  Dvnastcs  litvus  "and  one  ot 
them  has  the  usual  blue  label  with  the  word  tityus  across  the 
top,  and  below  that  on  the  right  the  initial  F  for  the  author  and 

4  Noxious  Insects  of  New  York,  Kept.  3,  p.  49.  Mr.  K.  F.  Chamber- 
lain, Assistant  State  Entomologist,  writes  from  the  New  York  State 
Museum  at  Albany  (March  11,  1930)  :  "We  have  your  letter  of  Feb- 
ruary 25  regarding  Pennsylvania  records  of  Dynastcs  fityns  in  the  collec- 
tion of  Dr.  Asa  Fitch.  I  regret  very  much  that  we  cannot  confirm  these 
records  since  we  do  not  have  any  of  the  Fitch  Coleoptera.  Some  fifty  or 
sixty  types  of  Hemiptera  together  with  a  few  butterflies  represent  all  of 
the  Fitch  material  that  we  have." 

xli,  '30J  KNTUMOLOGICAL   NEWS  199 

on  the  left  the  male  sign.     Below  that  is  the  word   Pa.,  which 
indicates,  of  course,  Pennsylvania."  5 

Dr.  John  Hamilton,  in  his  Catalogue  of  Colcoptcra  of  South- 
western Pennsylvania  of  1895  °  states  that  tityns  was  found  at 
Jeannette,  Westmoreland  County,  by  11.  Klages,  and  Mr.  Cham- 
plain  wrote  that  "a  specimen  is  in  our  collection  labeled  'Jean- 
nette, Pa.,  H.  G.  Klages — June'." 

Lastly,  Mr.  Warren  S.  Fisher  writes  (March  15,  1930)  : 
"There  are  no  Pennsylvania  specimens  of  Dynastcs  tit\its  in  the 
U.  S.  National  Museum  collection,  but  about  1904  I  collected  a 
single  specimen  of  this  species  at  my  home,  Highspire,  Dauphin 
County,  Pennsylvania.  Unfortunately  1  can  not  give  you  the 
exact  date  as  my  collection  was  destroyed  by  fire.  It  was  the 
only  specimen  I  found,  although  I  collected  in  that  vicinity  for 
many  vcars." 

To  ascertain  whether  any  of  Rathvon's  specimens  of  tityns 
were  still  in  existence,  the  writer  made  a  visit,  on  June  29,  1925, 
to  Franklin  and  Marshall  College,  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania, 
where  Rathvon's  collection  is  preserved.  Thanks  to  Prof. 
Mitchell  Carroll,  of  the  Department  of  Biology,  and  Prof.  Her- 
bert H.  Beck,  of  the  Department  of  Chemistry,  I  was  enabled  to 
examine  the  collection  at  my  leisure  and  with  the  following 

The  collection  occupies  one  hundred  boxes  in  cases  on  the 
top  floor  of  the  College  Museum.  The  boxes  measure  25.3  x  33 
x  n.75  cm.,  have  glass  tops  and  are  tight-fitting.  Thirty-six  of 
them  are  in  a  case  marked  "Div.  \Y".  which  was  constructed  to 
hold  one  hundred  ;  the  remaining  sixty- four  are  in  flat  museum 
cases.  On  the  end  of  one  of  these  cases  is  the  inscription: 
"The  S.  S.  Rathvon  Collection  of  Beetles.  Presented  by  Dr. 
Henry  Bobb  of  East  Greenville.  Pa.,  in  memory  of  his  son 
Fugene.  an  honored  alumnus  of  F.  &  M."  Most  of  the  speci- 
mens bear  a  circular  blue  label,  4  mm.  in  diameter,  without  any 

"  Hagen  has  a  biographical  sketch  of  Xiegler  (Can.  Ent.  17:132-133, 
1885,  reprinted  in  16th  Ann.  Kept.  Ent.  Soc.  Ontario,  p.  22,  1886).  For 
Ziegler's  collection,  see  Hagen,  Can.  Knt.  16:196-197,  1884.  For  the 
Entomological  Society  of  Penna.,  see  Morris,  Anier.  Jour.  Sci.  (2)  i :  27, 
1846;  Can.  Ent.  13:  186,  1881. 

*  Trans.  Anier.  Ent.  Soc.,  xxii,  p.  337. 

-'00  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '30 

lettering  upon  it.  Some  have  a  circular  green  label  of  the  same 
size.  Many  specimens  also  bear  numbers,  e.  g. 

Tetraopes  basalis  1492     circular  blue     label 

Tetraopes  annulatus  5161  " 

Tetraopes  ornatus  2954  green      " 

Dorcadion  fuliginosum  2079 

Cicindela  duodecemguttata  19  blue 

Cicindela  dorsalis  9 

Cicindela  modesta  1935 

Other  specimens  bear  locality  labels,  as  some  of  those  now  to  be 
quoted.  In  box  No.  "44  Dynastidae,"  I  found  the  following 
specimens  of  Dynastcs  titvns: 

(1)  9     45    mm.    long,   ms.    label    "Dynastes   tityus     9     fnd 
near  Wrightsville,  Yk.  Co.,  Pa.,'!  ins.  label  "Georgia,  also 
round  blue  label. 

(2)  $    47  mm.  long,  ms.  label  "York  Co.  Pa.,"  also  round 
blue  label. 

(3)  9  42  mm.  long,  ms.  label  "York  Co.,  Pa.,"  also  round 
blue  label. 

(4)  $    ms.  label  "Dynastes  tityus    £    Ken.    [  ?]   863",  also 
round  blue  label. 

(5)  9    ms.   label  "Dynastes  tityus    9    Ken    [  ?]    863",  also 
round  blue  label. 

(6)  $   ms.  label  "Georgia",  also  round  blue  label. 

(7)  9    ms.   label   "Dynastes  tytius    $     [sic]    Lin   862,   also 
round  blue  label. 

(8)  $  Printed  label  "L  T." 

(9)  9    no  labels. 

(10)     £    42  mm.  long,  label  "863  Va." 

I  was  not  sure  that  the  handwriting  of  the  first  label  quoted 
above  for  specimen  No.  ( 1 )  is  the  same  as  the  handwriting  of 
the  label  "Georgia"  of  the  first  specimen  and  of  the  labels  of 
specimens  (2)  and  (3)  ;  these  last  three  labels  were  surely  writ- 
ten by  the  same  hand. 

Mr.  Fisher  comments  thus  :  "The  numbered  specimens  in  the 
Rathvon  Collection  are  probably  the  numbers  assigned  to  the 
specimens  by  Rathvon  for  his  numerical  catalogue  cited  below, 
which  was  probably  only  partially  completed  and  lost  after  his 
death.  I  have  tried  to  check  up  these  numbers  but  they  do  not 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  201 

correspond  to  any  of  the  numbers  used  in  the  published  cata- 

On  comparing  this  list  of  specimens  with  Rathvon's  com- 
munication to  Lintner,  one  is  tempted  to  believe  that  the  first 
specimen  is  Judge  Libhart's  female  of  1839  and  that  the  addi- 
tional label  "Georgia"  has  been  carelessly  transferred  from 
another  specimen  ;  that  the  second  is  the  male  "captured  in  the 
same  county  opposite  Marietta",  received  ''twenty  years  later" 
Here,  however,  the  possibilities  of  identification  apparently 

A  catalogue  of  the  Rathvon  Collection  is  preserved  at  the 
Museum.  It  was  not  accessible  at  the  time  of  my  visit,  but 
Prof.  Beck,  Director  of  the  Museum,  gave  me  the  following 
information  concerning  it  in  a  letter  of  July  14,  1925: 

Rathvon's  "Catalog"  is  an  alphabetically  constructed  list  of 
the  cases  in  which  the  different  species  are  stored.  There  is  at 
the  beginning  a  brief  history  of  the  collection  (by  S.  S.  R.). 
He  started  collecting  in  1842.  The  cabinet  contains  a  portion 
of  the  collection  of  Prof.  Hentz,  late  of  Alabama,  begun  by  him 
about  1815.  Hentz  sold  his  collection  to  Prof.  Haldeman  (in 
1840).  The  small  colored  disks  attached  to  the  pins  of  all  the 
insects  are  general  indications  of  locality,  blue — North  America, 
purple — South  America,  green — Europe,  yellow — Asia,  etc.  The 
historical  account  ends  with:  "A  few  State  localities  are  at- 
tached to  some  of  the  insects,  but  this  is  more  fully  detailed  in 
a  numerical  catalogue  of  species  which  in  due  time  will  be  made 
to  accompany  the  cabinet."  This  was  probably  never  made. 

At  another  point  S.  S.  R.  says:  "The  insects  from  Pennsyl- 
vania in  this  collection  were  mainly  obtained  along  the  south- 
western margin  of  Lancaster  County  and  the  X.  E.  border  of 
York  C.  A  few  were  obtained  from  northwestern  Pennsyl- 
vania but  the  larger  number  from  the  State  are  from  the  valley 
of  the  Susquehanna,  near  Marietta  and  the  hills  on  both  sides  of 
the  river  from  Bainbridge  to  McCall's  Ferry.  During  the  last 
ten  years  (from  1865)  some  additions  were  made  to  the  col- 
lection from  the  vicinity  of  Lancaster  City  and  the  Conestoga.' 

There  is  no  further  information  about  numbers  862  and  863 
which  Dr.  Carroll  had  asked  me  to  search  for  particularly. 

(To  be  continued.) 

202  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '30 

Tsetse  Flies — Past  and  Present  (Diptera:  Muscoidea). 

By  J.  BEQUAERT,  Harvard  University  Medical  School, 

Boston,  Massachusetts 

(Continued  from  page  164.) 

I  believe  that  the  psychology  of  the  flies  should  also  be  con- 
sidered. Of  course,  my  mentioning  "psychology"  in  connection 
with  tsetses  cannot  fail  to  elicit  a  smile  from  those  of  my 
readers  to  whom  all  animals — and  especially  insects — are  pure 
mechanisms,  some  kind  of  glorified  alarm-clocks.  Yet  I  claim 
that  the  tsetse  is  an  animal  with  what  Professor  Forel  would 
call  "a  well-balanced  mind."  To  be  sure,  it  might  fail  miserably 
if  subjected  to  any  of  the  "intelligence  tests"  devised  by  modern 
psychologists  for  army  recruits  or  terrestrial  snails.  But  in 
tropical  nature,  with  its  many  contingencies  and  hazards,  our 
Glossina  moves  about  fearlessly  and  manages  to  thrive  notwith- 
standing the  handicap  of  extremely  slow  reproduction.  During 
the  many  tedious  hours  which  I  have  spent  travelling  up  and 
down  the  African  rivers,  I  have  had  plenty  of  opportunity  to 
watch  the  behavior  of  G.  palpalis.  What  impressed  me  most 
was  the  unobtrusive,  yet  deliberate  manner  in  which  it  stalks  a 
prospective  victim. 

There  are  many  features  in  the  external  and  internal  anatomy 
of  tsetses  showing  the  high  degree  of  specialization  to  which  I 
have  alluded  before.  Unfortunately  it  is  not  possible  to  enter 
into  many  anatomical  details.  The  mouth-parts,  the  digestive 
tract,  and  the  reproductive  organs  offer  perhaps  the  most  strik- 
ing peculiarities,  some  of  which  are  of  importance  in  connection 
with  the  role  of  the  flies  as  vectors  of  disease.  In  the  proboscis, 
the  mandibles  and  maxillae  have  disappeared,  the  labrum  and 
labium  forming  together  a  slender,  needle-like  tube,  which  en- 
closes the  very  long  hypopharynx.  At  rest  the  proboscis  is 
placed  horizontally  between  the  palpi ;  but,  when  about  to  bite, 
it  is  lowered  into  a  vertical  position,  the  palpi  remaining  in  the 
original  place.  The  skin  is  pierced  by  the  movements  of  the 
labella  at  the  tip  of  the  labium  and  the  proboscis  is  thrust  as 
far  as  its  bulbous  base  will  permit  into  the  tissues  of  the  victim, 
as  a  rule  quite  rapidly. 

xli, '30]  ENTOMor.oi.M  \i.  NRWS  203 

The  statement  is  frequently  made  that  the  bite  of  the  tsetse 
is  unusually  painful  and  that,  when  a  fly  is  infected  with  try- 
panosomes,  the  spot  where  it  bites  will  swell  up  and  become  in- 
flamed. Personally  I  have  found  the  immediate  reaction  to  the 
bite  to  be  extremely  variable:  sometimes  it  was  felt  at  once, 
even  before  the  fly  had  a  chance  to  suck  blood  ;  but  often  it  was 
entirely  overlooked.  I  have  reached  the  conclusion  that  many 
factors  influence  the  reaction  of  the  victim,  such  as  individual 
sensibility,  the  distance  of  a  bite  from  a  nerve,  the  temperature, 
the  number  of  flies,  and  others.  I  have  often  observed  G.  pul- 
palis  completing  its  meal  on  the  leg  of  a  native  or  on  the  nose 
of  a  dog,  without  the  fly  being  in  the  least  disturbed.  In  most 
cases  the  only  reaction  of  the  tissues  near  the  bite  is  an  itchy 
feeling  of  short  duration ;  sometimes  there  is  a  little  swelling, 
and  very  rarely  the  bite  is  followed  by  considerable  oedema 
persisting  for  a  long  time.  On  one  occasion  in  the  Belgian 
Congo,  some  twenty  years  ago,  my  entire  left  hand  was  very 
badly  swollen  following  the  bite  of  a  single  G.  palpulis;  but  as 
no  ill-effects  followed,  I  cannot  regard  this  as  a  symptom  of  the 
fly  having  been  infected  with  disease. 

In  the  digestive  tract  the  unusual  development  of  the  salivary 
glands  and  of  the  crop  is  most  noteworthy.  The  crop,  when 
filled  to  capacity,  extends  to  unbelievable  proportions.  In  a 
series  of  experiments  with  flies  fed  on  blood  in  capillary  glass 
tubes,  my  friend  Dr.  J.  Rodhain  and  his  co-workers  found  that 
in  one  meal  G.  inorsitans  absorbs  between  0.05  and  0.09  c.c.  of 
liquid.  G.  palpalis  may  even  be  more  voracious,  since  Macfie 
calculated  that  a  female  of  this  species  is  capable  of  imbibing 
1.6  times  her  body  weight  of  blood,  and  a  male  1.3  times  his 
body  weight.  The  complicated  process  of  digestion  has  recently 
been  studied  by  Lester  and  Lloyd  (  1('28).  During  feeding,  the 
salivary  glands  secrete  a  powerful  anticoagulin,  which  delays 
the  clotting  of  the  blood  while  stored  in  the  crop.  As  the  blood 
passes  from  the  crop  to  the  midgut.  a  coagulin  secreted  in  the 
mesenteron  rapidly  clots  it,  in  order  to  retain  the  food  in  that 
region  of  the  alimentary  tract  while  draining  and  assimilation 

take  place. 

(To  be  continued) 

204  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  |  June,  '30 

Notes  on  Utah  Vespidae  (Hymen.).1 


The  following  paper  is  one  of  a  series  of  reports  to  be  made 
on  the  Hymenoptera  of  Utah  in  the  collection  of  the  Brigham 
Young  University.  This  collection  has  accumulated  as  a  result 
of  several  summer  expeditions  conducted  by  the  Department  of 
Zoology  and  Entomology  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  Vasco  M. 
Tanner.  These  expeditions  have  now  covered  the  major  part 
of  the  state  of  Utah  and  have  also  extended  somewhat  into  the 
surrounding  states.  Some  private  collectors  have  also  contrib- 
uted specimens  to  this  collection. 

It  is  the  purpose  of  this  paper  to  report  the  species  of  Ves- 
pidae belonging  to  the  subfamilies  Masarinae,  Polybiinae,  Polis- 
tinae  and  Vespinae  now  represented  in  the  Brigham  Young 
University  collection.  Although  this  report  includes  chiefly  the 
Utah  species,  specimens  taken  in  surrounding  states  are  also 
listed.  It  is  thought  that  the  collection  is  complete  and  exten- 
sive enough  to  be  fairly  representative  of  this  region ;  however, 
further  collecting  will  probably  result  in  an  extended  known 
range  for  some  of  the  forms,  and  will  doubtlessly  reveal  some 
additional  species  especially  of  Masarinae. 

In  preparing  this  distributional  list,  the  writer  has  used  the 
classification  suggested  by  Dr.  J.  C.  Bequaert  (1918)  in  his 
Vespidae  of  the  Belgian  Congo,  except  that  at  his  suggestion 
the  subfamily  name  Polybiinae  has  been  used  in  place  of  Epipo- 
ninae  and  the  genus  name  Vcspula  instead  of  Vcspa. 

The  writer  wishes  to  express  appreciation  to  Dr.  Bequaert 
for  his  assistance  in  the  determination  of  certain  doubtful  speci- 
mens and  for  his  many  helpful  suggestions,  and  to  Dr.  Vasco 
M.  Tanner,  head  of  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomol- 
ogy, Brigham  Young  University,  for  his  assistance  and  encour- 

Subfamily  MASARINAE. 

dale,  July,   1927,  two  males   (Call)  ;  La  Sal  Mountains,  June, 

1  Contribution  number  twenty  from  the   Department   of  Zoology  and 
Entomology,  Brigham  Young  University,  Provo,  Utah. 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  205 

1927,  one  male  (Kartchncr)  ;  Ute  Mountains,  Utah-Colorado 
line,  two  males  (Tanner)  ;  Provo,  May,  one  male  (Cottam)  ; 
Uinta  Mountains,  Grandaddy  Lakes,  August,  1926,  three  fe- 
males; Aspen  Grove,  Timpanogos,  one  female  (Tanner); 
Bryce  Canyon,  June,  1926,  one  female,  (  Rasmussen)  ;  Zion 
National  Park,  one  female  (Liddle). 

WYOMING:  Burnt  Fork,  June,  1926,  one  male  (Brown). 

IDAHO:  Paris  Peak,  Bear  Lake  County,  five  females  and  eight 
males,  July,  1929  (  Hay  ward). 

P.  vespoidcs  is  apparently  the  commonest  masarid  occurring 
in  the  mountainous  regions  of  Utah  and  surrounding  states. 
The  writer  has  seen  this  species  in  great  numbers  on  Paris  Peak, 
July  25,  at  an  elevation  of  about  9,000  feet.  They  were  visiting 
Mowers  of  Pcntstcinon  sp.  at  the  time  they  were  observed. 

2.      PSEUDOMASARIS        ( PsEUDOM  ASARIS  )         M.  \RCINALIS        CrCSS. 

UTAH:  Bear  Ears,  Elk  Ridge,  June,  1927,  one  male  (Tanner). 

Zion  National  Park,  June,  1929,  three  males  and  one  female, 
(Tanner)  ;  Wellsville  Canyon,  June,   1926,  one  female   (Hay- 
ward)  ;  Deep  Creek  Mountains,  June,  1928,  one  female  (Tan- 
ner) ;  Logan,  July,  1928,  four  females   (Hay ward). 

4.  PSEUDOMASARIS  ZONALIS  Cress.      IDAHO:    Paris  Peak,  Bear 
Lake  County,  July,  1929,  one  male  (Hay ward). 

5.  PSEUDOMASARIS  sp.    UTAH  :  Aspen  Grove,  Timpanogos,  two 
females   (Tanner);  Provo,  one  female  (Kartchner). 

The  three  specimens  listed  above  do  not  satisfactorily  run 
to  any  of  the  species  described  in  Dr.  Bradley's  key.  They  con- 
form most  closely  with  P.  occidental  is  Cress.,  but  differ  from 
this  species  in  a  number  of  important  respects.  The  three  speci- 
mens in  the  collection  apparently  agree  very  closely  with  each 
other  in  both  morphological  characters  and  coloration. 

(To  be  continued) 

A  New  Textbook  of  Entomology. 

Prof.  Dr.  H.  Weber,  now  at  the  Technische  Hochschule.  Free 
City  of  Danzig,  has  in  preparation  a  Lchrbitch  dcr  Entomologie, 
to  be  published  by  G.  Fischer  at  Jena,  and  will  be  glad  to  receive 
papers  bearing  on  this  subject. 

206  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June, '30 

On  the  Seventieth  Birthday  of  Dr.  Adelbert  Seitz. 

-  Wohl  sind  Keinem  unter  all  die  Bliiten 
Rosen   ohne   Dornen  eingestreut ; 
Aber  gliicklich   ist,  wer  dennoch  sinnig 
Sich  des  Schonen,  Hohen,  Wahren  freut ; 
Ihm  ersteht,  in  wunderbarem  Glanze, 
Jede    Bluine    im    Erinnerungskranze. 

Der  Krone  dcr  Erinnerung, 

From  the  pen  of  A.  V.  Herff,  a  friend  of  his  youth,  we  ex- 
tract the  following  from  "The  life  of  Dr.  Adelhert  Seitz": 

Dr.  Seitz  was  born  of  a  noble  family  of  Mainz,  on  February 
24th,  1860,  being  the  youngest  of  three  children.  Through  the 
influence  of  his  father  he  became  interested  in  nature  study  in 
his  sixth  year ;  he  was,  however,  soon  to  lose  this  guiding  spirit, 
as  his  father  died  when  Adelbert  was  but  eight  years  old.  After 
this  he  lived  with  his  mother  at  Darmstadt,  until  her  death, 
which  occurred  when  she  was  past  ninety  years  of  age. 

In  1871  he  matriculated  at  the  Darmstadt  Gymnasium,  and 
in  1879  at  the  Bernheim  Gymnasium,  whence  he  graduated.  In 
1880  he  entered  the  University  of  Giessen,  where  he  studied 
medicine  and  natural  history,  especially  zoology,  and  there  re- 
ceived his  degree  in  1885  as  Doctor  of  Medicine  and  Philosophy. 

In  1886  he  absolved  his  military  duties,  and  in  1887  made 
a  voyage  to  Australia,  to  study  the  fauna  of  that  country ;  being 
without  means,  he  traveled  as  the  ship's  doctor,  and  as  at 
that  time  ships  would  remain  in  port  for  weeks  at  a  time,  he 
had  the  opportunity  in  Sydney  to  meet  William  MacLeay.  This 
benevolent  gentleman  took  him  on  a  number  of  excursions  into 
the  interior,  and  it  was  there  that  he  conceived  the  thought  of 
writing  his  great  work.  Die  Grossschmetterlinge  dcr  Erdc. 

In  1888  he  made  his  first  trip  to  Brazil;  in  1890  he  turned 
toward  the  East,  visiting  Japan,  and  then  the  Ethiopian  region, 
and  from  then  on  he  never  rested,  having  now  59  voyages  to 
his  credit,  including  his  present  one  to  Brazil. 

In  1892  he  accepted  the  directorship  of  the  Zoological  Garden 
at  Frankfurt  on  Main  ;  at  this  time  the  financial  condition  of 
the  garden  seemed  almost  hopeless,  several  years  preceding 
showing  an  annual  deficit,  and  with  no  money  on  hand  with 
which  to  purchase  animals  for  the  garden.  Within  ten  years 
of  his  incumbency  the  garden  had  procured  a  rhinoceros,  a  hip- 
popotamus, more  than  forty  ostriches,  sixteen  giraffes,  dozens 
of  leopards,  over  one  hundred  kangaroos,  and  many  of  the 
larger  species  of  apes. 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  207 

In  1908  Dr.  Seitz  retired  from  his  position  as  Director  of 
the  Zoological  Gardens,  receiving  a  liberal  pension  ;  he  then  re- 
turned to  Darmstadt,  when  and  where  he  began  his  life's  work. 
Die  Grossschmetterlinge  dcr  lirdc.  It  was  diligently  carried 
on,  and  many  parts  were  published,  until  the  interruption  caused 
by  the  great  world  war.  For  a  number  of  years  the  publication 
was  much  curtailed  but.  thanks  to  the  indefatigable  spirit  ot  the 
editor,  normal  production  has  again  been  resumed  and  parts  are 
coming  along  regularly. 

(  )f  no  less  importance  are  his  many  published  narratives  on 
his  various  expeditions,  which  deal  not  only  with  the  faunas 
of  the  countries  visited,  but  also  with  the  countries  themselves, 
their  peoples  and  customs.  Noteworthy  also  among  his  writings 
are  Allgemeine  Biologic  dcr  Schmetterlinge,  Scidcnzucht  in 
Dcntschland.  numerous  papers  on  Das  System  nnd  Phylogenie 
der  Schmetterlinge,  and  many  others,  all  of  which  are  original 
and  characteristic  of  this  versatile  man,  who  stands  in  the  first 
rank  among  the  entomologists  of  all  nations. 

With  all  his  knowledge  and  many  achievements.  Dr.  Seitz  is 
extremely  modest,  entirely  unselfish,  and  always  willing  to  assist 

We  join  with  his  many  friends  and  admirers  in  wishing  him 
continued  health  and  strength  to  carry  on  his  chosen  work. 
(The  late)   FRANK  HAIMBACH.  Philadelphia. 

Preliminary  Report  on  Nomenclature  Proposals. 

In  the  December  issue  of  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  XL,  1929, 
pp.  329-333,  Dr.  C.  W.  Stiles,  Secretary  of  the  International 
Commission  on  Rules  of  Zoological  Nomenclature,  has  pub- 
lished a  series  of  proposals  concerning  suggested  changes  in  the 
International  Rules. 

A  special  committee  on  Nomenclature  has  been  appointed  by 
the  Entomological  Society  of  America  to  study  these  proposals 
and  make  a  report.  A  preliminary  report  is  here  presented  tor 
your  consideration.  If  you  have  suggestions,  either  affirmative 
or  otherwise,  please  transmit  the  same  to  the  chairman  of  our 
committee,  Dr.  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell,  University  of  Colorado, 

(1)  (1930B)   We  favor  the  5/6ths  amendment,  which  pre- 
vents the  blocking  of  proposals  by  a  single  individual. 

(2)  (1930D)  We  believe  the  "elimination"  principle  is  un- 
workable as  a  rule. 

208  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  f  June,  '30 

(3)  (1930F)   We  think  the  "binary"  papers  should  be  re- 
jected,  except   certain    early   ones   which   have   been   currently 

(4)  (1930G)   We  do  not  favor  taking  the   12th  instead  of 
the  10th  edition  of  the  Systema  Naturae  as  the  starting  point. 
The  date  1758  has  long  been  accepted,  and  to  change  now  would 
cause  great  inconvenience. 

(5)  (1930H)    Publication.      It   is   very   important   to   settle 
more  precisely  the  meaning-  of  the  term  publication,  as  applied 
to  taxonomic  works. 

(a)  Take  the  case  of  privately  printed  papers  with  new 
species,  only  to  be  obtained  through  the  favor  of  the 
author.  According  to  the  rules,  they  are  not  published. 
(See  the  controversy  between  Hay  and  Osborn  concerning 
priority  in  publishing  a  fossil  elephant.  Osborn  claims  that 
Hay  has  no  priority,  as  his  paper  was  privately  printed  and 
not  sold.) 

(b.)  Trouble  has  also  occurred  with  reference  to  the  distri- 
bution (by  private  favor)  of  separates  prior  to  the  publi- 
cation of  the  work  from  which  they  are  taken.  But  if  the 
separates  are  placed  on  sale  prior  to  the  publication  of  the 
whole  part  or  volume,  apparently  they  are  validated. 

(c)  A  technical  difficulty  arises  in  the  case  of  works  widely 
distributed  (especially  to  libraries)  but  not  sold;  thus  for 
example  the  Memoirs  of  the  U.  S.  National  Academy,  and 
the  publications  of   many   Experiment   Stations.      Usually 
they  later  appear  on  the  market  second  hand,  but  at  the 
time  of  original  distribution  they  may  be  considered  not 
technically  published,  though  it  seems  that  in  practice  they 
are  always  admitted.     It  might  be  recommended  that  part 
of  the  edition  should  always  be  placed  on  sale. 

(d)  TVIore  precise  definition  of  a  lay  journal  seems  desir- 
able.    It  has  been  suggested  that   "Nature"  is  not  to  be 
recognized  as  a  place  of  publication  for  new  names.     Few, 
however,  would  go  so  far  as  this.    (cf.  the  famous  "Er- 
langen  list"  as  a  case  in  dispute.) 

(e)  It  really  seems  necessary,  or  seems  that  it  will  event- 
ually be  necessary  to  take  further  steps  to  define  "publica- 
tion."    Papers  may  now  be  published  in  the  most  obscure 
places,   and   technically   "placed  on   sale"   while   remaining 
quite  unknown  to  zoologists.     It  might  be  held  necessary 
(as  under  the  copyright  law)  to  deposit  copies  in  at  least 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  209 

a  certain  number  of  central  libraries,  which  would  stamp 
them  with  the  date  of  receipt. 

(f)  Date  assumed  correct  unless  pro-red  incorrect.  In  a 
good  many  cases  proof  is  impossible,  but  the  presumption 
one  way  or  the  other  is  very  strong.  \Ye  think  that  in 
such  cases  the  nearest  approximation  to  the  truth  must  be 

(6)  We   strongly   support   mdca   as   the   ending    for    super- 
family  names.     Here  is  a  point :  some  authors  (  e.g.  Van  Duzee 
in  his  Catalogue  of   Hemiptern )   consider  that  a  higher  group 
name  (family,  etc.)  dates  from  the  first  proposal  of  the  group 
with  a  name,  regardless  of  whether  that  name  was  in  the  form 
now  current.     Some  hold  that  it  dates  only  from  the  first  publi- 
cation in  proper   (as  now  considered)    form.     This  should  be 
definitely   settled.      There   are    good    cases    in    Hemiptera    and 

(7)  We  think  the  Poche  proposals  are  not  desirable. 

T.    D.   A.    COCKERELL, 

H.  H.  KNIGHT, 

J.    M.    SWAINE. 

(A)  A  matter  which  ought  to  be  dealt  with  is  this:   what 
constitutes  the  designation  of  a  type  specimen  ?     It  ought  to 
be  obligatory  to  label  the  holotype,  and  state  the  type  locality 
(if  more  than  one  locality  is  given)   in  publication.     When  no 
designation  appears  in  publication,  and  the  "species"  was  a  mix- 
ture, should  a  private  mark  override  the  work  of  a  reviser  who 
gives  the  characters  of  the  two  or  more  species  involved,  and 
restricts  the  name  to  one  of  them?     Can  a  reviewer  designate 
the  type  locality  from  among  two  or  more  given,  and  does  that 
designation  hold,  in  the  absence  of   any  printed  indication   to 
the  contrary  ? 

T.  D.  A.  C. 

(B)  Could  we  or  should  we  ever  adopt  a  rule  that  in  the 
case  of  possible  rival  names  for  a  species,  when  the  indications 
are   not  quite  clear,   that   name   should   be   pref erred   which   is 
based  on  a  type  deposited  in  a  large  public  museum  ?     There  is, 
and   will   be,  an   increasing  incubus  of   species   badlv   described 
(often  in  the  wrong  genus)  by  more  or  less  irresponsible  per- 
sons,   sometimes    for   the    sake    of    increasing    the    number    of 
"types"  in  private  collections.     It  is  a  difficult  problem. 

T.  D.  A.  C. 

List  of  the  Titles  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  Referred  to  by 

Numbers   in    Entomological    Literature 

in  Entomological  News. 

1.  Transactions   of   The   American   Entomological    Society.      Philadelphia. 

2.  Entomologische    Blatter,    red.  v.  H.  Eckstein    etc.      Berlin. 

3.  Annals  of  the   Carnegie  Museum.     Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

4.  Canadian   Entomologist.      London,   Canada. 

5.  Pysche,  A  Journal  of  Entomology.     Boston,   Mass. 

6.  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society.     New  York. 

7.  Annals  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  America.     Columbus,  Ohio. 

8.  Entomologists'   Monthly   Magazine.     London. 

9.  The  Entomologist.     London. 

10.  Proceedings  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington.     Washington,  D.  C. 

11.  Deutsche  entomologische   Zeitschrift.      Berlin. 

12.  Journal  of   Economic   Entomology,   Geneva,   N.   Y. 

13.  Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology.     Claremont,  Cal. 

14.  Entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Frankfurt    a.  M\,    Germany. 

15.  Natural  History,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.     New  York. 

16.  American  Journal  of   Science.     New  Haven,   Conn. 

17.  Entomologische    Rundschau.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

18.  Internationale   entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Guben,    Germany. 

19.  Bulletin  of  the   Brooklyn  Entomological   Society.     Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

20.  Societas   entomologica.     Stuttgart,   Germany. 

21.  The  Entomologists'   Record  and  Journal   of   Variation.     London. 

22.  Bulletin  of   Entomological  Research.     London. 

23.  Bollettino    del    Laboratorio     di     Zoologia     generale     e     agraria     della 

R.   Scuola   superiore   d'Agricultura   in   Portici.     Italy. 

24.  Annales  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

25.  Bulletin  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

26.  Entomologischer    Anzeiger,   hersg.    Adolf    Hoffmann.      Wien,    Austria. 

27.  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica.     Geneva,   Italy. 

28.  Ent.    Tidskrift   utgifen   af    Ent.   Foreningen   i    Stockholm.      Sweden. 

29.  Annual   Report  of   the   Ent.   Society  of   Ontario.     Toronto,   Canada. 

30.  The   Maine   Naturalist.     Thornaston,   Maine. 

31.  Nature.     London. 

32.  Boletim  do  Museu  Nacional  do  Rio  de  Janiero.     Brazil. 

33.  Bull,  et  Annales  de  la  Societe  entomologique  de  Belgique.     Bruxelles. 

34.  Zoologischcr  Anzeiger,  hrsg.  v.   E.  Korschelt.     Leipzig. 

35.  The   Annals   of    Applied    Biology.     Cambridge,    England. 

36.  Transactions   of   the   Entomological   Society  of   London.     England. 

37.  Proceedings   of    the    Hawaiian    Entomological    Society.     Honolulu. 

38.  Bull,  of  the  Southern  California  Academy  of   Sciences.     Los  Angeles. 

39.  The  Florida  Entomologist.     Gainesville,   Fla. 

40.  American   Museum   Novitates.     New   York. 

41.  Mitteilungen  der  schweiz.  ent.  Gesellschaft.     Schaffhausen,  Switzerland. 

42.  The  Journal   of    Experimental   Zoology.      Philadelphia. 

43.  Ohio   Journal   of   Sciences.     Columbus,    Ohio. 

44.  Revista   chileria   de   historia   natural.     Valparaiso,    Chile. 

45.  Zeitschrift    fiir    wissenschaftliche  Jnsektenbiologie.     Berlin. 

46.  Zeitschrift  fiir  Morphologic  und  Okologie  der  Tiere.     Berlin. 

47.  Journal  of  Agricultural   Research.     Washington,   D.   C. 

48.  Wiener  entomologische  Zeitung.     Wien,   Austria. 

49.  Entomologische   Mitteilungen.     Berlin. 

50.  Proceedings   of   the   U.   S.   National   Museum.     Washington,   D.   C. 

51.  Notulae  entomologicae,  ed.  Soc.  ent.  helsingfors.    Helsingfors,  Finland. 

52.  Archiv  fiir   Naturgeschichte,  hrsg.  v.  E.  Strand.     Berlin. 

53.  Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical  Science.     London. 

54.  Annales  cle  Parasitologie  Humaine  et  Comparee.     Paris. 

55.  Pan-Pacific   Entomologist.     San   Francisco,   Cal. 

56.  "Konowia".     Zeit.    fur    systematische    Insektenkunde.      Wien,    Austria. 

57.  La  Feuille  des  Naturalistes.     Paris. 

58.  Entomologische  Berichten.    Nederlandsche  ent.   Ver.     Amsterdam. 

59.  Encyclopedic  entomologique,  ed.  P.  Lechevalier.     Paris. 

60.  Stettiner   entomologische   Zeitung.     Stettin,    Germany. 

61.  Proceedings  of   the   California   Academy  of   Sciences.     San   Francisco. 

62.  Bulletin  of   the  American   Museum  of   Natural  History.     New  York. 

63.  Deutsche  entomologische  Zeitschrift   "Iris".     Berlin. 

64.  Zeitschrift   des   osterr.   entomologen-Vereines.     \Yien. 

65.  Zeitschrift   fur  angewandte  Entomologie,  hrsg.   K.   Escherich.     Berlin. 

66.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Meeting.     Pusa.  India. 

67.  University  of  California  Publications,  Entomology.     Berkeley,  Cal. 

68.  Science.     New  York. 

69.  Comptes  rendus  hebdoma.  des  seances  de  1' Academic  des  sciences.  Paris. 

70.  Entomologica  Americana,  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn. 

71.  Novitates  Zoologicae.     Tring,  England. 

72.  Revue  russe  d'Entomologie.     Leningrad,  USSR. 

73.  Quarterly  Review  of   Biology.     Baltimore,   Maryland. 

74.  Sbornik  entomolog.  narodniho  musea  v  Praze.    Prague,  Czechoslavokia. 

75.  Annals  and   Magazine  of   Natural   History.     London. 

76.  The    Scientific    Monthly.     New    York. 

77.  Comptes  rendus  heb.  des  seances  et  memo,  de  la  soc.  de  biologic.  Paris. 

78.  Bulletin   Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.     Paris. 

79.  Koleopterologische  Rundschau.     Wien. 

80.  Lepidopterologische   Rundschau,  hrsg.  Adolf   Hoffmann.     Wien. 

81.  Folia  myrmecol.  et  termitol.  hrsg.  Anton  Krausse.     Bernau  bci  Berlin. 

82.  Bulletin,  Division  of  the  Natural  History  Survey.     Urbana,  Illinois. 

83.  Arkiv   for   zoologie,   K.   Svenska    Vetenskapsakademien   i.      Stockholm. 

84.  Ecology.     Brooklyn. 

85.  Genetics.     Princeton,   New  Jersey. 

86.  Zoologica,  New  York  Zoological  Society.     New  York. 

87.  Archiv  fur  Entwicklungs  mechanik  der  Organ.,  hrsg.  v.  Roux.     Leipzig. 

88.  Die  Naturwissenschaften,  hrsg.  A.  Berliner.     Berlin. 

89.  Zoologische   Jahrbucher,    hrsg.  v.  Spengel.     Jena,    Germany. 

90.  The  American  Naturalist.     Garrison-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

91.  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences.     Washington,  D.  C. 

92.  Biological  Bulletin.     Wood's  Hole,  Massachusetts. 

93.  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London.     England. 

94.  Zeitschrift  fur  wissenschaftliche  Zoolosrie.     Leipzig. 

95.  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soc.  of  Washington,   Washington,  D.  C. 

96.  La  Cellule.     Lierre,  Belgium. 

Q7.  Biologisches    Zentralblatt.     Leipzig. 

98.  Le  Naturaliste  Canadien.     Cap  Rouge,   Chicoutimi,   Quebec. 

99.  Melanges  exotico-entomologiques.  Par  Maurice  Pic.     Monlins,   France. 

100.  Bulletin    Intern.,    Academic    Polonaise    des    Sci.    et    des    Lett.    Cra- 

covie,   Poland. 

101.  Tijdschrift       voor       entomologie,       Nederlandsche       Entomol.       Vcr., 


102.  Entomologiske   Meddelelser,   Entomologisk   Forening,    Copenhagen. 

103.  Journal    of    the    Kansas    Entomological     Society,    Lawrence,    Kansas. 

104.  Revista  de  la  Sociedad  entomologica  Argentina,  Buenos  Aires. 

210  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '30 

(C)  We  need  a  rule  on  the  permissible  length  of  names — 
e.g.,  that  a  specific  name  should  not  exceed  six  syllables. 

T.  D.  A.  C. 

(D)  I  agree  that  in  the  future  it  ought  to  be  made  obligatory 
to  label  the  holotype  and  state  the  type  locality  in  publication. 
It  seems  obvious  that  the  designation  of  type  specimens  can  be 
made  only  by  publication.     Private  marks  or  labels  can  have  no 
validity  until  published  any  more  than  manuscript  names   for 
species.     In  view  of  our  present  system  of  rules  it  seems  logical 
that  the  first  published  designation  of  a  type  (Lectotype)  speci- 
men (from  among  the  cotypes)  should  hold  just  as  it  does  in 
the  case  of  designating  the  type  species  of  a  genus. 

H.  H.  K, 

Entomological    Literature 


E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR. 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  [  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

•Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  •  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations.  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

jjtF"Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published   in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Curran,  C.  H. — Sonic  insects  from  Barm 
Colorado.  (S)  [  15]  61 1-620.  ill.  Forbes,  S.  A.— Obituary. 
By  H.  Osborn.  [12]  23:  472-473,  ill.  Frost,  S.  W.— Col- 
lecting- leaf-miners  on  Barro  Colorado  Island,  Panama.  (S). 
[76]  1930:  443-449,  ill.  Gleason,  H.  A.— A  plea  for  sanity 
in  nomenclature.  [68]  71  :  458-459.  Howard,  L.  O. — Man 
and  insects.  [Jour.  Maryland  Acad.  Sci.]  1  :  84-89.  Mc- 
Colloch,  J.  W.— In  memoriam.  By  R.  L.  Parker.  [103]  3: 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  211 

51-52  ill.  Stewart,  M.  A. — The  insect  visitants  and  inhab- 
itants of  Melilotus  alba.  [6]  38:  43-46.  Theobald,  F.  V.— 
Obituary.  [8]  66:  92-93;  [9]  63:  95-96.  Weiss,  H.  B.- 
Olaus  Magnus,  credulous  zoologist,  and  archbishop  of  the 
sixteenth  century.  John  Buncle's  panegyric  on  the  Spanish 
fly.  [6]  38:  35-37;  49-51. 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Allman,   S.   L.- 

Studies  of  the  anatomy  and  histology  of  the  reproductive 
system  of  the  female  codling  moth.  [67]  5:  135-164,  ill. 
Beattie,  M.  V.  F. — Physico-chemical  factors  in  relation  to 
mosquito  prevalence  in  ponds.  [Jour.  Ecology]  18:  67-80, 
ill.  Cavanaugh  &  Tilden. — Algal  food,  feeding  and  case- 
building  habits  of  the  larva  of  the  midge  fly,  Tanytarsus 
dissimilis.  [84]  11:  281-287,  ill.  Cecil,  R.— The  alimentary 
canal  of  Philaenus  leucophthalmus.  [43]  30:  120-130,  ill. 
Denis,  J.  R. — Existe-t-il  un  dimorphisme  dans  le  sexe  fe- 
melle  chez  les  Myzine?  [24]  99:  15-22,  ill.  Dobzhansky,  T. 
— Genetical  and  environmental  factors  influencing  the  type 
of  intersexes  in  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [90]  64:  261-271. 
Dolley,  W.  L. — The  relation  between  luminous  intensity 
and  the  length  of  the  refractory  period  in  the  eye  of  Erista- 
lis  tenax.  [42]  56:  185-191,  ill.  Fletcher,  F.  W.— The  ali- 
mentary canal  of  Phyllophaga  gracilis.  [43]  30:  109-119.  ill. 
Gause,  G.  F. — Studies  on  the  ecology  of  the  Orthoptera. 
[84]  11 :  307-325,  ill.  Grandi,  G. — Contributi  alia  conoscenza 
biologica  e  morfologica  clegli  Imenotteri  melliferi  e  preda- 
tori.  [Bol.  Lab.  Ent.  1st.  Sup.  Agr.  Bologna]  2:  255-290,  ill. 
Grandi,  G. — Studio  morfologico  e  biologico  della  Blastoph- 
aga  psenes.  [Bol.  Lab.  Ent.  R.  Inst.  Sup.  Agr.  Bologna]  2: 
314pp.,  ill.  Grasse,  P.  P. — Etude  ecologique  et  biogeogra- 
phique  sur  les  Orthopteres  Francois.  [78]  63:  489-537.  Hase- 
man,  L. — The  hessian  fly  larva  and  its  method  of  taking 
food.  [12]  23:  316-321,  'ill.  Hollande,  A.  C.— Remarques 
au  sujet  des  teratocytes  du  sang  des  insectes :  origine  de 
ces  cellules.  [Arch.  Zool.  Exp.  Gen.  Notes  et  Rev.]  69:  1-11, 
ill.  Rowland,  L.  J. — Bionomical  investigation  of  English 
mosquito  larvae  with  special  reference  to  their  algal  food. 
[Jour.  Ecology]  18:  81-125,  ill.  Jahn,  L.  A.— The  internal 
anatomy  of  the  myclas  fly.  [43]  30:  85-97,  ill.  Kriiger,  E.— 
Ein  beitrag  zur  mimikryfrage.  [17]  47:  13-14.  Lutz  & 
Hicks. — An  analysis  by  movietone  of  a  cricket's  chirp  (Gryl- 
lus  assimilis).  [40]  1930:  14pp.,  ill.  Marechal,  P. — Sur  trois 

212  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [June,    '30 

Hymenopteres  se  developpant  dans  un  cocon  en  mosaique 
(jMiscophus  spurius;  Oxybelus  bipunctatus ;  Mutilla  rufi- 
pes).  [Mem.  Soc.  Ent.  Belgique]  23:  23pp.,  ill.  Morland, 
D.  M.  T. — On  the  causes  of  swarming  in  the  honey  bee 
(Apis  mellifera)  :  An  explanation  of  the  brood  food  theory. 
[35]  17:  137-149,  ill.  Pesola,  V.  A.— Banaanikarpanen 
(Drosophila  melanogaster)  perinnollisyystieteen  palveluk- 
sessa.  [Luonnon  Ystava]  33:  73-86,  ill.  Rau,  P. — Mortality 
of  Polistes  annularis  wasps  during  hibernation.  [4]  62: 
81-83.  Staniland,  L.  N. — Presence  of  a  yeast  in  the  death 
watch  beetle.  [31]  125:635.  Ulrich,  W. — Die  strepsipteren- 
mannchen  als  insekten  mit  halteren  an  stelle  der  vorder- 
fliigel.  [46]  17:  552-624,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA  AND  MYRIOPODA.— *Bishop  &  Cros- 
by.— Studies  in  American  spiders :  genera  Ceratinopsis,  Ce- 
ratinopsidis  and  Tutaibo.  [6]  38:  15-33,  ill.  Bonnet,  P.— 
Les  araignees  exotiques  en  Europe.  Observations  stir  deux 
Heteropodes  de  la  Guinee  et  sur  deux  Mygales  de  la  Guy- 
ane,  gardees  en  captivite  en  France.  [24]  99:  49-64,  ill. 
Jacot,  A.  P. — Shorter  articles  and  discussion.  Biological 
notes  on  the  moss-mites.  [90]  64:  285-288. 

G. — Die  klassification  der  Coniopterygiden  auf  grund  der 
recenten  und  fossilen  gattungen.  [Arch.  Klass.  Phylog. 
Ent.]  1 :  98-114,  ill.  *  Jordan,  K. — Two  new  American  fleas. 
[71]  35:  268-269,  ill.  Krawany,  H. — Trichopterenstudien 
im  gebiete  der  lunzer  seen.  [Int.  Rev.  Ges.  Hydro.  &  Hydro., 
Leipzig]  .23:  417-427,  ill.  Sikes,  E.  K.— Larvae  of  Cerato- 
phyllus  wickhami  and  other  species  of  fleas.  [Parasitology] 
22:  242-259,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Karney,  H.  H.— Phylogenetische  und 
tiergeographische  erwagungen  zur  systematik  der  Rhaphi- 
dophorinen.  (Gryllacridae).  [Arch.  Klass.  Phylog.  Ent.] 
1 :  57-76,  ill.  *Uvarov,  B.  P. — Notes  on  new  or  less-known 
Holarctic  Decticinae  (Tettigoniidae).  [75]  5:  400-405,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA. — *Beamer,  R.  H.— Two  Erythroneura 
(grape  leaf  hoppers)  damaging  apple  in  Kansas  (Cicadelli- 
dae).  [103]  3:  49-50.  Borner,  C. — Beitrage  zu  einem  neuen 
system  der  Blattlause.  [Arch.  Klass.  Phylog.  Ent.  |  1:  115- 
194.  Bueker,  E.  D.— Phenacoccus  wilma'ttae.  [4]  62 :  93-94, 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  213 

ill.  *Davis,  W.  T. — The  distribution  of  cicadas  in  the  United 
States  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  [6]  38:  53-72,  ill. 
*DeLong,  D.  M. — A  new  species  of  bean  leafhopper  from 
Haiti.  [4]  62:  92-93,  ill.  Coding,  F.  W.— Symmyniical  notes 
on  Membraddae.  [6]  38:  39-42.  *Lawson,  P.  B. — Another 
season's  trap-lighting  of  leafhoppers.  [K>3]  3:  35-43.  Mar- 
shall, G.  E. — Some  observations  on  (  )rius  (Triphleps)  in- 
sidiosus.  [103]  3:29-32.  *Tuthill,  L.  D. — Four  new  species 
of  the  Deltocephalus  group  (Cicadellidae).  1 103]  3:  44-47. 
*Walley,  G.  S. — Heteroptera  from  the  north  shore  of  the 
Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  [4]  62:  75-81,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— *Bryk,  F.— Zwei  neue  Sematuriden. 
(S).  [20]  45:  16,  ill.  *Niepelt,  W.— Neue  falter.  (S).  [14] 
44:  18-19.  *Rober,  J.— Neue  falter.  (S).  [14]  44:  19-21,  ill. 
*Schreiter,  R. — Contribucion  al  estudio  biologico  de  los 
Papilionidos  del  norte  Argentine  y  Papilio  argentinus. 
[Univ.  Nac.  Tucuman  Mus.  Hist.  Nat.]  2:  19pp.,  ill.  Tarns, 
W.  H.  T. — A  note  on  certain  species  of  the  genus  Tirathaba 
(Pyral.).  [22]  21:  73. 

DIPTERA. — *Bau,  A. — Vier  neue  Cuterebra-arten  aus 
Sudamerika.  (Oestridae).  [56]  9:  81-89.  *Curran,  C.  H.- 
Three  new  Diptera  from  Canada.  [6]  38:73-76.  da  Costa 
Lima,  A. — Sobre  a  revalidagao  do  genero  Taeniorhynchus 
(Culicidae).  [Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz]  23:  105-108.  En- 
derlein,  G. — Der  heutige  stand  der  klassifikation  der  Simuliiden. 
[Arch.  Klass.  Phylog.  Ent.j  1 :  77-97,  ill.  *Frey,  R.— Eine 
neue  mittelamerikanische  Dipterengattung  mit  gestielten 
augen.  [51]  6:  44-48.  Johnson,  C.  W. — Some  notes  on  mos- 
quitoes. [Bull.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  1930:  16-20,  ill. 
Keilin  &  Tate — On  certain  semi-carnivorous  anthomyid 
larvae.  [Parasitology]  22:  168-181,  ill.  *Lengersdorf,  F'.- 
Die  ausbeute  der  deutschen  Chaco-Expedition  1925-26. 
Diptera.  Lycoriidae  (Sciaridae).  (S).  |5(>j  9:  55-59.  *Lind- 
ner,  E. — Die  ausbeute  der  deutschen  Chaco-Expedition 
1925-26.  Diptera.  Richardiidac.  (S).  |56|  9:  60-62.  Painter, 
R.  H. — Notes  on  Kansas  bot  Hies.  |  (  k-stridae).  [103]  3: 
32-35.  *Prell,  H. — Zur  kenntnis  von  ban  und  entstehung 
einiger  brutbildtypen  bei  rindenbriitenden  borkenkafern. 
[46]  17:  625-648,  ill.  *Van  Duzee,  M.  C.— Xew  species  of 
Dolichopodidae  from  North  America  and  the  West  Indies. 
[4]  62:  84-87. 

214  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [June,    '30 

COLEOPTERA. — Alluaud,  C. — Additions  aux  Carabidae 
du  Coleopterorum  Catalogus  edite  par  W.  Junk  et  S.  Schenk- 
ling.  [24]  99:  5-8.  Bertrand,  H. — Captures  et  elevages  de 
larves  de  Coleopteres  aquatiques.  [24]  99:  65-77,  ill.  Blair, 
K.  G. --Oxford  University  Greenland  Expedition,  1928. 
Coleoptera  from  Greenland.  [75]  5:  394-400.  *Brown,  W. 
J.— New  species  of  Coleoptera.  [4]  62 :  87-92.  Dalla'  Torre 
&  Voss. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  110.  Curculioni- 
dae:  Archolabinae,  Attelabinae,  Apoderinae.  42pp.  *Fleu- 
tiaux,  E. — Liste  des  Melasidae  de  la  Guyane  Frangaise  et 
descriptions  d'especes  nouvelles.  [24]  99:  29-47.  Hetschko, 
A. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  107.  Colydiidae.  124  pp. 
Pars  108.  Phalacridae,  Mycetophagidae,  Tretothoracidae, 
Jacobsoniidae,  Cavicoxumidae,  Gnostidae.  26  pp.  Pars  109. 
Cucujidae,  Thorictidae  (Suppl.),  Cossyphodidae  (Suppl.). 
122  pp.  Hofeneder,  K. — Einige  beobachtungen  an  Xenos 
vesparum  (Strepsiptera).  [20]  45:  13-16,  ill.,  cont.  *Maulik, 
S.— New  injurious  Hispinae.  (S).  [22]  21:  45-56,  ill.  Rob- 
erts, A.  W.  R. — A  key  to  the  principal  families  of  Coleoptera 
in  the  larval  stage.  [22]  21:  57-72.  Struble,  G.  R.— The 
biology  of  certain  Coleoptera  associated  with  bark  beetles 
in  western  yellow  pine.  [67]  5:  105-134,  ill.  Tragardh,  I. 
—Some  aspects  in  the  biology  of  Longicorn  beetles.  [22] 
21 :  1-8,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Gahan,  A.  B.— Synonymical  and 
descriptive  notes  on  parasitic  Hymenoptera.  [50]  77,  Art. 
8:  12pp.  Neave,  F. — Vespula  intermedia  in  Manitoba.  [4] 
62:  83-84,  ill.  Peterson,  A. — How  many  species  of  Tricho- 
gramma  occur  in  North  America?  [6]  38:  1-8,  ill.  *Schwarz, 
H.  F. — Anthidiine  bees  from  Oregon  with  a  description  of 
a  new  species.  [6]  38:  9-14. 


Mr.  J.  D.  Gunder  telegraphed  to  the  Editor  of  the  NEWS  on 
May  1 :  "Dr.  Barnes  of  Decatur  passed  away  this  morning." 
Mr.  Gunder  devoted  his  article  in  our  issue  for  last  October  to 
Dr.  WILLIAM  BARNES  and  his  collection,  recording  some  en- 
tomological reminiscences  of  his  subject.  In  that  paper  the 
statement  was  made  that  Dr.  Barnes'  health  was  not  as  good 
as  usual  and  it  is  with  deep  regret  that  we  now  register  his 
departure  from  among  us. 

JULY,  193O 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  7 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera — XVI  . 
Howard — A  List  of  Entomological  Societies  in  the  United  States  and 


Pack— Notes  on  Utah  Coleoptera 

Hayward— Notes  on  Utah  Vespidae  (Hymen.) 

Bequaert — Tsetse  Flies — Past  and  Present  (Diptera:  Muscoidea)  .'.  . 
Calvert — Dynastes  tityus  (Scarabaeid)  in  Pennsylvania  and  the  Rath- 

von  and  Auxer  Collections  of  Coleoptera 

Fall — On  Tropisternus  sublaevis  Lee.  and  T.  quadristriatus  Horn 

Coleoptera:  Hydrophilidae) 

The  National  Museum  of  Costa  Rica 

XI  International  Congress  of  Zoology 

The  Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomologists 

Entomological  Literature 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing;  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1931. 







published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,  Business  Manager. 
Advisory   Committee :     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.  Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr., 

Win.  W..  Chapman. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
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Canada,  Central  and  South  America      .        3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents. 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue,  1  in..  $  1.20.  2  in.,  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  11.00,  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.     All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
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MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
munications to  the  editor,  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
according  to  date  of  reception.  The  receipt  of  all  papers  will  be  acknowl- 
edged. Owing  to  the  limited  size  of  each  number  of  the  NEWS,  articles 
longer  than  six  printed  pages  will  be  published  in  two  or  more  installments, 
unless  the  author  be  willing  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  a  sufficient  number  of 
additional  pages  in  any  one  issue  to  enable  such  an  article  to  appear  without 

Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
tion, without  change  in  form  and  without  covers,  will  be  given  free  when 
they  are  wanted ;  if  more  than  twenty-five  copies  are  desired  this  should  be 
slated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  'advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  for 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
each  case  on  application  to  the  Editor.  Blocks  furnished  or  paid  for  by 
authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited ;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
five  given  free  at  the  following  rates:  One  or  two  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  35  cents; 
three  or  four  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  70  cents;  five  to  eight  pages,  twenty- five  copies, 
$1.40;  nine  to  twelve  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  $2.00;  each  half-tone  plate,  twenty-five 
copies,  30  cents;  each  plate  of  line  cuts,  twenty-five  copies,  25  cents;  greater  numbers 
of  copies  will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 


Plate  XX. 





VOL.  XLI.  JULY,    1930  No.  7 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XVI.    Peter  Redpath  Museum,  Montreal,  Canada. 

By  J.  D.  GUXDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  XX.) 

Peter  Redpath  is  remembered  because  of  his  munificent  dona- 
tions to  the  McGill  University  and  probably  the  most  note- 
worthy is  the  Museum  which  bears  his  name.  It  was  opened 
in  1882  primarily  as  a  research  depository  for  study  collections 
in  connection  with  the  school  and  occupies  a  conspicuous  site 
on  a  terrace  overlooking  the  campus  amid  rows  of  stately  elm 
and  maple  trees.  The  structure  which  is  shown  on  Plate  XX 
is  of  grey  limestone  of  Greek  design  and  like  other  buildings 
on  the  campus  and  in  Montreal,  has  that  solid,  lasting  appear- 
ance so  characteristic  of  the  metropolis.  Though  not  a  large 
museum  and  comparatively  unknown,  it  is  of  special  interest 
to  the  entomological  world  because  of  its  being  the  depository 
of  important  collections  of  Canadian  insects.  Montreal  has  long 
been  a  center  of  entomological  activity. 

In  the  September,  1901,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  there  ap- 
pears an  article  by  Mr.  Hal  Newcomb,  entitled  "A  Trip  to 
Montreal,"  giving  an  account  of  the  Lepidoptera  collections 
which  he  found  in  the  city.  At  that  time  there  were  a  number 
of  private  collections,  more  or  less  extensive,  well  cared  for 
and  accurately  labeled,  but  those  in  museums  were  negligible, 
for  as  yet  the  Redpath  Museum  had  not  developed  its 
entomological  department  and  the  Lyman  Entomological  Room 
was  non-existent. 

Readers  of  the  NEWS  may  recall  the  tragic  death  of  Mr. 
H.  H.  Lyman  and  his  wife  in  the  disaster  of  the  S.  S.  Empress 
of  Ireland,  which  was  sunk  by  collision  in  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence,  outward  bound,  on  the  2('th  of  May.  1914.  Our 
pages  contain  an  obituary  note  in  Vol.  XXV.  pp.  335-6,  and  a 
more  extended  account  of  his  life,  with  portrait  and  partial  list. 


216  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty,    '30 

of  writings  on  Lepidoptera,  is  given  in  the  Canadian  Entomol- 
ogist, Vol.  XLVI,  p.  221.  Mr.  Lyman  was  an  industrious  col- 
lector and  built  up  not  only  a  splendid  cabinet  of  Lepidoptera 
and  their  types,  but  a  good  library  at  the  same  time.  In  his 
will  he  expressed  the  wish  that  the  McGill  University,  in  accept- 
ing his  collections,  would  provide  a  suitable  place  in  the 
Museum  to  house  the  cabinets,  etc.,  and  that  the  room  be 
known  as  "The  Lyman  Entomological  Room."  He  provided  as 
well,  a  sum  of  money  for  the  care,  maintenance  and  augmenta- 
tion of  the  collection.  There  was  also  a  proviso  that  the  library 
be  kept  in  close  proximity,  a  provision  which  is  thoroughly 
appreciated  by  anyone  doing  taxonomic  work. 

When  the  material  was  delivered  to  the  Museum  it  consisted 
of  4  cabinets  of  30  drawers,  each  containing  about  12,000 
specimens,  and  innumerable  boxes  of  all  kinds  chuck-full  of 
unmounted  and  unsorted  examples.  During  the  latter  part  of 
his  life  Mr.  Lyman's  hobby  had  unfortunately  out-grown  the 
time  he  was  able  to  devote  to  it.  With  a  knowledge  of  this 
condition  in  mind  the  University  authorities  appointed  Mr. 
Albert  F.  Winn  to  take  charge  of  the  collections  and  the 
entomological  department  of  the  University  and  he  has  proved 
a  very  capable  curator.  Mr.  Winn  was  born  in  Montreal  in 
1870  and  has  always  made  his  home  there.  He  is  a  member  of 
various  entomological  societies,  including  the  Entomological 
Society  of  London  since  1915.  At  different  times  he  has  held 
offices  in  the  local  Branch  Society  and  is  a  steady  attendant  at 
all  its  meetings.  Much  credit  is  due  Mr.  Winn  for  keeping 
active  and  alive  the  old  time  collecting  spirit  around  Montreal. 
Too  often  do  entomological  centers  die  because  one  never  sees 
new  faces  and  there  seems  no  one  capable  of  looking  into  the 
future  in  the  interest  of  the  local  group  or  of  themselves.  Mr. 
Winn  has  published  much  in  the  Canadian  Entomologist,  be- 
ginning about  1891,  and  also  a  number  of  his  papers  have 
appeared  in  the  NEWS.  He  has  sent  over  50  new  species  for 
description  to  specialists,  never  caring  to  write  them  up  himself, 
but  allowing  others  to  take  that  responsibility. 

Today  the  Henry  Lyman  collection  has  grown  to  over  60,000 
named  Lepidoptera  and  in  other  orders  the  collection  has  in- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  217 

creased  from  next  to  nothing  to  more  than  200,000  specimens. 
Of  almost  equal  historical  value  to  Lyman's  types  are  his  speci- 
mens of  practically  everything  collected  by  H.  K.  Morrison  in 
the  early  '80s,  on  his  various  annual  excursions  to  the  western 
United  States.  These  specimens  are  generally  in  series  of  four 
of  a  kind  and  are  part  and  parcel  of  the  same  lots  sent  to 
W.  H.  Edwards  and  others  for  naming.  Any  that  were  sent 
out  by  Morrison  before  descriptions  were  in  print,  were  subse- 
quently shown  to  Edwards  and  identified  by  him. 

Besides  the  Lyman  types  there  is  also  in  the  Museum  the 
collection  and  types  of  the  Rev.  T.  W.  Fyles. 

The  old  D'Urban  collection  of  North  American  material  is 
of  little  value. 

The  Pearson  collection  is  a  mixed  lot  of  Canadian  and  United 
States  specimens,  though  well  preserved. 

The  Bowles  collection  is  fairly  large  and  many  fine  moths  are 
represented.  In  the  old  days  this  collection  was  considered 
quite  good. 

During  this  last  year  the  private  collection  of  North  American 
Lepidoptera  of  Mr.  Winn  has  been  acquired  by  the  Museum. 
It  is  probably  the  largest  Canadian  collection  ever  made,  being 
rich  in  named  local  Lepidoptera  in  long  series  and  consists  of 
more  than  15,000  specimens.  Throughout  the  years  Mr.  Winn 
has  made  many  trips  in  eastern  Canada  and  elsewhere.  The 
Winn  collection  of  exotic  Lepidoptera  and  North  American 
Coleoptera  was  presented  to  the  Lyman  Entomological  Room 
in  1915. 

Aside  from  the  North  American  fauna,  which  is  given 
preference  in  every  way,  there  are  many  Lepidoptera  from 
other  regions ;  notably  the  butterflies  of  India  of  which  three 
good  collections  have  been  brought  together.  One  made  by 
the  late  Lionel  de  Niceville,  collected  in  Northern  India  near 
Sikkim  and  presented  by  Dr.  C.  J.  S.  Bethume  ;  another  from 
Ceylon,  made  by  Dr.  Arthur  Willey  of  the  University  while 
he  resided  in  those  parts,  and  the  last  made  by  Dr.  A.  A.  Dun- 
lop  who  stayed  many  years  in  Bengal.  Recently  the  Museum 
has  purchased  many  fine  butterflies  from  that  famous  Euro- 
pean collector,  Signer  O.  Querci.  This  material  is  mostly  from 

218  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  u,    '30 

Italy,  Spain  and  Portugal  and  is  noted  for  its  absolutely  perfect 
condition.  More  will  be  said  in  later  chapters  about  Mr. 
Querci,  who  is  at  present  on  a  field  collecting  trip  in  Cuba. 

In  conclusion  regarding  the  collections,  I  might  add  that  many 
of  the  rare  species  collected  by  the  early  lepidopterists  of  the 
Province  of  Quebec  and  the  older  members  of  the  local  Soci- 
eties have  found  their  way  into  the  safe-keeping  of  the  Peter 
Redpath  Museum.  Many  insect  labels  bear  the  faded  signa- 
tures of  Couper,  Barwick,  Caulfield,  Knetzing,  Gibb,  Tren- 
holme,  Holmes,  Fyles,  Denney,  Chagnon  and  others.  Most  of 
these  good  fellows  have  long  since  passed  away,  but  their  names 
are  familiar  on  the  first  pages  of  Canadian  entomological 

The  Lyman  Entomological  Room  is  vised  as  the  monthly 
meeting  place  of  the  local  club,  the  Montreal  Branch  of  the 
Entomological  Society  of  Ontario,  and  Mr.  Winn  has  asked  me 
to  say  that  visiting  collectors  and  research  workers  are  partic- 
ularly invited  to  attend  their  meetings.  All  entomologists  are 
welcome  at  anytime,  however. 

A  List  of  Entomological  Societies  in  the  United  States 

and  Canada. 

Doctor  L.  O.  Howard  writes  :  "A  few  years  ago  the  Ento- 
mologischc  Zcitschrift  (  May  8,  1926)  published  a  list  of  the 
German  entomological  societies,  indicating  the  number  of  mem- 
bers. There  were  thirteen  in  all,  with  a  total  membership  of 
562.  I  think  it  would  be  interesting  to  all  American  ento- 
mologists if  you  would  publish  in  Entomological  News  a  list 
of  the  entomological  societies  of  the  United  States  with  an 
indication  of  their  membership." 

We  heartily  endorse  Dr.  Howard's  suggestion  and  request 
the  secretaries  of  all  entomological  societies  and  clubs  in  the 
United  States  and  Canada  to  send  to  the  Editor  of  Entomo- 
logical ATezvs,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, Philadelphia,  Penna.,  a  statement  of  the  addresses  and 
dates  of  foundation  of  their  respective  associations,  the  names 
of  the  president  and  secretary  of  each  and  the  number  of  active 
(or  resident),  of  corresponding  and  of  honorary  members,  that 
the  NEWS  may  bring  together  and  publish  in  its  pages  just  such 
a  list  as  Dr.  Howard  has  in  mind. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  219 

Notes  on  Utah  Coleoptera.1 

By  the  late  H.  J.  PACK. 

This  paper  records  the  occurrence  of  a  number  of  species  of 
beetles,  some  of  which  have  not  heretofore  been  listed  from 
Utah.  Some  of  the  wire-worms  and  long-horned  beetles  oc- 
casionally become  rather  destructive  to  field  crops  or  shade  or 
forest  trees.  The  writer  wishes  to  thank  Dr.  E.  C.  Van  Dyke 
for  his  kindness  in  determining  the  Cerambycids  and  Mr.  M. 
C.  Lane  for  naming  the  Elaterids. 

Family  CERAMBYCIDAE,  Long-horned  Beetles. 

1.  PRIONUS  CALIFORNICUS   Mots.     Collected  at  Bountiful, 
August  24,  1929  (Pack)  ;  Fort  Duchesne,  July  10,  1926  (C.  J. 
Sorenson),  July  20,  1927  (K.  Sorenson),  August  1,  1927  (W. 
Sorenson);  Logan;  Ogden,  July  12,  1906;  Provo,  1924  (C.  J. 

2.  TRAGOSOMA  DEPSARIUM    (L.).     Logan,  August  5,  1903, 
August  5,  1921  (G.  E.  King),  September  12,  1923  (Knowlton), 
September  23,  1923  (Pack). 

3.  ASEMUM  ATRUM  Esch.    Ephraim,  June  17,  1904;  Logan, 
June  22,  1903  (twenty  specimens)  ;  Providence,  July  15,  1904. 

4.  CRIOCEPHALUS  PRODUCTUS  Lee.     Logan,  July   14,   1929 

5.  ROM  ALBUM  HISPICORNE  (L.).     Provo,  August  26,  1925 
(C.  J.  Sorenson)  ;  on  poplar  trees  at  a  tourist  auto  park,  Salt 
Lake  City,  August  1929  (Pack). 

6.  RHAGIUM  LINEATUM  Oliv.     Logan,  July  9,  1904,  May 
29,  1919  (Henderson). 

7.  STENOCORUS    VESTITUS    Hald.      Bountiful,    June    1929 
(Pack)  ;  Logan  Canyon,  July  4,  1909  (Hoff). 

8.  S.  VESTITUS  ATER  Leng.     Logan,  June  15,  1929  (Pack). 

9.  EVODINUS  MONTICOLA  (Rand.).  Richfield,  June  13,  1903. 

10.  ACMAEOPS   STHPILOSA   Lee.      Bountiful.   July  20,    1929 
(Pack);  Pleasant  Grove,  June  21,   1929  (Pack). 

11.  TYPOCERUS  BALTEATA  Horn.     Logan. 

1  Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Entomology,  Utah  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station.  This  manuscript  was  prepared  by  G.  F.  Knowlton 
after  the  death  of  Dr.  Pack  (died  January  5,  1930);  therefore  any 
mistakes  in  compiling  the  list  should  be  nvditi-d  to  the  one  preparing 
it  for  publication.  Publication  authorized  by  Director,  February  7,  1930 

220  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July,  '30 

12.  ROSALIA  FUNEBRIS  Mots.     Logan,  September  3,   1923 
(Knowlton),  September  13,  1923   (Pack),  July  1929  (Pack); 
Salt  Lake  City  (Maughan). 

13.  SEMANOTUS  LIGNEUS  Fab.     Logan,  April  17,  1905. 

14.  S.  NICOLAS  (White).    Logan,  April  8,  1918. 

15.  CALLIDIUM    ANTENNATUM    Newn.      Logan,   April    10, 
1904,  April  23,  1905 ;  Payson,  April  18,  1904. 

16.  ANTHOPHILAX  MIRIFICUS  Bland.    Logan,  July  9,  1904. 

17.  XYLOTRECHUS   ANNOSus    (Say).      Lewiston,    May   23, 
1923  (Knowlton). 

18.  NEOCLYTUS  CAPREA  (Say).     A  number  of  adults  were 
reared  from  apple  wood,  by  school  children  at  Castleton,  spring 
of  1929;  Logan,  April  26,  1916  (C.  J.  Sorenson). 

19.  CROSSIDIUS  DISCOIDEUS  (Say).     Brigham,  September  2, 
1927  (Knowlton)  ;  Logan,  September  7,  1906. 

20.  BATYLE   IGNICOLLIS    (Say).      Fairview,   July   20,    1929 

21.  MONOCHAMUS   SCUTELLATUS    (Say).     Draper,   August 
1909  (Titus)  ;  Logan,  August  14,  1921   (G.  E.  King)  ;  Logan 
Canyon;  Provo,  August  15,  1924  (C.  J.  Sorenson). 

22.  OBEREA  TRIPUNCTATA   BASALIS  Lee.      Cache  Junction, 
July  3,  1912  (Hagan)  ;  Logan;  Manti,  June  16,  1903.     Several 
specimens   were   collected   at   Franklin,    Idaho,    May   24,    1923 
( Knowlton ) . 

23.  TETRAOPES    FEMORATUS    Lee.      Deseret,    July    1,    1926 
(Knowlton)  ;   Fort  Duchesne,  August   1,    1927    (C.  J.   Soren- 
son) ;   Logan,   July   20,    1927    (Knowlton)  ;    Ogden,   June    12, 
1927  (Knowlton)  ;  Pleasant  Grove,  July  23,  1929  (Knowlton)  ; 
Provo,  July  25,    1927    (Knowlton);   Syracuse,  June  29,    1929 
(Knowlton).     This   form  is  very  common  in  northern  Utah. 


24.  CALOPUS  ANGUSTUS  Lee.     Hyrum,  April  10,  1916;  Lo- 
gan, April  6,  1905;  Ogden,  April  7,  1915. 

25.  COPIDITA   BICOLOR    (Horn).     Logan,   August   6,    1907 

26.  OXACIS  SERICEA  Horn.     Numerous  on  Russian  thistle 
at  Grants ville,  July  24,  1929  (Knowlton)  ;  Plain  City,  August 
5,  1903 ;  Willard,  August  7,  1903. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  221 

Family  ELATERIDAE,  Click  Beetles. 

27.  AEOLUS  DORSALJS  (Say).     In  clover  at  Garland,  August 
2,  1929  (Pack);  Logan,  July  20,  1929  (Pack);  Ogden,  May 
23,  1929  (Knowlton). 

28.  LIMONIUS  INFUSCATUS  Mots.    Bountiful,  May  11,  1929 
(Pack  and  Janes)  ;  Logan,  April  6,  1905;  Millcreek,  April  18, 
1910  (Titus). 

29.  L.  BASILLARIS  (Say).     Logan. 

30.  PHELETES  CALIFORNICUS  (Mann.)     Lewiston,  Septem- 
ber 9,  1929  (Pack  and  Knowlton). 

31.  ATHOUS  PALLIDIPENNIS  Mann.     Logan,  July  30,  1904. 

32.  LUDIUS  MORULUS  (Lee.).    Logan,  July  9,  1904. 

33.  L.  PROPOLA   (Lee.).     Bountiful,  July   12,   1929   (Pack 
and  Janes). 

34.  L.   FALLAX    (Say).     Fairview,  July   10.   1929   (Pack); 
Divide,  Sardine  Canyon,  June  26,  1929  (Pack). 

35.  L.  LEUCASPIS  (Germ.).     Salt  Lake  City,  June  6,  1929 
( Knowlton ) . 

36.  L.    INFLATUS    (Say).      Cache   Junction,   June   3,    1912 
(Hagan)  ;  Logan,  May  17,  1929  (Knowlton)  ;  Mantua,  June  1, 
1929  (Pack)  ;  Divide,  Sardine  Canyon,  June  26,  1929  (Pack). 

37.  L.   SEMIVITTATUS    (Say).     Logan;  Trenton,   April  29, 
1927  (Knowlton). 

38.  HEMICREPIDIUS   CARBON ATUS   Lee.      Austin,    June    25, 
1926  (Knowlton)  ;  Logan,  June  20,  1903  and  July  13,  1907. 

39.  H.    HIRTUS   Cand.     Logan,  July   20,    1929    (Pack   and 
Knowlton ) . 

40.  CRYPTOHYPNUS  SQUALIDUS  (Lee.).    Logan,  September 
2,  1903. 

41.  AGRIOTES  FUCOSUS  (Lee.).    Newton,  July  1927  (Pack). 

42.  A.  FEKRUGIXEIPENNIS  Lee.     Logan,  July  5,   1906  and 
July  4,  1907. 

43.  DOLOPIUS  LATERALIS  Esch.     Bountiful,   May  25.   1929 
(Pack);   Cache  Junction,   April    15,    1906;   Logan,   August   5, 
1903  and  September  12,  1904;  Mantua.  June  1,  1929  (Pack); 
Provo,  June  10,  1906. 

44.  MELANOTUS  FISSILIS  (Say).    St.  George,  June  17,  1923 

222  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  u         '30 

45.  M.   OREGONENSIS    (Lee.).     Bountiful,   June  20,    1929 
(Pack);  Tooele,  June  14,  1929  (Knowlton). 

46.  CARDIOPHORUS  GAGATES  Er.    Logan,  1923  (Knowlton). 

47.  C.   TENEBROSUS  Lee.     Logan,  July  9,    1904;   Mantua, 
June  1,  1929  (Pack). 

48.  C.  CARBON  ATUS  Bl.     Bountiful,   May  29,   1929   (Pack 
and  Janes)  ;  Logan,  April  2,  1905  and  April  10,  1910. 

Notes  on  Utah  Vespidae  (Hymen.). 

(Continued  from  page  205). 
Subfamily  POLYBIINAE. 

6.  MISCHOCYTTARUS  FLAviTARsis  Sauss.  UTAH  :  Zion  National 
Park,  August,  1926,  five  females  (Tanner)  ;  Bryce  Canyon,  two 
females  (Tanner)  ;  Moab,  June,  1927,  three  females  and  two 
males  (Tanner,  Cottam,  Kartchner,  Call)  ;  Ute  Mountains, 
Utah-Colorado  line,  June,  1927,  one  female  (Tanner)  ;  Provo, 
nine  females  (Tanner,  Call,  Hay  ward)  ;  Rosevere  Creek,  Raft 
River,  June,  1927,  one  female  (Tanner)  ;  Logan,  July,  1926, 
two  males  (Hay ward)  ;  Logan  Canyon,  Tony's  Ranger  Sta- 
tion, June,  1926,  one  female  (Brown)  ;  Springville,  one  male 
(Hayward)  ;  Raft  River  Mountains,  El.  10,000  ft.,  one  female 

CALIFORNIA:  Stanford  University,  July,  1921,  two  females 

ARIZONA:  Bisbee,  one  female  (Curtis). 

IDAHO:  Moscow,  one  female  (Sudweeks)  ;  Burley,  two  fe- 
males (Beck). 

An  interesting  observation  in  connection  with  the  specimens 
of  this  species  in  the  collection  is  the  close  correlation  between 
coloration  and  locality.  While  the  species  as  a  whole  is  ex- 
tremely variable  in  color  and  size,  the  specimens  from  a  given 
locality  have  a  marked  likeness  in  this  respect.  Specimens  from 
southern  Utah,  California,  and  Arizona  are  on  the  whole  much 
lighter  in  coloration  and  generally  smaller  in  size  than  are  those 
from  northern  Utah  and  Idaho.  The  specimens  from  any 
limited  area  are  remarkably  alike ;  however,  there  seem  to  be 
some  sexual  variations,  since,  in  the  five  specimens  from  Moab, 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  223 

the  mesothorax  is  considerably  darker  in  the  males  than  in  the 

Subfamily  POLISTINAE. 

7.  POLISTES    FUSCATUS    var.    AURIFER    Sauss.      UTAH  :    Zion 
National  Park,  July,  1925,  eleven  females  (Tanner)  ;  Pine  Val- 
ley, June,    1929,  one   female    (Tanner)  ;   Lynndyl,   September, 
one  female   (Tanner)  ;  Sheep  Creek,  Duchesne  County,  June, 
1926,   one    female    (Hay ward)  ;    Central,   June,   three    females 
(Tanner)  ;    La    Sal,   June,    1927,    seven    females    (Call)  ;    Ute 
Mountains,  Utah-Colorado  line,  June,  1927,  one  female  (Tan- 
ner) ;   Wellsville    Canyon,   June,    1926,    six    females    (Tanner, 
Hay  ward). 

CALIFORNIA:  Harbor  City,  San  Pedro,  one  female  (Beck). 

NEVADA:  Lehman  Cave,  Mt.  Wheeler,  one  female  (Tanner). 

ARIZONA:  Kiabab  Forest,  July,  1927,  one  female  (Call). 

According  to  Dr.  Bequaert,  P.  f.  var.  aurifcr  and  P.  /.  var. 
variatus  show  such  a  close  intergradation  that  it  is  often  prac- 
tically impossible  to  satisfactorily  separate  certain  specimens  of 
the  two  varieties.  In  Utah,  these  two  forms  apparently  may 
occupy  the  same  locality  and  their  exact  ranges  are  not  well 
established.  Dr.  Bequaert  suggests,  however,  that  aurifer  is 
the  more  western  and  variatus  the  more  eastern  form  in  the 

8.  POLISTES   FUSCATUS  var.   VARIATUS  Cress.     UTAH  :   Provo, 
seventeen  females,  seven  of  which  were  taken  in  January  (Tan- 
ner,   Hay  ward)  ;    Logan,    August   and    September,   two   males 
(Hayward);  Aspen  Grove,  Timpanogos,  three  females   (Tan- 
ner) ;  Riverdale,  June,  1926,  two  females  (Tanner,  Brown). 

IDAHO:  Lava  Hot  Springs,  four  females  (Beck);  Driggs, 
June,  1928,  one  female  (Kartchner)  ;  Paris,  July  to  September, 
seventeen  specimens  (Hayward). 

9.  POLISTES  FUSCATUS  var.  FLAVUS  Cress.    UTAH  :  St.  George, 
August,  1926,  thirteen  females  (Tanner)  ;  Santa  Clara,  August, 

1926,  two  females  (Tanner). 

Present  records  seem  to  indicate  that  this  species  is  to  be 
found  in  Utah  only  in  the  Lower  Sonoran  Zone  of  the  extreme 
southern  part. 

10.  POLISTES   .FUSCATUS    var.    APAC 'iirs    Sauss.      UTAH:    St. 
George,  eight  females,  two  of  which  were  taken  in   December, 
1923  (Tanner)  ;  Bluff,  San  Juan  River,  June,  1(>27,  thirty-seven 
females   and   two   males    (Tanner,    Cottam,    Call,    Kartchner); 
Green  River,  June,  1927,  two  females  (Tanner);  Moab,  June, 

1927,  seventeen  females   (Tanner,  Cottam,  Call,  and  Rasmus- 

224  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  u,    '30 

11.  POLISTES  CANADENSIS  L.  var.     ARIZONA:  Kiabab   Forest, 
Rim  of  Grand  Canyon,  July.  1927,  twenty-eight  females  (Tan- 
ner, Cottam,  Rasmussen,  Call). 

Dr.  Tanner  reports  that  this  form  was  very  common  on  the 
rim  of  the  Grand  Canyon  of  the  Colorado  on  the  day  the  above 
collection  was  made.  Dr.  Bequaert  states  that  this  form  is 
apparently  without  a  variety  name,  but  that  it  is  entirely  distinct 
from  thr  P.  canadcnsis  L.  which  occurs  in  tropical  America. 

Subfamily  VESPINAE. 

12.  VESPULA   ARENARIA   Fab.     (  =  diabolica    Sauss.)    UTAH: 
Wellsville   Canyon,  June,    1926,  two  queens    (Tanner)  ;   Utah 
Lake,  East  Side,  one  worker  (Beck)  ;  Aspen  Grove,  Timpano- 
gos,  twenty-one  workers  and  two  males  (Tanner). 

IDAHO:  Moscow,  one  queen  (Sudweeks)  ;  Driggs,  June,  1928, 
one  worker  (Kartchner). 

Although  fairly  abundant  in  the  northern  part  of  the  state, 
the  species  seems  to  be  far  less  common  than  its  variety  fcrnaldi. 

13.  VESPULA  ARENARIA   Fab.    (  ;  =  diabolica   Sauss.)    var.  fcr- 
naldi Lewis.   UTAH  :  Riverdale,  June,  1926,  seven  queens  (Tan- 
ner, Brown,  Hay  ward)  ;  Bear  Ears,  Elk  Ridge.  June,  1927,  two 
queens  (Tanner,  Call)  ;  Lakota,  Bear  Lake,  June,   1926,  three 
queens  (Tanner)  ;  Summit  Danial's  Canyon,  El.  8,000  ft.,  July, 
1926,  one  queen  and  one  worker   (Tanner,  Hay  ward)  ;  Sheep 
Creek,    Duchesne    County,   June,    1926,    two   queens    (Cottam, 
Hayward)  ;  Logan  Canyon,  Tony's  Ranger  Station,  June,  1926, 
five  queens    (Cottam,   Brown,  Hayward)  ;  La  Sal   Mountains, 
one  queen  (Tanner)  ;  Farr  West,  June,  1926,  one  queen  (Hay- 
ward)  ;  Payson,  one  worker  (Call)  ;  Aspen  Grove.  Timpanogos, 
ten  workers  and  one  male  (Tanner)  ;  Provo,  twenty-five  work- 
ers (Hayward). 

CALIFORNIA:  Stanford  University,  May,  1923,  one  worker 

WYOMING:  Fort  Bridger,  June,  1926,  one  queen  (Brown); 
Burnt  Fork,  June,  1926,  one  queen  (Hayward). 

COLORADO:  Mesa  Verda  National  Park,  two  queens  (Call, 

IDAHO:   Paris,  six  queens  and  fifteen  workers   (Hayward). 

14.  VESPULA  ARCTICA  Rohw.     UTAH  :  Aspen  Grove,  Timpano- 
gos, two  males  (Tanner). 

V  '.  arctica  is  apparently  a  rare  form  in  Utah. 

xll,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  225 

15.  VESPULA  MACULATA  L.    UTAH  :  Three  queens,  six  workers, 
one  male  (Tanner)  ;  Aspen  Grove,  Timpanogos,  seven  workers 
and  two  males  (Tanner)  ;  Logan  Canyon,  Tony's  Ranger  Sta- 
tion, June,  1926,  four  queens  (Cottam)  ;  Rosevere  Creek,  Raft 
River  Mountains,  June,  1927,  three  queens   (Tanner)  ;  River- 
dale,  June,  1926,  two  queens  (Tanner,  Brown)  ;  Lakota,  Bear 
Lake,  June,   1926,  two  queens    (Tanner)  ;  Wellsville   Canyon, 
June,  1926,  one  queen  (Tanner). 

NEVADA:  Leham  Cave,  Mt.  Wheeler,  June,  1928,  one  queen 

IDAHO:  Paris,  June  and  August,  one  queen  and  one  worker 
(Hay  ward). 

This  species  is  well  distributed  throughout  the  state  of  Utah, 
especially  in  mountainous  regions. 

16.  VESPULA    CONSOBRINA    Sauss.      UTAH:   Riverdale,    Weber 
River,  June,   1926,  one  queen    (Cottam)  ;  Deep  Creek  Moun- 
tains, June,   1928,  one  queen   (Beck)  ;  Utah  Lake,  East  Side, 
one   queen    (Beck)  ;    Logan   Canyon,   Tony's   Ranger    Station, 
June,  1926,  one  queen  (Tanner). 

V '.  consobrina  is  apparently  not  a  common  form  in  Utah,  and 
the  present  records  indicate  the  northern  parts  of  the  state  as 
its  chief  range. 

17.  VESPULA  OCCIDENTALIS  Cress.     UTAH  :  St.  George,  eleven 
queens  (two  taken  in  December,  1925)  and  five  workers  (Tan- 
ner) ;  Zion  National  Park.  August,  1926,  sixteen  workers  (Tan- 
ner) ;   La   Sal   Mountains,  June,    1927,   four  queens    (Tanner, 
Kartchner)  ;    Moab,   two   queens    (Call)  ;    Bryce    Canyon,   one 
worker  (Tanner)  ;  Provo,  one  queen  and  three  workers  (Tan- 
ner, Cottam,  Beck)  ;  Green  River,  one  queen  (Tanner)  ;  Doug- 
las,   June,    1926,    two    workers    (Tanner,    Hay  ward)  ;    Aspen 
Grove,  Timpanogos,  five  workers   (Tanner)  ;  Riverdale,  June, 
1926,    four   queens    ( Hay  ward );   Wellsville,   June,    192(>,    tun 
queens  (Tanner)  ;  Logan  Canyon,  Tony's  Ranger  Station,  June, 
1926,  two  queens  (Tanner,  Brown)  ;  Summit  Danial's  Canyon, 
El.  8,000  ft.,  June,  1926,  one  queen  (Hayward). 

CALIFORNIA:  Stanford  University.  April  and  May,  four 
queens  and  three  workers  (Tanner,  Duncan)  ;  San  Jose,  two 
workers  (Duncan)  ;  Berkeley,  July,  1915,  one  worker  (Smart). 

NEVADA:  Lehman  Cave,  Mt.  Wheeler,  one  queen  (Tanner). 

COLORADO  :  Mesa  Verda  National  Park,  June,  1927,  two 
queens  (Call,  Kartchner). 

226  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  IJuty.    '30 

IDAHO:  Paris,  twelve  queens  (  Hay  ward  );  Moscow,  two 
workers  (Sudweeks)  ;  Driggs,  June,  1928,  one  queen  and  one 
worker  (Kartchner)  ;  Lava  Hot  Springs,  one  queen  (Beck). 

The  records  indicate  that  F.  occidcntalis  is  the  most  evenly 
distributed  of  any  of  the  species  found  in  the  state.  It  is  prob- 
ably the  most  common  form  to  be  encountered  throughout  the 
entire  region. 

18.  VESPULA  ATROPILOSA   Sladen.     UTAH  :   Sheep  Creek,   Du- 
chesne  County,  June,  1926,  one  queen  (Cottam)  ;  Provo,  June, 
1929,   four  queens    (Hay  ward);   Utah  Lake,  East   Side,   four 
males    (Beck)  ;   La   Sal   Mountains,  one  queen    (Rasmussen)  ; 
Logan,  one  queen  (Hay  ward). 

COLORADO  :  Mesa  Verda  National  Park,  June,  1927,  one  queen 

IDAHO:  Paris,  one  queen  (Hayward). 

19.  VESPULA  VULGARIS  L.     UTAH  :  Aspen  Grove,  Timpanogos, 
one  male   (Tanner)  ;  Summit  of  Danial's  Canyon,  June,   1926, 
(Hayward)  ;    Logan    Canyon,    Tony's    Ranger    Station,    two 
queens  (Tanner). 

CALIFORNIA  :  Berkeley,  June,  1915,  one  worker  (Smart). 
IDAHO:  Lava  Hot  Springs,  one  queen  (Beck). 


BEQUAERT,  J.  C.  1918.  A  Revision  of  the  Vespidae  of  the 
Belgian  Congo  Based  on  the  Collection  of  the  American  Mu- 
seum Congo  Expedition,  with  a  List  of  the  Epthiopian  Diplop- 
terous  Wasps.  Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural 
History,  Vol.  XXXIX,  Art.  I,  No.  9,  pp.  1-384. 

BRADLEY,  JAMES  CHESTER.  1922.  The  Taxonomy  of  the 
Masarid  Wasps,  Including  a  Monograph  of  the  North  Ameri- 
can Species.  University  of  California  Publications,  Technical 
Bulletins,  College  of  Agriculture,  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station,  Entomology,  Vol.  I,  No.  9,  pp.  369-464. 

CRESSON,  E.  T.  1887.  Synopsis  of  the  Families  and  Genera 
of  the  Hymenoptera  of  America,  North  of  Mexico.  Trans. 
Amer.  Ent.  Soc.,  Supplementary  Volume. 

ESSIG,  E.  O.  1926.  Insects  of  Western  North  America.  The 
Macmillan  Company,  New  York. 

LEWIS,  H.  W.  1897.  Vespinae  of  the  United  States  and  Can- 
ada. Trans.  Amer.  Ent.  Society,  Vol.  XXIV,  pp.  169-192. 

SAUSSURE,  HENRI  DE.  1875.  Synopsis  of  the  American 
Wasps.  Smithsonian  Miscellaneous  Collections  No.  14,  Smith- 
sonian Institution. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  227 

Tsetse  Flies — Past  and  Present  (Diptera:  Muscoidea). 

By  J.  BEQUAERT,  Harvard  University   Medical  School, 

Boston,  Massachusetts 

(Continued  from  page  203). 

The  most  baffling  part  of  the  whole  history  of  tsetses  is  their 
viviparous  mode  of  reproduction,  which  was  discovered  by  Sir 
David  Bruce  ( 1895-1896)  in  Zululaml,  probably  with  G.  f>al- 
lidipcs.  In  this  connection  the  reader  will  be  amused  by  the 
following  fabulous  account  of  viviparity  in  the  tsetse  presented 
in  all  seriousness  to  the  French  Academy  by  L.  de  Castelnau  in 
1858.  "The  Bushmen,"  he  says,  "assert  that  this  fly  is  vivi- 
parous, and  Mr.  Edwards,  the  companion  of  Mr.  Chapman,  and 
a  highly  intelligent  man,  having  one  day  expressed  to  them  his 
disbelief  as  to  this,  they  brought  him  a  pregnant  female,  and 
having  in  his  presence  opened  it  along  the  middle  line  of  the 
abdomen  he  states  that  he  saw  three  little  flies  ready  to  take 
flight  emerge  from  it."  In  the  female  tsetse  the  reproductive 
organs  consist  essentially  of  the  same  parts  as  in  other  insects. 
A  pair  of  ovaries  open  by  means  of  a  common  oviduct  in  a 
spacious  uterus,  capable  of  great  distension.  The  ovaries  are, 
however,  asymmetrical,  owing  to  the  alternate  ripening  of  a 
single  egg  in  the  lowest  follicle  on  either  side.  Fertilisation 
takes  place  as  the  egg  passes  through  the  oviduct,  in  which 
open  the  paired  ducts  of  the  spermathecae.  The  egg  then  pro- 
gresses into  the  uteru^,  where  it  hatches  in  a  day  or  so.  Here 
the  larva  remains  during  all  three  stages,  being  fed  by  peculiar 
uterine  or  milk  glands,  a  system  of  bilateral  branching  organs 
forming  a  network  on  either  side  of  the  uterus.  The  common 
duct  from  these  glands  opens  just  below  the  ducts  of  the  sper- 
mathecae on  a  small  conical  papilla,  or  teat,  from  which  the 
larva  sucks  its  nourishment.  The  uterus  is  also  surrounded  by 
a  very  complex  system  of  tracheae,  which  bring  air  to  the 
uterine  cavity.  In  about  ten  davs.  under  favorable  condition-, 
the  larva  is  full-grown  and  the  female  expels  it  from  the  va- 
gina, the  anal  extremity  first.  \tter  its  expulsion  the  larva 
takes  no  food,  but  it  buries  itself  in  the  earth,  sand  or  humus. 

228  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '30 

and  its  skin  hardens  into  a  puparium.  With  the  exception  of 
the  genus  Glossina,  this  peculiar  type  of  viviparity  is  known 
only  for  the  Hippoboscidae,  Nycteribiidae  and  Streblidae, 
among  the  Diptera ;  all  these  insects  -being  commonly  called 
"pupiparous."  Some  purists  have  objected  to  this  term,  on  the 
ground  that  in  these  flies  the  female  expels  a  full-grown  larva 
and  not  a  pupa.  Yet  to  simply  call  them  "larviparous"  would 
merely  obscure  matters,  since  it  would  in  no  way  distinguish 
their  case  from  that  of  the  many  other  insects  that  deposit 
young  larvae,  freshly  hatched  from  the  eggs,  and  that  have  made 
no  provision  for  intra-uterine  feeding  and  respiration.  Unless 
some  obliging  Greek  scholar  will  provide  us  with  a  brand-new 
term,  I  see  no  objection  to  calling  the  tsetses  pupiparous.  Ex- 
cept for  the  fact  that  the  tegument  is  not  yet  hardened,  the  larva 
of  Glossina,  when  voided  by  the  female,  is  essentially  a  pu- 

One  more  point  before  leaving  the  reproductive  system.  If 
we  examine  the  third  stage  larva  when  nearly  full-grown  in  the 
female  uterus,  we  notice  at  the  anal  extremity  a  pair  of  black, 
sclerotized  and  almost  spheroidal  protuberances,  which  New- 
stead  has  called  the  polypneustic  lobes.  I  believe  that  the 
homology  of  these  structures  has  been  misunderstood.  The 
surface  of  each  lobe  is  more  or  less  divided  into  three  areas  by 
faint  grooves  and  thickly  studded  all  over  with  papillae,  which,  as 
Newstead  (1918)  has  shown,  are  respiratory  openings.  A  com- 
parison with  a  series  of  other  Muscoid  larvae  or  puparia  (such 
as,  for  instance,  that  published  by  C.  T.  Greene  in  1921  and 
1925)  indicates  that  the  polypneustic  lobes  are  not  "additional 
stigmata"  (Newstead)  or  "protective  organs"  (Roubaud),  but 
modified  stigmal  plates  with  an  exaggerated  branching  of  the 
three  usual  slits  or  "peritremes."  They  represent  an  extreme 
development  of  C.  T.  Greene's  "braincoral  type"  of  stigmal 
plate.  \Yithin  the  deep  pit  enclosed  by  the  inner  lips  of  the  two 
polypneustic  lobes,  one  finds  on  either  side  a  small,  somewhat 
raised  plate,  which  in  my  opinion  is  the  "button",  or  vestigial 
scar  of  the  posterior  stigma  of  an  earlier  larval  stage.  These 
two  scars  have  no  longer  a  respiratory  function  in  the  third 
stage,  so  that  the  names  "posterior  stigmata"  or  "paired  ab- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  229 

dominal  stigmata",  applied  to  them  by  Roubaud,  Stuhlmann. 
and  Xewstead  are  misnomers. 

Through  what  combination  of  circumstances,  or  determinism, 
have  the  tsetses  and  the  other  pupiparous  Diptera  mentioned 
above  acquired  thi>  complicated  and  >lo\v  method  of  perpetuat- 
ing the  species?  Roubaud  alone  has  attempted  to  answer  this 
question.  He  regard.-,  the  Glossinac,  although  free-living,  as 
typical  ectoparasites  of  vertebrates.  phv>iologicallv  as  specialised 
for  a  blood  diet  as  the  Hippoboscidae  and  Xycteribiidae.  He 
claims  that  normal,  true  pupiparity  occurs  only  in  flies  that  are 
exclusively  hematophagous  and  that  live  at  a  constant  high 
temperature.  This  explanation,  though  plausible,  is  not  quite 
satisfying.  It  fails  to  take  into  account  the  fact  that  the  ad- 
vantages of  a  pupiparous  mode  of  reproduction  are  by  no  means 
obvious.  Moreover,  tropical  countries  teem  with  many  other 
free-living  biting  insects,  not  to  mention  the  numerous  strict 
ectoparasites,  which  show  no  tendency  whatsoever  toward  vivi- 
parity.  Nevertheless  it  would  seem  that  some  general  principle 
must  be  involved,  since  pupiparity  has  been  acquired  indejjend- 
ently  in  at  least  two,  if  not  four,  distinct  lines  of  evolution. 

The  psychic  alertness  which  I  have  claimed  for  the  tsetses, 
is  displayed  once  more  in  the  behavior  of  the  gravid  females. 
In  search  for  a  vertebrate  host  the  flies  roam  far  and  wide ; 
but  when  parturition  is  about  to  take  place,  the  female  seeks 
out  the  most  favorable  environment  for  her  offspring.  As 
Roubaud  (1909)  and  G.  D.  H.  Carpenter  (1912)  have  shown 
in  a  series  of  experiments,  the  pupae  of  Clossina  are  very  fastid- 
ious in  their  requirements  of  light,  humidity  and  temperature. 
In  addition,  the  several  species  differ  considerably  in  this  re- 
spect. The  larvae  of  G.  palpcilis,  for  instance,  are  deposited  in 
cool,  shaded,  dry  places,  preferably  near  the  banks  of  rivers  or 
lakes.  An  appropriate  natural  breeding  ground  of  this  species 
often  yields  hundreds  of  pupae.  Roubaud  found  that  in  dry. 
shaded  sand,  at  a  temperature  of  25°  to  27°  C..  the  pupa  de- 
velops normally  in  about  32  or  33  day-.  The  pupae  of  the 
savanna  species,  on  the  other  hand,  are  not  found  in  the  neigh- 
borhood of  water,  though  they  are  also  hidden  in  loose,  dry. 

230  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [July,    '30 

shaded  material ;  they  are  always  much  scattered  and  rarely  more 
than  ten  living  pupae  are  found  in  one  spot.  For  G.  morsitans 
trees  hollowed  near  the  hase  and  the  shelter  beneath  fallen 
trunks  are  favorite  breding  places. 

The  pupae  are  so  well  hidden  in  nature  that  a  weary  search 
is  often  needed  before  they  can  be  discovered.  Yet  they  are  not 
entirely  able  to  escape  their  enemies,  the  most  powerful  of  which 
are  a  number  of  endoparasitic  insects.  For  some  reason  as  yet 
obscure,  G.  palpolis  seems  to  be  rather  free  from  parasitic  at- 
tacks :  although  hundreds  of  pupae  found  in  nature  have  been 
bred  of  this  species,  they  have  yielded  only  one  proctotrupid, 
which  I  discovered  years  ago  in  Katanga,  and  one  chalcid,  ob- 
tained by  G.  D.  H.  Carpenter  in  Uganda.  No  less  than  twenty 
parasites  attack  the  pupae  of  G.  morsitans  (and  its  race  sub- 
morsitans)  and  these  cover  a  wide  range  of  groups:  mutillids 
(3  species),  braconids  (1  species),  proctotrupids  (1  species), 
and  chalcids  (8  species),  among  the  Hymenoptera,  and  bom- 
byliids  (7  species)  among  the  Diptera.  The  three  mutillids 
have  been  placed  in  Mutilla,  but  they  are  not  congeneric  with 
Mutilla  curopaca  and,  moreover,  seem  to  represent  two  distinct 
genera.  The  bombyliids  have  recently  been  revised  by  Austen 
(1929),  who  places  them  all  in  the  genus  Thyridanthrax .  Of 
predaceous  arthropods,  spiders,  dragon-flies,  and  robber  flies  may 
occasionally  catch  an  adult  tsetse ;  but  certain  predaceous  fos- 
sorial  wasps  of  the  genera  Bcmbi.v  and  O. \~ybcl  us  are  perhaps 
more  important  enemies  of  the  flies.  In  his  discussion  of  the 
enemies  and  parasites  of  Glossina,  Mr.  Hegh  seems  to  ,have 
overlooked  an  interesting  account  of  Bcmbi.r  preying  upon  G. 
patpalis,  published  by  Father  Guilleme  in  the  Revue  Congolaise 
for  1910  (vol.  I,  pp."  145-150,  PL  IX). 

Most  of  the  topics  which  I  have  discussed  thus  far  cover  the 
subject-matter  of  Mr.  Hegh's  first  volume.  The  author  prom- 
ises us  a  second  volume,  which  will  deal  with  the  detailed  distri- 
bution of  the  species,  their  habitats,  the  biology  of  the  adult 
flies,  the  feeding  habits,  the  influence  of  external  factors,  the 
methods  of  control,  and  the  technique  used  in  studying  these 
insects.  Some  of  these  points  I  have  touched  upon  incidentally. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  231 

The  discussion  of  the  others  may  safely  wait  until  Mr.  Hash's 
work  is  completed.  Since,  however,  he  does  not  intend  to  deal 
with  the  relation  of  tsetses  to  disease,  I  shall  close  this  review 
with  a  few  comments  on  this  important  problem.  I  shall  attempt 
to  keep  as  strictly  as  possible  within  the  entomologist's  premises. 
The  annoyance  caused  to  man  and  beast  by  the  bite  of  tsetses 
is  unimportant  as  compared  to  the  role  these  flies  play  in  the 
transmission  of  certain  diseases.  Originally  the  ravages  caused 
by  the  tsetse  in  South  Africa  were  blamed  on  some  "poison" 
injected  by  the  fly.  In  1895,  Sir  David  Bruce  announced  his 
epoch-making  discovery  that  nagana,  or  fly-disease,  in  domestic 
animals  was  caused  by  a  blood  parasite  carried  by  Glossina  from 
sick  to  healthy  animals.  So  far  as  known  at  present,  all  diseases 
caused  in  man  or  animals  by  the  bite  of  tsetses  are  due  to 
flagellate  Protozoa  of  the  genus  Trypanosoma.  Although  all 
species  of  Glossina  must  be  under  suspicion  as  potential  vectors, 
some  of  them  are  of  outstanding  significance  in  this  respect.  In 
general  one  may  say  that  the  rarer  or  more  local  species  are 
negligible.  The  most  prevalent  type  of  human  trypanosomiasis. 
or  African  Sleeping  Sickness,  as  it  is  often  called,  is  caused  by 
Trypanosoma  gambiense  and  transmitted  by  G.  palpalis.  Con- 
sequently it  is  only  contracted  within  the  area  occupied  by  this 
species  of  tsetse,  which,  as  I  have  pointed  out  above,  covers 
fairly  well  the  West  African  Subregion.  Outside  this  area, 
however,  a  different  type  of  human  parasite,  which  has  been 
called  Trypanosoma  rliodcsicnsc,  has  given  much  concern  to  the 
medical  authorities  of  Rhodesia  and  Tanganyika  Territory.  It 
is  carried  by  some  of  the  savanna  species  of  Glossina,  viz..  G. 
morsitans,  G.  hrcri[><ilpis,  and  (/".  s-icyiiiicrtoni.  The  several 
trypanosomes  that  cause  disease  in  domestic  animals  are  often 
hard  to  tell  apart,  so  that  no  two  authorities  agree  as  to  how 
many  kinds  there  are.  These  animal  parasites  are  transmitted 
by  G.  palpalis.  G.  inorsilans,  G.  />;vr//i<///vV.  (/'.  loinfifrtlpis.  G. 
pallidipcs  and  (/'.  tucliinoidcs.  Wild  game  plays  the  role  of  reser- 
voir of  the  virus,  as  it  is  apparently  but  little  or  not  affected  by 
the  flagellates,  but  infects  the  flies  that  eventually  will  carry 
the  disease  to  the  domestic  animals. 

232  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '30 

Tsetse-flies  are  not  merely  mechanical  transmitters  of  the 
trypanosomes  of  vertebrates,  but  the  flagellates  in  the  flies  go 
through  a  definite,  though  wholly  asexual,  cycle  of  develop- 
ment, until  they  produce  infective  forms  known  as  "metacyclic 
trypanosomes."  The  cycle  is  not  the  same  for  all  the  species 
of  trypanosomes  and  one  may  recognize  three  different  types. 
In  one  type,  represented  by  the  human  parasites,  T.  gombiense 
and  T.  rhodesiensc,  the  cycle  starts  in  the  midgut  of  the  fly,  but 
the  infection  spreads  forward  to  the  proboscis,  and  eventually 
to  the  salivary  glands  where  the  infective  metacyclic  trypano- 
somes are  produced,  which  are  injected  in  the  bite  by  way  of  the 
hypopharynx.  In  the  second,  which  is  that  of  the  animal  para- 
sites, T.  congolense  and  T.  siniioc,  the  development  in  the 
midgut  is  followed  by  invasion  of  the  hypopharynx  in  the  pro- 
boscis, but  not  of  the  salivary  glands.  In  the  third,  known  for 
the  animal  parasites,  T.  vivax,  T.  unifonnc  and  T.  caprac,  the 
whole  development  occurs  in  the  proboscis,  there  being  no  in- 
testinal phase  and  the  infective  forms  entering  the  hypopharynx 

This  bare  outline  suggests  some  rather  intricate  biological 
relations  between  the  trypanosomes  and  their  tsetse  hosts,  which 
naturally  raise  the  question  as  to  whether  the  flies  or  the  verte- 
brates were  the  original  hosts  of  these  flagellates.  The  most 
generally  accepted  view  is,  as  Wenyon  (1926)  states,  that  the 
trypanosomes  of  vertebrates  were  originally  purely  insect 
flagellates  which  gradually  became  adapted  to  the  blood  medium 
in  the  gut  when  the  insects  became  bloodsuckers.  Later  the 
flagellates  passed  into  the  vertebrates  and  became  adapted  to 
life  in  the  blood  stream.  Some  cogent  arguments  can  be  ad- 
vanced in  support  of  this  view.  Flagellates  similar  or  closely 
related  to  trypanosomes  parasitize  many  other  arthropods,  even 
non-bloodsucking  species.  Moreover,  the  trypanosomes  seem 
to  do  no  harm  to  the  tsetses.  Yet  some  other  peculiarities  seem 
difficult  to  understand  and  will  necessitate  a  number  of  auxiliary 
hypotheses  if  one  accepts  the  theory  of  the  Glossinac  as  original 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

In  the  first  place,  the  trypanosomes  are  not  hereditary  in  tne 
flies  nor  can  they  be  transmitted  by  cysts  voided  in  the  iaeces- 
The  only  manner  in  which  newly  hatched  tsetses  can  possibly 
become  infected,  is  by  biting  an  animal  the  blood  of  whlc"  con" 
tains  trypanosomes.     We  must  therefore  assume  that  ^le  an~ 
cestors  of  the  living  tsetses  became  infected  with  theif 
lates  at  an  early  period  in  their  geological  history,  \vhen 
had  other  feeding  habits  or  at  least  were  not  yet  strictK  blood- 
sucking.    They  could  then  become  infected  by  absorbir1.? 
voided  by  other  individuals.     Secondly,  it  is  a  curious  f,act 
the  cycle  of  development  of  the  pathogenic  trypanosomes  runs 
its   full  course  in  only  a  small  percentage  of   any  spe'cies  °* 
tsetse :  in  the  other  individuals  the  trypanosomes  ingestr"  with 
the  blood  simply  disappear.     The  proportion  of  flies  that  nlay 
become   infective   is   extremely   variable   and    depends    uPon    a 
multitude  of  factors,  some  of  which  are  not  yet  properly  under- 
stood.    Under  ordinary  experimental  conditions,  not  more  than 
2  to  8  per  cent  of  (/".  palpalis  ever  become  capable  of  tr,;insmit" 
ting  the  human  trypanosome,   T.  gainl'icusc,  a  fact  whic^  re~ 
duces  considerably  the  danger  of  man  becoming  infecte'"  wltn 
African  Sleeping  Sickness.     Again  here,  we  shall  have  to  SUP" 
pose  that  this  resistance  of  the  fly  to  the  Protozoon  is  a  ^ater 
development   in   the  phylogeny  of   the   flagellate   infectiP11- 
may  have  been  caused  by  the  fly  not  always  being  able  to  absorb, 
with  the  blood  of  the  infected   vertebrate,  the   right  st:a£e  °^ 
trypanosome,  capable  of  further  development  in  the  inser^- 
perhaps  some  reaction  of  the  vertebrate  blood  upon  the 
was  involved  which  gradually  rendered  the  trypanosome  better 
adapted  to  life  in  the  blood  stream  than  in  the  intestim1'  tr;ict 
of  the  tsetse.    Of  course,  there  are  other  possibilities  too. 

The  transmission  of  flagellates  by  tsetse-flies  raises  nian.v 
other  interesting  questions,  which,  however,  I  must  le'ave  m 
abeyance.  It  is  high  time  for  me  to  conclude,  for  I  ha\r  been 
prowling  dangerously  near  the  outer  fringes  of  the  entorno'°~ 
gist's  domain.  I  fear  that  the  protozoologists  will  becorrie  res 
less  and  put  up  "no-trespassing"  signs  on  their  own  favorite 
hunting  grounds. 

234  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '30 

Dynastes  tityus  (Scarabaeid)  in  Pennsylvania  and 

the  Rathvon  and  Auxer  Collections 

of  Coleoptera. 

By  PHILIP  P.  CALVERT,  University  of  Pennsylvania, 

(Continued  from  page  201). 

Mr,  Jos.  S.  Wade,  in  his  invaluable  Bibliography  of  Biogra- 
phies of  Entomologists,7  has  cited  but  two  biographies  of  S.  .S. 
Rathvon.  One  is  the  very  brief  notice  of  his  death  in  the  NEWS 
for  April,  1891,  page  80.  The  other  is  by  F.  W.  Coding,8  which 
we  have  not  seen. 

The  library  of  the  Historical  Society  of  Pennsylvania  in 
Philadelphia,  contains  at  least  two  other  sources  of  information 
concerning  Rathvon  and,  as  neither  these  nor  Coding's  biogra- 
phy are  accessible  to  many  entomologists,  we  summarize  them 
here.  The  longer  account  is  entitled  Simon  S.  Rathvon,  Ph.D., 
Lancaster's  Oldest  Living  Devotee  of  Science  by  S.  M.  Sener, 
Esq.  It  is  an  eight  page  reprint  from  Christian  Culture,  but  is 
undated  and  bears  no  notation  as  to  the  volume  number  or  orig- 
inal pagination ;  it  is  accompanied  by  a  wood-cut  portrait  of 
Rathvon.9  Sener  describes  himself  as  a  friend  and  pupil  of 
Rathvon  and  wrote  his  account  while  Rathvon  was  living ;  it  is 
likely  that  he  obtained  his  information  at  first  hand.  The  other 
source  is  an  unsigned  article  in  the  Biographical  Annals  of  Lan- 
caster County,  Pennsylvania.  Publishers:  J.  H.  Beers  &  Co., 

Simon  Snyder  Rathvon  was  born  at  Marietta,  '  Lancaster 
County,  Pennsylvania,  April  24,  1812,  and  died  in  the  city  of 
Lancaster,  March  19,  1891.  As  Simon  Snyder  was  Governor  of 
the  State  from  1808  to  1817,  one  may  conjecture  that  the  infant 
received  his  first  two  names  from  that  circumstance.  His  par- 
ents were  Jacob  Rathvon,  gunsmith,  who  settled  at  Marietta  in 

7  Annals  Ent.  Soc.  Amer.,  xxi,  pp.  489-520,  Sept.,  1928. 

8  Penna.  State  Hortic.  Assoc.  Official  Doc.  no.  4,  3  pp.,  no  date. 

9  Prof.   Carroll   has   kindly   ascertained   for   me   that    Christian    Culture 
was  "A   Local   Interdenominational  Journal,   published  monthly  at   No.  9 
North  Queen  St.,  Lancaster."  It  was  continued  for  three  volumes  through 
the  years  1890,  '91  and  '92.    S.  M.  Sener's  paper,  quoted  above,  occurs  in 
Vol.  I,  No.   10,  pp.  7-8.     Through   Prof.  Carroll  also,  I  owe  to  Mr.  An- 
staett,  librarian  of  F.  &  M.  College,  the  information  that  J.  H,  Beers  & 
Co.  was  a  Chicago  firm. 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  235 

1810  and  died  in  1839,  and  Catharine  Myers,  of  York  County, 
who  died  at  Marietta  in  1825.  Jacob  was  the  son  of  John 
George  Rathvon  (Dec.  7,  1747-Aug.  7,  1799),  a  lieutenant  in 
the  Pennsylvania  militia  during  the  Revolutionary  War,  and 
Christine  Kraemer  (d.  July  21,  1799),  of  Warwick  township. 
John  George,  in  turn,  was  a  son  of  Christian  Rathvon,  who,  with 
a  brother  George,  settled  in  Conestoga  township,  Lancaster 
County,  in  1740,  having  emigrated  from  either  southern  Ger- 
many or  Switzerland. 

Simon  S.  Rathvon's  formal  education  was  obtained  between 
his  seventh  and  tenth  years,  at  three  common  schools,  where 
he  learned  to  "read,  write  and  cipher  as  far  as  compound  di- 
vision". From  1827  to  1832,  he  was  apprenticed  to  John  Bell, 
tailor,  in  his  native  town.  "In  1832  he  commenced  tailoring  on 
his  own  accord  and  subsequently  went  to  Philadelphia  but  re- 
turned to  Marietta  and  carried  on  his  trade  there  until  he  re- 
moved with  his  family  to  this  city  [i.  c.  Lancaster]  and  to-day 
may  be  seen  actively  engaged  at  the  bench"  (Sener).  In  1832 
he  became  a  member  of  a  literary  society  which  numbered 
among  its  members  Prof.  S.  S.  Haldeman,  Judge  J.  J.  Libhart 
and  others ;  it  was  soon  merged  into  a  Lyceum  of  Natural  His- 
tory with  Rathvon  as  secretary.  Sener  reproduces  some  inter- 
esting early  entomological  experiences  of  Rathvon  in  the  latter's 
own  words  and  credits  Haldeman  with  giving  him  his  chief 
stimulus  to  the  study  of  insects.  Referring  to  Rathvon's  ac- 
quisition of  Haldeman's  collection,  Sener  says  "all  that  remains 
of  the  Hentz-Haldeman  collection  is  now  in  the  collection  of 
Dr.  Rathvon." 

Rathvon's  attention  was  largely  directed  to  the  economic  side 
of  entomology  1(l  and  he  became  Professor  of  Entomology  to 
the  State  Horticultural  Society  in  1861,  Professor  of  Entomol- 
ogy to  the  Philadelphia  |  correct  name,  Pennsylvania]  Horticul- 
tural Society  in  18<4  and  Entomologist  to  the  Lancaster  County 
Agricultural  Society  in  186(>.  lie  was  one  of  the  founders  of 
the  Linnean  Societv  of  Lancaster  in  1862,  and  became  its  cura- 


10  A  list  of  29  of  his  publications  in  this  held,  from  1X54  to  1880,  is 
given  in  Samuel  Henshaw's  Bibliography  of  llic  inure  iin^urUiul  L'untri- 
hntions  to  .-liiicricnii  l:.cmi<»nic  l:.iiti»n<>lt><iv.  Fart  V.  Washington,  (Jovt. 
Printing  Office.  1896. 

236  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '30 

tor,  treasurer  and  entomologist.  He  was  in  editorial  charge  of 
the  Lancaster  Fanner  from  1869  to  1884.  Franklin  and  Mar- 
shall College  gave  him  the  degree  of  Ph.D.  in  June,  1878. 

On  May  27,  1834,  he  married  Catherine  Freyberger  at  Mari- 
etta, and  had  seven  sons  and  four  daughters. 

Two  other  entomological  collections  are  in  the  Franklin  and 
Marshall  College  Museum,  those  of  Dr.  M.  W.  Raub,  compris- 
ing North  American  and  exotic  Lepidoptera  and  Coleoptera,  and 
of  Samuel  Auxer,  consisting  of  Coleoptera,  Lepidoptera,  Hem- 
iptera,  Hymenoptera  and  Neuroptera.  Unfortunately,  with  the 
exception  of  some  beetles  in  the  Raub  collection  marked  as  from 
Lancaster,  most  of  these  specimens  lack  locality  labels.  While 
visiting  the  Rathvon  Collection,  however,  I  saw  a  male  specimen 
of  tityus  in  a  box  reposing  in  another  room.  It  had  printed 
labels  "Dynastes  Tityus  Linn"  and  "Pa.".  This  box,  Prof. 
Carroll  informs  me,  was  part  of  the  Auxer  Collection. 

A  brief  obituary  notice  of  Samuel  Auxer  (1835-1909)  was 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  February,  1909,  page  96,  but  some 
additional  information  concerning  him  and  his  collection  has 
come  to  me  from  Mr.  Fisher  and  from  Prof.  R.  C.  Schiedt, 
Emeritus  Professor  of  Biology  at  Franklin  and  Marshall, 
through  Prof.  Carroll.  Mr.  Fisher  writes: 

I  was  very  well  acquainted  with  Samuel  Auxer  and  went  col- 
lecting with  him  a  number  of  times.  He  usually  collected  be- 
tween Lancaster  and  the  Susquehanna  River  near  Pequa.  He 
also  did  some  collecting  in  the  Mount  Hope  region  along  the 
South  Mountains,  Lancaster  County.  Mr.  Auxer  usually  did 
nut  label  his  specimens,  but  gave  a  number  to  the  material  col- 
lected each  time  in  a  certain  locality,  the  numbers  corresponding 
to  a  number  in  his  note  book,  where  he  kept  the  date,  locality 
and  any  other  important  records.  After  his  death  Mrs.  Auxer 
asked  me  to  come  to  Lancaster  and  look  over  his  library,  and 
we  made  a  thorough  search  for  this  note  book  but  it  could  not 
be  found.  It  was  probably  thrown  among  some  trash  and 
carted  away,  although  Mrs.  Auxer  did  not  remember  seeing  it. 
Mr.  Auxer  corresponded  and  exchanged  specimens  with  collec- 
tors in  all  parts  of  the  United  States,  and  since  most  of  his  ma- 
terial was  unlabeled,  it  is  impossible  to  determine  where  the 
specimens  were  collected. 

Samuel  Auxer  kept  a  second-hand  book  store  in  Lancaster, 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  237 

but  he  had  retired  from  the  business  before  I  became  acquainted 
with  him.  A  large  number  of  the  books  from  the  store  were 
at  his  home  and  were  sold  after  his  death.  I  do  not  remember 
Mr.  Auxer  mentioning  anything  about  Rathvon  during  any  of 
my  visits  to  his  place. 

Mr.  Ernst  Jeheber  was  also  a  very  good  friend  of  Mr.  Auxer, 
and  he  was  also  at  Auxer's  home  helping  to  straighten  out  the 
library  and  collection.  Mrs.  Auxer  wanted  to  sell  the  collec- 
tion and  Jeheber  told  me  he  might  buy  it.  Mr.  Jeheber  was  a 
German  tailor  and  worked  at  his  trade  in  Lancaster.  He  was 
interested  in  Lepidoptera  and  had  a  very  nice  local  collection, 
mostly  in  plaster  mounts  and  in  almost  perfect  condition.  I 
went  collecting  with  him  a  great  many  times,  but  in  December, 
1914,  received  a  letter  from  him  in  which  he  said  he  was  going 
to  [West  Point,]  New  York,  and  that  he  would  write  to  me 
later,  but  I  never  received  any  note  from  him.  In  this  letter 
he  mentioned  that  he  was  selling  his  entire  collection  to  Mr. 
[Charles  Fred]  Grimm,  also  a  German  collector,  [of  649  St. 
Joseph  St.,  Lancaster],  but  this  probably  referred  only  to  his 
Lepidoptera  collection.  It  seems  certain  that  Mr.  Jeheber 
bought  the  collection  from  Mrs.  Auxer  for  Dr.  Schiedt,  as  Je- 
heber was  not  interested  in  Coleoptera,  and  he  did  not  have  the 
room  to  keep  the  collection  or  the  money  to  spend  on  a  personal 
collection,  as  he  had  a  very  large  family.  I  am  enclosing  Mr. 
Jeheber's  last  letter  to  me  as  I  thought  it  might  be  of  some  in- 
terest to  you.  [Insertions  enclosed  in  square  brackets  in  the 
preceding  account  have  been  taken  from  this  letter.  P.  P.  C] 

Previous  to  my  correspondence  with  Mr.  Fisher,  Prof.  Car- 
roll had  written  me  that  Jeheber  bought  the  Auxer  Collection 
and  that  Dr.  Schiedt  bought  it  from  Jeheber. 

It  is  remarkable  that,  in  spite  of  the  extensive  and  intensive 
collecting  of  Coleoptera  which  has  been  done  in  Pennsylvania 
within  the  last  fifty  years,  so  few  specimens  of  tityus  have  been 
found,  and  the  rediscovery  of  this  species  in  the  State  is  a  quest 
worthy  to  be  undertaken  by  our  naturalists.  They  may  find 
some  hints,  perhaps,  in  the  late  Mr.  Manee's  account  n  of  col- 
lecting tityus  in  Xorth  Carolina.  It  is  to  be  hoped  that  Rath- 
von's  collection  will  be  carefully  preserved  and  that  some  local 
and  enthusiastic  entomologist,  through  antiquarian  research,  will 
be  able  to  learn  more  of  the  provenance  of  its  specimens  than 
it  is  now  possible  to  ascertain. 

uEnt.  News,  xxvi,  p.  266,  1915. 

238  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '30 

On  Tropisternus  sublaevis  Lee.  and  T.  quadristriatus 
Horn  (Coleoptera:  Hydrophilidae). 

By  H.  C.  FALL,  Tyngsboro,  Massachusetts. 

Of  the  above-named  species,  T.  (Hydrophilus)  sublaevis  was 
described  by  Le  Conte  in  1855  from  Nebraska  and  Georgia. 
There  are  at  present  in  the  Le  Conte  Collection  two  Nebraska 
specimens  (  $  $  ),  but  none  from  Georgia,  and  this  was  the 
case  thirty  years  ago  when  I  first  examined  the  Le  Conte  types. 
T.  quadristriatus  was  described  by  Horn  in  1871  from  speci- 
mens collected  "near  the  seacoast  of  New  Jersey."  A  few  years 
later  (1874)  this  species  was  suppressed  by  Horn  himself  as 
identical  with  sublaevis  Lee. 

Just  what  became  of  the  Georgia  specimen  of  sublaevis  men- 
tioned by  Le  Conte  is  unknown  to  me.  I  had  suspected  that 
between  1871  and  1874,  in  accordance  with  a  custom  prevailing 
with  Le  Conte  and  Horn  of  sharing  their  material,  the  Georgia 
specimen  was  turned  over  to  Horn  and  led  him  to  pronounce 
his  species  the  same  as  that  of  Le  Conte.  On  inquiring  of  Mr. 
Liebeck  he  informs  me  that  there  is  only  a  single  example  each 
of  quadristriatus  and  sublaevis  in  the  Horn  collection,  the  for- 
mer bearing  a  "N.  J."  label,  the  latter  without  indication  of 
locality  but  with  a  small  square  on  the  pin  bearing  the  number 
"10"  as  though  sent  by  some  correspondent  for  determination. 
I  think  it  unlikely  that  this  is  the  Georgia  specimen  of  Le  Conte, 
but  whether  so  or  not,  it  is  identical  with  the  one  on  the  quadri- 
striatus label. 

In  1902,  August  10-12,  Mr.  Frederick  Blanchard  and  the 
writer  collected  at  Marion,  Massachusetts,  on  the  shore  of 
Buzzard's  Bay.  From  brackish  pools  near  the  shore  line  we 
took  specimens  of  a  Tropisternus,  which  from  the  similarity  of 
localities  we  judged  correctly  to  be  the  quadristriatus  of  Horn. 
A  day  or  two  later  1  compared  these  Marion  specimens  with 
the  Nebraska  types  of  sublaevis  and  satisfied  myself  that  they 
were  specifically  distinct,  a  result  which  might  reasonably  be 
anticipated  when  the  remoteness  and  difference  of  habitat  con- 
ditions are  considered. 

Some  eight  or  nine  years  ago  I  received  from  M.  d'Orchy- 
mont  a  letter  of  inquiry  concerning  certain  of  our  species  of 
Tropisternus.  In  reply  1  sent  him  among  others  a  specimen  of 

xll,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  239 

the  Marion  quadristriatus  and  expressed  the  opinion  that  Horn 
had  been  in  error  in  uniting  the  species  with  sublaci'is.  This 
opinion  is  reflected  in  d'Orchymont's  paper  of  1922, *  where  he 
gives  both  quadristriatus  and  sublaci'is  a  place  in  his  table, 
though  admitting  his  uncertainty  as  to  the  precise  status  or  posi- 
tion of  the  latter.  In  reality  sublaci'is  is  out  of  place  in  d'Or- 
chymont's table  where  it  stands  with  a  question  mark  next  to 
quadristriatus,  its  true  position  being  with  those  species  having 
the  pubescent  area  of  the  hind  femur  very  small.  As  a  matter 
of  fact  sublaevis  by  this  table  runs  directly  to  .rantliopits  Sharp, 
with  which  I  have  no  doubt  whatever  of  its  identity,  sublaci'is, 
of  course,  being  the  older  name.  In  this  connection  d'(  )rchy- 
mont's  remark  that  he  received  from  the  British  Museum  speci- 
mens identified  by  Sharp  as  sublaci'is,  and  that  they  proved  to 
be  xantlwpHS,  is  interesting  and  significant. 

So  far  as  sublaci'is  and  quadristriatus  are  concerned  there- 
are  two  characters  by  which  they  may  be  definitely  separated, 
one,  however,  requiring  the  presence  of  males. 

Pubescent  area  of  hind  femur  very  small,  confined  to  the  ex- 
treme base;  sternal  keel  nearly  or  quite  smooth  in  both 
sexes  sublaci'is 

Pubescent  area  of  hind  femur  comparatively  large,  occupying 
fully  the  basal  third  ;  sternal  keel  with  numerous  moderate- 
ly coarse  punctures  in  the  male,  nearly  smooth  in  the  fe- 
male, except  at  the  basal  declivity quadristriatus 

Sublaevis  is  represented  in  my  collection  by  specimens  from 
El  Paso,  Texas  and  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico,  and  I  have 
seen  specimens  from  Denver,  Colorado,  sent  me  for  identifica- 
tion by  Mr.  Liebeck.  M.  d'Orchymont  has  seen  two  examples 
from  California  and  four  of  somewhat  larger  size  from  Texas. 
all  being  identified  as  .vaiitliopus. 

Of  quadristriatus  mv  only  representatives  are  those  taken  as 
above  noted  at  Marion,  Massachusetts.  This  species  is  prob- 
ably restricted  to  the  near  vicinity  of  the  Atlantic  coast  Hue. 
and  may  or  may  not  be  confined  to  the  more  or  less  brackish 
waters  of  that  region.  There  can  be  no  doubt  I  think  that  Le 
Conte's  original  Georgia  sublaci'is  belonged  to  the  present 

1  Le  Genre  Tropisternus  II.  Annals  tit-  la  Sndi-tt-  Entomologique  de 
Belgique,  LXII,  1922. 

240  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  |JuLv,    '30 

And  now  a  word  as  to  T.  glaber  Herbst.  As  is  well  explained 
by  d'Orchymont  in  the  paper  above  referred  to,  there  are  now 
no  specimens  in  European  collections  which  can  be  fixed  upon 
as  the  original  types  of  Herbst,  or  that  can  safely  be  assumed 
to  be  the  equivalent  thereof.  The  glaber  of  Le  Conte  may  or 
may  not  be  the  same  as  that  of  Herbst,  but  in  any  case  there 
would  seem  now  to  be  no  better  course  than  to  consider  it  as 
representative  of  the  species.  The  question  then  is  just  what 
is  the  glaber  of  Le  Conte  ?  The  Le  Conte  series,  as  I  have  my- 
self observed,  looks  complex;  it  probably  comprises  two  and 
possible  more  species.  D'Orchymont  has  already  described  one 
new  species  (blatchlcyi)  at  the  expense  of  glaber. 

Le  Conte  did  not  label  his  types  as  such  ;  it  has  been  custo- 
mary, however,  in  dealing  with  his  collection  to  consider  the 
specimen  on  the  name  label  as  the  type,  provided  it  agreed  with 
his  description,  and  in  the  case  of  glaber  I  have  noted  that  this 
agreement  exists. 

As  the  result  of  a  critical  survey  of  the  specimens  in  my  col- 
lection hitherto  assigned  to  glaber,  I  have  sorted  them  into  four 
series,  each  possessing  a  combination  of  characters  differing  in 
some  respects  from  each  of  the  others.  To  one  of  these  groups 
—my  no.  "3"  -Le  Conte's  type  is  assignable ;  I  am,  however, 
not  yet  prepared  to  assert  anything  as  to  the  constancy  or 
significance  of  the  differences  observed  in  my  limited  material. 
Further  study  with  additional  specimens  may  permit  the  draw- 
ing of  some  definite  conclusions. 

The  National  Museum  of  Costa  Rica. 

On  March  8,  1930,  Professor  J.  Fidel  Tristan  was  appointed 
Director  of  the  Museo  Nacional  de  Costa  Rica,  at  San  Jose, 
after  he  had  served  for  thirty  years  as  professor  in  the  colleges 
of  San  Jose  as  well  as  Director  of  the  Colegio  de  Seiioritas  and 
of  the  Liceo  de  Costa  Rica.  Professor  Anastasio  Alfaro  is 
Chief  of  the  Zoological  Department.  Owing  to  the  economic 
situation  of  the  country,  the  Museo  has  suffered  for  a  long 
time.  It  is  now  hoped  to  revivify  it. 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  241 

XI  International  Congress  of  Zoology. 

The  X.  International  Congress  of  Zoology  (Budapest 
1927),  accepting  the  invitation  of  the  Italian  Government, 
unanimously  decided  to  hold  its  XI.  Session  in  Padua  4—11 
September,  1930,  under  the  chairmanship  of  Prof.  Paolo 
Enriques,  Director  of  the  Institute  of  Zoology,  Comparative 
Anatomy  and  Physiology  in  the  Royal  University. 

We  have-  the  honour  to  invite  all  Zoologists  and  the 
friends  of  Zoology  to  be  present  at  this  International 

Prof.  PAOLO  ENRIQUES,  President  of  the  Congress;  Prof. 
GIANNINO  FERRARI,  Rector  of  the  University;  Count  FRAN- 
CESCO GIUSTI,  Mayor  of  Padua. 

Applications  for  membership  should  be  sent  by  registered 
post,  if  possible,  to;  Prof.  PAOLO  ENRIQUES  Congresso 
Zoologia,  Via  Loredan  6,  Padova  (Italy)  together  with  fee, 
100  lire  (cheques  should  be  made  payable  to  "Banca  Com- 
merciale  Italiana  Padova,  Presidente  Congresso  Zoologia"). 
Fee  may  also  be  sent  directly  to  the  Bank  (to  the  above  men- 
tioned account).  The  membership-card  will  be  sent  as  a  receipt. 
There  will  be  a  section  for  Entomology. 

The  Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomologists. 

The  seventh  annual  meeting  of  the  Rocky  Mountain 
Conference  of  Entomologists  will  be  held  in  Pingree  I 'ark. 
Colorado,  August  18  to  23  inclusive.  As  in  the  past  the 
meeting  will  be  held  at  the  Colorado  Agricultural  College 
Forestry  Lodge  and  will  be  planned  that  all  members  of 
the  family  may  attend  and  enjoy  themselves.  The  sessions 
for  papers  will  be  informal  with  ample  time  for  discussion. 
We  will  be  pleased  to  have  subjects  of  papers  at  an  early 
date.  To  those  that  have  not  attended  any  of  the  prc\  ion-- 
meetings it  might  be  said  that  bedding  and  meals  are 
furnished  at  a  prorated  cost  that  has  always  been  reason- 
able. Since  the  meeting  place  is  more  than  50  miles  from 
Fort  Collins,  the  nearest  source  of  supplies,  it  is  important 
that  those  arranging  for  the  care  of  the  crowd  know  in 
advance  just  how  man}'  expect  to  attend.  Transportation 
to  the  park  will  be  available  tor  those  not  having  their  own 
cars.  A  later  notice  giving  more  of  the  final  details  of 
arrangements  will  be  sent  to  those  indicating  that  they  may 
attend.  A  card  to  the  Secretary  will  bring  you  this  later 

GEORGE  M.  LIST,  Secretary — Fort  Collins,  Colorado. 

242  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  u          '30 

Entomological    Literature 


E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR. 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  10c),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  -(S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

HQT'Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.  —  Anon.  —  The  rules  of  zoological  nomen- 
clature. [31]  125:  733-734.  Brethes,  J.—  Bio-bibliografia. 
By  E.  D.  Dallas.  [104]  2:  103-107,  ill.  Breyer,  A—  Un  viaje 
cle  estudio  al  norte  de  Misiones.  (S).  [104]  2:  271-276.  Car- 
penter, F.  M.  —  A  review  of  our  present  knowledge  of  the 
geological  history  of  the  insects.  [5]  37:  15-34,  ill.  Clark, 
A.  F.  —  The  food  of  some  insects.  [New  Zealand  Jour.  Sci. 
Tech.]  11  :  366-370.  da  Costa  Lima,  A.  —  Sobr'e  insectos  que 
vivem  maracujas  (  Passiflora  spp.).  [Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo 
Cruz]  23:  159-162,  ill.  de  la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R—  The  type 
fetish.  [51  37:  80-82.  Eckstein,  F.  —  Ein  beitrag  zur  experi- 
mentellen  parasitologie  der  insekten.  [Zeit.  Parasitk.]  2: 
571-582.  ill.  Frers/A.  G.—  (Bio  biliognifia).  By  E.  D. 
Dallas.  [104]  2:  289-292.  Friedericks,  K.—  Ueber  entomol- 
ogie  als  studium.  [17|  47:  19-20.  Hayward,  K.  J.  —  Sobre 
migracion  de  insectos,  con  referenda  especial  a  la  Argen- 
tina. [104]  2:  209-216,  ill.  Horn,  W.—  Sobre  la  fundacion  de 
un  Instituto  internacional  de  Servicio  Entomologico  en 
Suiza.  [104]  2:  233-234.  McAtee,  W.  L.—  The  scientific 
attitude  in  nomenclature.  (10)  32:  (>5-oh.  Mosely,  M.  E.— 
Ronald's  collection  and  the  "Fly-  Fisher's  Entomology".  18  1  (><>: 
116-120.  Orfila,  R.  N.  —  La  primera  exposition  Entoniologica 
Argentina  efectuada  en  Buenos  Aires  del  N  al  25  de  Septiembre 
de  1928.  [104]  2:  121-156,  161-178.  ill.  Orfila,  R.  N.—  Stiple- 
mento  a  la  Entomobibliografia  Argentina  1(L?7  y  1()28  11041 
2:  161-178.  Saez,  F.  A.  —  Puede  la  citologia  iniluir  en  la 
orientacion  de  los  problemas  taxonomicos?  [104]  2:  251- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  243 

262,  ill.  Schilder,  F.  A. — Vademecum  der  Internationalen 
nomenklaturregeln.  [2]  26:  18-25.  Schilder,  F.  A. — Eine 
randbemerkung  iiber  bestimmungstabellen.  til]  1930:  79- 
80.  Strand,  E. — Zoological  and  palaeontological  nomencla- 
torical  notes.  [Act.  Univ.  Latvia]  20:  1-29.  Strand,  E. — 
Ueber  die  bedeutung  der  typen  fur  die  naturhistorische 
nomenklatur.  [Acta  Univ.  Latvia]  (Math.  u.  Dab.  Zinat.) 
1  :  81-100.  Strand,  E. — Enumeration  des  travaux  zoo- 
log-iques  publics  jusqu'en  1929.  [Latvia.  Univ.]  1919-29: 
358-381,  1-24.  Van  Duzee,  E.  P. — Concerning  scientific 
names.  [55]  6:  166.  Woodworth,  C.  W. — The  synchroniza- 
tion of  life  histories.  [55]  6:  189-191.  Wucherpfennig,  F.— 
Armut  oder  Reichtum  der  falterfauna  Brasiliens.  [18]  24: 
49-55,  ill. 

periments on  the  modification  of  the  diet  of  two  species  of 
Hyponomeutidae.  [91  63:  101-102.  Bodenstein,  D. — Experi- 
mentelle  untersuchungen  ueber  die  regeneration  der  borsten 
bei  Vanessa  urticae.  [45]  25:  23-35,  ill.  Brues,  C.  T.— The 
food  of  insects  viewed  from  the  biological  and  human 
standpoint.  [5  |  37:  1-14.  Cotton,  R.  T.— The  effect  of  light 
upon  the  development  of  the  dark  meal  worm,  Tenebrio 
obscurus.  [10]  32:  58-60,  ill.  Davies,  W.  M. — Parasitism  in 
relation  to  pupation  in  Lucilia  sericata.  [31]  125:  779-780. 
de  Boissezon,  P. — Les  reserves  dans  le  corps  gras  de  Culex 
pipiens  et  leur  role  dans  la  maturation  des  oeufs.  Le  role  du 
corps  gras  comme  rein  d'accumulation  chez  Culex  pipiens 
et  chez  Theobaldia  annulata.  [69]  93:  1232-1233;  1233-1235. 
deLepiney,  J. — Sur  le  comportement  des  larves  de  Schisto- 
cerca  gregaria.  Schema  du  regime  journalier,  descente  des 
insecte^  >ur  le  sol,  montee  sur  les  plantes.  Sur  le  comporte- 
ment des  larves  de  Schistocera  gregaria.  Concentration  et 
dissemination  des  individus,  voyages  des  bandes  larvaires, 
nutrition.  1 77 1  94:  263-267.  Grandjean,  M.  F. —  Existence 
d'une  vesicule  externe  on  d'un  organe  poreux  sous-alairo 
dans  plusieurs  genres  d'(  )ribatei.  [Bui.  Mus.  Xat.  Hist.  Nat. 
Paris]  1  :  406-4()(J,  ill.  Halik,  L. — Zur  morphologic,  homolo- 
gie  und  funktion  der  genitalnapfe  bei  hydracarinen.  I'M  I 
13(>:  223-254,  ill.  Hosselet,  C. — Observations  rytologique.x 
sur  le  tube  de  Alalpighi  de  Culex  et  de  quelques  I'brvgani- 
des.  |  77 1  94:  270-274,  ill.  Hosselet,  C.— Le  chondriome  et 
les  enclaves  de  la  cellule  ;idipeuse  chez  Culex  et  quelqm> 
Phryganides.  |<>'>|  94:  150-153.  ill.  Krause,  A.  W.  -Unter- 
suchungen iiber  den  einiluss  der  ernahrung,  helichtung  und 
temperatur  auf  die  perithecienproducktion  einiger  hypo- 
creaceen.  Beitrag  zur  kulturmethodik  einiger  parasitarer 
und  Saprophytischer.  [Zeit.  Parasitk.]  2:  419-476,  ill.  Kron- 

244  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty,    '30 

ing,  F.  —  Hororgane  und  gehorsinn  bei  den  insekten.  [88] 
18:  380-387,  ill.  Malek,  R.—  Rheotaktische  bei  Notonecta 
glauca.  [97]  50:  182-189.  Muir,  F.—  Notes  on  certain  con- 
troversial points  of  morphology  of  the  abdomen  and  geni- 
talia  of  Psyllidae.  [75]  5:  545-552,  ill.  Oka,  H.—  Morphol- 
ogic und  okologie  von  Clunio  pacificus  (Chironomidae). 
[89]  59:  253-280,  ill.  Putnins,  R.—  Les  croisieres  thalasso- 
logiques  latviennes  au  printemps  de  1929.  [Folia  Zool.  et 
Hydrob]  1:  149-159,  ill.  Rau  &  Rau.—  The  sex  attraction 
and  rhythmic  periodicity  in  giant  saturniid  moths.  [Trans. 
Acad.  Sci.  St.  Louis]  26:  83-221,  ill.  Rozsypal,  J—  Ein 
beitrag  der  vergesellschaftung  und  ueberwinterungsmog- 
lichkeit  der  imagines  bei  den  Chloropidaeen.  [45]  25:  1-13, 
ill.  Smith  &  Beckett.  —  Coloured  glass  as  a  deterrent  to 
house  flies.  [31  J  125:  780.  Velich,  A.  V.—  Entwicklungsme- 
chanische  studien  an  bienenlarven.  [94]  136:  210-222,  ill. 
Vignon,  M.  P.  —  Introduction  a  de  nouvelles  recherches  de 
morphologic  comparee  sur  1'aile  des  insectes.  [Arch.  Mus. 
Nat.  Hist.  Nat.,  Paris]  (6)  4:  89-123,  ill.  Zarapkin,  S.  R.- 
Ueber  gerichtete  variabilitat  bei  Coccinelliden.  I.  Allge- 
mein  einleitung  und  analyse  der  ersten  pigmentierungse- 
tappe  bei  Coccinella  10-  punctata.  [46]  17:  719-736,  ill. 

[See  under  Hymenoptera].  *Rosas  Costa,  J.  A.  —  Diagnosis 
de  un  nuevo  genero  cle  acaro  Achropodophorus  (Thvrog- 
lyphidae).  (S).  [104]  2:  293.  *Rosas  Costa,  J.  A.—  Sobre 
un  ecto-parasito  de  Phyleurus  vervex,  Achropodophorus  la- 
hillei,  nov.  sp.  (S).  [104]  2:  265-268,  ill.  *Sellnick,  M.- 
Eine  neue  brasilianische  Neoliodesart  und  bemerkungen 
iiber  die  gattung  Neoliodes  (Acar).  [34]  89:  29-36,  ill. 
Thor,  S.  —  Ueber  einzelliger  parasiten  in  verschiedenen 
Acarina.  [Zeit.  Parasitk.]  2:  551-570,  ill.  *Vitzthum,  H.  G. 
-Acarologische  beobachtungen.  (S).  [89]  59:  281-350.  ill. 
*Willmann,  C.  —  Neue  Oribatiden  aus  Guatemala.  [34]  88: 
239-246,  ill. 


R.  S.  —  Further  considerations  in  regard  to  the  classification 
of  the  order  Thysanoptera.  [75]  5:  571-575.  Crampton,  G. 
C---The  wings  of  the  remarkable  archaic  mecopteron  Notio- 
thamna  reedi  with  remarks  on  their  protoblattoid  affinities. 
[5]  37:  83-103,  ill.  *Kimmins,  D.  E.—  Some  new  and  little 
known  Argentine  Neuroptera.  |104|  2:  187-192,  ill.  Light, 
S.  F.  —  Termites  collected  by  T.  T.  Craig  on  Socorro  Island. 
[55  1  6:  17X-180.  *Navas,  R.  P.  L.  —  Insectos  de  la  Argen- 
tina. [104]  2:  219-225,  ill.  Priesner,  H.—  Die  Thysanop- 
teren-typen  O.  M.  Renter's.  [Ill  1930:  33-43,  ill. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  245 

ORTHOPTERA.— *Giinther,  K.— Neue  und  wenig  be- 
kannte  Phasmoklen  von  Siklamerika.  [Mit.  Zool.  Mus.,  Ber- 
lin] 15:  559-570,  ill.  Liebermann,  J. — Ocho  especies  de 
Tucuras  Argentinas  con  su  definitiva  posicion  sistematica. 
[104]  2:  179-180,  ill.  Rehn,  J.  A.  G.— A  new  genus  of 
Eneopterinae  from  Hispaniola  (Gryllidae).  [1]  56:  87-92, 

HEMIPTERA.— Box,  H.  E.— Algunos  Membracidos  de 
Tucuman  y  Jujuy.  Contribucion  para  un  catalogo  cle  las 
especies  argentimis  de  la  familia  Membracidae.  [104]  2:  217- 
218.  de  la'Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.— Bugs  at  light.  [19]  25:  101. 
de  la  Torre  Bueno,  J.  R. — On  the  Heteroptera  collected  by 
George  P.  Engelhardt  in  the  South  and  West.  [19]  25: 
107-108.  *Del  Ponte,  E. — Algunas  especies  nuevas  del  gen. 
Triatoma.  (S).  [Bol.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:3-8,  ill.  *Gra- 
novsky,  A.  A. — A  new  name  for  the  genus  Quippelachnus 
(Aphiidae).  [10]  32:  61-64,  ill.  *Hempel,  A— Descripqoes 
de  novas  especies  de  Pulgoes  (Coccidae).  (S).  [Arch.  Inst. 
Biol.,  S.  Paulo]  1  :  235-237.  *Hempel,  A. — Descripqoes  de 
pulgoes  novos  e  pouco  conhecidos  (Coccidae).  (S).  [Arch. 
Inst.  Biol.,  S.  Paulo]  2:  61-66,  ill.  Osborn,  H.— Notes  on 
Porto  Rican  Homoptera.  [Jour.  Dept.  Agric.,  Porto  Rico] 
13:  81-112.  *Sleesman,  J.  P. — A  monographic  study  of  the 
North  American  species  of  Euscelis  and  allied  genera. 
(Cicadellidae).  [70f  10:  87-148,  ill.  *Van  Duzee,  E.  P.- 
A  new  Empoasca.  [55]  6:  148.  *Walley,  G.  S.— A  review 
of  the  genus  Palmacorixa  (Corixidae).  [4]  62:  99-106,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Breyer,  A.— Description  de  Saurita 
cassandra  ginandromorfo.  (S).  [104]  2:  337-338,  ill.  Breyer, 
A. — Un  nuevo  Castniidae  argentine.  Castnia  uruguayana 
champaquiensis  nov.  ssp.  [104]  2:  333-334.  ill.  Breyer,  A. 
-Callicore  candrena,  anormal.  (S).  [104]  181-182,  ill.  Bryk, 
F. — Lepidopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  37.  Papilionidae  II 
(Papilio).  59-509.  Clark,  A.  H.— The  world  and  the  butter- 
fly. [76]  1930:  536-537.  Giese,  H.— Eine  methode  zur 
kenntlichmachung  von  schmetterlingen.  [14]  44:  60-61. 
*Klots,  A.  B. — A  new  subspecies  of  Ascia  monuste  from 
Lower  California  (Picridae).  |551  6:  145-147.  ill.  Klots,  A. 
B. — A  generic  revision  of  the  Euchloini  (Pieridae).  |  19] 
25:  80-95,  ill.  Kohler,  P. — Adicion  al  catalogo  de  los  lepi- 
dopteros  argentinos.  llf)4|  2:  339-340.  *K6hler,  P.— Las 
Mariposas  Argentinas.  Danaidae.  [104]  2:  303-332,  ill.  Koh- 
ler, P. — Agaristidae  de  la  Republica  Argentina.  [1041  2: 
235-245,  ill.  Kohler,  P. — Catalogo  de  Lepidopteros  Argen- 

246  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty,    '30 

tinos.  Buenos  Aires,  1928.  12pp.  Kumberg,  C.  —  Abarten 
von  Morpho  aega.  [14]  44:  61,  ill.  *McDunnough,  J.  —  The 
lepidoptera  of  the  north  shore  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 
[4]  62:  107-117,  ill.  Moore,  S.  —  Lepidoptera  of  the  Beaver 
Islands.  [Occ.  Pap.  Mus.  Zool.,  Univ.  Mich.]  214:  28pp. 
Stichel,  H.  —  Lepidopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  38.  Riodini- 
dae  I:  Nemeobiinae  I.  112pp.  Stichel,  H.  —  Ein  schlusswort 
in  sachen,  Erycinidenarbeiten.  [11]  1930:  57-62.  Zikan,  J. 
F.  —  Beitrag  zur  biologic  von  Orecta  lycidas  und  Chlaeno- 
gramma  muscosa.  [104]  2:  95-98,  ill.  *Zikan,  J.  F.  —  Copi- 
opteryx  virgo  n.  sp.  (S).  [104]  2:  335-336,  ill. 

DIPTERA.—  *  Alexander,  C.  P.—  New  or  insufficiently- 
known  crane-flies  from  the  nearctic  region.  (Tipulidae). 
[19]  25:  71-77.  Autuori,  M.  —  Syneura  infraposita  (Phori- 
dae).  Um  novo  parasita  da  Icerya  purchasi.  (S).  [Arch. 
Inst.  Biol.,  S.  Paulo]  1  :  193-200,  ill.  *Borgmeier,  T.—  In- 
vestigagoes  sobre  Phorideos  myrmecophilos  (Phoridae). 
(S).  [Arch.  Inst.  Biol.,  S.  Paulo]  'l  :  159-192,  ill.  Borgmeier, 
T.  —  Eine  neue  mvrmecophile  Apterophoraart  (Phoridae). 
(S).  [34]  89:  57-62,  ill.  Brethes,  J.—  A  proposito  de  Mas- 
arygus  y  de  Sarcophaga  caridei  (Hojeando  libros).  (S). 
[104]  2:'  73-74.  Burke,  H.  E.—  Monterey  pine  midge  pu- 
pates at  bases  of  needles.  [55]  6:  147.  del  Ponte,  E.  —  Nota 
previa  sobre  la  bibliografia  argentina  y  extranjera  sobre  los 
mosquitos  argentinos  y  de  su  relacion  con  el  paludismo. 
[104]  2:  81-94.  *Enderlein,  G.—  Dipterologische  studien 
XX.  (S).  [11]  1930:  65-71.  *Hoffmann,  C.  C.—  Un  simul- 
ium  nuevo  de  la  zona  cafetera  de  Chiapas.  (S).  [An.  Inst. 
Biol.,  Mexico]  1:  51-53,  ill.  Knowlton  &  Pack.  —  Notes  on 
Utah  Syrphidae.  [55]  6:  182-189.  *Krober,  O.—  Die  Tabani- 
densubfamilie  Silviinae  der  neotropischen  region.  [34]  88: 
225-239,  ill.  *Krober,  O.  —  Die  Pityocerini  (Tabanidae)  der 
neotropischen  region.  [34]  88:  305-312,  ill.  Pinto,  C.- 
Mosquitos  da  regiao  neotropica  (Brasil,  S.  Paulo).  [Mem. 
Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz]  23:  153-157.  *Reinhard,  H.  J.—  On 
the  genus  Viviania  with  the  description  of  two  new  species 
from  Texas  (Tachinidae).  [19]  25:  102-107. 

COLEOPTERA.—  *Blackman,  M.  W.—  The  genus  Pity- 
ophthorus  in  North  America  :  a  revisional  study  of  the 
Pityophthori,  with  descriptions  of  two  new  genera  and 
seventy-one  new  species.  Notes  on  Micracinae  with  descrip- 
tion of  twelve  new  species.  [Bull.  N.  Y.  Sta.  Coll.  Forest.] 
1:  5-183,  ill.,  185-212.  *Blaisdell,  F.  E.—  Revision  of  the 

xli,    '30]  F.XTGMOLOCICAI.    NEWS  247 

genus  and  species  of  Dinacoma  with  description  of  a  new 
species  (Scarabaeiclae).  [55]  6:  171-177,  ill.  Blatchley,  W. 
S.— The  Scarabaeiclae  of  Florida.  I39|  14:  13-17,  ill.  (Cont.) 
Boving,  A.  G. — Description  of  the  larva  of  Cerotoma  tri- 
furcata  (Chrysomeliclae).  [10]  32:  51-58,  ill.  *Bruch,  C.- 
Una especie  nueva  de  Prionapterus  (Prionido).  (S).  [104J 
2:  203-208,  ill.  *Bruch,  C. — Descripcion  de  tin  yenero  y 
cle  tina  nueva  especie  de  Pselafido  mirmecofilo.  (S).  |  104] 
2:  157-160,  ill.  Burke,  H.  E.— Phlocosinus  kills  trees.  [55] 
6:  181.  Dallas,  E.  D. — Descripcion  de  tin  Ceroglossus  chi- 
lensis  monstrtioso.  Monstruosidad  observada  en  tin  Caloso- 
ma  retusum.  (S).  f!04|  2:  193-194,  195-1%.  ill.  "Darlington, 
P.  J.,  Jr. — A  new  Nebria  from  Mount  Rainier.  [5]  37:  104- 
105.  de  Andrade,  E.  N.— Praga  d<>s  Bain  bus.  Rhinasttis 
sternicornis.  (S).  [Arch.  Inst.  Biol.,  S.  Paulo]  1  :  137-142.  ill. 
*Eggers,  H. — Ipidae  da  America  do  stil.  [Arch.  Tnst.  Biol, 
S.  Paulo]  1  :  83-99.  Frost,  C.  A.— Uloma  imberbis.  1 19]  25  : 
101.  Frost,  C.  A.— Orchestes  testacetis.  [19]  25:  97.  Hend- 
rickson,  G.  O. — Biologic  notes  on  Microrhopala  vittata. 
(Chrysomelidae).  [4]  62:  98-99.  Hickman,  J.  R.— Life- 
histories  of  Michigan  Haliplidae.  [Pap.  Michigan  Acad.  Sci., 
Arts  &  Letters]  11:  399-424,  ill.  Horn,  W.— Stir  quelques 
especes  interessantes  du  genre  Odontochila  a])partenantes 
a  la  faune  de  1'Argentine.  [104]  2:  75-76.  *Horn,  W.- 
Xotes  on  the  races  of  Omus  californicus  and  a  list  of  the 
Cicindelidae  of  America  north  of  Mexico.  [1]  56:  73-86.  ill. 
Hustache,  A. — Revision  des  Baridiens  de  1'Airieriqiie  du 
Sud.  [104]  2:  287-288.  *Hustache,  A.— Xotiveaux  Curculi- 
onides  de  rAmeri(|iie  du  Sud.  1104]  2:  227-232.  Keifer,  H. 
H. — The  larva  of  Cylindrocopttirus  crasstis.  [55]  6:  167-170. 
ill.  Kolbe,  H. —  Paussidenstudien.  Gegen  Wasmann.  [11] 
1930:  16-25.  *Lesne,  P. — Diagnoses  de  Bostrychides  nou- 
veaux.  [25]  1930:  102-104.  *Liebke,  M.— Revision  der 
amerikanischen  arten  der  unterfamilie  Colliurinae  (Carab.). 
(S).  |Mit.  Zool.  Mtis.,  Berlin]  15:  649-726.  ill.  Marelli,  C. 
A. — Respuesta  a  dos  objeciones  sobre  la  identificacion  de 
las  es]»ecies  del  genero  Goniopterus  halladas  en  La  Plata. 
(  S).  |  104|  2:  277-281.  *Melzer,  J.— Longicorneos  do  Hrasil. 
novos  on  pottco  conhecidos.  ( C'erambycidae).  [Arch.  Inst. 
Mini..  S.  Pauloj  1:  143-158,  ill.  *Pic,  M.— Coleopteres  de 
r.\ineri(|ue  M  cridionale.  ll()4|  2:  183-184.  *Pic,  M.— Divers 
Colcnpteres  nou\-eaux  de  la  Rcpiibliquc  Argentine.  |  1041  2: 
99-102.  Robertson,  C. —  Position  of  Strepsiptera  on  hosts! 
|19|  25:  96-97.  Tremoleras,  J. —  Ntievos  datos  ecologicos 

248  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  []uty,    '30 

sobre  Buprestidos  platenses.  (S).  [104]  2:  185-186.  *Uh- 
mann,  E.  —  Amerikanische  Hispinen  (Chrys.).  19.  (S).  [2] 
26:  33-38,  ill.  *Uhmann,  E.  —  Hispinen  aus  Costa  Rica.  20. 
Beitrag  zur  kenntnis  cler  Hispinen.  [Folia  Zool.  et  Hy- 
drob.]  1  :  209-256,  ill.  *Van  Dyke,  E.  C.—  New  Rhyncho- 
phora  from  western  North  America.  [55]  6:  149-165.  Wol- 
frurn,  P.  —  Ueber  Anthribiden  von  Cuba  und  den  grossen 
Antillen.  III.  [11]  1930:  25-32. 

HYMENOPTERA.—  *Benson,  R.  B.—  Nine  sawflies  re- 
quiring- new  names.  [9]  63  :  107.  Bequaert,  J.  —  Nesting 
habits  of  Isodontia,  a  sub-genus  of  Chlorion.  [19]  25:  122- 
123.  Bequaert,  J.  —  On  the  generic  and  subgeneric  divisions 
of  the  Vespinae.  [19]  25:  59-70.  Bequaert,  J.  —  Are  ants 
better  protected  against  the.  attacks  of  their  predaceous 
enemies  than  other  arthropods?  [34]  88:  163-176.  *DeGant, 
F.  D.  —  A  new  species  of  Macrocentrus  from  Ohio  (Bra- 
conidae).  [10]  32:  65.  Dow,  R.—  Early  references  to  the 
behavior  of  American  solitary  wasps.  [19]  25:  98-101.  *Fah- 
ringer,  J.  —  Ueber  einige  sudamerikanische  Braconidengat- 
tungen.  [48]  47:  19-31.  Fischer,  C.  R.  —  Notas  biologicas 
sobre  o  Crabro  tabanicida  1929  e  considerac,6es  concernentes 
as  motucas.  (S).  [Arch.  Inst.  Biol.,  S.  Paulo]  2:  141-162,  ill. 
Flanders,  S.  E.  —  Notes  on  Trichogramma  minutum.  [55  1 
6:  180-181.  Prison,  T.  H.  —  A  contribution  to  the  knowledge 
of  the  bionomics  of  Bremus  vagans.  110]  25:  109-122,  ill. 
Gallardo,  A.  —  Note  sur  les  moeurs  de  la  fourmi  Pseudoatta 
argentina.  (S).  [104]  2:  197-202,  ill.  *Heinrich,  G.—  Einige 
neue  genera  und  species  der  subfam.  Ichneumoninae.  (S). 
[Alit.  Zool.  Mus.,  Berlin]  15:  545-555,  ill.  Hendrickson,  G. 
O.—  Observations  on  the  nest  of  Aphaenogaster  fulva  subsp. 
aqua.  (Formicidae).  [19]  25:  78-79.  LeVeque,  N.  —  Sym- 
biotic mites  used  to  separate  species  of  a  genus  of  bees. 
[68]  71  :  607-608.  *Ogloblin,  A.  A.—  Una  nueva  especie  de 
Helorus  de  la  Republica  Argentina.  [104]  2:  77-80,  ill.  Or- 
fila  &  Salellas.  —  Notas  biologicas  sobre  Sceliphron  figulus. 
(S).  [104]  2:  247-250.  Smith,  L.  M.—  Macrorileya  oecanthi. 
A  hymenopterous  egg  parasite  of  tree  crickets.  [61]  5: 
165-172,  ill.  Smith,  M.  R.—  A  list  of  Florida  ants.  [391  14: 
1-6.  Tschepe,  O.  —  Meine  hornisse  [Vespa  crabro].  [Kos- 
mos]  27:  207-211,  ill.  Tulloch,  G.  S.—  An  unusual  nest  of 
Pogonomyrmex.  [5]  37:  61-70,  ill.  Wheeler,  W.  M.  —  Two 
mermithergates  of  Ectatomma.  (S).  15]  37:  48-54.  ill. 
*  Wheeler,  W.  M.  —  A  new  parasitic  Crematogaster  from  In- 
diana. |5|  37:  55-60. 

OCTOBER.  1930 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  8 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— XVI  .  249 
Needham — Emendatory  Notes  on  the  "  Handbook  of  North  American 

Dragonflies"  (Odonata) 252 

Knight — An  European  Plant-Bug  (Amblytylus  nasutus  Kirschbaum) 

recognized  from  Massachusetts  (Hemiptera,  Miridae) 256 

Hayward— The  Night  Flight  of  Diurnal  Butterflier  (Lepid  )  .    .  258 
Reinhard — A  Synopis  of  the  Genus  Macromeigenia  Including  the  Des- 
cription of  One  New  Species  (Diptera:  Tachinidae) 261 

Changes  in  the   Department  of  Entomology,  Massachusetts  Agricul- 
tural College 264 

Entomological  Literature 265 

Review — Comstock's  Manual  for  the  Study  of  Insects 273 

Review — Imm's  General  Textbook  of  Entomology 274 

Review — Weber's  Biologie  der  Hemipteren  .  275 

Obituaries — Mrs.  Anna    Botsford    Comstock,   Dr.   George   Dimmock, 

James  Waterston  and  Ernest  Baylis 277 

Correction.  280 


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Plate  XXI. 


E.  H.  BRYAN,  Jr. 



VOL.  XLI.  OCTOBER,   1930  No.  8 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XVII.    Bishop  Museum,   Honolulu,  T.H. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,   Pasadena,   California. 

(Plates  XXI-XXIII). 

The  Bernice  P.  Bishop  Museum  of  Honolulu  was  founded 
by  Charles  Reed  Bishop  in  memory  of  his  wife,  Princess 
Bernice  Pauahi  Bishop,  who  was  the  last  of  the  royal  descend- 
ants of  Kamehameha  I,  the  great  native  king  of  the  Hawaiian 
Islands.  From  a  single  room,  erected  in  1889,  the  Museum  has 
grown,  until  now  it  includes  a  large  stone  building  (see  Plate 
XXI)  containing  six  exhibition  halls  and  two  three-story  con- 
crete buildings  which  house  the  offices  and  scientific  study  col- 
lections. Another  large  stone  building,  at  present  occupied  by 
the  Kamehameha  Schools,  in  whose  grounds  the  Institution  is 
situated,  will  be  used  for  future  exhibitions. 

The  Museum  is  devoted  solely  to  the  study  of  the  Polynesian 
peoples  and  the  natural  history  of  the  islands  of  the  Pacific 
and  its  halls  are  open  daily  to  the  public  without  charge.  In 
addition  to  a  large  attendance  of  tourists  and  island  residents, 
several  thousands  of  school  children  are  brought  by  classes  each 
year  to  view  the  exhibits.  The  study  collections  and  excellent 
library  are  always  available  to  scientists  and  others  interested 
in  the  various  subjects  represented. 

The  collections  include  one  of  the  largest  and  certainly  finest 
series  of  objects  illustrating  the  life,  customs  and  beliefs  of 
the  Polynesians  in  the  world.  Of  natural  history  specimens 
there  are  splendid  bird  collections,  a  few  mammals,  reptiles 
and  marine  invertebrates,  a  representative  collection  of  lish, 
and  a  very  extensive  collection  of  mollusks,  including  over 
900,000  pulmonates  or  land  shells.  The  herbarium  contains  a 
valuable  and  rapidly  growing  collection  of  plants  from  the 
Pacific  Islands  and  neighboring  tropical  regions. 

Regarding  the  insect  collections.     Since  the  time  of  the  early 


250  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

Pacific  explorers  the  insects  of  Hawaii  and  other  isolated 
Pacific  island  groups  have  attracted  the  attention  of  entomol- 
ogists. Because  of  isolation  and  varying  environmental  condi- 
tions, these  Islands  contain  a  very  unique  and  specialized  insect 
fauna.  The  interesting  specimens,  and  many  of  them  were 
unique,  which  found  their  way  to  Europe  as  the  result  of  the 
first  explorers,  or  in  the  case  of  Hawaii  of  the  early  collection 
made  by  Rev.  Thomas  Blackburn,  aroused  a  very  considerable 
interest.  Certain  exploring  expeditions  were  sent  out  to  this 
region,  notably  that  of  Dr.  R.  C.  Perkins  to  Hawaii.  Perkins 
collected  about  a  hundred  thousand  specimens  on  which  material 
the  splendid  "Fauna  Hawaiiensis"  was  based.  Also,  the  pres- 
ence of  Dr.  Perkins  in  the  Islands  at  the  time  of  a  severe  sugar 
leafhopper  outbreak,  led  eventually  to  the  control  of  this  and 
other  pests,  and  to  the  establishment  in  Hawaii  of  several 
entomological  laboratories,  notably  those  of  the  Hawaii  Sugar 
Planters'  Association.  The  residence  of  these  entomologists 
and  their  organization  into  the  Hawaiian  Entomological  Soci- 
ety 1  has  caused  the  insect  fauna  of  Hawaii  to  be  better  known 
than  that  of  any  other  similar  island  region  in  the  world,  and 
has  made  Hawaii  famous  for  its  successful  control  of  insect 
pests  by  natural  enemies. 

Portions  of  the  insect  groups  collected  by  Perkins  are  now 
in  the  Bishop  Museum  and  many  specimens  taken  by  other 
entomologists  in  the  Islands  have  also  been  placed  there,  mak- 
ing the  Museum's  collection  as  a  whole  one  of  the  best  refer- 
ence collections  of  Hawaiian  insects.  In  1915  the  Museum 
acquired  Richard  Helm's  material  of  some  22,000  specimens 
from  Australia  and  New  Zeland.  The  late  W.  M.  Gifrard 
has  contributed  several  valuable  collections  from  Hawaii, 
Samoa  and  the  Solomon  Islands.  Several  expeditions  have 
secured  specimens  in  many  of  the  South  Pacific  Island  groups. 
There  are  loan  collections  from  Australia,  Fiji,  Japan,  China, 
Guam,  Southern  Asia,  Africa  and  North  America.  The  col- 

1  Several  members  of  the  Hawaiian  Entomological  Society  are  shown 
on  plate  XXIII.  Mr.  W.  M.  Giffard  hirs  since  passed  away.  1  am  sorry 
that  F.  Muir,  C.  E.  Pemberton,  L.  A.  Whitney  and  R,  H.  Van  Zwalu- 
wenburg  were  absent  when  the  picture  was  taken. 


Plate  XXII. 

,v  - 


Omiodei    i  Za^ 








Plate  XXIII. 




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xli,  30]  KXTOMomcic.u.  XK\VS  251 

lections  from  Samoa  were  combined  with  those  made  by  Buxton 
and  Hopkins  in  the  preparation  of  "Insects  of  Samoa"  pub- 
lished by  the  British  Museum. 

At  the  present  time  an  Entomological  Survey  of  the  Pacific 
Islands  is  being  conducted  jointly  by  the  Bishop  Museum  and 
the  Hawaiian  Sugar  Planters'  Association.  Two  collectors 
have  been  in  the  field  for  over  a  year  and  extensive  series  of 
specimens  have  been  secured  in  Tahiti  and  in  the  Marquesas 
Islands.  These  will  be  placed  in  the  Museum  and  field  work- 
is  being  continued  to  include  all  other  island  groups. 

Plate  XXI  shows  the  commodious  entomological  room  where 
the  collections  are  stored.  There  are  eight  28-drawer  and  four 
30-drawer  steel  cabinets  housing  the  various  insect  orders,  in 
addition  to  some  300  Schmitt  boxes.  The  Lepidoptera  of 
Hawaii  occupies  31  drawers,  while  7  drawers  are  devoted  to 
those  of  the  South  Sea  Islands  and  14  to  the  Australian  collec- 
tions. There  are  only  two  butterflies  native  to  Hawaii ;  one  a 
Vanessa  and  the  other  a  Lyciicna.  both  of  which  are  shown  on 
Plate  XXII.  A  number  of  moths  are  also  extremely  local. 
Probably  the  most  noteworthy  is  the  famous  green  Sphinx, 
Tinostonia  smaragditis  Meyk.  This  unique  example  is  in  the 
I  British  Museum.  At  considerable  expense  and  upon  two  sepa- 
rate occasions,  Dr.  P.  B.  Clark  of  Boston  had  August  Kusche, 
of  San  Francisco,  visit  the  type  locality,  but  without  success. 
It  seems  that  the  remote  district  and  the  time  of  year  when 
specimens  should  be  found  are  against  the  strength  of  the 
average  collector.  I  wonder  that  my  friend  F.  X.  Williams,  of 
Honolulu,  doesn't  try  to  dig  this  thing  up?  They  would  prob- 
ably be  worth  their  actual  weight  in  gold. 

In  1907  Mr.  Otto  Swezey  was  appointed  Honorary  Curator 
of  Entomology  at  the  Museum  and  he  has  since  become  Con- 
sulting Entomologist.  Through  his  efforts  and  those  of  other 
workers,  the  insect  collections  are  well  arranged  and  classified. 
Mr.  Swezey  was  born  in  Rockford,  Illinois,  on  June  7,  18(>'». 
obtaining  his  A.I',,  at  the  Lake  Forest  College  and  his  M.S. 
at  Northwestern  University.  He  has  been  in  the  Islands  sinci- 
August  12,  1904,  and  his  entomological  papers  have,  for  the 
most  part,  been  published  in  the  Bulletins  of  the  Kxperiment 

252  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

Station,  H.S.P.A.  and  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Hawaiian 
Entomological  Society.  He  is  well  known  for  his  work  on 
the  study  and  control  of  sugar  cane  pests  and  the  biological 
control  methods  used,  i.e.  the  introduction  of  natural  enemies. 
The  problems  have  largely  been  those  of  combating  the  leaf- 
hopper,  weevil  borer  and  the  root-grub.  Just  at  present  Mr. 
Swezey  is  much  interested  in  the  study  of  the  insect  fauna  of 
the  native  forests  and  their  welfare  from  an  entomological 
standpoint.  The  Agricultural  Station  of  the  H.S.P.A.  has 
about  sixty  persons  on  its  staff,  of  which  seven  are  employed 
in  the  Department  of  Entomology.  The  Station  is  in  the  resi- 
dence district  of  Honolulu,  about  two  miles  from  the  water 
front  and  occupies  some  seven  acres  of  grounds  laid  out  in 
experimental  cane-plots,  etc.  There  are  five  main  buildings 
with  about  thirty  rooms  and  laboratories.  Mr.  Swezey  spends 
practically  all  of  his  time  at  the  Station,  except  one  half  day 
a  week  which  he  devotes  to  the  work  on  insects  at  the  Bishop 

I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  E.  H.  Bryan,  Jr.,  Curator  of  the 
Museum,  and  to  Mr.  Otto  Swezey  as  well  for  much  of  the 
information  contained  in  this  article.  The  Lepidoptera  shown 
on  the  plate  were  loaned  to  me  for  photographic  reproduction 
by  the  Museum  through  the  courtesy  of  Mr.  Swezey.  By  the 
way,  if  any  entomologist  wants  an  interesting  vacation,  plus 
unusual  collecting,  go  to  Honolulu.  (And  don't  forget  to  try 
for  the  Green  Sphinx!).  The  "boys"  over  there  give  visitors 
a  real  welcome  and  offer  every  hospitality. 

Emendatory  Notes  on  the  "  Handbook  of  North 
American  Dragonflies  "  (Odonata). 

By  JAMES  G.  NEEDHAM,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York. 

An  errata  sheet  for  the  Handbook  of  Dragonflies  of  North 
America  (Springfield,  1929)  was  printed  and  before  the  end  of 
1929  was  mailed  to  all  purchasers  of  the  volume,  insofar  as 
these  could  be  located.  Among  the  errors,  mostly  verbal  and 
typographical,  there  were  half  a  dozen  of  importance,  and  likely 
to  mislead  the  user  of  the  Handbook,  and  I  desire  to  call  atten- 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  253 

tion  to  them  here  for  the  benefit  of  any  who  may  have  been 
missed  in  the  distribution  of  the  errata  sheets. 

Most  serious  were  three  transpositions  of  names  on  the  fig- 
ures: Complins  furcifer  and  G.  villosipcs  on  p.  116;  Sotnato- 
clilora  scptcntrionalis  on  p.  195.  and  S.  wliitchousei  on  p.  196; 
and  Lestes  vidua  and  L.  forcipatns  on  p.  278. 

There  are  two  keys  in  which  the  numerals  at  the  right  hand 
margin  got  disarranged.  In  the  key  to  the  species  of  Ophio- 
gomphus  on  p.  68,  10  at  the  right  margin  should  be  13,  and  8 
should  be  11.  And  in  the  key  to  the  species  of  Sympetrum  on 
page  232  in  the  same  margin,  8  should  be  6,  6  should  be  10,  and 
10  should  be  8. 

The  statement  on  p.  310  that  "The  nymphs  of  none  of  our 
American  species  [of  Coenagrion}  have  as  yet  been  made 
known"  was  a  clear  oversight.  References  should  instead  have 
been  made  to  Walker's  account  of  the  nymph  of  Coenagrion 
resolutum  in  Canad.  Ent.  46:  353,  1914. 

These  errors,  and  all  others  hitherto  discovered,  will  be  cor- 
rected in  a  second  printing,  soon  to  be  made. 

One  species  was  omitted  that  should  have  been  included,  and 
one  was  included  that  should  have  been  omitted. 

I  overlooked  a  record  by  Dr.  Calvert  in  Biologia  Centrali 
Americana;  Xenroptcra,  p.  225  of  the  occurrence  of  Micra- 
thyria  hagcnii  Kirby  at  Esperanza  Ranch  near  Brownsville, 
Texas.  This  Neotropical  genus  has  not  elsewhere  been  re- 
ported from  the  United  States.  It  will  run  out  in  the  key  to 
genera  of  Libellulinae  to  Erythrodiplax  on  page  202,  but  will  be 
distinguishable  from  that  genus  by  the  possession  of  an  extra 
(more  than  the  one  always  present)  crossvein  above  the  bridge. 
Its  nymph  is  still  unknown. 

I  included  Tranica  rirt/inia  Rambur.  not  because  of  its  name, 
nor  for  the  sake  of  disagreeing  with  the  opinion  of  my  friend, 
Dr.  Ris,  but  because  I  thought  that  such  a  strong-flying  species 
might  possibly  have  been  taken  on  our  coast.  But  I  have  since 
examined  a  good  many  collections  of  dragonflies  from  China, 
and  have  found  this  species  in  every  one  of  them;  and  I  now 
feel  sure,  that  a  species,  taken  by  every  collector  in  the  Orient, 



[Oct.,  '30 

would  have  been  taken  again  here  by  some  one  since  Rambur's 
time  if  it  were  a  member  of  our  fauna.  I  think,  therefore, 
that  it  should  have  been  omitted. 

The  restoration  of  the  name  Cannacria  and  the  supression  of 
Brachymesia  should  perhaps  have  a  word  of  explanation.  The 
former  name  was  based  on  C.  batesi  Kirby,1  and  later  C.  gravida 
Calvert  was  properly  associated  with  it.  Brachymesia  was  based 
on  Erythcmis  furcata  Hagen,  and  was  monotypic.  Then  these 
three  species  were  lumped  together,  improperly  in  my  judgment, 
under  the  name  Brachymesia,  that  name  having  page  precedence 
over  Cannacria. 

Cannacria  batesi  and  C.  gravida  are  closely  allied  species  and 
E.  furcata  is  very  different.  The  former  are  slender  brown 
species,  rather  narrow-winged  and  with  slender  parallel-sided 
abdomen ;  the  last  named  is  a  stocky  red  species  with  slowly 
tapering  abdomen  and  with  much  broader  hind  wings.  Some 
of  the  differences  may  be  tabulated  as  follows : 


Its  base 

Segment  8 

$   superior  ap- 

Length  of  hind 

Its  breadth  in- 
creasing prox- 

E.  furcata 

stouter,  regularly 

hardly  inflated 
2/3  of  9  +  10 

with  tapered  tips 
less  than  three  times 
its  width 

C.  batesi  and  C. 

long  and   slender, 

more  contracted 

on  3 

much  inflated 
as  long  as  9  -|-  10 

with  inflated  tips 
more  than  three 
times  its  width 

to  level  of  tip  of 

to  the  hind  angle 

There  are  other  minor  venational  differences  in  E.  furcata 
such  as  fewer  antenodal  crossveins,  and  an  anal  area  in  the  hind 
wing  filled  with  more  elongate  cells  in  less  regular  rows. 

These  differences  lead  us  to  restore  the  generic  name  Cun- 
nacria  for  the  two  species  that  were  formerly  placed  in  it.  \Yhat 

1  This  name  should  have  been  replaced  by  C.  hcrbida  (Gundlach),  tcstc 
Calvert,  Trans.  Ainer.  Ent.  Soc.  45:  365-306,  the  latter  name  having 

xli,    30J  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  255 

to  do  with  the  third  species  was  then  the  question.  In  most 
respects  it  is  very  like  Sympctrum.  Indeed  it  is  a  less  aherrant 
member  of  that  genus  than  are  others  that  are  regularly  placed 
in  it :  less  aberrant  than  the  North  American  S.  corrupt nm  and 
S.  illotum  and  far  less  than  the  Holoarctic  5".  pedemontaniim, 
or  the  East  Asian  5".  unifonnc.  The  superior  appendages  of 
the  male  are  almost  identical  in  form  with  those  of  S.  kunckcli, 
and  are  very  like  those  of  S.  ardcns,  S.  c rotten  in,  S.  panmlmn 
and  5".  iyiwtiim.  The  tip  of  the  inferior  appendages  is  less 
widely  notched  than  in  S.  ruptniu.  The  anterior  lamina  of  the 
second  segment  is  not  higher  or  more  deeply  notched  than  in 
S.  anoinalnin.  Finding  so  much  agreement  with  the  various 
members  of  Syuipetruni  (a  genus  that  the  splitters  may  have 
inadvertently  overlooked  hitherto;  we  put  it  in  that  genus.-  It 
seems  to  exhibit  no  characters  that  are  not  shown  among  the 
species  of  that  genus. 

All  the  bibliographers,  including  ourselves,  have  overlooked 
one  publication  in  which  appears  a  photographic  figure  of  the 
so-called  Caniiacria  furcata:  77;r  Common  Dragon  flics  about 
Kansas  City,  by  Beth  Boright,  The  Xanti/its/  3  :30,  1899,  Plate 
I,  fig.  17.  The  specimen  shown  in  that  figure,  collected  in  a 
park  at  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  is  now  in  the  Cornell  University 
collection  by  gift  of  Dr.  Merrill. 

Two  reviewers  have  found  much  fault  with  the  incomplete- 
ness of  our  distribution  data.  \Ye  stated  in  our  Introduction 
(page  47)  that  "For  the  convenience  of  the  user  distribution 
and  size  are  condensed  to  a  single  line  at  the  head  of  each  de- 
scription;  and  both  are  stated  broadly."  Completeness  was  not 
aimed  at.  \Ye  are  not  able  to  understand  why  similar  criticism 
was  not  made  of  our  statement  of  size,  for  we  gave  only  one 

Our  treatment  of  the  genus  Lcitcorrliinia  suffered  from  lack 
of  material  for  study.  \Ye  had  plenty  of  specimens  of  /..  in- 
tacta  but  not  any  other  species;  and  of  L.  /'orcalis  we  were  not 
able  to  obtain  any.  Even  yet  an  adequate  description  of  that 
species  is  lacking  in  our  literature. 

•'Kennedy  has  recently    (Science  70:504,   \{)2{> )   jjoue  out  of  his  way  to 
proclaim  how  near  he  once  came  to  putting  it  where  it  belongs. 
3  A  Kansas  City   Manual  Training  Hi.uh  School  publication. 

256  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

An  European  Plant-bug  (Amblytylus  nasutus  Kirsch- 

baum)  recognized  from  Massachusetts 

(Hemiptera,  Miridae).* 

By  HARRY  H.  KNIGHT,  Ames,  Iowa. 

Recently  the  writer  received  a  small  lot  of  Hemiptera  for 
determination  from  Mr.  C.  W.  Johnson,  of  the  Boston  Society 
of  Natural  History.  Among  the  Miridae  collected  on  Nan- 
tucket  Island,  Massachusetts,  I  find  three  specimens  of  the 
European  species,  Amblytylus  nasutus  Kirschbaum,  not  before 
correctly  recorded  from  this  country.  These  specimens,  two 
males  and  a  female,  were  taken  July  27,  1928,  by  Mr.  Johnson 
in  "Hidden  forest",  at  Polpis,  near  the  eastern  end  of  the  island. 

Blatchley  (Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  xxxvi,  1928,  p.  15)  has 
reported  Amblytylus  from  Indiana,  following  the  recognition  of 
the  genus  by  Mr.  Van  Duzee.  Blatchley  reviews  the  generic 
characters  of  Amblytylus  and  concludes  with  this  statement: 
"A  half  dozen  or  so  species  are  known  from  southern  Europe, 
and  the  first  one  taken  in  this  country  is  herewith  described". 
Unfortunately  he  gives  it  a  new  name,  Amblytylus  vanduzcei 
n.  sp.,  without  further  consideration  of  which  European  species 
it  might  represent.  His  description,  as  far  as  it  goes,  fits 
nasutus  Kirschb.  perfectly,  and  I  am  convinced  his  specimens 
represent  the  same  species  as  that  taken  on  Nantucket  Island  by 
Mr.  Johnson. 

For  comparison  and  study  the  writer  has  a  small  series  of 
specimens  from  England  and  from  various  parts  of  Germany, 
some  of  which  came  named  as  affinis  Fieb.  and  some  as  nasutus 
Kirschb.  I  have  been  unable  to  recognize  more  than  one  species 
in  this  material,  hence  I  have  given  considerable  study  to  all  the 
descriptions  given  under  these  names,  trying  to  find  characters 
that  would  separate  affinis  Fieb.  from  nasutus  Kirschb. 

Fieber  (1864)  in  his  original  description  for  affinis,  makes 
only  one  comparison  with  nasutus  Kbm.,  namely:  "1st  bei  Am- 
blytylus nasutus  Kbm.  einzureihen,  von  welchem  ihn  die  anders 
gezeichnete  Membran  sogleich  unterscheidet." 

*  Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology,  Iowa 
State  College,  Ames. 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

Douglas  and  Scott  (1865)  sent  a  British  specimen  to  Fieber 
for  determination  and  received  it  back  with  the  name  Anibly- 
tvlus  affinis  Fieb.  attached,  also  the  following  note:  "Allied  to 
Ambl \t\lus  iiasiitits,  but  with  different  markings  on  the  mem- 
brane." Fieber  also  compares  affinis  with  species  in  allied  gen- 
era which  is  of  no  significance  here. 

Renter  (1879)  in  his  great  work  on  the  European  Miridae 
gives  a  key  for  the  species  of  Amblytylus  and  would  separate 
our  forms  as  follows : 

4  (5)   Dorsum  abdominis  concolor.    Pallidior 

nasutus  Kirschb. 

5  (4)   Dorsum  abdominis  nigrum.    Color  multo  obscurior. 

Hemielytra  inter  venas  late  fusco-colorata 

affinis  Fieb. 

Saunders   (1892)  describes  affinis  Fieb.  and  states:  "In  the 

9   the  entire  insect  is  generally  ochreous,  in  the  $   the  abdomen 

is  black  above.     Dr.  Renter  gives  this  character  to  both  sexes, 

but  in  all  my  females  the  abdomen  is  pale  above  except  at  the 

extreme  base." 

The  writer's  examination  of  specimens  reveals  the  same  con- 
dition reported  by  Saunders.  I  also  find  that  the  membrane 
markings  vary  in  intensity,  the  males  generally  darker  although 
some  males  are  light  in  color  as  is  usual  for  the  female.  The 
male  genital  structures  are  identical  for  all  specimens  examined, 
both  light  and  dark  colored  males  included. 

Renter  (1879)  in  his  description  of  affinis,  states  that  the 
rostrum  is  shorter,  attaining  base  of  fourth  ventral  segment, 
whereas,  for  nasutns  Kbm.,  attaining  middle  of  venter.  I  do 
not  believe  this  statement  is  significant  since  the  fourth  ventral 
segment  is  rather  near  the  middle  of  venter.  I  am  unable  to 
find  any  difference  in  length  of  rostrum  among  the  specimens 
at  hand.  Without  wasting  further  time  and  space  1  will  con- 
clude by  giving  the  synonomy  as  follows : 


1855  Lopits  nasiifns  Kirschbaum,  Jahrb.  Yer.  Xat.  Her/.  Xns- 

sau,  x,  p.  281;  (Sept.)  Rhyn.  v.  \Yk-sb. , 
Caps.,  p.  121. 

1860  Capsus  (Capsus)  nasulns  Flor,  Rhyn.  Livlands,  I,  p.  552. 

258  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

1861  Amblytylus  nasutus  Fieber,  Eur.  Hemiptera,  p.  319. 

1864  Ambl\t  \lus    affinis     Fieber,  Wien.  ent.   Monatschr.,  viii, 

p.  332. 

1865  Amblvtylus    affinis     Douglas   &   Scott,    Brit.    Hemiptera, 

p.  389. 
1875  Amblvt\lus  nasutus  Renter,    Rev.    Crit.    Caps.,    (ii),    p. 

148;  Acta  Soc.   Faun.  Fl.  Fenn.,  I, 

p.  164. 
1875  Amblytylus    affinis     Saunders,  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  London, 

1875,  p.  298. 
1879  Amblvtylus  nasutus  Renter,    Hem.    Gymn.    Eur.,    II,    p. 

211,  Pl.  3,  fig.  1.  ' 

1879  Amblytylus    affinis     Renter,    Hem.    Gymn.    Eur.,    II,    p. 

212,  pi.  3,  fig.  2.  ' 

1883  Amblytylus  uasutus  Renter,   Hem.   Gymn.   Eur.,   Ill,   p. 

535.    (Key). 
1883  Amblytylus    affinis     Renter,   Hem.   Gymn.   Eur.,   Ill,   p. 

1892  Amblytylus    affinis      Saunders,  Hem.  Heterop.  Brit.  Is., 

p.  305. 
1909  Amblytylus    affinis     Oshanin,  Verz.  Palaearkt.  Hemip.,  I, 

p.  881. 

1909  Amblytylus  nasutus  Oshanin,  Verz.  Palaearkt.  Hemip.,  I, 

p.  881. 

1910  Amblytylus  nasutus  Hiieber.    Jahreshefte    d.    Vereins    f. 

vaterl.  Naturkunde  in  Wurtt.,  66,  p. 

1910  Amblytylus    affinis     Hiieber,    Jahreshefte   d.    Vereins    f. 

vaterl.  Naturkunde  in  YYurtt.,  66,  p. 


1929  Amblytylus  vanduseci  Blatchley,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 

xxxvi,  p.  15. 

The  Night  Flight  of  Diurnal  Butterflies  (Lepid.). 

By  KENNETH  J.  HAYWARD,  F.E.S.,  F.R.G.S.,  English  Club, 

Buenos  Aires. 

Mr.  Harold  O'Byrne's  article  on  page  20  of  the  January  issue 
of  the  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  (Vol.  XLI)  led  me  to  look  up 
my  own  records  of  a  similar  nature  and  1  was  surprised  at  the 
number  that  had  accumulated  in  the  last  dozen  years. 

I  have  not  seen  Scudder's  "Frail  Children  of  the  Air"  and 
am  not  therefore  in  a  position  to  comment  on  his  records  of 
night  flights  of  butterflies  mentioned  in  that  book,  but  I  can- 
not agree  with  Mr.  O'Byrne  that  records  in  which  only  the 
name  of  the  species,  date  and  time  of  the  nocturnal  flight,  and 

xli,    30 j  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKWS 

possibly  some  additional  irrelevant  details,  are  given,  are  of  any 
scientific  value.  To  have  value  they  must  contain  also  details 
df  atmospheric  conditions  prevailing  at  the  time  of  flight,  and 
should  in  every  case  be  accompanied  by  the  observer's  opinion 
of  the  possible  or  probable  cause  of  the  unusual  time  of  flight. 
I  regret  that  in  the  records  I  add  below,  the  most  essential  data, 
those  concerning  climatic  conditions,  will  be  found  wanting, 
since  I  have  never  considered  any  of  the  instances  quoted  <>t 
sufficient  scientific  interest  to  do  more  than  briefly  note  them 
in  my  day  books. 

Frankly,  I  do  not  see  that  much  is  to  be  gained  by  the  collec- 
tion of  data  on  isolated  night  flights  of  recognised  day-flying, 
sun-loving,  butterflies.  In  this  connection  I  do  not  include  cer- 
tain shade-loving,  dusk-flying  groups  whose  habits  need  special 
study  to  clear  up  the  question  of  whether  they  habitually  fly 
during  any  portion  of  the  night. 

How  frequently  does  one  disturb  a  confirmed  night  flying 
moth  during  one's  daily  round  and  cause  it  to  fly,  albeit  un- 
willingly. Surely  the  same  thing  must  happen  to  day-flying 
butterflies  at  night.  Disturbed  from  their  resting  places  In- 
moving  animal  life,  or  by  some  action  of  the  elements,  they 
have,  as  the  moths  we  disturb  by  day,  but  one  alternative,  they 
must  fall  to  the  ground  or  fly,  and,  if  sufficiently  awake,  in- 
stinct will  suggest  the  use  of  wings.  That  one  so  seldom  sees 
this  happen  is  due  to  varying  causes.  To  the  fact  that  we  do 
not  normally  move  about  at  night  in  the  haunts  where  butter- 
flies sleep  and  if  we  do  the  darkness  prevents  our  seeing  the 
butterflies  should  they  fly,  and  undoubtedly  to  the  fact  also 
that  the  butterflies,  being  for  the  most  part  small-bodied,  are 
able  more  effectively  to  cling  to  their  grass  stems  or  to  the 
leaves  that  shelter  them  than  the  heavy-bodied  moths.  Butter- 
flies that  are  seen  indoors  at  night  flying  round  the  lights  do 
not  come  within  the  scope  of  any  study  such  as  is  suggested, 
unless  they  have  entered  after  dark  from  without.  For  the 
most  part  they  are  insects  that  have  entered  in  search  of  dry 
shelter  during  the  daylight  hours  and  doubtless  mistake  the 
brightness  for  daylight.  Xor  do  the  two  records  quoted  by 
Scudder  of  quantities  of  Eugonia  i-alhnin  and  ./.  plexippus 
living  at  night  round  the  lighthouses  on  Xantucket  Island  and 
Lake  Ontario  belong  here;  they  belong  rather  to  the  stud\  of 
insect  migration. 

260  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

Since  however  more  records  are  asked  for,  I  add  my  own, 
though  I  do  not  see  that  they  can  be  of  any  great  value  with- 
out the  essential  data  which  I  cannot  give. 

End  of  July  or  early  August,  1919.  Vanessa  urticac  L. 
entered  a  lighted  room  at  Bruton  (Somerset)  England  about 
10-11  p.m.  An  insect  that  had  almost  certainly  been  disturbed 
from  its  roosting  place  amongst  the  woodwork  of  the  window 
shades  where  they  could  be  commonly  found. 

Feb.  19,  1920.  Gcgcncs  nostradamus  F.  entered  my  light 
trap  at  Reservoir  (near  Aswan)  Upper  Egypt.  I  have  several 
times  found  species  of  Grypocera  at  light  and  refrain  from 

June  22nd,  1920.  Colias  croccus  Fourcr.  (cdusa  L. )  entered 
my  light  trap  at  Reservoir  sometime  after  11  p.m.  Undoubtedly 
disturbed  by  some  night-prowling  animal  from  the  her  seem 
(alfalfa)  that  grew  directly  before  and  very  close  to  my  light. 

Oct.  10,  1920.  Parnara  inathias  F.  Found  flying  at  light 
at  Maadi  (just  outside  of  Cairo).  The  insect  was  at  that  time 
fairly  common  all  round  the  house. 

June  30,  1921.  Dryas  pandora  Schiff.  At  the  outside  lights 
of  an  hotel  above  Platres,  Cyprus.  The  hotel  was  right 
amongst  the  pine  forests  where  pandora  was  flying  commonly. 
Platres  is  on  the  Southern,  or  Trob'dos,  range  at  about  4000 

Oct.  6th,  1921.  Another  C.  croccus  entered  the  trap  at 
Reservoir  at  about  10  p.m.  after  flying  about  blindly  for  several 
minutes.  It  approached  from  the  direction  of  the  berseem  and 
had  without  doubt  been  disturbed. 

Nov.  20th,  1921.  This  time  a  Pyramcis  card  id  L.  entered 
the  trap.  A  very  common  butterfly  that  usually  slept  amongst 
the  berseem. 

Nov.  5th,  1923.  Eunica  tatila  H-S.  and  Glutophrissa  drn- 
silla  Hbn.  flew  aboard  ship  off  the  Brazilian  coast  between  7 
and  10  p.m.  during  a  heavy  rainstorm  with  strong  southerly 
gale.  At  the  same  time  a  very  large  number  of  night-flying 
moths  and  some  other  insects  arrived  and  all  had  probably 
been  blown  out  by  the  violence  of  the  wind. 

Nov.  9th,  1923.  Pyramcis  huntcra  F.,  f.  brasiliensis  Moore 
flew  aboard  ship  off  the  southern  Brazilian  coast,  arriving  about 
1 1  p.m. 

May  1st,  1924.  Colias  Icsbia  was  flying  on  my  lighted  ver- 
andah. There  was  alfalfa  growing  within  100  yards  (Villa 
Ana,  Prov.  Santa  Fe). 

May  28th,  1924.  Another  Colias  Icslu'a  sought  shelter  from 
a  tropical  downpour  of  great  violence.  How  it  managed  to 
struggle  through  the  rain  after  being  swept  from  its  shelter 
is  another  matter.  Probably  many  essayed  the  task  and  were 
beaten  to  the  ground. 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  261 

Sept.  9th,  1924.  Yet  another  C alias  Icsbia,  a  male,  flew  to 
my  verandah  light. 

Dec.  29th,  1925.  A  specimen  of  P.  Intntcra,  f.  brasilicusis 
came  to  light.  A  common  insect  that  has  a  habit  of  sleeping 
under  eaves  and  such  like  places  and  may  possibly  have  been 
disturbed  from  a  few  feet  from  the  light. 

Jan.  29th,  1927.  A  small  unidentified  Tliccht.  which  was 
common  around  a  tall  bush  before  my  house  at  that  time,  was 
seen  sitting  on  the  wall  beneath  the  outside  light.  There  is  no 
doubt  that  it  had  arrived  after  dark. 

The  above  records  from  A  lay  1st,  1924,  till  Jan.  29th.  1927, 
both  inclusive,  were  made  at  Villa  Ana  in  the  Province  of 
Santa  Fe  in  the  Argentine  Republic. 

Feb.  17th,  1929.  A  female  Euptoictu  clandia  Cr.,  s.  sp. 
hortensia  Blanch,  was  flying  around  a  coloured  cabaret  sign 
in  Calle  Maipu,  in  the  centre  of  Buenos  Aires,  at  10.30  p.m. 

I  add  a  record  that  would  be  more  in  place  under  the  head- 
ing "The  Day  Flight  of  Nocturnal  Moths". 

July  28th,  1921.  On  the  southern  range  of  the  Island  of 
Cyprus,  between  Platres  and  Troodos,  I  captured,  at  about 
12.30  p.m.,  a  specimen  of  Hippotion  cclcrio  L.  that  in  the  bright 
sunlight  of  a  small  forest  glade  by  the  side  of  a  stream  was 
flitting  from  flower  to  flower,  feeding  a  little  at  each,  and  ap- 
parently quite  oblivious  to  the  fact  that  it  had  come  from  its 
resting  place  some  seven  hours  too  early. 

A  Synopsis  of  the  Genus  Macromeigenia  Including 

the  Description  of  One  New  Species 

(Diptera  :   Tachinidae). 

By  H.  J.  REIXHARD,  College  Station,  Texas. 
The  genus  Macromeigenia  was  established  by  Brauer  and 
Bergenstamm  1  with  Tacliina  chrysoprochi  Wiecl.  as  the  type 
and  sole  species.  Wiedemann's  description  does  not  mention 
the  source  of  his  type  series  but  his  species  is  not  uncommon 
in  the  northeastern  section  of  the  United  States.  In  1('21,  I 
described  friocusis-  a  closely  related  form  but  referred  it  to 
the  genus  Erncstia.  Subsequently  Dr.  J.  M.  Aldrich  sent  me 
a  specimen  of  chrysoprocta,  and  from  a  comparison  of  the  two 
species  it  appears  that  friocusis  is  congeneric  although  quite 
distinct  specifically.  A  third  apparently  undescribed  species, 
also  from  Texas,  is  herein  referred  to  the  genus  and  a  key 
to  the  species  given  below. 

JZweifl.  d.  Kaiserl.  Mus.,  Yul.  5.  IS'M.  p. 

2  Annals  Entomological  Society  of  America,  Vol.  14,  1921,  p.  329. 

262  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

Key  to  species  of  Macromeigcnia. 

1.  Sides  of   front  and   face  golden;  apex  of  abdomen  yellow, 

chrysoprocta  Wiedemann. 
Sides  of  front  and  face  gray;  apex  of  abdomen  black.  .  .  .2 

2.  Arista  slender  on  apical  half  ;  third  antennal  joint  of  ordi- 

nary  length;   costal   spine   usually   distinct. 

frlocnsis  Reinhard. 

Arista  thickened  almost  to  tip;  third  antennal  joint  unusu- 
ally long;  costal  spine  absent ou'cnii,  new  species. 


Ttichhia  chrysoprocta  Wied.   Auss.  Zweifl.,  Vol.  2,   1830, 

p.  309. 
Macromeigenia    chrvsoprncta    B.&B.    Zweill.    d.    Kaiserl., 

Mus.,  Vol.  5,  1891,  p.  311. 

Although  this  species  has  not  been  reported  from  the  South- 
west, it  ranges  southward  to  Virginia,  South  Carolina,  and 
Georgia.  Two  specimens  are  in  my  collection,  one  female  from 
Tennessee  taken  June  12,  1922,  without  collector's  label;  and 
one  male  from  Maryland  collected  on  flowers  of  Daueiis, 
August  14,  by  Dr.  C.  H.  T.  Townsencl.  The  -species  may  be 
instantly  recognized  by  the  striking  golden  front  and  face  and 
needs  no  further  description. 


Ernestia  frioensis  Rein.  Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.,  Vol.  14,  1921, 

p.  329. 

The  type  locality  is  Frio  County,  Texas.  Fourteen  additional 
specimens  including  both  sexes  have  since  been  received  from 
the  following  localities,  all  in  the  western  part  of  the  State : 
Presidio,  Marathon,  Barstow,  Balmorhea,  Menard,  and  Spur. 
This  series  is  rather  uniform  in  size  ranging  from  7  to  9  mm. 
in  length. 

The  female  differs  from  the  male  in  having  the  third  antennal 
joint  narrower  and  yellow  near  base,  the  pulvilli  short,  eyes 
less  hairy,  and  the  usual  orbital  bristles  present.  The  front  is 
only  slightly  wider,  by  micrometer  0.368  of  the  head  width  as 
compared  with  0.350  in  male  (average  of  five  in  both).  Genital 
segments  short  and  retracted  with  no  piercer  present. 

In  the  male  the  posterior  forceps  are  keeled  behind  near  base, 
divided  and  divergent  beyond  the  middle,  with  the  tips  blunt 
and  broadly  rounded  on  the  posterior  extremity;  outer  forceps 
about  as  long  as  inner,  basal  part  raised  along  the  middle, 
tapering  uniformly  to  tips  which  are  rather  pointed. 

xli.    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKWS  263 

These  items  with  the  original  description  cover  the  essential 
details  of  the  species. 

Macromeigenia  owenii,  n.  sp. 

Male:  Front  at  vertex  0.381  of  head  width  in  the  one  speci- 
men, projecting  prominently  below;  face  of  unusual  length  and 
strongly  receding,  rather  narrowly  and  very  deeply  excavated 
with  the  ridges  practically  parallel  on  entire  length,  bare  except 
a  few  bristles  next  to  vibrissae,  which  are  situated  close  to 
mouth ;  eyes  rather  small,  densely  hairy  ;  parafrontals  and  sides 
of  face  with  dense  plumbeous  pollen,  thinner  on  cheeks  so  that 
the  yellow  ground  color  is  apparent  on  upper  part  in  certain 
angles;  median  stripe  blackish,  before  triangle  about  equal  to 
width  of  parafrontal  which  widens  rapidly  downward :  one 
pair  (inner)  verticals  developed;  ocellars  present,  proclinate; 
frontals  about  8  in  number,  the  uppermost  two  stout  and 
reclinate  but  not  very  long,  below  antennae  the  rows  strongly 
divergent  extending  to  level  of  arista  ;  parafrontals  with  numer- 
ous bristly  hairs  extending  downward  almost  to  middle  of  face  ; 
para-facial  bare  on  lower  half,  not  narrowed  downward,  about 
equal  the  width  of  facial  depression ;  antennae  of  enormous 
length,  basal  joints  yellow,  third  black  except  at  base,  about 
eight  times  longer  than  second ;  arista  black,  thickened  almost 
to  tip,  basal  joints  short  but  distinct;  cheeks  one-half  the  eye 
height ;  proboscis  short,  moderately  stout,  labella  fleshy  :  palpi 
yellow,  slender  to  tip,  with  a  few  long  hairs  on  lower  edge  : 
posterior  orbits  broad  below  narrowed  toward  vertex ;  occiput 
with  two  rows  of  bristles  above  and  rather  dense  fine  pale 
hairs  beneath. 

Thorax  cinereous,  when  viewed  from  behind  the  dorsum 
shows  four  black  stripes  in  front  and  five  behind,  the  median 
one  not  extending  in  front  of  suture;  scutellum  reddish  at  apex, 
also  covered  with  dense  cinereous  pollen,  which  appears  some- 
what thinner  on  middle  of  disk  in  a  flat  rear  view.  Thoracic 
chaetotaxy:  acrostichal  3,  3;  dorsocentral  3.  4;  humeral  4;  post- 
humeral  3  (anterior  and  posterior  ones  small);  presutural  2: 
notopleural  2;  supraalar  3;  intraalar  3;  pnstalar  2:  p'ero- 
pleural  1  ;  sternopleural  2,  1  ;  scutellum  with  one  discal,  three 
large  lateral  and  a  smaller  decussate  apical  pair ;  postscutellum 
normal;  infrasquamal  hairs  absent:  calypters  semitransparent, 

Abdomen  black,  much  longer  than  broad  and  rather  thick  to 
apex;  dorsum  entirely  covered  with  changeable  cinereous  pollen 
which  has  a  brownish  tinge  on  hind  margins  of  the  intermediate 
segments;  the  latter  each  with  a  pair  of  discal,  besides  a  median 
marginal  pair  on  second  and  a  marginal  row  on  third;  first 
segment  with  a  smallish  median  marginal  pair;  fourth  with 
discal  and  marginal  rows;  genital  segments  black,  of  ordinary 

264  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

size ;  fifth  sternite  deeply  divided  with  a  V-shaped  incision,  the 
lohes  black. 

Legs  black,  mid  tibia  with  one  bristle  near  middle  of  outer 
front  side ;  hind  tibia  subciliate  on  outer  posterior  edge  with 
one  long  bristle  near  middle ;  claws  and  pulvilli  elongate. 

Wings  hyaline :  no  costal  spine ;  veins  yellowish,  bare  except 
third  which  has  two  setules  at  base ;  fourth  vein  with  a  rounded 
obtuse  bend  without  stump,  joining  the  third  at  costa  and  clos- 
ing the  first  posterior  cell  well  before  apex  of  wing;  tip  of 
hind  cross  vein  much  nearer  to  bend  than  small  cross  vein ; 
last  section  of  fifth  vein  short. 

Length,  10  mm. 

Described  from  one  male  specimen  collected  at  Presidio, 
TEXAS,  September  9,  1928,  by  W.  L.  Owen,  Jr.,  for  whom  the 
species  is  named. 

Type:    Male,  Cat.  No.  42,883,  U.S.N.M. 

The  species  is  less  robust  in  build  than  the  genotype  cJiry- 
soprocta,  and  is  much  more  densely  pollinose  having  a  general 
pale  gray  appearance.  In  the  latter  respect  it  is  very  similar 
to  frioensis  from  which  it  differs  in  the  thickened  arista,  longer 
antennae,  more  protruberant  front,  etc.  The  host  relations  are 


— -»i»i«— 

Changes  in  the  Department  of  Entomology,  Massachusetts 

Agricultural  College. 

After  31  years  of  continuous  service  as1  head  of  the  De- 
partment of  Entomology  at  the  Massachusetts  Agricultural 
College,  Dr.  Henry  T.  Fernald  retired  on  July  1st,  1930,  to 
devote  his  time  to  his  study  of  the  Sphecoidean  wasps  and 
other  researches  in  Entomology.  For  administrative  pur- 
poses, the  Departments  of  Entomology,  Zoology  and 
Geology  have  been  combined  into  a  single  major  depart- 
ment, with  Dr.  Clarence  E.  Gordon,  Professor  of  Zoology 
and  Geology,  as  head. 

Dr.  Charles  P.  Alexander  has  been  promoted  to  a  full 
professorship,  in  charge  of  the  college  instruction  in  Ento- 
mology. Dr.  G.  Chester  Crampton  continues  in  charge  of 
all  work  in  Insect  Morphology  and  Phylogeny.  Assistant 
Professor  Arthur  I.  Bourne  has  been  made  a  Professor,  in 
charge  of  research  in  the  Agricultural  Experiment  Station. 
Air.  Clayton  L.  Farrar  has  been  promoted  from  Instructor 
in  Apiculture  to  Assistant  Professor,  and  Dr.  Harvey  L. 
Sweetman  has  been  appointed  Assistant  Professor,  in 
charge  of  the  courses  in  Insect  Ecology  and  Physiology. 

Dr.  Fernald  will  remain  at  Amherst  until  about  October 
1st,  but  thereafter  will  reside  at  707  East  Concord  Avenue, 
Orlando,  Florida. 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  265 

Entomological    Literature 


E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR. 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  a_nnual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

H^'Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Balduf,  W.  V.— Our  friends  the  insects. 
[Trans.  Illinois  State  Acact.  Sci.]  21  :  46-68.  Barnes,  W.- 
Obituary.  By  G.  P.  Engelhardt.  [19]  25:  143-144.  Brom- 
ley, S.  W.— Bee-killing  robber  flies.  [6]  38:  159-176,  ill. 
Cook,  W.  C. — Some  influences  of  location  upon  light  trap 
catches.  [4]  62:  95-98.  Dodd,  F.  O.— An  investigation  of 
the  methods  of  preparing  and  mounting  insects  for  perma- 
nent preservation.  [Trans.  111.  State  Acad.  Sci.|  22:  298- 
329.  Hamlyn-Harris,  R. — The  relative  value  of  larval  de- 
structors and  the  part  they  play  in  mosquito  control  in 
Queensland.  [  Proc.  R.  Soc.  Queensland]  41:  23-38,  ill. 
Heikertinger,  F. — Ueber  "Transformative  Schutzfarbung" 
und  ihre  wissenschaftliche  begriindung.  |97]  50:  193-219. 
Kingston,  R.  W.  G. — The  Oxford  University  Expedition 
to  British  Guiana.  |  Geog.  Jour.,  London]  76:  1-24,  ill. 
Hora,  S.  L. — Ecologv.  bionomics  and  evolution  of  the  tor- 
rential fauna,  with  special  reference  to  the  organs  of  -  at- 
tachment. [Phil.  Tr.  K.  Soc.  London]  218.  (I',):  171-282,  ill. 
Howard,  L.  O. — Striking  entomological  events  of  the  last 
decade  of  the  Nineteenth  Century.  |7n|  1930:  5-18.  Hud- 
son, G.  V. — Over  eenige  nieuwigheden  in  de  Entomologie. 
|58|  8:  76-83.  Internationale  regain  der  zoologischen 
nomenklatur.  |79]  16:  1-15.  Kessler,  E. — Der  wahrheit  zur 
liebe  zu  "Ein  ausflug  in  die  umgebung  Xew  Vorks".  [14| 
44:  89-90,  98-99.  Lutz,  F.  E.— Aquatic  insect  pets.  [15] 
1930:  389-401,  ill.  Marshall,  J.  F.— A  new  form  of  appa- 

266  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

ratus  for  photographing  insects.  [22]  21  :  139-140,  ill.  Mar- 
tensen,  Th.- — Concerning  the  opinions  rendered  by  the  in- 
ternational commission  on  zoological  nomenclature.  [34] 
89:  284-285.  Poche,  F. — Richtigstellung  der  wiedergabe 
eines  von  649  zoologen  gestellten  antrages  seitens  des  sek- 
retars  der  internationalen  nomenklaturkommission.  |34] 
89:  268-271.  Reverdin  J.  L.— Obituary.  By  E.  Bujard. 
[Compte  Rendu  Soc.  Phys.  Hist.  Nat./Gene've]  47:  8-11. 
Sawa,  R. — A  preliminary  survey  of  the  Arthropodan  fauna 
of  the  University  Farm  at  Komaba.  [jour.  Coll.  Agric.  Imp. 
Univ.  Tokyo]  10:  329-345,  ill.  Schmitz,  H.— Phoriden  aus 
eipaketen  von  locusta  migratoria  in  Daghestan.  [Naturhist. 
Maandblad]  19:  67-69,  ill.  Thorpe,  W.  H.— Biological  races 
in  insects  and  allied  groups.  [Biol.  Rev.  &  Biol.  Proc.  Cam- 
bridge Philo.  Soc.  |  5:  177-212,  ill.  Van  Hay,  M.  E.— Ob- 
servations et  experimentation  personnelles  faites  en  1926- 
1929  sur  les  rapports  des  insectes  et  des  fleurs.  |  Bull.  Soc. 
R.  Bot.  Belgique]  62:  82-86.  Weiss,  H.  B.— Insects  and 
witchcraft.  [6)  38:  127-133. 

ANATOMY,    PHYSIOLOGY,    ETC.— Allard,    H.   A.- 

The  chirping  rates  of  the  snowy  tree  cricket  (Oecanthus 
niveus)  as  affected  by  external  conditions.  [4]  62:  131-142, 
ill.  Aubel  &  Levy — Le  potentiel  limite  d'oxydo-reduction 
dans  les  chenilles  de  Galleria  mellonella.  [77]  104:  862-864. 
Beeson,  C.  F.  C. — Sense  of  smell  of  longicorn  beetles.  [31] 
126:  12.  Benazzi,  D.  M. — Superrigenerazione  del  tarso  e 
conseguente  autotomia  esuviale  in  una  larva  di  Aeschna. 
[Natura,  Milano]  21:  105-107,  ill.  Benazzi,  M.— Manifes- 
tazioni  quantitative  della  rigenerazione  negli  insetti.  [Riv. 
Biol.  Milano]  11:  625-631.  Buddenbrook/W.  V.— Beitrag 
zur  histologie  und  physiologic  der  raupenhautung  mit 
besonderer  beriicksichtigung  der  versonschen  driisen.  [46] 
18:  701-725,  ill.  Bugnion,  E. — Les  organes  buccaux  de  la 
nebrie.  (Nebria  complanata)  avec  la  description  de  1'arc 
pharynge  de  cet  insecte.  [33]  70:  115-143,  ill.  Chidoba,  S.— 
Appareil  de  Golgi,  vacuome  et  chondriome  pendant  la 
spermatogenese  de  Dytiscus  marginalis.  1 77 1  104:  1094- 
1095,  ill.  Cockayne,  E.  A. — Thoracic  and  elytral  abnormal- 
ities in  Coleoptera.  |36]  78:  61-65,  ill.  Codreanu,  M.  R.— 
La  nutrition  et  1'action  sur  1'hote  de  Symbiocladius  rhith- 
rogenae,  Chironomide  a  larve  ectoparasite  des  nymphes 
d'Ephemeres.  [69]  190:  1462-14(>4.  Constantineanu,  M.  J. 
-Der  aufbau  tier  sehorgane  bei  den  im  suesswasser  leben- 
den  Dipterenlarven  und  bei  puppen  und  imagines  von 
Culex.  [89]  253-346,  ill.  Cousin,  M.  G.— Le  developpement 
endoparasitaire  de  la  larve  ectoparasite  de  Mormoniella 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  267 

vitripennis.  [69]  190:  1530-1532.  Cunningham,  J.  T.- 
Evolution  of  the  hive-bee.  [31]  125:  857.  de  Lepiney,  J.— 
Contrihution  a  1'etude  clu  comj)lexe  biologique  de  Lyman- 
tria  dispar.  [Mem.  Soc.  Sci.  Nat.  Maroc]  23:  100pp.,  ill. 
de  Lepiney,  J. — Sur  le  comportement  des  adultes  de  Schis- 
tocerca  gregaria.  Sur  1'instiiH-t  gregaire  chez  Schistocerca 
gregaria.  [77]  104:  350-352:  352-354.  Fisher  &  Parkin.- 
Presence  of  a  yeast  in  the  death  watch  beetle  (Xestobium 
rufo-villosum).  |31]  125:892.  Friele,  A.— Die  postembrv- 
onale  entwicklungsgeschichte  der  mannlichen  geschlecht- 
sorgane  und  ausfuhrungswege  von  Psychoda  alternata. 
[46]  18:  249-286,  ill.  'Gaecks,  H.— Die  maulwurfsgrill. 
[Mikrokosmos]  23:  153-159,  ill.  Gotze,  G.— Zur  phylog- 
enie,  physiologic  und  biologic  der  Apis-Schwarme.  [97]  50: 
219-234.  Gresson,  R.  A.  R. — Certain  phenomena  of  ten- 
thredinid  oogenesis  as  revealed  mainly  by  Feulgen's  nu- 
clear reaction.  [53]  73:  617-631,  ill.  Henig,  B.-  LJeber  die 
chordotonalorgane  der  schmetterlingsraupen.  [34]  89:  183- 
186,  ill.  Heymons,  R. — Ueber  die  morphologic  des  weib- 
lichen  geschlechtsapparats  der  gattung  Scarabaeus.  [46]  18: 
536-574,  ill.  Heymons  &  von  Lengerken. — Studien  liber  die 
lebenserscheinungen  der  Silphini.  VI.  [46]  18:  170-188,  ill. 
Hirschler  &  Hirschlerowa. — Sur  la  coexistence  de  1'appareil 
de  Golgi,  du  vacuome  et  des  mitochondries  dans  les  cellules 
sexuelles  males  chez  Gryllus  campestris.  [77j  104:  952-954, 
ill.  Hovener,  M. — Der  darmtraktus  von  Psychoda  alter- 
nata und  seine  anhangsdriisen.  |46|  18:  74-113.  ill.  Hughes- 
Schrader,  S. — Contributions  to  the  life  history  of  the  Icery- 
ine  coccids,  with  sjiecial  reference  to  parthenogenesis  and 
hermaphroditism.  |7|  23:359-380.  Ke,  O.— Morphological 
variation  of  the  prothoracic  gland  in  the  domestic  and  the 
wild  silkworms.  The  granular  bodies  in  the  brain  of  the 
domestic  and  wild  silkworms.  [  Bull.  Sci.  Kjusu  Imp.  Univ. 
Fuknokal  4:  12-21  ;  37-44.  ill.  [Japanese  and  English].  Lo- 
pez, A.  W. — Ability  of  mature  grubs  of  Leucopholis  irm- 
rata  (Melolonthidae)  to  survive  submergence  in  water. 
[The  Philippine  Jour.  Sci..]  42:  307-308.  ill.  McClung,  C. 
E. — Ortbopteran  material  for  cytological  studies.  |  Bull. 
Dept.  Biol.  Yenching  Univ.]  1 :  85-86.  Marcu,  O.— Die 
geschlechtsunterschiede  der  stridulationsorgane  einiger 
Curculioniden.  (Bull.  Sec.  Sci.  Acad.  l\oumaine|  13:  8-13. 
ill.  Marcu,  O. — Beitrag  zur  keuntnis  der  tracbeen  der 
Hymen. .ptc-ren.  |  34  |  89:  186-189,  ill.  Melis,  A.— Contribute 
alia  couoscen/.a  dell'anatomia  degli  stigmi  degli  iiiM-tti 
(Stigmi  di  larve  di  Le])idotteri  e  Coin  >tteri  ) .  |l\edia|  18: 
125-160,  ill.  Metcalf,  C.  L.— The  iiKnithparts  of  insects. 

268  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

[Trans.  Illinois  State  Acad.  Sci.]  21:  109-135,  ill.     Metcalf 

&   Hockenyos. — The  nature  and  formation   of  scale  insect 

shells.    [Trans.   Illinois   State   Acad.    Sci.]    22:    166-184,   ill. 

Metz,  C.  W. — A  possible  alternative  to  the  hypothesis  of 

selective  fertilization   in   Sciara.    [90]    64:  380-382.     Miller, 

L. — Dragon  fly  psychology.    |13]   22:  45-46,  ill.     Mouchet, 

S. — Morphologic  externe  de  la  larve  d'Urophora  solstitialis. 

[Bull.  Soc.  Zool.  France]  54:  351-357,  ill.     Noyes,  B.— The 

peripheral  sense  organs  in  the  termite  Termopsis  angusti- 

collis.  [Univ.  Calif.  Pub.  Zool.]  33:  259-286,  ill.     Obata,  R. 

—An  anatomical  study  of  a  strain  of  the  silkworm,  showing 

hereditary  malformation.   [Bull.  Sci.  Kjusu  Imp.  Univ.  Fu- 

kuoka]  4:  1-11,  ill.   [Japanese  and  English.]     Pandazis,  G. 

— Ueber  die  relative  ausbildung  der  gehirnzentren  bei  bio- 

logisch  verschiedenen  ameisenarten.      [-16]    18:   114-169,  ill. 

Rivnay,  E. — Technique  in  artificial  feeding  of  the  bed  bug, 

Cimex  lectularius.    [Jour.  Parasit.]    16:  246-249,  ill.     Ross, 

H.  H. — Notes  on  the  digestive  and  reproductive  systems  of 

the  german   cockroach.    [Trans.   111.   State  Acad.   Sci.]    22: 

206-216,  ill.     Sacharov,  N.  L. — Studies  in  cold  resistance  of 

insects.  [84]  11 :  505-517.    Shepard,  H.  H.— The  pleural  and 

sternal  sclerites  of  the  lepidopterous  thorax.    [7]   23:  237- 

260,   ill.      Shinji,   O. — Studies   of   the   germ    cells   of   aphids 

with   an   especial  reference   to  the   evolutional   significance 

of    chromosomes.    [Saito    Ho-On    Kai    Monographs]    Rep. 

Ser.   No.  4:    163pp.,  ill.     Stegemann,   F. — Die  fliigeldecken 

der  Cicindelinae.  Ein  beitrag  zur  kenntnis  der  insektencuti- 

cula.  [46]   18:  1-73,  ill.     Strickland,  E.  H.— Phagocytosis  of 

internal  insect  parasites.    [31]    126:  95.     Teissier,  G. — Sur 

1'energetique    de    la    croissance   de    Tenebrio    molitor.    [77] 

104:  857-858.     Teissier,  G. — Discontinuites  et  indetermina- 

tions  dans  la  croissance  biochimique  de  Galleria  mellonella. 

[77]    104:  859-860.     Verrier,  M.  M.  L.— Observations  pre- 

liminaires    sur    les    variations    chromatiques    de    quelques 

Orthopteres.   Sur  la  structure  des  organes  des  sens  et  les 

reactions  sensorielles  de  Phyllium  siccifolium   (Phasmide). 

[Bull.  Soc.  Zool.  France]    54:  73-75,  536-548,  ill.    Voinov, 

V.  D. — Excretia  prin  intermediul  cromatocitel  or  la  never- 

tebrate.  [Acad.  Romana|   15:  220pp.,  ill.     Wachter,  S.— The 

moulting  of  the  silkworm  and  a  histological   studv   ot   the 

moulting  gland.   [7]  23:  381-389,  ill.     Wigglesworth,  V.  B. 

-The   formation   of  the  peritrophic   membrane   in    insects, 

with  special  reference  to  the  larvae  of  mosquitoes.  [53]  73: 

593-616,   ill.     Willomzik,  E. — Ueber  den   ban  ovarien   ver- 

schiedener  coprophager  lamellicornier  und  ihre  beziehung 

zur  brutpflege.    [46]    18:  669-700,  ill.     Xiezopolski,  A.— O 

xli,  30]  KXTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  269 

melanizmie  niektorych  gatunkow  motyliz  grupy   Rhopalo- 
cera.    [Bull.  Ent.   Pologne]    9:   105-1  ll!     Zarapkin,  S.  R.- 
Ueber  gerichtete  variabilitat  bei  Coccinelliden.  II.  Entwick- 
lung    der    komplizierten    zeichnungsformen    bei    Propylea 

14-punctata.   [46]    18:  726-759. 


cuni  Pseudoschorpioni  esotici.  (S).  [23]  23:  197-209,  ill. 
Bequaert,  J. — Ticks  collected  by  the  American  Museum 
Congo  Expedition  1909-1915,  with  notes  on  the  parasites 
and  predacious  enemies  of  these  arthropods.  [40]  426:  12pp. 
*Chamberlin,  R.  V. — A  new  geophiliod  chilopod  from  Pot- 
ter Creek  Cave,  California.  [Univ.  Calif.  Pub.  Zool.]  33: 
297-300,  ill.  Hoffmann,  C.  C. — Monografias  para  la  ento- 
mologia  medica  de  Mexico.  [An.  Inst.  Biol.,  Mexico]  1  : 
135-164,  ill.  *Roewer,  C.  F.— Weitere  weberknechte  IV 
Erganzung  der:  "Weberknechte  der  Ercle".  1923.  (S).  [Ab- 
hand.  Naturwis.  Ver.  Bremen]  27:  341-452,  ill. 


-Trichoptera  from  Cape  Breton,  Xova  Scotia.  [19]  25:  127-' 
131,  ill.  *Ewing,  H.  E. — Two  new  generic  names  and  three 
new  species  of  Mallophaga.  [95]  43:  125-128.  Hilton,  W. 
A. — A  proturan  from  the  Tehachapi.  1 13]  22:  47.  Light, 
S.  F. — Fossil  termite  pellets  from  the  Seminole  pleistocene. 
[Univ.  Calif.  Pub.  Bull.  Dept.  Geol.  Sci.]  19:  75-80,  ill. 
Neave,  F. — Migratory  habits  of  the  mayfly,  Blasturus  cu- 
pidus.  [84]  11:  568-576,  ill.  Peters,  H.' S.'— A  new  biting 
louse  (Mallophaga)  from  white-tailed  deer.  [10]  32:  76-79, 
ill.  Schoenemund,  E. — Die  unterscheidung  der  Ephemerop- 
teren-gattungen  Heptagenia  ind  Ecdyonurus.  [34]  90:  45- 
48.  *Silvestri,  F. — Descrizione  di  tin  nuovo  genere  di 
Japygidae  (Thysunura)  del  Peru.  [23]  23:  232-236,  ill. 
Stewart,  M.  A. — Notes  on  North  American  Ceratophylli 
(Siphonaptera).  [4]  62:  152. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Davis,  W.  T.— Rearing  the  young  of 
the  viviparous  cockroach.  Panchlora  cubensis.  [6]  38:  86- 
88.  Ross,  H.  H. — The  life  history  of  the  german  cockroach. 
[Trans.  Illinois  State  Acad.  Sci.j  21  :  84-93,  ill.  Zolotarev- 
sky,  B.  N. — Le  criquet  migrateur  (Locusta  Migratoria 
capito)  a  Madagascar.  [An.  Kpiphyties,  Paris]  15:  185-235, 

HEMIPTERA.— *Bunn.  R.  W.— Notes  on  the  genus 
Aphelonema  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  [103]  3: 
73-77,  ill.  *Cockerell  &  Bueker.—  •  \\-\\-  records  of  Coccidae. 
(S).  [40]  424:  8pp.,  ill.  *Deay,  H.  O.— Six  new  species  of 

270  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

Tenagobia  (Corixidae).  (S).  [19]  25:  171-179,  ill.  Doering, 
K.  C. — Synopsis  of  the  family  Cercopidae  in  North  Amer- 
ica. [103J  3:  53-64,  cont.  *Drake  &  Harris.— Notes  on 
some  South  American  Gerridae.  |3]  19:  235-239.  Drake  & 
Harris. — A  wrongly  identified  American  water-strider.  [  19] 
25:  145-146.  Gaumont,  L. — Conditions  generales  de  pullu- 
lation  des  aphides.  [An.  Epiphyties,  Paris]  15:  256-316,  ill. 
*Goding,  F.  W.— New  Membracidae,  X.  (S).  [6]  38:  89-92. 
*Goding,  F.  W. — Membracidae  in  the  American  Museum 
of  Natural  History.  (S).  [40]  421:  1-27,  ill.  *Harris,  H. 
M. — -Notes  on  some  South  American  Nabidae,  with  descrip- 
tions of  new  species.  [3]  19:  241-248.  *Hungerford,  H.  B. 
—A  report  on  the  nomenclature  of  some  neotropical  Noto- 
necta  with  the  description  of  some  new  species.  [19]  25: 
138-143,  ill.  Jaczewski,  T. — Notes  on  the  American  species 
of  the  genus  Mesovelia  (Mesoveliidae).  [An.  Mus.  Zool. 
Polonici]  9:  12pp.,  ill.  Kiritshenko,  A.  N. — On  the  generic 
position  of  two  species  of  Hemiptera  described  by  "W.  L. 
•  Distant.  (S).  [75]  6:  148-153,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H.— New 
species  of  Psallus  (Miridae).  |4J  62:  125-131.  Knowlton, 
G.  F. — Notes  on  Utah  Lachnea  (Aphididae).  [4]  62:  152- 
161,  ill.  *Lawson  &  Beamer. — Some  new  Scolops  ( Ful- 
goridae)  with  notes  on  other  species.  [103]  3:  67-72,  ill. 
Lawson,  P.  B.-- Concerning  Scolops  cockerelli  ( Fulgori- 
dae).  [4]  62:  120-122.  *Lobdell,  G.  H.— Twelve  new  mealy- 
bugs from  Mississippi.  (Coccoidea).  |7|  23:  209-236,  ill. 
*Oman,  P.  W. — A  new  Paracoelidia  (Cicaclellidae).  [103] 
3 :  78.  Stoner,  D. — Spined  soldier-bug  reared  on  celerv 
leaf-tyer.  [39]  14:  21-22.  de  la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.— Cerato- 
combus  vagans  in  Westchester  County,  N.  Y.  [19]  25:  144. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— *Bell,  E.  L.— Descriptions  of  new 
South  American  Hesperiidae.  |6|  38:  149-156,  ill.  *Bouvier, 
E.  L. — Seconde  contribution  a  la  connaissance  des  Satur- 
nioides  du  Hill  Museum.  (S).  [Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  4:  1-116. 
Box,  H.  E. — Observations  on  a  migration  of  butterflies  in 
Venezuela.  [36]  78:  51-59.  ill.  *Braun,  A.  F.— Xotes  on 
Pterophoridae  with  description  of  a  new  Oidaematophorus. 
1 4]  62:  122-124.  Caradja,  A.— Die  kleinfalter  der  stotzner'- 
schen  ausbeute,  nebst  xutraege  aus  mciner  sammlung. 
[Acad.  Romana  Mem.  Sect.  Stiin.J  4:  361-428.  Clark,  A. 
H.— Notes  on  some  local  butterflies.  [10]  32:  80-82.  Corn- 
stock  &  Coolidge. — The  life  history  of  Philotes  sonorensis. 
|  38 1  29:  17-21.  ill.  *Cook,  W.  C.— A  new  species  of  Kuxoa 
and  some  notes  on  Chorizagrotis.  |4|  62:  147-150.  Haw- 
kins, J.  H. — Tarsal  claws  of  noctuid  larvae.  [7]  23:  393-396, 

xli,  30]  E.\T(>M<)i.<><;ir.\i.   \F.\\S  271 

ill.  *Holland,  W.  J. — New  species  of  Erebia  (Satyridae). 
|1|  56:  149-153.  Holland,  W.  J.—  I'apilio  monuste  (A 
critique).  |19|  25:  133-136,  ill.  *Hopp,  W.— Xeue  Mega- 
lopygiden.  (S).  |63]  44:  75-77,  ill.  *Klots,  A.  B— Diurnal 
Lepicloptera  from  Wyoming  and  Colorado.  [19]  25:  147- 
170,  ill.  *Lathy,  P.  I. — Notes  on  South  American  Lycaeni- 
dae,  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  [36]  78:  133-137,  ill. 
Moore,  S. — Lepidoptera  of  the  Beaver  Islands.  [Occ.  Pap. 
Mus.  Zool.  Univ.  Michigan]  214:  28pp.  Petrie,  F—  The 
accuracy  of  a  moth.  [31]  125:928.  Schwanwitsch,  B.  N.— 
Studies  upon  the  wing-pattern  of  Catagramma  and  related 
genera  of  South  American  nymphalid  butterflies.  [Trans. 
Zool.  Soc.  London]  21:  105-286,  ill.  Wyss,  A.— Papilio 
asterias,  variation.  [Pro.  Jun.  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  1  :  8. 

DIPTERA.— Alexander,  C.  P.— The  crane-flies  (Tipuli- 
dae)  of  New  England:  third  supplementary  list.  [Occ.  Pap. 
Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  5:  267-278.  *  Alexander,  C.  P.- 
Records  and  descriptions  of  Neotropical  crane-flies  (Tipuli- 
dae),  VIII.  [6]  38:  109-120.  Anon.— Zancudos  de  Costa 
Rica.  |  Hoi.  Cam.  Agric.  Costa  Rica]  2:  259-264.  *Curran, 
C.  H.— New  American  Asilidae.  (S).  [40]  425:  21pp.,  ill. 
*Curran  &  Alexander. — Report  of  the  Diptera  collected  at 
the  station  for  the  study  of  insects,  Harriman  Interstate 
I'ark,  N.  Y.  pp.  21-115."  Efflatoun,  H.  C.— A  monograph 
of  Egyptian  Diptera,  Part  III,  Family  Tabanidae.  [Mem. 
Soc.  R.  Ent.  Egypte]  4:  114pp.,  ill.  *Hall,  D.  G.— Three 
newr  West  Indian  Sarcophaginae.  [40]  423:  1-4,  ill.  Hardy, 
G.  H. — Observations  of  some  habits  of  and  mimicry 
amongst  robber-flies.  [Proc.  R.  Soc.  Queensland]  41  :  69-71. 
Herms  &  Burgess — A  description  of  the  immature  stages 
of  Hippelates  pusio  and  a  brief  account  of  its  life  history. 
|12|  23:  600-603.  ill.  Johnson,  M.  S.— Some  observations 
on  chironomid  larvae  and  their  usefulness  as  fish  food. 
[Trans.  Am.  Fish.  Soc.|  1929:  153-159,  ill.  *Krober,  O.- 
Die  tribus  Pangoniini  der  neotropischen  region.  [34]  89: 
211-228,  ill.  *Krober,  O. — Die  Tabanidengattung  Sackeni- 
myia.  (S).  [34]  90:  1-12,  ill.  :i:Pinto,  C.— Mosquitns  da 
regiao  neotropica  (Brasil,  Estados  de  S.  Paulo  e  Rio  de 
Janeiro).  II.  |AIem.  lust.  Oswaldo  Cruz  |  23:  179-184,  ill. 
Stone,  A. — The  bionomics  of  some  Tabanidae.  |7|  23:  261- 
304,  ill.  *Szilady,  Z. — Central  American  Tabanidae.  A 
revision  of  the  genus  Scione.  A  little  known  North  Amer- 
ican Tabanns.  [Biol.  Hung.]  1,  (7).  21-30,  ill.  Walker,  C. 
R. — Anopheles  quadrimaculatus  in  Colorado.  |4|  62:  150- 

272  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

COLEOPTERA. — Blair,  K.  G. — Brachypsectra — the  so- 
lution of  an  entomological  enigma.  [36]  78:  45-50,  ill. 
Brown,  W.  J. — A  revision  of  the  North  American  species 
of  Eanus.  [4]  62:  161-166,  ill.  Butcher,  F.  G.— Notes  on 
the  cocooning  habits  of  Gyrinus.  [103]  3:  64-66.  *Fall,  H. 
C. — On  Ataenius  strigatus  and  allied  species.  [6]  38:  93- 
108.  Frost,  C.  A. — Anthaxia  aeneogaster  [taken  in  Acton, 
Mass.].  Seeking  a  better  climate.  [19]  25:  146.  Cause,  G. 
F. — Die  variabilitat  der  zeichnung  bei  den  blattkafern  der 
gattung  Phytodecta.  [97]  50:  235-248,  ill.  *Hatch,  M.  H. 
-Records  and  new  species  of  Coleoptera  from  Oklahoma 
and  western  Arkansas,  with  subsidiary  studies.  fPubl. 
Univ.  Oklahoma  Biol.  Surv.]  2:  15-26.'  Hatch,  M.  H.- 
The  collection  and  preparation  of  Coleoptera.  [Publ.  Univ. 
Oklahoma  Biol.  Surv.]  2:  27-31.  *Hatch  &  Ortenburger.- 
Records  and  new  species  of  Coleoptera  from  Oklahoma. 
[Publ.  Univ.  Oklahoma  Biol.  Surv.]  2:  7-14.  Hayes,  W. 
P. — Morphology,  taxonomy,  and  biology  of  larval  Scara- 
baeoidea.  [111.  Biol.  Monogr.]  12:  no.  2,  119pp.,  ill.  Knaus, 
W.— Notes  on  Kansas  Coleoptera.  [  1031  3  :  79-80.  Knowl- 
ton,  G.  F.— Notes  on  Utah  Coleoptera.  [39]  14:  36-37,  cont. 
Mohr,  C.  O. — Morphological  comparisons  of  Coprinae, 
Aphodinae  and  Geotrupinae  (Scarabaeidae).  [Trans.  111. 
State  Acad.  Sci.]  22:  263-284,  ill.  Miiller,  G.— Coleotteri 
cavernicoli  Italiani.  [ Le  Grotte  d'ltalia]  4:65-85,  ill.  Ochs, 
G. — Remarks  on  "A  list  of  the  insects  of  New  York".  [6] 
38:  135-138.  Sim,  R.  J. — Scarabaeidae,  Coleoptera;  obser- 
vations on  species  unrecorded  or  little-known  in  New  Jer- 
sey. [6]  38:  139-147.  Wilson,  J.  W.— The  genitalia  and 
wing  venation  of  the  Gucujidae  and  related  families.  [7] 
23:  305-358,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— Descriptions 
and  records  of  bees.  (S).  [75]  6:  48-57.  Creighton  &  Tul- 
loch. — Notes  on  Euponera  gilva  (Formicidae).  |5j  37:  71- 
79,  ill.  Dow,  R. — The  nests  of  New  England  wasps.  [Bull. 
Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  1930:  11-16,  ill.  *Friese,  H.— Die 
schmarotzerbienengattung  Osiris.  (S)  [60]  91  :  103-127,  ill. 
Gosswald,  K. — Weitere  beitrage  zur  verbreitung  der  mer- 
mithiden  bei  ameisen.  [34]  90:  13-27,  ill.  Haskins,  C.  P.- 
Preliminary  notes  on  certain  phases  of  the  behavior  and 
habits  of  Proeeratium  croceum.  |6]  38:  121-126.  Iltis,  H. 
— Ueber  eine  autonome  soziale  gruppenbewegung  bei  in- 
sektenlarven.  [34|  90:  59-M,  ill.  Paoli,  G.— Contribute »  nllo 
studio  dei  rapporti  fra  le  acacie  c  le  Formiche.  |Mcm. 
Soc.  Ent.  Italiana]  9:  131-132.  Rau,  P. — Life  history  notes 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  273 

on  the  wasp,  Polistes  annularis.  [4]  62:  119-120.  Rau,  P. 
-Ecological  and  behavior  notes  on  the  wasp,  Polistes  pal- 
lipes.  [4]  62:  143-147.  Roepke,  W. — Beobachtungen  an 
indischen  honigbienen,  insbesondere  an  Apis  clorsata. 
[Meded.  Landbouwh.  Wageningen  (Nederland)  ]  1930: 
28pp.,  ill.  Smith,  M.  R. — A  description  of  the  male  of 
Proceratium  croceum,  with  remarks.  [7]  23:  390-392,  ill. 
Smith,  M.  R. — Another  imported  ant  [Prenolepis  bourbon- 
ica  in  Florida]  [39]  14:  23-24.  Weyer,  F.— Ueber  das 
"Springen"  von  Odontomachus.  [34]  90:  49-55.  *Whitta- 
ker,  O. — Some  new -species  and  a  new  genus  of  parasitic 
Hymenoptera  from  British  Columbia.  [10]  32:  67-76. 

A  MANUAL  FOR  THE  STUDY  OF  INSECTS.  Revised  Edition. 
By  JOHN  HENRY  COMSTOCK,  Emeritus  Professor  of  Ento- 
mology in  Cornell  University,  and  ANNA  BOTSFORD  COMSTOCK, 
Emeritus  Professor  of  Nature  Study  in  Cornell  University,  and 
GLENN  W.  HERRICK,  Professor  of  Entomology  in  Cornell  Uni- 
versity. Nineteenth  Edition.  Ithaca,  New  York,  The  Corn- 
stock  Publishing  Co.  (Copyright,  1930).  23.5x15.5  cm.  Pp. 
xiii,  401,  633  text  figs.  3  pis.  Price  $4.00. 

Much  historical  interest  attaches  to  this  nineteenth  edition 
of  a  long-  and  well-known  text.  The  preface  to  the  original 
edition,  dated  December,  1894,  signed  by  John  Henry  Corn- 
stock,  is  reprinted  here.  Following  is  a  Foreword,  dated  April 
5,  1929,  also  signed  by  him,  stating  that  the  intended  revision 
of  the  Manual,  begun  in  1914,  resulted  in  a  new  textbook,  An 
Introduction  to  Entomology,  but  having  had  it  still  in  mind  to 
revise  the  Manual,  making  it  more  elementary,  failing  health 
caused  him  to  pass  this  task  on  to  Professor  Herrick.  An 
introduction  dated  Dec.  2,  1929,  by  the  latter  says :  "The  aim 
of  the  revision  has  been  to  keep  the  Manual  in  form  and  ar- 
rangement practically  as  it  was  first  written.  The  attempt  has 
been  made,  of  course,  to  bring  the  subject  matter  down  to  date, 
to  simplify  it  and  to  condense  it  somewhat  in  order  to  bring  it 
within  the  horizon  of  the  beginning  student.  The  more  ad- 
vanced student  has  been  adequately  cared  for  by  Prof.  Com- 
stock's  much  more  extended  work,  'An  Introduction  to  Ento- 
mology' and  by  other  works  of  somewhat  similar  character." 

We  have  made  some  comparisons  with  a  copy  of  the  fourth 
edition  (  1901  which  has  x  -\-  710  pages,  ~(J7  figures  and  (> 
plates.  Part  of  the  difference  in  size  is  due  to  the  new  edition's 
having  a  larger  page  form  with  more  lines  to  the  page,  partly 
to  the  omission  of  some  passages,  especially  from  the  sections 
in  smaller  type  of  the  earlier  text.  Hut  there1  are  also  many 
minor  changes  in  content  and  phraseology.  The  keys  are  often 

274  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

entirely  new  and  from  varied  sources.  Many  of  the  old  figures 
have  disappeared,  new  ones  have  been  added,  many  are  familiar, 
even  with  altered  legends  corresponding  to  changed  views.  Pro- 
nunciation of  scientific  names  is  usually  indicated  by  long  or 
short  signs  over  the  vowels  in  the  names  themselves  rather  than 
by  an  accented  syllabification  in  parentheses.  Some  idea  of 
the  condensation  obtained  is  seen  by  a  comparison  of  the  in- 
dexes at  the  end  of  the  two  editions,  that  of  the  new  revision 
containing  fewer  entries.  Incidentally,  the  word  "mimic" 
occurs  in  neither  index  and  perhaps  the  only  reference  to  this 
phenomenon  is  the  very  brief  statement  on  page  275  of  the 
new  book,  under  Basilarclua  arduous. 

This  revised  edition  undoubtedly  will  continue  the  usefulness 
and  the  tradition  of  its  predecessors  among  new  generations  of 
students  to  whom  its  senior  authors,  alas,  may  be  personally 
unknown.  PHILIP  P.  CALVERT. 

Second  Edition.  New  York,  E.  P.  Dutton  &  Co.  1930.  703  pp.. 
illustrated.  $10.80. — The  first  edition  of  this  excellent  work- 
was  reviewed  in  the  NEWS,  vol.  xxxvi,  pp.  283-286  for  Nov., 
1925.  That  a  new  edition  is  now  demanded  is  a  striking  testi- 
mony to  its  merits,  and  as  the  author  says  in  the  preface  to 
this  present  volume  :  "The  necessity  for  issuing  a  second  edition, 
in  a  comparatively  short  interval  of  time,  is  taken  as  an  indica- 
tion that  this  book  has  fulfilled  a  definite  requirement.  The 
labour  of  revision  has  been  considerable,  and  sincere  thanks  are 
due  to  those  entomologists  in  various  parts  of  the  world  who 
lightened  the  task  by  their  comments  upon  individual  para- 
graphs, or  sections  of  several  of  the  chapters.  In  more  than 
one  instance  the  reviewers'  criticisms  have  also  proved  helpful. 

In  the  second  edition  various  additions  and  emendations  have 
been  made.  The  most  important  are  the  revised  classifications 
affecting  the  orders  Dermaptera,  Isoptera  and  Thysanoptera ; 
the  supplementary  literature  at  the  end  of  many  of  the  chap- 
ters, and  the  notes  on  recent  advances  in  the  subject  incorpor- 
ated in  the  Addenda  on  pp.  668-72.  One  new  diagram  has  been 
added  and  three  of  the  text-figures  have  been  replaced  by  new 
illustrations.  Special  thanks  are  due  to  the  McGraw-Hill  Book 
Company,  of  New  York,  who  allowed  the  use  of  an  illustration 
from  The  Anatomy  and  Physiology  of  the  Honey  Bee,  by 

The  perennial  subject  of  taxonomic  nomenclature  is  always 
a  difficulty  in  a  book  of  this  description.  In  reply  to  criticisms 
by  specialists  it  may  be  pointed  out  that  the  latest  names  in 
many  cases  have  not  been  adopted,  but  rather  those  which  are 
best  known  and  most  widely  used." 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

BIOLOGIE  DER  HEMiPTEREN,  cine  Naturgeschichte  der  Schna- 
I)elkerfe,  by  DR.  II.  WEBER,  of  Danzig  (formerly  of  Bonn). 
Biologischc  Stndlcnbitchcr.  Vol.  XI,  543  pages,  329  figures. 
Published  by  Julius  Springer,  Berlin.  1930.  For  sale  in  the 
United  States  by  G.  E.  Stechert  &  Co.,  91  K.  10th  St.,  Xew 
York.  Price,  bound,  $10.95. 

The  very  title  of  this  book,  Biology  of  the  Heutiptera,  sug- 
gests a  heroic  undertaking  on  the  part  of  its  writer,  and  a  mere 
glance  through  its  profusely  illustrated  pages  shows  that  the 
author  has  not  shirked  his  self-imposed  responsibility.  More- 
over, the  volume  is  without  question  one  of  the  best  publications 
of  recent  times  in  biological  entomology.  "Within  it  the  writer 
brings  together  not  only  a  review  of  practically  all  that  has 
heretofore  been  written  on  the  life  and  structure  of  the  Hemip- 
tera,  but  also  the  results  of  his  own  extensive  and  minute  studies 
of  those  complex  hemipterous  mechanisms  that  for  a  century 
past  have  baffled  the  skill  of  insect  anatomists.  The  Hemiptera. 
though  one  of  the  most  important  orders  from  the  standpoint 
of  economic  entomology,  have  remained  one  of  the  least  under- 
stood of  all  the  major  groups  of  insects.  This  work  gives  to 
Hemipterology  at  once  a  new  status,  and  the  book  is  one  to 
which  all  students  of  sucking  insects  must  have  access.  A  brief 
review  of  its  contents  will  best  support  this  statement. 

(  )f  the  five  principal  sections  under  which  the  contents  of  the 
volume  are  treated,  the  first  deals  with  movements  and  sensory 
activities.  It  includes  details  of  the  skeletal  structures  con- 
cerned with  locomotion,  the  musculature  and  mechanism  of  the 
legs,  the  various  uses  of  the  appendages,  the  structure  of  the 
wings  and  the  mechanism  of  flight,  the  organs  of  stridulation, 
the  structure  of  the  nervous  system  and  the  organs  of  sense, 
and  the  sensory  reactions. 

The  second  section  treats  of  the  various  organs  and  systems 
of  organs  accessory  to  metabolism,  including  those  of  ingestion, 
digestion,  distribution,  oxidation,  and  elimination.  It  contains 
a  wealth  of  information  on  the  structure  and  mechanism  of  the 
feeding  organs  to  be  obtained  from  no  other  single  source,  and 
much  of  the  matter  in  this  subject  is  based  on  the  author's  own 
intimate  knowledge  of  the  hemipterous  head  and  the  structure 
of  the  mouth  parts.  In  numerous,  clear-cut  line  drawings  the 
various  types  of  feeding  mechanisms  are  shown  with  all  their 
intricate  detail  of  structure  and  musculature,  and  many  obscure 
features  of  the  piercing  and  sucking  processes  are  convincingly 
explained.  The  long-standing  mystery  of  how  the  coccids,  for 
example,  thrust  their  slender,  folded  mouth  bristles  at  full 

276  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

length  into  the  plant  tissue  is  beautifully  and  simply  elucidated. 
The  accomplishment  is  shown  to  depend  upon  two  things :  first 
there  is  a  clasp  in  the  base  of  the  labial  groove  which  can  se- 
curely hold  the  bundle  of  mouth  bristles ;  and  second,  each 
bristle  is  independently  provided  w'ith  short  protractor  and 
retractor  muscles.  On  relaxation  of  the  labial  clasp,  one  man- 
dibular  bristle  is  thrust  out  as  far  as  its  minute  protractor 
muscle  can  extrude  it,  then  the  other  follows  until  the  two  tips 
meet,  after  which  the  maxillary  bristles  are  exserted  until  their 
tips  lie  between  those  of  the  mandibular  bristles.  Now  the 
labial  clasp  comes  into  action  and  grasps  the  bristle  bundle, 
holding  it  in  the  new  position  while  the  retractor  muscles  take 
up  a  fraction  of  the  slack  in  the  loop  of  the  bundle  within  the 
crumena,  and  at  the  same  time  extend  the  protractors.  Thus 
again  the  mechanism  is  ready  for  exsertion,  and  by  another  ad- 
vance, first  of  one  piercing  bristle,  then  of  the  other,  and  finally 
of  the  sucking  maxillary  tube,  the  entire  bundle  is  sunken  a 
little  deeper.  With  each  repetition  the  bristle  loop  grows 
smaller,  the  exserted  bundle  reaches  a  little  farther,  until  at 
last  the  food  stream  of  the  host  is  tapped.  The  same  mechanism 
is  present  in  all  Hemiptera,  whether  the  retracted  bristles  are 
straight,  folded  in  a  crumena,  or  looped  outside  the  head. 

The  rest  of  this  section  is  devoted  to  the  sucking  mechanism 
and  the  ingestion  of  food,  the  salivary  glands,  the  alimentary 
canal,  the  processes  of  digestion,  the  ectodermal  glands  and 
their  various  secretions,  respiration,  and  circulation. 

The  third  section,  on  the  sex  life  and  development,  begins 
with  a  description  of  structural  differences  between  the  males 
and  females,  and  the  anatomy  of  the  sexual  organs.  Then 
comes  a  full  account  of  the  external  genital  organs,  with  many 
details  of  the  various  methods  of  copulation.  This  is  followed 
by  descriptions  of  the  eggs,  the  structure  of  the  ovipositor,  and 
an  account  of  the  methods  of  egg-laying  adopted  by  different 
members  of  the  order.  Embryology  is  treated  briefly,  but  many 
interesting  things  are  given  concerning  the  hatching  of  the  eggs 
and  the  care  of  the  young.  Under  metamorphosis  the  struc- 
tural changes  between  the  young  and  adult  are  shown,  and  the 
postembryonic  development  of  the  Coccidae  and  related  forms 
is  fully  illustrated.  Many  examples  of  viviparity,  polymorphism, 
and  heterogeny  are  then  discussed,  and  a  special  sub-section  is 
devoted  to  the  life-cycle  of  the  Aphididae. 

The  last  two  sections  have  to  do  with  the  relations  of  the 
insects  to  the  environment,  both  inanimate  and  animate.  The 
book  closes  with  14  pages  of  closely  printed  bibliographical 
references,  and  ends  with  generic  and  subject  indices. 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  277 

A  volume  such  as  this  Naturgeschichie  dcr  Schnabclkcrfc 
will  be  a  welcome  addition  to  every  general  entomological 
library,  since  few  lines  of  work  do  not  somewhere  touch  upon 
the  sucking  bugs;  to  the  hemipterist,  however,  it  will  be  'in 
indispensable  acquisition,  since  it  puts  before  the  eye  of  the 
special  worker  in  Hemiptera  a  comprehensive  view  of  the  entire 
field  of  this  subject.  Moreover,  if  we  may  look  at  it  from 
another  phase,  the  book  must  be  seen  as  the  most  recent  proof 
to  American  entomological  students  of  the  folly  of  thinking  we 
can  survive  without  a  knowledge  of  foreign  languages. 




Anna  Botsford  Comstock,  emeritus  professor  of  nature  study 
at  Cornell  University,  well-known  wood  engraver  and  author, 
died  at  10:45  o'clock  Sunday  morning,  August  24,  at  her  home, 
123  Roberts  Place,  Ithaca,  New  York.  She  had  been  in  failing 
health  for  more  than  a  year,  but  had  been  well  enough  to 
lecture  at  the  university,  and  had  just  completed  a  series  of 
talks  for  Summer  session  students  on  August  15. 

Anna  Botsford  Comstock  was  born  September  1,  1854,  on 
a  farm  among  the  hills  of  Cattaraugus  County,  New  York. 
Her  grandparents  were  pioneers,  moving  their  families  and 
goods  with  ox  teams  from  New  England  to  the  wilds  of  West- 
ern New  York.  Her  mother,  Phoebe  Irish,  was  of  Quaker 
stock,  which  followed  William  Penn  to  America.  Her  father 
was  a  descendant  of  Henry  Botsford,  who  settled  in  Milford, 
Connecticut,  in  the  17th  century,  and  of  Nathaniel  Foote,  who 
arrived  in  Wethersfield,  Connecticut,  in  1636. 

Mrs.  Comstock  spent  the  first  10  years  of  her  life  on  the 
farm  where  she  acquired  her  early  enthusiasm  for  out-of-door 
life.  Then  her  parents  moved  to  the  village  of  (  >tto,  a  feu- 
miles  away  and  built  a  home  in  which  they  lived  during  the 
rest  of  their  lives.  Anna  I'otsford  continued  her  education  by 
attending  the  village  school,  and  at  the  age  of  14  taught  for 
one  term  in  the  primary  department  of  this  school  to  fill  the 

278  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

place  of  a  teacher  who  was  ill.  At  the  age  of  16  she  became 
interested  in  a  college  education  and  was  sent  to  Chamberlain 
Institute  at  Randolph,  a  Methodist  seminary  with  an  excellent 
faculty.  In  1873  she  graduated  from  a  college  preparatory 
course  and  pronounced  the  salutatory  in  Latin  on  the  Com- 
mencement stage.  After  teaching  for  one  year  she  entered 
Cornell  University  and  graduated  in  1878.  In  1885  she  received 
the  B.  S.  degree. 

At  Cornell  she  met  John  Henry  Comstock,  who  had  graduated 
four  years  earlier,  and  was  an  instructor  in  zoology.  They  were 
married  October  7,  1878,  and  lived  in  a  house  on  the  campus 
for  33  years  until  the  ground  on  which  it  stood  was  needed  for 
University  purposes. 

In  1879  Mr.  Comstock  was  made  entomologist  to  the  United 
States  Department  of  Agriculture,  and  obtained  a  two  years' 
leave  of  absence  from  Cornell  to  take  up  this  work.  He  was 
overburdened  with  duties,  and  Mrs.  Comstock  began  assisting 
him,  first  with  his  correspondence,  and  later,  when  he  was 
unable  to  find  an  artist  skilled  in  the  use  of  the  microscope, 
she  undertook  to  illustrate  his  reports  upon  the  scale  insects  of 
the  citrus  fruits  and  was  subsequently  given  a  position  as 
assistant  in  the  entomological  division,  working  there  with  her 
husband  until  their  return  to  Cornell. 

At  this  time  Prof.  Comstock  was  planning  to  write,  for  the 
help  of  his  students,  a  manual  for  the  study  of  insects,  and  it 
became  Mrs.  Comstock's  ambition  to  illustrate  this  book.  In 
order  to  do  this  she  learned  the  art  of  wood  engraving,  studying 
with  John  P.  Davis  at  Cooper  Institute,  Xew  York.  The 
manual  was  published  in  1895,  but  meanwhile  its  illustrator 
had  gained  so  much  skill  in  representing  the  texture  of  but- 
terflies' wings  that  she  was  elected  to  the  Society  of  American 
Wood  Engravers  and  to  the  special  section  of  original  engravers, 
among  whom  are  the  best  that  the  world  has  produced.  I  lei- 
engravings  were  exhibited  at  many  European  and  American 
expositions  and  she  won  the  Bronze  Medal  at  the  Buffalo 

xli,    30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

When,  in  1896,  the  first  appropriations  were  made  at  Cornell 
University  for  introducing  nature  study  into  the  rural  schools, 
Mrs.  Comstock  was  asked  to  assist  in  this  work  and  was  made 
an  assistant  professor  in  the  Extension  Department  in  IS' '8. 
Subsequently  she  became  a  regular  lecturer  in  Cornell  Uni- 
versity, and  was  made  a  professor  of  nature  study  in  1920. 
During  the  year  1899-1900  she  was  an  extension  lecturer  at 
Stanford  University. 

The  Handbook  of  Nature  Study,  a  volume  of  more  than 
900  pages,  illustrated,  and  published  in  1911.  was  an  outgrowth 
of  her  work  with  school  teachers  in  the  state.  The  book  has 
gone  through  15  editions  and  is  in  use  in  Alaska,  Australia. 
Japan,  China  and  England,  as  well  as  in  the  schools  of  the 
United  States  and  Canada. 

Mrs.  Comstock  was  made  editor  of  the  Nature  Study  Review, 
now  combined  with  the  Nature  Magazine,  in  1917,  and  is  the 
author  of  many  nature  stories  in  periodicals  for  children.  Her 
books  include:  Ways  of  the  Six-Footed;  How  to  Know  the 
Butterflies  (with  her  husband);  How  to  Keep  Bees;  Confes- 
sions to  a  Heathen  Idol ;  The  Pet  Book ;  Bird,  Animal,  Tree, 
and  Plant  Notebooks. 

She  was  associate  director  of  the  American  Nature  Associa- 
tion, a  member  of  the  Society  of  American  Wood  Engravers, 
ami  of  Sigma  Xi. 

Mrs.  Comstock  had  no  children  of  her  own,  but  she  has 
mothered  hundreds  of  lonely  boys  and  girls,  many  of  them 
coming  from  farm  homes  to  work  their  own  wav  through  the 
University.  She  and  Professor  Comstock  made  their  home  a 
place  of  rendezvous,  not  only  for  those  who  were  interested 
in  the  particular  fields  of  work  to  which  they  were  devoting 
their  time,  but  also  to  any  who  needed  a  helping  hand. 

Mrs.  Comstock  is  survived  bv  her  husband,  who  has  been 
an  invalid  for  several  years.  -  -  KATIIAKI  NK  lrix<.n  in  Ithaca 
Journal  News,  Aug.  25,  1930. 

Portraits  of  Prof,  and  Mrs.  J.  H.  Comstock  were  published 
by  Mr.  Guilder  in  KXTOMOUH'.ICAL  NKWS  for  April,  1'MO, 
plate  N. 

280  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '30 

DR.  GEORGE  DIM  MOCK  died  at  Springfield,  Massachusetts,  his 
native  town,  on  his  seventy-eighth  birthday.  May  17,  1930.  as 
announced  in  Science  for  May  23.  He  received  the  bachelor 
of  arts  degree  from  Harvard  in  1877  and  that  of  doctor  of 
philosophy  from  Leipsic  in  1881,  after  working  in  Leuckart's 
laboratory,  his  thesis  being  The  Anatomy  of  tJic  Mouth  Parts 
and  of  tJic  Sucking  Apparatus  of  Some  Dipt  era  (Boston, 
1881),  probably  his  best-known  entomological  paper.  In  it  he 
compared  the  trophi  of  Cnle.v,  Bombylius,  Eristalis  and  Musca. 
In  1881-82  he  studied  at  the  Sorbonne,  Paris.  From  1877- 
1890  he  was  an  editor  of  Psydie,  the  late  B.  Pickman 
Mann  being  his  associate  for  part  of  this  period.  His  subse- 
quent entomological  work  has  been  mainly  anatomical  and  has 
concerned  scales  and  glands  of  insects  (PsvcJic,  1882,  1883) 
and  the  early  stages  of  Carabid,  Coccinellid  and  Chrysomelid 
beetles.  Some  of  his  papers  on  Coleoptera  were  written  in  co- 
operation with  the  late  Frederick  Knab  (1904).  He  contributed 
the  chapter  on  Coleoptera  to  the  Riverside  Natural  History 
(1881)  and  an  article  on  Bclostoniidac  and  some  otlier  Fish- 
destroying  Bugs  to  the  Annual  Report  of  the  Fish  and  Game 
Commission  of  Massachusetts  for  1886.  P.  P.  CALVERT. 

JAMES  WATERSTON,  of  the  British  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory, died  April  28,  1930.  He  was  born  at  Paisley,  Scotland, 
in  1879.  He  gave  special  attention  to  parasitic  arthropods  and 
had  intended  to  write  a  monograph  of  the  Mallophaga.  An 
obituary  notice  is  in  the  Scottish  Naturalist  for  May-June,  1930. 

We  greatly  regret  to  record  the  death  of  ERNEST  BAYLIS,  an 
Associate  Editor  of  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  on  July  6,  1930. 
An  appreciation  and  biographical  notice  will  appear  in  the  next 
number  of  this  journal. 


Page  135,  April.  1930.  For  line  11  substitute  line  27;  for 
line  27  substitute  "simulans  Heidetnann  (Heteropt. :  Tingid- 
idae)."  The  table  of  contents  on  the  cover  of  the  April  number 
has  these  two  titles  correct. 

NOVEMBER,  1930 


Vol.  XLI  No.  9 



Obituary — Frank  Haimbach 281 

Obituary— Ernest  Baylis 285 

Brower — A  List  of  Butterflies  of  the  Ozark  Region  of  Missouri 286 

Prof.  G.  F.  Ferris  at  Cambridge,  England 289 

Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— XVIII  .  290 
Ferris — The  Puparium  of  Basilia  corynorhini  (Ferris)  (Diptera:  Nyc- 

teribiidae) 295 

Klots — On  the  Naming  of  Individual  Variants  in  Lepidoptera 298 

Rowe — Distributional  List  of  Tachinid  Flies  from  Utah 303 

Jones — Dynastes  tityus  in  Pennsylvania  and  Delaware  (Coleoptera : 

Scarabaeidae) 305 

Entomological  Literature 307 

Doings  of  Societies — The  Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomologists  311 

Correction  .  312 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 

Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,  Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. . 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr., 

Wm.  W.  Chapman. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
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Foreign         .  .  .  3.25 

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Ten  issues  "  11.00,  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.     All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
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MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
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TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
Upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
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Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
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slated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
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the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
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authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited ;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
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of  copies  will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 

ENT.    NEWS,   VOL.   XLI. 




VOL.  XLI.  NOVEMBER,    1930  No.  9 

Frank  Haimbach. 

(Portrait,  Plate  XXIV.) 

Frank  Haimbach  died  April  1,  1930,  following  a  short  illness. 
He  was  born  in  Philadelphia,  July  2,  1859;  his  parents  were 
of  French  and  German  extraction,  and  although  both  were 
born  in  Germany  they  came  to  America  in  their  youth  and 
settled  in  Philadelphia,  becoming  naturalized  citizens. 

His  early  education  was  somewhat  limited,  but  he  had  in- 
herited from  his  parents  a  love  of  cultural  things,  particularly 
Natural  History  and  in  his  early  days  wandered  with  them 
through  Fairmount  Park  and  along  the  banks  of  the  Schuylkill, 
where  he  would  collect  insects  and  plants,  so  that  his  interest 
in  nature  had  manifested  itself  before  he  was  six  years  old. 
His  father  was  an  intellectual  man  and  wrote  a  great  deal  of 
poetry,  some  of  which  was  published  in  Philadelphia  in  1899 
under  the  title  of  "Poetische  Blatter".  His  mother  sent  to 
Germany  for  his  first  entomological  books  from  which  he 
learned  to  mount  insects  and  make  containers  and  cabinets 
for  his  collection. 

His  interest  in  nature  study  was  lifelong.  Circumstances 
never  permitted  him  to  travel,  but  his  Sundays  and  the  very 
little  leisure  he  had  was  spent  in  collecting  trips  to  the  pine 
barrens  in  New  Jersey  and  the  many  delightful  suburbs  of 
Philadelphia,  along  the  Wissahickon  Creek,  Chester  and  Dela- 
ware Counties  and  the  woods  and  fields  of  Roxborough. 

He  carried  on  an  extensive  correspondence  with  collectors 
all  over  the  world,  buying  and  exchanging  specimens,  and 
practically  all  of  his  leisure  time  was  spent  either  in  the  fields 
collecting  or  in  his  study  mounting  and  arranging  the  specimens, 
devoting  most  of  his  attention  to  the  Lcpidoptera  and  particu- 
larly the  smaller  moths. 

He  contributed  valuable  data  to   Dr.  John    15.    Smith   for  his 


282  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

list  of  the  insects  of  New  Jersey,  and  was  a  recognized  author- 
ity on  the  Heterocera. 

His  beautiful  collection  of  over  40,000  Lepidoptera  he  pre- 
sented to  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  prior  to  his  death. 

For  a  number  of  years  he  acted  as  Secretary  for  the  Feldman 
Collecting  Social ;  he  was  a  member  of  the  American  Entomo- 
logical Society  and  was  its  Secretary  and  Treasurer  at  the  time 
of  his  death.  The  last  few  years  of  his  life  were  the  culmina- 
tion of  an  ambition  he  always  had  of  devoting  his  entire  time 
to  Entomology ;  he  became  associated  with  Dr.  J.  R.  Schramm 
on  "Biological  Abstracts"  and  spent  the  balance  of  his  time  in 
the  Department  of  Entomology  in  the  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia,  during  which  time  he  wrote  several 
valuable  papers. 

On  March  27th,  1928  he  was  appointed  Special  Aide  in  this 
department  in  charge  of  the  "Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial" 
and  was  studying  and  arranging  the  large  collection  of  Micro- 
lepidoptera  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

A  list  of  his  Entomological  Contributions  follows : 

1905.  Desmia  funeralis  Hubner  and  variety  subdivisalis  Grote. 
ENT.  NEWS.  XVI,  121. 

1907.  Two   new   species   of    Crambus   and   a   new   variety   of 
Haematopsis  grataria  Fabricius.     ENT.   NEWS.   XVIII, 

List  of  the  Lepidoptera  of  Five-Mile  Beach,  N.  J.  ENT. 
NEWS.  XVIII,  217-228. 

1908.  New  Pyralidae.     ENT.  NEWS.  XIX,  263-264. 
1915.    New  Heterocera.     ENT.  NEWS.  XXVI.  321-325. 
1928.    A  list  of  the  species  and  descriptions  of  new  forms  of 

the  American  genus  Zale,  and  a  new  form  of  Safia 
Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.  LIV,  215-231. 

1930.  The  Crambinae  in  the  Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial 
Collection  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  of  Phila- 
delphia ENT.  NEWS.  XLI,  113-134. 

1905-1909.  Secretary's  reports  of  the  meetings  of  the  Feldman 
Collecting  Social.  ENT.  NEWS.  XVI-XX. 

1930.  Secretary's  Report  of  meeting  of  the  American  Ento- 
mological Society.  ENT.  NEWS.  XLI. 

1930.  The  Seventieth  Birthday  of  Dr.  Adelbert  Seitz.  ENT. 
NEWS.  XLI,  206-207. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  283 

Frank  Haimbach  was  a  kindly  gentleman  ;  he  was  always 
glad  to  assist  other  entomologists  in  their  work  or  help  ama- 
teurs in  the  technic  of  mounting,  preparing,  and  classifying 
insects.  Many  of  the  prominent  entomologists  of  his  genera- 
tion were  his  close  friends,  and  they  and  the  younger  students 
of  the  subject  were  constant  visitors  at  his  home.  He  endeared 
himself  to  all  of  his  scientific  associates  at  the  Academy  and 
is  particularly  mourned  by  his  friends  in  the  Department  of 
Entomology  and  his  fellow  members  of  the  American  Ento- 
mological Society. 

He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  Ida,  two  daughters,  Miss  Minna 
and  Mrs.  Charlotte  Lyons,  and  two  sons,  Frank,  Jr.,  and  Al- 
bert. Another  son,  Philip,  died  in  1901  at  the  age  of  eighteen 
years.  His  loss  was  a  double  one  to  his  father  as  he,  too,  was 
interested  in  the  same  studies  and  a  close  companion  in  his 

entomological  work. 



Mr.  Haimbach  was  introduced  to  Eastburn  Thompson  by 
Mr.  Henry  W.  Fowler,  of  the  Academy,  one  day  in  Langhorne, 
and  was  invited  to  see  Mr.  Haimbach's  collection.  Easie  told 
the  Club  all  about  it  at  our  next  meeting  and  we  were  all  in- 
vited to  go  to  Langhorne  to  see  the  collection. 

So  one  wintry,  snowy  day  the  fathers  of  the  Club  members 
transported  twenty  ten-  eleven-  and  twelve-year-olds  to  Lang- 
horne. We  were  not  only  shown  the  collection  but  were  pre- 
sented with  some  delightful  duplicates  and  had  a  chance  to  see 
a  real  entomological  laboratory. 

From  that  moment  Mr.  Haimbach  showed  the  keenest  in- 
terest in  our  Club',  as  he  believed  that  it  was  essential  to  foster 
the  interest  of  young  entomologists.  He  came  to  our  Club 
meetings,  presenting  scientific  papers.  He  gave  an  exhibition 
of  mounting  of  tiny  butterflies  and  moths.  He  judged  our 
mounting  contests,  and  we  spent  many  gloriously  happy  Sunday 
afternoons  in  his  quaint,  Imv-ceilinged  study.  lie  had  the 

284  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

enthusiasm  of  youth,  and  was  as  eager  and  excited  as  we  were 
over  any  interesting  specimen.  He  had  untiring  patience  with 
our  ignorance  and  never  once  did  he  make  us  feel  other  than 
his  entomological  peers.  His  kindliness  of  spirit,  his  accurate 
scientific  knowledge,  his  skill  and  his  old-world  courtesy  are 
part  of  the  precious  heritage  of  his  friendship. 

Our  crowning  adventure  with  him  was  his  visit  to  our  New 
Hampshire  home  last  August.  Easie,  Jack  Cadbury,  Barbara 
and  Stephen  Gary  and  I  will  never  forget  those  joyous  days. 
We  took  him  to  the  top  of  Mt.  Washington  in  a  car  that  boiled 
and  sputtered;  we  caught  Brcnthis  montitins  in  a  sunny  meadow 
near  the  top,  and  although  it  was  too  late  for  Ocucis  scmidca, 
Mr.  Haimbach  caught  an  Anartia  or  two  and  some  other  small 
moths  that  pleased  him  tremendously.  We  had  a  south  east 
storm  during  his  stay  with  delightfully  foggy  nights,  so  that 
our  light-trap  worked  to  perfection.  We  shall  never  forget 
him  with  his  cyanide  bottles  and  his  net,  bagging  tiny  creatures. 
He  was  up  late  and  early,  getting  a  five  A.  M.  start  so  as  to 
get  his  treasures  off  the  white  walls  of  the  cottage  before 
sunrise.  I  turned  over  the  desk  in  the  living  room  for  his 
exclusive  use  while  there,  and  when  not  collecting  he  pinned 
with  exquisite  precision  his  specimens  in  Schmitt  boxes.  He 
returned  laden  with  treasures,  leaving  behind  him  the  memory 
of  happy  days  with  a  man  great  of  heart,  of  boyish  enthusiasm, 
and  we  all  pronounced  him  our  most  delightful  guest.  Plans 
were  all  laid  for  his  return  this  summer. 

Ever  since  we  have  known  him  we  have  collected  Micro- 
lepidoptera  for  him  on  all  of  our  trips,  and  with  his  unfailing 
courtesy  and  generosity  he  credited  all  these  things  to  me  in 
the  Academy  collection  and  in  its  records. 

Something  very  big  has  gone  from  our  lives,  but  the  Club 
has  passed  a  resolution  to  the  effect  that  in  our  feeble  way  we 
shall  endeavor  to  carry  on  the  work  which  he  has  laid  down. 
This  is  the  spirit  which  he  would  wish  us  to  have,  rather  than 
mourning  for  his  passing. 


Another  and  more  recent  (1929)  portrait  of  Mr.  Haimbach  appeared 
in  the  News  for  December,  1929,  Plate  XVII.— EDITOR. 

ENT     NEWS.    VOL.    XLI. 



xli,    "'30  j  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

Ernest  Baylis. 

(Portrait.  Plate  XXV.) 

passed  away  at  one  o'clock  Sunday  afternoon ,  July  6th,  1930, 
at  South  Sterling,  Pennsylvania.  He  was  in  his  54th  year.  He 
was  horn  at  Ipswich,  England  on  Eehruary  8th,  1877.  At  the 
age  of  fourteen,  he  developed  an  abiding  interest  in  Natural 
Science  and  he  collected  insects  generally  at  that  time,  but  chief- 
ly the  Lepidoptera.  He  was  a  very  sincere  and  active  collector 
even  up  to  the  hour  of  his  death.  He  had  gone  on  a  collecting 
trip  in  the  Pocono  Mountains  and  while  there  was  stricken  and 
died  upon  his  return,  after  an  illness  of  but  fifteen  minutes. 

His  first  entomological  studies  were  on  the  British  Lepidop- 
tera and  after  acquiring  almost  all  the  known  species  in  his 
territory,  he  started  to  collect  Coleoptera  which  were  his  prin- 
cipal interest  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

In  November  of  1912  he  left  England  and  came  to  the  United 
States  and  made  his  home  in  Philadelphia,  where,  after  getting 
settled,  he  continued  to  collect  Coleoptera  and  finally  special- 
ized in  the  Cicindelidae  and  the  Cerambycidae.  Mr.  Baylis 
was  a  commercial  artist  by  profession  but  devoted  all  his  spare 
time  to  collecting  and  the  study  of  entomology.  Most  of  his 
field  work  in  this  country  was  done  within  seventy  miles  of 
Philadelphia,  Pa.  Though  his  collection  does  not  contain  any 
types,  it  comprises  one  of  the  finest  representations  of  that 
territory  extant.  He  was  a  very  fine  technician  and  it  was  a 
pleasure  to  examine  his  collection;  every  label  is  of  the  same 
size  and  is  set  in  the  same  position  and  height  on  the  pin,  and 
the  antennae  and  legs  of  every  specimen  are  all  set  alike,  each 
box  making  a  fine  picture  in  itself. 

On  March  22nd,  1917,  Mr.  P.uylis  was  elected  a  resident 
member  of  the  American  Entomological  Society.  He  was  also 
President  of  the  Feldman  Collecting  Social  and  the  last  meeting 
of  this  Society  was  held  at  his  residence  in  (  Vtober,  1926.  He 
was  an  Honorary  member  of  the  Suffolk  Naturalists  Society 
of  Framingham,  England. 

In  January,   1928,  he  was  appointed  an  Associate   Editor  of 

286  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  and  held  that  position  when  he  passed 

Though  he  did  not  describe  any  new  species  or  publish  any- 
thing, he  was  one  of  the  most  active  collectors  of  recent  years 
in  the  American  Entomological  Society,  and  it  is  certain  that 
many  of  his  captures  will  establish  new  records  for  the  par- 
ticular territory  in  which  they  were  taken,  all  the  dates  of  cap- 
ture and  localities  being  accurately  recorded. 

Through  his  passing  the  society  loses  a  very  valuable  mem- 
ber and  associate.  JOHN  C.  LUTZ. 

A  List  of  Butterflies  of  the  Ozark  Region  of  Missouri. 

By  AUBURN  E.  BROWER,  Willard,  Missouri. 

The  published  lists  of  Lepidoptera  collected  by  the  St.  Louis 
collectors  give  a  good  idea  of  the  butterflies  of  that  region. 
As  this  locality  is  about  225  miles  southwest  of  St.  Louis,  in 
Greene  County,  and  the  records  extend  the  range  of  a  number 
of  species  of  the  East  and  record  some  additional  Gulf  Coast 
forms,  it  seems  desirable  to  publish  them.  A  few  of  the  records 
are  for  Forsyth,  Taney  County,  Missouri,  sixty  miles  to  the 
south  on  the  White  River,  and  about  fifteen  miles  from  the 
Arkansas  line. 

Collecting  has  been  carried  on  for  the  last  fourteen  years  for 
Lepidoptera  in  general.  Except  for  the  Hesperiidae,  the  butter- 
flies have  been  closely  collected  so  the  list  should  be  fairly  com- 
plete. Questions  regarding  identification  have  been  checked 
against  the  Cornell  University  collection  with  aid  of  Dr. 
W.  T.  M.  Forbes. 

PAPILIO  PHILENOR  L.,  common. 

POLYXENES  Fabr.,  common. 
CRESPHONTES  Cram.,  uncommon. 
GLAUCUS  L.,  fairly  common. 
TROILUS  L.,  very  common. 
MARCELLUS  Cram.,   uncommon. 

form  TELAMONIDES  Feld.,  fairly  common. 

LECONTEI  R.  &:  J.,  common, 
ab.  BROWERI  Guilder,  one  June  23,  1918. 
The   usual   red   markings   are   replaced 
by  deep  yellow. 

xli,  '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  .\K\vs  287 

PIERIS  PROTODICE  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  common. 

gen.  vern.   VKR. \ALLS   Edw..    fairly  common. 
RAPAE  L.,  very  common. 
NATHALIS  IDLE  Bdv.,  scarce,  but  became  common  in  1919  and 

1920.     One  albino  bas  been  taken. 
ANTHOCHARIS  GENUTIA  Fabr.,  very  scarce;  in  April,   1919,  a 

number  were  taken. 

CATOPSILA  EUBULE  L.,  common.  This  species  migrates  through 
August,  September,  and  October,  coming  from 
the  northwest. 

PHILEA  L.     One  seen    ?  when  collecting  was  first 
started ;  positively  identified  at  Forsyth,  October 
11,  1927. 
ZERENE  CAESONIA  Stoll.,  common. 

gen.  autumn  ROSA  McNeill,  in  the  fall,  rare 

in  the  spring, 
form   IMMACULSECUNDA   Guilder,   paratype, 

September  27,  1917. 
EURYMUS  EURYTHEME  Bdv.,  common. 

gen.   vern.   AUTUMNALIS   Ckll.,   scarce. 
The  other  forms  are  all  believed  to 
be  present,  but  the  application  of  the 
names  seems  uncertain. 
PHILODICE  Godt.,  very  common. 

gen.  vern.  ANTHYALE  Hbn.,  uncommon. 
EUREMA  MEXICANA  Bdv.,  very  scarce.     It  is   fairly  common 

at  Forsyth. 
XICIPPE  Cram.,  uncommon. 

ab.   FLAVA   Stkr.,  very  scarce. 
EUTERPE  Men.,  very  common. 

form    9    ALBA  Stkr.,  common. 

DANAUS  -ARCHIPPUS  Fabr.,  common  in  spring  and  fall.     This 
species  like  Catopsila  cnbulc,  and  others  migrates  southeast- 
ward in  the  fall  and  northwestward  in  the  spring. 
ENODIA  PORTLAND! A  Fabr.,  common  in  the  summer. 
NEONYMPHA  EURYTUS  Fabr.,  very  common  in  June  and  July. 
CERCYONIS  ALOPE  race  OLYMITS   Edw.,   fairly  common,  com- 
mon in  1929. 

DIONE  VANILLAE  L.,  scarce,  became  rather  common  in   1926. 
EUPTOIETA  CLAUDIA  Cram.,  fairly  common. 
ARGYNNIS  IDALIA  Dru.,  very  scarce. 

(  YBELE  Fabr.,  common. 

EUPHYDRYAS  PHAETON  Dru.,  scarce.  All  of  the  colonies  of 
larvae  which  have  been  found  were  upon  tall 
growing  Gerunlius  high  up  on  dry,  thinly 
wooded  ridges. 

288  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

PHYCIODES  GORGONE  Hbn.,  uncommon. 

NYCTEIS  Dbl.  &  Hew.,  common. 
THAROS  Dru.,  very  common. 

form  MARCIA  Edw.,  uncommon. 

ANTHANASSA  TEXANA  Edw.     A  single  much  battered    9    of 
this  species  was  taken  at  Forsyth,  October  23,  1927,  follow- 
ing two  or  three  days  of  westerly  winds. 

form  UMBROSA  Lint.,  common. 
COMMA  Harris,   uncommon. 

form  DRYAS  Edw.,  rare. 
PROGNE  Cram.,  scarce. 
AGLAIS  J-ALBUM  Bclv.  &  Lecon.     This  species  has  been  seen 


ANTIOPA  L.,  scarce  in  early  spring  and  fall. 
VANESSA  ATALANTA  L.,  common. 

VIRGINIENSIS  Dru.,  common. 
CARDUI  L.,  common. 
JUNONIA  COENIA  Hbn.,  very  common. 
BASILARCHIA  ASTYANAX  Fabr.,  fairly  common. 

ARCHIPPUS  Cram.,  uncommon. 
CHLORIPPE  CELTIS  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  scarce. 
CLYTON  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  scarce. 
ANAEA  ANDRIA  Scud.,  common. 
LIBYTHEA  BACHMANI  Kirt.,  uncommon. 

CALEPHELIS  BOREALIS  G.  &  R.     One  was  taken  August   10, 
1919,  and  a  number  were  found  in  a  limited  area  in  early 
August,  1926. 
STRYMON  CECROPS  Fabr.,  common. 

M.  ALBUM  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  two  specimens,  July  26  and 

October  24. 

MELINUS  Hbn.,  fairly  common. 
TITUS  Fabr.,  scarce  in  June  and  July,  especially  on 

flowers  of  Asclcpias  tuber  osa. 

EDWARDSI  Saund.,  two  upon  June  14,  one  June  24. 
All  are  very  large,  collected  flying  about  oak 

CALANUS  Hbn.,  common  in  June. 

MITOURA  DAMON  DiscoiDALis  Skin.,  in  July,  very  scarce. 
INCISALIA  HENRICI  G.  &  R.,  one  April  20,  1919,  one  seen  ( ?) 

April  13,  1924. 

FENISECA  TARQUINIUS  Fabr.  Two  specimens  have  been  taken, 
both  high  in  the  dry  hills  near  the  divide ;  furthermore  no 
alders  have  been  found  in  this  section  of  the  state.  In  1927 
a  number  were  taken  in  a  yard  of  hard  maples  where  they 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

were  flitting  about  Virginia  creeper  infested  with  Fulgoridae, 
this  was  in  Springfield,  Missouri. 
HEODES  HYPOPHLAEUS  Bdv.,  rare  until   1926  when  a  number 

were  taken. 

HEMIARGUS  ISOLA  Reak.,  scarce,  but  common  one  year. 
EVERES  COMYNTAS  Godt.,  very  common. 
LYCAENOPSIS  PSEUDARGIOLUS  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  fairly  common. 
EPARGYREUS  TJTYRUS  Fabr.,  very  common. 
ACHALARUS  LYCIDAS  A.  &  S.,  fairly  common. 
COCCEIUS  PYLADES  Scud.,  very  common. 
THORYBES  DAUNUS  Cram.,  common. 
PYRGUS  TESSELLATA  Scud.,  very  common. 
PHOLISORA  CATULLUS  Fabr.,  common. 
STAPHYLUS  HAYHURSTI  Edw.,  uncommon. 
THANAOS  BRIZO  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  common  in  early  spring. 
MARTIALIS  Scud.,  uncommon. 
JUVENALIS  Fabr.,  common. 
HORATIUS  Scud.  &  Burg.,   fairly  common. 
ANCYLOXYPHA  NUMITOR  Fabr.,  uncommon. 
PAMPHILA  LEONARDUS  Harris,  uncommon. 
HYLEPHILA  PHYLAEUS  Dru.,  common. 
POLITES  CERNES  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  very  common. 

PECKIUS  Kirby,  common. 
ATALOPEDES  CAMPESTRIS  Bdv.,  very  common. 
CATIA  OTHO  EGEREMET  Scud.,  common. 
POANES  HOBOMOK  Harris,  fairly  common. 

form  POCOHONTAS  Scud.,  uncommon. 
ZABULON  Bdv.  &  Lee.,  uncommon. 
ATRYTONE  AROGOS  Bdv.  &  Lee. 
EUPIIYES  VESTRIS  Bdv.,  uncommon. 
AMBLYSCIRTES  VIALIS  Edw.,  uncommon. 

CELIA  Skin.,  one  July  25,  1929,  and  one  imper- 
fect specimen  that  is  probably  this  at  Forsyth 
September  14,  1927.  Compared  with  specimens 
in  the  U.S.N.M. 

MEGISTIAS  FUSCA  G.  &  R.,  scarce. 

l.i  KKMA  ACCIUS  A.  &  S..  one  October  15,  two  October  22. 
LERODKA  F.UFALA  Edw.,  uncommon. 

Prof.  G.  F.  Ferris  at  Cambridge,  England. 
Professor  G.  F.  Ferris,  of  Stanford  University,  is  spending 
the  present  academic  year  at  Cambridge  University,  England, 
in  the  Molteno  Institute  of  Parasitology.  During  this  time  he 
expects  to  complete  the  "series  of  papers  on  "Contributions 
Toward  a  Monograph  of  the  Sucking  Lice"  and  to  carry  out 
some  other  work  in  connection  with  ectoparasitic  insects. 

290  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  |\TOV.,    '30 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XVIII.     The  Museums  of  Cuba. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  XXVI-XXVIII.) 

The  study  of  entomology  is  going  right  ahead  in  Cuba  and 
the  people  in  general  seem  to  be  taking  more  interest  in  the 
subject,  as  evinced  by  the  increased  number  of  local  collectors. 
The  museums  are  featuring  better  public  displays  of  insects 
than  formerly,  so  I  believe  the  next  decade  will  witness  a 
marked  advancement  in  the  working  out  of  the  fauna  of  the 
Island.  What  is  needed  in  the  future  are  more  men  like  Dr. 
Mario  Sanchez  Roig,  Director  of  the  Natural  History  Museum 
of  Havana.  Dr.  Roig  is  an  all-around  naturalist,  specializing 
in  paleontology,  as  well  as  entomology  and  he  has  built  up  the 
largest  museum  of  natural  history  in  the  Country.  It  is  located 
at  No.  827  Cerro  Street  in  an  old  residence  adapted  for  museum 
purposes,  but  a  new  building  is  contemplated  on  the  site  within 
the  next  few  years.  Dr.  Roig  began  active  field  work  in  1903 
and  not  long  ago  opened  his  Institution  to  the  public.  He  is 
fortunate  in  having  the  cognizance  and  support  of  the  Govern- 
ment and  only  recently  issued  the  first  bulletin  called  "Memo- 
ria",  as  Volume  I,  Number  I.  There  is  an  excellent  cabinet  of 
display  butterflies  in  his  museum  and  the  Lepidoptera  study 
collection  consists  of  eighty  drawers  and  some  250  boxes  con- 
taining about  14,000  specimens.  Cuban  Sphinges,  Catopsilias  and 
Papilios  are  well  represented.  Some  of  this  material  was  col- 
lected by  Mr.  Cervera  and  Mr.  Gomez  de  la  Maza  who  are 
local  enthusiasts.  Dr.  Roig  is  to  be  congratulated  upon  his 
excellent  work  which  at  times  has  been  carried  on  under  great 

In  the  Institute  of  Havana  is  found  the  Valle  Yznage  Mus- 
eum. (See  plate  XXVII).  It  consists  of  several  rooms  and  was 
the  gift  in  1896  of  Mr.  Modesto  del  Valle.  Here  are  displayed 
good  collections  of  Cuban  and  foreign  birds  and  mammals  and 
also  a  fair  collection  of  Cuban  insects  prepared  by  ( lundlach 
during  his  trips  through  the  Island  JYom  1860  to  1890.  There 
is  also  a  considerable  collection  of  nearly  4000  species  of  Cuban 
and  foreign  shells. 


Plate  XXVI. 


xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  291 

In  the  same  Institute,  hut  entirely  individual,  is  a  room 
which  is  called  the  "Museo  Cubano  Gundlach".  In  this  deposi- 
tory are  kept  many  of  the  type  specimens  of  Coleoptera,  Lepi- 
doptera,  Diptera,  etc.,  which  were  described  by  Gundlach.  I 
am  sorry  I  have  such  meager  data  on  this  evidently  important 
material,  but  there  is  a  pamphlet  called  "Zoologia"  or  "Catalogo 
General"  describing  this  little  museum  and  its  collections  which 
was  written  by  Dr.  Pedro  V.  Ragnes  in  1914.  This  catalogue 
consists  of  150  pages  of  text  and  probably  gives  note  of  many 
of  Gundlach's  original  specimens.  Aside  from  Lepidoptera  the 
room  contains  a  very  complete  collection  of  Cuban  birds  cap- 
tured and  prepared  by  this  gentleman.  I  am  glad  to  produce 
on  plate  XXVII,  a  picture  of  Colonel  Serafin  Espinosa,  M.M. 
He  is  Director  of  the  Havana  Institute  and  also  Auditor  del 
Ejercito  de  Cuba.  Colonel  Espinosa  advocates  greater  study  of 
natural  history  subjects  in  Cuban  schools  and  in  doing  splendid 
work  in  popularizing  the  biological  sciences. 

In  addition  to  the  museums  in  Havana,  there  is  an  important 
institution  in  the  City  of  Santiago  de  Cuba,  which  is  the  next 
largest  municipality  and  is  situated  in  the  eastern  portion  of 
the  Republic.  It  is  called  the  Bacardi  Museum  and  was  opened 
to  the  public  on  May  20,  1928,  as  a  gift  from  the  widow  of 
Emilio  Bacardi,  a  wealthy  Cuban  manufacturer.  The  building 
is  a  beautiful  structure  and  cost  about  $80,000.  (See  plate 
XXVIII).  Its  collections  consist  mainly  of  historical  relics  from 
the  war  of  Cuban  Independence  which  was  fought  for  the  most 
part  in  the  mountains  around  the  city.  However,  there  is  some 
natural  history  material,  including  a  series  of  birds  and  a  few 
mammals.  The  Lepidoptera  consist  of  a  cabinet  of  specimens 
collected  by  Mr.  E.  Chivas  in  the  neighboring  hills  and  these  are 
of  value  because  of  being  mounted  and  named  by  Gundlach.  The 
Rhopalocera  are  well  represented,  while  the  Heterocera  consist  <  >  f 
a  few  showy  specimens.  Perhaps  the  most  interesting  specimens 
are  three  co-types  of  Papilio  gundlachi.  Mr.  Jose  Bofill  and  his 
son  are  directors  of  the  Institution  and  are  doing  what  they 
can  to  build  up  the  collections.  It  is  due  to  the  persistence  of 
the  elder  Mr.  Bofill  that  the  Museum  came  into  existence  and 

292  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

his  son  will  undoubtedly  carry  on  the  labors  so  well  commenced. 

American  entomologists  will  be  interested  in  reading  some- 
thing of  the  life  work  of  Mr.  Ozario  Querci  who  with  his  fam- 
ily are  at  present  collecting  Lepidoptera  near  the  City  of  Sant- 
iago. This  famous  European  family  has  an  internatonal  repu- 
tation for  field  work  and  for  the  last  year  or  more  has  been 
employed  jointly  for  Messrs.  F.  Johnson,  A.  G.  Weeks  and  R. 
C.  Williams  collecting  in  eastern  Cuba.  There  is  hardly  a 
collection  in  Europe  or,  for  that  matter,  in  any  part  of  the  world 
which  does  not  have  butterflies  collected  by  this  gentleman.  A 
photograph  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Querci,  his  daughter,  Mrs.  Romei 
and  grand  daughter,  Lycaena  is  shown  on  plate  XXVIII;  to- 
gether with  Dr.  F.  Sabas,  a  Cuban  naturalist  and  Mr.  Bofill  and 
his  son.  Little  Miss  Lycaena  Romei  has  the  unique  distinction 
of  being  named  after  that  popular  genus  of  butterflies.  Mr. 
Querci  has  kindly  given  me  the  following  personal  biography. 
It  reveals  the  joys  and  sorrows  of  the  entomological  "game" 
and  unfolds  the  life  of  a  real  European  lepidopterist. 

"I  was  born  in  Rome,  Italy,  on  October  11,  1875,"  writes 
Mr.  Querci,  "and  as  a  child  collected  butterflies  which  Mother 
and  I  used  to  set  into  books.  Studied  chemistry  at  the  Univer- 
sity of  Rome  and  later  became  a  state  officer  for  testing  precious 
metals.  When  about  sixteen  years  old  I  met  Miss  Clorinda  Di 
Nino  who  also  liked  to  collect  butterflies  and  in  1896  we  were 
married  and  had  our  daughter  Erilda.  Being  continually  em- 
ployed and  with  little  time  and  less  money  to  devote  to  field 
work,  it  was  not  until  1908  that  I  sent  my  first  rather  poor 
captures  in  exchange  to  Dr.  Otto  Staudinger  of  Dresden.  In 
1909  we  lived  at  Formia  near  Naples  and  by  this  time  my 
daughter  was  old  enough  to  accompany  her  mother  when  she 
was  going  into  the  country  and  they  made  good  captures,  es- 
pecially near  the  district  of  Aurunci.  I  went  to  Milan  and 
offered  the  specimens  to  Count  Turati,  who  took  the  best  rar- 
ities and  asked  his  servant  to  give  me  some  money.  As  I  only 
received  50  liras,  I  returned  home  discouraged  and  threatened 
to  do  no  more  with  entomology.  However,  before  completely 
renouncing  my  hobby,  I  wrote  Mr.  Charles  Oberthur  of  Rennes 
and  for  several  years  he  generously  supported  our  collecting. 

xli,     '30]  KXTOMOLOC.ICAL     XF.WS 

In  1914  due  to  the  war  Mr.  (  tbertluir  had  to  stop  purchasing. 
but  out  of  the  kindness  of  his  heart  he  donated  me  one  com- 
plete copy  of  his  great  work  "fitudes  de  Lepidopterologie  com- 
paree."  This  same  year  we  went  to  Florence  to  live  where  we 
continued  to  collect  and  I  made  field  trips  to  Calabria.  My 
women  folks  the  next  year  journeyed  to  the  Island  of  Elba 
for  specimens  and  in  that  period  of  the  war  were  suspected  of 
being  spies,  but  their  business  was  eventually  understood.  In 
1917  my  wife  and  daughter  made  a  long  trip  to  collect  above 
Palermo  in  Sicily.  There  living  was  hard  and  dangerous  as 
people  said  deserters  of  the  war  were  hidden  in  the  mountains. 
During  all  those  trips  my  family  sent  me  their  catches  by  post 
daily  and  sometimes  the  specimens  arrived  in  Florence  fresh 
and  almost  alive.  I  mounted  them  with  the  help  of  a  clever  boy 
and  sometimes  was  obliged  to  work  the  whole  night.  Often  I 
did  not  have  much  money  to  buy  food  as  I  sent  what  money 
was  earned  back  to  the  family.  Dr.  Roger  Verity  gave  me  some 
support,  but  as  he  only  paid  10  liras  per  ICO  mounted  specimens 
and  a  moderate  rate  for  rarities,  we  suffered  poverty.  Our 
beautiful  Sicilian  material  finally  allured  Lord  Rothschild,  Mr. 
Bethume-Baker  and  other  British  lepidopterists  and  they  began 
purchasing  at  suitable  rates,  so  that  my  wife  and  daughter  could 
afford  to  make  unhampered  tours  in  Calabria,  Campania, 
Abruzzo,  Molise,  Romagna  and  Garfagnana.  They  lived  in 
the  last  named  country  during  the  disastrous  earthquake.  This 
period  of  our  field  work  marked  the  beginning  of  better  times, 
at  least  for  a  period. 

In  1920  my  daughter  married  Dr.  Enzo  Romei  and  they  had 
their  daughter  which  we  named  Lycaena.  I  was  a  pensioner 
and  dedicated  all  my  time  to  lepiclopterolngy  with  the  help  of 
my  son-in-law.  Together  with  Dr.  Verity  I  published  in  the 
'Entomologist's  Record'  of  London,  'An  annotated  List  of  the 
(irypocera  and  of  the  Rhopalocera  of  Peninsular  Italy.'  Smr.r 
other  articles  were  also  published  in  the  same  maga/.ine  and  in 
the  Oberthur  volumev  In  \(>24  the  Italian  (  iovernmeiit  asked 
us  to  collect  in  Northern  Africa  at  Tripilitania.  Dr.  Romei 
went  there  first  alone  and  later  with  his  wife.  About  this  time 
the  Museum  of  Barcelona  asked  me  to  undertake  some  explor- 

294  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

ation  in  Spain  and  the  agreement  was  almost  signed  when  the 
Dictator  Primo  De  Rivera  annulled  the  contracts  made  by  the 
Catalan  people.  I  did  not  want  to  renounce  this  good  trip,  so 
my  wife  and  I  pawned  what  we  had  in  our  home  and  we  went 
to  Spain.  I  had  no  idea  that  living  in  that  country  was  so  ex- 
pensive and  when  we  arrived  on  June  3,  1924  in  Aragon,  we 
saw  that  we  did  not  have  money  enough  to  return  home  and 
therefore  had  to  keep  on  ahead.  I  wrote  to  all  the  European 
men  t  knew  asking  them  for  advances  on  material.  We  had  to 
continue  our  enterprise.  Fortunately  from  England,  France, 
Belgium  and  Austria  came  fine  responses,  and  in  Aragon  my 
wife  discovered  the  new  species  which  Mr.  Sagers  named  Cos- 
cinia  ronici,  dedicating  it  to  my  granddaughter  Lycaena.  In  the 
spring  of  1925  my  son-in-law  started  for  Sierra  Nevada  ( An- 
dalusia) and  with  the  help  of  Lord  Rothschild,  Mr.  Bethune- 
Baker  and  Mr.  Williams,  of  Philadelphia,  he  found  one  local 
form  of  Pqrnassius  apollo  which  was  considered  one  of  the 
rarest  European  butterflies.  In  1926  we  went  to  Cuenca  (New 
Castile)  for  Lord  Rothschild  because  he  wished  some  specimens 
of  Zygaena  ignifera  which  is  a  rather  good  thing.  Wife  and 
I  left  for  Portugal  in  1927  and  there  I  was  named  Naturalist 
of  the  University  of  Lisbon.  With  this  new  income  I  was  able 
to  have  my  daughter  and  granddaughter  again  with  us  to  help 
collect,  and  from  Portugal  we  again  went  to  Cuenca,  but  my 
daughter  returned  to  Italy  again  because  there  was  a  children's 
epidemic  and  we  didn't  want  to  risk  her  life.  While  I  was  at 
Cuenca,  I  was  asked  to  go  to  Barcelona  and  write  a  'Catalogue 
of  the  Diurnals  of  the  Iberian  Peninsula'  which  I  did  the 
following  season.  My  daughter  and  granddaughter  had  by  this 
time  returned  to  us  and  we  enjoyed  splendid  collecting  in  the 
Pyrenees  Mountains.  Just  now  we  are  all  in  Cuba  with  the 
help  of  our  American  friends  and  the  collecting  is  proving  quite 
good.  I  would  like  to  work  in  Haiti,  but  doubt  if  it  is  possible. 
I  have  known  and  dealt  with  most  European  lepidopterists 
and  I  think  that  my  best  friend  was  Oberthiir,  at  least  he  gave 
me  my  start.  Altogether  I  should  guess,  as  a  family,  we  have 
collected  over  half  a  million  butterflies.  Most  European  cab- 


Plate  XXVII. 


HAVANA   .       CUBA. 


ENT.  NEWS,  VOL.  XL1. 

Plate  XXVIII. 


S  A  Nl  T  I  A.  O  O      D  E  C  U  O  A  ,       CUBA. 


xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

inets  hold  series  of  our  labors  and  I  have  never  knowingly 
mounted  a  poor  specimen.  Our  best  series  of  butterflies  is 
probably  in  the  Tring  Museum,  as  Lord  Rothschild  received 
the  choice  for  some  twelve  years.  Interesting  numbers  are  in 
the  Museum  of  Biology  of  Barcelona  and  Bocage  Museum  of 
Lisbon.  In  the  Academy  at  Philadelphia  is  a  good  series  of 
Rhopalocera  and  Grypocera  purchased  by  Mr.  \Villiams.  also  a 
fine  series  of  Italian  Grypocera.  Specimens  are  also  in  Boston 
(Weeks  collection),  in  Reading,  Pennsylvania,  and  in  Montreal. 
Of  course,  there  are  untold  lots  sent  all  over  Europe,  India, 
Japan  and  elsewhere.  The  Roger  Verity  collection  in  Florence, 
Italy,  contains  many  fine  lepidoptera  from  our  native  home  col- 
lecting and  he  has  some  few  specimens  from  the  Iberian 
Peninsula.  Cristo,  Cuba.  February  3rd,  1930." 

The  Puparium  of  Basilia  corynorhini  (Ferris) 
(Diptera  :  Nycteribiidae). 

By  G.  F.  FERRIS,  Stanford  University,  California. 

The  information  at  present  existing  in  regard  to  the  develop- 
mental stages  of  the  Nycteribiidae  is  still  sufficiently  meager 
to  justify  any  additions  that  it  may  be  possible  to  make.  The 
larvae  of  various  species  have  been  seen  and  briefly  described, 
something  is  known  of  their  internal  structure,  and  in  the  case 
of  two  species,  Cvclopodia  f/rccfi  Karsch  and  Eremoctenia 
progrcssa  (Muir),  there  is  available  detailed  information  con- 
cerning the  developmental  stages  and  reproductive  habits. 
There  seems  to  be  no  information  concerning  the  immature 
stages  of  any  of  the  New  \Vorld  species. 

Puparia  of  Basilia  corynorhini  (Ferris)  were  found  by  the 
writer  in  some  abundance  deep  in  a  mine  tunnel  in  Deep 
Springs  Valley,  Inyo  County,  California,  Sept.  24,  1928.  These 
puparia  were  attached  to  the  rock  and  appeared  as  flattened, 
black  objects  about  2  mm.  long,  looking  very  much  like  the 
familiar  puparia  of  Aleyrodidac.  Although  they  clung  closely 
to  the  rock  they  could  be  removed  without  injuring  them. 
Many  of  the  puparia  were  empty,  but  several  contained  adults 
that  were  ready  to  issue  and  which  permit  the  identification  of 



[Nov.,  '30 

the  species.     It  has  previously  been  known  from  a  single  adult 

These  puparia  agree  very  closely  in  their  general  character 
with  those  of  the  two  species  mentioned  above.  The  ventral 
side,  as  in  the  other  species,  is  thin  and  translucent,  the  dorsal 
side  convex,  heavily  sclerotic  and  pigmented.  It  is  evident  that 

Basilia  corynorhini  (Ferris). — A,  puparium,  dorsal  aspect,  opercu- 
lum  partially  broken  away  ;  B,  spiracular  openings  and  tracheal  trunk 
of  right  side;  C.  D,  E,  details  of  tracheal  trunk  from  areas  indicated. 

in  this  species,  as  in  the  others  where  the  process  of  larviposi- 
tion  has  actually  been  observed,  the  larva  is  pressed  by  the 
female  against  the  substratum  while  still  soft  and  thus  more 
or  less  "glued"  down.  About  the  margin  there  appears  a  thin, 
irregular  rim  that  is  evidently  formed  at  this  time. 

The  general  appearance  of  the  larva  is  as  shown  in  the  fig- 
ure. The  sclerotic  derm  of  the  dorsum  is  marked  with  rather 
faint  reticulations,  which  in  the  median  region  become  more 
distinct.  Segmentation  is  very  faintly  indicated  by  the  direc- 
tion of  the  sculpturing.  The  anterior  third  or  more  of  the 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  297 

dorsum  is  involved  in  the  operculum  which  breaks  away  at 
the  time  of  emergence  of  the  adult. 

The  tracheal  system  pertaining  to  the  larva  remains  in  part 
attached  to  the  puparium.  It  is  of  a  type  that  has  been 
described  at  various  times  in  the  Nycteribiidae,  but  it  has  been 
possible  to  make  some  observations  that  extend  our  knowledge 
of  the  details  of  its  structure.  As  in  other  Nycteribiidae,  there 
are  four  spiracular  openings,  arranged  in  a  triangle  toward  the 
posterior  extremity  of  the  body,  the  members  of  one  pair  being 
close  together  and  borne  on  a  slight  tubercle.  These  are  simple 
openings.  The  members  of  each  lateral  pair  are  connected  by 
a  longitudinal  trunk  (fig.  B).  In  this  species  these  trunks 
present  some  peculiar  characteristics.  The  trunk  is  of  a  quite 
definite  form,  the  curves  as  shown  in  the  figure  being  appar- 
ently rather  definitely  fixed.  For  about  one  third  of  its  length 
from  each  opening  the  trunk  is  of  rather  large  diameter,  is 
smooth  walled,  with  numerous  papillae  on  its  inner  surface 
(fig.  E).  The  median  third,  however,  is  noticeably  smaller  and 
is  composed  of  a  series  of  coarse  rings  almost  suggesting  a 
string  of  beads  (fig.  D).  From  the  middle  point  there  arises 
a  single,  slender,  coarsely-ringed  branch,  which  sends  off  two 
short  caecum-like  branches  and  then  expands  into  a  curious, 
smooth,  bell-shaped  structure  (fig. 'C),  with  a  very  narrow, 
fringed  lumen,  that  communicates  directly  with  the  main 
tracheal  trunk.  Speiser  has  described  the  main  tracheae  of  one 
species  as  lacking  taenidia,  but  they  are  certainly  present  in  the 
small  portions  of  the  trunks  that  remain  in  the  specimens  at 

A  specimen  of  the  larva  of  Nyctcribia  pcdicidaria  Latr.  is 
at  hand  for  comparison  and  it  would  appear  that  there  are 
differences  in  the  tracheal  systems  of  these  two  species.  In 
N.  pcdicularia  the  tracheal  trunks  are  of  the  same  si/.e  through- 
out and  are  of  the  same  character  a>  the  thicker  portions  of 
the  trunk  in  B.  corvnorliini.  It  is  possible  that  careful  study 
will  show  differences  which  might  permit  at  least  the  generic 
identification  of  such  puparia. 

The  male  of  B.  corvnorliini  has  been  unknown.  Males  are 
present  in  the  material  dissected  from  puparia,  but  it  is  hardly 
possible  to  figure  and  describe  them  accurately. 

298  !•:. \TOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,  '30 

On  the  Naming  of  Individual  Variants  in 

By  ALEXANDER  B.  KLOTS,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

Of  late  taxonomists  have  been  viewing  with  more  or  less 
irritation  and  alarm  the  increasing  tendency  of  some  workers 
to  apply  scientific  names  to  individual  variants  in  a  wholesale 
manner,  and  even  to  establish  systems  to  be  followed  in  such 
application  of  names.  It  is  very  much  to  be  hoped  that  this 
matter  may  be  brought  forward  for  open  discussion  by  as  many 
people  as  possible,  in  order  that  something  may  be  done  to 
reconcile  such  actions  with  recognized  methods  of  scientific 
procedure,  if  such  is  possible. 

Any  recent  worker  in  North  American  diurnals  cannot  have 
failed  to  find  himself  swamped  in  a  sea  of  "transition  forms", 
a  term  under  which  Mr.  J.  D.  Gunder  has  been  applying  scien- 
tific names  to  a  very  large  number  of  individual  variants.  As 
an  aid  in  the  application  of  such  names  Gunder  has  formulated 
a  system  of  classification  for  the  RHOPALOCERA  (1)  in  which  are 
included  a  number  of  points  which  appear  to  merit  serious  con- 
sideration. Inasmuch  as  Cockerell  has  recently  commented 
upon  this  system,  (2)  pointing  out  some  of  the  weak  places,  the 
present  writer  hopes  that  a  discussion  may  be  started  of  some 
of  the  points  involved,  and  that  Mr.  Gunder  will  see  fit  to 
explain  these  points  through  the  pages  of  this  or  of  any  other 


The  author  considers  that  any  individual  which  differs  notice- 
ably from  the  norm  of  its  species  (whatever  that  may  be)  will 
fall  into  one  of  the  two  very  general  categories  which  follow : 

1.  The  characters  in  which  the  individual   differs   from  the 
norm  of  its  species  have  been  caused  by  the  direct  effect  of 
environment  upon  the  soma  alone,  are  not  inheritable,  and  will 
not  be  directly  transmitted  to  the  offspring  of  the  individual. 

2.  The  characters  in  which  the  individual   differs   from  the 
norm  of  its  species,  however  caused,  are  inheritable  and  may 
be  transmitted  directly  to  the  offspring  of  the  individual. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  299 

The  fundamental  difference  is  that  of  inheritance.  We  can- 
not admit  that  any  characters  in  an  individual,  no  matter  how 
striking,  unless  they  are  controlled  by  the  germ-plasm,  can 
directly  affect  the  evolution  of  the  species  to  which  the  indi- 
vidual belongs.  Such  individuals  may  indeed  be  of  interest  to 
the  person  interested  in  gathering  together  a  collection  of 
oddities ;  they  may  be  of  potential  interest  to  the  taxonomist 
if  it  is  considered  that  the  influence  which  produced  the  somatic 
changes  may  conceivably  produce  a  change  in  the  germ-plasm ; 
but  in  comparison  with  those  individuals  in  which  a  modifica- 
tion of  the  germ-plasm  has  actually  taken  place  they  must  al- 
ways occupy  a  place  of  very  minor  importance. 

On  the  other  hand  it  is  undoubted  that  variants  whose  varia- 
tions are  directly  inheritable  hold  the  utmost  significance  for 
the  student  of  taxonomy,  for  such  individuals  must  undoubtedly 
have  some  effect  on  the  evolution  of  their  species.  Just  how 
great  or  how  little  this  effect  may  be  depends  on  an  infinity  of 
circumstances,  but  unquestionably  merits  the  most  careful  in- 
vestigation. It  is  equally  obvious  that  investigation  of  such 
variants  or  "Mendelian  forms"  or  "mutants"  to  give  them  their 
recognized  names,  should  be  made  only  by  a  worker  with  a 
knowledge  of  genetics,  who  will  perform  careful  and  exhaust- 
ive breeding  experiments.  To  attempt  the  classification  of  such 
mutants,  knowing  nothing  whatsoever  about  them  except  their 
appearance,  and  taking  into  account  only  the  most  prominent 
features  of  that,  is  to  show  either  an  almost  complete  ignorance 
of  modern  biology,  or  an  unquenchable  but  misplaced  optimism. 
Equally  useless  and  misleading  is  any  attempt  to  state  whether 
any  given  variant  can  possibly  affect  the  evolution  of  its  species 
without  exhaustive  experiments  by  a  trained  worker  to  accur- 
ately determine  the  genetical  status  of  the  variant.  Even  this 
is  not  sufficient.  A  mutation  may  occur  frequently  enough  to 
be  of  interest  to  a  collector  of  oddities  without  being  able  to 
have  any  appreciable  effect  on  its  Buries.  In  such  connection 
Jordan's  Law,  which  postulates  the  existence  of  sonic  sort  of  a 
barrier  between  all  separating  subspecie^,  U  of  tin-  utmost  im- 
portance. The  mathematical  calculations  of  ( icrould  (3:  p.  520- 

300  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

525)  as  to  the  chances  of  mutations  affecting  the  general  pop- 
ulation of  a  species  are  extremely  significant.  Any  work  that 
does  not  take  these  factors  into  consideration  is  hardly  to  be 
taken  seriously  as  far  as  its  scientific  value  is  concerned. 


As  defined  by  Guilder  (1)  the  "transition  form"  is  composed 
of  "individuals  which  occur  irregularly  within  a  species  or 
within  a  race,  and  which  by  change  of  color  or  by  change  of 
pattern  graduate  with  persistent  characteristic  similarity  from 
near  parental  type  up  to  definitely  limited  variation  away  from 
parental  type."  In  the  first  sentence  of  the  same  article  the 
statement  is  made  that  :'The  transition  forms  of  the  order 
Lepidoptera  represent  the  most  tangible  and  discernible  evi- 
dence we  can  offer  of  gradual  evolutionary  change  taking  place 
within  any  of  the  orders  of  the  insect  class."  In  a  very  recent 
article  (4)  Gunder  further  states  that  "We  are  making  a  pro- 
gressive step  in  that  direction  by  classifying  transition  forms 
and  allowing  them  the  recognition  they  deserve.  Their  grade 
on  the  evolutionary  stage  is  no  longer  a  matter  of  guess  work." 

According  to  the  above  statements  the  "transition  form"  is 
supposed  to  affect  the  evolution  of  its  species  in  a  definite  way. 
It  must  be  understood  that  this  way  is  with  regard  to  the  color 
and  pattern  differences  which  Gunder  describes  as  occurring 
between  the  "transition  form"  and  normal  individuals  of  the 
species.  It  seems  evident  that  according  to  this  theory  the 
"transition  form"  must  be  able  to  transmit  the  characters  for 
these  differences  directly  to  its  offspring  by  means  of  the  germ 
plasm.  If  it  were  not  able  to  do  so  it  could  hardly  affect  the 
evolution  of  its  species  unless  we  wish  to  suppose  that  its  mere 
presence  would  inspire  its  more  normal  brethren  to  higher  and 
more  aberrant  aims  in  life. 

The  "transition  form"  may  therefore  be  regarded  as  a  mu- 
tant in  those  characters  in  which  it  differs  from  the  norm  of 
the  species.  It  is  therefore  by  definition  probably  merely  an- 
other name  for  "Mendelian  form"  or  "mutant",,  and  as  such 
is  superfluous. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     XFAYS  301 

Tlie  phrase  "persistent  characteristic  similarity"  is  evidence 
that  in  defining  "transition  form"  ( iunder  had  some  idea  of 
orthogenesis  in  mind.  Whether  any  of  the  various  theories 
known  as  orthogenesis  are  acceptable  or  not  is  hardly  to  be 
discussed  here.  One  thing  only  is  evident — before  any  series 
of  variants  can  be  regarded  as  in  any  way  orthogenetic  that 
type  of  variation  must  be  shown  to  occur  with  some  degree  of 
frequence.  For  the  great  majority  of  "transition  forms"  named 
by  Guilder  this  will  not  hold.  Most  of  them  are  of  very  rare 
occurrence  compared  to  the  great  numbers  of  normal  indi- 
viduals of  the  species.  Their  orthogenetic  status  is  therefore 
very  doubtful. 


All  of  this  is,  however,  taking  a  great  deal  for  granted.  Be- 
fore describing  any  specimen  or  series  of  specimens  as  a 
"transition  form",  mutant  or  member  of  an  orthogenetic  series 
the  exact  status  of  that  specimen  should  be  known,  and  the 
only  way  to  accurately  determine  this  status  is  by  careful  genet- 
ical  experiments.  The  mere  appearance  of  a  specimen  counts 
for  very  little,  and  is  often  misleading.  By  appearance  alone 
nobody,  in  the  absence  of  breeding  experiments,  can  safely  state 
whether  any  specimen  is  a  mutant  or  a  somatic-limited  variant. 
It  is  well  known  that  many  striking  variants  may  be  produced 
by  subjecting  the  pupa  to  extremes  of  temperature  or  humidity 
(5  and  6).  It  is  equally  well  known  that  many  other  striking 
variants  are  mutants  (3,  7  and  8). 

There  is  therefore  a  considerable  probability  that  Guilder 
has  by  practice  made  the  term  "transition  form"  fully  as  in- 
clusive as  "aberration"  to  which  he  himself  objected  as  too 
inclusive.  The  use  of  the  term  should  therefore  be  stopped 
before  further  confusion  results. 

Gunder  has  proposed  a  system  for  the  classification  of  "tran- 
sition forms"  in  which  all  such  variants  are  placed  in  one  of 
the  following  categories:  melanism,  chromatism,  albinism,  pel- 
lucidism,  immaculism,  albifusism,  chromatifusism  and  melani- 

302  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

The  following  subjects  for  classification  under  this  system 
are  suggested: 

1.  The  forms  of  Heliconius  melpomene  in  large  series. 

2.  The  eye  colors  of  Drosophila  inclanogastcr. 

3.  The  melanic  and  melanistic  forms  of  Sclcnia  bilunaria,  Tc- 
phrosia   Ectropis    bistortata    and    Tcphrosia    E.    crcpuscularia. 
(The  melanic  forms  of  the  first  two  are  Mendelian  recessives, 
that  of  the  last  one  is  a  Mendelian  dominant,  and  the  inter- 
mediate forms  are  heterozygous   (7)). 

In  example  1  application  of  this  system  would  be  nearly 
impossible,  and  meaningless ;  in  example  2  it  would  be  mean- 
ingless and  misleading ;  and  in  example  3  it  would  be  mislead- 
ing ;  in  all  three  it  would  cause  confusion  and  would  be  a  sheer 
waste  of  time.  The  system  of  the  geneticists  is  unquestionably 

This  classification,  taking  into  account  as  it  does  only  a  few 
of  the  most  prominent  characters,  is  necessarily  incomplete  and 
superficial.  No  attention  is  paid  to  structural  characters  or,  of 
course,  to  lethals,  the  appearance  of  which  may  profoundly  af- 
fect the  evolution  of  a  species. 

However  the  main  point  in  which  exception  is  taken  to  this 
system  is  that  the  classification  is  based  on  only  a  few  pheno- 
typic  characters.  While  granting  that  to  some  people  a  purely 
phenotypic  classification  of  mutants  may  be  desirable,  the 
writer  postulates  that  to  be  worth  anything  such  a  classification 
should  include  all  characters,  not  merely  the  most  obvious  ones. 

It  is  an  undeniable  fact  that  the  more  a  person  knows  about 
any  phase  of  biology  the  more  he  comes  to  realize  that  most 
broad  generalizations  are  untrustworthy.  Such  an  attempt 
as  Gunder's  to  classify  all  pattern  changes  of  Lepidoptera,  or 
even  of  Rhopalocera.  or  even  of  North  American  Rhopalocera 
in  eight  categories  is  one  of  these  untrustworthy  generalizations. 
That  such  a  generalization  may  lead  to  actual  error  is  all  too 
obvious.  The  case  of  the  GEOMETRIDAE  cited  is  an  excellent 
example  of  this. 

(To  be  continued.) 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NKVVS  303 

Distributional  List  of  Tachinid  Flies  from  Utah.* 

By  J.  A.  ROWE.  University  of  Utah,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

This  paper  represents  a  preliminary  study  of  the  distribution 
of  the  Tachinid  Flies  from  Utah.  It  is  based  upon  specimens 
of  this  group  which  are  now  in  the  collections  of  the  University 
of  Utah,  at  Salt  Lake  City,  and  the  Brigham  Young  Univer- 
sity, at  Provo,  Utah.  This  List  is  by  no  means  complete,  and 
as  further  collection  in  the  state  proceeds,  no  doubt,  many  new 
records  will  be  added. 

At  this  time  I  wish  to  express  my  appreciation  and  gratitude 
to  Dr.  R.  V.  Chamberlin  and  Air.  A.  M.  Woodbury  under 
whose  direction  this  work  was  undertaken,  and  whose  sugges- 
tions and  criticisms  have  proved  invaluable.  I  wish  to  thank 
Dr.  V.  M.  Tanner  of  the  Brigham  Young  University  who  has 
so  generously  turned  his  collection  over  to  me,  and  finally  Dr. 
J.  M.  Aldrich  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum,  who  has  verified 
all  my  determinations  and  has  so  kindly  returned  all  specimens 
sent  to  him.  He  has  also  given  me  many  references  to  litera- 
ture that  would  have  otherwise  taken  much  time  to  find. 

VIVIANIA  GEORGIAE  B.  &  B.  St.  George,  1924,  A.  M.  Wood- 

BELVOSIA  BIFUSCATA  Fab.    Salt  Lake  City. 

MELANOPHRYS  FLAVIPENNIS  Will.  University  of  Utah 
Campus,  Salt  Lake  City,  1929,  L.  A.  Woodbury. 

LINNAEMYIA  COMTA  Fall.  Cedar  City,  1919;  Miners  Peak, 
Iron  Co.,  1919;  Parowan,  1919,  H.  R.  Hagan. 

ERNESTIA  AMPELUS  Wlk.  Flaming  Gorge,  Green  River,  1926, 
V.  M.  Tanner;  Salt  Lake  City,  1915,  H.  R.  Hagan. 

METAPHYTO  GENALIS  Coq.  Salt  Lake  City,  (U.  of  U. 
Campus),  1918,  H.  R.  Hagan. 

PHOROCERA  FLORIDENSIS  Ins.  St.  George,  1919,  H.  R.  Hagan, 

WINTHEMIA  QUADKIITSI  CI.ATA  Fab.  Aspen  Grove,  Elev. 
8000  ft.  (Near  Provo),  V.  M.  Tanner. 

TACHINOMYIA  sp.  Zion  National  Park,  1929,  Coll.  A.  M. 

GONIA  SEGUAX  Will.    Salt  Lake  City,  1920,  on  blossoms  of 

*  Contribution  from  the  Zoological  Laboratory  of  the  University  of 
Utah.  No.  38. 

304  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

Millctus,  Coll.  T.  R.  Chamberlin. 

G.  EXUL  Will.   Logan,  1929;  Yosemite  National  Park,  Calif., 

1925,  Coll.  V.  M.  Tanner;  Bismarck,  N.  D.   M.  W.  Reese. 

G.  FRONTOSA  Say.  Salt  Lake  City,  1924-1928,  Coll.  A.  M. 
Woodbury;  Provo,  1928,  J.  A.  Rowe. 

G.  sp.  ?  Three  other  specimens  of  Gonia  are  in  our  collection 
which  have  the  following  records :  Hamlin  Valley,  1928,  on 
Opuntia  sp?;  Springdale,  1928,  V.  M.  Tanner;  Santa  Clara, 
1928,  A.  M.  Woodbury;  Flaming  Gorge,  on  thistles,  1926,  V. 
M.  Tanner. 

SPALLANZANIA  HESPERIDARUM  Will.  Sheep  Creek,  Duschene 
Co.,  1926,  Clarence  Cottam. 

TROCHILODES  SKINNERI  Coq.  Aspen  Grove,  Elev.  8000  ft.. 
1928,  V.  M.  Tanner. 

PELETERIA  ITERANS  Wkl.  Salt  Lake  City,  1915-1923,  T.  R. 
Chamberlin;  Cedar  City,  1919;  Bellevue,  1919,  H.  R.  Hagan. 

P.  CORNIGERA  Curr.  Aspen  Grove,  Elev.  8000  ft.,  1929,  V. 
M.  Tanner. 

P.  INCONFESTA  Curr.  Aspen  Grove,  Elev.  8000  ft.,  1929,  V. 
M.  Tanner. 

P.  CAMPESTRIS  Curr.  Maple  Canyon,  1923,  S.  Aldous;  St. 
George,  1919,  H.  R.  Hagan;  Cedar  City,  1919,  H.  R.  Hagan; 
Tooele,  1927,  A.  M.  Woodbury;  Eureka,  1927,  A.  M.  Wood- 

P.  TOWNSENDI  Curr.    St.  George,  1929,  V.  M.  Tanner. 

ARCHYTAS  LATERALIS  Macq.  Santa  Clara,  1919,  H.  R.  Hagan. 

PARACHYTAS   DECISA    Wlk.     Sheep    Creek,    Duschesne    Co., 

1926,  C.  Cottam;  Lake  Hotel,  Yellowstone  National  Park,  1929, 
V.  M.  Tanner;  Parowan  Canyon,  1918,  H.  R.  Hagan. 

FABRICIELLA  ELEGANS  Wied.  Collected  in  Utah  but  exact 
locality  unknown. 

F.  DAKOTENSIS  Towns.  Wellsville  Canyon,  flying  among  the 
flowers,  1926,  V.  M.  Tanner. 

F.  ROSTRATA  Tothill.  Cedar  City,  1919;  Salt  Lake  City, 
1915-19,  S.  J.  Snow. 

F.  ACUMINATA  Tothill.  Maple  Canyon,  San  Pete  Co.,  1923, 
S.  Aldous. 

F.  SPINOSA  Tothill.  Male  Canyon,  Sanpete  Co.,  1923;  Paro- 
wan, 1919;  Miners  Peak,  Iron  Co.,  1923,  A.  M.  Woodbury. 

HYSTRICIA  ABRUPTA  Wied.  Aspen  Grove,  Elev.  8000  ft.,  V. 
M.  Tanner. 

DEJEANIA  VESTATRIX  O.  S.  Parowan  Canyon,  1923;  Maple 
Canyon,  Sanpete  Co.,  1924;  Zion  National  Park,  1924;  Coll. 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  305 

A.  M.  Woodbury.  Prove,  1929,  V.  M.  Tanner;  Sheep  Creek, 
Duschesne  Co.,  1926,  C.  Cottam. 

PARADE JEANI A  RUTILOIDES  Jaen.  Box  Canyon  (Maple  Can- 
yon?) 1923,  Coll.  A.  M.  Woodbury. 

JUKINIOPSIS  ADJUST  A  V.  I.  \V.  Box  Canyon,  Sanete  Co., 
1923 ;  St.  George,  1923,  A.  M.  Woodbury. 

WOHLFAHRTIA  MEiGENii  Schin.  Cedar  City,  1919,  H.  R. 

MASIPHYA  CONFUSA  Aid.  Parowan  Canyon,  1919,  H.  R. 

APHTIA  OCYPTERATA  Towns.  Aspen  Grove,  Elev.  8000  ft.. 
1928,  V.  M.  Tanner. 

Dynastes  tityus  in  Pennsylvania  and   Delaware   (Coleop.: 


Dear  Dr.  CALVERT  :  I  was  much  interested  in  your  Dynastes 
tit  \nis  paper  in  the  June  NEWS,  partly  because  the  insect  has 
turned  up  here  in  New  Castle  County,  Delaware,  twice  to  my 
knowledge,  and  partly  for  a  reason  which  I  will  explain.  First, 
I  have  an  earlier  published  record  for  "Pennsylvania".  If  at 
the  Academy  you  will  take  down  Vol.  IV  (1774)  of  DeGeer's 
L'Histoirc  dcs  Insect cs,  and  turn  to  page  306,  you  will  find  this 
record,  and  reference  to  an  illustration  of  the  insect,  PI.  18, 
fig.  10.  A  portion  of  the  text  reads:  "M.  Acrelius  m'a  envoye 
ce  Scarabe  de  Pensylvanie,  ou,  il  1'a  trouve  dans  les  bois,  *  * 
M.  Acrelius  m'a  dit,  que  le  Scarabe  pince  tres-fort  avec  ses 
deux  grandes  comes,  que  se  recontrent  avec  leurs  pointes  quand 
il  hausse  le  tetc."  And  now  comes  my  other  reason  for  special 
interest  in  DeGeer's  insects  of  'Pensylvanie'.  Acrelius  was  the 
Swedish  pastor  at  Christina  (Wilmington,  Delaware);  many 
if  not  most  of  the  North  American  insects  described  by  DeGeer 
were  sent  him  by  Acrelius,  with  frequent  text  references  to 
this  fact,  sometimes  "captured  by  Acrelius  in  his  garden",  etc. 
Acrelius  was  here  from  1749  to  1756.  After  his  return  to 
Sweden  he  wrote  "A  History  of  New  Sweden",  which  has  been 
translated  into  English  and  published  by  the  Historical  Society 
of  Pennsylvania,  1874.  In  the  preface  to  his  "History".  Acre- 
lius wrote  "Although  my  recreation  consisted,  in  a  great 
measure,  in  the  collection  of  insects,  birds,  fish,  quadrupeds, 
plants,  ores,  gravels,  clay,  etc.,  which  I  gathered  at  the  expense 
of  his  Excellency,  the  Chamberlain,  Mr.  Charles  deGeer,  for 
his  valuable  cabinet".  *  *  *  In  his  day,  what  is  now  Delaware, 

306  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [  Nov.,    '30 

spoken  of  as  the  three  lower  counties  on  the  Delaware,  was 
part  of  the  Province  of  Pennsylvania.  Acrelius  was  "Provost 
of  the  Swedish  Churches  in  America,  and  Rector  of  the  Old 
Swedes'  Church,  Wilmington,  Del."  and  undoubtedly  was 
familiar  with  portions  of  Pennsylvania  proper,  as  well  as  with 
the  three  lower  counties  (now  Delaware).  It  would  he  inter- 
esting to  go  through  DeGeer  more  thoroughly  than  I  have  at- 
tempted to  do,  and  to  determine  in  how  many  instances  his 
references  to  collections  by  Acrelius  are  definite  enough  to 
change  type  localities  from  "Pensylvanie"  to  New  Castle 
County,  Delaware. 

The  Swedish  pastors — several  of  them  at  least — took  a  keen 
interest  in  natural  history.  In  the  library  of  the  Pennsylvania 
Historical  Society,  Philadelphia,  is  a  type-written  copy  (trans- 
lation) of  the  journal  of  Hesselius,  who  took  charge  of  Chris- 
tina Parish,  1713.  This  80-page  manuscript  (never  published, 
I  believe)  is  largely  taken  up  with  natural  history  observations, 
and  includes  a  most  interesting  account  of  the  17-year  cicada, 
as  he  observed  it  and  inquired  into  its  history.  I  do  not  recall 
that  he  mentions  Dynastcs,  which  I  suppose  has  always  been  a 
rarity  here;  the  two  captures  referred  to  in  the  early  lines  of 
this  letter  were  taken  perhaps  twenty  years  ago  (they  are  in 
the  collection  of  our  local  Society  of  Natural  History),  and 
I'm  not  sure  that  record  was  made  (or  if  made,  preserved)  of 
their  dates  of  capture. 

I'm  sorry  that  Acrelius,  as  he  says,  "carefully  abstained  from 
the  department  of  Natural  History"  (meaning,  I  suppose,  for 
publication)  "inasmuch  as  the  celebrated  Professor  Kalm, 
somewhat  before,  and  during  my  time,  was  visiting  the  same 
regions  for  this  special  object".  I  hope,  some  day,  you'll  take 
a  look  at  the  Hesselius  paper,  which  I  took  notes  from  several 
years  ago  and  found  very  interesting. 

In  the  first  edition  of  Say's  "American  Entomology,"  of 
which  I  believe  a  copy  is  kept  under  lock  and  key  at  the 
Academy  (Mr.  Cresson  will  recall  it),  plate  II  and  text  (pages 
not  numbered)  relate  to  "Soarabacus  htyns",  and  fix  the  date 
of  its  occurrence  in  the  old  cherry  tree  at  Philadelphia  at  about 
1813  ("about  four  years  ago",  Say's  publication  being  dated 

FRANK  M.  JONES,  Wilmington,  Delaware. 
2000  Riverview  Avenue, 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  307 

Entomological    Literature 


E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR. 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  •  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

JJ(p  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Barnes,  W.— Obituary.  By  Schaus,  Rusck 
&  Heinrich.  [  10J  32:  114,  ill.  Caiman,  W.  T.— The  taxo- 
nomic  outlook  in  zoology.  [31]  126:  440-444.  [68]  72:  279- 
287.  Dow,  R.— Notes  on  the  prey  of  wasps.  [5]  37:  181- 
182.  Gronemann,  C.  F. — Fifty  common  plant  galls  of  the 
Chicago  area.  [Field  Mus.  N.  H.]  Bot.  Leafl.  16:  30pp.,  ill. 
Handlirsch,  A. — Handbuch  der  zoologie.  IV.  Progoneata. 
Chilopoda.  Insecta.  Lief.  8:  801-892,  ill.  McAtee,  W.  L.- 
Support  of  the  Zoological  Record.  [Science]  72:  247.  Mc- 
Dunnough,  J.  H. — Insects  from  Baffin  Island.  [Bull.  Nat. 
Mus.  Canada]  53:  118.  Mellor,  J.  E.  M.— An  ant-proof 
shelf  for  use  in  either  laboratory,  kitchen,  or  larder,  in  coun- 
tries where  ants  are  a  nuisance.  [Bull.  Soc.  R.  Ent.  Egypte] 
1930:  36-37,  ill.  Metcalf,  Z.  P.— Nomenclature.  [Science] 
72:  318-319.  Mickel,  C.  E. — Descriptions  plus  types  vs.  de- 
scriptions alone.  [5|  37:  118-131.  Ramaley,  F. — Specializa- 
tion in  science.  |68|  72:  325-326.  Rendell,  E.  J.  P.— Depre- 
dations to  lead-covered  aerial  cables  by  beetles  in  Brazil. 
[10]  32:  104-113,  ill.  Ressler,  W.— Entomologie  uml  natur- 
schutz.  1 18J  24:  203-209.  Richmond,  H.  A.— A  coleopten.u- 
fish.  [4]  62:  184.  Seitz,  A.— Goyaz-reise.  (S).  [17 \  47:  29- 
32,  ill.,  cont.  Wood,  H.  E. — Priority  in  family,  order  and 
higher  group  names.  [68]  72:  219-220.  Woodworth,  C.  W. 
-The  arrangement  of  the  major  orders  of  insects.  [51  37: 

308  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,    ETC.— Allard,    H.   A.- 

Changing  the  chirp-rate  of  the  snowy  tree  cricket  Oecan- 
thus  niveus  with  air  currents.  [68]  72:  347-349.  Baum- 
gartner  &  Payne. — Tntra  vitam  technique  for  the  study  of 
the  living  cells  of  insects.  [68]  72:  199-201,  ill.  Borgmeier, 
T. — Zur  morphologic  und  biologic  von  Pseudohypocera 
nigrofascipes  (Phoridae).  [34]  90:  92-104.  ill.  Buxton,  P. 
A. — Evaporation  from  the  meal-worm  (Tenebrio)  and  at- 
mospheric humidity.  [Pro.  R.  Soc.  London],  (B),  106:  560- 
577,  ill.  Crampton,  G.  C. — Some  anatomical  details  of  the 
pupa  of  the  archaic  tanyderid  dipteron,  Protoplasa  fitchii. 

[10]  32:  83-95,  ill.  Cres'sman,  A.  W.— The  feeding  rate  of 
the  Australian  lady  beetle,  Vedalia  cardinalis.  [47]  41 :  197- 
203,  ill.  Crevecoeur,  A. — Y  a-t-il  coexistence  normale  de  la 
reine  et  d'ouvrieres  pondeuses  dans  les  ruches  d'abeilles? 
[33]  70:  209-215.  Delkeskamp,  K.— Biologische  studien 
uber  Carabus  nemoralis.  [46]  19:  1-58,  ill.  Dubuisson,  M. 

—Cardiac  automatism  in  insects.  [The  Collecting  Net]  5: 
166-167.  Edwards,  E.  E. — On  the  morphology  of  the  larva 
of  Dorcus  parallelopipedus.  [Jour.  Linnean  Soc.,  London] 
37:  93-108,  ill.  Friedrich,  H. — Weitere  vergleichende  unter- 
suchungen  iiber  die  tibialen  scolopalorgane  bei  orthopteren. 
[94]  137:  30-54,  ill.  Hibbard,  H.— Some  cytological  obser- 
vations on  the  silk  gland  of  Bombyx  mori.  [The  Collecting 
Net]  5:  109-111.  Hirschlerowa,  Z. — Sur  les  composants 
plasmatiques  des  cellules  sexuelles  males  chez  Phryganea 
grandis  (Trichopteres).  [77]  104:  1155-1157,  ill.  Huettner, . 
A.  F. — Meiosis  in  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [The  Collect- 
ing Net]  5:  112-113.  Kemper,  H. — Beitrage  zur  biologic 
der  bettwanze  (Cimex  lectularis).  [46]  19:  161-183,  ill. 
Mail,  G.  A. — Viability  in  eggs  of  Aedes  campestris  (Culici- 
dae).  [68]  72:  170.  '  Miley^  H.  H.— Internal  anatomy  of 
Euryurus  erythropygus  (Diplopoda).  [43]  30:  229-254,  ill. 
Pflugfelder,  O. — Zur  embryologie  des  skorpions  Hormurus 
australasiae  [94]  137:  1-29,  ill.  Rayleigh,  L. — The  irides- 
cent colours  of  birds  and  insects.  [Pro.  R.  Soc.,  London], 
(A),  128:  624-641,  ill.  Reuter,  E.— Beitrage  zu  einer  ein- 
heitlichen  auffassung  gewisser  Chromosomenfragen.  [Acta 
Zool.  Fenn.]  9:  484pp.,  ill.  Slifer,  E.  H.— Mitotic  activity 
in  the  grasshopper  embryo.  [The  Collecting  Net]  5:  115- 
116.  Swingle,  M.  C. — Anatomy  and  physiology  of  the  di- 
gestive tract  of  the  Japanese  beetle.  |47]  41:  181-196,  ill. 
Tokunaga,  M.— -The  morphological  and  biological  studies 
on  a  new  marine  cranefly  Limonia  (  Hicranomyia )  Monos- 
tromia,  from  Japan.  [Mem.  Coll.  Agric.  Kyoto  Imperial 
Univ.]  1930:  93pp.,  ill.  Vimmer,  A. — Souborny  prehled 
po  trachealnim  systemu  larev  hmyzu  dvojkridleho.  [Caso- 

xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  309 

pis]  26:  68-88.  ill.  Wiedemann,  J.  F.— Die  zellulosever- 
dauung  bei  lamellicornierlarven.  [46]  19:  228-258,  ill. 
Yung-Tai,  T. — Recherches  sur  I'histogenese  et  1'histophys 
iologie  tie  1'epithelium  de  1'intestin  moyen  chez  un  Lepi- 
doptere  (Galleria  mellunella).  |  Bui.  Biol.  Fr.  &  Belg.] 
Suppl.  12:  144pp..  ill. 

ARACHNIDA  AND   MYRIOPODA.— Andre,   M       Sur 

une  larve  d'acarien  parasite  cle  rhoinme  et  des  aniniaux  »-n 
Uruguay,  appartenant  an  genre  Thrombicula.  [54]  8:  355- 
361,  ill.  Attems,  G. — Myriapoda.  2.  Scolopendromorpha. 
[Das  Tierreich]  54:  308pp.-  ill.  Bristowe,  W.  S.— Xotes 
on  the  biology  of  spiders.  I.  The  evolution  of  spiders  snares. 
II.  Aquatic  spiders.  III.  Miscellaneous.  [75]  6:  334-353,  ill. 
*Bryant,  E.  B. — New  species  of  the  genus  Xysticus  (  Arach- 
nida).  [5]  37:  132-140,  ill.  ^Marshall,  R—  The  water  mites 
of  the  Jordan  Lake  Region.  [Trans.  \Yisconsin  Acad.  Sci., 
Arts  &  Let.]  25:  245-249,  ill.  Verhoeff,  K.  W.— Bronns 
Tier-reichs  in  wort  und  bild.  Bd.  V.  Abt.  2,  Myriapoda. 
Diplopoda.  Lief.  10:  1523-1674,  ill. 


N. — Some  new  Neotropical  Neuropteroid  insects.  [5]  37: 
183-191,  ill.  Lestage,  J.  A. — La  dispersion  holarctique  de 
quelques  Ephemeropteres.  (33]  70:  201-207.  Remy,  P.— 
Les  Collemboles  du  Greenland.  [Meddel.  om  Greenland ] 
74:  57-70.  *Stewart,  M.  A. — Xew  nearctic  Siphonaptera. 
[4]  62:  175-180,  ill.  Ulmer,  G. — Key  to  the  genera  of 
Ephemerida.  [  Pekin  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.  Bui.]  IV,  (4),  1-18. 
*Womersley,  H. — On  the  Apterygota  collected  in  British 
Guiana  by  the  Oxford  University  Expedition  of  1929.  [75] 
6:  305-317.  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— *Hottes,  F.  C.— Aphid  homonyms.  |95| 
43:  179-184.  *Klyver,  F.  D.— Notes  on  the  Chermidae. 
Part  I.  [4]  62:  167-175.  ill.  *Schmidt,  E.— Die  arten  des 
Cercopiden  :  Genus  Sphodroscarta.  (S).  [20|  45:  37-38. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— -Clark,  B.  P.— Sundry  notes  on 
Sphingidae  and  descriptions  of  seven  new  forms.  |I'mc. 
New  England  Zool.  Club]  12:  25-30.  *Gehlen,  B.— XC-IR- 
S])hingi(len.  (S)  |M|  44:  L30-131,  ill.  [18]  24:  217-220. 
Gunder,  J.  D. —  Butterflies  of  Los  Angela  (Omit}-.  Cali- 
fornia. |38|  29:  39-95,  ill.  *Hall,  A.-  Xew  forms  of  Xym 
phalidae  in  the  collection  of  the  Briti>h  Museum.  (S).  [9] 
(>3:  15f>  160.  *May,  E. — Agrias  clandia  roquetlei.  (S). 
[Bol.  Mus.  Xac.,  Rio  de  Jaiu-in.|  5:  35-38,  ill.  *McDun- 
nough,  J. — Note.-  on  Scotogramma  oregonica  and  its  allies. 
[4]  62:  180-183,  ill.  *Meyrick,  E.— Exotic  Microlepidop- 

310  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

tera.    (S).    [3]    577-608.     Talbot,  G.— A  monograph   of  the 
Pierine  genus  Delias.  Part  5:  220-259,  col.  pi. 

DIPTERA.  —  Bangerter,    H.  -  -  Mucken-Metamorphosen 

III.  [56]  9:  97-102.  Borgmeier,  T. — Ueber  das  vorkommen 
der  larven  von  Hermetia  illucens  (Stratiomyidae)  in  den 
nestern  von  Meliponiden.  [34]  90:  225-235,  ill.  *Cresson, 
E.  T.,  Jr. — Notes  on  and  descriptions  of  some  neotropical 
Neriidae  and  Micropezidae.  |1]  56:  307-362.  Fulmek,  L.— 
Sciarinae  (Mycetophiliden)  als  blattminierer.  [89]  Syst., 
60:  46-48.  *Hendel,  F. — Die  ausbeute  der  deutschen  Chaco- 
Expedition  1925-1926.  Diptera.  Ephydridae.  [56]  9:  127-155. 
*Hull,  F.  M. — Some  notes  and  descriptions  of  Cerioidine 
wasp-waisted  flies  (Syrphidae).  |5]  37:  178-181.  *Krober, 
O. — Neue  Tabaniden  imd  Zusatze  zu  bereits  beschriebenen. 
(S).  1 34]  90:  69-86,  ill.  *Malloch,  J.  R.— Exotic  Muscari- 
dae.  (S).  [75]  6:  321-334,  ill.  Nitzulescu,  V.— Sur  le  Phle- 
botomus  troglodytes  et  le  Phlebotomus  brumpti.  (S).  |54] 
8:  386-393,  ill.  *Parent,  M.  O.— Especes  nouvelles  de  Doli- 
chopodides  conservees  an  Museum  National  d'Histoire 
Naturelle  de  Paris.  (S).  [An.  Soc.  Sci.  Bruxel.],  (B),  104: 
86-115,  ill.  Stear,  J.  R. — Muscid  larvae  taken  in  "Sciara 
Army  Worm".  [5]  37:  175.  *Van  Duzee,  M.  C—  The  Doli- 
chopodid  genus  Nematoproctus  in  North  America.  [5]  37: 

COLEOPTERA.— Brimley,  J.  F.— Coleoptera  found  in 
the  Rainy  River  District,  Out.  [Canadian  Nat.]  44:  135-140. 
Cockerel"!,  T.  D.  A.— Fossil  beetle  elytra.  [5]  37:  176.  Csiki, 
E. — Coleopterorum  Catalogues.  Pars  112.  Carabidae :  Har- 
palinae  IV.  529-737.  Fletcher,  F.  C.— The  type  locality  of 
two  species  of  Staphylinidae.  [4]  62:  190.  Frost,  C.  A.— 
Paratenetus  crinitus.  [5]  37:  176-177.  Kingsbury,  E.  W.— 
Note  on  the  distribution  of  two  species  of  Coleoptera.  |5] 
37:  177.  *Luederwaldt,  H. — Tres  novas  especies  do  genero 
Bolboceras  ( Lamellicornid-Geotrupid.).  (S).  [Bol.  Mus. 
Nac.,  Rio  de  Janeiro]  5:  71-72.  Obenberger,  J. — Coleopter- 
orum Catalogus.  Pars  111.  Buprestidae  II.  215-568.  Pickel, 
D.  B. — Sobre  um  coleoptero  perfurador  de  cabos  tclephoni- 
cos  observado  em  Pernambuco  (Megaclerus  stigma.  Cer- 
mab.).  [Bol.  Mus.  Nac.,  Rio  de  Janeiro]  5:  35-38,  ill.  Rau, 
P. — A  note  on  the  parasitic  beetle.  Hernia  minutipennis. 
1 5 J  37:  155-156.  *Reichensperger,  A. -- Subgenera  von 
Paussus  und  die  gattung  Hylotorus,  sowie  beitrage  zur 
kenntnis  afrikanischer  und  sudamerikanischer  Myrmeko- 
philen  (Pauss.  Clavig.  Hist.).  (S).  [2J  26:  71-85,  ill'. 

xli,    '30]  KNTO.MOLOCir.U.    .\K\VS  311 

HYMENOPTERA. — Gibson,  A. — Bumblebee  occupying 
Oriole  nest.  [Canadian  Nat.J  44:  146.  Lutz,  F.  E.— Obser- 
vations on  leaf-cutting  ants.  [4U|  388:  21pp..  ill.  *Mitchell, 
T.  B. — A  contribution  to  the  knowledge  of  neotropical 
Megachile  with  descriptions  of  new  species  (Megachilidae). 
[1]  56:  155-305,  ill.  Rau,  P.— The  nesting  habits  of  the 
twig-dwelling  bee,  Prosopis  modestus.  [5J  37:  173-175. 
^Roberts,  R. — Seven  new  names  in  the  genus  Tiphia  (Sco- 
liidae).  [4]  62:  189-190.  *Ross,  H.  H.— The  genera  Selan- 
dria  and  Coryna  in  America  north  of  Mexico.  (Tenthredini- 
dae).  [4]  62':  184-189,  ill.  Wheeler  &  Darlington.— Ant- 
tree  notes  from  Rio  Frio,  Columbia.  [5j  37:  107-117. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES.— Danmarks  Fauna.— Biller  VIII. 
(Haliplidae,  Dytiscidae  &  Gyrinidae.).  By  V.  Hansen.  The 
descriptions  and  illustrations  of  the  larvae  in  this  work  on 
Danish  Coleoptera  will  probably  be  interesting  to  those 
studying  these  immature  stages.  233pp.,  ill.  Die  Tierwelt 
Deutchlands. — Zweiflugler  oder  Diptera.  IV.  Syrphidae  and 
Conopidae.  By  P.  Sach  and  O.  Krober.  A  valuable  paper  to 
students  of  these  families.  142pp.,  ill. 

Doings  of  Societies 


The  seventh  annual  meeting  of  The  Rocky  Mountain  Con- 
ference of  Entomologists  was  held  in  Pingree  Park,  August  18 
to  23,  1930,  inclusive.  This  again  took  the  form  of  an  informal 
meeting  at  the  State  Agricultural  College  Forestry  Lodge  in 
the  mountains.  Members  of  the  families  of  a  number  of  the 
entomologists  joined  in  the  occasion.  A  total  of  52  were 
present.  The  following  are  those  that  were  directly  interested 
in  entomology  : 

C.  L.  Marlatt  and  \Y.  H.  Larrimer,  Washington,  D.  C. ;  C. 
P.  Gillette,  Carl  A.  Bjurman,  Mrs.  Esther  Travis,  Miss  Miriam 
A.  Palmer,  John  L.  HOITIKT,  Sam  C.  McCampbell.  Leslie  B. 
Daniels,  Geo.  M.  List,  F.  T.  Cowan,  C.  R.  Jones,  R.  G.  Rich- 
mond and  Bernard  Travis,  Fort  Collins,  Colorado;  Hernard 
Liston  and  Rowan  I'otter,  Wichita,  Kansas;  A.  \\  .  Lingquist, 
Manhattan,  Kans. :  |<"lm  C.  I  lamlin,  Geo.  |.  Reeves  and  I.  M 
Hawley,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah;  W.  A.  Shands  and  I).  G.  Rice, 
Grand  Junction,  Colorado;  C.  J.  Drake  and  Tom  A,  I'.rindley, 
Ames,  Iowa;  J.  H.  Xevvton,  I'aonia,  Colo.;  A.  1'.  Stnrtevant 
and  C.  L.  Corkins.  Laramie,  Wyoming;  Leonard  I  lasenian, 
Colombia,  Mis.souri;  Wilber  G.  Fish,  Ithaca,  X'ew  York,  and 
Elwood  H.  Sheppard,  Reading,  Minnesota. 

312  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '30 

A  total  of  ten  sessions  were  held  during  the  week  for  discus- 
sion and  presentation  of  papers.  The  following  is  a  list  of  the 
formal  subjects  discussed: 

Orthoptera. — The  Control  Campaign  Against  the  Mormon 
Cricket,  F.  T.  Cowan. 

Coleoptera. — The  Rose  Snout  Beetle,  J.  L.  Hoerner ;  The 
Potato  Flea  Beetle,  L.  B.  Daniels;  Alfalfa  Weevil  Population, 
J.  C.  Hamlin;  Notes  on  the  Alfalfa  Weevil,  I.  M.  Hawley. 

Hymenoptera. — Food  Habits  of  the  Agricultural  Ant,  C.  R. 

Homoptera. — The  Beet  Leaf  Hopper,  \V.  A.  Shands ;  Gen- 
eric and  Specific  Characters  of  Aphids,  M.  A.  Palmer. 

Apiculture. — Work  of  the  Intermouhtain  Bee  Station,  A  P. 
Sturevant ;  Metabolism  Studies  of  the  Honey  Bee,  C.  L.  Cork- 

General. — Onion  Insects  of  Iowa,  C.  J.  Drake;  Importance 
of  Insect  Physiology  and  Morphology,  Leonard  Haseman ;  The 
Work  of  the  LInited  States  Bureau  of  Entomology,  and  the 
Mediterranean  Fruit  Fly  Situation,  C.  L.  Marlatt ;  New  or 
Outstanding  Insects  of  the  Year,  Leonard  Haseman,  J.  H. 
Newton,  C.  J.  Drake,  G.  I.  Reeves,  A.  W.  Lindquist,  B.  Liston, 
R.  Potter,  W.  A.  Shands,  F.  T.  Cowan,  S.  C.  McCampbell, 
C.  P.  Gillette ;  Early  Notes  on  Colorado  Insects,  C.  P.  Gillette ; 
Red  Clover  Pollinization,  R.  G.  Richmond ;  Temperature  and 
Humidity  Control  Boxes,  T.  A.  Brindley ;  Cherry  Insects  of 
Northern  Colorado,  G.  M.  List ;  Some  External  Parasites  of 
the  Rodent  Family,  Sciuridae,  in  Colorado,  S.  C.  McCampbell : 
Heat,  Caramelization  and  Regranulation  of  Honey,  R.  G.  Rich- 

Symposium. — Research  in  Entomology:  Training  for  Re- 
search, C.  P.  Gillette ;  Organization  for  Research,  C.  L.  Mar- 
latt;  Opportunities  in  Research,  W.  H.  Larrimer ;  What  is 
Wrong  in  Entomological  Research,  The  Youngsters. 

It  was  the  unanimous  opinion  of  those  present  that  this  type 
of  meeting  should  be  continued. 

The  officers  elected  for  1931  were  C.  P.  Gillette,  Chairman  : 
George  I.  Reeves,  Vice-Chairman ;  George  M.  List,  Secretary; 
C.  R.  Jones,  Treasurer.  GEORGE  M.  LIST,  Secretary. 


ENT.  NEWS,  Vol.  XLI,  page  242,  July,  1930.  The  author  of  the  article 
credited  to  Orfila,  R.  N. — La  primera  exposicion  Entomologica  Argentina 
efectuada  en  Buenos  Aires  del  19  al  25  de  Septiembre  de  1928,  should 
have  been  given  as  Dallas,  E.  T.,  and  the  correct  reference  is  |104| 
2:  121-156. 

Subscriptions  for  1931  are  now  payable. 

DECEMBER,  1930 


Vol.  XLI 

No.  10 

CSC  E °  r 

1  :   .-, 





Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— XIX  .    . 
Gertsch  and  Woodbury — Spiders  found  in  the  Stomachs  of  Sceloporus 

graciosus  graciosus  (B.  &  G.)    (Araneina) 

Knight — Descriptions     of     Four    New     Species    of    Mimetic    Miridae 

(Hemiptera) 319 

Nelson — The  Sexes  of  Andrena  hitei  Cockerell  (Hym.  :  Andrenidae).  .       322 
Wickwire  and  Calale— Some  Mating  Habits  of  Callosamia  promethea 

and  Telea  polyphemus  (Lepid.:   Saturniidae) 323 

Klots — On  the  Naming  of  Individual  Variants  in  Lepidoptera 324 

Hungerford — An  Unusual   Nest  of  Vespula  (Dolichovespula)  arenaria 

Fabr.    (  =  V.  diabolica  de  Saussure)    Hym.:  Vespidae) 329 

Beamer — Maternal  Instinct   in  a  Membracid   (Platycotis  vittata)   (Ho- 

moptera) 330 

Robertson — Proterandry  and  Flight  of  Bees.     III.      (Hym.:  Apoidea).       331 

Entomological  Literature 336 

Review— Recent  Works  of  R.  E.  Snodgrass 341 


Logan  Square 

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Associate  Editors ;   John   C.    Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory    Committee:      Philip  Laurent,   J.   A.  ,G   Rehn,_  Chas.   Liebeck,   J. 

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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
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Plate  XXIX. 





VOL.  XLI.  DECEMBER,   1930  No.  10 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

XIX.    Entomological   Institutions   in   Mexico. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  XXIX-XXXIII). 

Mexico,  to  North  American  entomologists,  is  one  of  the  most 
interesting  countries  in  the  world  for  it  presents  a  field  of  vir- 
gin and  almost  unlimited  possibility.  With  a  great  diversity  of 
climate  and  vast  land  areas,  ranging  from  tropical  to  near 
arctic  on  the  lofty  peaks,  its  variety  of  forms  can  only  be 
compared  to  certain  of  the  western  countries  of  South  America. 
Before  the  great  Ice  Age  began  and  before  the  glaciers  domi- 
nated our  territory.  North  America  was  inhabited,  not  only  by 
the  present  fauna  and  flora,  but  also  by  a  great  number  of  the 
southern  plants  and  animals,  which  retreated  to  the  south  before 
the  cold  and  found  refuge  in  the  plains  and  mountains  of 
Mexico.  The  entomological  fauna  of  Mexico  is  therefore  of 
interest  to  every  taxonomist  and  student  collector  and  espe- 
cially to  those  in  south-western  United  States,  not  only  for 
the  great  similarity  which  exists,  for  example,  between  the 
insect  world  of  Arizona  and  of  Sonora,  or  between  Texas  and 
Tamaulipas,  but  chiefly  for  the  stock  of  preglacial  fauna  now 
distributed  over  the  mountains  of  this  southern  Republic.  It  is 
too  early,  of  course,  to  discuss  from  a  zoological  point  of  view, 
the  history  of  Mexican  insect  life,  which  is  very  imperfectly 
known.  Unfortunately  Mexican  entomology  is  still  in  its 

Many  species  of  Lepidoptera  from  Mexico  were  originally 
described  by  Linnaeus  and  his  associates  and  in  recent  years 
since  the  publication  of  the  Bioloyia  Centrali- Americana,  re- 
search work  has  been  greatly  stimulated.  F.  D.  Godman  and 
Osbert  Salvin  prepared  the  Biologia  parts  relating  to  the 
Rhopalocera  and  Herbert  Druce  and  others  completed  the 
Heterocera  sections. 


314  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Dec.,   '30 

The  oldest  of  the  Mexican  lepidopterologists  and  the  owner 
of  the  largest  collection  of  Mexican  butterflies  and  moths  is 
Mr.  Robert  Muller  of  Mexico  City.  See  Plate  XXXIII.  Aided 
by  numerous  local  collectors  and  for  over  a  period  of  40  years, 
he  has  accumulated  nearly  5000  species,  including  Pyralids. 
Practically  all  his  new  species  and  forms,  numbering  nearly 
1000,  were  described  several  years  ago  by  the  late  Dr.  H.  G. 
Dyar  and  by  Schaus,  Busck  and  Clark  and  the  types  of  prac- 
tically everything  are  in  the  National  Museum  at  Washington, 
except  paratypes  which  were  retained  by  Muller.  There  are 
still  some  500  undescribed  lepidoptera  in  the  collection,  mostly 
Noctuids  and  Geometrids.  Recently  Mr.  Miiller's  nephew. 
Prof.  Max  Draudt,  a  well  known  collaborator  of  Seitz,  has  pub- 
lished some  new  forms  of  Noctuids  and  Bombycids  from  this 
outstanding  collection.  Another  lepidopterist  of  note  in  Mexico 
is  Mr.  Pablo  Petersen  of  Puebla.  His  collection,  though  ex- 
tensive, does  not  contain  type  material. 

At  the  present  time  organized  entomological  investigation, 
including  the  study  of  lepidoptera,  is  being  carried  on  by  three 
separate  institutions  or  at  three  individual  centers  of  research. 
All  are  in  Mexico  City  and  each  has  men  in  charge  who  are 
thoroughly  scientific  and  capable,  so  that  the  next  decade  should 
see  a  more  rapid  advancement  in  entomological  knowledge 
within  the  Republic. 

FIRST.  At  the  Mexican  Plant  Protection  Service  of  the  Min- 
istry of  Agriculture,  which  combines  the  activities  of  the  U.  S.  . 
Bureau  of  Entomology,  of  the  Plant  Quarantine  and  Control 
Administration,  the  Insecticide  &  Fungicide  and  of  the  Phyto- 
pathological  Service  of  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 
The  building  of  the  Department  of  Research,  which  includes  a 
chemical,  a  bacteriological,  a  mycological  and  an  entomological 
laboratory,  with  insectaries  and  experimental  fields,  is  shown 
at  the  top  of  Plate  XXIX  and  is  under  the  direction  of  Dr. 
Alfonso  Dampf.  This  building  is  quite  new,  being  only  recently 
occupied  and  the  grounds  were  not  in  shape  when  the  photo  was 
taken.  The  Department  possesses  a  collection  of  Mexican  in- 
sects in  all  Orders  and  a  special  collection  of  agriculture  pests. 
Breeding  experiments  with  material  from  all  parts  of  Mexico 


Plate  XXX. 




xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS 

yield  interesting  specimens,  especially  in  Lepidoptera  and  Cole- 
optera.  Plate  XXXII  shows  a  silk  nest  of  Eutach\f>tcra  psidii 
built  by  living  caterpillars  and  the  man  to  the  left  is  Leopold 
Conradt,  curator  of  the  Republic's  entomological  collections. 
He  is  an  old  experienced  field  man  who  has  made  entomological 
trips  to  central  Asia  and  tropical  Africa,  and  who  collaborated 
with  Godman  &  Salvin  as  editors  when  they  were  assembling 
data,  especially  on  Coleoptera  from  Guatemala  and  Mexico  as 
well.  The  man  to  the  right  in  the  picture  is  Mr.  Ignacio  II. 
Olmedo,  a  capable  young  entomologist  from  the  Department. 
Dr.  Dampf  is  organizing  and  building  up  Mexico's  entomo- 
logical service  and  he  is  doing  about  what  Riley  and  Howard 
accomplished  for  the  United  States  in  the  early  days.  Condi- 
tions in  Mexico  are  quite  different,  both  politically  and  eco- 
nomically however.  The  Doctor  was  born  on  the  small  island 
of  Dagoe  in  the  Baltic  Sea,  between  Sweden  and  Esthonia, 
November  20,  1884.  He  went  to  school  in  Reval,  Esthonia, 
where  he  had  the  good  fortune  to  come  in  touch  with  that  first 
class  lepidopterist  and  scientist,  Wilhelm  Petersen,  known 
through  his  profound  investigations  on  the  morphology  and 
anatomy  of  Lepidoptera.  The  University  years  were  spent  in 
Konigsberg,  the  home  of  Immanuel  Kant,  the  great  philosopher, 
and  the  doctors'  degree  was  received  in  1909,  when  he  entered 
the  staff  of  the  Zoological  Museum  of  the  University,  as  as- 
sistant keeper  of  the  collections  with  a  view  of  preparing  for 
a  professorship.  A  trip  in  1910  to  Egypt  and  in  1912  to  the 
Faroe  Islands  in  the  North  Atlantic  were  used  to  collect  entomo- 
logical material.  In  1913  he  followed  a  call  of  the  Imperial 
Colonial  Office  and  became  Government  Entomologist  in  Ger- 
man East  Africa,  now  Tanganyika  Territory.  At  this  time  a 
fascinating  period  of  travel  and  collecting  began,  only  to  be 
interrupted  and  ended  by  the  world  war.  Dr.  Dampf  was  for 
a  year  and  a  half  Director  of  the  Cotton  Experiment  Station  at 
Mpanganya  on  the  Rufiyi  River  near  which  wild  elephants, 
zebras,  waterbucks  and  hippopotamuses  abounded.  Later  he 
enlisted  under  the  immortal  Lettow-Vorbeck  and  went  into  the 
brush  to  defend  East  Africa  against  a  foe  who  was  a  hundred 
times  stronger  and  more  numerous.  The  years  of  1918  and 

316  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Dec.,    '30 

1919  were  passed  in  Egypt  (entomological  results  unpublished) 
and  between  1920-23  quiet  entomological  work  was  again  con- 
tinued in  the  old  City  of  Konigsberg.  By  October,  1923,  the 
old  continent  was  changed  for  the  new  and  Dr.  Dampf  was 
invited  to  Mexico  by  the  government  to  become  professor  of 
entomology  and  parasitology.  Numerous  field  trips  through 
Mexico  followed,  including  a  six  months'  expedition  on  horse- 
back into  Yucatan,  British  Honduras  and  Guatemala.  These 
excursions  yielded  the  necessary  knowledge  of  the  land  and  folk 
and  brought  an  enormous  amount  of  material  together  which 
is  still  being  sifted.  In  1927  the  Plant  Protection  Service  of 
the  Mexican  Government  was  founded  and  Dr.  Dampf  was  ap- 
pointed Head  of  the  Research  Department,  a  position  which  he 
still  holds.  His  85  publications  comprehend  Lepidoptera, 
Aphaniptera  (fleas),  Diptera  and  agriculturally  and  medically 
important  subjects.  He  has  just  finished  an  article  on  an  in- 
teresting lepidopteron  from  baltic  amber  and  recently  sent  in  a 
description  of  the  first  Mexican  Paussid  (Ins.,  Coleoptera). 
Also  he  is  working  on  a  monograph  of  the  Mexican  Simuliids 
(black  flies  or  buffalo  gnats).  His  personal  collection  includes 
Microlepidoptera,  slides  of  fleas  and  insects  of  economic  im- 

SECOND.  The  Department  of  Public  Health  in  Mexico  City 
with  its  dependency,  the  Institute  of  Hygiene,  is  where  studies 
in  medical  entomology  are  being  carried  on.  The  entomological 
laboratory  at  the  Institute  is  under  the  direction  of  Prof.  C.  C. 
Hoffmann,  who  is  actively  working  on  the  mosquitoes  of 
Mexico.  He  has  published  extensive  papers  on  Mexican  ticks 
and  has  investigated  the  transmission  of  a  filariasis  by  the 
Simulium  gnats.  Prof.  Hoffmann  has  a  fine  personal  collec- 
tion of  Mexican  Lepidoptera  and  has  described  several  species 
and  forms.  His  collection  is  probably  next  to  Miiller's  in  size 
and  is  being  continually  built  up.  It  has  the  reputation  of  being 
in  perfect  order  and  up-to-date.  A  portrait  of  Prof.  Hoffmann 
is  found  on  Plate  XXXI  together  with  those  of  I.  Ochoterena 
and  Dr.  W.  J.  Holland.  Dr.  Holland  was  in  Mexico  City  this 
last  spring  setting  up  a  replica  of  the  skeleton  of  the  dinosaur 
Diplodocus  carncgci  for  the  National  Museum  and  I  am  indebted 


Plate  XXXII. 

I.I  (ii'oi  i)  C'o\  K  \n\    i  I. eft  i  ami  1 .  1 1 .  (  M.\i  I  no  ;  Ri^ht  \   I  loldint;  a  Silk 
NfM  of  the  Social  Living  C'ati-rpillai>  of  /•Sy.)i^t>0X/;'X(X/^.>X& 

Eulachyptera  f>siifii 











xli,    '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  317 

to  the  Doctor   for  this  picture.     He  also   furnished  me  with 
certain  data  concerning  entomological  conditions  in  Mexico. 

THIRD.  At  the  Biological  Institute  of  the  Mexican  National 
University  various  phases  of  entomological  study  are  continu- 
ally in  progress.  This  Institution  was  formerly  under  the 
supervision  of  the  Mexican  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  but  last 
year  came  under  the  control  of  the  University.  The  actual 
director  is  Prof.  Isaac  Ochoterena  who  is  a  fine  scientist  and 
known  more  as  a  pathologist  and  botanist.  Portrait  on  Plate 
XXX.  His  staff  works  on  problems  of  pure  and  applied  science, 
as  on  hydrobiology  and  microbiology  and  on  the  flora  and  fauna 
of  Mexico  in  general,  etc.  Prof.  Hoffmann  and  Prof.  Leopoldo 
Ancona  H.  are  on  the  entomological  staff  of  this  Institute  and 
they  have  published  various  and  many  papers  on  Mexican 

Prof.  Isaac  Ochoterena  was  born  at  Atlixco,  Puebla  in  1885 
and  he  is  the  son  of  the  late  Colonel  Pedro  Ochoterena,  who 
was  a  distinguished  Mexican  militarist  in  the  defense  of  his 
Country  at  the  time  of  the  so-called  Maximilian  Government. 
Prof.  Ochoterena's  early  studies  were  accomplished  in  the  old 
National  Preparatory  School  and  a  few  years  afterwards  he 
was  appointed  Inspector  of  Education  in  the  State  of  Durango. 
Later  he  was  called  to  the  chair  of  embryology  and  histology 
of  the  National  Medical  College  and  to  professorship  in  the 
Military  Medical  School.  He  has  written  a  text  book  on 
biology  and  published  some  76  scientific  papers,  of  which  a 
third  or  more  are  dedicated  to  the  histology  of  the  nervous 

Prof.  Ochoterena  is  head  of  the  National  Museum  of  Natural 
History  in  Mexico  City  which  is  fostered  by  the  Biological  In- 
stitute of  the  University.  It  is  located  on  Calle  Chopo  and 
occupies  a  huge  building  constructed  of  steel  and  glass  (Plate 
XXX).  This  building  was  erected  a  number  of  years  ago  as 
one  of  the  structures  used  by  the  International  Exposition.  At 
the  time  it  was  filled  with  Japanese  exhibits.  Its  replacement 
by  a  thoroughly  modern  museum  building  has  been  for  a  long 
time  agitated.  This  Museum,  which  is  the  principal  one  in 
Mexico,  originates  from  the  union  of  several  ancient  museums 

318  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Dec.,   '30 

and  from  the  collections  of  the  Mexican  geographical  explora- 
tions. Prominent  naturalists  such  as  Villada,  Urbina,  Rovirosa, 
Herrera,  Mendoza,  Penafiel,  Patoni,  Ferrari-Perez  and  a  local 
host  of  others  have  contributed  towards  its  contents.  The 
botanical  department  boasts  of  a  splendid  herbarium  and  there 
is  a  well  classified  collection  of  rocks  and  minerals.  The  library 
of  the  Institution  contains  a  rich  selection  of  books  and  pamph- 
lets numbering  more  than  twenty  thousand.  The  collections  of 
insects  on  display  are  largely  synoptic  in  character,  and,  while 
many  Mexican  insects  are  shown  among  the  Lepidoptera,  there 
are  also  fair  series  of  the  Lepidoptera  of  other  parts  of  the 
world.  I  believe  this  Museum  houses  the  only  public  display, 
or  only  good  public  display,  of  insects  in  Mexico. 

[This  article  concludes  the  series  on  "North  American  Insti- 
tutions featuring  Lepidoptera"  which  has  been  running  con- 
tinuously in  the  NEWS  since  February,  1929.  I  would  like  to 
take  this  opportunity  of  expressing  my  sincere  thanks  to  the 
many  entomologists  who  have  made  possible  the  numerous 
plates  and  these  pages  of  text.  The  future  will  decide  whether 
they  have  been  worth  while. — AUTHOR.] 

Spiders   Found   in   the   Stomachs   of   Sceloporus   graciosus 
graciosus   (B.  &  G.)    (Araneina). 

The  following  list  represents  the  species  of  Spiders  found 
in  the  stomachs  of  a  series  of  lizards  of  the  species  Sceloporus 
graciosus  graciosus  (B.  &  G.),  which  were  collected  at  local- 
ities in  Utah  as  indicated  below. 

Mr.  Gertsch  identified  the  spiders,  most  of  which  were 
GNAPHOSIDAE  Gen.  et  sp?     Fillmore  Canyon,  June,   1927,  U. 

of  U.  Zool.  Exp. 
ARANEA  sp?     Fillmore  Canyon,  June,   1927,  U.  of   U.   Zool. 


XYSTICUS  SIMPLICIOR  Chamberlin  and  Gertsch.    Fillmore  Can- 
yon, June,  1927,  U.  of  U.  Zool.  Exp. 
LYCOSA  AVIDA   (Walckenaer).    Ephraim,  Utah. 
PELLENES  HIRSUTUS  Peckham.     Hatch,  Utah,  June,   1927,  U. 

of  U.  Zool  Exp. 
PELLENES  OREGONENSIS  Peckham.   Hatch,  Utah,  June,  1927,  U. 

of  U.  Zool  Exp. 
PHIDIPPUS  sp?     Fillmore  Canyon,  June,  1927,  U.  of  U.  Zool. 



University  of  Utah,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

xli,  '30]  KXTOMor.ociicAi.  \i-.\vs  319 

Descriptions  of  Four  New  Species  of  Mimetic 
Miridae  (Hemiptera).* 

By  HARRY  H.  KXICIIT,  Ames,  Iowa. 
Coquillettia  nigrithorax  n.  sp. 

Clavus  white  and  therefore  suggestive  of  Van  I).,  but 
differs  otherwise  in  the  black  color  of  head,  thorax  and  legs  ; 
also  differs  in  the  smaller  size  and  relatively  longer  rostrum. 

$  .  Length  4.3  mm.,  width  across  base  of  cuneus  1.3  mm. 
Head:  width  .69  mm.,  vertex  .30  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.3 
mm.,  just  attaining  hind  margin  of  sternum.  Antennae:  seg- 
ment I,  length  .26  mm.;  II,  1.21  mm.;  Ill,  1.12  mm.;  IV, 
.56  mm.  ;  black.  Pronotum  :  length  .69  mm.  ;  width  at  base 
1.12  mm. 

Color  black,  coxae  and  femora  of  front  legs,  and  sometimes 
lower  half  of  face,  brown  with  orange  tinge.  Clavus  opaque 
white,  tinged  with  yellow,  blackish  at  base  ;  corium  clear  white, 
black  on  apical  third  ;  embolium  pale,  fuscous  at  base  and  black 
on  apical  third.  Cuneus  opaque  white  on  basal  half,  tinged 
with  yellow  bordering  the  black  on  apical  half.  Membrane 
uniformly  blackish,  pale  with  milky  tinge  across  basal  three- 
fifths  of  larger  areoles.  Ostiolar  peritreme  and  posterior  mar- 
gin of  third  abdominal  segment  white  as  in  allied  species. 

Holotypc:  $  September  9,  1928,  Tucson,  ARIZONA  (A.  A. 
Nichol)  ;  author's  collection.  Paratypcs:  3  $  August  16, 
Apache  County,  2  £  August  18,  1927,  Socorro  County,  Arizona 
(R.  H.  Beamer). 

Coquillettia  granulata  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  atrithorax,  but  differs  in  the  smaller  size,  white 
discal  area  of  membrane,  and  the  fine,  white  granular  coating 
on  all  parts  of  the  body. 

$  .  Length  3.4  mm.,  width  .98  mm.  Head:  width  .69  mm., 
vertex  .31  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.17  mm.,  reaching  to  near 
posterior  margins  of  middle  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  1, 
length  .21  mm.;  II,  1.08  mm.;  Ill,  broken;  black.  Pronotum: 
length  .62  mm.,  width  at  base  .99  mm. 

Black,  juga  and  lora  brownish:  all  parts  of  body  including 
hemelytra  and  legs,  finely  coated  with  a  white  granular  exuda- 

*  Contribution  from  the  Dept.  of  Zoology  and  Entomology,  Iowa  State 
College,  Ames,  Iowa. 

320  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Dec.,  '30 

tion  which  is  rather  similar  to  that  found  in  many  species  of 
Platytylellus.  Hemelytra  black,  transversely  white  across  clavus, 
corium,  and  embolium  between  tip  of  scutellum  and  tip  of 
clavus;  basal  two-fifths  of  cuneus  opaque  white.  Membrane 
fuscous,  larger  areoles  and  discal  area  between  and  extending 
distad  to  slightly  beyond  a  line  connecting  tips  of  cunei,  milky 
white.  Ostiolar  peritreme  and  posterior  margin  of  third  abdo- 
minal segment,  white. 

9  .  Length  3.4  mm. ;  wingless,  ant-like.  Uniformly  black, 
covered  with  a  fine  granular  white  residue  as  in  the  male. 
Head:  width  .74  mm.,  vertex  .60  mm.;  length  .99  mm.,  rather 
thick.  Pronotum :  length  .58  mm.,  greatest  width  (.62  mm.) 
across  coxal  clefts  which  are  visible  from  above;  strongly  and 
evenly  convex  but  more  cylindrical  than  globose.  Without 
vestige  of  wings ;  tergite  of  first  abdominal  segment  strongly 
arched,  pale;  posterior  margin  of  second  tergite  and  the  pos- 
terior half  of  the  sternite  of  third  segment,  pale.  Abdomen 
behind  the  third  segment  strongly  globose,  sparsely  clothed 
with  pale  pubescence. 

Holotype:  $  May  21,  1909,  West  Wats,  UTAH  (E.  D.  Ball)  ; 
author's  collection.  Allotype:  same  date  as  the  type.  Para- 
types:  3  $  ,  taken  with  the  types.  The  writer  is  indebted  to 
Dr.  Ball  for  this  species  which  was  received  unmounted  in  a 
pill  box  with  a  few  other  specimens. 

Sericophanes  albomaculatus  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  triangularis  Kngt.,  and  having  very  similar  white 
markings,  but  differs  in  the  more  convex  scutellum  and  in  the 
shorter  second  antennal  segment  which  is  not  equal  to  basal 
width  of  pronotum ;  also  differs  in  the  dark  brown  color  and 
blackish  membrane. 

$  .  Length  3.6  mm.  , width  1.09  mm.  Head:  width  .69  mm., 
vertex  .32  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.64  mm.,  reaching  upon 
fourth  ventral  segment,  dark  fuscous  brown.  Antennal  seg- 
ment I,  length  .216  mm.,  pale  brownish;  II,  .92  mm.,  brown  to 
fuscous;  III,  .65  mm.,  dark  fuscous;  IV,  .56  mm.,  blackish. 
Pronotum:  length  .64  mm.,  width  at  base  1.05  mm.;  disk  dark 
chestnut  brown,  shining,  calli,  collar,  and  anterior  half  of 
propleura,  reddish  brown.  Scutellum  conically  produced,  dis- 
tinctly higher  than  in  triangularis;  mesoscutum  declivent,  slop- 
ing sharply  downward  to  the  grooved  line  separating  the  scutel- 
lum. Hemelytra  dusky  brown,  fuscous  bordering  the  white 

xli,   '30]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  321 

spots  and  inner  apical  angles  of  corium ;  white  spots  nearly  as 
in  triangulanSj  a  subtriangular  white  spot  on  basal  half  of 
corium,  its  apex  on  clavus  and  base  on  embolium ;  a  s